Surprising Symptoms Lead to Heart Disease Diagnosis: Dessie Bice’s Story

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[Music] I'm deci Buy's I lived here in The Woodlands for 20 years and I have a family of my husband and two boys I was always active I did everyday things I exercised I run around as a mom does and then I had the stomach pain it wasn't a hard harsh pain it was just a small little nagging pain my annual checkup with my cardiologist dr. Aquino was coming up and so when I went to him I'd mentioned it then he suggested that I have the angiogram and we discussed well we probably won't find anything and I said no because I was in such a good health and I worked out and ate right when I got the results of my angiogram I had two blockages and it was a shock because I thought I had done everything right I thought I hadn't eaten right my diet I had been very active I knew that heart disease was in my family and it could possibly happen to me but I didn't think it would even people who lead regular active lifestyles can develop coronary artery disease sometimes there are overriding factors like your family history or genetics that play a predominant role men more often present with the typical or classic chest pain or chest discomfort symptoms women are known to often present with more atypical symptoms and by atypical I mean it can be just neck discomfort or neck pain or arm pain or sometimes its stomach discomfort or stomach pain but women is different it may be really subtle my arm could hurt I could have chest pains I could have jaw pain I could even just have a headache or there could be a pain in the middle of my back I had none of these so in Desi's case she underwent evaluation was found to have obstructive coronary artery disease or blockages in the blood flow to her heart and she ultimately underwent bypass surgery which successfully treated this condition the surgical team I had was great they kept my family informed of what was going on and that was a big thing for me and I was very lucky when I went with this dummy Cape custom and then got in there and he fixed the blockages there was no damage to my heart at st. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital desi had access to a heart team which was able to provide comprehensive care for her interventional cardiologist she got her bypass surgery here and then completed cardiac rehab here well after my surgery I got to do the rehab and when I went to rehab the first day I walked through the doors I thought oh this is a dread I'm I cannot do this when dusty came to us she was a little bit skeptical about the program she wasn't quite sure if this was for her but as she progressed through the program she began to realize that what she would have missed just going back to walking on her own would have been of course the sense of community and everybody around her their their patients encouraging her but also the education piece I'm learning her safe parameters learning what she can and can't do so she just would have missed out on those other aspects that makes the program so important after my surgery I set myself goals I would walk a little farther every day I would do a little bit more every day and so each day it got better it's been nine months since my surgery I'm completely healed I'm back to working out I'm four miles a day on my treadmill I think I'm in better shape because I'm more conscious about working out every day what I eat my life is way better because I had help going through this whole process was my family my support system was magnificent and I want to thank everyone that was in this whole process of my heart surgery my rehabilitation you know I appreciate everything they've done and I appreciate st. Luke's if not for them I wouldn't have met up with any of these people to put me back home [Music]
Channel: St. Luke's Health
Views: 1,288
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: 7J28ZIVytzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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