Survey123: Beyond the Basics

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somebody welcome to the national government webinar series survey one two three beyond the basis as Margie said my name is Cade bean and I'm a solution engineer for the national government science and civilian team I'm based out of the Denver Regional Office but like many of you and working home from the comfort of my home I predominately support the EPA the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the USDA and I specialize in mobile data collection solutions really happy and excited to be here today to share with you some more advanced techniques around these survey one two three so here's what we're gonna chat about today first we'll level set to ensure that we're all on the same page then we'll jump right in to talk about survey one through 3d next and some specifics like line and polygon collection handling location editing workflow from design considerations webhook and we'll wrap up with some resources for further research I'm not sure about you but I learn best by seeing examples so today's webinar is going to be pretty demonstration during this webinar I'm making a few assumptions I want to make sure that you're aware of straight away firstly I'm assuming you have a basic knowledge of how to build surveys using XLS form syntax as well as how to navigate Microsoft Excel I'm assuming you've authored a few surveys using survey 1-2-3 connect and I'm also assuming that you understand how to build some simple calculations like if statement or count function most importantly I'm assuming that you're here to nerd out with me about Thursday one two three as you all know survey one two three is a form centric data collection application with an ArcGIS platform it contains conditional logic to build smart forms and it helps bring near real-time data to your decision widget so now that we have that out of the way let's skip the interest stuff and let's take some time today to get right to the nitty-gritty there are two methods to author surveys in salir they want to survey one two three we have the survey one two three web designer which is a graphical user interface with drag-and-drop functionality we also have survey one two three connected that leverages XLS form for fine grained tuning and custom functions unsurprisingly we're going to be spending most of our time today talking about crafting surveys with survey 160 reconnect let's start by looking at handling point lines and polygons in GIS the well-known rule that multiple geometry types cannot share the same space that means you can't have points to an line forming within the same attribute table but imagine you have a team that's conducting an environmental impact assessment you'll need to collect the point locations of sensitive species you'll need to delineate perennial streams with wine features and capture water body locations for wetland assessment what if you could record all three geometry sites within one survey knowing that we need to have three separate tables to incorporate all through geometry types we can leverage your feet groups restore different types of geometries so let's take a look we'll start here and survey one two three connect if we expand our points lines and polygons group we'll see that we have a few repeat groups one for point lines and polygons respectively we can capture a point we can also capture the line here use the sketch tool and as we move down to collected polygons you'll notice that we have an input size here we can select either vertex or we can select sketch by default collecting a polygon or collecting a line you'll have the sketch method as an input type but if we'd like to collect as a vertex we can set that mode as well so here we can go ahead and capture a polygon right with the vertices furthermore we can create a calculation of our polygon using an area calculation as we've done here to persist the area attributes in the future service let's open up the XLS form and see what's happening here I miss being as you can see we have three separate repeat groups here again is one four point one four line and one for polygon what happens when the pushed over to ArcGIS online or your portal is that a related table is created for each repeat group so in this case lab a point table a line table and a polygon table that were released with a parent table both examine our sketch type option that we've set up here so again by default the method is going to be set to stash but we can pass that value dynamically here we've created a choice list called sketch type and created two values vertex and sketch using the ESRI style body column here of our XLS form we can pass the value of our sketch type selection over to a parameter called method in this world while the surveyor to go ahead and select with sketch type that they would like so now that we have our survey published let's check it out an ArcGIS online when you publish the survey if the feature layer is created and in this case we have four different layers that are created we have the parent table and the taste is konzi on the basis and we also have three additional table important table a line table and a polygon table a correspond to each through our repeat groups that we've created if we examine the data tab we can see that within each point table line table or polygon table is a parent global ID this is going to relate the particular record back to the parent table for now let's move back into our presentation and let's check out how the location before that we're going to talk a little bit about hold data hold data is an important function to understand it allows you to extract values from an external CSV or from device in use of property geopoint and media so let's break this down if we're referencing a CSV in this case you need to enter the CSV and the survey one two three media folder without the extension if you are calling device and user properties you'll use at property for GPS data um use at geo point or if you're accessing media you'll use a Texas or as JSON next return column defines the name of the column in the CSV containing the values you'd like to return the key value defines the name of the lookup field and the lookup value is the value that will be used to search the key value field for example here's a choice list from survey one two three and a snippet from our CSV called plant list dot CSV notice how we didn't add the name of the extension here so our goal in this situation is to allow the surveyors to search for a common name of the species and then have the scientific name of bat species returned based on the selection so if a surveyor searches for boreal owl the value returns by survey 1 2 3 is C 0 W this is the lookup value from our formula the lookup value is used in the species code column to return the scientific name this is particularly useful when you need to have a long list of choices like plants or species to achieve this without an external CSV the large species list would have to be copied multiple times in your XLS form with differing names in the choice with the significantly slowing down the performance and the speed at which the survey mode it's important to note here that the pull data function is available for connected and disconnected so let's move back into our survey and then we'll take a look at another use of pull data to access that location information that I mentioned earlier from a geo point so here in our geopoint group let's reveal a couple fields that I have hidden here we have to calculate fields the first of which calculates the source of the geopoint whether or not the GPS was used to capture a point or the map was used if we examine the calculate field we can see that we're leveraging pull data to achieve this here's the formula is a bit different than we've seen at for CSV because we're not using a lookup value in this case we're calling a very particular piece of metadata from that geo point properties so our first parameter is at geo point and that references the geo point data would like to extract the second field is going to reference our actual geo point name in this case collects the point then we're going to pass a parameter that pulls out the data of choice in this case we're pulling out the position source pipe we've created a second calculation here again doing the same thing at geo point referencing the geo point co-main and in this case we're pulling out horizontal accuracy now in this case horizontal accuracy is going to be stored as an attribute that we can use for additional analysis we'll see an example of that shortly furthermore what we've done is added a accuracy threshold and what this does is it determines the horizontal accuracy that needs to be attained in order to record this particular record in this case I've set it to 6 and it defaults to meters so if the horizontal accuracy is greater than 6 meters this will not be able to be recorded next let's look at our binds warning and our warning message in this case we're setting a warning to appear if the location source calculation does not equal 1 when it does not equal 1 that means that the location has been captured manually on the device when that happens a warning message appears to instruct the surveyors to collect it based on the GPS device so if we go back into our form we can see here that if we collect one manually submit our records we can see that we have a 1 in here the location has been captured manually yes and now you'll note here is that my horizontal accuracy isn't being stored and that's because I've disabled my location for privacy setting but let's see what that looks like back in our slide so at the top we can see the results of setting the bind accuracy thresholds to 6 so to recap we looked at leveraging pull data on a Gio point the possess horizontal accuracy as well as determine the source of GPS collection for you sent a warning banner so with the horizontal accuracy now accessible in our feature service we can visualize accuracy in a web map or a web application like buffer and based on that accuracy value as you see here on the left in the survey we saw a warning banner was similar to the image on the right you see a yellow banner across the top but you can also set a hard constraint based on those values extracted from the pull data function to get a hard constraint as we see on the right side so now that we have a handle on pull data and location consideration let's change the gears a little bit and look into some editing workflows there are a number of ways to edit existing data we can leverage a web form on the left is an edit directly within a web browser on the top right we can see editing within a web application like operation dashboard and on the bottom right you can use web hooks to email a link for editing within a browser we can also use the inbox in Survey 1:53 field application this workflow shows how you can load existing building footprints and update attribute without altering the geometry I know this gif is moving a little quickly but we'll dive into this you're shorter furthermore you can pull the hosted feature layer directly into arcgis pro from your organization's portal and you can edit that feature service directly within the desktop as a note arcgis pro now supports undoing or discarding edit were previously any edits that were made were immediate and permanent so let's see some of this in action demonstration we're going to leverage an existing future service to update attribute data in this scenario I would like to be able to review the status of a completed work cast at a specific personal and updated - enacted to accomplish this I have taken El Paso County partial data and added a status field with the domain values active and inactive before publishing some survey one-two-three connect I have the option to create a new survey based on an existing feature service if I select this option and I select just 90 minute drive time from CL and create a survey I will have a new survey one to three forms that is based on the Sima of this existing feature service save a little bit of time I've done this already to use this feature the most important setting we'll need to do is to enable the inboxes and certainly one through the connect if we go to setting and inbox we can enable that directly from here by default it inbox is disabled the Willa need to enable it in order to access this feature as soon as it's enabled we have two additional parameters that we can configure the first of which is a query expression which is a sequel like expression where we can filter all of the records within the future service for example we can filter based on a user name or we can even filter based on a date next by default a special filter is enabled on the map view this means that whichever map extent that you have within your Mac on your field application will filter based on that map extent so let's see what this looks like in the survey once it's your seal back so here's our parcels in El Paso County we have a couple options I can either collect a new geometry I can edit an existing record or I can edit records that I've previously edited in this case we'll check out the Inbox the first window we're presented with is the list view and this is going to show a list of all of the items and all of the records that are contained within this particular feature service I can search by parcel or any other attributes that are contained therein if I go to the map view I can dynamically and view any of the building footprints you'll see them pop up as you zoom in and the map view is going to be filtered spatially based on that selection so if I click on existing records you'll see that the polygon is automatically populated pulls in any of the area data in the perimeter and here I can set my work status to active to complete my workflow any of the existing data can be further edited here if we need to change the legal description of the site then we can go ahead and submit our records if we select send now and I'm in a connected environment we can send this across to the future service immediately I can select continue this survey to make any additional edits or I can save this survey to the alpha for a disconnected workflow saving to the outbox will allow me to make any additional edits before I send this over to the Future Service similarly to the inbox I have a list view and I have a map view of any of the items that I've previously edited I can click them and I can make any additional edit before then sending across to the future service so let's take a look at another editing workflow within a dashboard finally you can integrate results of your survey into a dashboard for situational awareness you can also embed edit workflows directly into the dashboards that push edits out in real time here we're looking at a work request called a1 a and if we click update request in this case it's going to bring up our survey and auto populate the work station ID and from here we can make any edits to the request status now we're going to move into some consideration and so this may be a basic XLS form feature but I do want to touch on it as there are absolutely essential in creating a well-designed surveys the groups allow you to combine like questions within your form you can take them a step further by customizing them with HTML codes modify the font size background color and more to make your groups stand out as you can see here furthermore you can hide specific groups to be completed only when relevant questions are answered for a more streamlined survey did you probably notice that the best practice I like the bulb to begin and end route statements to help you visualize the survey in a more organized fashion similarly I like to italicize the begin and end creepy space Griffin pages expand on the idea of the group to ensure that you have a seamless there they experience a good theme is a great way to replicate paper forms if you see on the right this is a certificate of road worthiness that has been transformed into a similar form directly within survey one to three pages allow you to add additional pages to the form to relieve the ever scrolling nature of longer form and of course you can combine them both into one form I'll show you one of our pre-built templates that you can access through survey 1-2-3 connect if you were unaware we have a handful and full of pre-built surveys that you can use as templates for crafting your form if you click samples we can use any of these pre-built form everything from barcodes to cascading selects can be found here in this case we're going to examine the grid style groups group I've already created one of these so let's jump in and take a look here we can that a grid theme has been set to display multiple fields within a single row we have registration number year and make are all within one row let's take a look at the extra loss let me see how this works firstly you want to make sure that you set the styles within the Settings tab to be equal to the grid seen here's our spiral column and you can see that we've set that parameter equal to seeing grid furthermore you can add an additional style if these bike here we added a space separated style complet ages so now we'll be using the grid gain and pages within this particular form grids are set at the group level for the first group here certificates we can see that we have a total width set to 8 and this is delineate Addai the letter W followed by a number 8 in this case each row within this particular group will have a value of 8 that you can sell them so for these first three items we have a width 3 plus 2 book 3 adds up to equal to 8 that means that our registration number years and make will all be contained within the first row furthermore you can stay separate additional appearance values in this case we have autocomplete that is set with a width of 3 so this makes it very easy if you have an existing form that you would like to translate into a grid steam so let's go back and examine some of the other items within our form here so on this page just illustrates a grid group that is surrounded by photos within a single row so this is set to a width this is set to 1 and this is set to width 1 the group is set to open 3 next the peak groups also adhere to the grid scene this page shows how you can set to repeat groups that are separated vertically they have a repeat group on the left and a repeat group on the right here similarly you can separate them vertically so now we have a repeat Cruz on the top and the repeat groups here on the bottom as a design consideration it's incredibly important to understand how the they will be completed and on what platform that will be included so something like this might look really nice on a tablet all of these pages look wonderful but if you plan on having your surveyors complete this on a smartphone this looks really jumbled and it's very difficult to complete so it's very important to understand how your survey is going to be consumed to ensure that you're adhering to great design back into our presentation to finish out talking about some design considerations scalable vector graphics or SVG are two-dimensional XML based vector graphics that in this case allow you to select a particular area of an image to return a string based on the ID and affect your path we'll get into this shortly you can leverage SVG's to make your forms nearly arrow proof furthermore with selectable graphics you can do creative things like watermark with photo with the name of the item being selected or create relevant fields based on that selection so let's see how this works at that time of the year where folks start planning their gardens my girlfriend has actually been really excited about class planting lavender in ours but I thought it might be useful to create a quick survey that might help flower producers quickly identify location specific lavender species based on an image in the form so I found this great photo from my feedback Co that I'd like to use in my survey this is a JPEG so it's not quite an SVG format that I need but fear not we can use Inkscape which is a free and open source SVG editor to create an SVG from this JPEG so here's Inkscape and i've loaded up my jpeg the first thing that we'll need to do is want me to create paths for each individual species photo so we'll bring up our objects pane to save a little bit of time I've already delineate it a couple of these paths but I'll show you how to create one so we're going to use this pen tool here and we're just going to pop a couple vertices here right on the picture we'll double click to complete and complete it should pop up a path here let's try that one more time there we go and now we have a new path that has appeared within our objects pane from here I can double click this and we can change this over to match the hid code blue issues that we've just passed over once we're ready to go we've created all of our paths we want to save this as an SVG within the media folder of our survey 153 design that way we can access it within our XLS form so once we free mate renamed our path we've saved our SVG to a media folder we can go in and examine the XML that makes up this particular SVG so I've opened this up in notepad plus plus and as you can see this is the XML of the SVG and it's pretty nasty so let's just go all the way to the bottom where we can see do all of the paths that we've created here so we have this pack tag here and each of them is going to pass across the labels that we've added an inch thick by default actually it's going to leave the name of the path that was created when you've initiated the path so all you'll need to do is just copy this Inkscape label right over into the ID field so I send that for all eight of these packs but for demonstration purposes I'm going to leave this as a pack set at 70 so now that my SVG is ended it's ready to go let's go ahead and check out our sls one go ahead unhide these rows here so the first thing that we've done is we've created a select one and we've passed the choice called the lavender we'll give this consumer learning there we go so for each path I've created a species that I want to match up to it we have the name and a label for each of them the next thing that we need to do is we need to set the appearance to image map that way we can select the graphic then we need to point to the particular SVG that is contained within our media file in this case lavenders SVG and again just make sure unlike the pull data we let we've actually used the extension to your SVG the next thing we've done is I've just created a note here and this is just going to dynamically display the name of the species based on the selection that is just for fun we've created a watermark here so just in case whoever is looking over these photos after they've taken them in the field they want to see the name of the species along with the photo that has been captured so here we're using a contact calculation that concatenate the word species along with a dynamic selection from our select one here it is very important to note that you cannot add this watermark directly in to the parameters here for the image so this needs to actually reference the calculation this particular field as opposed to entering the calculation directly in paramus so let's jump into our survey here and survey one two three connect we can see some the different action we expand their selectable graphics we can see here now that we have an SVG and as we move over we can select each individual path and the name of the species is going to appear in our notes section here so we select that Logan sky Italian lavender and remember we set sancho panza equal to pass 70 so this uses the ID and not necessarily that label from Inkscape so the ID has to be set to the value that you'd like it to appear so let's see how this watermark works here we're going to go ahead and take a picture of some hit code blue and here in my group here you can see that we have our species and then we have hid code blue from based on our selection as a watermark directly on top of our code now that we have our survey set up with selectable graphic or black under producers can quickly identify and capture the location of these nine specific lavender species based on the photo selection let's move back into our presentation and let's start talking about URL scheme with our design out of the way and our survey published we'll talk about how we can incorporate our survey into some existing solution the URL scheme allows you to integrate with other applications across ArcGIS platform as well as third-party applications you can do more than just open up another app from survey one two three you can actually pass values across for the other application so here's an example it's a bit of a mess so much like we did with our full data function let's break this down this portion here defines which app we will be opening in this case survey one two three this portion is the item ID of the form it's important that you do not use that item ID from the hosted feature player we want to reference the form you can get this pretty quickly by going to the item details on your enterprise portal or ArcGIS online and grabbing the item ID from the topic you see next we'll use an ampersand to pass another parameter called field followed by the name of the field from survey one two three the value you'd like to pass in this case we are passing a value start to the survey one two three fields called surname and finally we are using the center parameter to Center the map on this particular set of coordinates you can also pass dynamic values and we'll see an example of this short this particular URL scheme is designed for applications application integration but what if we wanted to pass value to a web service you can harness a set of URL parameters and survey one two three pass values to a survey specifically for use within a web browser this can be helpful for desktop workflows that don't necessarily require your team to be out in the field let's go ahead and step through this one as well first you'll see that we are using the HTTP protocol and pointing to the item ID of the form that's in the share section of the survey one two three website this would be as if we went to the survey one two three websites Collaborate tab for a survey and snag the share this survey link here's what that would look like so if we posted this link into our browser we would see something very similar to this next we have a question mark indicating that we are beginning to pass parameters to the URL next we have our first parameter field here we are passing a dynamic value from a web map called submitter to the field that we've created in our survey called submitted by this means when we open up the survey from a particular geometry on our web map the value from the submitter field is automatically populated in the submitted by field when we open up the web shop then we pass another dynamic attributes of the surname field and we can see a new parameter that we haven't seen yet called mode this allows the user to choose whether they'd like to open the form in the fields or a browser with using the menu there are a number of other options you can use here that are detailed in our documentation lastly we see another new parameter called hot this allows you to hide specific fields or elements from the survey here we're hiding the survey date field and the custom theme that has been applied to the survey so let's check this up I worked with the customer recently to create a solution to identify specific needs within the community to effectively allocate government funds positions the workflow involves the surveyor accessing a web application displaying the location of homes in their community then conducting a survey within survey one through three to obtain that resident food and marketing the survey is complete as there are many households us in the community as you can see here to make the survey as efficient as possible we wanted to allow for the ability to pass the cross values already contained within the home locations data so here's a web application that was built using web at builder for ArcGIS each individual point is a rotation of a home within the community that has a number of attributes associated with it including address X&Y data and the name of the household so if we click on a point we're presented with an option to conduct the survey if you remember from our slides we've actually set this open mode to menu this means we can either open it within a browser or we can open it and say they want to through sealed act let's go ahead and select browser you can see a number of fields are automatically populated the first and last name as well as the address that is comprised of three city state and zip the GPS location was also filled in I do want to point out full of different features within this particular form that we'll analyze when we start looking at the XLS form here under the needs and information portion the surveyor is prompted to select the top three needs once they select the needs a number of fields occur that are based on a relevance that the user to rank the importance of each one of these mean once they are done they can go ahead and submit the survey after collecting any additional information so now let's go ahead and move backwards a little bit starting from our web map to see how we actually down here here is the web map that the application is referencing our first step is going to be to configure a custom pop-up that will house our custom URL if we set a pop-up content display to a custom attribute display to click configure we can see a custom attribute display from here if we click fog or I'm sorry if we click the HTML source we can see the custom URL parameter that we've created for this particular form so as we've seen already this was referencing the survey 1-2-3 website share and the additional form ID once we hit the question mark we begin entering parameters in this case we're setting open equal to menu we're setting the field that is called ramm within survey one two three equal to a couple of dynamic fields that are within the existing point location seeing address city state and zip and you'll note here that I can pass a number of fields over to our survey one two three fields I've separated them by a space and then within city state I've separated them by a column for our next field home owner we're passing these first name and last name values and finally we're doing at Center and setting that equal to the Y and the X values that are contained within this particular attribute data finally everything is wrapped by this buttons that has been generated via the button factory for just a little bit of extra player once we're done we'll click OK and to save our changes so lastly let's examine some of those relevant calculations and constraints that make up that survey that we saw as we were completing it some proprietary machetes were jumping pretty deep into the weeds on that one so our goal here is to allow the user to select exactly three choices from a selected multiple then rank them on a scale of one to three where one of the most important and three is the least important there's a lot of room for user error here so let's go through this workflow step by step to make sure this works Rosemere and sellable for our surveyors the first constraint and requirement requires there to be exactly three selections made up for the tops you need so if we look at our selected multiple fields here the first thing we want to do is make sure that we set our constraint here equal to three in this case we're using a count selected function and passing the parameter of the field of the selected multiple which is called need in this case and we're setting that equal to three so this function works for select multiple and it counts the number of selections that have been made we want to ensure that this is a hard constraint for the people who are doing the survey in almost select three next we need a list of all of the needs and we're doing this by creating three separate calculations our first is called need one our second is called needs two and a third is called three we take care of this by doing a calculation here in our calculation column we can see we have a J our choice name function that's wrapped around a selected at function the goal here is to pass the label of the selection to a dynamic field that will be filled out by the surveyor in order to do this we'll need to use the jr. choice name function if we examine our choices we can see that we have a name and a label for our needed selection here by default Thursday one to three is going to pass the value of the main column and as you probably know you cannot pass any spaces here so this doesn't really look Pleasant when you are filling out a form so we'd like to do instead of this value dynamically we want to pass some label and again we do that by using the J our choice name function so that's wrapped around another function called selected at and this determines the position of the selection this is zero index meaning that the first selection is zero the second selection is one etc so this is going to store the first selection that we select in our select multiple to need one the second selection should need to let cetera next we have a note that persist as a warning for the person conducting the survey I've set from HTML and we've set this font color equal to red what we'd like to do is ensure that they're only entering values between 1 and 3 and not entering in a duplicate so we have two relevant two relevant functions that we have here that this field will appear on so if the needs rank total does not equal 6 and the number of collections from our selected multiple is equal to 3 well if I head a little bit to this name dragged total since we haven't seen this yet all this is a quick calculation to calculate the integers that are filled for the range so we want to make sure that they are ranked between the value of 1 and 3 and there are no duplicates so the sum of all values for our integer needs to be equal to 6 1 plus 2 Plus 3 and how this works additionally we'll have the three new integer fields that will appear so long as there are at least three selections made in our select multiple the first thing we want to do is set a constraint we want to make sure that no values less than one and no values greater than three can be selected so we have set a constraint for each one of these and so now we have a bit of an understanding of how that works let's go back and let's analyze what that looks like again within our form if we go back to our top three names in this case we'll undo this selection so we can step through the process our first selection in this case is food for our top three then we select hey send max and glove now that we have three selected we'll see that we have three additional fields that appear our first selection food restored to the first nice our second selection hey to the second and mask and gloves restored to the third and you'll note here that food is actually returning the name of the value within the label you can see an example of this at masks and gloves this forward slash would be an improper use in the main column so it's returning the label on the face and here we need to enter values that are going to total stick so if we enter one one and three we're going to see that our warning message is still here once we satisfy the requirement we can continue completing our survey go ahead and select the particular survey and then we could submit the record from here okay so that's quite a bit of information for digest a little bit and we'll go back into our survey or a presentation wrapping so the last thing discuss today is welcome what books are listeners that create an action based on a trivia you can create web hooks using Integra Matt power automate or other popular web hook client and survey one two three with web hooks you complete tasks like sending an email on specific values submitted in a survey populating the external database like Postgres we're filling out a row in an Excel spreadsheet for example imagine you're reporting graffiti in a camp site this graffiti is high priority to clean up as the field crew submits the survey an email notification is sent to the field coordinator to assign a path to the cleanup crew in real-time web hooks can integrate with hundreds of applications across Windows Google cloud payment services social media database SMS and loads more there are a couple of links here that will point you in the right direction but why don't I just show you them for our final demonstration of the day works from through a web hook scenario using Integra map we have a simple workflow that we'd like to accomplish it when a survey is submitted we'd like to alert a supervisor that qa/qc is ready to take place for a particular record so let's combine what we've learned about custom URL parameters and that webhook satisfy this particular workflow so here we're looking at Integra math internal matters a free and open source web hook client although the free account has some limits on the number of requests you can maybe it serves well promote these cases our first step is going to be to create a new scenario and then add some modules that we'd like to use we're going to leverage survey 1 2 3 in this case we can select that as the default and in this case we'll go ahead and leverage Gmail for our use case once we hit continue we're sent over to our scenario workspace the first thing that we want to do when we get through our workspace is we want to click on the individual module and we want to select survey 1 2 3 from here we can select there trigger which in this case is watch the survey and this is going to listen for when a survey 1 2 3 response is submitted the first thing that we'll need to do here is we'll need to configure is a web hug to do that we'll simply hit add then we can start to fill out some parameters of our web hook you can set a unique name for a web and then we can add a connection either to our ArcGIS online organization or to our enterprise portal and integra map here i've already configured a connection to manage my every federal account once we have that connection established you can view any of the surveys that you have published and you are owning in your particular account in this case I've already configured a web hook for a solution so we'll use that one once you have your module complete we can hit the plus button here to add another module we'll use Gmail from our default modules when we created our scenario we want an action to send an email so the first thing we'll need to do like creating a new web hook is we'll need to create a new connection in this case I've connected to my personal gmail account we can add a list in this case we'll just go ahead and send it to my front and we'll hit app you can add additional recipients as you choose next we can add a subject line here and you'll notice as I click on some of these parameters we're prompted with a list of buttons that I can add these are all dynamic values based on the survey that we have selected for our webhook in this case we're looking at the same survey that we had from before with the needs and aid assessment so from here we can create a subject something like survey submitted for and here we can actually pass a dynamic value and I want to pass the name of the head of the household so under features and attributes we can click on the enter the name of the owner the head of household and this value will now be extracted from the survey and passed as a dynamic value in our email next we have a content portion this content portion will show us the body of the email so we'll use this say to be submitted by and we can say the name of the person completing the survey in this case that'll be person entering information then to complete our workflow we want to make sure that we have a link to our individual records that we've submitted and knowing what we know about custom URL we can create that pretty quickly so now you can view it here and we've set a link to the survey 1 2 3 about rjs comm share we're pointing over to the particular form and we've set the mode in this case equal to edit so the person can go in and conduct any necessary qa/qc in order to pull up the records that has been submitted from this particular trigger we need to point it to the proper global ID and you can access this by using the result and global ID dynamics field and now we have our module complete the first thing we'll need to do is going to test it if we hit run once we can come back into our survey here we'll hit submit and now that the sonson across so it looks like in tender matt has already noticed that it's been sent and it sent an email so these ones above the modules are going to indicate the JSON payload as originals of the trigger we can examine that Talos here and we can see the response of it if we jump into the response we can see that we did an ad result and we can see the first item in the array here we can see the global ID and we can see that it was successful in sending that item across furthermore we can view any of the individual attributes that have been sent across as a part of the survey here we've sent across surveyor to the head of the household is entered Starks recipe and then the rural address here is the great he's in Winterfell question so if we go into the payload result from our gmail module you can see that we've set those dynamic values are pulling across from that laywers we've submitted by we have our survey or two and then if we look here into the content we conceded the global ID has been submitted let's see if that survey has been sent over to my account if it's just another second here to learn and here we are so now we have an email that has been sent to me the surveys been submitted for an uncertain assistive dynamic value it's been sent to the addressee that we've listed and then we also have the surveyor to this who submitted it and you can further zealey by clicking here once you click there we can see that the mode has been sent to edit in the URL and the global ID is going to match the global ID from our form you can see our survey is two and then and those other attributes that were entered are here and ready for QA CC and with that let's jump back into presentation and let's do a little bit of wrap-up so here's a look at our road ahead we have some plans releases for earlier this year around the user conference and then after the user conference as well I'm personally most excited for the images in the inbox this is a commonly requested feature plan related this year that will allow you to edit any attachments that have been added as an attachment with their mailbox just as a note the roadmap items are always subject to change here so there's plenty we didn't discuss today and for additional research here are some resources that only be with the early adopter community is a great way to stay up to date with the latest and greatest GeoNet is an endlessly helpful community and if you're not involved I've strongly encourage you to do so I've also added a link here for a search within our geo net to our incredibly useful tricks of the trade blog series that has been offered by SML GBP our product manager for survey one two three and then if we didn't get quite advanced enough for your taste today definitely check out this final thank you here that I've posted this shows you how to leverage the app studio for rjs to completely customize survey one two three four your use case so we have seen a lot today we talked about points lines and polygons in the same form we talked about whole data function we talk about location handling talk about editing workflows design consideration URL schemes and parameters does about web hook that's a lot to remember I certainly don't expect you to remember at all what I will we deal with however is that everybody one two three is so much more than a basic form builder if you move beyond the basics survey one two three can be an end-to-end solution for making critical decisions within your organization thank you so much for attending today please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions in the future let's go ahead and open it up for some questions and they have popped up during the webinar Margie great so the first question we have is dealing with GPS so early on you used a 6-meter control for location and this user was wondering how survey one two three link or not link to a GPS unit and maybe does it depend on internal GPS unit their chips and how survey 1-2-3 interacts with GPS data yeah absolutely so the first thing that I want to touch on is that survey one two three can leverage external GNSS and GPS receivers for example if you're leveraging something like an iPhone you can hook into a bad elf receiver that can supply you with some meter accuracy and so once you set those settings in the location settings of the field application you can connect via bluetooth or via USB or however you need to connect to your device and then that will be then set as the default value for acquiring GPS data if you are not leveraging an external GNSS receiver you'll be relying on the internal GPS chip that is within your device for example if you're using an iPad that is Wi-Fi only there is actually no GPS built into that device you would need to use one of their CDM or GSM devices in order to access that GNSS data within that device so you're essentially at the mercy of your device's internal GPS chip so as with the grid and design considerations very important to understand what devices that you'll your field crew will be using out in the field that way you can best design your form to handle that locations data very classic great we had another user who is interested in finding out which SVG editor you used the SVG editor that I use is called Inkscape I nks VAP and it is actually free and open source I didn't pay a dime to create that demonstration that I showed you today so go download it check it out there's some good documentation if you search our survey one two three GeoNet you'll find some blog posts that actually run through that entire process that I went through today in creating those selectable SVG graphics if you come by the story map that was created by our colleagues over in ESRI they created a story map that runs through a very similar use case for selecting some regions within survey one two three and it does a phenomenal job of detailing the individual step great another question was can you change the URL scheme to the domain of someone's company who is a domain of somebody's company does the URL scheme is only going to be compatible with URL schemes that work with our existing scheme so it certainly is possible to do some custom development but I I can't really speak to that exact question I will I will make a note and we'll see if we can get more information on that good question great and the last question is about when you were customizing pop-up they were wondering if you were using Arcade I was not using Arcade in that particular use case though you could it is very important though when you're creating custom URL parameters that you will need to be using HTTP or rather HTML because that you're a parameter does need to access that HTTP protocol typically so you could use our page to pull out some additional values for your pop-up but that wouldn't really help you create that URL parameter to pass those values across hopefully that makes sense if it doesn't feel free to reach out to me we can discuss that further great well that's all the questions thank you so much Kate for your time and thanks everyone for attending the webinar we will be sending out the slides and the video recording once it's available and everyone enjoy your day if anyone here
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 2,463
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro
Id: _NlOkJUcr9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 51sec (3171 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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