BLADE (1998) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!! Full Movie Review | Marvel | Wesley Snipes

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how's it going citizens of the reject Nation it is John and it is Roxy stryer back once again for a momentous occasion today we're tackling blade pre-mcu another first time watch how are you doing Roxy yeah are you ready to be sharp as a blade I am ready for more tremendous comedy like that joke right there yeah this movie should cut like a blade oh there you go I have a long history with this movie in that when I was a child I begged and pleaded my mom and dad I thought Wesley Snipes on the poster in the calendar section the newspaper was the absolute coolest I begged them to take me to see blade they did and then within like the first three minutes like it was a bunch of blood and there was a hand on my face and we were back in the car so I have been waiting since 1998. but guys don't let time pass between you and leaving a like do that right now on the video also subscribe hit the notification Bell follow Roxy on the social media and check out the world girls all right give them some love over on the YouTubes and anywhere else fine contents are found that's the truth leave your best blade puns Cuts deep cut two if you want to enjoy the full length experience everything that doesn't make these reaction highlight reels come join us over at the real rejects you can sync up with your own copy of Blade as well as a fun time and without further ado let's watch some blade okay 67 came out in 98 TBT foreign for TBD was the thing oh snap should get bit oh no whoa oh damn this is what Stephen Dorff is most famous from right seeing Boondocks Saints no it's Flannery I guess it must be he used to do those cigarette commercials those blue cigarette commercials I'm sure he's stoked that that's your memory of him that's right man the big uh Stephen Dorff fan over what are we doing here I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't gonna be an actual date yeah dang Let's Get It On that looks like the combination of Hank Azaria and Dennis Quaid [Music] The Bodyguard no the guy she's bringing in here no he doesn't but I want to yes and you good job great establishment of the vibe I really feel like I'm there 90s let things breathe Stanley Stanley oh oh my did he eat the oh my I I think he tripping he's trying to figure out what it is I wouldn't put anything in my mouth to drift off me on a club ceiling or you would that's what you're noticing he licked it hands that's what I'm saying like I wouldn't just lick a random thing that whoa oh damn foreign [Laughter] BYO blood what an amazing scene this is do you recall this at all no we were definitely in the car before [Laughter] yeah oh yeah yeah Jesus Jesus at daywalker oh damn so it just like disintegrated dang that doesn't look bad that bad for 19.98. I think it looks amazing yeah ah sweet we're gonna Jack you up make them hurt bad yeah sure you are I kind of like that one guy from Twilight I never saw Twilight wow him using this Blade the sound effects sick yeah oh [Music] that's right Zuma blade oh how cool I saw that in the poster I thought it was the coolest freaking thing yes give my regards to frost whoa so they rejuvenate or regenerate we're still scream when they found them stapled to a wall still juicy I need you to refrain from using that word about a body that's crisped I'm quoting The Mummy okay it's different when it's a reference is it no three o'clock I'm going to give me some distance I just want you to come down and take a look come on it's not a date it's always a date just a blood sample for the pericardium yeah let me ask you something no give rough second thoughts about us oh God damn it man one job look I'm trying really it's over oh snap [Music] oh no [Music] oh [Music] so what happens to her what kind of Vamps are these oh hey you three guys like someone he's carrying a civilian oh that was a sick pullback whoa dude what what yes [Music] she's good it's a very soft tarp apparently I think it's because she's now been bit by the vamp yeah maybe she's extra durable killed today reminds me of my mama thank you with allium garlic you get a lead on him no too bad ouch I love garlic oh hold it I don't think I've ever seen a vampire movie where you have time after even bit some of them as you know the genre has grown there are a lot of different rules about like totally some treat it like a poison you can suck out some of it's instantaneous I don't think I've ever seen that how many died we don't have an exact count we're having different oh Deacon Frost you can come in now hey hey my blood these people are our food not our allies or maybe I'm just the first to say out loud what we've all been thinking we have existed this way for thousands of years born how can you be born a vampire I guess it must be like if your mother gets bit while you're in the womb or something I don't know then what's the aging process how do vampires procreate yeah I love natural shows or movies make rules like I love to know the lore like what works in this universe yeah essence of garlic give it to me I want it so far the garlic and the silver stuff is pretty cool very like classic Vamp yeah but updated in a cool 90s way Whistler says I'm building up a resistance to the Sarah yeah I figured that might happen super garlic garlic sauce truffle garlic so your belief is that the woman in the beginning was his mom he was born a vampire yeah but he's a day Walker yeah like there's got to be something to do with that that makes him the day Walker security measure not Jennifer ham was on it I know I was gonna say ain't no hand no more I had to increase the dose it's over 50 milligrams now that's getting dangerous it's over nine thousand oh yeah so many neck injections oh my god oh yeah he might be the hottest guy of the 90s comment below yes you met blade silent jumper I got my trusty Boomerang knife here vampires they're hard to kill they tend to regenerate and I'm supposed to believe all this well you already met Mr crispy at the hospital so what do you use then Stakes crosses crosses don't lose squat blades there we go let's get that lore vampires are severely allergic to Silver feed them garlic and they're going to anaphylactic shock and of course there's always sunlight ultraviolet rays so garlic in you does that not affect it unless they bite you and then they go into shock like if you ate garlic and then they bite you yeah that's why they do the injections goes into your blood so or does it keep them away you guys just patch me up and sent me on my way vampire maze silver nitrate essence of garlic send them into shock you start getting sensitive to Daylight fine you're thirsty regardless of how much you had to drink and I suggest you take that gun and use it on yourself I think she's interna now nah or not in a way where she has to die every time I would get thirsty I'd be like turning these archives are restricted to the member the ancient texts can never be translated now with that attitude his eyes are crazy cool you don't need to shout but you have to frost what are you gonna do say it wasn't you all right you keep your eyes open they're everywhere but it's daytime it's like parts of it feel like New York parts that feel like la totally I feel like she's keeping her eyes open she is tattoos mean she's gonna get in anyway oh vampire mace no she turns her I wonder if you spray that on somebody's not a vampire how that would feel I'd probably think what the [ __ ] that why do I taste like Italian I'm sorry whoa whoa oh hold on hold on hold on please the front door was open what do you say that you were kidnapped last night ah Curtis Webb he died don't worry about that right now okay it's gonna be fine because you're dead that's right they own the cops what is this garlic yeah yeah well he said it would work against vampires who said I was a vampire huh nobody how's everybody just getting into our apartment oh a [Music] vampires and he proves himself maybe his master not you Guillermo a vampire cattle brand tell us what you got what you got how do you think that we fund this organization huh I know this place it's a blood bank so where were you taking it I don't know what you're talking about go [ __ ] yourself oh my God that is the biggest gun I had to find a cure for myself oh he's saying eventually it will get you they've just like prolonged the inevitable I guess I mean it's yeah it's that possibility still that it could still take hold foreign that's right man that's a vampire mark means that there's a safe house around here somewhere they're vampires shows the doorman play in the corner outdated the way they smell it's like a bad dream they're worse things out tonight than vampires like what me like me that's right sick line you have an invitation cuddle that's how I get in places too that's right man what list [Music] is in the freezer oh this must have been a very painful shoot when they keep watch their records politics Finance real estate they already own half of downtown it's the prequel the daybreakers downtown out down 90s user interface blade was waiting for me don't worry about it there's no problem yeah so he's gonna turn him though that's good right I think he's just gonna drink oh I don't think he's gonna turn now no he's not gonna kill him yeah that's what I asked for if I let you suck my tongue would you thank me what is this must be that the record I've never seen an image of this what's that oh it's nothing it's routine research oh oh no Baron harkonin prophecy I'm not really sure [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you are not good at this large vampire monstrosity Jabba The Vampire yeah Java lamp the pages from the book of rivers was a vampire Bible vampable oh shots like this always make me dizzy don't you remember me uh whoa nice nice all the roundhouse kicks yeah if a little kid attacked you would you beat them up I mean like a kid of that age I guess I'd have to retaliate somehow I don't know that's a great question what are the ethics how old does your kid have to be oh take my arm man remember oh play piano again it's weirder than mine oh yeah come to think of a blade I owe you one I'm expecting company [Music] [Laughter] oh damn is it a bad time great line dude whistler's a g hey [Music] I was gonna say how many pages of the vampire Bible are left whoa CGI fire oh boy [Music] oh no come on yes whoa [Music] [Laughter] ah the whole time face oh my God damn the train stops for no one and then no words clearly yes dude she's a hematologist how often in real life do people get neck shots or is that just a movie thing I've never seen it you're one of them aren't you no I'm your worst nightmare you have a lot of veins there though that was a sick sequence again there's a lot of sex sequences Blade's mother was attacked by a vampire while she was pregnant and he's got their strength this time tomorrow all those wounds of his will be healed damn he also inherited their thirst yeah I was wondering about that time's running out his body's starting to reject it so far all my efforts to find a cure of fail baddest ass I had a family once wife two daughters then a Drifter Came Calling one evening tried to make me decide which order they die in oh we killed as many of them as we can find but it's getting worse because of frost if something happened in the vampire ranks and it staked my life that son of a at the center of it I'm just confused because we established that all the other most the vampires were born vampires yeah you know what I mean so why can't they day walk like he can I guess maybe vampires can just procreate yeah maybe that yeah that's totally what it is thank you [Music] morning whoa when was the last time you stopped to appreciate a good Sunrise oh that's right you were born of vampire so you never had the pleasure have you damn you're never going to be a pureblatt hold them you will never rule out oh dude take this fangs wow wow [Music] damn there we go 90s fire yeah must be some good ass foundation they got I'm [Laughter] cool a lot of weapons are created on the way to trying to find cures for things do you think they're in love deep down I'm just a little tight you know oh vanish wouldn't want our little friend here to wind up on the back of a milk cart now oh my God I have fangs and claws are retractable you think the humans will ever accept a half breed like you they can't they're afraid of you you're an animal you're a maniac I don't think that a freak crazy that the sunblock works I know I want you with us oh dang you're nothing to me but another dead vampire yep you're an idiot you know that nope you're gonna wish they never cut you from your mother's womb whoa whoa catch her oh fine oh dang bus ain't even stopped bust didn't even slow down we have to treat her with gene therapy vampires love to like yeah I needed to draw you out yeah they always just be running around between things I said get out of here oh no if you kill Whistler whoo [Music] whoa whoa whoa do you think we need your blade yeah we need like a blade signal maybe like a light with a a bat I got it oh boy looks like some jigsaw [ __ ] oh no oh no yeah Frost is trying to trigger up Vampire Apocalypse vampire God he's trying to resurrect the earth a key she needs your blood of course that's why he wants you alive oh your girl's working on the Cure now walk away oh this is devastating yeah I loved Whistler she's making the cure just hang tight uh by the time you watch this your friend Whistler should be dead it's a good thing he played that afterwards I think that's why they give him cancer so that we were like okay he was gonna go anyway yeah cast of the Silver Bullet yeah you gotta be prepped for everything stack them up locked and loaded let's go I was gonna say this is the most like somber take on a gearing up Montage yeah he's like getting a Zenon almost the sound the music this is not like let's [ __ ] go this is like I guess we gotta do this bite me I'll just kill myself there is no cure baby there is once human vampires like you aren't a species you just infected a virus a sexually transmitted I'll tell you what we are assistant the blood God's coming and after tonight you people of in history anyone caught in his path will instantly be turned it won't matter who's pure blood and who's not how you gonna kill the whole world this does give half blood Vibes it's like sad yeah I do feel he's the day but I do feel bad that people keep [ __ ] on him for not being pure blood it's like you kind of got it yeah you kind of get where his bitterness comes from and I'm like I don't know why go to the bother of turning people if you're gonna be this way right yes come on come on ride your bike in the house let's pray in man why am I hearing gunfire huh did I tell anybody to start shooting I need him alive no assume it's not oh shy is sick Sin City baby yeah and Terminator Vamp taser wow whoa whoa [Music] lumpy potatoes oh my god do you like your potatoes mashed like I'm pulverized pureed and otherwise that was crazy thank you this yeah every time hey man gotta get the most out of these tell me the 90s without telling me we're in the 90s no but you died I came back Eric and Deacon welcomed me into his arms no oh damn it I should have seen that coming you spent your whole life looking for the vampire who bit your mother here I am oh uh what a bastard maybe when we get out of this I'll take that Miracle cue of yours there's one catch if it works you'll be completely human uh why would you want to be human just to avoid it sucking a little blood oh it looks even better in person making totally why isn't his mom thinking about him indoctrinated to the cause this made me so sad but still is mommy mommy mom mama safety's off what do we have here the precious serum how long has it been since your shadow uh oh what's it feel like try it try some you might like it I don't think you'll be needing these anymore yes he does you should have listened to your blood say what you want what you want but I promise you you'll be dead by Dawn Evil Dead too evil does to me I'd like you to meet an old friend of yours oh oh no no she's resourceful she'll get out of there can we talk about us I never thought I would see you again tell me Karen do you ever have second thoughts about us one track mind damn dude wow yes he's gonna grab her legs yeah very striking [Music] it's good they found one just his size too yeah I'd look a real idiot in there not even filling it out tiptoes try to understand Eric your mother died a long time ago it's time for an edible complex cute and I've enjoyed it how about you I don't like this moment a little sooner or later The Thirst always wins uncomfortable given to The Thirst I was a literal thirst trap just yeah are they gonna drain him in that thing Iron Maiden new new ouch like it does look like an Iron Maiden just like less spikes oh geez oh bring the elevator up oh dude [Applause] yes yeah go save them you ain't no damn Damsel in Distress neither is he but he is in distress right now but he's a damselves go help even if Frost is right I really think he cares about you you you're gonna die it's like the rest of us oh I can't say stuff like that out loud man she only has a temper no self-control wait is she gonna let him eat her oh maybe tonight the age of man comes to an end we're going to be gods of course yeah this is the dawning of the age of LA magara are you bleeding today we got no choice gotta try it right now I want you to take some of my blood [Music] oh this is me sexy foreign ritual oh okay that's enough that's enough oh no well they are shooting this like a sex scene I know like be a sex scene without being a sex scene oh they could have worked on their blood a little bit oh no mom oh [ __ ] [Music] I like the little skeleton flashes wow not bad I must release you dang cool wow wow that looks crazy whoa dang shot this pretty smart for those effects Dexter I got two new hands blade I don't know which one to use to kill you with we only got one head yeah you got your glasses back don't take a man's glasses oh yeah now we talk and now you're cooking with gas oh damn dude yes the girl fights the other girl as God intended obviously it's about to be a what girl for you oh I'm Really Gonna enjoy this now no why is she devil never get sold did you enjoy it honey was that good for you was it as good for you as it was for me their breakdown's fighting whoa ouch blade blade blade blade it love that little where's our girl she's up there somewhere depleted whoa whoa the last few blood damn yeah any mouth what the [ __ ] yes he did it's an interesting call huh wow magra must be a lady God flipping none of that affects him anymore so what are we gonna do It's gotta be the garlic and the silver yeah he's gonna have to find the world's largest clove of garlic and put it up his butt thank you nice shot yeah boy you knew that was a great usage of that excellent work that's a cool yeah device is that him whoa whoa whoa whoa come out some [ __ ] are always trying to ice skate uphill I never heard that I've never heard that one but I like it yes oh my God he looks insane right now yeah some [ __ ] are always trying to ice skate uphill that's right I love when it does this [ __ ] [Music] oh it's like Street trash or something like a bunch of grapes trying to ice skate uphill but like is she okay I guess you've seen enough [ __ ] now that she can hang out a few more hours before getting that cure again or maybe it's different because he's the day Walker I don't know if it will work because she already had taken it what happens when the day Walker feeds on you there's still a war going on and I have a job to do you want to help make me a better okay still needs his power he is right there is a job to do please Alex surprises too [Laughter] there you go there you go I was like the equivalent scene right there that was wicked [Music] it's like very obvious why this movie gets as much love as it does yeah okay so Donald Logue was the the one guy damn that went hard not bad not bad not bad at all that was legitimate eight-year-old me is so psyched right now but do you think it's not bad or you think it's really good no that was really good I thought that was super [ __ ] solid yeah yeah yeah yeah no no don't don't mistake the tone the tone of not bad not the words not bad it was really good like the first of all he is so badass dude Wesley Snipes all day like I this makes me wish that they would somehow Multiverse him in Just Right totally he's so sexy he's so badass he's so believable he's a great actor he delivers those Stone Cold lines it's like him and Keon who both have that thing down you know and then and he'd be throwing down on the it looked like he was throwing down on a lot of those stunts if not most all of them could I have used more of a love story you know I could have do I want to see them like passionately suck face and just like I would have I would have been here for it I'm so happy I saved you yeah I did want to see that I did but other than that it's Perfection you want the romance novel cut I do the the um uh what was Stephen dorff's character's name from Sunshine Frost yeah the opposite Sunshine Frost was Frost was spooky [ __ ] he was he was crazy good on you Stephen Dorff yeah he had that perfect he had a good balance of like yeah being like the petulant younger guy who nobody takes seriously but not like an annoying like he had the right balance where I'm not like how did this guy get to where he is right you could see it yeah it was Friday sometimes yeah he's like just the right amount of a brat like not too much to where I'm like I don't believe this guy but enough that I'm like yeah I see why you're sort of alienated from everybody and everyone's always being like oh you have blood you know you you're not one of us real vampires man so like you know I got where his character came from and I thought yeah just like because of what vampire lore is and and this sort of iconography that you've come to expect I feel like yeah he embodies that sort of like you know he's got his sexy fluid thing he's a little bit Manic and crazed but also you know he's he's just like a hot young guy man totally the thing that was cool too though is that all the vampires are problematic even the one that he kills by looking at the sunshine you know like that guy's obsessed with pure Bloods yeah I know someone else who is obsessed with pure blood you know like you never want like it's not like some of the vampires were good some of them are bad it's just pretty much for the most part it's just blade is good yeah all the other vampires we see are bad varying degrees of bad and and have different motivations right like there's the ones that want all the vampires to be pure purebred which is like they're born a vampire and then there's the Half-Blood vampires that want vampires to take over the world and get rid of the humans it's like different degrees and variations and steps down and whatnot yeah absolutely and I like the way that they unfolded their lore I mean sometimes you know when you're like in the heat of a reaction and stuff like that you got to kind of like collect and keep all the details straight but I thought that they did nicely not to like do too much Exposition dumping while also kind of letting you get the hang of like okay so these vampires can regenerate and okay so there is a difference between pure blood and turned vampires oh snap Gary ton of Cliff did a bunch of the makeup effects I got to uh do a little uh I got to do a little shoot with him once that's cool what'd you do I used to work uh for fangoria back in the day and we did a show uh called blood and guts that was later retitled blood Works where Scott Ian from Anthrax uh would go to different effects houses and they would demonstrate an effect and then do it on Scott and uh yeah we got to go to Gary tunnel Cliff's place that's cool at one point in time that's cool that's a cool dude uh did you feel like it was a little some parts dragged a little bit or you've thought it was good pace for the most part I thought it was it was pretty well paced I mean it this is this is like a two-hour movie and so part of me I'm fascinated by this because this came at a time before what the superhero movie the comic book movie Etc that we know now came into full form so I feel like this did like take its time at moments to slow down a little bit and to have like little character beats and stuff uh I didn't feel like it ever really dragged that much but there were times where I was like okay so we're slowing down to breathe a little bit and and most of the time when I would notice that it was during a scene that I liked I mean I usually I preferred it more when it's like okay we're getting to know Whistler a little bit more okay here's an intimate moment between Karen and blade or something like that but uh but yeah I mean it definitely has sort of a different approach to the pace in that regard and it feels like something a bit more out of the 90s like if you said to me that you you know were like oh you could tighten this up by like 10 or 15 minutes like I yeah I would like argue you against that but at the same time I'm not sitting here going like man like certain parts of the like I liked living in the world still I'm with you how did you feel that this compares to other vampire pieces like taking out the superhero component of this or whatever you want to call or the the uh comic book aspect of this like just focusing on the supernatural do you feel like this is a good vampire movie do you like the way that they dealt with the vampires and like what their different looks were how they die how they what powers they have what hurts them yeah I like this the lore in the society they set up quite a a bit actually I mean yeah you I mean it's part parts of it are obviously borrowing from the classics but you know you have this underground CD World of Vampires that secretly controls everything like it did almost remind me of something that could come like you know a certain I forget how far in the future something like daybreakers is set but you know it's like they got their hands on the cops and they got you know clearly all these different Enterprises and stuff like that and the shadowy cabal of you know the top vampire families or whatever that is like I thought all that stuff was cool and then the ultimate end game of like we have this vampire Bible and there's a prophecy and we have to do this Blood ritual to bring back you know this ancient Spirit to you know help us you know take over the world and or destroy it uh yeah like I thought it was nice in that regard and also then bringing in elements like okay so silver and garlic those things work stuff like holy water and Crosses doesn't so much so yeah I like that they said that they're like some of that BS and it's like oh yeah it's like you know not that I'm always sitting here going like remove the religious aspect but like that makes sense to me it's like okay so like this world yeah the religious or the more sort of like faith-based uh remedies or or weapons are not going to be effective here but there are certain like science-based things that they use and even the thing with trying to figure out the Cure like that can be you know kind of kind of a silly thing in movies and and certainly here I guess it does sort of get resolved kind of in that one moment where she's like well if I you know do this the way we would approach this other you know disease that I'm aware of you know I can kind of make at least a cure for people who have been bit and transformed after the fact and uh but even that you know I thought was I like that they took the time to differentiate like you know I don't think it would work on like a purebred vampire or maybe somebody who's been gone way too long because that was another thing too when his mom came back I was like oh no are they gonna do a thing where they like try to cure her from this yeah or something like that and uh and yeah like I liked the The Temper the tempering of that I guess but she didn't know Humanity left in her oh she did now that you've seen this what would you want say your dream doing the blade movie that's coming out now would you want it to be a sequel to this would you want it to be a remake of this would you want them like what was it that you would want that's an excellent question because I think this like you know watching this in the here and now where uh obviously you have everything to compare it to I'm like this is kind of what I would have wanted from a blade I know I know it's like weird that we're watching this now because now it's like what do I what other thing do I need yeah and like this also had I I appreciate this too because this is 1998 you have a lot of obviously practical gags but a fair amount of CG gags as well and so all I can imagine at this moment is like okay so the effects will look more smooth and we're in a time and place where I my main concern with the new blade is like this did so many things a with blood gags but also like you had the big old giant like Glutton creature and you had like little things like that that I'd never even seen that image before I was like what is this dude and then you had like the the anti-serum that like you know makes them all like warp out blow up and and yeah like it is so kind of pulpy and wild and I am it makes me a little bit wary just because I'm like I don't know how this I'm sure there's a possible way to do it there's always a way to do it but uh yeah going nobody knows yet if it'll be a PG-13 but that's kind of like the worst case scenario that you would expect for you know an MCU bummer itself for PG-13 the way that the character needs yeah but who knows they might be able to make that work um it's just such a dark like vampire in Vampire me fiction media Etc lore is all kind of carnal and and sensuous and bloody so yeah I mean you they've made various PG-13 Vamp movies but I feel like to really yeah get the oomph that you want because too I mean you know I think these comic book universes have an interesting interplay as well between you know like DC has a Constantine where you're going into like magic and the more hellish side of the world and it's demons and creatures and it's sort of removed even though it makes sense that they would co-exist in a world with like alien super beings or people transformed in lab accidents it still feels like a a sort of separate side of the world too and I feel like this would occupy that kind of space in a place like the MCU and so yeah it's like almost like elseworlds MCU like like a little bit or just like their vertigo whatever their version of that is because that DC's is like Constantine Swamp Thing that you know that's they're like because they but they even still like coincide with the other characters like at least watching some of the animated movies it's like the first in the DC AMU continuity they introduce you to Constantine and etragon and all those characters via the Justice League at first so it's like I could see the way that blade could you know intersect with the rest of the MCU I mean like I would be super down for an else world as well because I feel like you know oftentimes people Echo the idea of like when you're less burdened by interconnectivity things can shine a little brighter but yeah it's mostly about a sensibility it's like watching this I could imagine you know a a modern you know read Redux of blade or the new take on blade being maybe a little tighter in terms of that pace but again I thought it was I I liked this this was Pace like more of an actual movie and then you had these moments with these like crazy speed ramp gags and stuff like that they put a lot of Personality into how the world came across you know yeah I like that you just use the term personality because it really did like the way this looked and sounded had a it was a for lack of better words just to be as Millennial as possible for a second it was a total [ __ ] Vibe yeah it's a total Vibe like I knew exactly what they were trying to do what do you think about where we rented this it says that it's science fiction suspense compelling downbeat I mean I love the way they they categorize these descriptors now I mean yeah certainly science fiction I mean there's some suspension like this actually had some tension I thought you know even in moments where you can imagine in your movie math brain how certain things will work out or not like I still found myself getting caught up in things and I thought the impact of certain uh just perilous moments or deaths like the whole thing with Whistler like I really came to like that character a lot and then when he died yeah I was sitting there kind of in the bargaining of like no no there's got to be a way like damn it but you know ultimately and it gives him the gun man yeah and then I'm like did they did he like run back there to grab it yeah but what would you want from an MCU blade having seen this now I just don't really know first of all who could do this as well as Wesley did it I mean I like mahershal Ali is great and I have faith in him but also Wednesday Snipes like because there is like a sort of grind houseness about this too and I feel like Wesley Snipes is like a great call to bring that flavor to life yeah it's it's nothing against anybody it's just like this was he's so great in this Wesley's so great in this that it's like I'm not looking for something different but we need to be looking for something different because we don't want martial law to just do a Wesley yeah you know so like yeah what's going to be the spin and then I I don't know like is it does blade and the girl that I wanted to see him get on with do they do they have a pure blood kid like like do they try to teach them what happens you know the the day Walker yeah it creates with a human well she's not well I guess she is she could be a half blood though he just sucked on her again I know but she can curious I think they said she can cure herself again um but no I can't tell what the actual story I would need to be and I I haven't read any of the blade comics so I don't know like who are who else is in our sandbox to play with yeah so yeah but I I'm not not looking forward to it because it's somewhat of a simple premise and I love vampire stories well that's the thing is I feel like yeah thinking about what new blade could be is just sort of like I don't know I guess it would just be a blade movie kind of like what we just sucks but just with new faces and I wouldn't ultimately be upset by that because I don't know yes you're gonna have slightly different characters villains different storyline Etc like so I feel like this is a solid enough blueprint and they don't really they can tweak but they don't really need to tweak a whole lot to you know didn't they have a director on the project and then they pulled them that project has been retooled a lot they had I think the director left I think they've gotten different writers on it and now we have the writer strike going on so yeah that movie is seems like it's having a particularly bumpy journey to fruition bummer but this was legit man I I really yeah this is after so many years of trying this this really uh yeah it had I think like some of the best elements of 90s cheese but also watching it you know so many years removed and I'm like still holds up man totally yeah like this doesn't feel like I have to give it too many handicaps for being you know of a certain time and place yeah there's like one or two throughout where we were like oh where'd the sound go there like okay the way that looks but for the most part it just was really solid for a 98 Super solid yeah it just feels like you know the nightlife is really Vivid and the effect like I thought they smartly shot most of the effects so that yeah like even when the CG is not like up to Modern standards the scene still works and it's like you know those skeleton you know flying skeleton demon monsters that come out at the end yeah a little sick looking they don't look photo real but they look great yeah like like as they're coming out of the the people's mouths yeah like for how they chose to shoot that and light that and how they you know animated and captured it like yeah I just thought this had a lot of energy and a lot of punch it says downbeat and like yeah it is a little dreary but I thought it still had a pulse and it still had that kind of I guess that's it it's like I'm interested to see what the MCU does but I'm glad that this had like its Edge on it because I feel like it needs to it is the dark side so it can't be as like I I would rather see downbeat as the descriptor then yeah totally I think that uh the good thing about when they do this what I always try to remind myself the good thing about when they do like the next blade is that this one still exists it doesn't take that and and put it in the trash so there will always be this so to this too yeah yeah it'll be interesting to see what they do with it yeah yeah good action it's just one right designs of this yeah no they're three three I thought there was just one more I thought it was blade one and two there's blade three Blade Trinity yeah I forgot there it is a Trilogy and the third one is called braid Blade Trinity wow braid Trinity and one of them has like Ryan Reynolds and I think one of them was in fact I think I think I've heard it said that the Ryan Reynolds one is is like he's the one good part of that Sequel and I think maybe like Blade Two or something people like it's kind of underrated and I think like Guillermo del toross no no I mean Blade Trinity is definitely a thing does he make it out alive of Blade Trinity I don't know any of the blades I saw two and three but never the first no no you know but uh I mean I would love to I would love to continue the journey I would love to see how this world evolves and how they you know because this was also Yeah a different time where like franchising things wasn't quite as streamlined obviously as it is now um but this is a world that I would like be totally psyched to come back to I'd be totally psyched to see a different take on a different city like I love the way they captured the city and there's just so much to do with a world like this and I mean not that other vampire stories haven't explored that stuff but you know it's like with the different casts of vampires pure blood turned this daywalker situation seems like there's a lot you could explore with that definitely and they put like a lot of moving Parts which is good not too many but a lot that we could explore yeah and like these other like more feral looking creatures like the guy the you know lab the nurse the lab tech the guy she's working with who she doesn't want to talk about their past relationship like it seemed like they'd been like starving him and he was turning into like a sickly sort of creature um so yeah it's like one of those movies where I feel like it's it's rounded for the story they're telling but it also just hints at more stuff you know beyond the periphery um so yeah I don't know I thought the cast did really really nice job overall I'm with you uh Wesley Snipes freaking killing it whoever uh what is her name who played Karen I thought she did a good job she was excellent and uh and that was like a nice um you know it's like I was rooting for that love story and I I am often these days being like I want a little more like actual romance in these things big make out at the end I wanted yeah your face sucks I wanted a little little like ending vampire orgy Ivy that's the thing is like you know vampire stuff is like trademark sexy I know so I know I watched all Vampire Diaries and The Originals listen I watched all of Buffy she was a Slayer that's true this is really good but you know that was a soap opera that brought back the The Craze of vampires and theme song was Tainted Love oh my baby returned here alone which is a cover I never knew Soft Cell did not write that song oh who did oh I'd have to dig back I used to know this reach deep but yeah it's like one of those songs that was like written for I think it was written for like a female singer or something like that like you know a couple decades prior and then yeah and then they did the cover I never saw any of the Twilight movies ah I've seen one or two I never saw them uh I feel like did this do vampires better don't go to Twilight if what you want is vampire lore what's your favorite vampire movie oh that's a great question oh I would have to think um Jesus I always lean towards like classic stuff like I always I've watched like Nosferatu every every year I mean I I have it could be better in places but I really like daybreakers like when the when the vampire craze was really going down that was a movie I was uh quite enamored by there's one called a girl walks home alone at night that's pretty cool do you like of werewolf zombies vampires what's your jam a root for werewolf because they're like underdone I feel like um ah I probably find I probably would say vampire just pound for pound I feel like there's the I mean there are a lot of great zombie movies um there it seems like as I'm trying to think there's more vampire TV shows but I feel like there's more zombie movies than vampire movies is that wrong there's I mean I would be fascinated to know the answer because it does seem like there are there there are hordes of zombie movies as as you know innumerable as the actual hordes within them um but I feel like vampire is like well trodden and and goes back probably longer uh has has greater longevity probably than the zombie story [Music] and I haven't seen like I haven't seen like uh Let the Right One In which I know people love um let's see okay um Renfield was just good oh I wanted to see that I I uh I've heard good things I've never seen Interview with a Vampire feel like people are loving the TV show right now I watched the first couple episodes it was good yeah um I guess Nosferatu I feel like like a like a cop-out saying that I mean what we do in the shadows is great if you like a movie or the show better for what we do in the shadows yeah uh I guess probably the movie but I like the show just as much fright night's pretty good I haven't seen the uh the remake of fright night but uh but yeah From Dusk Till Dawn that's a great vampire movie that might be a time I've missed a lot of these a topper and you both of us have not seen underworld Ah that's right yeah and I feel like I think that one has both has both vampires and uh werewolves if I'm not mistaken uh but yeah what's your favorite vampire movie I don't know I'm I'm you know I'm a TV girly when it comes to a lot of these like sure nerdy things yeah so do we count Buffy as a vampire show yeah definitely it's in the title I mean you know there are other monsters but I feel like vampires are like a Mainstay of you know that one Slayer that's right this is good [ __ ] man I like this a lot I I would be thrilled to see more of the blade universe and uh and yeah like I just want to soak up all the Wesley Snipes because this this does seem like one of those instances and I don't have like the greatest experience with blade comics but he seems like a like a terrific choice to bring a character like this to life and especially with how much you can tell he's really thrown down like you know he seems like the perfect like action star vehicle that's also like nice and gooey and horary and and just yeah like the vampire nightclub and stuff like that there's so many cool like you know little flourishes [Music] we've been watching good stuff together that's a thumbs up good luck charm you got any more stray thoughts before we skedaddle because of the braids right man because braid rhymes with blade that's right blade Trinity over here oh yeah I hope I hope it watches so we can watch the next one yeah I hope I would love that I would love to at least watch the the agreeable ones you know I know people I know there's at least one that people don't like so much but uh you know I think how bad could it be it's with Wesley ah right yeah totally and I mean I'm sure there are other like crazy uh guess uh you know supporting actors that I don't know about to surprise us too that's crazy that's right man I I think that's again this is like the one part of that movie I've heard is good do you have closing thoughts no just uh just want more I just want you know I wanna this was vital you know and uh I'm glad to have finally like I said this movie has been built up over so much time for me because of that specific experience it's like yeah I begged and begged we went and yeah like the second they got into the class just I knew because I yeah it's like okay she's mom's on the floor she grabbed that dude's crotch blood sprinkler and like those are the three images I remember from my youth so having that paid off now and I tried to actually watch it again years later with a friend who I hadn't seen in a long time and and we went to put it on and just wound up talking to each other like and not even you know engaging with any movies so like yeah after so long this was like a triumphant you know dunk well you did it I didn't have to like work to enjoy this is good quite quite delightful what did you guys think leave us your thoughts down below be very excited to hear what y'all think about this and if you want us to check out any more of the Blade franchise heading into the MCU version and uh yeah much love to y'all check us out on patreon if you want to get the full experience and last but not least let's do a page kale Linden my dude I think we should attend a vampire party together I think that would be good McHale's out in uh in Sweden oh I feel like they'd have good vampires in Sweden yeah man I feel like the vampires in Sweden like you know I feel like I watch a lot of like you know American vampire movies or early vampire movies set in America and everyone just kind of like sleazed out all the time like I feel like Swedish vampires would be a little bit more poised a little bit more genial do you think that they are sweeter in Sweden they are they are the Swedish Mikhail is the sweetest of all yeah he's a he is a sugary uh delightful Swedish Fish he's a Swedish Fish I love Swedish fish do they come from Sweden Mikhail let us know the history of Swedish Fish and let us know how many Americans ask you about this yeah because they're very popular here are they just called fish in Sweden let us know and uh yeah hope you're out there doing well we appreciate you being you were your support of this patreon is goes back so far it's like you are you know like part of an ancient lineage of super sexy pjx oh so you know damn yeah so if ever we need to do some kind of blood ritual to awaken like the prime ordeal reject of the nation you know you will be the high priest for that I think it's a good combo sweet and sexy sexy Mikhail we love you
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 182,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blade, movie reaction, wesley snipes, blade reaction, first time watching, blade review, movie reactions, nikki & steven react, natalie gold, blade 2, blade marvel trailer reaction, blade trinity, blade movie reaction, first time watching blade, reacting to blade, n'bushe wright, reaction video, reaction channel, reel rejects, donal logue, mahershala ali, marvel, mcu, blade script, blade director, blade wesley snipes, abraham whistler, vampires
Id: qcTszhs2SfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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