Supreme Court sides with White House in dispute over social media posts removal | full coverage

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that was brought uh by some social media uh users and States uh to try and prevent the uh Biden Administration from reaching out to social media platforms to urge them to remove uh misinformation information that uh they deemed could be dangerous medical misinformation say with having to do with covid and vaccines or election misinformation or misinformation uh developed from you know deep fakes Russian Chinese Etc like that the lower courts had sided with those TR uh challenging it uh asking uh that the states prohibit uh asking the court prohibit the Government Federal Government from reaching out to these social media platforms it was a 63 decision Supreme Court cited with the Biden Administration saying it can reach out to try and urge social media platforms to remove misinformation um so this is a critical decision there's one more important uh First Amendment decision still pending uh this votes well for the administration on that one as well but important for the intersection of misinformation First Amendment rights and the internet yeah so Scott what were they uh arguing uh against the Biden administration were they just simply saying they didn't believe that the federal government had any right to interfere with the business activities of a social media company and that it came down to the First Amendment because anybody watching this is going to say look uh I want to combat misinformation I don't want my children I don't want people in in my family being uh exposed to misinformation well that's exactly right so those individuals in the states challenging the Biden Administration we're saying uh that we don't want the administration to have the power to even reach out to social media platforms and say look this is dangerous misinformation directed say at teens or directed at uh voters or directed at people who might be considering you know Medical Treatments they wanted the Biden Administration and future administrations to have no power whatsoever to reach out uh to social media platforms Supreme Court 63 decision interestingly led by Amy cornet Barrett uh said no the administration does have power to reach out and attempt to uh ask the media platforms if you will to remove disinformation all right Scott Frederickson breaking down the decision uh in merthy versus Missouri uh seems like it's the only one we're getting today we'll be on scotus watchat again tomorrow Scott and I'm sure you'll be with us we appreciate you look forward to it thanks flot all right we have a lot more that we're watching uh Wall Street Journal uh reporter Evan gershkovich is uh in behind a glass cage this morning folks this is just horrible uh he doesn't look good he is in that cage for the start of his Espionage trial in Russia we're going to take a look at what his case is all about about you're streaming CBS news [Music] 24/7 coming up our series Wait a Minute Tom is that you working the C
Channel: CBS News
Views: 6,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbs news, news, live news, livestream, breaking news, supreme court, scotus, congress, social media, biden administration, murthy v missouri
Id: hvsjzwpelk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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