Supermarket Simulator - Ep. 1 - Building an Empire

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what's up guys and welcome to supermarket simulator I've got a classic case of the Mondays today so I figured what better thing to do than try out a new presumably pretty chill game so let's jump in we'll see what this is all about you'll start with a small store and grow to an awesome Supermarket start by purchasing Goods to sell and place them onto the shelves don't forget to set prices uh with the profit to avoid bankruptcy awesome sounds sounds like a plan well we've immediately got to decrease the sensitivity my God okay that seems a little bit better oh and there's traffic too got a truck driving by some people walking around the neighborhood got a hotel over here ooh sports car that's pretty sick kind of looks like a Pagani z a little bit what is this storage okay well we're not we're not quite ready for that I don't think let's start by just uh buying a few things so we've got a market here management and Bank let's hit the market first we get to immediately just try to fill our shelves with whatever the heck we want we've got olive oil pasta uh powdered sugar it's sugar powder uh flour sliced bread and cereal so if I were to buy just one of these that would be 12 correct okay that seems right I guess I'm just going to buy a box of everything to get us well we we can we we actually don't have that kind of money just yet we're going to start with cereal sliced bread and that's it we're going to be left with about 24 cents which isn't IDE deal we've got to we've got to flip this new product uh really really quickly I want it just like that it's already dropped off okay so here's our bread get that opened up and how do we actually put it into the Shelf we just place it one by one okay nice and easy we should be able to fill this entire shelf then or is that it yep she's empty what do we do with our cardboard boxes got a trash over here so G is drop R is throw C is close and then we can interact with left click I'll I'll try to I'll try to pick it up usually I'm I'm pretty slow with this this type of thing we can also throw let's get her opened up and there's our Chaka pick got a little teddy bear on it sounds good all right let's throw this box out as well and we are ready for business no we're not we have to set the prices so we bought it for 99 a pop market price is$ 396 why don't we just go with 396 then that's $396 whoops so we'd be making $2.97 uh per loaf of bread sold but what about the seral over here 5.98 got to remember the decimal otherwise we're going to be trying to sell this for uh just shy of 600 bucks so$ 299 would be our profit per box of cereal oh and we're closed all right let's switch that around we are open any minute now the customers are going to be lining up see what this lady's going to buy oh do we actually get to scan stuff too that might be kind of fun see what we have to do here oh we just click on everything that's easy nice and easy oh no oh how how much cash did she give me oh $10 okay so 6 cents is her change sorry ma'am I I'm new at this and then how do we actually give it to her oh space bar okay hey have a good one ma'am thanks for stopping in feel free to come grab your uh your cereal and your bread oh this guy's got a card thank you sir got our total right down here on the corner of the display 598 there we are no math required I love it this lady same deal as the last got a credit card this time so 994 994 dunzo how we doing today sir you having a good day okay some skrilla we yeah we can do we can do the math on that he gave us a 20 so we need a 10 and 6 cents finished next cash again okay out of a 20 so that's going to be 14 we're going to do 10 four ones and two pennies thank you ma'am have a good one dude business is booming these people know what they need they know where to get it 9.94 there we are enjoy your day got another customer dude so we need to perform 25 checkouts is our that's our current objective but we're we've already made our money back dude we're sitting at $519 now I want to see people buy like multiple of the cereal and the and the loaves of bread she give us a she give us a card oh she gave us exact change thanks ma'am really appreciate that save saving my Dome on this on this Monday morning dude I I need that need that pretty badly all right just a loaf of bread and exact change perfect thank you so much it's nice that we don't have to count the cash that they're giving us too it's going to be 9.94 again have a good one brother thanks for stopping in I need a dude I need a drink already I guess now the business has kind of slowed down a little bit and we've got some more money uh let's let's try to buy maybe something else how about some pasta no let's let's go olive oil it's going to leave us with $55 remaining perfect we we'll get her coming got this dude over here what's going on brother man just the two things for you today sounds good got any big plans for the week nope okay that's see you later and cash exact change we love it thank you sir and $4 is your change one two three and four and two pennies thank you so much oh let's get our our new shipment how's it going sir good to see you help yourself to to whatever you need I'm going to put this on a new shelf sorry sir let me move out of your way real quick and I will be right with you let me just throw this cardboard box out and actually get this stuff ready for sale $450 we could really hike up these prices too I'm sure profits going to be $3 per bottle of olive oil got some chocolate uh cereal exact change again thank you sir I like the suits I'm getting some Real Men In Black Vibes here he also came in just for one thing of olive oil which is very sus but there you are my man enjoy it whatever you're going to do with that let's get a couple more things coming we're going to need more cereal we're going to need more sliced bread and let's add flour now that's going to be $54 we'll have $40 remaining I do really like the instant delivery that's that's kind of Handy okay flower is done just like that let me help this guy quick and then we'll get the rest of that stuff got some bread some olive oil on card today 846 46 gotcha hey have a good one got another guy coming in let's get the rest of this stocked up if we can this is our bread try to get that put on the Shelf where it was already being sold maybe the the price will will save that way we go looks like that box is empty sorry ma'am I didn't mean to Sprint right through you with a box that's my bad just a loaf of bread for you today brother and 4 cents you got it got our first flower sale here out of 50 out of it's $6 you gave me $50 for you know what else I just realized well time's ticking down on us I just realized that we forgot to price the flower which is not ideal but let me give this lady her change there's 40 we need three and 90 two gotcha all right yeah it's very dark in here guys do we have we don't have any lights oh yes we do okay sorry about that um really quick I need to I need to I need to price this it's 371 should be 371 there we are okay sorry sorry it's things are already getting away from me what do we got exact change thank you so much sir saving my Dome today and 50 cents that's well I guess you're getting two quarters sorry 20 cents 21 I'm [Music] sorry why would he give me a $100 bill all right man uh you're not really making this easy on on me why why do they keep doing this I don't understand 91 uh 50 79 okay so then four of those go on get we need just one more checkout dude but look we're already like running out of stuff we got $108 now whoops I was accidentally typing up there okay so we need need or wait did I get the rest of the stuff put away we've got more cereal got more cereal right here oh and the clock has stopped now so we must close at 9900 p.m. that's my guess we're good on bread we're good on cereal we need more olive oil let's add pasta powdered sugar and then maybe a little bit more flour now that's actually been selling pretty dang well closed after 900 PM bummer okay well we're gonna have to order that up in the morning let's get the lights shut off get our sign move to close where do we sleep oh press enter to finish the day okay we just we just sleep right here right on the ground works for me got some statistics here store points 131 I wonder what we're going to be able to use the store points for you'll receive daily daily Bills starting today make sure to pay the bills using your computer before their due date or they'll be paid automatically the more electrical devices the more expensive the bills all right well let's get our lights on start uh start racking that bill up and then let's go ahead and make that purchase let's check out the management app now see what we have in here required store level three for product license oh that's how we get more products added to the shop I've got you so that's the licenses bills will be here growth section two so we get to expand the supermarket later on we can also hire a cashier I'm not against that I'm definitely not against that storage is currently locked customization says coming soon bank accounts payments are right here okay so maybe we can take out a loan it looked like there were like some installments or something oh dude I forgot to open the dang store my bad let's get this stuff sh shelves really quick oh we can actually stack more per shelf can we pick stuff back up yeah there we go let's get that outed down there and we'll put sugar on top of flour try to keep some stuff together looks like we can fit eight per Shelf with this one got to make sure that we get it um get get the price set though so 115 is what we're buying it for we can sell it comfortably at 483 got it all right it's about $3 profit not too shabby dang this lady just stocking up okay so they will buy multiple products that's good to know this is going to be 1988 well this is a good year that was a good year I remember it well got some cash uh $250 8 cents gotcha cash again this one's going to be out of 40 so they need 18 it's 15 16 17 18 and 38 35 36 37 38 thank you so much ma'am enjoy your day all right just the uh just cereal today huh 50 out of $50 out of50 whole dollars dude these people are wild there you are I'm half tempted to set the price uh to better better numbers so math is easier for me but it's okay we're we're hanging in there right we're hanging in there 1 two three 21 gotcha kind of forgot I had all this other stuff out there we got some pasta put that up on this shelf see how much we can stack here we've got some olive oil get that thrown away let me set the price on this gentlemen and I will be right with you $3 12 cents olive oil already set all right we're chilling we are chilling what's going on brother man got some cash today out of six you need two pennies thanks so much bread a thing of flour on card it's going to be 1163 today sir appreciate it have a good one some sugar and some pasta what you making what you what you whipping up with this brother some sugar pasta just some sugar today on card that's going to be 483 598 for you today brother oh store level now three hang on we can do something with that right let's exit out of this back to management it was product license for more stuff I'm not against that oh required store level for our first cashier is level 10 that seems so far away we can't do anything with growth until 4 I wanted to do growth before getting more products well we can't even purchase that CU it's $200 dang dollars but that's also our next objective to purchase that thing so we're we're going to want to do it basically there we are man how we doing some olive oil two loaves of bread on a card $692 my guy you came in for one olive oil and you gave me a $100 bill all right we can do this we can do this easy no problem thank you for paying with card I really really appreciate that $312 next what we got here1 1866 so he needs a do and 34 we got $200 now we got 221 we have a decent amount of stuff still still in stock let's just go ahead and do it let's just get it over with dude cuz next time we restock we'll be able to buy even more things we might even need some more shelves uh before we can really do that cash today that's going to be 2 cents two cents is your change and we just oh dude is grabbing all the bread all of it okay what do we got here exact change perfect thank you sir love you love you buddy it's going to be too low of bread and two cereals yep I I I did kind of watch you uh pick that out so hopefully that's not super weird um 1988 again great year such a good year all right we've only got one more hour of the store being opened today we're going to have [Music] to w we don't really have enough money okay it's 9900 p.m. but there are still people in here somehow maybe it's because I have the sign open still not really sure exact change thanks sir sorry to hold you up and we've got $4 for change 26 gotcha all right perfect yeah we don't we don't really have that much left so maybe we just get our order ready for tomorrow I'm just going to be buying all the stuff that we have already but this is what we have that's new bottled water cheese uh dark roast coffee eight pack of eggs milk and black tea so we're moving up we just unfortunately can't quite purchase that yet SI end of day two we satisfied 24 customers that's not too shabby we made $254 and we spent about $250 so total profit $4 for the day let's start the the next day T Palace see computer for more details what's that about let me just buy what we had in our carts but there's definitely a green arrow here does that just mean that the price is going up we could also just kind of drop our boxes over here and sort of restock stuff as we start to sell out of it it's maybe not the worst idea $4.50 for you today ma' have a good one appreciate the business yeah let's let's continue stocking some of these shelves though so pasta is going to go down here on the bottom that's as many as we can get in there so again we're going to drop our box right over here help this guy out with his single bag of flour 371 for you today brother gotcha some pasta loaf of bread $102 exact change thank you so much sir you have a fantastic rest of your day we're already uh going to have to restock our pasta let's get rid of this dude this is it's so fast-paced which I I do honestly enjoy I like that quite a bit a bits okay this one's full we'll get that put over here hang on ma'am I'll be right with you give me just a second here okay got to make sure our flowers stocked up is this empty now yeah there's only there's only eight in that box okay sorry ma'am sorry to keep you waiting here got card thank you $10.74 have a good one just some flow for you $371 enjoy it we have absolutely no more bread on the shelves so let's let's go ahead and fix that real quick got another empty box and cereal we are fresh out of the cereal there we are you can actually cram a lot more per shelf than I originally thought starting to run low on sugar and then olive oil yeah let's just get that restocked that box thrown away okay uh sorry to keep you waiting T Swift you don't really look like T Swift never mind got exact change thank you and we've got some more stuff exact change again thank you so much and this guy is definitely going to pay with card he looks like a businessman there we are how's it going today sir just the two things for you got card again $8 21 cents and another guy walks in and another customer walks in dude it's crazy business is booming stuff is flying off the shelves it's real real good oh I was like wait what's going on I haven't had to give people change in a while now kind of came as a surprise there's 75 85 86 7 and eight thanks ma'am have a good one so our next objective is to buy another what was it called license business license but that requires a store level of six which we just hit four so we're not going to be able to do that just yet thank you for the card sir 396 for you ma'am how we doing sugar to be honest I couldn't have picked a worse game to try to play on a Monday dude I mean they got me doing they got me doing math counting change and stuff it's insane 75 for you today ma'am have a good one this lady's going to try to clean out our entire bread shelf and possibly the olive oil as well on a card 1242 all right go on get scram get out of here only got three hours left in the day 87 why why do you do this you're making it so much more difficult than it needs to be gotcha good Lord kind of forgot to turn on the lights in here that's my bad sorry to have you search around for stuff in the dark here sir we got some cash EXA change thank you so much have a fantastic rest of your day okay let's see if we can maybe squeak in a an order again here we're just going to buy everything that we've been buying and again I'm going to hold off on the new stuff just for a moment oh we've got somebody else in here afternoon ma'am just some sugar all right exact change enjoy your day we got our midnight Rush right now I'm trying to get as many things restocked as I possibly can I should probably help these people out though paying with C today all right $9 on the nose $9 even and you sir are paying with cash you would you would be that guy unbelievable and then 55 6 7 and 8 have a good one some sugar some olive oil cash again out of a 100 thanks for that man appreciate that very very very much 5050 75 85 is too much taking money back okay this is the first time that we've had to do that you can take money back by right clicking on the bills in the cash register wait I can't take back change though no dude for real oh there it is okay I just had to go a little bit higher up so there's 80 one two three and four sorry for the confusion sir it's my it's Monday it is Monday for sure for sure exact change and that was our last customer for the day so let's restock our sugar that's looking better got some more bread out here too let's make sure we take care of that really quick perfect put our single loaf right on over there olive oil is completely stocked which leaves the cereal come tomorrow morning I think we'll be okay with the amount of stuff we have in store now but we should probably start to place an order on some of the stuff that we don't yet have like eggs and dark roast coffee that's already $111 can we squeeze some milk in there okay that's 123 the black te that's not happening yet uh just 48 units of that would cost us $158 way too expensive so we've got that ready for uh tomorrow morning we'll finish out the day see how we did products not found six so when we get a license customers must know oh this place you know is is supposed to have this thing but obviously people were coming in and and we didn't have what they were looking for we made $67 that day doing a little bit better doing just a little bit better let's place this order immediately and before we even open up for the day cuz I think that actually starts the clock I'm going to go ahead just so it's not as hectic and start to try to place some of this other stuff on the shelves we'll put milk up here it needs to be in a refrigerator oh that is not good and now it's probably going to spoil cuz we're just going to leave it in the nice dude nice eggs same thing yep coffee on the other hand coffee we should be able to just put on a regular old run-of-the-mill shelf easy let's quickly set the price for that too before I completely forget dang we're getting a uh smok and deal on this selling it for $104 that's $3 a profit almost four and what was this potato chips or something actually what was this what the heck oh it's cheese also needs to be in a refrigerator it's the uh parmesano origano you know the all that stuff we should be able to stock just bottled water right apparently not apparently not the customers need it cold what's a fridge going to run us $200 375 if we want a bigger one yikes okay well we've we've got a goal now we've got something to work towards this game so far is oddly satisfying for whatever reason must be the must be the capitalism you can smell the capitalism in the air all right 76 for you today ma'am 76 cents got a pasta lover pasta enjoyer here $624 for you brother we should also look into like increasing our prices like what if we just put this one at $4 instead we're going to increase our profit the math might be a little bit easier on my uh little little p brain there's $6 there $4.50 is actually pretty easy for math uh $312 what about $3 25 huh that's not too bad and then 1048 let's just do 1050 maybe 375 on the flower sorry I know a line is forming give me give me just a second okay and then $5 $5 for sugar people seem to really need that stuff for something who knows what they're cooking up exact change perfect it's going to make the math easier for them too if they're paying with exact change so $2 and 50s look at how much easier that is dude should have done that from the get-go now I've just embarrassed myself with my poor uh math skills or counting skills even got another card that's 1450 easy dub easy dub how's it going today sir just some cereal for six bones thank you so much we are quickly approaching store level six which is awesome and we've got $120 we need about 200 for our first little refrigerator hopefully we'll be able to stock all of this stuff in there but honestly I I don't know for sure it's going to be 1750 for you today man this dude's change is going to be $6.25 um adjusting the prices too has also increased our margins even though it's not much uh it's it's better than nothing right what's going on you're looking very blue today ma'am $6 on the nose this dude's got a couple of things card I love it 75 all right have a good one that's 187 oh we're at store level five now I thought we were approaching store level six but that's okay we got 200 bucks dude let's do it let's buy our first ever refrigerator again hopefully fingers crossed it's going to be large enough to stock some of that stuff $3 is your change today sir have a good one here she is since we don't have anything else over on this wall I'm just going to put it smack dab in the center should be fine let's stock our milk first see how much we can put per shelf okay that's done and we're going to be selling this for $250 per gallon so we're not going to we're not going to make much on it but that's okay now egma we're going to put right down here you can really stack those hang on ma'am I haven't Jesus Christ she just picked up a thing without me even putting price on it cheese is going to go here on the bottom got another cleaned out box I am so sorry guys you're just standing in here in the dang dark all right and you need six doll hairs okay orders are getting Lar larger that's good to see $41.50 for you what do we got oh that lady picked up the eggs before I could even uh price them out are we good that says 199 that's a that's a bit low I'm going to be honest ma'am that that does seem a bit low but sure I'll I'll take your word for it just this once what else we got cash again 75 cents easy got a businessman oh he's picking up the cheese too dude I got to I got to price I got to price stuff out I just I got to do it dude and I I don't even think it matters that um I'm doing it now I think if they pick it up at a certain price that's what they're going to pay at the register you know what I'm saying so let's see even though we changed the price of the cheese no he is still going to pay what he picked it up for understandable understandable [Music] yeah I would have to say that the refrigerated stuff went over very very well we uh we sold nearly the entire refrigerator worth of stuff today let me get some water up in here though we are going to have to price that out we've still got some more cheese there on the bottom so we'll just hang on to that box give me a sec ma'am you're being uh super patient and I really really appreciate that $3 uh for a bottle of water seems expensive but we'll see if people are willing to pay that got some cash 50 cents there you are ma'am enjoy your nights I think that was probably oh she said she couldn't find the te probably the last customer for the day though so let's switch our sign to close and we'll just kind of go over everything I think we should restock this stuff now and we'll just kind of work with what we've got in the refrigerator end of day four products not found this time was eight which I'm guessing is probably going to be that black tea it seemed like a couple of people anyways were were kind of wanting that we made $46 though it's not bad we got $226 for now but we're about to place an order so now we only have $84 we're going to leave the store closed again until we get everything that is a very high tower of boxes is it gonna fall over no we're chilling we're good all right any minute now the customers are going to be lining up because we are open I tried to be a little bit more organization focused for today we've got everything kind of uh condensed Consolidated into just one shelf and then of course the shelves and everything have been moved hopefully that'll help things just kind of be a bit more efficient so customers aren't going to have to you know walk walk around a whole bunch in here we'll see it uh it very well could make no difference whatsoever so far so good I am starting to get a bit curious though like is there anything else that we can do apart from the story place none of these other doors actually open we've got a bunch of car accidents happening over here candy smoke shop Corp cool we are officially back up to $200 now 227 to be exact but I'm starting to get a little curious like is there actually nothing else for us to do in this town apart from the storage I mean it looks like this whole place is just one big loop like we're inside uh the center of town square or something tons of people walking around but I'm not seeing anywhere else that we can go inside of or anyone else that we can like interact with or anything like that so this must be just sort of all that there is which is fine $425 thanks a bunch and you are going to be paying with card mad respect brother mad respect what else do we have to restock here some egma get a couple more egas in there 25 678 and 25 cents is your change ma'am I'm curious how much how much could we charge extra on top of like the market price of stuff before people are just not going to be willing to pay it you know what I'm trying to say like if eggs were $10 a pop would this lady still want two of them would she even buy them at all okay we've got $67 750 there you are ma'am and that was probably our last couldn't find cheese we're out of cheese okay cheese is hot um eggs not so hot bread very hot sugar and and flow and stuff like that also very hot so let's formulate our next uh purchase for tomorrow could we finally get the black te $300 it is expensive I know it's expensive but I think it'll kind of pay for itself hopefully let's kill the lights and we will finish out the day see how we did for day five products found expensive one but they don't say which product was found to be expensive so that means I'm going to have to kind of oh and market prices have changed for the following products what so we actually have to adjust our prices fairly frequently I would say okay after we change this one from $3 to 275 now everything has been adjusted according to the current market prices for for all the stuff so let's go ahead and open her up for the day we'll get the lights on make sure people don't have to search around the store in the in the dark but we're like fully stocked up we've got a little bit of extra stuff over here that we can kind of restock throughout the day but we're looking good here and still a 100 bucks in the back pocket that's not too bad that was a big one that was a really really big one 775 Perfect Dude seeing all this food is starting to make me so hungry too I'm actually starving right now now even like a loaf of bread dude that sounds great that sounds fantastic 75 cents and two things of cheese for you that's expensive that's that's $7 we're talking about right there only the best the highest prices for the oh we're out of cheese now we could do like a midday order maybe uh we are running low on eggs we're also running very low on cheese again cheese is cheese is hot cheese is very hot right now dark roast coffee is also kind of hot that'll be good for now still leaves us with $282 in the back pockets this dude just wants one bottle of water okay here's your change brother $725 for you this lady's going to have a bunch of stuff oh my good Lord so the the orders are getting a lot larger now is that what you would call this somebody's somebody's order I guess right I don't know this kind of reminds me a little bit of gas station simulator except we don't have the NPCs coming in being like you're a lifesaver any time we just sell him a carton of eggs you know this dude's got a pretty decent size order again pain with card 3375 and he is probably our last customer for the day leaving us with $585 in the back pocket and a lot I mean a lot of empty shelves so I think what I want to try to do going forward is like for the the bread for example we have two shelves dedicated for bread I want to start doing that with everything that we stock because we do run out of stuff pretty pretty quickly but having said that I do think that's where we're going to wind things down at for today so once again if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by Smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys [Music] peace [Music] hey
Channel: Toogii
Views: 154,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, supermarket game, super market game, grocery store game, grocery simulator, supermarket simulator, indie, simulation, economy, capitalism, casual, singleplayer, toogii
Id: KcqlwQ-HWbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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