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foreign yo what is up guys welcome back to another video today we are headed out to a mountain bike park it's about an hour hour 15 minutes from where I live um it's out in Burnet Texas so yeah it's the only mountain bike park with the ski lift here in Texas um it's going to be super sick there's like five or six different lines some like more technical downhill sections and then uh something like flowy lines with some like jumps and berms to rip so yeah it's going to be super sick getting the surrounds all loaded up gonna be running four deep today so yeah we'll get loaded up and hit the road Colby's got some bombing 58's on gonna be putting them to the test today we're gonna show up to the park and they're gonna be looking at us like we're crazy but I asked them and they said give us a few uh a few hours and they hit me back up on Instagram and said you're good to go so we're gonna hit it and try it out someone called Colby and was yelling at him no you give him your daddy son about ripping some Trails he said come to the bike park we left the trails dialed yeah and then when you showed up they were pretty trashed already huh you weren't you were hitting the big jumps and no one was hitting yeah literally like right before you roll up there was probably like that much sand of like dirt that the tire would soak through Mountain Mike gonna get through that so nobody's mountain biking through that someone's gonna do it though we're not messing anything up we know how to build Trails but build our own trails what more they want man I don't know I don't know I guess we just guess we just can't have fun like is that that's pretty much serum haters well we're gonna have some more today they're just Kobe's getting pressed about scratching his new bomber 58. I want to baby themed into like they crash and scrape them dude they're solid it's got the bikes all loaded up this thing will start today oh yeah let's get it nice and cloudy out today it's a pleasure good old Chick-fil-A there's people here today we're getting we're gonna be getting some looks with these e-bikes Oh wait we're not gonna drive past everyone right there we're gonna go to the back we're pulling in we're gonna get some looks today foreign my part the sounds we don't need no lift a little Electric Power hold up to the good old bike park got permission right here DM on Instagram about a few months ago and got the okay so here we are today let's see what other surrounds can do with it a little bit of bike maintenance done this morning got my Jack shot bearings on my swing on bearings replaced and uh yeah we're not making any weird noises anymore and uh yeah should be good ready to rip hopefully don't get too many complaints out here um well like always be respectful and look out for others but didn't really know it's going to be open and there's going to be this many people um but we'll make the best of it all right we are headed up the trail we already got a few people talking to us but for the most part they all seem pretty chill and um they pretty much just said watch out for other people so let's get it I remember having to climb this thing on a mountain bike when this place first opened up yeah oh check this out we have made it yeah yeah what up I'm all right we're gonna put a little bit of e-bikes out here today dude I DM them and they said it was chill so yeah we'll be respectful we keep we'll keep a distance with everyone and yeah hell yeah bro good seeing you I'll see you around I'll say what's up before we leave all right bro oh man Hunter I actually used to work here about uh two years ago so um I know quite a few people out here so we do get any issues we'll at least know who I am and probably won't kick us out or um be a little nicer towards us so but yeah check out this View iron it out check this out we're gonna go down the double blacks everything hey man it's so different it's like everything's downhill so you kind of have to like just hold your speed and you can't really go too fast it's kind of hard to slow down but get used to this downhill stuff on the surrounds get a few more rips up on this top section and make your way down there's a lot more Trails so let's get it dude I don't I felt it though I think it might be your chain s all right well I guess I'm gonna run back down to the car them go from there how'd the bomber feel dude your bike feels so dialed now it feels so good yeah Brando can you hear that I don't know what that noise is everything's tight back here dude I made a bad song yeah that was really bad well that wraps up this top little jump section um there's a ton more Trails here probably won't be able to get to all of it today just because of daylight um probably have like an hour left but yeah we'll uh move on to the next spot my bike is making a weird noise right now it's always something on this thing so um probably just run it thank you [Applause] foreign foreign mountain bike once I tried Aaron to stop me and then stopped me off until like the end little knuckle but yeah I pretty much killed myself I went OTB so probably stay away from that today but I think it'd be sick to kind of come in uh maybe stop you off that first little uh drop down and then come up here maybe Wheely and then Gap from wheelie all the way to the other knuckle so uh now let's give that a shot let's see how it goes scary one I have like I have back break but it's kind of like I don't know this one I saw it when I pulled in this one it's like squishy so like it's just not predictable I'm not sure when it's gonna grab a helmet pretty much just have to squeeze it but I think we can get that [Music] um Brady's telling me to cut it I think he's right on that one be pretty dumb to fall doing that oh what the hell is catchy my back inside of going out probably have like a three foot of air right here up on this so yeah quite a bit but I don't know we got pretty sketchy there once your back end starts going on on these things pretty much impossible to get them out so what do you think man double double I definitely can't do the double on that's a huge step one that's like super cuff or even bigger but I think we can come in maybe even drop down double or hit this like last little double and then uh kind of just like make our way through those rollers [Music] foreign [Music] oh you just got a little bit of whiskey I'm gonna see what I did off that last jump but got a good little rack right there again Redemption Redemption time all right let's get it Scott Dunn ripping this little Rhythm Section it was super sick super technical everything was just so small and tight honestly makes it pretty fun for the surround so yeah it was super sick oh we probably have about 20 30 minutes of daylight left so I'm gonna try to make the best of it just ride down the mountain try to find some stuff that's film worthy for you guys so yeah we're gonna try to hit this little downside jump right here nothing crazy it's kind of like a bike park for the public so um everything's built here is pretty much built to be rolled and um nothing's really too crazy here so still super sick we're still having a blast out here on our surrounds and uh I'm stoked that everyone's pretty much been like stoked to see us out on these surrounds like we haven't had one person you know um give us a weird look here tell us that we need to leave so stoked that that's happening and uh we actually ran into a few workers too and uh they gave us the okay so let's go foreign [Applause] let's get a stopping on this yeah oh whoa oh Redemption yeah yeah oh bro that is so gnarly video doesn't do justice he's going through like three feet of railings like any little movement he done so damn it oh bro you just saved yourself so good though I think your bombers are good they're good brand new Balmer 58. try to take no posts out bud it's either that or me let's take the damage oh she'll buff out I know that feeling now these are literally brand new first day first day but yeah I think that's gonna wrap up today's video cool we just had a close call almost whiskey throttled off that that pull kind of saved him bummer his Forks dancing got scratched up literally just put those Forks on yesterday but uh it's all good at least he's still here so walking not limping or anything so it's always a plus but yeah I think that's gonna wrap up today's video we had a good time ripping this mountain bike part um it was super sick there was honestly a lot more trails that we didn't get to ride but uh it kind of just got dark on us too fast and um I don't know this damn daylight savings gets dark at like 5 30 now so it doesn't give us much daylight during the day but we were able to still come out here and rip some Trails um find a few jumps to hit and uh yeah we just ended off on that really cool like Rhythm Section line that was super technical um that's probably my favorite section we rode today but yeah today was super sick we're gonna go head down to the bottom of the truck get the bikes loaded up and hit the road back to Austin So yeah thank you guys for watching make sure you guys like comment subscribe down below peace
Channel: Tallon Pemberton
Views: 323,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TbiDq6Du3E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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