Supreme Court Vacates Rulings Against Vaccine Mandates

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all this is Dr moin Sayad from Dr welcome to one more show so I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice or legal suggestion this is a review of reporting for a Supreme Court decision about the challenges to vaccine mandates so I'll give you a summary first and then we'll go over the reporting the summary is this that there were three cases against the V seen mandates those three cases were from the district courts they Rose to the appet courts and the fifth circuit applet Court had ruled against the um plaintiffs and said that the Administration has a right to impose the mandates or they needed to go through a proper different process the um sixth Circuit Court I believe or another Court we see the court name in a second the another applet Court decided two cases in which they granted the motion of the plaintiffs to say yes mandates cannot be applied then all of these then the Biden Administration rescinded the vaccine mandates in May of 2023 however the the appeals had then ended up in the Supreme Court Supreme Court then made a decision on this 11th of December 2023 saying that this is a moot point and asked the the district courts to dismiss these cases as moot what that means is that these Court's decisions The District Court decisions will not become permanent and will not become a precedence that means if in the future another Administration applies the mandates then the whole process of challenging will have to be re relitigated and no previous precedence could be used so that is a summary of it let's just very quickly look at the reporting so this is government executive and I have no idea what their own leaning and positions are because of this I actually have the hill here as well I have CNN here as well so whichever catches your fancy you can read there but here is the reporting I thought the government executive and the hill had the most comprehensive reporting on it so this is Supreme Court Vates ruling restricting president's right to issue Federal Workforce mandate and this is by Eric cats who is a senior correspondent so here is what they're saying the Supreme Court on Monday this is December 11 2023 the Supreme Court on Monday ended the case against President Biden's covid-19 vaccine mandates for federal employees issuing a summary judgment instructing a lower court to dismiss the case as no longer relevant so the Biden ad administration had sought intervention from the higher Court after a panel of judges on the appet circuit ruled in favor of the plaintiffs feds for medical freedom and a union representing some Homeland Security Department employees in invalidating the Mandate even after Biden withdrew it the ABA decision by the ABA is I believe the whole bench the Aban decision ision by the US court of appeals for the fifth circuit had potentially wide ranging impacts on the president's capacity to issue Federal Workforce wide addicts but the Supreme Court vacated that decision in its expedited decision so that decision is vacated as mot that means any precedence set during these cases hearings or decisions will not be able to be used in the future the court will no not hear arguments on the case instead sending it back to the US District Court for the southern district of Texas that originally issued a nationwide injunction on the vaccine requirements the Supreme Court instructed the district court to vacate its preliminary injunction issued in January 20122 as moot rather than issue a permanent decision on the case so then a three-judge panel on the fifth circuit last year briefly overturned The District Court's injunction but the pause went back into effect in June 2022 when the full court agreed to rehear the case similarly the Biden Administration asserted in the in its request similar arguments it has made throughout the lengthy legal battle including that the president has long had the power to set policy regarding the conduct of federal employees and that civil servant must take their grievances through the processes spelled out in the civil service reform act so this is interesting um Sai Krishna prkash a University of Virginia law professor and author whose books have focused on the expanded power of modern presidents called the decision a win for the administration and Future presidents because it got rid of the potentially restrictive precedent set by the fifth circuit it also means groups will have to start from scratch if a president issues another similar requirement plaintiffs will have to relitigate the issue if there is another vaccine mandate prash said now here we believe that the United States Constitution clearly does not permit the federal government to force federal workers or any law abiding citizen to inject their bodies with something against their will said feds for Freedom president Marcus thoron in fact the freedom to control your own body and your own medical information is so basic that without the those Liberties it is impossible to truly be free at all we are disappointed that the Supreme Court dodged these important constitutional arguments and instead chose to vacate a case on technicalities so this is one just a little more color from the hill the Supreme Court wiped a series of rulings against rulings implicating the Biden administration's vaccine mandates for federal employees and military service members preventing the decision from holding the weight of President mandates of federal employees and apologies with the mandates descended the Justice the justices sided with the Biden Administration Monday in agreeing to set aside the lower rulings after deeming the dispute moot thus providing a clean legal slate for any future vaccine mandates so that is the thing and I think that you are aware that there was U courts had come to a conflicting conclusion in these cases but before The Supreme Court could weigh in on any of the appeals the vaccine requirements were cancelled on the federal employee mandate two appeals courts had arrived at opposite conclusions about whether federal employees had the ability to challenge the Constitutional constitutionality of the Mandate in court or whether they were required to instead first go through the Merit system protection board in one case broad by a Navy civilian employee the US court of appeals for the District of Colombia circuit ruled in March that federal law required the msbp a few days later the US court of appeals for the fifth circuit issued a conflicting decision in favor of an organization called feds for medical freedom and various other plaintiffs so this is some reporting the links are in the description of this video the uh the basic point is that the Supreme Court has asked the district courts to dismiss these as moot so there is no PR set against the mandates or for the mandates all of that is cleared out wiped out and when there are mandates again if there are mandates again then the whole process and whole um challenge will have to be relitigated so this is the discussion thank you very much for watching like subscribe and share and I would see you again bye for now
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
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Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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