Surface Modeling in AutoCAD® 2011

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hello again we'll cover surface modeling in AutoCAD 2011 now for the next two and a half hours with half an hour break how many of you were not on my previous session today trouble okay so I'll not give any people granted and just explain a couple of things again my first session today on the power track was about parametric blocks right using surface modeling so I explained a couple of things about surface modeling I will explain that again so the ones are related we're already there just bear with me and maybe it's it's again more clear so the way of dividing the the session today is before the break we'll talk about splines right in AutoCAD how we made it them better hopefully this year and about the basics of surface modeling with a couple of examples and explaining those concepts they are allowed explicit surfaces ctvt manipulation and stuff I'll make a small run of questions before the end of the first half because and then do something similar on at the very end on the second half we're going to be talking about parametric surfaces using expressions again this is a little part of what we talked about in a whole class on the in the morning and then we'll go into nerve surfaces and what what's about what what's all about nervous surfaces and how we use them it also cut and then workflows between surfaces solids and meshes as you may know AutoCAD has the three topologies right other desk has many applications that have great mesh for great solids or good surfaces but also that is pretty much the only one that has everything in one in one only package which which makes us a little powerful and then interoperability with with those five applications and just just just to understand what my talk into any inventor users or people that no inventor here couple rabbits okay what about visualization showcase or max okay and I've probably nobody for schedule designer because it came up two weeks ago but I'll also show it a little bit so the whole point here is that I I want to show you how to work with surfaces in AutoCAD but also to see the big picture which is again also that is not alone right you're working you may be working with more than one application or you may be working with people that work with other applications so don't feel restricted by somebody using invents or rabbit saying oh I need to move in that direction if you're comfortable and what you do make sense to be done in a generic obligation that's fine it's not a sin right but let's make sure we understand which are the workflows how do we work between multiple applications in in a workflow that doesn't lose information that would reduce data integrity on that okay so I'll just go directly to to the application itself so I'm not a powerful guy let's go directly to altogether and here we'll we'll see little bit what what about the interface the new stuff that we we have on the on 2011 and and basically just talk a little bit about curves as we said so on AutoCAD 2011 there's a new tab called surface right there's also a new toolbar I mean we we still make toolbars for new functionality we are not killing that right I'm not showing article classic here but there's a tool for that so you may want to use whichever method you want on on the surface toolbar it's on the 3d modeling workspace right my 3d modeling workspace in particular is a little trick trap and it's not the same that it goes out of the box you will not see parametric panels tab on the on the three mulling workspace you may need to put it there if you want to use parametric modeling for surfaces I explained this today but I'll do it again if if you basically type cui which is the command to get into into the user interface customization right and then you go into your current workspace in this case - 3d modeling I can open ribbon tabs and see all the ribbons as I have in this side of side I go to ribbon tabs and here I should just drag and drop parametric on to the other side right in my case I already have it so it doesn't make sense so basically again just get this one here and you should just drag and drop right again not useful for me because I already have it there are a couple of other things here that you will never you won't see unless you you get those plugins so I have something called sketchbook designer which is a plugin for AutoCAD that's been available for for about a year and I'm having a class tomorrow about this but I may show something and I also have the plug-in for for point clouds the one we did for outdoors labs so right now we don't we don't only open point clouds but we can also do Civic struction on point cuts so we can extract primitives from that but I'm not talking about that today I just want to show you my also get and then if you solve something not familiar let's explain why it is there so going back to the surface tab our mission I mean I used to be until two months ago product manager for AutoCAD a loop sweater but a lot of Autodesk I'm managing the user experience for the whole portfolio so but when we were working with an AutoCAD the whole point was how can we make modeling more powerful right within a generic application right I mean in terms of how we build geometry in different applications now to disk I could say we have domain-specific applications like inventor like Revit right like civil 3d even on top of hot water and applications which are generic threose max Maya AutoCAD right we built in a piece of water that we draw lines points arcs we extrude those things but there's nothing that tells a box it is a slab right it's just a box being a box may not be that bad after all sometimes right but for four standard procedures probably if you're making walls probably a wall is better than a box but if the wall starts not being your normal wall like the whole town center here in Vegas it gets a little tricky right so sometimes generic information is also good so my point here is that if you're using autocad with another application another brick application could be civil again could be replicable inventor there are some operations which may still make sense to be done in autocad right so conceptual design is one of them conceptual design requires a lot of flexibility requires a lot of exploration and and that can be also taken afterwards into into the vertical or not but you just continue doing stuff in autocad and you document in the way that David showed in the previous session for on the power track or render or whatever you want so you can get with AutoCAD as far as you want but some operations may be smarter and faster and more productive in other applications right so I'm gonna show that to write the world does not revolve about AutoCAD but it doesn't remove little rabbits or inventor or anybody else it's just a mix of a lot of stuff that is happening that's happening but back to AutoCAD so the first thing we needed in order to create a more powerful modeling was especially with with with wood surfaces was to have a good starting point and curves and especially splines have been kind of overlooked by developments in AutoCAD for the last 27 years right so last year was the first time I guess that that we took seriously curves and splines and made something that makes a lot of sense hopefully again I hope you'll mix this for you guys what I'm saying is that spline sucks before right you could use plies yes but if you were using splicing alias studio or Rhino or many other places you'd say okay what's why can't I do these things here so sometimes just that fact will get people out of the software because they need to start somewhere else so now we have good splines we are probably of course going to make them better but this is a very good start the first thing we have to do again then was to create a powerful set of features on on curves and if you remember basically the spline command created splines through feed points right so we still have that option it's called spline knot and basically the spline not lets you create a spline through a certain set of points right remember what what happens here when you wanted to finish a spline he had to hit enter three times right first time for initial tangent second time for an tangent third time to really finish at least in my experience I'm putting my user hat for a second 99.9 percent of the time I just wanted to end so it was three enters and just kind of destroying the keywords of whitey help don't stay do this better so the first thing I asked as a product manager was kind of putting again my user hat just remove the night before my life just first enter is finish the spline so first enter you're done if you really want to go into tangency you can edit the spline any time you want but removing two clicks in our 14 15 hour a day schedule with with the application right it's a lot right if you start removing two clicks or three clicks here and so click certificates there you probably have one more hour to keep working right but it's more meaningful stuff so that seems minor but it's not that minor so I was saying that we we had the option to create the spline through fit points fit points is one of the ways to define upon as a spline the fit points again our points in which the spline is going to is going to go through those points it may not be the only way to do it and sometimes specially if you're in industrial design it may not be even the most adjusted way to do it right so we also introduced the concept of a spline through control vertices a spline through control vertices I'll just take that out or let me just let us take it out explain through control vertices as you can see here the point I am selecting is not the point through which the plane this plane is passing is just the place where the tangency and the changes right so it's inflection and at any time if you select the spline you can see that frame or if you want you do show CBS and you can see it at all times so depending again what you do this method is much better than flying through feed points the I'm gonna show a couple of examples I'll try to see if that can be a little more graphic none of them is better than the other one that it makes sense depending on the content of the case if you know that the your plan has to go through certain points hit points is the way to do it right but spline through series is the best way to define a spline actually if we are not getting into mathematics because I cannot get into mathematics either but the way a spline is interpolated to fulfill points is not as accurate as two in series right in any application right so as a suggestion I kind of try to work more with series than anything else if you see what's happening on I'm I think I have the command line off let me just go back to having the command line as you can see my other guy's a little different I mean I always give the command line and dogs and transparence until I really need it but when you start with spline what's happening is it's the same command as usual but it has two modes right when one is for CBS points for feed points the mode is accessed once you go into the commands why did we do that because if you are scripts right done at any time before March this year in which there were no splines TVs or price treatments if we have done something else or are new commands we would have broken each and every scripts that you have and getting more hate mails than ever right so the first thing that AutoCAD asks is what is the method and what we do is we create a macro inside the commands that automatically goes into the right method cbs4 for spline TV and feed points for spline not there are other questions when we start working so for example the degree if we go here for example and I choose rebuild rebuild is a very powerful command that lets us work with surfaces and splines so for example I can I can go into into rebuild and get a different amount of control vertices or a different degree and the degree in spline is again pretty important by default is degree 3 which is kind of a standard if you go into bigger degrees you'll have the spline which is smoother I'm going to show this with an example I'm I'm going to just draw some points on the screen and I'm going to make them more visible right so now I'm going to start the spline CV and the degree normally when I get into I mean as usual right long right-click because I have the that said to get together a right-click menu right degree let's start with three which is the default and I go through this point this point this point this this and this right I go back to the same commands but now the degree is going to be five okay I didn't do it degree five I see what happens the spline is smoother right what's happening is that the bigger the degree the bigger the distance with the controversy and the smoother spline if you go into software for for automotive designers something like that when they really need smooth surfaces which is something they normally do right they use bigger degrees and if we go into degree one you're basically forcing the spline to go through those points so it's just like good look like a polyline but it's a nice polyline because it's boiling line that that it's actually a spline so it has a couple of benefits right for example we can move in space no polyline can ever move in space right in X X Y plane let's keep working on this what else can I do with a spline let me just go back to the degree three which is default another thing we did is add what we call in canvas manipulation right so how did you edit a spline in the past right spline edit gots a set of obscure options and see if you can figure out how to do with that right I mean no reason nobody uses blinds right it was kind of really great so in this case I'll I'm going to show you what we can do now if we have the spline selected and we just hover over any of the vertices right not clicking just hovering will get options for example stretch the verdicts which is the most obvious one just just move it but for example add verdicts so if I click add vertex I'll be able to create a new controversy I can also come here and say remove vertex so that will be removed and this for example I realize that every don't want this either because I want something like this and I need more detail on this part so I go and say refine vertices which creates two control vertices but keeps the shape of the curve right so and now I can do I can go here and say okay I want to move this this point and do whatever I want so the other interesting thing is how we control the gizmo right last year when we did 2010 when we did mesh modeling we had that controller for a while but a little better right more powerful and now pretty much I would say that I pretty much not rotating or moving anything with with commands and doing everything with direct manipulation with this guy so for example like I can just hover over the z-axis and now I know I'm just moving along that axis or moving on this plane right so as you can see that it's very simple and fast to make any tweaking on on this spline and here's a trick that you may or may not know let me go to four views right and sometimes you may have you may need to that I mean you may want to have a top view a left view and a couple of perspective views right so I don't know if you knew maybe you did and I'm being just stupid but you tell me if you can start working on on this viewport and then just by clicking once on another viewport you can continue the commands on this other one or or wherever else you need to do it right so you have that kind of control sometimes sometimes having one single viewport Dustin's doesn't help that much if you if you know any other software I mean any other surface powder around could be Reiner could be the alias any of those normally by default they they have more than one viewers because it's very hard when you get into these kind of things right if you make a box a box extrude it I mean you can see it from the top it's fine when you go into this kind of shapes sub view is just part of information but not everything so it you may want to go back and forth on this kind of visualizations and and it's good to know that you can go from one to viewport into the other very easily okay I'll just go back to single here so here's my spline as I as I said we can we can make any kind of editing on it on top of it the other thing interesting thing is that we can also change between controversies and feed points so if for any reason you already made your spline with control vertices but now you want the specific points to be somewhere else you say show feed points and then you can move feed points along the curve the other important thing here is that you can and probably that it's not very can you see like a little cross on this first point if you don't just believe me there's a pink cross there it's the beginning of the spline right and the beginning of the spline is very important for some operations for example if you are if you're adding a feed points or a control vertex that will be added after the one you are creating so if it's after you need to know where this whole thing started and the other thing is when you're working with with splines and with certain commands you may find that certain commands needs to understand which is the first point for example let me do something I hope this one works it's going to be a little challenging or something like this I just made a rectangle somewhere right and I'll try to sweep this guy through the spline there you go right so it did a sweep some commands like sweep have options like scale along the path for example let's say I say that this has to be three on this case it doesn't know me because it's maybe generating an error the same with this one but let me just do a circle was going to be simple for this okay and grab this guy see there you go you see the the the spline is scaling I mean the sweep is scaling along the spline so for scaling you need the first point and a last point so let's say that you build the spline a week ago or somebody else did it and you just got the sketch right how did you know which was the first point again go to spline edit see the vertex have a little cross I mean just lousy little cross here it was not easy to do it right again no wonder why nobody used splines so now we're making it much more much easier right the other thing is as you see now I try to select the spline but of course there's a there's a sweep and the spline and I get this this new dialog box here this is called selection cycling selection cycling can be toggled on and off from the status bar from here my suggestion is selection cycling is good because it lets you select stuff that's kind of how many times given in 2d in a 2d drawing you had to select something and you had a hatch two lines and something else right and I know you can you can circle right which is all those things but it's not we're very visual here it's very simple you either wants the sweep of the spline and I want to spline fine I got it right so it's very fast and watch this I mean even if I am I can be adding a new vertex and even adding a new vertex still keeps moving this whole sweep and everything else that's because we have us acitivity which is something we're going to be talking about later what else can you do with a spline if you go to spline edit or just click on the spline and then go and go to this option right for example we can also add what we call a kink right if you see I'm tracking across or right on the on the spline and I just add this little point here this point I think is a point where the continuity is lost right normally the spline will have always c2 continuity all across the spline but we now managed to create a points of love lack of continuity within the spline depending what you do this may be very very very useful right so and there was no way to do this before so again many many things many small things that we added to two splines so we we mentioned that we had spline CV and also spline not there's something else called spline freehand so how many of you remember the command sketch how many of you like the command sketch I don't want to see yeah you do like it why it's instead of census of masochism or something really good well that's always somebody so what happens with with with sketch when you're doing the sketch AutoCAD is recording every points where you're going through and then it creates a set of tiny little lines from each it points to the other right well maybe that would be useful sometimes but now check it out if I just if I do spline freehand let me go first to to top view I really want to do this from the top and let go just kill these guys and spline free hands I remember pen a pen down all that stuff grabbed nothing so now we just do the stroke I mean I've always scared my mouse click the left button I finish the stroke I can do another stroke I can do another stroke and when I hit enter I get splines so now this is a spline and this is not 20 7351 points right so how can you control that this is this whole thing spline free hand is still the same good an old sketch command so if somebody really really likes sketch like our friend here you can still use the points but maybe now you want to use this thing sorry so we have we can use lines paulien splines so we can convert all that into a polyline a spline or a line by default is in spline because we assume that this is better for this and it has two options called increments and tolerance the increment is a distance which when you make the stroke right let's say this is a building right and that stroke is the whole base of a convention center here and it's I know 300 meters half a mile whatever this stupid distance is here right so if you do that probably you don't want one point recorder after every meter or something like that you want something every 20 meters 30 meters 40 meters right so then you will insert 40 before starting so the increment is the distance in which alter is recording point and then the tolerance is the distance between the point and the spline just like with the controversy on the degree right so the closer to zero the closer all together will have to go through those points so if you have a serious problem of pulse right when you do the sketch and you put tolerance close to zero the spline will look like crap right I don't know how many do anybody of you use tablets like a Wacom or something like that for for work one two yeah runners for sure three four five I would have loved to bring my my Cintiq and then I realized with after I brought it and I brought a lot of stuff to show with a Cintiq I realized that I only have one output from this computer so I could not but normally I will do this with a with it with a stylus right I am an architect I learned to sketch by hand I still try to sketch by hand as much as I can because the gesture of the hand is on think that no mouse can catch right and it's great to be able to do that sketching and then say okay I want this to become a spline because what I wanted to know with with this three guys that I just made maybe I just want to trim them sorry I just want to trim them and I know make an extrusion and patch this thing I don't know where it is but it's that and give g1 continuity or g2 maybe which is even better right to this thing so from a sketch into this which again I don't know where it is but sure somebody in Vegas will build it you can you can you can be you can do it very fast right so another trip and a trick when windows flying free hands is once you do the spline and you click enter you will have a certain set of control vertices right in this case it was very small set of controversies but I'll go really far away and do another spline and in this case you see that it's it's it's it's more like a bumpy right because based on the distance then now I had because I zoomed really out my increments was terrible right so if I if I grab the spline yeah how can i edit this thing right it's starting to look like the old sketch commands right but nobody could edit so now new trick remember I talked about rebuild just let's click on rebuild and this guy has 266 control vertices and probably I don't need those many so what if I try and say okay what happens if I use just 24 I make a preview and I see both my original spline and the new spline is that okay that's enough maybe not so I do escape so I get back into the dialog box and say maybe 30 to preview and that's starting to look like what I may want right so once I go back to a dialog box oh I see something called maximum deviation here which says 22 in this case is 20 units could be anything to do interest feed whatever you're using as a unit but let me go back to the preview and at some point somewhere you'll see this icon right it's two circles with a with a red line which is hardly seen there but what that means is that is the place of the maximal deviation that is the place in which the original spline and the new spline are the farthest apart right so it's just telling you this is how much I mean where is the place with the biggest difference between both those things they're doing and maybe you know maybe you don't care right again if it's conceptual maybe at that stage you really don't care about two inches of three inches of one meter right so if you just click enter you'll get the new spline and then this spline is much more manageable it has 30 to controvert is's right so doing a rough sketch and doing this on top of it it's very very fast it's very easy and it leads to to a better handling of the whole thing right because modeling especially surface modeling is all about control right are we good with plies am I going too fast or something just please tell me I know I tend to speed up and I speak Spanish as a native language so I have some accents so just let me know if I if I'm not clear please but once we have good splines again so the basics for having a good surface is having a good origin right so now that we have good splines and of course we have as usual the same polylines and lines and arcs as usual let's start building on top of that and and basically what we have now is a set of surface types on the creation panel some of them are already known we had locked for a while we had sweet for a while revolve we now have two clips and something like planar surface or network surface or blends patch offset these three for this first set of six surfaces are surfaces that you create from scratch from curves or from in case of a planner you can just draw it the others the other surfaces like blends patch and offset need a surface as an origin right so you're not going to use those until you have something so for example eye patches just closing gaps between surfaces so you need surface to close first so let's start with something let's make something easier for a second something like this whatever and let's start with a revolve I show something like this today right so I'll just create an axis and you see you get manipulation I mean you get instant feedback on the screen you can say okay it is 120 degrees whatever you could also have I'm going to do it again you can also define the direction so you can reverse it because you need it on the other direction and once you finish if you click it back there's an icon here that's a control here which lets you still edits the surface and if you click on the spline that created a surface if you change the spline you'll be still changing the surface even if you add a vertex you'll still be maintaining the surface that is because we have something called surface associativity and surfaces divet II is a feature that relies on something we built for 2010 for parametric drawing called the associative framework right it's an engine that that keeps all the relationships between stuff inside also cut right so in this case the surface is changing because the surface remembers it has it was done by a spline and if the spline changes the surface will try to update to the new position right and that happens not only because of services activity but because the surface remembers that it is a revolution right and that is what we call explicit surface right so if I click on the surface and I go to properties the surface is surface ribald right it remembers it's a revolution right so how many of you are familiar with the concept of nerve surfaces son okay a little bit so a nerve surface is basically at the end of the day this is a nerve surface right but has a rubber on top that tells them okay you are a revolution so you just remember where you came from right and just honor that's origin right if you're just a nerve surface the nerve surface is only edited based on the grid of use and Vees on both directions right so a nerve surface is amazingly powerful when you want to edit kind of singularities within this for example if you want an extra bump somewhere on the surface that cannot be described by a revolution right but if what I want is to change something on the surface that will affect the whole revolution then doing that with an earth surface is a little tricky so by default what we have available is the explicit surface here this another toggle called NURBS creation if you hit this toggle while you create the object you will create a NURBS surface from scratch but then if you click on that surface that surface will not remember it is a revolution so if you really wanted to change the angle you need to go back and undo or whatever right so suggestion from here I've been modeling awhile for with these things just keep explicit surface as much as you can if you really hit a place in which you need to make extra changes that are not within the creation process of the of that of that entity yeah do whatever you want to go to nerves but in the meantime keeping experience surfaces allows you to have a lot of flexibility for example let's go to another method let me just let me just mirror this guy for a second right and I will create a blend between this edge enter and this edge I click and enter between both both selections because blends needs needs sets of curves for the operation so you could have done a blend with three curves in this side and three curves on the other side so that's why you hit Enter in the middle so once I do this okay I got the blend and now I can define the continuity let's say I want d2l I will explain this in a second and that's quite a complex one yeah in this case it's too complex I'll just keep it where it is so I'll just go again and just keep the the gg1 great so I have this guy right so how much time would have spent in also got to do something like this I still don't know what it is but it looks great right but check this out this guy knows and remembers it's a blend so it keeps information for example about continuity it gives information basically about continuity and a couple more things but my point here is that if that will always be just a surface that will be defined by its relationships with the edges of two adjacent surfaces you don't need to comprehend two nerves because once you do that you lose all associativity done died kaput finito right so that's another thing other surface methods for example offset I can grab a surface let's say that you want to have a second surface at a certain distance right the first thing opposite will do is because right opposite and in 2d is very simple you have a are either on this side on the other side of a 2d space in 3ds it's getting a little more complex so where are you going where are you clicking right when you click on it the spacing out so that what are you really clicking at the zero which may be in anywhere else right so in this case ultimate is telling you okay offset is going in that direction but of course you can flip it and you can even do it to both sides at the same time if you want and just for a sake of clarity we'll do it just to the outside and then I'll define a distance like as usual can be input numerical input if you are very accurate or just any distance and here you go you made a second surface which is an offset but again this is an offset so the offset remembers it's an offset and now allows me to change the distance so imagine this this is the shell for a very again complex roof somewhere again in Vegas or or somewhere that they like this Los Angeles right place where they're like nice funky and strange and an expensive architecture so once you have this imagine that you also made a hurry no you made a blend between this edge and this edge now you didn't do this one let's go to this one probably now it's doing whatever here so it whatever you do on the surfaces it will keep the relationships you can do it on both directions you do whatever you want here you could start from there and then for example make an extension of the surface something like this for example so there's again a lot of power bonds yes surface molecule you know so so the the offset will depend on what you're doing for example in the case of this surface right that's a great question actually because I'll gonna show you on this one so in this case for example right the offset will create another surface that goes like this right at a certain point if the distance is too big it will self intersect at that stage probably AutoCAD will tell you you know what I may pass and not let you do this yeah basically it's it's lack of ability like of mathematical ability to create define one entity that that's what you want which at the end of the day I kind of like that because if you cannot describe it like this I'm not sure you would be able to build it anyways right ideally we build stuff right either manufacturing architecture we don't paid for nice pictures somebody at the end of the day pays us for producing an object right so whatever we do here can be magical and fantastic if it doesn't end up in something it can be built i reproduced we we are just artists which is not bad but the money's the other side so again all these are explicit surfaces our surfaces that remember their origin and as you see you can create all all levels of activity between them let me just do something very simple I'll just start from another let me just go back to a specific file yeah this one is fine let's say I'm designing a watch right a wristwatch and normally people that use surface modeling have at least an idea of where they want to start from so they want to start from a set of curves so in this case I already defined a set of splines right so what I'll do now is for example I will create a network surface between these two which is one direction and enter then these three which are the second direction so I get this right fine it starting to look nice now what I want to do so maybe I now want to extrude this other one because I want to use this for trimming so I want to trim this surface against this surface and I want to remove this part and this part and now I want to trim the inverse I want to drink this surface against this guy and I want to take all this it's time to look like something right now I'll do something similar here I will extrude this and I will trim these two surfaces against this one so I'll remove this extra material and now I'll extrude I'll trim this against these two ones and take out this hmm signs will look like something now when we want to mirror this whole thing and get probably the end point here so we can be a little accurate right now it's time to think because if you are if you're mirroring and you are not taking the splines it may take a while for all to cut to understand what's what you want you to do should not take that much but I have other things open so it may be taking some Sibylla memory but it's going to do it I know why it's taking that long but you see I mean just think how we would have described this in three model in 3d modeling and also that before it would have been a while right so and the nice thing about this while it keeps doing something which is of course not predictable right now I have Bettis here so it may be screwing my my computer a little bit if I change any of those lines which were the first things I did the whole structure will change so if somebody says okay you know what why can't we make this side right this side more curvier so we just need to add maybe a controllability on that spline right and the trimming will also change everything will change based on that so normally that operation in most applications that even do surface modeling will imply undo undo undo and undo and a lot of fun juice and a lot frustration and hate and stuff right and again the whole point and what are we here and the whole point about about design in general and I hope you agree agree with me exploration never the first thing you come up with is the final right either because there's somebody else making decisions and opinions and they normally want to change everything right that's which is kind of happening a lot right or just because as a designer you never feel satisfied what to do right you may be at the end of the process but you still hate what's happening there and you still want to make it better so if you don't have a tool that allows you to make those decisions and change things without having to do everything again believe me you will just get the first thing that you'd made will be the one that you use just because you're lazy and you don't want to do it 20 20 times but if you have an option right that allows you to be a little faster with those things then everything changes a little bit alright I think I'm gonna kill this there's something happen in the background for some reason okay there you go so as I said right if if anything changes in this thing you see what happens the whole structure changed so this is now where you gotta get a little call here and say okay what what do you want me to change right and or maybe just tell your boss okay it will take me a couple of days it will do in a second and then you do something else like working more on other things right so this is all about that that idea of the explicit surfaces the fact that all of these guys here remember that they came from an extrusion revolution or whatever option right so if this was a nerve curve you could have done other things but not these so it's important for you to understand when to use which other things you can do let me just kill this and let's say that I start with a with an arc and I'll copy this thing up and I'll just make this a little bigger and probably this guy a little bigger too and I'll do one more I'm trying to do some kind of bottle or something like that so now a little loft so I'll select each of these guys right and I get some questions which in this case there are not very relevant for this and remember you can select any of these and keep checking what you want for example I want it more like this now I I want to mirror this now this is too far away so I'll do it probably from the top view just a little smarter no maybe not I'm getting some trouble here probably because some some better so anything so my point here is that you can keep changing and adding or taking detail as much as you want right in a very simple way I'll do the mirror yes I'll do the mirror here this is not becoming a bottle at this point but I don't care that much I want for example to make a blend between this edge and this edge so blend patch and offset I mean a pleasant but basically happen between edges so here I want really D to curvature due to curvature means that this is it's really smooth right it's what you have g0 basically have just two surface edges which are adjacent nothing doesn't that where you have G 1 you have tangency between both we have G 2 you have rate the equal radius of the both sides which means that if you cast some light on that edge right you will not see anything right and that happens for example a lot in industrial design right many times in a car for example you are joining two pieces but you really don't want to see in any kind of discontinuity there so how can you check that out so we introduced analysis a little bit of analysis so nobody from inventor freaks out so the analysis we introduced is just the main things that you may need to know in order to understand if this is has good continuity or not for example in this case I'm using what we call zebra analysis has anybody seen something like this I mean zero what happens with zebra analysis is those stripes right when when they go from one surface into the other with continuity on the stripe that means that there's just good continuously between the surfaces when it gets disrupted it means that there's a problem and this is much more visual than anything else you can do right so for example if I go back to the blend and I change this into g0 see what happens There is obviously a lack of continuity so the lines don't go from one to the other if I go back into g2 you see what happens continuity is there so this is a very visual way that it's probably used by anybody doing surface modeling around right so we have a couple more like draft angles each angle is the one that lets you understand if you make a mold of that you'll be able to take it out right we are not going into the kind of analysis that you would expect to have in something like inventor or you would expect having something like mold for Al Gore I mean it's also done at the end of the day we are doing design and fabrication right but at least when you are designing there are certain level of questions that you need to answer which are based on these things is this good continuty or not okay just check it out and then at some at any points you can go to this options here and say okay clears your analysis and take it away and that's it so as you can see and I can still go to the original arc and make some operations here and you see what happens the whole thing updates probably if my operation is very very kind of extreme something will break I'm not saying that anything breaks nothing breaks anytime but you you really have to torture the surface a little bit to get something broken let's let's close on the other side I'll go back to to a gentler thing here this is too much okay and let's close this and the other side blend this edge against this one there you go I'll keep D 2 and D 2 and I'll make a patch on the top so I select the four edges and I'll by default it's it's G zero but I want to try for example G 2 so I want continuty here but I really don't need continuity down here so when I do the patch I'll just grab this four friends here and you will keep staying I will stay G zero so we have something here could be prettier but it's still more powerful than anything else probably you have done with without a cutting in the past in terms of this kind of shapes okay so the arc is on the other side I guess yes and you can still go back to the original geometry and try to do something so what happens if I if I make this arc a little taller probably something will break but let's let's check it out it didn't right there you go so some operations it's it's very interesting yes yes and that's where I'm going yes yes sir this was not scripted right I don't know him really so so now I can use a command called sculpt and sculpt we'll get any well not any but most of like enclosures of space right convert that into solid so anything that AutoCAD believes when they send is watertight right and in the closest space that would become a solid sometimes you can get tricky in D 2 continuity sometimes it feels like it's fine but it may not be exactly fine after some tweaking so and at other times it may fail but normally this will create a solid that's it right it's already just a solid and then you can work with it so yes that and that was my whole point for the second part of the class in which I talk about the workflows between surfaces and solids and mesh because the same handle wouldn't mesh you may remember or not that we did mesh modeling last year and we introduced subdivision surfaces which is a very very powerful yet a little imprecise way of working right but it's great for for somebody that'sthat's kind of starting and because let's let's make it clear not everybody knows at the very beginning of the process how will things will look like so if you really wanted to do something like this right I I would challenge anybody on this room to tell me which curves will create this thing I don't know I don't know really so sometimes if you really know where you're starting from precision surfaces are amazing if you don't know it just you're sculpting maybe mesh model is great the good thing about bench modeling number so the bad thing about modeling is does not precise because you see smoothness but actually it's interpolating between cleaner faces right so what you see as a curve is probably a set of facets right so for construction that is not great right but for rendering I know Toy Story which is when all this started right and you could render a cylinder you can had to render I mean the least amount of faces the better right then it's it's better to have to have this kind of definitions in which it looks like a car but it is not my question yeah no yeah and that's that here that trick once once you leave the the surface modeling associativity will be lost yeah so that that is that is still something that's that that some people are sitting to your left may wanna hear if they if you need more the we have also cut p.m. their to N so she's just monitoring if I'm saying the right things oh hey Dan so and I converted this into a solid raw surface for example I would say I want to convert this into I'll copy the guy here and I can convert this into a solid and now this is a three solid where I convert this into a set of surfaces and and now that this is sort of surfaces I can use surface modeling features and now this is really a good representation of a surface because this is has continuity and the other didn't I'm not saying the other one is bad I'm just saying the other one is great just sketching stuff but this one is amazing to build things or to be able to get things into fabrication so a couple of examples that that I wanted to show and I'll continue with this on the on the next part so big 230 let's let's I think it's a great place to to make the break we have half an hour break for some reason if you want to come before that that's fine if if not we will see again at 3:00 if there any questions or anything you may ask something now or after after the break after the break we'll talk about more features here unnerve surfaces and I'll go into some examples right so you can see this in action and tell me what you think okay so let's let's make the break now and and come back hats at three there's a lot to do so let's do it a couple of couple more things before I dive into a couple of examples I mentioned the difference between a an explicit surface and and the nerve surface so when would I use another surface basically when the explicit surface and the method of creation lessons describe the kind of change I want to do on the surface for example a bump somewhere just a little thing right in those cases remember nerve surfaces are not associative so whatever you do there you lost all the history below that before that at least on that on that part right if the rest of the of the structure is still explicit relationship between those are fine but not with what's what's done with nerve services and and basically that's all so I'll do I work on a on on a surface and and create a nerves from that so let's go back to to the example of the revolution right now okay and this is what I have right so as I told you if if the change that you need to do is a change that can be described by the surface the revolution like this this is the best method you will ever get to make that the change that said if what you want is for example something here and not here and here which is what revolution will do then you will convert to another surface when you convert to another surface it looks like nothing happens because again as I told you the explicit surface is a nerve surface with a wrapper on top of it that says okay you are a revolution right but when you go and show CBS remember that the spline had that kind of a frame of control vertices as you could see the the nerve surface has the same thing on both directions on the what we call use and V's right direction you Direction V so now when I go into into rebuilding this thing right I get removed I had one controversy count and one degree now I have degrees on both sides for both directions and it may happen to me that I need more detail on a specific side for example I want to keep five on the U and twelve on the V so I make the preview right and I I have now more detail on this direction than the other one which may make sense depending on what you want to do you may want to get more detail in one of the sides and you still have the surface deviation which in this case should be close to zero yeah it's very small I'm using big big big value so this is very small so now let's let's just some more here let's good I don't know 24 by 10 okay so this is the what we call the hull right the hull is that kind of extra frame of control vertices in both directions and now what can we do with the hull so we can do whatever you want that's the whole point and that's a nice thing called nerves so I could select specific points of the hull and if you wanna select more than one you just go with shift and all the points that you selected will get hot to the grips right and then for example you just want to move these guys up right so this is the kind of thing that you could never have done on a revolution because we cannot describe this part with a revolution right or you can have maybe needed to expand these six here on this direction for some reason right so everything still has continuity need to continue it's internally it's fine but you get this kind of behavior what else can you do let's say that you want to add some detail here and by here I mean between existing control vertices two options just increase amount of controversies for the whole thing which may not be very smart because you're increasing information in places which you don't need that or add some some detail here so we have two options called add CBS and of course and remove series but in this case I want to add series in which I select the surface right and AutoCAD lets me track across the surface in this case if I want to add a row of controversies on this direction or I can also right click and say in direction so in this case it's inverted but of course I don't want more in this direction because I already have a lot but I do want more on this one so I may want to add another row here right if I had wanted to have something like this before I should have gone from 10 control vertices to 20 and 20 my 24 control vertices I mean it's information at the end of the day you're just adding meaningless data on your model and just noise right so don't do that or at least turn to that get on to that or try that at home if you want but it's your risk and you can of course then be a little more granular on those little changes that you may need to do to the to your surface but there's even one more method which is what what Yes No ah do you use Mac's okay yeah you mean that when you well you you are control you are controlling the air or influence depending on the on the amount of controversies but but you're not I asked you about much because max has an option called soft selection that when you select any note any any any Burdett wherever you may also select the entourage of that point and define how the adjacent points react to the operation and that is pretty much something very normally mesh modeling but not here so so the way you would you would define the influences just basically though by the way that you define the control vertices but there's no way to say okay if I move this one this and this will moves off so if this two are are not moving and you move this one what would happen is if the curvature gets bigger here it will do like this on the other one just like with any curve yes yes yes you can do that I didn't talk about the weight yet but yes you can define the weight on that changes under Strange's especially when you're in explicit ones I'll go back to that great question because I forgot to talk about the weight the lower the weights another thing when you go into CV edit bar then I was I was saying that when you now I added more detail on one direction because I needed more granularity on a certain spot on a certain parts right but I can go to the kind of the ultimate way to do that which is track any point of the spline or the span of the surface right and I really want it here so once I click on this put on this position the gizmo appears exactly on that place and what I can do at that at that moment is either just directly move the point wherever I want there's something interesting here whenever you work with something like a box or something very predictable it's very simple for you to understand which is the direction up right but what is the normal to the surface right so if you right click on the gizmo there's an option align gizmo with and if you say arranging gizmo with object then you will make sure that the z axis of the gizmo is really pointing exactly normal to the surface as it is today so that that's that's an interesting one and then you could also define you could also play with the with the balls with the weight right in this case I am working the influence of that area with the weight of the spline see what happens that I am moving my cursor and this and the balls here we just do the way it gets into that point it is changing right and I could have done that with pretty much any any operation for example if I go back to creating something simple again like a couple of Arc's sorry making the smaller and just making a lofts which in disguise and mirror this little far away like this and I'll make a blend between these two and I'll make it g2 for example so when I go to that back to the surface if I see the properties I have the continuity here but I also have something called the balls magnitude so this can can get bigger and probably here it's not too obvious I'll go to x-ray and undo and do just a little thing here how I'll create a patch on top of this but first I need to close it and I'll do a patch between these four and I'll make this g2 but I also change the balls and the box by default is 0-5 and I go into one for example see what happens so this is still g2 in all the points but now it the weight it makes it it changes the weight of the spline how the surface gets into the other surface so that is something that some people may want to tweak right it's a little strange here how the shape but but you can go back and change this as many times as you want again because it's an explicit surface so you can go here and say okay no actually I need 0-2 which is almost like nothing if I get closer I'll see that that I still have I still have the did oh sorry so I'm going anywhere here I still have the g2 continuity here but as soon as it leaves the surface it's just it's already concerning right if you go here and say okay I needed at 0.5 right the air of influence is getting a little further away so we have a way to define that the buds I normally don't find many options for reasons in which I really want to change that but but absolutely it's something you can do a couple more things that didn't talk about for example trimming I did some trimmings on the on the first example but I can also trim against against line work for example let's say that I build I use sketching like like the spline freehand and it creates these four splines I'm going to rebuild them a little bit so I get less control areas like I know like something like eight I'm going to do this for each of them this is not a batch operation of course because there's no weight that probably that you want to do this in like batch and I'm going to trim this this parts here and make a network surface between these two enter these two and now I'll let's say this is a roof right but let's make it a little a little nicer so we want to start just tweaking the edges and in the middle of this there's going to be a building right emerging from that roof again big scale inspired by Vegas everything is huge here so let's do something like that let's make a circle and the circle will be in the middle of this and let's trim this surface with this circle and as soon as I click enter what I get is the projection of the circle on the on the under surface so I can decide if I want to keep this part of this part obviously I want to remove this part so I click here and there I go I have the hole and this is the place this may sound trivial but most surface modelers at this time they lose the history and we keep it so this means that if you make this bigger you see how the whole thing is updating right if you move it it will update I mean you got to be very nasty and very bad to the geometry in order to to make it to make it corrupt but obviously it happens but it does have it that much again we're assuming some level of common sense on on the operations right so you can do that as many times as you want if you want to to untrim this either you select and trim because you still want to keep the the geometry there or you basically delete the circle and of course since there's no circle there's no trim because everything is associative so depending if you want to keep the circle for us and the other thing just do one shrimp and if you wanna if you wanna you don't care about the circle just just remove it and you're done yes so again yes well not not that much with this no not that much with this because no actually it's kind of it's revaluate 'never ething on the fly you get a bigger a bigger file if you do solid history because solid history is keeping all the solid somewhere right I mean when you remove when you have a box and you remove a part of the box you actually have three now but some of them are hidden it's tricky but it's a good thing to know I mean if you really I mean if you get a solid model which is kind of big if you do a be repin and remove everything probably your solid model B is five six ten times smaller after that so again you need to know if you want to keep or not stir the history in this case it's always this Rivoli agent so it may get a little bigger but it's not that you have to any surfaces there right it's doing everything on the fly yeah it also the surface area I mean for us as a property you say let's go back to to this so I mean you mean about the area of the of the whole thing I mean let me see what I think Yeah Yeah right right right right yeah and that's what I'm trying to do it's here yeah we don't see the area anyways hmm it's not where I study the properties it's strange hmm yeah but yeah I thought it was here yeah that's strange another thing could be interesting to know is you can also project stuff on the on the surface for example let's say that you have a spline there you go and and you need that spline along the surface right so in this case you'll project the UCS select the curb sorry you select the curve and then select surface and something-something there it is right so now I have this plan here which was which is basically going through the surface so you may need that for an extrusion you may need that for a path for a sweep for example on something that's maybe there's a structure on top of another surface something like that and it was pretty much difficult not impossible because nothing is impossible it just required two days of workarounds right and now it's pretty pretty simple so you can project in two ways to UCS which is my preferred method or to view and again normally most surface models protective use so it they do kind of the normal to to the view at that point you can do both and if what you are projecting is is a closed surface you can also have out a trim that already also trims the whole thing I will normally trim with this one because this is suitable this is not but but this is again something interesting to keep in mind let's go to an example so we've talked a lot about stuff here but how do we how do we create or what we steps to create something so I I have a have a dataset here that kind of tells a story so in this case let's say that it's coming here let's say that a there's a company that it's manufacturing that shaver right it's not me I mean it they're doing it that in alias inventor whoever I don't care right but I have a small shop that's still using AutoCAD and I customize cases for for these things right and I'm asked to create a an enclosure right a case for this for a box for this for the shaver so what I'm going to do now is see how to start from this from scratch I already kind of made some points so I'm not the discovery doing everything everything from scratch but I'll try to go from the beginning into a kind of a finish result so this is again an x-ray view to me is one of the most interesting things that we added as a visual style in the ultimately and and I already have a set of points in in a couple of hidden layers so in this case I'm going to open this and I will just add something so I can see the point right so I'm going to start building some spline CVS through this point what I what I did when I created this from scratch was I just went into the side view and said okay this is the place in which I want those points and then I just captured that so I could make it faster here it didn't make sense for me to just take for a while that's kind of designing because I would take more time than I want and we don't have that much so I'll get this side too right just by doing this I was just sketching with spine freehand and compared to the other one and that's fine back to this one in this case against my CV good no not good okay again are those because my command line appeared and destructed the snap okay there we go and let's go for the last one this data set is available for you so with the whole steps so feel free to replicate it ok so I have my my set of splines there you go so now I'll make a mirror of this to using probably an end point here and going into Auto mode so I get this problem I also want to make a mirror of the of the shaver so I can then catch any kind of interferences for the time being I can also isolate it do you know that in the last version actually as a crucial advantage back for for the previous one we we had we have an option that we can basically right-click isolate hide object so you're not turning the layer off you're hiding the object so you don't need to make sure that you're in a layer which is there's nothing else you just hide whatever is in any layer and you don't spend time organizing the drawing in a different way so that's why I got here so I'll start with a wittle loft along this three sides that will be the beginning of my modeling and for the other part I'll just do an atlas surface because I I may need some extra detail at some points I'll show you why but in this case I'm going to use a spline through feed points because I really want the spline to go through this point right if I had chosen C V it would have gone somewhere close to the point but not to that point and I can do another one here right and the next thing about the network that network surface it would also allow me to because I could have done this with us with a loft using two guides but if I had wanted another spline to define another level of detail on at some point here for example then the negative surface is better I'll just do it right now as it is so I will use network surface between these two which is one direction enter and then the other direction so I got my network surface and I'm starting to get some a shape that I can understand right so what happens now is I made I want to do the site probably this is going to be this is going to be plastic I mean opaque this is gonna be transparent and then I just want the sites and the sites could have been or could be continuous or not let's try continuous first so while do aloft and I'll do the loft between in this case I could do it between the surface edge on this side and why the surface edge because I need the continuity so I click control and click on the on the surface edge so I am grabbing the edge of the surface right normally if you just click on the surface at any place without controlling the keyboard we will just select the surface but if you sell if you select with with control you are accessing the sub-object level right so if you select control on a solid you will select either faces edges or vertices if you select if you use control on a surface in the edge you will select the edge of the surface for the second one I don't care because I I may select the surface set if I want but anyways I'll give you that G zero because what I want now is that this side has G zero which is position is just getting there and nothing else but I want G to curvature on this side I could even try and see how how good about it is right now with with zebra with zero analysis and and and you can see that it's kind of very abrupt but still the stripe goes on on it passes by you see it just passes by if I go here and and click on position and get Dustin to zero this is really not continuous I mean and not being continuous it's not bad or good it's just a design decision do you want the surface to be smooth between in the intersection between both right or in transition or do you want that to be an edge right depending what you want the good thing about the analysis that it lets you understand what you're doing so I just leave that as G zero in both sides I'll go and do it here to zero and zero fine and now we'll make a patch at the end and apart at the other end yeah why didn't you I could have I mean actually most of the even I mean a loft and a blend are not that different I mean the blend is creating a third surface that has a certain continuity with two other surfaces but the blend can only exist when you have a surface edge to to attach to right the loft could have been done with with either lines or surfaces so there there's no there's no rule of thumb there is just depending what you want to do for example if you want to blend the blend will always go one continuty on the side into the other continuity on this side the loft doesn't care that much about that and you can do that but for example you can also add a guide you you want to you may want to say I don't care about I want to g0 but I also want if this is my one surface and this is the other I want to the bump like this you will never get that with with a with a blend so it heard of different ways to get to the same place if you understand why I mean for some the same thing why would you use a network surface as opposed to a loft with two guides if you're talking about just four edges no reason why unless you have a third or fourth guide in the middle and the loft cannot make a loft with many guides just what the on the ends I'm a clear fine okay so that's why you have multiple methods one thing I didn't mention huh I was forgetting about that there are some commands here that are a little tricky and give us a hard time and and I think it was better wasn't it then it was better one last year when we got hate from customers and we changed the cs4 yeah that's why being in a better is good because then you can give us opinions let's say you have a rectangle and you extrude it what would you expect to get a surface or solid ha because if I have a non closed profile if I extrude it's always a surface but if it's a closed profile it could be both of them right so what we did at the beginning we've made a bar so when you make a solution you had to decide with a mode if it was a surface as a solid what we did finally was actually we have the mode still but if you call extrude from the surface tab you will create our surface if you call extrude from the solid tab and the profile is closed it will create a solid right it's kind of a macro when you go into the into extrusion it will say okay where am I so I'll so let's tap mode solid and it will do it right so those are comments we call ambiguous because they could be doing two different things depending where you are right and basically that happens to extrusions revolutions sweeps and and probably lost right if if they are coming from a closed profile and plan a profile the other interesting thing is that since we did this for surfaces now we can make surfaces between non planar profiles in the past I mean in 2007 when it is lost right there are many operations that could not be done with non planar profiles an extrusion could not start with an unplanned profile now we can do it so it's much more flexible in general yes yeah so that's it a minute if you extrude a rectangle from the surface tab it's just the size if you extrude it from the solid tab and it's really closed it's a it's it's a box so you just may want to be a little careful where you call the command from or I mean in in the past when I wanted something like that I mean bust before that's how I would normally create the box and solid because it was the only thing I could do and then explode it and remove the top on the bottom so again three more steps or four most steps if you make those three more steps over the 14 15 hours a day that you work when the little lazy normally you work 20 hours right then at that time it's it's a lot of time lost on stuff that should not be happening right so we have this here what what we may want to do I mean we may want to do a lot of stuff on this on this subject in this case we could for example give thickness right great a shell out of this so we can create a shell in many ways for example we can go into into offset and define a solid and define a distance and create the solid or you could just directly go into the solid tab and use thicken that create the solid so this is now a solid object right now I could also make a solid with everything here by using sculpt right so this is a solid model now and why would I like this to be a solid model well because I may want to shell it I may want to move this into fabrication from AutoCAD or make for example or start making some documentation right so we could go and some of you may have been in in David Collins class about flatten this so you may have seen this but you can create a section plane for example right and the section plane can allow you for example to to create I don't know a life section or create up I'll create the 2d geometry from that and start some documentation if that's what you need so the only what you want to you you'll do modern meditation here but the other thing you can do is I will go on and an open I love an inventor right because I'm a firm believer that every tool has a sweet spot and has places where you can do it but it's not the right I mean it's not the right place it just not the most efficient place so yes yes yes I mean you cannot mean why would you why would you do a boolean operation the surface yeah but you can also trim mean boolean operations in a surface can be done but there will not be a acitivity there so maybe what you may want to do is let's say that you have two surfaces and you're subtracting you want to subtract kind of a cylinder from those right I may just draw circle trim both surfaces and create a blend with G 0 on both sides so I get the same result but I get a sensitivity it all depends on what you want to do at the end of the day again I believe that if you have the right tools right and you know how to use them wisely you have power so there are many options there too to work with so I'm opening venture which takes some time yes we've been there I will open Revit which also take some time but again it's a it's it's important for me to at least convey the message that if you heard a lot about digital prototyping here they you or in any marketing material from manufacturing AutoCAD is part of the digital prototyping process as a front-end for conceptual design right it is not the crazy uncle right it is part of the whole thing so here I I can do many things like I can directly open the DFG file and that is a little trick in inventor because by default it opens 2d right but there's an option to import the W G with an open that will give you the solid or you can import an SAT file in this case I already did it just to not lose too much time because we only have half an hour left and so this is my my my shaver complete with with materials this is what I brought into inventor and in AutoCAD I previously divided the the solid into into mean that the whole surface into solid so going back to order that for a second right before making the solid I created a network surface in the middle of this because I knew that one part was going to be the plastic part which was the bottom and the two sides and the butt and the patches with the surface on top of that and the other surface would be the cover which would be some kind of transparent plastic right so I wanted to take those two parts already separates into inventor and that's what I did but again I doesn't make sense to do it now that it's just creating an able an elbow surface here in the middle once you go into inventor whatever it is here it is right this is what I get one part and then the other part visibility on this is the this is the guy here right and here I have I have both parts of the object I don't see the end of sketch for some reason okay there you go so then I could make a shell I will I will subtract this part first I will just remove this ability here okay here that's fine right I made a shelf so I don't know if you can see that this is now void right and then I created a couple of work planes in order to create a rib right so that rib I can do an outer that of course I can do it in AutoCAD I will just get the surface make a projection like we learned so I get a spline on the surface then I'll get a spline on top of that I make a love between both and make a thicken is thick and that inventor has something called rib that makes ribs right so if you just draw a line where you want the rib Inventor will calculate exactly what's the size of that and help stop it in the end outer that you will be doing operations and operations and operations operations to get that okay you can you do it yes does it make sense probably not if you have at least a prototyping application like inventor in next to it so I can do that again with the other rib right and then of course I need to cut it to get the shaver so this would be kind of a boolean in inventor too but it's that simple and then after that I could well let's let's go back to to the whole assembly and visualize everything right so so this this shaver is ready to be at least to start the process of manufacturing because for example what I do what I need now is to get the the edge of that for example and create a lip and again there are tools for for-4 that's right so which I'm not finding now but it's somewhere out there so I could meet her I could make a lip on that I could go into the tooling and this is not inventor class anyways right I could go into the tooling applications and then create a mold molds for that thing right and again this is not the sweet spot of autocad right but getting to those shapes in inventor would have taken some more time right so why not take advantage of the best potential of possible thanks again screwdriver for screen things hammer for other things you may use the same one for both yes but something will be very very dimension one of the other cases and the same thing if you let's leave inventor for a second and let's go into my very good friend Revit architecture and of course we don't know shavers in Revit so let's let's work for a second on remember when I when I made that that big roof right I'll do something similar I'll start from from here so I just made a little mesh as a tower that I will convert to a faceted surface a solid sorry and this was kind of the beginning of if you remember how to get 2000 sense image on the Box this this is the beginning of the of one of the towers and then I made the other one on the roof that's that's a picture that you have seen hundreds of sign already everywhere so in this case I could go back to again spline free hands do I mean based on the fact that I know exactly what I'm doing now because I see the end result I'll do the rebuilding of these things yeah it is fine you see how I'm removing details I will also create I'll trim the ends so I can create a more precise Network surface inaudible surface can also be done without without removing the trimmings but it will interpolate the whole thing and now I want this to be a little up here so I am taking not only the surface but also the splines right because if I only take the surface for example if I do this article will tell me you're about to lose continuity because the surface will be detached from the curves you want to do this of course I don't cancel the operation right so in this case again I go to the splines I do a couple of nasty things to the whole structure not many I don't want to again waste too much time on details but just to make it look a little different here I will now create a planar surface at the bottom and I will project what I want to now out of the site the walls right so I want to project the curves of the roof onto a planar surface so I now can now create the sides and this would have taken a lot of time before so in this case I'm going to select the curves and the curves are actually the splines here right so I select all the splines that I used hit enter and the circular surface and here I have the projection so with the with the projection there I can already trim this surface against these splines and see how selection cycling is really helpful because it lets me select exactly what I want in this case I will remove the exterior so I just get this and now I can use for example loft between this side and this side I'll keep everything like a rule I mean the zero because many curves in architecture may get a little a little expensive to build so so I'll just I'll just make everything G zero and ruled that's one and fine you see all this control so this is about direct manipulation it's the whole concept that how many dialog boxes did you see in the two hours just rebuild dialog boxes I mean they're not bad they're not evil right it's not a new enemy but it takes time because you have to preview apply I mean right you you this keeps you focused on the building now I'm going to just do a I know let's say a circle here because I want to trim the roof against this circle I can see what I'm doing right now right just for the sake of fun I'll just do another circle down here this is what I call fun I mean nerds it's going to be slightly asymmetrical and I am going to basically trim this guy here against this circle and while I do this I'm going to start opening rabbits and and I'll blend this and these sorry I'll blend well I will end it with rabbits this and this it's coming and probably I want this side to be g0 because it's it's when it meets the the end here and I want this side to be g2 because maybe my roof continues down that wall with the same material and I want to continuty there so so I get this again how much time would you take to build something like this before even in Revit ah a bit right so why spend time when you can do it faster so and the nice thing about this again let me just keep iterating on the same idea is that if you grab this spline and you just say okay what happens if this it's a little bigger it changes right how many of you are architects one too many right you know I mean when two or three I could just meet and start talking about something there maybe it sounds like 28 years right so this is something that that you really want to have is the flexibility to to make those changes very fast so once I have this I want to convert this into a solid why because if I convert this into a solid rabbits can read the mass and if it reads a mass it can create slices for the floors right this is whole point here rabbits can understand the surface but if there's no mass inside they will not be able to cut a floor they will just be able to create walls so I'll be opening rabbits yeah try two days left guess I need to activate it and you file just a second this is very fast I'm not going to make the whole building it's just I'm just making other set how how to get it in so what I'm going to do is work on the massing environment which is where I would normally do consider designing rivets but in this case the massing environment will just bring the stuff already on in AutoCAD so I will go into massing the site I will do an in-place mass which is a mass done than here and I will insert cut link so I'm not importing I'm linking the AutoCAD file notice there you go why don't I have it there just in shape towers I'll just input the base now I'll tell him that this is meters and I want this origin to origin right because I want to keep the origin from altergott because I if I import many things and I keep the origin then everything will come into place ready by default we'll try to put everything on the center so everything will be understand to regardless where it was in AutoCAD and that kind of sucks right so you just do a region here and Revit is basically opening the AutoCAD file that I it's not it's not the one I did because I didn't save it you saw that so another tricky but I just have it had one already done so there was no issues there there you go but it's pretty pretty similar right there we go so I finish the mass and let's go to the three view and what I can what I can what I can do here now is for example create walls right but I'm going to create wall by face so I will define for example that the the location of the wall is what I'm touching is the interior for example and and now when I just click on this I'm carrying what you cannot see them there but let's do share it with edges and you stop seeing something there you go and for example I can also create a roof roof roof roof here it is by face or I could eventually just see if I can jump here and yeah let's just do the let's just do a roof there you go create roof you see it and now now comes the magic let's do elevation and in the elevation you see here is the just well there was all real elevation put here so I'll just put a little further up here there it is and now what I'm going to do is grab the mass think I move the roof but does not grab the mass and I do mass floors so I will intersect the whole thing with level two which is the one I want to slice okay I'm getting the slice there which I already got it and and now I will create a floor from this slice and I will take them out I will just change the visibility of the mass second it's already off right so remove the mass so they go mean what you see here is what I get I mean I didn't finish everything of course but I have my floor I have my roof I have some of the walls I can come here and for example say and updates for example that's fine I could create for example a schedule of this so I can get the area of this floor and based on any changes here because I decided this is too big or too small I can go back to AutoCAD change the surface risk opt resave and update here so you are not losing data and normally my experience unless it's just very small shop the designer and the guy that does the final details is different guy right one is more prone to to the diesels and knowing everything about the construction and the other one is more the artist so that's fine they can speak together I can work together and the last thing before I get some questions hopefully is I just want a sneak peek of sketchbook designer which is the new then you think that's that we just made the next thing about schedule designer is it allows you to be very flexible with just sketching so let's say that and there's again an example on the under on the handout let's say I'm gonna yes alias sketch is the old name when they decide to rebrand it and everything I pad I all that is called sketchbook now I'm just going to open sketchbook designer and I'm going to show you a couple of things you can do there if you're interested there's a class I'm doing tomorrow but schedule designer which is much longer because I'm talking about compositing and doing a lot of stuff but I just want to talk about surfaces here right because it's a lot of surface modeling this case so this is my schedule designer which works both for Mac hapc oh by the way like also that right and and I can do I can do better sketching so if I'm in a back to layer and I make just a stroke like this this is a spline right and again imagine this done with a tablet and a stylus which is the nice place to do this right so you may want to do something like this you also have control just like kind of in also cuts to to change a little bit the shapes here you can go and select the whole spline because this actually a spline select host line and try to see how you want forgive me I want this like that you can also trim the ends just like in AutoCAD right you can for example use transforms I I kind of love this and this looks like a bit not right but it's actually not a bitmap so when you end up doing all the transformations there you go you can now export curves into WG I'll just call it test this is AutoCAD 2010 okay AutoCAD open test curves splines for some reason I know the reason but it goes into paper space right because alien LS schedule schedule designer needs the scalar environment and model space of course is not scalar right I mean it has sizes proportions but it's not scalar it's not in stiffing unit right so it has to go into vapor space but anyways you can just grab here just to copy I mean cut and paste or whatever you want and take this into internal space you can rescale here if you need to right yeah but it will scale according to a page right and so that's why it brings it that - to paper space because paper space is the only place in also got in which you have predictability of size because you already set up your page to be I know a 4 B 2 or whatever I saw whatever right so that's the only thing predictable and out of that what if you go into model space it could be meter centimeters Armstrong's it somebody ever work with on Strong's but it's there right let's just change this I'm going to change into white so you can see what I did and this is what I would normally have done in a napkin sketch right on the other side so you have here the flexibility of a napkin sketch and even more because I don't recall being able to do this on a napkin right probably very drunk but not okay something like this and of course you can also make it look nice and go here and for example paint because I really want this to be something that looks approximately like this with this kind of shiny thing there and do whatever you want here or just sketch sketching a paint layer and and then your pencil becomes a real stroke raster image and you can take all that into AutoCAD so once you again you're not so good the good thing is that this became a set of surfaces that could have been extruded now this is a small extrusion but you can see what I did right so again I only talked about a sketchbook inventor and Revit I could have talked about showcase or max while while I kind of make the conclusion I'll just open a file in showcase so you can see a little bit the kind of stuff that we can do I hope to have one already there so questions before I kind of wrap up no it was overwhelming and also information yeah yeah I got that question before no you can't in also god you should be able to that I mean if for example if it's sheet metal you could an inventor those there's a plugin for Rhino that is supposed to already be there for AutoCAD the tariff lat isn't that one yeah Yeah right right so yes so the answer is that there are ways to do it if you have the right plugins as usual okay so let me see if I have something in my recent scenes okay so what somebody was yesterday on srong when we show Tron on yes no yeah you may have seen this we showed this speaker right actually I this made the scene out oh god I mean I mean this is not Oh God last Saturday at 2:00 a.m. because the senior VP wanted this speaker in AutoCAD showcase max and everything else it took me create all that shape in AutoCAD and take it to showcase and make the videos that you saw on the on the presentation all that work was two hours from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. from Saturday to Sunday I'm not saying I'm happy to do that but I'm saying that it's very fast right so you saw the video in AutoCAD so I don't even have to bring it up but I'm a I'm a right so what is this it's a set of surfaces right now all lace is solid now right but it's a it's basically two curves I think I'm not sure I got the the initial the initial from this not sure I have it but basically I I grabbed the sketchy familiar sketch I got the sides right so I created the the base so from the back of this became one surface right that was aloft between three guides three sections and two guides here and here then I made a patch that basically closed this I made a circle in front of it I just extruded it back and I made a trimmed it I made a feel it between both surfaces done looks complex I hope it looks nice but basically it's a and of course that taken into showcase and where you can apply and change materials and then do stuff like the one I did on the presentation right well that this is the view right right but I don't have the license here because it's connected to a server and I don't have access from here but I could change colors I could change environments illumination whatever here and and this is a nice way to make a presentation for a customer for your principal or whoever right your family one is out so what did you have to work this right so this can be used by pretty much anyone and it's part of the design suite and it's it's a great application so I just imported the file from AutoCAD and it catches the materials in AutoCAD so if you applied materials in AutoCAD they are there already if not you can just apply materials here or you want to change the materials you can do it here so my whole point here is just try to understand and this is the great thing about au right try to understand where are the where are the best points or the strongest points of each application right and see how how that kind of relates to your workflow and if you need something like this to make a better presentation or something like invented to go to fabrication or rabbits to create a build information model that's fine I mean do you know how to do everything in AutoCAD but don't go to the other extreme which is oh now I do BIM so autocar is a piece of crap because at the end of the day you need the crazy uncle a couple of times right so whenever you need flexibility also god is great whenever you need documentation other that is absolutely unbeatable right so and the good news is that it communicates well with the other applications so I wanted to make this as a the best classes possible for solid motor surface modeling but I just wanted to finish with the idea of whatever you do now it's okay I mean just just make sure that you're doing the right things in the right place right and don't be scared to do to try other things and to move to other applications as long as they are from altitude of course and because at least we ensure that things were correctly bit between them or at least the best we can so other questions or yes you may need to check it out on the uhm yeah again I can I can go fast I mean just don't look at my emails my class tomorrow is this one it's at 11:00 but I'm not sure that I mean I'll probably go tomorrow and ask for the for the room fits for 11:00 to 12:00 so okay any other questions no this is this is this is real time this is real time on screen besides a rendering I mean it's for anything you think I mean it's a I mean if you put a big building here it may suffer a little bit because there may be new many notes but I've tried with buildings and it works okay so okay thanks a lot everybody and the power track has finished
Channel: Autodesk University
Views: 198,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AU, Autodesk University, 2010, AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, Showcase, Surface Modeling
Id: a5hUTopsIeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 29sec (7409 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2011
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