SUPERMAN (1978) MOVIE REACTION!! First Time Watching!

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ladies and gentlemen of the reject Nation I'm  only here to introduce this video to tell you   that everything you're about to hear is so stupid  this is all this is all true I can't believe it   get away Corey as some of you may know I host a  show a corner if you will of this very Network   called koi's Comic Corner as others of you may  know I uh discuss comic books for a living and   comic book movies and as you're all about to  find out I've never seen Superman the movie   in my life I made a list of the top  25 comic films of all time and upon   reviewing the comments went I just didn't  think Superman was that great and then went   I don't think I've seen Superman and then Greg  and I started talking and he asked me what the   plot of Superman was and I didn't know I've never  seen Superman the movie so you dear citizens of   the reject Nation are ready to join me as I find  out can a man fly will I believe it hit the like   hit or hit a comment below yell at me it's  inevitable let's see where this ranks in my   movie comic experience having never seen it and  if you'd like to do a full feature length sync   it up with me watch it alongside check out the  patreon this whole thing's gonna be there and   this movie is very short and this is the very  last thing I'm doing this leads right up to my   birthday this is how I'm ending my my year let's  find out Christopher Reeve I hear he's pretty good and at times of fear and confusion  the job of informing the public is   the responsibility of the Daily Planet  a great Metropolitan newspaper whose   reputation for clarity and Truth great  intro I like that this feels historic   and I imagine even felt historic then  like it feels Timeless and and important that was cool foreign man I love Miniatures that's pretty  these are matters of undeniable fact take down to bring in their presence  the vote must be unanimous to her   you alone will condemn us if you wish and you  alone will be held responsible by me you will   about all before material I swear it both you and  then one day your ass this is so extreme in its   composition the Sci-Fi elements are a lot and then  the visual composition they don't make a lot of   movies of this scope with that cinematography tell  you that we must evacuate this plan immediately if not sooner the decision of the council is final   I like the different family crests  it feels lived in feels like there is   history in them but why Earth during their  Primitives thousands of years behind us virtually invulnerable great exposition why would we include a piece of kryptonite that was a great opening performance  I mean it's Marlon Brando foreign way to show a planet ending as opposed  to just blindly exploding especially with   what we know the infrastructure of uh The  Fortress of Solitude and some of the comic   imagery of Krypton this is a really  cool way to show the end of Krypton all right this must have been surreal  to see in a theater in the 70s that was beautiful what was that man pot Kent vibing we could say he's a child  of my cousin in North Dakota   and just now often now you saw how we found it that's that's so clever I like that nicely done that's interesting because this so works  for the time but I wonder how like I feel   like American audiences now are so cynical  I don't know how this would translate maybe   that's why they're having a hard time I love  the hope and the The Whimsy the the earnestness   um maybe a period piece for Superman hey Clark I'm  ready for tomorrow's games okay Mount Vernon High Lana oh good it is Lana before Lois  I was curious if which storyline   a whole bunch of us are going up to Mary Ellen's  would you like to come sure sounds like it'd be   a lot of fun I got a lot of work to do what are  you talking about I just finished stacking off   all that oh clean this up Clark  oh it's getting bullied Clark Kent cheesy but cute look there's Clark  that's clever there's one thing I do   know son and that is you are here for  a reason it's not to score touchdowns   good Puck can't wisdom this uh so far has done  an incredible job at the exposition uh and tear   those guys apart is I'm pretty sure straight  from the comic or a comic at least it's got   such honest sensibilities um which again it's  interesting if this would work today oh no oh no oh that's heartbreaking it's  just gonna happen like that oh the heart attack I knew it had to happen some way and well  that worked for me better than a tornado   did oh what a way to go though good life  lesson pass away quick proud of you kid ding that hurt hmm why doesn't that  hurt him do you know where you're headed always remember so far it's very sweet movie  very sweet as it should be what's the first fight gonna be I sense a fight  coming polar bear Sea Beast I mean he went North   strange way to get the Metropolis oh of  course the Fortress of Solitude I assumed   using a lot of metropolis I don't know why  this makes way more sense who are you as a man I assumed it'd be Christopher Reeves all the time is this Christopher Eve is it already  Christopher Reeves is that Christopher   Reeves is there an age Gap like is  there a time Jump what's happened fascinated by the relationship with Kryptonite  seems to be some sort of activator in this case   which makes some sense if it also  hurt him does not seem to hurt him it's like those little geodes you  can grow in a lab I'm your father the old years interesting if they're just  spelling it out who am I the name is Khalil   you are the only survivor of the Planet  Krypton even though you've been raised   as a human being you are not one of them that  is a cool shot man come with me now my son as   we break through the ball of your Earthly  confinement traveling through time space in Far exceed those Immortal it has forbidden  for you to interfere with human history   very trippy I like how disorientingly  psychedelic it is at times   for this reason above all their  capacity for good I have sent them you that was cool I like that yeah yeah oh that's awesome  okay that was rad I like it loved that that was such a great way  to come back to do some time playing   to evolve him take note  modern movies that was awesome how many teasing bloodletting two yeah what  a great Jimmy Olsen how do you spell Massacre   uh m-a-s- in the comic book she historically has  a grammatical and spelling errors even as one of   the greatest Pulitzer prize-winning  uh journalists of all time low Christopher Reeve it wasn't the same guy uh they  aged him up changed the cast forgot what he looked   like I apologize uh Lois why don't you take Kent  out to uh meet everybody after just introduce him   around great uh body language I know I've seen  the GIF of him like turning into Superman but   it's really impressive to see in the minutia of  uh of the office that's cool I was wondering if   um perhaps you could arrange for half my salary to  be sent to this address on a weekly basis he sends   a check every week to his sweet gray-haired  old mother actually she's silver-haired   there are very few people left  in the world who feel comfortable   saying that word what word as well  I thought it was kind of natural sorry I love how clumsy he is to throw people off  it is so good he's incredible as Clark I am   I get it I get it please  don't point that at me sir sorry now come on lady hand it over what are you doing what happened you fainted sorry   he's exceptional make it track 22. I seen him  and I'm right on them lower level track 22. what a great stooge well-cast little henchman that baritone of oh [ __ ] First Act of Lex Luthor killing a cap sick Gene hack but not shave his head for Lex Luthor   is that explained maybe that's explained  how many girls do you know who have a Park   Avenue address like this one 200 feet below  do you realize what people are shelling out   up there for a few miserable rooms off a  common elevator what more could anyone ask Ed Superman's gonna have to save Lois it's not good that's cool like practical  like they messed [ __ ] up all right I would get away from there Pope go go Jurassic Park I see where you  got some of this sequencing from oh it's just a half that's good you've got me who's got you that's where that  line came from I know it from Jay and Silent Bob yes foreign the opposite of uh the Captain America curl is the   straight arm I guess that would be deltoid some  lats extension statistically speaking of course   it's still the safest way to travel he's so  good at Superman who are you a friend bye all right I believe a man can fly that's freaking  cool especially in 78 this must have blown mines come on Tom Tom Cruise doing  the work oh that's a cool shot   yes the booty yeah I get the uh the Clark  Kent Superman Duality hype this is impressive that show is great too take him away these five minutes of super Manning are better  than a lot of the Superman stuff I've seen foreign it's not mad he's disappointed gotta save a kitten what Superman  without saving a kitten here you go Miss   thanks Mister bye frisky long now bye he's so polite saying eyes and buys a lot of  greetings in the Superman man can this work today   buildings they hire by in regular life Roger well doesn't look too good what do you think what the hell what happened not good oh  we lost the whole engine precious yeah and Superman just said statistically the  safest we got two accidents of metropolis   are nearby come on one human error one  nature it's not safe to fly near Metropolis a lot of the Superman Returns um imagery plays  a lot better having seen the original because   if any human being we're going to perpetrates  with a fantastic hoax it would have been me okay good Flex isn't bold I got concerns  I want the inside dope on this guy   has he got a family what is the yes he's gonna wind up with the single most important  interview since solid casting God talked to Moses   especially without again there's no precedent of  of superhero movies or comic book movies and it   isn't too hokey it's just really sincere and and  it's good it's a good movie sorry to uh drop in   and you like this Miss Lane but I've been thinking  you know there must be a lot of questions about me   that people in the world like to know of course  yes uh you really shouldn't smoke in on this Lane   don't tell me lung cancer right I mean yeah not  yet thank goodness hahaha do you have a girlfriend   uh no I don't but uh if I did Miss Lane  you'd be the first to know about it   is it true that you can see through  anything oh yes it can color underwear   am I wearing this would have a problem with  seeing through lead oh that's interesting cute this is all very cute come from  a planet called Krypton with a sea no   actually actually it's Krypton  with a k-r-ypt you like pink very much why are you here there must be  a reason for you to be here yes I'm here   to fight for truth and Justice in the American way we're gonna end up fighting  every elected official in this ride with me you mean I can fly yeah actually uh  I'd be handling the flying if that's okay I need   a sweater you must be kind of it's not going to  be warm enough they're very cute good chemistry it's funny because this feels not quite  like Peter Pan but the the flight style   this does remind me of Peter Pan and windy  yellow yeah this is very cute physics don't   make a lot of sense but it's very cute if  you need a friend I'm the one to fly to you need to be loved here I am see that's how you fly with  Superman it's not like a weird touch   thing where it gives you Powers that's that  makes more sense good night oh good night Superman she said the thing um Lois  we did have a date tonight remember Lois you haven't been uh I better get a code no I mean that's the moment I've seen that's really special   that's some Alexander technique that is that was  beautiful but we've got to go back to being Clark practical stunts for life odd look at this dispatch people break into a  museum in the dead of night killed two people   and what do they take a worthless  piece of meteorite how do you figure   that that was found inexplicably  from looking at an encyclopedia I was a reporter before most  of my friends were copy boys out his clothes just changed that  doesn't make what what that's not a power   that doesn't make any sense it occurs to  me that a 500 Megaton bomb planted at just   a proper point would would destroy most of  California hello New West Coast my West Coast Marina Deluxe millions of people's lives don't matter but uh  well they do but they really do because so does   Lois Lane's life on the fault line it's Kryptonite  Superman little souvenir from the old hometown we all have our little faults  mine's in California clever   good use of pun faulty word play  Lex my mother lives in Hackensack dark if I help you to prompts to save  my mother first I promise I promise top gun Maverick I did not expect it to actually detonate  oh he's gonna go back in time he's got   a uh because they're not supposed to meddle uh  human history but I imagine he'll rationalize it happy birthday this is pretty rad like scope for the third Act that's impressive special effects come on Superman put them  all back together Amazing   Spider-Man 33 cover but with Superman  lifting the entire San Andreas Fault and still saving the children okay  kids all right now hey it's Superman gotta keep diving in holes Superman I guess must  be another movie where you guys are back in time get out of there Jimmy a noble tradition begins oh no we're into a single that is terrifying cool  practical effects to have that the claustrophobia is real  nope nope don't like that oh those are little Miniatures look  at them I can only tell because it's   in like 4K but that was a really  cool use of practical into managers it is so dark that he's helping this  saving people but drowning Lois in rocks man the tension I know she's gonna  be fine but man it's great great work no way do they kill Lois in the first  movie and then he flies back in time   is that what's happening do they kill  Lois Lane in that horrific terrifying   claustrophobia inducing buried alive way foreign gotta stand against his father's wishes oh he may be fast enough to reverse time but  he's not fast enough to fight fast enough over   those mountain ridges to save her simultaneously  while she's you know being buried alive that's so   cool look at those effects I love reverse  photography like that come on Superman so he's already stopping us a  one at this point there he is can't believe they killed Lois movie  one Superman cares about everybody Jimmy   but who knows someday you know if he's lucky just flies him into prison so they never showed Gene Hackman actually bald  they just imply he's always wearing wigs oh I was   Luther they saved it for the last appearance I believe a man can fly I like that look at that Alex Ross painting come to life well   this proceeded Alex Ross's  paintings but look at that that reminded me a lot of Superman blue which  came out much later uh that reminded me a lot   of All-Star Superman also came out much later  it was my two reading recommendations for y'all   All-Star Superman and uh Superman blue I really  enjoyed that I can't believe I'd never seen it   I think I'd maybe seen I don't know obviously  the gifts uh and and maybe five minutes on like   TNT growing up but I didn't remember the plot I'd  obviously seen the you know the reversing of the   planet in pop culture but I kept doubting myself  as to when it was uh so I liked it a lot it will   likely rank in my 26 to 50 which we're going to  convince Greg to let me do um it's probably in   the top 20 of superhero movies but I would not  put in my top 10 uh there's probably like 250   comic movies so top 20 would be that 26 to 50. um  I I see why it's beloved I definitely like have so   much reverence for it it influenced so many things  uh it did drive me crazy and this is a problem I   have a lot of movies um when there's two movies  uh that don't feel like they're one movie I love   when movies feel like you know disparate movies  that all come together at the end but at no point   did it feel like Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor was in  the same movie as Christopher Reeves Superman uh I   really enjoyed the Christopher of Superman movie  and I really enjoyed his relationship with Lois   I really enjoyed the magic and and earnesty and  sheer honesty and almost this golly gee Shucks uh   Whimsy of the Superman movie but the reason that  worked is because it was Earnest in its honesty   and I feel like the Gene Hackman Lex Luthor was a  satirical play on 50s um editorial comic books it   felt like it was making a commentary on the golden  age uh comic book uh Sunday newspaper era and so   it felt like there was there was two different  performances happening and the one I enjoyed   fit with Marlon Brando fit with the backstory fit  with all these things but whenever they cut the   likes it didn't feel like the same movie and even  the scenes with Superman and Lex felt a little   disjointed so um everything with Superman I really  loved uh I would probably give and like that's   it with the times and everything else the special  effects really special loved the use of Miniatures   loved how tangible it felt loved the scope loved  the uh Power of the score love the the feel of   the movie they don't make movies like this where  you feel so much and I think the reason it's so   hard to make a Superman movie is because you need  that golly gee man this guy's a Boy Scout man I   believe in him the physicality between Clark Kent  and Superman was so special I'm really excited to   see that dick Donner cut a Superman too to be  honest now that I've seen this uh this probably   lands like a four stars for me um this is like  a B plus a minus this will likely Fall in that   26 to 50 of of superhero movies need to look at  the rest of my rankings I'm gonna continue that   ranking to build it out because I want to know  where this lands but I'm really glad to have   seen it I definitely have not seen this one which  means I definitely haven't seen Superman two three   or four uh I'm gonna go B plus a minus I'm gonna  go four stars really really special film I see   why it's revered I cannot imagine watching it  then I can't like I got so many moments of of   whoa and wonder and and Power in 2022 I cannot  imagine seeing this 35 years ago 34 for the new   math Wizards 34 years ago uh just what this must  have been so incredible film I see why it's a lot   of people's top ten I see why everyone yelled at  me in the chat I deserve to get those comments but   now I've seen it and uh four stars really really  spectacular experience things that really worked   were Margot Kidder and Christopher Lee the things  that worked Margo Kidder and Christopher Lee's   relationship I thought was really special uh Jimmy  Olsen though a small part was very very integral   to both building the world and establishing how  people would perceive Superman from that like   eye line uh Perry White and The Daily Planet  everything with the Daily Planet really worked   um I was really impressed at the Clark Kent  Duality I kept thinking how impressive that   was uh we're now in the closing credits and  Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman are both billed of   Chris free that is fascinating also I kept seeing  someone walk around the mustache that I felt like   must be someone that would end up later and it  looks just like um Kiefer Sutherlands now Donald   Sutherland I don't think Donald Sutherland was in  this but I kept seeing an almost Donald Sutherland   walking around the streets of metropolis  like twice he popped up I haven't pointed out   um yeah I I was just so so impressed with the  world built um I was so impressed with what   it was able to do with Exposition it unloaded  so much Exposition on you it gave you Marlon   Brando Exposition it gave you lots and lots of  Fairly hokey uh Lex Luthor Exposition it gave   you lots of where Superman came from and what his  powers are um didn't love the sometimes powers are   convenient like the speed thing is obviously  hard to clock but it did bother me that he   couldn't get to her in time but could turn the  plan I get it is you know dramatic uh and I get   that's necessary for the storytelling but I wish  there was something else that impeded him maybe   um Kryptonite poisoning uh something slowed him  down he had to shake it I don't know I don't know   um I'm not writing Superman 1978 over uh and  another another slight qualm um was the weird   power to change clothes in the sky uh one of  the special things of Superman is those grounded   moments like the photo booth and things so that  that was odd uh I couldn't tell if he could read   minds at one point um it was like she was thinking  and wondering if she if he was reading her mind   sometimes his body language seemed to imply that  he could read her mind I could not quite tell what   was happening there um but those are all minor  qualms like that's me looking for things uh to   be bothered by or to you know feel about it um  I don't know if I'd seen it um at any different   point in my life that would change I was really  trying consciously to look at this objectively   regardless of seeing in 2022 versus seeing it  as a child uh I think I definitely would have   loved it as much as I loved it now as a kid uh  I think I would have gotten the same sense of   wonder uh it definitely endears me to dick down or  even more Richard Donner's always been one of my   favorite directors the Lethal Weapon franchise  is one of my all-time favorite franchises ever   um dick Downer and Schumacher were really good  friends and those are two of my favorite directors   and they uh you know uh calibrated they uh they  coordinated a lot they collaborated that's what   I was looking for it's late they collaborated  a lot and this reminded me of how special of a   filmmaker because it's hard you don't often  get to see new works of old works of your   favorite filmmaker so it was really special to  see uh Richard Donner film I hadn't seen before   especially one as iconic as this uh and it lived  up to the very lofty expectations of what Superman   the movie had to be to have all that reference  I don't know why they saved bald's gym the very   end I wonder if I was like scheduling stuff but  uh yeah got a whole lot out of it really really   I'm glad to have seen it really curious about  the second one really curious where it falls off   apparently with the third and fourth uh I haven't  seen Superman Returns the Brandon Routh Superman   since theaters so I think the last time I saw  that would have been 0607 whenever that came out   um so that's 15 years ago at this point so it'd  be really cool to watch Superman 2 probably the   dick Donner cut and then watch Superman Returns  as sort of a Trilogy so that's what I might do   with uh with this series so if you want to see  that leave a comment below if you enjoyed this   if you've got any notes as to why the bald cap or  uh the power adjustments and those things that I   had tiny qualms with please do let me know uh and  let me know what you think of this this re-watch   of a movie 34 years ago is cool to do something  so classic and so different that I just somehow   didn't see in my 33 years I'm turning 34 at  midnight in a few minutes and that was a 34   year old movie feels like fate don't it uh all  right that is gonna do what you love please I   appreciate y'all very very much please do leave  a like leave a comment subscribe to this very   Channel if you want to see me more uh on these  giant rewatches of Full Features let me know if   you want me to watch Superman 2 let me know if you  think I should do Superman one and Superman 2 and   then Batman Batman return Superman Returns let me  know let Greg know you want me to do 26 through 50   so I can rank this here film somewhere in there I  do think it's going to fall in that 26 to 50 range   um there's a lot of four star uh comic book films  for me and uh this is definitely in there this   is gonna be up there but you know in that top top  20 of all of them uh all right like I said that's   gonna do it your lovelies have a great night we'll  see you hopefully for Superman too comment foreign
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 102,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reel rejects, movie reaction, first time watching, superman 1978 reaction, christopher reeve, superman 1978, first time watching superman, reaction video, first time watching superman 1978, superman the movie, superman the movie reaction, movie commentary, clark kent, superman reaction, lex luthor, lois lane, marlon brando, superman movie reaction, superman 1978 movie reaction, first time watching movie reaction, reacting to superman 1978, superman movie review
Id: mlubceOmcz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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