SUPPORTING & HONORING YOUR MAN OF GOD - A Message By Pastor Phillip Goudeaux II

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all right got your Bibles you got your Bibles just grab your Bible and say I'll receive everything in here amen ask your neighbor now do you receive what did they say what did they say did they say yeah all right we got a section for the non receivers in the back amen what an honor and a privilege to be Wow did y'all start the clock already for real now that's not fair coz the music was still playing okay Wow and this you know you integers that don't play favorites you no matter what your name is when you get up the clock is started what on that note what an honor and a privilege to be here right now I know that this man of God is a real man of God and that he ankle just let anybody come up here and preach over y'all amen and so after watching him all my life and going through the different phases and transitions that I've gone through I have come to a level of appreciation of him and my of my mother and he he and my mother I didn't go to that class but uh I love my parents and I appreciate them and I appreciate them believing in me through some tough a man I want to acknowledge one of the main reasons why the transition went through so smoothly mom and dad planted some seeds and gave some weapons and restrictions and then when I thought I had successfully eluded them he gave me a woman after my father's own heart they born nine days apart they born nine days apart and all of the things that I thought I got away with now lives in my house again now this is a mini sermon this is a mini sermon don't run from God he got better plans than you do and more people work for him than you got working for you amen amen he runs faster than you do just accept correction when he's giving it to you or get it later get it later my wife naomi is a great blessing to me I love her she is hey meet me most pastors had a wives stand up but she's so fine I don't want you brothers looking at her like that mama say don't start none won't be none you're on saying a man a man get the family photograph from last Christmas you'll see a man a man a man now some of y'all got this long look on your face I give in sucking limits let me just a deal with that real quick God have a sense of humor God has a sense of humor come on the platypus something all too committed to get that picture in the air now the aardvark yeah somebody I don't even know what that here is up right yeah ha ha you have yourself a man a man well that he made me he made me and I'ma be me as much as I honor and respect my dad I cannot be him and God didn't make a mistake when he made me and I gotta be me but I can still follow him yeah I got some stuff for y'all this morning are you ready are you ready whoa the message this morning is called just support so man of God it's a matter of life and death some of us we just got to make up in our minds that we are going to support our man of God a lot of things will start to change in your personal life when you make a decision and lock in to your decision I wish I could teach on that a little bit I don't have time to hit that today but too much indecisiveness with the children of God I'll start this and then our and then I'll stop it if my feelings get hurt in the middle our powers and if they get hurt enough I'll rewind and they get hurtin up I'll just switch the tape altogether no no no listen listen who is so much okay and check this out I ain't goin rush because of this clock I did that before and and it didn't work out good dr. Godot has given me third Wednesday and Thursday night services where I can finish this if I need to do your that echo it's a little bit of an echo okay open your Bibles to Exodus Exodus chapter 17 Exodus chapter 17 see there's a lot of craziness going on in the world right now I'll tell you you if you want to get depressed just cut on the news government shutdowns and things along the line kind of fear being pumped out people putting in Florida and in the East Coast now they're putting HIV HIV infected syringes under the handles of of gasoline under the gasoline handles so that people because people just you know without thinking just grab those handles 17 people so far have been pricked with those syringes and ten of them have been since tested and tested positive for HIV and I just found that out looking through my Instagram pictures the other day what am I saying it's a lot of craziness going on in the world today but you know what I got a piece that came over me the other day a piece that came over with a revelation the piece came with a revelation what was that revelation plasma field thank you for asking the revelation was our ain't in this kingdom government shutdowns money being all-in-one you you know currency and the crazy things that people have to be afraid of I realize I don't got to be afraid of that stuff I ain't from here listen the Bible says we are in this world we ain't from here we not of this world my Bible says my citizenship is of heaven oh I got a heavenly zip code now that's only good news to you if you work in these principles of the kingdom because as passive enroll brought out this morning and I know I'm hollering right off the bat but they start the clock early I was gonna build up to this as Pastor Rick had brought out you can be sitting right here underneath the Word of God receiving the Word of God and still be lost you can still be lost why because you have violated or are not activating or operating in the principles that God has already set forth listen we got a lot of time to go over this real quick okay I want y'all to pray with me that when I leave this direction we go I'm gonna hit the ground come on pray Saints pray why you laugh it enter need to pray why is it not a reason to break because a rule or laws already established and y'all have learned that law through various experiences amen we don't need to pray for certain things certain things we just need to obey the law or the principle that God has already established amen now let's do what they clap I see some of y'all won the clap right now we don't have time to clap they started the clock early a man a man I want to talk to you after service clock man all right here we go I found I found a valuable key that has changed my life and I want to just share it with you if that's okay I want to share with you and-and-and-and I found out he found out this key that the success or the outcome of my life was not bound up inside of me only was not bound up inside of me only but was actually tied or connected to a gift that God had placed in my life let me I know I wrote that down five something this morning here let me let me clarify when God when we hear the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the thoughts and the plans that I have for you say is God but you decided how thoughts and plans of a future you know we get excited we get excited but those plans don't just have only you in it yeah come on there are some people huh so people God has strategically in the planned place in your life to develop you to grow you to uh you go to Calvin Krishna Center to stretch you what's I do I go to definitely don't stay right in front of him right over here to stretch you as a part of the plan yes they're good plans yes they're good thoughts but the president of thoughts have everything to do with you accepting the plans as he has laid them out Exodus 17 woo is just as it is you know I didn't know that God was gonna stretch me so much by making the person that would be the one to stretch me and to you know to help develop me God went an extra one on me and he put two of them in one man my biological father is also that man now hold on a second hold on a second you might say well like you're lucky what a blessing and a privilege I'll tell ya well I'm a look here brother I mean I have stood up here in this and I've had some ungodly thoughts with me where I cursed them and cast them down but you know it's like you know what you don't have the slightest clue let me paint a little picture for you real quick don't stuff that come from people that you love and admire and esteem highly when criticism come from them it hurt a little bit more than somebody you don't care that about case in point husbands and wives a scrub can come up to you and say I don't like your outfit and I could be life's mother there like it anyways but when your husband wives tell you that's an ugly dress whoo Gold Minister mr. Bailey a man huh when a husband say baby that's an ugly dress man that ladies that might stick with you all week long you didn't warn 13 dresses since then you still struggle that one dress hold on a second my husband said it was ugly so it wasn't always a cakewalk it was some benefits to having your biological father also be the instrument that God would use to develop me but there were some challenges on my part yinz that is a major play whose party was on it was me it was me I was tripping but let's deal let's deal with some of the error because some of you I see I'm past it I'm blessed listen here I'm blessed but it's a result of a revelation and a change that's another message well you can get all the revelations you won't you won't see no results until you actually change change they change until this okay okay this is alright smart class today smart class today okay so let's just settle one thing right now we don't have the dreamy luxury and I do mean dreamy luxury we don't have the dreamy luxury of having a leader or a overseer that we just agree with everything we just love every decision they make we agree with every word they say we just love it we don't have that luxury listen we're all different I got I got twin nephews I got twin nephews right now it was born over the same day I was there excuse me translation I was there present in the hospital they are twins they different one of them will tackle him on sight mark him Clara and Marlon he just chooses the mean mug approach mark here will run up and tackle me uncle uncle Martin look at me some are book everything all right with you I did differences we got them we got a deal with them we have differences listen that doesn't change God's plan for your life you a listen here you want you want to get what God have for you you need to make some adjustments and don't be looking for the person God brought to you to make the adjustments who said who who this these are multiple messages that I can't teach today I'm going to stay on track i'ma stay on track okay Exodus 17 and let's look at start with verse 1 and 2 King James Version says and all of the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of sin after their journeys according to the commandment of the Lord and according to the commandment of Who the Lord the LORD commanded this are we clear on that are we in agreement and pitched in read of him or ready for whatever that is are and there was no water for the people to drink hold on a second hold on let's just establish I'm real quick the Lord told me go this direction they are obedient just like the man of God will be obedient to God and do what God tells us to do it sometimes the man of God don't have the luxury of God telling him more than what God wants to tell him sometimes you'll get it a commandment just go don't bring nothing but your walking stick and the closures out on you go that direction more instructions to follow the Bible says God commanded the people to go they were being obedient to God and they end up in a place with no water o people starting to get uncomfortable we doing what the Lord say but what we're doing what the Lord say don't necessarily mean we will always be comfortable it's right here in the word I I didn't write this is in your Bible too right okay let's keep reading let's keep reading there was no water for the people to drink yet the Lord sent them look at this verse - wherefore the people did chide or cheater that word with Moses it means to contend with Moses 2013 they started tripping they start tripping with the man of God listen and all the men of God is doing is doing what God told him to do this happens in the church and listen it happened in my own personal life we don't understand everything and everything don't always look fair so the people got discomforted like you will do when you're stretching when you're following the Lord when you don't understand everything if people got discovered it and they start trippin with the man of God look at this look at this and said give us water that we may drink and Moses said unto them why are you trippin with me wherefore do ye tempt the Lord now hold on a second hold on a second they trippin with Moses but Moses said why are you jabbing at the Lord right now why are you uh testing why are you why are you poking at God right now or trying to antagonize God why do you tempt the Lord since a lot of things shut down in some of our lives because we thought we was just contending with the man of God but you're not contending with the man of God especially when he's obeying and following God okay things happen while following God that are out of the pastor's control things happen but listen before you got all high-minded and religious you remember stuff happening in your life that you had great intentions and you thought you will planned out and it didn't quite work out like you planned it only no aside to go to his me moves from every direction I'm scary we are security these happen while pastors are following the command of the Lord that are unexpected and sometimes he doesn't even know to look for he following God he had no way of knowing God didn't say go over to this land and ain't gonna be no water over there I tell people to slow down and read the Bible you readin it like his huckleberry fear know this the Word of God it's pregnant it's alive here it is a man of God called of God miracle signs and wonders following his life that's what drew you in the first place and now when things get discomforted you got the gall to contend with the man of God and really you contend an attempt to the Lord so somebody got some answers right now for why some things are happening the good news is as long as there's breath in your lungs blood in your veins you can make a change you can make a change pastors and leaders called and appointed by God don't have the luxury of knowing all of God's mind Deuteronomy 29:29 write it in your notes says the secret things belong to the Lord now this is going to revelation real quick own secret why is it a secret could it be because you don't know about it isn't at the point of a secret I just want to let the revelation flow because somebody read that too quick and didn't get the revelation it's a secret because you don't know it listen and it belongs to the Lord so you ain't gonna steal it so there is a benefit in settling in your mind and in your heart aren't going to understand everything it don't that make sense it makes sense to just know that even if the man of God you're not going to have the luxury of understanding everything that God tells you to do through him secret things belong to the Lord but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children see I got caught up as a youngster tripping off in the secret things see I'm tripping out the fact that dad is called to the ministry instead of playing catch on Saturday he's studying for y'all I start tripping that's one of the secret things god I called this man of God God I called this man Atty I would understand why all the time but I started tripping over one of the secret things that was about to steal from me the things that are revealed that was so good at his job that King got people tripping over stuff that you will never understand stuff that God has determined you won't understand my thoughts are not your thoughts saith God my ways is not your ways and don't try to figure it out they as high as the heavens are from the earth we're having that you don't know you don't know so let it go you ain't going to understand everything the enemy wants to get you tripping so much off of the secret things that you could never receive the things that are revealed see I wasn't shipping off dad when he was breaking me off all in brand-new bikes and Playstation twos and threes and I went jumping off of the reveal vans it's a secret to me while he was called but the revelation was the things that were revealed through his obedience to that call I didn't have a problem with we don't have to worry about faith in good times but where you faith that during troubled times so the enemy knows that your future is connected to the man of God but do you know everything that God wants to do in your life can be hindered because you have rejected the connection between you and the man of God or the gift that he gave you this is why I pastor Rick have the testimony of the people that walk away cuz they got mad about something and then we always see him limping back come on we always see him limping back why you should have just stayed like the like the twelve that did and say listen here where we gonna go you got the bread alive listen here it ain't always easy but we recognize you did he come limping back they come living back why because nobody can feel the slot that God has already predestined and playing they might have wrong praise and worship might have Barham ministers that call you back the same day that you call they might have people that lay hands on you let you feel feel something ha but nothing will replace God's plan for your life in the set man for the plan and the enemy know who that set man is the question now is do you know who he is cuz if you know who he is your change attitude now oh my god your change the words that come out of your mouth I ain't passing a condemnation around I don't have condemnation to give you I'm giving you some good advice listed here and this ain't that not read out of no book this is personal experience a blockage or a brick wall that I can never get over until God was able to reveal to me that this man wasn't just my daddy you better get over it you better get over it I'll be sitting out there scraping up dog doo doo is April up in his August you know don't do the snake worse than August the son done baked it real good I'm sitting there mumbling in my mind it's ain't even my dog look at this runny piece of duty right here - see that's that cheap dog foodie - that's what that here that's that Oh Roy right there oh my god six minutes here we go this is listen I'm sitting here setting up my own brick wall thank God I got Wednesday and Thursday night we gonna come back to this okay but listen listen to me listen to me listen to me I know the thoughts and the plans that I have for you say a god any good thoughts he could plans but I gave you a will if you're gonna follow him or not you got it you got a will if you want falling they are good thoughts and they're good plans some of y'all just want to get over whatever happened that you don't understand we bout to read something right now that goes past understanding but that's why he gave us peace that surpasses understanding this I'll give you some peace that'll get you past your mind cuz I had a mind I walk like you want I became a man I was tempted like you tempted listen I will give you peace that are override because everything I want to do for you will call for you to override your knowledge of the natural cuz what I want to do for you ain't in the natural it's gonna show up in the natural but it come from the spirit that's why the things that the things that you mumble under your breath still count that's another message for another time whoa okay just just jump down here to verse 11 see our future our future our future depends our future depends on the healthy relationship between us and the man that God determined to be the instrument to bring us there God always use a man or a woman he always uses a vessel to help but none of us supposed to get there on our own look at verse 11 here look at verse 11 okay alright so let me just bring it in here for you real quick so some phone jumped off so phone jumped off and now we got to go to war here in the same chapter where the people started to contend with the man of God over some things they didn't understand now we in the battle now we in the battle now its own verse 8 says then came amalek and fought with Israel in the our spot and Moses said to Joshua choose us out near to go out and fight with mlx of all I will stand on top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand so Joshua did as Moses had said to him and fought with Emily and Moses and Aaron and Hur went up on the top of the hill and it came to pass when Moses held up his hand that Israel prevailed and when he let down his hand Amalek prevail all see hands going so suit listen you're mad at the men of God over things that you don't understand but you understand that this man is coming at you with the sword right now you do understand that you understand that spear that they trying to hit you with we're in the battle and listen here when a man of God's hands is lifted up they win in the anointing has on them too prosper they don't understand everything they was just mad at him over things that they don't understand but listen here but if you just get past what you don't understand there is some things that God want to do for you huh supernaturally that don't make no sense what sense does it make that when a man lifts up his hands all of a sudden these swords and spears don't work like they used to they don't make no sense but you enjoy that benefit so when you understand that what you want to do you want to keep his hands lifted come on let me what can I do so get his hands lift it up mister I don't care if it's working in the children's ministry keep that man's hands up when the hands start coming down because he got a do stuff that he not supposed to have to do because you won't support him you won't help him now his hands got to come down that don't just affect him that affect you proverbs 29 says the that where there's no vision the people perish the people bare is not a person we perish without a vision when you don't understand the importance of keeping his hands up 34 seconds let me tell you like this the Bible goes on to say read it for yourself Bible goes on to say that two men came one on one arm and one on the other arm now look here imagine them sitting right here one man can do the job stand behind him look at me one man can do the job of holding up the hand they could just take shifts but the brothers say listen here this a man we even want to play with just say this is our family down here that's our brother down there fighting that's all go down there fighting why even take the risk of taking shifts look here let's double connect and protect this man of God let's do extra my future is tied up in him I'm out of time I'll see y'all Wednesday night
Channel: Dr. Phil Goudeaux
Views: 36,031
Rating: 4.6448598 out of 5
Id: yMDsR75FVRw
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Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2013
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