BUYING my Parents their DREAM House Surprise *EMOTIONAL*

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[Music] i can't believe i'm making a video like this life is just crazy man [Music] everything i've done in life nearly all of it in some way [Music] was to make my parents proud oh my god youtube for me has opened up so many doors so many opportunities and i could never in a million years expected to enable me to help my family out so so much and i'm in this position because of you you people at home you watch my videos you like you share you support me in every way possible and for that i just want to say thank you because without you luckily none of this would be possible none of it this is just so special to me and yeah um i'm buying my mum and dad a new house [Music] all right all right enough of the emotional stuff adam yuck anyway let's start the video [Applause] i didn't know whether to upload this video or not given what is going on in the world at the moment but hopefully as you can see throughout this video the journey that i was taking on to try and get the house that my mom and dad have wanted for almost a year now this whole journey has been so nerve-wracking and exciting all at the same time let's hope my parents like the surprise [Music] [Music] hey ah i feel sick so any good idea has a plan let me show you mine [Music] so you may be asking yourself why a house you already have a perfectly good one well over the past year my mom and dad have been viewing houses with the intention of moving someday i guess they wanted to change but one house really jumped out at them they loved it good for me you know so i hopped on google look for a phone number and asked if it was still available luckily it was i should say i was buying them the show home i also thought it was a good idea to buy some of the show home furniture so my mom has less hassle trying to decorate the house you're welcome mom [Music] i'm just hoping their jaws drop so what's the plan adam what's the plan well i'm glad you asked do you guys remember the house that i bought for myself around two years ago so i'm going to pretend that i'm driving to that house my house this is what they think will happen i will park in the driveway take them through the front door and stop in the kitchen but really i will be driving to the new house take them through the front door and stop in the kitchen so in my mom and dad's mind they'll think they're in the kitchen of my house but really they'll be in the kitchen of their house oh and by the way they'll be blindfolded throughout the entire process just so we don't give it away but all that was left to do was sign the papers pay the money and sit tight until everything was ready i just had to wait for the keys [Music] hello hi adam escronia here from target homes adam time to pick up the case really yes really excited yeah i'm really excited excellent well i think good luck with the surprise thank you okay right thanks going to see soon bye bye it's time i got the keys oh my god it's time to pick up the keys [Music] wake up and listen to my anthem tune out the noises from my past then look up remember where my hope comes from i'm going to pick up yeah give me a house pick up the new house what guys is super early i have a massive bed head on me and i can't believe today is actually the day that the day has came it's the day i get the keys of the brand new house so guys i'm currently inside the house with john john's the site manager and we're finally getting the keys of the house this is such a big moment it's crazy john where's the keys [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] i just bought a house guys what is actually going on this this is insane i've photos i am speechless today is the day i got the keys i don't want to do a holster yet so i'm going to try and hide the high spot this is insane this is honestly insane oh my god but little did i know what was around the corner good evening the coronavirus is the biggest threat this country has faced for decades the coronavirus continues to spread at speed which can also be contained with the right measures the government has published a detailed plan for what would happen in the event of a widespread outbreak of coronavirus when this is all over lots of wee stories will come out about the people who saved lives and kept supplies moving nobody wants to stay in all the time but this is a matter of life and death from this evening i must give the british people a very simple instruction you must stay at home well british citizens are being advised not to travel anywhere in the world for the next 30 days because of the coronavirus pandemic it could be major disruption for several months first it was wolham then italy and spain now the decisions to lock down cities has reached the united states now to the latest army cases we will beat the coronavirus and we will beat it together and therefore i urge you at this moment of national emergency to stay at home protect our nhs and save lives [Music] so coronavirus has happened um it is just awful what's happening at the moment it's it's just crazy it feels like i'm living in some sort of movie we're locked down at the moment and i just don't feel like it would be right to surprise my family with the house during times like this especially whenever the government is even saying not to move house so i have no choice but to postpone um the surprise of the house to them um obviously it's not it's not what we wanted but of course there's more serious things happening in the world right now um people's lives are literally being torn apart by this evil evil virus it's it's just crazy i'm i'm still in shock guys but at all i just can't believe quite what's happening and yeah i've have no barbers so look at the ship of this haircut my god i i've actually ordered clippers to cut my own hair so hopefully i'm a good barber look at that that's the longest like that's the longest i've ever seen my hair it's so long the the moment i choose to finally get the house is the moment a pandemic starts it's just you really couldn't write it guys it's it's mental but we're not going to let that get us down i want to keep positive and yeah during um this lockdown i've actually i've i've probably spent too much um on amazon just getting different bits and bobs for the house um in the meantime to keep me not bored so let me just show you what i got so far um so obviously the house came with like virgin media so virgin media is installed in the house so we can get like tv broadband stuff like that i've also got little like google speakers hey google how are you today i'm feeling good if i was any better vitamins would be taking me guys i also got a robot vacuum and a mop so this guy actually goes around the house and hoovers and mops itself now this is actually insane right so let me just show you so this is the app if we enter the robot so as you can see that's the map of the house that it's made so far and you can basically tell to clean do a spa clean of different rooms so if i just press clean starting to clean i'm honestly loving in the future yeah let's stop because it's making about too much design it's such a hard secret to keep this is the hardest thing i have had to keep to myself literally no one else knows apart from obviously the people who i bought it from but yeah i'm i'm spending my time watching the news obviously i'm hoping that the cases drop and you know people don't get this virus because obviously it's it's causing so much tragedy at the moment that it's just awful like i can't describe i can't i can't even think about how some families are feeling right now um who are like directly impacted by this virus um with loved ones and friends family it's just it's just awful but yeah whenever the government says that it's okay to move house and maybe restrictions are lifted a little but that's when i can surprise my family so hopefully it's this year i literally have a house that is empty that i can't live in that i can't tell no one about like no one in my family knows no friends no this this is like my secret that i've i've had and no one else knows about it it's just so hard not to tell anyone right am i back am i back okay i'm back so someone just asked me what is the longest video i have been planning um to date the longest video i've been planning right i feel like i shouldn't say this should i say it anyway i'm going to go out and say the longest video i've been planning and still planning is from january this year well nothing has really changed since the last time we spoke um boris johnson um gave like an address to the nation about an update with lockdown so instead of the stay-at-home message he's now saying stay alert control the virus save lives i just don't know by the way guys i i installed the tv um since the last time i recorded being on here um yeah looks cool doesn't it i don't know guys i'm just i guess that i i don't know when i can't actually you know do the surprise and of course like this this surprise is is this least of anyone's priority list at the moment especially with what's going on but i don't know i just it's just the unknown that gets me and i guess i just have to wait and see just play the waiting game and see when i can actually surprise them i have emailed the local council i have been in contact with the local police as well just to see if there's any you know if it is allowed to move no one has got back to me yet but it's just crazy guys it's honestly just crazy it's so hard not to tell anyone it's such a hard secret to keep [Music] [Music] oh my god guys i just received a text from the local council local government that it's okay to carry out the surprise it's okay to move in provided that we adhere to social distancing rules which of course we will it's happening it's actually happening oh my god yes i don't i need like i need let me make sure everything's perfect like i need to make sure the floater well i think um i think robbie has dealt with the floors but i need to make sure everywhere is polished and we make sure everywhere there's no boxes lying around i need to make sure everything is in pristine condition oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm so excited this honestly like a part of me felt that this wasn't real because because of the long wait it felt like it wasn't going to happen but it's it's actually happening oh my god guys this isn't sucking up this doesn't suck oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is so crazy [Music] cleaning up his hard work guys [Music] oh guys this is such a hard secret to keep oh my god i'm so excited i'm so excited guys this is elected lee this is literally being the most excited i've ever been in my life no word of a lie [Music] guys i don't even think they care if i'm back or not what is life what is life i also put up a few stories um and tweets about something happening on saturday um obviously that's the video this video that's going live on saturday but i told my mum and dad and calum that it's actually the day i announce my book date for you who don't know i am actually working on a book but saturday today is not the day i mention announce the release date um that was just an excuse so that my mom and dad and calum wouldn't question why i was putting up these stories i really do feel like i'm forgetting something i don't know what i'm forgetting or if i'm forgetting i'm sure i'll think of it maybe guys it is nighttime obviously and tomorrow morning i am going to surprise my family to the news [Music] today's kill them come downstairs [Music] hello hello where's mommy she's there no right am i really clean it's all right um no there's no obviously you know my house that i bought two years ago yes yeah um the renter is actually out of it so the person who's renting it is out of it and i got something special delivered to the house and i want you to see it what was it special delivered what was it do you buy a car well no i want jeez we're going to go shopping for my groceries no look i want to use to wear these um right now and i want to take ease to my house and show you what i got delivered oh i need this it makes me nervous no you're going to pringle somewhere i'm not i'm not pranking you as i promise i'm not pranking these rifles because i don't want i don't want you to see the surprise as i pull up outside my house what did you do to your house well i said i got something delivered and yeah i want you to see it oh it's a detail let's just put it around and go put it on open it up and put it on oh you don't put them on now you like i put them all night for sure what why do i have to put them on because i want the whole journey to be like suspenseful do i know where we're going just put them on and stop asking questions put it on put it on daddy put your shoes on you don't even have shoes no i don't have shoes on because i broke my toe i can't believe i'm actually getting used to doing this i can't believe we're doing you know that's my bag do we really have to get in the car without no this [Music] i got something delivered to the house oh it's a bike do you really think i got another dog kill really um um okay um i can tell you i have a right but don't open your blindfolds just yet okay right right i'll give you i'll give you the first clue okay the surprise is actually inside the house so i'm gonna have to take these inside whilst you're blindfolded okay so it's right all over the house inside the house yeah not a car then you don't buy a car come on whoa whoa whoa remember me funny toe there come on it's just ridiculous come on right stay there stay there right calum you're in kill mommy come here go over oh it's scary i can't see we're going on a broken toe right all right stay there kill him yep go forward are we going to your kitchen yes forward this is the hall do you remember my house at the hall don't remember my layout of my house now let me arrive where are we come here come here easy because we don't know where we're going here oh yeah we've been working we've got about come here come here right um can we take it off these these can take your blindfolds off right now where are we did you buy another house did you buy a house it's yours i don't know it's yours don't cry this is about time to say prank oh my god oh don't cry what what oh my god i know this house we viewed this i know this is the house that he's really liked when you speed it up go and look at the heart rate man look heart rate's going through the roof look at the graph look at can i can i also surprise these even more take a look behind these i also got some furniture freeze as well it's fully furnishing i know i got you size table got used to chairs oh my god i got the sofas gorgeous toaster from my house over to this house so is your house still out there i'm so confused no my voice is still being rented right i just use that as an excuse i am actually oh my god you bought also you bought a house yes this is yours it's your horse yes and can i tell you something even crazier can i tell you something even crazier i actually bought this in march and because of lockdown i couldn't surprise these and i finally this week got word from the council and local government that i was allowed to to do it really from march from march i had this horse i had this secret to keep since march oh my god i am understood i'm shocked absolute shock yeah i got you got you some um champagne that's also a robot hoover that's a tv from my house yep my my older horse yeah what's cool isn't this don't forget i'm just sitting there oh my gosh i can't get over this there's um it comes with the the lights as well who cools that oh my gosh you have your own stove you also have your own your own sofas you got a little cherry as well comes with curtains so did you buy all like the show house yes the furniture i bought the show hoist and some of the furniture yeah uh-huh oh my god so whatever my sofas well there's room there's room in there for yourself i'm actually i don't even know what they think my arms are numb the curtains [Music] oh my god um [Music] is calendar you like it it looks like you don't like it no i'm in shock is [Music] oh thank god the secret is what you do oh my god i was fully expecting one of you to find a girlfriend i'm look at the size of that tv is that the 65 inch from your legs yeah so on on a scale of one and ten how does this rank in terms of surprises i'm not even i'm stoked i'm not i'm not here yet i haven't landed i'm stolen just haven't come down i still don't i'm trying to understand how this happened i know we view this house you go god they like our house and let's buy it and then you you buy it yep basically because i knew i seen your faces and i knew this was the one i remember we viewed here we were in that room the camera come in here and it was all i know all your faces were like that because they're so cool here look at them yeah i'm going quite a minute big steps i mean that's a big area is so guys again i just want to say a massive massive thank you thank you for letting me be in this position to help my family out and surprisingly so yeah guys that's been us i can't believe we're crazy craziest day of my life well yeah i'll see you in the next video guys it's been me adam p over and [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] there's molly [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] are you ready for the photograph here we go [Music] you
Channel: Adam B
Views: 2,022,138
Rating: 4.9496379 out of 5
Keywords: adam b, adamb, buying, parents, my, their, dream, house, home, dream house, dream home, react, reaction, reactions, emotional, happy, buying parents dream house, mom, mum, dad, buying house, buying dream house, emotional surprise, surprise, surprise emotional, adam b new house, adam b house, adam b parents house, BUYING my Parents their DREAM House Surprise *EMOTIONAL*
Id: C67cIgsYOVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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