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what is up everybody today I am at the Surf City Pier and we're gonna try to see if we can catch some monster fish so let's get started so earlier I was fishing at the the pier where my first video was and I caught a crab and we're gonna use some for bait because apparently they make good red drum and Sheepshead bait so let's go see how this does some sound drop it pretty much underneath the pier and see what happens okay so on this fraud we're just gonna see about catching whatever because I'm not really here for any particular goal or anything just gonna catch what's bite and divers have to shrimp on hope for the best you got one all right this is our first day pinfish this guy's pretty big put some put them in my cooler for later we got is our second you can fish but I'm gonna release him because we already have bait for later I guess so that last fish I saw something interesting happen I I was reeling him up and it looked like a on a black drum or something was chasing them or something sometimes I would eat them so I'm thinking about doing is next pin fish I catch I'm gonna self rely on underneath appear and see what happens because that was really interesting I just got some bait so to put it in the cooler for a second while I read up some ProStart reporter that's something bigger just took live bait oh it's a shark I know it's a so this is a blizzard fish all right this is our first you'll fish them today this is what is called a lizard fish look at that he tried to go after this it's crazy it's pretty cool pretty cool fish all right well we're gonna go ahead and let him go that was pretty cool okay so after that lizardfish what I'm thinking I'm gonna do is do the same thing but I'm gonna catch a small one on the small rod then cast it out a lot with live or cast it out live and then see what hits it I was surprised how fast that that actually happened because it was like not even five minutes I'd cast that pin fish out then the lizard fish laughter it's weird do that again see if we can get similar results now we're just throw it out there again we're just gonna put the left drag so I fished for another hour - but nothing went after the bait so I called up today but um you know I think that it was pretty cool you know we got to catch a giant lizard fish which I've never I don't think I've ever caught those are fish but um yeah but catch a lizard fish plenty of pin fish into the next few days I'm gonna be going to Naples Florida and we're gonna be trying to catch some snook tarpon Jack Ravel and black drum red drum in anything everything beyond so I'll meet you guys in Florida next week
Channel: 24-7 Fishing
Views: 2,925
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Surf city pier fishing, Surfcity fishing, lizard fish, how to catch lizard fish, pinfishing, pier monsters, catching pier monsters
Id: D3kyvHowODo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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