Superpowerful Flame 5072 ℉ • Produce Hydrogen from Water - Do it yourself

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inside of this there is water water is made by oxygen and hydrogen but right now because it's a liquid is impossible to make them burn instead if I can bring them in a gas state I can burn very easy and these two gases will burn at a very high temperature almost like the temperature that is around the Sun and high temperature I guarantee you also professions like jewelry or dentist use this type of flame to make little welding's wear that are very very strong so I'm here in the shop I think that this will be a very handy project so follow me for couple mins I'll show you what's in my mind [Music] okay let's start the project I choose these that are stainless steel cups usually I use in kitchen for cooking muffins or something like this is very important to choose stainless steel because otherwise we'll get too rough see very soon inside the water with a marker I can mark some holes two in the middle and some smaller ones all around the smaller ones are just like Eric South for air bubbles that will form under the cup and the two ones determine the middle are for placing two electrodes later on you will understand what I mean so after drilling all twenty of the plates this is the result we've got ten millimeter hole and one that is eight millimeter and all around three millimeters hold I repeat you are just for a pan Eric's house let me take now two stainless steel threaded bars these are 35 centimeters long and a plastic tube the plastic tube is very important because is used to isolate electrically the two electrodes so using a scissor I can cut away sections from this little tube I am talking about section long about one centimeter and I repeat this procedure 20 times so I got a lot of sections and I will use them to isolate the place yes I remember you did we've made earlier holes on the plate and these holes are for inserting the two threaded bars the one that is big that is ten millimeters wide is such a precise feat that I can insert a plastic tube and keep it there without glue or anything with faith there very firmly I repeat this procedure 20 times on the plane so let's start putting the electrodes there is a hole that is 8 millimeter it is a small one and as you can see the threaded bar fit there such a precise so precise that no not necessary welding or soldering with a soldering iron is it stays there so we put the first plate the other that one has to be placed in the opposite direction so be careful where I am putting the plastic and where I'm treading hot toys so I repeat this procedure 20 times always putting opposite plates so we have one that have plastic on the left and I'll put the other ones on the right the left right left right and this repeat this is repeated to all the times so a plastic container is used to put some water in it also a cap is very important because I want to seal it here on the top and I make goes to holes so that I can insert the two stainless steel electrode I put also some not here on the threaded bars and insert now the cap and I secure the cap on the top with other two nuts I use now a tester to make sure that the two electrodes and also all the place doesn't touch each other it only beeps when there is a short circuit so I'm pretty sure that now everything is mounted forth in the correct way so I can put everything inside a plastic container remember to make also a hole here on the side this hole is used to collect hydrogen and oxygen so a little tube is secured in place I can't read it and maybe also add some super glue to seal it so from this to Tahoe I will collect oxygen and hydrogen I then need to make something that keep the project much more safe in this case I'm talking like AB is called the bubbler and is used to make sure that the fire doesn't get back in the first container is made just taking two little PVC tubes and also a shampoo container this is the shampoo container I made two holes here on the cap and I can insert the two tubes be careful one as you can see stops here just on the cap and the other one goes a little bit further so that can reach the bottom of the container the first one that reached the bottom of the container is connected to the generator so let me take now a container so that we can mix water this is distilled water and I can mix it with baking soda because usually distilled water works like an insulator doesn't conduct at all electricity I need to have something like baking soda that instead will create a very highly conductive fluid I can then pour this water inside the main container I think I'll feel fill it up covering all the earth since two plates and stop almost a centimeters under the exhaust tube that is here on the right let me take now the Little Shop container and I can fill it up also with water in this case very simple tap water works great I repeated this is a safety system that will create bubbles and this will stop and in place fire so let's since that on the other side of this cube what I have to make I'm talking about torch this is also very important piece of this project because have to have the right dimension and in this case the nozzle is this copper nozzle is usually used in mig welding and this have a little hole in the front is 0.4 millimeters wide I can screw it here on this brass tube and nitin then take this this is brass fiber I took it apart from inside a microwave you can find it in front of the magnetron and I can cut it away you can also use any type of fibers in this case brass is great because doesn't get rust in two type so I can make it round with my fingers and then I can insert the brass fibers inside the brass tube I'm creating like this a flashback arrestor in the case of a flame we'll want to go back inside the brass tube will burn only the fire the oxygen and hydrogen that is inside the brass tube and doesn't get back all the way inside all these transparent tubes and inside the main container so this is a very good solution in this case this safety is very very important for this project because this gas burn very very easy I also made this transformer this is a 5 volts but almost 50 amp ere a so it's very very powerful and then connect positive and a negative to these leads [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow I think that this project came out great it looks amazing we told with all these stainless steel plates and also the flashback arrestor works smoothly yes I never had accident and this is very important because using this type of gas could be very dangerous oxygen and hydrogen burn very easy and the frame can travel back in steady tubes and also in the big container in the first container and can make make it explode so a flashback arrestor and a bubbler are absolutely necessary so it's not my first hydrogen project I'm doing couple years ago I also made a very strange prototype that used three containers and in one of this container you can blow water using the power of your mouth then this can pressurize hydrogen and oxygen which means that you get very much bigger flame a stronger one was a very nice project so it was an Italian video because at that time I wasn't doing English videos but I think that visually you can understand almost everything about it I put you a link here below and also if you're interested on how I made the transformer which could be something very very expensive in this case is a 5 volt but almost 50 or 60 unpair it's a very powerful one and you need to have a lot of fun pairs to do this type of job usually people use those car batteries but this is on only 5 volts works great works great the water or after half an hour 20 minutes starts to get hot so this is the bad part of the project but porks great so I leave you with today so I leave you with the two videos I was talking about check it out if you enjoyed this project leave a thumbs up this is really really appreciated helps a lot my oncoming projects see you next week with another [Music]
Channel: Rulof Maker
Views: 2,116,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hho, hydrogen, flame, torch, hydroxy, browns, gas, water, fuel, water torch, hho cutting, Gasoline (Fuel), Fire, Energy, Power, Climate, Oxyhydrogen, Green, Free, Electric, Electricity, Generator, high temperature, how to make, how to, homemade, self made, tutorial, do it yourself, make, hand made, recycle, scrap parts, stainless steel, kitchen cups, rulof maker, rulof, HOH, Electrolysis, Water, Fuel, Hydrogen, Hydroxy, OxyHydrogen, EBN, Builders
Id: oNS8UvrrzYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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