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♪ Welcome to Vlogmas where I vlog everyday ♪ ♪ It'll probably be boring but I hope you'll stay ♪ Merry Christmas! Or whatever you celebrate. It's Christmas day! It's Christmas day! It's a glorious day, it's Christmas day! So my mom is here, my dad is here, the kids are here. Come here! It's Christmas! We are having pretend Christmas today. We've been planning it for weeks. And basically today, the cousins are here. Here's Duncan. My mom and Lukey. Everyone's here, we're just waiting for Bailey to wake up. And then we're going to have presents, I've wrapped random stuff I found around the house. And I bought a present for each one of you guys. - Which one? - You'll have to wait and see. So I'm very, very, very excited. It's Christmas! It's Christmas, Christmas! ♪ It's Christmas, Christmas! ♪ ♪ It's Christmas, Christmas! And it's time to celebrate ♪ ♪ Christmas! ♪ So basically if you're new here, my family has been self quarantining ourselves from the world for weeks. So that we can all be together, safely. My mom was cuddling the baby right now. Alright, we're gonna start the escape room soon. I'm so excited, the kids have no idea. Okay so we're all here. We're all ready. You guys all ready for Christmas presents? I have some bad news. I can't find the presents. - Oh, okay. - But, I did find this video. (static) (evil laugh) I've stolen all the presents, even pinto bean has stolen one. No, don't rip it open yet! That one's not for you. This one's for Bailey. But not anymore it's not for Bailey, it's for me. You thought that you could have a Christmas without me? And not invite- Move! You thought you could have Christmas and not invite me, and have all these freaking presents, and not even get me any of them, are you kidding me? Yeah right. So as punishment because you didn't invite me to Christmas, I've stolen all your presents and now they're stuck in YouTube, with me, forever! The only way to get them out, is if you learn the magic word, and you say it three times. But you'll never figure out the magic word. Oh no, no, no. Pinto bean, do not stand on your mother. Pinto bean! Do not stand on your mother. Let's see, this one's for oh! Duncan. This one is for oh! Jacob. Oh, this one is for Bailey. Oh too bad you'll never get your presents. (baby babbling) Pinto bean that is not for you. The only way you will get these presents again, is if you learn the magic words, say them three times, but you'll never figure out the magic word. Oh you want a clue on how to discover the magic word? Too bad! I'm not giving it to you. But isn't this photo of me beautiful? I love this picture of me. It's so beautiful. Anyways, gotta go! (children bantering) - Oh there it is! - Oh there it is! (music) - Sister, sister? - No, that's a tag for sisters apparel. - Oh hey, hey! - You really think you figured out the magic word? - Selp Helf in Miranda Sings' room. - Bailey figured out. Wait! Stop! Turn around. So Bailey did figure it out. So guys, basically Miranda's room, the office upstairs, has been turned into an escape room. (gasps) (children screaming) Listen, listen! There's a sleeping child. If you guys figure out the escape room, then you'll unlock the presents out of YouTube and get them back under the tree. Okay? Do you think you can figure it out? - Yes, yes, yes! - Alright we're gonna go upstairs to Miranda's office, but don't open the door yet. Wait, don't forget your first clue. And also, you didn't even read it out loud. Wait, where's Bailey? - Yeah right, you keep telling yourself that. Nope! You won't. No matter how much help you get, you won't figure it out. Your presents are stuck in YouTube forever. (evil child laugh) No one can beat the famous and bootyful Miranda Sings. No matter how hard you try. (evil laugh) - Alright, are you guys ready? - Yes! - So we're about to go into the escape room. What are you looking for? - Selp Helf. - Okay, what is Selp Helf? - It's Miranda's book. - Alright. Go inside. - Oh, no. Which one is it? - Not this one. - I found the treasure chest. - You sure did. You're looking for something from Selp Helf. - Hey! You're looking for a key. (confirming hum) I know because of this. - Where is it? Right here. There it is. - Dear diary, I'm having a really bad day. First I had a booger that was really deep, and I couldn't even reach it. Then I stole change from my mom so I could buy a healthy candy snack. But I had to hide the money cause I didn't want my mom to find it cause she's a hater. So I hid it deep in the balls, but now I can't find it. And now I'm starving. See, I told you, I had such a bad day. Love, Miranda. P.S. I got the booger out. - She taped it to the thing? No! - She got the booger out. - Don't tape it to the thing! - So what are you looking for? - What's this? - No, what are you looking for? What are you looking for inside. Look at the letter and tell me what the letter has highlighted. (gasp) - Wait, look at lines. So I think there's a puzzle with the lipstick. - There is but look at the letter. - Change. - Yeah. - Change, like change. (confirming hum) (plastic balls bouncing on floor) - Help look in the balls, Duncan. You're looking for change in the balls. Look in the balls, get in there. They're looking for change in the balls. - Don't break the balls. - I found some hair. (plastic balls hitting the floor) - The grey ones? - I don't know. - I found one! - You found it! Now what did that letter say to do with the change? What's the change for? - To buy. - Candy. Buy Candy! - So I put it in here? - Turn it. All the way, keep going. (gumball machine) Keep going. What is it? What does it say? It's a bandaid, what's it say? - Colleen ate lipstick. - Collect. Close. - Okay, I found two. - Can you find any lipsticks? - So we wouldn't need one more. (children laughing) - Told you. - Me too. - Okay so, Jacob. It says my name. - Wait, there's a circle. - This is the top. - How do you open this? - I just found the key. - Here wait, do this one. This is a bird. I got this one. - It spells hair upwards and the other way it spells riah. - Hair riah? - Yeah, hair riah. - That's a head. It's chipped off. - Inside the head. Brush my hair. - Brush your hair? Wait, it's this one. Wait, I found glasses. (toys falling) - Don't take anything apart. - What did the note say? - Brush my hair. - Look what I just found. - Yeah! Good job, Duncan. - What? - Good job, Duncan. Duncan got that all on his own. What's the to-do list say? - To-do list. This is cautious stuff. Brush my hair. Try on wigs with a friend. And don't forget too. Let's try on wigs. - Alright. - How bout in here? - Oh yes, in here! - I'll try on this one. - Ooh, Bailey. - What? - You're onto something. ♪ Don't be suspicious ♪ ♪ Don't be suspicious ♪ - Oh, here's some words, here's some words. L.A. - We gotta put them on. Two people need to put them on. Then put your heads together so that we can see what it spells. (laughter) How about this? Duncan should put one on because he's shorter. So Duncan, put it on the two shorter, and then the two that are readers will. There you go. - They itch a lot. - Turn around. - You have to learn what it says. - You're not gonna put it on. - W. I. Okay so the bottom of the to-do note is missing a word. Can you read the to-do note again, Bailey? So what did the note say? - It says don't forget to wipe. - Alright. - What? - Oh my gosh. - Let's bring this over here. - Toilet paper! - Duncan help take it apart. Duncan go help. - Yeah! - Miranda wasted all this toilet paper. - She didn't, she's gonna use it to wipe. - Really? - Yeah. We're in a pandemic, I'm not wasting this toilet paper. - I found it! - We'll tell you where to find the key to the top secret box. Does anyone have a pen? - Bailey! Jacob! - Ooh! - What? - Look at it. - It shows the code. - It shows the alphabet and the code. Wow. - A is right here. - Jacob's gonna do one. What does it say? - Bobble head. - What will the bobble head do? - The bobble head will show you where the key is. - Okay. - So which one? - I don't know. (action figure audio) - Oh, it's the tuning pick. - It's a pop goes the weasel. ♪ Pop goes the weasel ♪ (jack in the box music) (jack in the box pops open) - Oh hey, it's the key! We have to bring it over. Okay, this is a different box. Wait. This isn't the right key. - It's got hair in it. - Oh my gosh! It's got these. We have to use these. We have to use these for this. - Duncan's coming in, puzzle master. - I love puzzles. - Oh, we're getting close. - Word 3 times, Miranda. - It's right here. - That's where the magic box was when you came in. What is that puzzle of? - It's a map! It's right here. - Look at the map, figure out where you are on the map. - Think about where the balls are. - You're near the balls. - We're right here. So it seem like, we have to go. - We started from here. (gasps) - Squitchy, squitchy, squitchy! - Okay come here. (static) - Oh look who's back. You think you guys figured out the magic word? I doubt it! If you think you did, then say it right now. - Squitchy, squitchy, squitchy! (puff of air) - You figured it out! How did you do that, I thought it was impossible! I guess that means all the presents are back under the tree. You figured it out, little brats! But you better invite me to your next Christmas party. - You did it! (cheering) - You guys figured out the escape room, did you have fun? - Yes we had so much fun! (Christmas music) - Christmas! (children screeching) You did! You solved the escape room! You got them out of YouTube! Which one are you gonna get? There we go, who's that for? - It's for Bailey. - Oh, Bailey gets the first one. (wrapping paper ripping) - Ooh. - Thank you so much! - You're welcome. - It's a piano book for princess songs. - So you can sing like a princess all day. - Thank you so much! - You're welcome, and it's like big notes so it should be easy to read. - Flynn is already getting another one. - Yeah, who's that one for? - You're welcome. (wrapping paper ripping) - Miranda pants? - It's your pants that you left here. (laughter) - What do you say to Flynn? - Thank you, Flynn! (baby babbling) - Who's that one for? - That's for Bailey. - You wanna get one for Duncan? Let's find one for Duncan. Give this to Duncan. - What do you say, Duncan? - Yeah Duncan! - Yeah! - Good job, baby. - Sunglasses. - They're night view glasses. - So I can see in the dark? - Yeah. - That's the same night light that Flynn has. And it projects stars on the ceiling. - That's amazing! - You're gonna match Flynn. - What do you say to Flynn? - Thanks, Flynn! - Flynn, this is yours. - Ooh Flynn, you wanna open that? Okay let's open it. Actually someone sent us this, the P.O. box, Emma sent this to us. So thank you, Emma. He loves it. - Truck! - What's that? - A truck! - A truck, oh wow! Flynn, do you wanna open this present? Do you wanna open it? - Yeah. (gasps) - What's that? - Other truck. - Yeah! Whoa. Look at these are cool! - So a truck. (wrapping paper opening) - Ooh, look at the books. - This was Flynn's favorite book when he was a baby. Look Lukey. Ooh. (box opening) (gasps) - Oh my goodness. - What's the shirt say? - Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved Broadway musicals, it was me. Thank you. - Ready, go! (gift wrap ripping) - Jojo, dropped off some fun presents for all of you guys. - Thank you, Jojo! - Thank you, Jojo! - Thanks, Jojo! (suspenseful sound) - Parker just lost his mind. It's full of stuff. Oh yeah, it's full of stuff. (excited child) - Jojo! - Yeah, what's in yours, Bailey? - A lot of bows. - A lot of bows. We also got a scented bath bomb, Parker. Over here. And we got a smash journal. (child cheers) And then Jacob is still being so comical taking his time. So I asked Jojo to bring over like a thing or two for the kids, and she brought over a thing or two. Alright, now the kids say they have gifts for us. - So it is this card that I made for you. (gasps) - Whoa that looks professional. Thank you, that's so awesome. Flynn, look! You wanna watch a video? - Whoa! Yeah it's a dar-dar! He loves it! He's dancing! - Yay! That's so cool! I can't believe you made that, Jake! That's awesome! Is that for me? - Yeah. - Thank you, what a beautiful present, I love it! Thank you, Duncan. Hi guys, I am making the classic holiday treat at the Ballinger house. Butterscotch peanut butter chocolate sandwich, deliciousness. I make these every Christmas, and so I had to make them today. I have had the worst allergy attack of all time, all day today. (sniffles) I can barely keep my eyes open cause my eyes are burning so bad. I don't know what is going on, I'm allergic to something. I'm allergic to Christmas. Rachael is visiting and this used to be one of her favorite Christmas treats. I didn't realize she'd be here at the same time so I made her one individual one that's vegan. I'm very excited to give this to her right now. (sniffles) Yes, I know I look like a mess. My allergy attack is really bad. (magical music) (gasps) - Is this? - I made one singular vegan one. - Can I have one? Can I have one? (sniffles) - This is the only one. - Merry Christmas. Allergy attack is dying down you wouldn't be able to tell from how my face looks very swollen, but it is dying down a little bit. Which is awesome. Because that means I can start making dinner without sneezing in everyone's food. (children screaming) - Beautiful! Oh my gosh, gorg-ina over here. Hello, I just put on Christmas pajamas. - I just got out of my Christmas outfit. - Why would you ever get out of your Christmas outfit? - That's a good question. (sad music) Alright so it's time for stockings, are you ready? Oh this one says Bailey. This one says Flynn, he's taking a nap. This one says dune can. Oh it's Duncan, oh, this is for you I think. Juh kay. Juh kay? Anyone go by Juh kay here? Juh key? - It's Jack eh. - Oh. - Luke eh. Luke eh? - I think this is Luke. - Luke eh. What's in there, Luke? What's in there? Luke got a magazine. He's reading it. What'd you get? That think is like a shooter thingy, it's like. - Oh! - Like squeeze it. (pew) Yummy, delicious. (babbling baby) Okay so we are making sweet potato casserole. My face is been through. (mumbling) That wasn't English. So we all need to pick, I told them in our house we church up our recipes. So you do the recipe and then you add something to give it a little extra flare. Jacob has chosen brown sugar, I think this is a great choice. Butterscotch? Alright. Goldfish crackers in a sweet potato casserole would not be good. But I like the enthusiasm. Alright we gotta church it up. We've decided to put in, Bailey has chosen honey. So get a spoon. (upbeat music) Parker chose cheerios, he just crunched up his cheerios. (upbeat music) ♪ Makes me clap, clap, clap ♪ (singing) ♪ Whatcha think about that? ♪ ♪ I'm gonna raise my arms, cause I see a dar-dar ♪ ♪ I'm gonna point to the star, cause I see a dar-dar ♪ (singing) ♪ Makes me clap, clap, clap ♪ (singing) ♪ Whatcha think about that? ♪ - Yay! (claps) What are you learning? Are you learning to sing? - He's learning to harmonize. - Oh, can I hear? Can you sing? - Ready Flynn? (baby screaming) - Beautiful! - I think he has perfect pitch. - Beautiful singing. - Ooh. - And I added. - Cheerios. Delicious. Dinner was delicious, but guys, I have bad news. It's the end of the night. (unplugs chord) Christmas. - Christmas is canceled. - Christmas is gonna sag. - That's me. - Wow. What a fun day. I am so tired. I don't remember the last time I was this tired. I think the mixture of only having a couple hours of sleep and also chasing around kids and cooking all day. And also the weirdest longest, most intense allergy attack I've had in a really long time. Most of the day I looked like this. Cause it hurt to open my eyes and I was like at a constant almost sneeze. But it was so fun, I'm so glad I did this. I'm so glad I did this Christmas day. If you guys wanna think of a fun thing to do with your family, like, just put up a few Christmas decorations, listen to Christmas music, and wrap some random stuff you find around the house that you'd like to give to a family member. I saw someone tweet today, another family did this and they just like, bought a present at like the grocery store for each other and I thought that was really cute. I strongly recommend, it was super fun, the kids had a blast. I had a blast, but I'm so freaking tired. I'm gonna go to bed. Thank you for watching this, I love you guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow's a regular day. It's not a Christmas day, it's just a regular day. And hopefully I get to sleep a lot tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow's a PJ day. Maybe I'll just spend the whole day in my pajamas. Which would basically just be like every other day. Yes, tomorrow's a regular day. I love you, goodnight. (Christmas music)
Channel: Colleen Vlogs
Views: 1,098,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen, ballinger, colleen ballinger, miranda, sings, miranda sings, no lipstick, without lipstick, baby, mom, mother, blog, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, life, lifestyle, comedy, fun, christmas, surprise, present, presents, mystery, escape room, homemade escape room, kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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