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in today's minecraft video we are opening superman lucky blocks yes i'm not even kidding we have combined superman with lucky blocks oh look how beautiful it is we're gonna open the first one together all you gotta do is press on the like button three two one like wait a minute no way what was that now i am a big fan of lucky blocks so if you are too let me know in the comment section and we'll do some more jellyster.com for some merchandise this is a superman lucky vlog really all right josh i'll give you the honor opening there's one there's gonna be spider-man themed things happening no superman look up there he's right above us you see that whoa that's a big old superman wait is he ever gonna like squish us with whoa finally he's so big i look like jelly oh well oh thanks i think he looks rather handsome what is the only thing i can do is i can i have x-ray missions yeah it's given up as well oh yeah no look look around us yeah so everything just lights up yeah yeah right right right yeah all right well actually trainer you kind of ruined it because josh had the honor to open the first one in my turn let's pretend that didn't happen and josh there's another one right over here all right so is this the one i get to open i think so josh i think so all right three two one huh wait a minute is that a cape it looks like a cake whoa dust is flying like superman and i got this dumb head josh are you flying like superman is oh wow is he ever coming back yeah it takes a little bit of skill whoa i mean he's flying he's he's flying whoa i'm superman you can try it out you know superman saves people he doesn't fly into others and tries to kill them i'm killing you some people jelly how does this work man i'm i'm really bad at being a superhero you'll glide for a bit and then you have to like fly over here like i don't really realize you're the only one that didn't find out how it worked jelly okay open your wings okay now now unopen them and press space wait let's go i'm superman boys all right you know what i'll open this one this one right here there's plenty to choose from it looks rather beautiful what do you think it looks like everything else all right well you know how this works i'm gonna open it but i'm gonna do a ritual before oh my god you're kissing it he's kissing it weird rituals all right whoa hey what's that reverse what what is that wait your scrapers landing everywhere i walk help it's scripted like oh it's the kryptonite oh my goodness look at them guys they look different superman's weakness we need to kill him i guess it's my weakness now i'll take you on mister oh my god is that what the kisses did they didn't they didn't like it very much did they yeah apparently oh that's why it's all green and horrible it's like infected or jealous this is my book thank you josh this one is ready for me all right rachel do you have a ritual also yeah [Music] oh what's that lasers uh oh uh oh my god i killed that horse that's powerful look it's like funfetti killed a horse all right whoa whoa printer can i try can i try is it fun i think i missed i mean this is great though i like this this is really cool i like the laser eyes can i try it yeah josh you may try it there you go and i'll give you some raw mutton with that how does it work i don't have to aim it at something far away wait i probably call it hey oh there you go all right yeah you caught it it is your turn to open another lucky blog all right this is going to be my next one guys you're going to do a ridge in the background look there's our flag oh lovely okay uh and now what whoa oh my god tonight oh josh you've infected me i'm literally poisoned oh my god guys i'm stalking kryptonite person try to try to break the kryptonite instead of literally yo what is this stuff josh this looks like it comes from another world maybe it does no we got left got out technically jenny kryptonite does come from krypton but never mind anyway okay stop being such a wow you're so smart josh you have a very large brain okay i'm just saying all right i guess it's my turn the kiss didn't work so should i should i try with tongue what why don't you just hug it jelly it's really cozy over here i shall break it now what is that is that a ritual hey it's shooting green goo with me wow it's like a tower of krypton and it's shooting krypton laser feed okay well that's lame me next anything you touch just sucks silly yeah maybe next time i'll just blow kiss it or something no just do the sorry no see whoa a superman it's your father grey now oh my god he just blew up wait so does that mean crainer has to open all of these yes wait i i got one guys look i got one in my adventure i got some as well dude this is great did you guys see that i had the coolest one so far what about this one oh this mean you ready you didn't do a ritual no i don't need to because now i have to [Music] check this out why are you crouching it says i have to why would you i mean he's a little bit faster but you really don't have to make those noises you look a bit stupid like this are we okay to move on wait whoa it's even faster now that i'm doing it correct all right josh i think it is uh your turn mate okay this is my ritual it's going to be well that's a very lesson ready you can't open more than one whoa cats meow meow yes they heard there i'm running away evil green cats i'm allergic to cats i will die hello sir my cat is killing me let's kill her wait don't you have the laser beam i've got an idea laser beam yeah laser just laser beam him i caught laser beam with me haters step on them why are you die oh you died josh that's the whole point you give this you take this and kill me all right die josh yes problem it really solved that issue didn't we i believe it is my turn i'm gonna try the blow kiss this time guys okay oh i can smell it yo look at my super breath wait do it to a tree basically puking out dirt do it to me wait i have the super fly help yes there we go oh wait what i i have the flight ability too do it to a tree you said whoa wow look at that boys it's really not that cool i don't know what i'm doing help [Laughter] with a kryptonite monster help me okay uh super breath super yeah keep going it's helping super breath how you keep going again putting it up and help jelly keep going why is there sponges oh my god no i'm in here i got out of the trap well that's a weird ability that was really weird just one more time just do it one more time does it do it where you aim crainer do it one more time and no it went away guys it's gone oh one use and that was that whoa whoa wow that's lame all right josh it's your turn i wanna go check out the uh superman lucky book house there's a house for superman guys are very perceptive okay i'm gonna fly there whoa it is actually made out of superhero blocks inside of it super bright can you guys stop chilling sorry sorry sorry you are such an idiot why do you keep getting stuck all right josh it's your turn okay josh you gotta open one of the wall blocks can you guys kill these dumb spiders laser thanks this one special pickaxe it's the superman pickaxe i've heard about this one wait no i need to find ore apparently find or it's going to do something magical here guys cold wait wait i don't know i think it rained whoa there's a diamond do it again i didn't see that i can literally turn it into diamonds that is amazing that is really cool look there's more coal there's more coal it's raining when you're holding the pickaxe he's changing the coal it's like on his actual diamonds why can't it just rain diamonds that's a good question jarvis i think it's my turn to open one uh yes wait it's my turn or jelly jelly all right time for another kissy please stop jelly it makes me uncomfortable hey crain come here what perfect thank you guys all right this is the um uh i'm can you guys come up with another kiss open it please what kind of kisses are there um i really don't know can you stop kissing all right hey what is it why does it look like a way okay wait wait wait wait wait you see you guys see this cow yeah what did you just do to him what was that jesus i have super strength wait you guys see this pig i see this pig well say bye to the pig all right goodbye piggy wow this looks like tnt that is actually insane yeah yeah yeah i'm stuck in a hole again though yeah you that's like the story of your life today you know you can fly right tilly strength you kind of suck i'm gonna try it on you guys no yeah you can try on crane that's fine nope me not wow whoa it's cool right it hurts quite a lot julie that's what super strength does crainer it's my turn everybody this entire wall of lucky bugs ready i'm opening mine in three i two a ritual and didn't get to open it oh okay i'll put it away i'll put it away i'll put it away what is that huh oh what's up what's up we're being shot by krypton soldiers oh no oh jelly we need your super strength that's true why am i why am i scared yeah you're running away why am i scared i got the super strength yeah well they drop by and guys they drop eyes there's one behind you jelly wait really whoa die well jelly seems to have this under control oh there's one he's stuck in a hole again okay he doesn't have another there's another one over here can you kill that boom please kill them all and that one and that one that one and that one too can anybody else do this super strength this is this is no i haven't tried it you do it there we go oh there's another one i'll take him okay i'm gonna guess i'll use hilarious because this is starting to get a bit messy this is very messy okay i'm gonna open this one huh wait wait wait i'm coming to that media oh my god oh my god shoot them lasers or something uh-oh guys i think oh yes great okay guys i am running away from this mess uh yeah me too that's a good idea granada that's a good idea guys keep going i think we just did a bad thing oh okay kryptonite is spreading everywhere is this gonna stop anything this is probably gonna consume the entire world all right well i guess i'll fly away then thanks for watching we got two other videos lined up on the screen right now i would suggest clicking this one it's about a cool love story between crainer and i i'm not sure actually but it could be
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,425,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, *SUPERMAN* LUCKY BLOCKS WORLD In MINECRAFT!, minecraft, lucky blocks, superman, funny, super hero, mod, troll, slogo, crainer, jelly
Id: 40Qv0ikz-pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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