SURPRISE RELEASE! What's New in Twinmotion 2022 Preview?

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what's up guys justin here with the back with another twin motion new feature tutorial for you so big news yesterday the twin motion 2022.1 release preview version was uploaded to the epic games launcher meaning you can download it and try out the new version of twin motion 2022 so i thought in this video we talked through some of the new things you can expect inside of this new version so let's go ahead and just jump into it so yesterday this video was dropped on twin motions youtube channel and it shows you a preview of some of the things that we can expect inside of the new version of 2022.1 not only though does it show us a quick preview of some of the things contained inside of this version it also tells us that if we go to the epic games launcher we can actually download this new version alright so if you want to download the new version of twin motion the 2022.1 preview version you can do that through the epic games launcher under the twin motion tab there's an option right here for install so you can just download this and install it on your computer note that it is a preview version so um it's obviously not 100 complete but it's going to let us use the new features in here so first off before we do that what i want to do is i want to jump over into the twin motion road map and the twin motion release notes so if you jump into the road map which i will link to in the notes down below it shows you the new features contained inside of this version there are a lot of exciting new features contained in this version that people have been asking for for a long time so if you want to get to the full release notes you can go into the released tab you can click on the option for release notes right here that's going to pop up this window that goes through the stuff in detail of what what exactly has been changed so i thought we could take a look at some of the bigger features that are contained inside of the new version then we can dive a little deeper into them in the future and so the first feature that's contained inside of this new version is the path tracing support so the path tracing port is going to allow us to use real time path tracing inside of our renderings in order to get those more realistic light bounces in here so it's going to make your global illumination shadows more realistic so things like reflections everything like that it's going to be more realistic as well if we jump into twin motion which by the way now comes with this awesome new sample scene which is great so we can actually turn that on by jumping down into the settings and under the renderer right here there's an option for path tracer that you can click on note that for the path tracer to work you do need to have a graphics card that's capable of doing the path tracing so in addition there's options in here to adjust the number of light bounces as well as if you click in here there's an option that's going to let you set the low medium or high which is going to set the number of samples that are contained in here know obviously that the high version is going to take a lot longer than the low version but if we look at the scene notice the reflections that we're getting off the glass are really great reflections that are in here obviously there is some denoising going on and things like that you can kind of see the um you can see the progress by looking at this little bar right here so i'm going to go ahead and i'm just going to click on this and jump over to low and so when we click on low notice how it's going to do a lot less samples and a lot less bounces but you're still going to get a pretty decent result so notice how if we zoom in here so usually what i would recommend is turn that path tracer off until you get a little bit closer or into your view that you want to render and then let's go ahead and let's turn it on and notice how we're actually getting the reflections of what's behind us right here notice how if we were to jump to like a medium for example then we're going to get a better reflection result but it is going to take longer so um that's something that you're going to have to kind of walk the balance on but having the path tracing in here gives you a great option for those uh for those really realistic results you're looking for with the light bouncing other things like that all right so in addition and something that i am super excited about we now have the ability to use hdri sky domes inside of twin motion so not only do we have the ability to use the hdrs sky domes it also comes with an hdri library of different sky domes so you can access those from inside of twin motion just by just by going into your asset library over here and there's an option right here for sky dome and so there's multiple different sky dome sections in here that you can use so like the morning and afternoon then you've got clear or cloudy or overcast really whatever you want but you can just drag those into your scene in order to use them so if i drag this over it's going to drop that sky dome in here and you're going to have the ability to adjust the rotation notice how your lighting adjusts as well so this is a massive improvement over what we were able to do before i am super excited about this i'm just looking at the way that the shadows look and the way that the result looks i mean this is going to be a big deal for what you're going to be able to create with twin motion so notice just the way that the lighting is coming off of the different materials it just looks fantastic so like i said super excited about this new feature so note that in addition you can also come over to the sky dome image you can click on the open button and you can and you can bring in your own sky domes as well so like for example this is just one that i downloaded i think from hdri haven but notice that i can bring this in in the background so not only can you use the built-in sky domes you can use your own sky domes as well and again i would note that the implementation of this looks really good so i'm really loving the result that i'm seeing in here there's also an option in here to match the sun which is also something that i love because if you match the sun right what that's going to do is that's going to match the brightest part of the sun with your sky dome so that it actually creates shadows in here so really easy to use super excited about this feature it's going to be a big deal for the results you can create inside a twin motion so there's a ton of other new features contained in here as well so for example support for mega scans 3d plants i think that's something that we've seen a little bit of but you can access that all inside of twin motion so the cool thing about that is um that's basically and here's a link to the qixel mega scans library so you can come in here and you can adjust the plants and everything like that but what this is going to do is this is basically going to access that library and you can download the stuff so instead of the installer getting shipped with all of these plants installed in here you just click the download button so that does keep the installer small being able to access these high quality plants is going to be a huge deal all right so there's now support for bringing in point cloud data as well i haven't had a chance to test this one honestly because i don't have any point cloud data to test in it but if you are working with point clouds being able to bring that into a rendering there's some really interesting applications for that so for those of you that use 3d mice um there's now 3d connection space navigator support so you can use your 3d mouse inside of twin motion which is really exciting as well as there's been some improvements so there's been some additional assets added as well as some improvements to the decals function so we can jump over into the release notes to kind of take a look at those so there's a material substitution table which is in here which is basically designed to help you automate the um replacement of materials from 3d software so there's a more detailed look at this over here i don't want to get too far into it right now but basically it allows you control over the way those materials are mapped i don't know if this solves the problem of materials getting like unlinked or replaced from a sketchup model when you bring them over but this is something that's definitely worth looking into a little bit more so we talked about the plants and decals there's also new furniture assets in here and something that i really like is the new demo scene so the lake house retreat demo scene has been added i really like when programs like this ship with demo scenes that have been set up the proper way because they really give us a clue as to how things should be set up right so you can look at this and you can see how okay they're using um reflection probes for example to get better reflections in here they give you a chance to really like look at everything and figure out how it's been put together to generate a great result so i love it when we get demo scenes like this so you can access that by going to file demo scenes like house retreat i think this is a really good idea so the beginners can learn how to use the program so they've also got a feature where you can share sets of rendered 360 degree panoramas um so through the twin motion cloud so that's another one we may dive into in the future so it's going to be a good way to share your renderings with clients and other people alright so i am massively excited about this new release there's a ton of cool stuff contained in here um i'll dive into some of the specifics um in future videos but i'd love to hear from you what your favorite feature is how you feel about this new release i just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 35,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, twinmotion 2022, twinmotion HDRI, twinmotion skydome, twinmotion ray tracing, twinmotion path tracing, twinmotion 2022 new features
Id: hs84l3WhjYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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