Superhero Kids Ryan and his sisters 1hr kids video!

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okay Titan kids are you ready yeah what are we gonna do about lava what about we combine our power and blast a lot all right let's do it together one two three welcome to Ryan's world [Music] hey guys today we're gonna play whoever drops the ball loses ready go Emma you broke the ceiling I should have said no magical powers how about we just watch a movie good idea guys what should we watch combo Panda okay welcome one and all to my latest scientific achievement [Music] oh my God going on oh boy this isn't great um I guess she went to get a snack okay oh my gosh okay you're messing up oh my gosh I'm okay where'd my sisters go who are you what are you doing in our room yeah what are you doing in our room get out of here I am Cat Rats minion meow and you can gladly stay in your room [Music] no it's a lot let us out of here but let us out of here let us out I will let you out once I'm finding what I'm looking for now hey Emma I got an idea stand back okay he might put a smile on it it's too strong good try Kate but maybe with multiplier Powers up oh no it's still locked let us out of here please emblem this is no time for hide and seek we're at the good bar look what is that and here's Mr Zord is on the move towards the cocoa Panda residence where are you guys I'm okay who are you I am pack rats minions pack rats minion my name is Mimi and I'm here to retrieve Brian's world have you seen it my Gauntlet it's a pack rats gone like wait do you have anything to do with my sister's disappearance maybe you can have your sister back once you give me the gauntlet of course how about no what is that how about I will let you escape safely if huh my sisters are never [Applause] Emma keeps in trouble I gotta go find them that way it's the Ryan's World Godless I can't find anywhere if I was a gauntlet where would I be it's not anywhere here this place is full of booby traps it's time to call the boss background telephone okay all right please don't be dead Emma gay are you here yes we're here Ryan we can't open this door I'm glad you're safe and monkey now stand back hello pack rats ah Mimi my new minion how's your mission going I can't fine The red-time Gauntlet anyway I'll give you a surprise superpower a surprise for pack rat what is it yeah hold still don't move [Music] cheers okay but what are these ears for they are super sonic hearing ears and they come pre-tuned to track the gauntlet sound waves are you really really loud supersonic hearing sound did I stutter now go you better bring me that Gauntlet rookie okay now time to track down that Gauntlet where is it huh uh-huh I'm getting closer I can hear it oh there's calling to me there it is wow pack rat's gonna be so proud me okay but I gotta keep it safe okay where do I want to keep it oh I put in a secret hiding spot all the way across the world Ryan will never find it and I just have to tell Patrick where Red Line straight activate three two one now let's go get that minion let's go first I'm gonna make sure my goblet is safe foreign I was just in the middle of a fun science experiment with Dr Ryan how can I help you somebody came in and just stole my Gauntlet can you track it down for me yes so according to my research and calculations good thing you put a GPS on it it's somewhere in Japan Japan yes Ryan it's like on the other side of the world I can't go there I'm just a kid but I know who can superhero daddy hey Ryan I need to send you on a secret mission secret mission what is it my new super Gauntlet got stolen and I need you to retrieve it for me oh yeah piece of cake but where is it I have a tracking device on it and it currently says it's in Japan Japan it's so far away I gotta get on the plane and it's really far right oh and one more thing you might want to go undercover well I don't fit in in Japan like this fine I'll change good luck Daddy because the bad guys are also after it [Music] hey guys so I'm walking around Tokyo and I just can't find this location I'm looking for Ryan sent me this map to lead Studio Gauntlet but I'm still searching it should be somewhere near here okay it's inside some kind of building let's see where would it be took us supposed to be full of people but something's going on let's do this okay this is it this is the location I've been looking for it's so strange it doesn't look like a building but there is a door here all right let's go in I'm nervous what what is this place is this where all it is I mean it's getting closer hey hello is somebody here [Music] nobody's answering wait a minute look what I found guys it's Titan family figures but wait a minute on top of them somebody trying to capture us and this is a secret scheme all right I better hurry this must be the evil villain later I think is closer why do they make such a small no passage I can barely go through here it's Gauntlet what oh this is what I've been looking for guys it's here oh yeah what's so cool but this is for Ryan's I gotta bring this back to our home all right in Hawaii all right let's go prayer do you think you are going daddy Titan I know minion actually delivered now I have you and red Titans Gauntlet this is what I call a tool for the price of one kind of deal my path towards destroying the Titan family is finally becoming clear yes it is a matter of crushing you the feeling is coming down ah it was a trap no matter why it was so easy to get discounted welcome to the new Ultra Quake chamber 2.1 yes they do uh I have an idea I should transform all right where's my glasses where's my glasses prepare to say goodbye daddy Titan transform yeah now I'm transformed this is just a piece of cake piece of pie all right so easy all right now fly back to us see you guys a lousy trap design I knew I should have opted for the ultra quick 3.0 oh daddy's taking forever I really need that Gauntlet to complete the mission Ryan I'm finally back from Japan look what I found there you go it's for you hopefully it fits Daddy but let me test to make sure it works oh it definitely works time to complete my mission okay Titan kids are you ready yeah foreign kids I gotta get the Garment back where are the Titan kids and you need to get out of our house I will get out of your house if you give me the gauntlet back together oh yeah the floor is lava whoa what are we gonna do about this lava what about we combine our powers and blast the lava away all right let's do it together one two three yeah don't you move she might have gotten away this time but don't you ever come back yeah yeah and remember we're the Titan kids [Music] hey guys real quick check out these new Titan Universe toys that Ryan helped make my super family and friends go on many fun adventures and defeat bad guys all new eggs and Mecca Titan toys available so you can create your own Titan Universe Adventures at home open surprise bag micro figures build your robot you can find the Titan Universe toys at Walmart Target and Smith's but let's get back to Ryan's world wait wait oh where'd my ball go not over there oh not over here oh there it is [Music] um I'm not supposed to go in here but the ball is right there maybe like a couple of seconds me oh Oh yay okay got my phone what is that I see some shade of blue snow here hmm it's not Christmas yet top secret authorized personnel only property of nobody mine now Ryan yeah my property I mean [Music] nobody better stand on my property let's see what's in this property of Ryan's then it's not even locked the evil ice she doesn't look that evil right now okay the Evil Ice Queen readers beware hmm hmm hmm hmm [Music] okay let's continue once upon a time in a magical place quinda frostville Far Far Away live the most evil ice queen ever very evil ice cream is searching for the Enchanted golden cup drinking from the golden cup will give you special magical powers now what's happening why is it so windy [Applause] what is this place I can sense the golden cup nearby what is this place it's not icy oh hold I can change that [Music] ah there there this shall be my new Frost Veil and the golden cup is somewhere nearby I just have to find it and be the most powerful evil icy cream ever oh what was that guys uh oh [Music] why are all of the pages empty what where's the ice queen it did say beware of nothing maybe it was something then yeah this place is more like it this shall be my new throne room take over the human world once the golden cup is mine it happened here why is the house turned into a winter wonderland oh and it's so cold hello anybody Here here anybody oh hello hi my name is penguin welcome to fraudsville hey Mr Penguin but this is my living room and the ice cream escaped out of my book where where is she don't mention about her I'm scared you know what she's actually upstairs [Music] okay thank you I'm gonna go now can you favor yeah what is it I'm actually really hungry right now can you give me some fish foreign [Music] oh there it is all right get me some fish you got it ah yes yes [Music] wait squid I don't eat squid I want fish okay okay okay [Music] here you go wow thank you nice and red fish [Music] um that was good okay well I'm gonna go visit the evil ice cream stuff there and it's getting cold wait for you my frostville kingdom uh this is Ryan and this is my house well Ryan this is my new queendom now frost build and the golden cup have you seen it um the golden cup is not here it is with my magical powers I can sense it where is it don't lie to me I don't know where it is but can you get out now no this is my queen dumb now you leave whoa that was some strong wind I don't know how to defeat the queen I need her to get out of my house [Music] what do I do how do I beat the queen all by myself and it's getting awfully cold there's an igloo I could rest in here where's my spell book where whoa what is this place oh hello who are you oh I'm wizard daddy nice to meet you wizard Daddy what are you looking for I'm looking for Spellbook the evil ice queen has escaped from a frost Bell and the only thing bringing her back is the spell book oh where is it I don't see the spell book right now but what can I do to stop her okay let me listen to crystal ball and see what you're supposed to do crystal ball crystal ball tell me [Music] Ryan your mission is to find the golden cup before the evil queen does it okay oh right before you go this will help you on your journey whoa the legendary sword thank you wizard daddy now I'm gonna find the golden cup good luck all right I gotta keep looking for my book where's my spell book if I was a golden cup where would I be where would I be a ston oh it's a baby snow monster holding a baby he can't catch me cutie snow monster I'm Ryan can I please have the gold go back here I need it hey I need that fight oh no snowballs whoa hey this hey take it snowball fight is on it I'm gonna get you bye great now now here wait where did he go the golden cup I finally found it but uh what should I do with it oh I should hide it from the evil ice queen uh oh no you don't it's mine freeze foreign [Music] thank you Ryan the golden cup is mine I'll unfreeze you because I'm nice hey with this cup I'll be the most evil ice queen in the world uh oh she drink the cup what should I do [Laughter] I'm out of here oh no the evil ice queen is getting away with my new magical power no one can stop me I can't believe the queen stole the golden cup from me if I had the chance I would have drunken it and saved the world wait a minute lava [Music] you gotta be careful wait a minute there's ice block I wonder how that works okay first one oh I almost fell guys okay on to the green one and then shortcut girl do you want some tea of course oh who are you what who are you well I am Ryan the great see my sword [Music] I'm Kate well can you help me defeat this evil ice queen not right now after Tea Party so time for tea there's always time for our tea yeah there's always time for teeth if I have a tea party with you guys will you help me defeat the ice queen yes [Music] guys it's just cold I wanna rap for you Ryan foreign [Music] what are you guys doing here guys you agreed to stop me wait a minute fire [Music] the golden cop this sure would help me [Music] stand back MLK I'm gonna try my new special power whoa what is that electricity now time to summon my dragon dragon a dragon appears I need the most powerful Dragon in the world [Laughter] Dragon defeat them oh where's the spell book I remember I put it up somewhere 200 years ago oh did I put in the bag oh I think that's it right here oh David spell book all right all right let me see inside the spell but there's gonna be a spell to bring the evil queen back uh there it is hey Ryan ha ha ha ha ha ha ha meet my evil dragon now Dragon defeat them [Music] find our powers I don't think so I can defeat you with me and my dragons [Music] ah yay we are being the dragon yes guys I think I see my wizard friend thank you guys I can take it from here I found the spell book I can finally defeat the queen let me take a look oh here it is windy wind boom Queen away what what is this oh that's a nice breeze though what it doesn't work what is this nonsense and who are you oh by the way my name is Wizard daddy nice to meet you oh no it says it's expired in 100 years ago no no it's why it doesn't work uh good luck Ryan I gotta go [Laughter] oh it might not work for the wizard but it might work for me we win blow ice queen away oh no where's this gossipling coming from [Music] now I am the new king of frostville in my first demand is to get rid of all this ice and snow and make my house back to normal laughs whoa everything is back to normal yeah let's check on downstairs [Music] no more frostville there's my family [Music] oh hey Ryan oh hi Ryan glad to have you guys back what are we talking about Ryan we're talking about Ryan we've been downstairs the whole time is it gonna play with us I got another pair oh where's mommy in the kitchen yeah she's in the kitchen yeah I see it right there Mommy it's the ice cream I thought I got rid of the ice cream ice cream what are you talking about Ryan what do you think my hair uh I do not like it oh really oh okay well that's better okay want to make some snacks you ready for some snack time give me a second I gotta do something first okay what's next for me now what do I do with this golden cup she's back inside the book where she belongs the ice queen is now stuck inside her castle and is never to be seen again I better put her back inside just in case anyone reads and she gets out I know exactly where to hide it okay I'm gonna put it in my room where I can keep an eye on it right oh over the golden cup is mine [Music] oh I guess I'm the new king of frostville and my first oh I guess I'm the new Queen I'm looking for Spellbook sorry all of it's gone it didn't say Beetle wow what's happening whoa whoa [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] whoa [Laughter] wee wee wee I need the most powerful Dragon in the world [Music] guys let's pin the tail on the dinosaur then uh maybe here did I get it where'd it go oh no look what is that dinosaurs [Music] are the dinosaurs still there oh wait they're gone oh my gosh I think that's back and Peck only calls when there's trouble who knew Ryan I have bad news huh I accidentally teleported a bunch of dinosaurs to your house so that's why they were dinosaurs but how do I get red pack so I'm gonna send you a device that will help them get to back home okay [Music] mom how am I supposed to use this to get rid of the dinosaurs it might look like an ordinary mop but all you have to do is touch them with it and boopity Boop it will teleport them back home oh okay thanks pack I'm gonna go look for the dinosaurs and send them back oh I'm so hungry well don't worry I'm ordering us some pizza on the computer oh I want to play Minecraft anymore just hold on one moment who let me try guys three giant T-Rexes ah I wonder how I'm gonna get them wait I have an idea T-Rex is like me so I'm gonna throw a fake turkey I'm sorry Mr fake turkey [Music] sure would be nice if some food just popped up huh smells like chicken oh chicken did you say chicken let me see what this chicken is here oh that's not a chicken that's a turkey I got barbecue sauce yummy that's it bring it on over someone left a chicken over here guys it's working don't worry Mr fake turkey I'm Gonna Save You yummy chicken I told you it's a turkey hopefully it works go home T-Rex yay now let's find more dinosaurs and put them back to their world moves hey my favorite guys I think he's just hungry I'm gonna feed him before we send him back to this world hey boy there's a lot a lot more plans here huh more plants more plants more plants no more plants scares all the jokes [Music] it's time to go home [Music] yay let's find more dinosaurs guys oh no what is that it was a pterodactyl he went that way what was that daddy have you seen a pterodactyl well I don't know but something touched my hair I think it's aerodactyl's on the loose daddy oh yeah in my room oh there it is that's my chair [Music] I don't know what you were eating Daddy but he finished it up hey that's my cereal don't worry Daddy I'm gonna send him home see dinosaurs are really hungry [Music] oh thank you Ryan I'm sorry for stealing your cereal though oh yeah I gotta get a new cereal eating Charlotte is better eating fish is way better than eating salads no way there's so many yummy salads and they're so tasty salads are only good with salad dressing yeah yeah oh yeah that sounds like fighting Woods everyone knows fish is the best oh there's an egg dinosaurs love eggs Raptors I agree with this egg with nothing inside but you don't know that huh what's that rolling over here Hey look it's a giant egg stegosaurus send you home where it's probably more safer than my house [Music] yes it worked now the Raptors mmm yummy hey yay I got those dinosaurs and I saved an egg with nothing in it wait guys I think I hear dinosaurs that way [Music] I think I hear some noise in the laundry room guys ah a dinosaur help I'm stuck wait I think he just needs help thank you Ryan okay guys I'm gonna send him back to his world now okay dinosaur go home bye bye [Music] all the dinosaurs back with me [Music] with me hey um I kind of need that Bop back whenever is fine Ryan Ryan hey guys daddy ordered it do it yourself Roblox kit for me and I'm tracking it down right now package is on its way should be here any minute [Music] your package is here hurry come check it out okay run podcast came in I think this is for you yeah yeah you ordered me ordered a kit for my birthday did I oh yeah you're right you ready to open it yeah wow it's big hey whoa check this out whoa It's do-it-yourself Roblox all right Ryan let's take it out of the box okay let's take it out um oh whoa it's huge yeah it's like a toy size hi and the other arms whoa all right Ryan looks like this is the last one Ryan why don't you look at the instruction book while I'm looking for the toolbox okay okay Step Zero clear everything off the table okay [Music] okay how to build your own robot friend all right Ryan get the toolbox okay so it says first put all the parts together oh that's easy yeah all right let's do it okay [Music] there you go ahead [Music] nice and slow good job Perfect all right this side okay I don't like this perfect grab my tools and let's finish up building the robot I'm gonna build a robot [Music] grab some tools and let's begin okay Daddy we put the parts together now what let me read the instructions next charge it for a few hours yeah we have to charge it but where oh is this it oh yeah that's it all right plug it in that's all we can do for now we'll come back in a few hours all right let's go okay guys we're playing chess while waiting for the robot to chill all right my move this way I'm gonna go this way got your king hello anybody there I think I'm finished charging I think I finished charging oh it's still normal wait let's go let's go [Music] it's the robot hello friend I am your new robot friend wow it's working guys yeah but how do I make it move okay let me read the instructions enjoy your new robot friend remote included oh remote did I miss remote oh you're right right here let's see what it does okay here we go Ryan okay oh let's see volume up okay I'm gonna ask my robot what's the weather tomorrow what's the weather tomorrow [Music] um it could be raining oh snowy or thunderstorming so many so many options you have to wait to find out not really helpful that is it it's not good you know what Daddy let's go a little bit easier okay what is two plus two according to my calculation 2.2 could be a four or like a three or is it two I'm not sure I only know um only preschool stuff oh my gosh these are good where the painful this lame I'm gonna go take a nap maybe we're missing a step add human DNA it's optional the robot will think like a human beware maybe dangerous dangerous nah hmm so where to find a human DNA hello hello anybody there human DNA hmm Mommy [Music] I need some of your hair what my hair what do you mean what do you mean my hair what what's going on go about here robot here's some yummy food what is that it's hair it's super yummy are you sure yes okay all right robot I'm gonna come back and check up on you later okay don't forget me [Music] what is happening what is happening anybody there anybody there I gotcha hi hi it's the robot it looks so much different from before yeah I got upgraded 2.0 this is Mommy's robot how can I help you who are you by the way I'm Ryan well mommy robot here what can I do for you what can you do anything you want your wish is my command let me see what I should ask you to do hmm [Music] oh it's so messy uh Ryan come up here and clean up your room okay first task clean up my room and after you're done make a sandwich and lemonade for me thank you got it clean room sandwich lemonade [Music] my queen Ryan's room where do I begin I was not programmed to clean room I just put everything up there room will be clean in no time what is this oh super strong robot arms I am a great job Ryan will be proud of me all clean Ryan will be proud [Music] now to egg Ryan sandwich uh he didn't tell me what kind of sandwich I will do both peanut butter and ham sandwich together [Music] I am not sure what he likes peanut butter and ham [Music] now for lemonade lemonade lemonade lemon oh not enough lemon I can use onion instead lemonade we'll need lemons lemon more lemon juice more lemon juice now for onion [Music] onion juice onion juice [Music] sugar water thank you now for ice [Music] no ice oh wow Ryan lunch is served oh I'm so hungry can't wait for my food here you go Ryan lunch is Sir tell me what you think yay wait a minute ew why is there peanut butter with ham [Music] and I smell onions that's not how you make lemonade I ran out of lemon so onion is all I have all right let's see if Ryan cleaned his room like he's supposed to [Music] clean your room you don't want to see Angry daddy today oh he did clean his room look nice oh he did a great job what is that he just shoveled everything up there what this is not cleaning since I did such a good job what would you like me to do next um Ryan [Music] [Applause] stay here and make yourself useful what do I do here make myself useful well I guess I can fold clothes but how do I fold clothes hello anybody there hello hey Ryan where are you okay who's here that wasn't the definition of cleaning your room so clean my room right now in the meanwhile do you want my sandwich oh yeah yeah sure [Music] smells good too [Music] okay all right room all clean hmm now how do I fix my robot so my robot isn't very smart let's see what I can do oh I can download an update okay distribution eight percent okay 100 download complete now let's make this robot smarter hey robot are you still there oh what's going on [Music] thank you Ryan did I do a good job of cleaning up no but now you will this is the USB flash drive with the new update so you're gonna be super smart in three two one did it work let me show you five plus five equals ten oh it did work okay so now can you clean up this mess and do the dishes I am on it Ryan I will keep you safe don't you worry okay thanks who made this mess this is unacceptable muscle clothes now that my robot is super smart I can play Roblox and making everything done [Music] all right everything folded now to wash the dishes for Ryan foreign be careful I cannot touch water I have to wash without pushing water [Music] good job robot keep doing what you're doing I'm on it Ryan I will make you proud all right everything is done Ryan Ryan yeah I finished cleaning washing the dishes I think I will now tackle the bathroom I can smell it from here it's extra stinky and dirty okay whoa Ryan it's all clean did you do this yep you should check out the laundry room Daddy [Music] whoa no way he'd even fold it up like this it's so neat it looks like it's something at the Walmart look at this oh I am deserves a reward right in the bathroom and the guest room is all clean I think it's time for you to go to bed Ryan it is time for you to go to bed what go to bed yeah according to my calculation kids need adequate sleep time of about eight to ten hours you're supposed to be in bed by 8 PM it's already 7 30. that's funny no more I had no more iPad go brush your teeth and go to bed go go go go go go go go ah this robot is getting out of control what did you say nothing [Music] let's go to bed it's already almost eight I will tuck you in it's only 7 40. more sleep is better okay that way your body can heal and grow at night good night I think I'm doing such a good job but I gotta find more ways to keep Ryan safe who do I call the robot is going crazy maybe I should call my dad I should tell him about the robot [Music] talk to you can you just wait all right I'll talk to you in 30 minutes okay that is no help what do I do Ryan is that you is that you he's doing calculations in my head I gotta find a way to keep Ryan's face I realize the only way to keep Ryan safeness and he is in this house forever gotta keep Ryan safe Ryan is that you nope Ryan where are you is that you I have to keep you safe Ryan come with me come with me please okay so according to my calculation the best way to keep you safe is to stay in this room forever I will keep you safe don't you worry what happens if I need to eat I will make your food don't worry or go to the restroom I will take you there it's just around the corner or go to school we can do homeschool oh can you make me a snack okay okay right up don't go anywhere [Music] oh okay good thing she's gone I need to find a way to call Peck oh I know what to do [Music] Ryan where are you where's Ryan [Music] oh boy here's my chance [Music] foreign [Music] I was studying for my chemistry test but what can I do for you so I accidentally created a robot and now it's too smart that it wants to trap me in a room so that protects me oh so that doesn't sound very good um okay I know what to do I'm sending over my latest invention to you right now it's googly eyes with confusion technology all you have to do is cover the robot with the googly eyes and the robot will become so confused that it will shut down sending him over right now okay pack googly eyes hopefully this works there you are honey and here's your snack why don't you eat it before you go back to bed okay thank you robot but I've been thinking that you've been working too hard I think you should get a recharge okay good idea uh where should I take my little nap [Music] um okay [Music] are you sure you'll be okay without me I'll be fine okay I think the robot is powered off okay this is my chance okay [Music] legs [Music] and Final Touch Duffy okay this should work let's turn it back on robot come on [Music] what's happening [Music] Ryan come down [Music] okay no more robot what was that noise what's going on oh Ryan did you make this mess daddy the robot came to life and it was super smart so we had to put a stop to it I'm sure that robot was so dumb I am he can't even do two plus two but I updated him with the new update well I'm sorry for the message Daddy I'll clean it all up all right you have a great imagination all right have fun cleaning up you always have to clean up when you play right okay guys well I gotta clean up now thank you for watching the robot video bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye mohawk
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 2,549,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, superhero, superhero kids, kids video, red titan, titan universe, video for kids, kids pretend play, pretend play for kids, kids, kids superhero
Id: Qici7GJx29U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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