Superformance Corvette Grand Sports - Jay Leno's Garage

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Can someone explain to me the thought process of wanting to keep the suspension original but dropping an LT4 in there?

Also lmao @ Jay calling them out for not knowing it was a dry sump and then how you have to pull the dry sump to change the battery

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/infalliblefallacy 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BrandanG 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

These things are sick as fuck

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/attomsk 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
girls like 1963 yeah tell me about it 1963 but I think this one would feel like welcome to the episode of Jay Leno's Garage the focus today Grand Sport Corvettes you know back in the 60s general motors got a little perturbed at Carol Shelby because the Cobra was sort of getting all the limelight and they decided to build the ultimate Corvette the Grand Sport it had a tube frame something like was it 377 cubic inches lots and lots of horsepower we'll find out exactly what it is they're supposed to build 125 of those to go racing and they didn't go racing it did very well but they only built five or that's the rumor there may be a sixth one I don't know but they tend to go in the five to seven million dollar range if you could find somebody they wanted to sell one these are not Grand Sport Corvettes in the truest sense but as we say incredible recreations and these are not ordinary Corvettes that have been dialed up to look like them these are ground-up super forms you know their name they build those incredible gt40s they also did some wonderful Cobra replicas too but really good ones really good ones and they've teamed up with Ken Lingenfelter who does the motors for these and of course he's legendary in General Motors tuning especially with Corvettes he's the Corvette guy let's meet him Lance stander and of course Kenton lingenfelter the legendary car builder Lance good to see you sir Ken how are you Jay for you so I you're known of course as the Corvette guy said all kinds of records built just incredible Corvettes and as I mentioned you do those gt40s the really good ones yes there's somebody bad I hate to use a word kit cars okay as yours are a recreation factory built factory built but just beautiful beautiful work how did you do hookup was it through tinder what happened how did you thought you came back well actually through a friend of mine in in in Michigan Todd Andrews introduced me to Ken the ultimate Corvette guy right and we knew when we did these cars we had to have an engine with pedigree and and great stuff that link if all they were done we wanted that engine and that name on our cause okay so tell us about recreating the Grand Sport because I have to admit I was one of those people when I heard about this years ago I just assumed you were taking 63 Corvettes you know doing some body work and a few inch about okay but this is really a ground-up factory-built car very similar to the way they built the originals correct yeah well the background is um I came over and from South Africa and I started with the Cobras with Carroll Shelby and done the Cobra but I was really a Chevy guy in disguise and Louise wanted the Corvette Grand Sport and I was after and all our cause we wanted licensed by the original manufacturers we weren't gonna do a car that can be considered a kit car or it's a replica but we even hate that word anyhow so I start approaching GM and of course he really laughed at me this you want to do what you want to put the Corvette badge on a car that's not built inside Chevrolet never ever going to happen covet will send your season too soon many years later about eight years later eventually I managed to crack it and we got the license from GM and we were licensed to build the car with the Corvette name on now we had to do the car ride and I was like okay how do we start well at the time there was a company called danto motors and that's Alan surveys and his son Edward and they had a rigid under license with August on top when when when he was still alive to use his name and they were building Grand Sport race cars with around two frames with everything correct and I went met with him and and we were still not so I was still not satisfied well he linked me to Bob ash and I don't know if you know Robert Asheville Bobby she's restored for I believe of the regional grand sports went through his bull you know we had met with him and he had original tooling that he had made plaster cast molds of the original car number two number three car that races with number two behind me he had every little part remade and he had the tools made for every little part for the car he had also made the thin body that they raced the car because the regular 63 Vette was 3600 pounds around a and a Grand Sport was 2,000 pounds so you can imagine what lengths he went to to create these grand sports and get them correct and Robert I had everything at two storage units full of all these parts and we bought everything from him and he had copies of the original blueprints they're about that big and we've got the copies of that and that all went back to the factory and a correct frame that he had copied exact you know we've we made a few small changes Iraq power of power steering rack as opposed to old steering box right and we've had to go with upgraded Wilwood brakes but suspension and everything we didn't do what all the replica copies done where they put a c4 c5 Corvette suspension on we weren't gonna do that the car had to be correct we copied August we look through the drawings we just improved where we had to but if you look out of the car it all looks correct it has 63 Grand Sport parts underneath it same as it did now Ken when this guy contact do you think ours another whack job trying to build a replica car you know I I'd seen the product before so I was really comfortable with what Lance was doing and then when I got a look at what this was all about and I had to have our engines in these cars so it's it's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous so exactly what motor are we dealing with well the really cool part is just like with every other Corvette you can have just about anything you want you know the roller comes to us and really good shape all set all painted beautiful condition and the buyer pretty much says he wants a 327 he wants to go old-school new-school this car actually happens to have a Brandywell t4 engine in it oh this is the engine that they put in the new zo6 okay and lots of power very smooth very dependable because I remember as a kid was it a 327 taken out - 377 what was powers that make him back in the day probably around 450 with my guess be okay okay but lots of torque lots of huge yeah and to a Muncie 4-speed box okay so if someone said I want an exact copy oh yeah we have done that and we have it on that phone yes with 377 with the Muncie with it now of course 370 similar technology offered to them you get up at 550 old spent a lot more in in this case we we can go to 750 I remember when I was a kid there was there was a car that just knocked my socks off it was Bill Thomas's cheetah that had a driveshaft I don't even have a job chef crankshaft connected directly and directly to the to the differential menus that on the differential it looked like the most uncomfortable hot car with the headers like right here yeah those are pretty well but this these actually won a lot of races and yes scared Carroll Shelby didn't they oh yes they did if GM had carried on backing the Corbett's I you know who knows as I said Argus had to sneak them out to to some of their Chevy dealers in Texas and around and and those guys raced them until the bean counters found out about that too at GM and said no no you gotta stop this we don't want them racing that's which explains if people who don't know there was a thing American manufacturers have agreed to stop racing right I know is it because hot rodding or kids are getting killed whatever there was no but you know races erases and they find a way and through the backdoor this is all done on the Qt off to the side and now Corvettes five of them come out of the factory they were crushed in the back yeah but I know they were gonna build a bunch of them right to 125 you were correct there are some pretty famous racers that ended up shorts they - yeah you know Roger Penske big ol strength you know yeah amazing car Elmo Johnson right yeah well dick Gulfstream shop is right down the street dynasty he would come by here all the time who's that old guy it's something he's I'm dick oh my god physical strength you know I mean and he would he was still racing Corvettes until the day he died well in his eighties but he will come by here and it was such an honor to have him come by I was lucky enough to get to meet him in your campfire shop - now I remember the blue with the white stripes did they ever build the red one no okay that's right when they all blue with white stripe no they were blue there was a white one is there different color blue the Meachem blue and and then of course they changed you know through the the last two got the roofs cut off and they ended up with big blocks okay and there was the two big block cause okay cuz the American Racing color was white with blue strea so this just turned it around because white because Mustangs are doing that I think they were a little bit pull the mistakes oh well that's true yeah we see three yeah so tell us let's let's start with this one this is basically an out-and-out race car you drive street right well we build it two different ways now we call this our Touring package this car has air conditioning power steering electric windows central locking it's it's it's a Grand Tour and has the big seats it's really comfortable but we will build you a Grand Sport to the regional race back where it won't have all the comfort it won't ever will have the perspex windows on the side right course the rear windows perspex it won't every air conditioning and we've done a few like that most of those are done through through add on top connection in Texas and they've been very successful the Duntov Corvettes are racing all over Europe in owners in European owners and a lot in South Africa alan arkin so you know in America Allan and his dad raced both in America did you ever meet stunt-off you know I didn't but I've got a couple of his cars in the car collection only get a whole bunch of attention so amazing guy oh he was an amazing guy and there were a couple of great books out on him and he got stars I guess doing the jump off heads for the flight head for the overhead valve pretty amazing let me out now this cooler is this transmission cool that's your differential good right so you know those days they did everything was functional that was the best position to put it and it worked and and you know we we've made some changes we in the back was an access area for the trunk to get to the battery in our case there's actually a trunk in the back there and as I said we've made it a little larger inside there's nothing changed in the measurements that's all correct but we got more room in so you'll find when you drive it there's lots of room you come to I recognize this mirror and remember Duntov this is open yeah the reason behind it if you look at the nose of the Corbett it's a perfect wing right so when the costs are getting 240 and before that it wanted to fly so they had to get rid of all the air that was under the car so they started cutting up right they put the big fins in the side put the big pins at the back of the car and they to get the air out from underneath the car it goes keep it down I remembered on top went to GM and said can we cut holes they said no customer but we'll put fake holes there yeah they put fake / yeah what's it doing yeah they look cool but they didn't actually work but yeah but this one actually would keep it from getting airborne yeah you know he did a lot of things even he's exercising here having that wasn't on the original covet that's actually a chevy truck door handle but he shaved the handle and got the handle back that was his attempt at all the different aerodynamics you know mine at the time because in 63 they went you know thinking about it but they haven't got to where they are today and of course how he cut out the fenders and you know get the air from an ether car so Ken how does it work they they send the finished car to you without engine and transmission you put it in that's the way it's supposed to work in every case and the owner decides what other options he wants there's options he can choose from superformance like we were talking about Landsat air conditioning and comfort things that can go in or we can have it done without any of all that stuff and so works it works really well another interesting thing or intimate area we also have the period-correct magnesium wheel that they ran on 14 to 2 examples I've got your boat don't have it on but we have the 15-inch Hallie Bryant style Corvette wheel okay meri magnesium made in Michigan for our cars yeah magnesium wheels they look really good really good well you've had a number of record-breaking Corvette what is the most famous one I'm trying to remember oh my gosh I you know one of the things I know a lot of people may remember us for us we always race the Blue Angels jet team oh yeah so we did that for for some TV and always had a great time with that you had a top speed car when yeah we built the engine for the sledgehammer that's what it was a German yeah yeah yeah and it was 250 something miles an hour I can't remember exactly but pretty amazing car yeah and that's a pushrod VA it is and what kind of Rose was to turn it 200 III don't know but I do know this at one point I remember when the car was on the track and and on its way to reach that speed John Lingenfelter is driving in the car and it's shaking like the devil and they said what'd you do about that and he said I just drove through it so what's easier you you get they get the crane engine from you you put it in and you the most people like to have a build engine similar to the original well there's you know there's a lot of opportunity to do some fabricating underneath it you know like any other car guy when you're up against something and you take it to a show you want to pop the hood and just kind of beat on your chest a little bit so you know there's an opportunity to get the motor in it'll fit all kinds of combinations and and it's always a lot of fun to do some extra fabricating with the things we've got to really make it showy also this is how to open a jam yeah that's to show you yep well first impression look at the size of that radiator is it that's bigger than the standard zo6 radiators yeah oh yeah in a trademark of superformance we over cool all our cars we've never had any issues but there was always now in the old days with replicas and killed cause having cooling issues right we weren't gonna have that in any superformance car and it's a dry sump obviously this one we set up with a wick some Sun better to wait dry sump over there you know what you're right it's sorry you just caught me out yeah all right you know what I you know my first impression was do you have to pull with try something the battery okay very cool J these things are making amazing power though yeah I mean I mean the product that General Motors is built here is absolutely unbelievable we have one up on our engine dyno right now that we're making over 1,500 horsepower with without changing any of the bottom end really so it's twin turbo and we're not gonna deliver a car with that kind of horsepower but when you think about all the engineering that went into this thing and how good this motor really is this is actually a real good fit for this car and you guys hand make all these pieces as well yes a lot of its custom made these performance made a lot of the custom parts for this one and one single fan is better than two smaller ones huh no it's not that we found that there was enough cooling this engines over cooled with what we've got we've just got the one fan for those owners that just do parades and drive real slow idling for hours hours and so we added it upon one electric fan it's amazing how close your steering is to the header oh my god yeah yeah pretty cool the other thing about this chase you know we can actually make more power than this with this motor right with a very small adjustment and a few thousand dollars and some more lingenfelter massaging the 800 to 750 real quick and the gearbox is 6-speed in this one yeah this is a t56 yeah Magnum would you build one with an automatic if somebody we we are we built a lot of people are going for the paddle in GM Selleck connect and play as they call it with a six-speed automatic with paddle shifters and we've been doing that and it looks like a Corvette body but you make the body like we make everything the body is made at our factory the frame is all done at our factory it's the regional style big fat round tube frame everything the way they did it you do the same and of course the Flair's and the front wheels here as well that's what they did that originally as well they did that because the rules when they raced you had to cover the tires nobody had to cover the tired and I think it's amazing that GM signs off on it because there's no real upside for them unless it's perfect isn't it it was a challenge and they did you know they were back and forth a few times and really good guys at GM licensing Ben Romero and and and Steve at the time he's not there anymore they were they were very supportive and the some of the GM engineers that we spoke to you know they they knew all the modern stuff but they were really impressed with us and they loved what we were doing and it's just cut bringing the whole GM culture together you know so this one with the sort of the court the Touring package as you call it what is this way about 3400 no it's actually under 3,000 pounds really yeah under 3,000 pound is this a more thin wall fiberglass no it's a you know we've shown people we can actually sit on the fenders and stand of it's pretty strong super force and really calls for 25 years now and in the US and all those with the older Cobras are coming up now 25 years old there's not a crack or a mark yeah well I know I know the original code we should go like that oh yeah you leave your thumbprint yeah it's gonna find you because your thumbprint is right there on a car yeah yeah there was so thin yeah yeah we always have people coming up to the cause and saying is is this aluminium and when they do that we say well yes fool it is aluminium because you've just put two dead see today you proved it yourself and of course you got these ribs to break coolers back here correct functional as well pretty functional in 63 who did the original I guess the original grants what had four-wheel disc didn't have drums in the back you might have stopped me now believe it at discs sold I think it at this color yeah I've got a 63 and it's drums all the way around but by 64 I think was the first my name is 65 was the first year and another big difference on the car and everybody will look at this and say but you say it 63 it's not a 63 Corvette where's the split-window who Ryan well of course August wanted the car lighter so he cut that little bit of extra fiberglass out and and that's the first picture in a window which was on the Grand Sport so he went to every length to do the like yeah a friend of Mines dad when I'm in high school bought a 63 and when the 64's came out he was so mad he had this cutout and got a 64 put in a lot of years later he tried to give it it's really a 60 you're a liar because my 63 you back up when you just you know is there a kid no bike right here you can't see anything but it did look a lot cooler it did look a lot cooler let's go to this one over here now this is sort of an exact copy of the one that raced in 63 correct that's correct yeah as you see it's raced with the number two on but it was actually the third Grand Sport Bill I assume this is the this is based on the 327 yeah this is a more accurate pair correct look and with with a bully but Kenna let us tell you more about this it's actually an ls3 crane a crate motor with some lingenfelter additions and such the coolest part about this and I know you can see is this eight stacker that's provided by Borla to me there was nothing sexier than the Corvette's or the bit serene ease and had the Weber's on them right when you ran across right yeah just looked great and I always wonder when they did this was it to look cool as it wasn't more functional or was it both yeah it's a little bit of both Jacob you know back in the day these were problematic to a certain degree although they had lots of ability to get them tuned and run right these days this is more the look than anything else yeah and as you can tell I mean if somebody get wants to take this to a car show and they pop the hood you get that same thing you're talking about how cool is that right we call it the ultimate man's jewelry yeah I mean it just that does it for me earth I mean an expensive painting on the wall okay that's impressive but I draw they have that I like to look at that now are these other screens effective really and keeping only a little effective for the big stones put it that way that would be a little scary seems like there should be a cover and take the Dakar show and you pop it off you know and we do have setups like that where the whole box goes over and it has air cleaners built into it but most guys want this and if you'll remember car shows the guys swing tennis balls you right right yeah we find that it looks a little prettier than tennis but yeah I think the guy that buys this car too wants that look yeah and so if it means a little extra maintenance or whatever Soviet and this of course is is the wet sump engine there's a wit he'll get a drive to stop it's a widsom and what's interesting here the the ls3 is not a very pretty engine as it comes but we had these special valve covers made and what you might have known of the past now clay cook he had he was doing all these special valve covers and all that and that and they make it look like a in the old school pushrod engine yeah well it really is attractive I like it in black too it looks very nice and you've got modern air conditioning are you having in here as well what else have we got here let's see I like the fuse box set up but that's all stock batteries in the same place this when you get the battery out ease yeah and this car has actually done many long trips this was a C McCoy in 2016 ken really compelled a booth and after that we left from Southern California through Nevada into Utah right through Utah to Colorado ended up in the Rockies we took all the drives we actually took two grand sports and and we did about 3,000 miles and the weekend long we you've got a little bit of muffler here not much yes yeah now when you took this long trip with your wife with you yep my wife goes Emily oh no she's we've been together since we were 10 years old and she gets on the motor song that's illegal isn't yeah I guess America's little deal a little bit but no she comes with us she's a trooper she though miles and miles in the Cobras and now she prefers the grand sports because of the roof and the air conditioning and the luggage room now all of a sudden we can't just go to small little bit as you said you will build a convertible ground as well we will they actually did back in period correct they cut the cut two of the five coupes C of the two I think I prefer this one because it's more the feel you know a lot of times when people recreate a vintage car they take all the a patina or the character out of it you know like the old Cunningham's from the 50s a big 331 that those haunches in the front I mean it and it had a truck steering box yes but that's the fun pants what you want to recreate and that's what real car guys enjoy driving a real God you get that sensation out of driving these it's not gonna drop for you there's no nan easier there's no ABS traction control even though we do have it available but we tend not to put it on and this is a six-speed this is a 6b - I'm with you J this I have one this is such a beautiful car had to build one for myself so we've got one sitting in the lingenfelter collection it looks just like this got a little different engine setup I've got the dual quad thing going on but it gets so much attention everywhere we take it and users got the 15 inch wheels is very correct and the noise these things make yeah I mean if you're a real car guy it's got to make noise yeah yes so and the glass covers didn't they run them with white yes they painted them white when they didn't need lights when they went doing 12-hour races right right okay that's I remember seeing the white I just thought they came off my lights around it and the last word yeah and was that well I guess it's lighter than having their course the 683 had that whole mechanism no August would never have used that you know everything there was pot metal and stuff in there in the Corvette is aluminum in this car gauge cluster it was not that pop metal was made out of plastic so he did everything and you had to recast your own door hand door handle well no we could buy those from Chevy oh you can't see all the truck handle but we had but but I mean it's not all Corvette yeah because they look beefier than well 63 are they were basically truck door handles and you go with will would we love will with this banks III put them on everything that we have and you can adapt them to almost any application superformance runs or wool woods in everything now even got Shelby to switch over and the Shelby Cobra's we do have wool words in them too well which one we gonna try I'd like to drive this one only because I think it's going to give us a more period that one of course is the fast one and well no you're pretty quick I mean I've got a 0-6 I would say you know but I'm just I mean to me it's it's fun to recreate the period you know and in cars the speed it's like I've got some 1909 white steam cars and when you take when that goes 50 miles now it feels like a hundred yeah but if I put a modern engine and didn't put it then it loses its character I'm this if I was gonna buy one of these this is the one I would want because it just has the character in the look and the feel the original car so well let's let's give this a shot who's riding with me Lancer you write with me all right can't thank you very much you're welcome Jeff yes thanks for building these motors we'll see how goes thank you have fun guys let's give it a shot this is gonna be fun not too bad you really must drop the red one afterwards it's a whole lot different I like this account yeah when you got to feel what I'm feeling in a car that's about 600 pounds lighter than the zr1 this is quite flickable in there yeah very nice innit Wow feels like 1963 yeah tell me about it we don't feel the brakes feel quite good great sick right good yeah we were kids we'd pull up to light on each side of another guy and then we back up you see the guy back hey hey hey hanging up these cars rolling yeah what a cool trick of course leaf-spring rear suspension I got everybody new in composite of my spring a composite but back in the day they did the mentally strap which way you can't find anybody done largely shanks it out what's the bet for them to go cause I can tell you some of the open roads we did when we were out in Utah those long roads you know you till it's got an 85 mile an hour speed limit I and and you can everybody's driving 95 so we sneaked up to 105 under get a couple of times it feels incredible once you get out we know I always say this but I I like the mid-60s because it's halfway between the development of the automobile correct from night you know from 1910 to about 1965 it's just about the same as 65 to now yeah so you're halfway through the development all the basics are here but the sophistication is not there yet and then that's what I like that's what I like too you've got brakes you've got em Jim you got power you just don't have suspension noise dampening and aerodynamics you know and then it's just kind of fun yeah now what we did in the red car that one has the daughter met through it it makes a big difference to the car this one came as a backup and you ended up robbing it when our liked is over the it's more the very what original was I mean to me these cars are like champagne you can't drink up everyday you're trying to do not fall out but if you take it out once a week around three types of Monte I just caught a nap some fun with him and it's exciting you know how many means in me bill 2014 video they came out just as the economy turn and I'm was that affected us yeah we actually backed up for about four years before we did the relaunch and so we really ought to be putting them out the last two years and the thing is I've had so many gt40 sells we've got a year weight on gt40s and and Daytona's and the Cobras that we build more of those and they easier to build yeah cause actually you think it's simple but it's really it's a nothing is difficult now am I talking to you know the one we gonna find out is everybody things everything else yeah easy yeah now you build it on a call so you know what I'm talking about it just takes you know you're paying guys so much an hour the flat rate says 20 minutes to fix the radio yeah yeah and this is also you could feed it one of our solid mount calls yeah because this was gonna be a pretty start a track bottle there which are never ended up being it was turned out too pretty for us to do that with and we all say this one's about 450 horse yeah so to run for 15 the engines capable of over at five fifty with a chip with a different change to the morally injection but I've had to you know use one to Friday with fresh driving and all that I like this people get a horsepower obsess like it yeah it doesn't fix every problem now you know there's to me there's a certain satisfaction enjoying the power delivery when it comes out so quickly yeah then one two three okay now in jail what happened yeah I was 130 miles out you know I like older cars because I enjoy watching attack sweeper cross the dial yeah now and he is thought of guy coming up to seven boom you know I'm not raised anybody who Street up just to join myself Georgia drop me get the sound oh don't worry about it October isn't that this is the same thing you can get all the thrill up to 80 mile an hour you're still you're not gonna go to jail right whereas if you're getting up you know you know the McLaren or the Porsche nothing doesn't feel like anything under 100 mile an hour [Music] what does require a bit of pressure to step we got to change that cable one of the current injuries in South Africa besides you I have done okay we built Mercedes Toyota everything every come out a manufacturer has a factory inside okay and during the sanctions we both now we import a lot but we build everything before thank you notice thank should stop what power steering unit is is a Corvette now this is a Detroit after market yeah makes the car feel incredible sight but I'm not floatie or bogey it out now this engine was originally drive-by-wire right wasn't it yes yes so you did we put the balla system in and we did this and as I say there was a lot lumen it just started a couple of months ago we should have changed it cables got dry inside there we go laser it wasn't like I felt it when we put it the trade-offs of God why not go to fly-by-wire but the Borla systems are set up for that yeah don't want me the red one is flying is drive by wire [Music] does the balla system being us emission yes Wow are these brakes yeah we work out go forget it stop on that line here we go very good just put a set of these Wilwood brakes on my58 material that i think [Music] I don't want to jump oh yeah as a reminds me of doctor guys they call the monkeys that hang on the motorcycles that I have and that's an apt name for the guy that does this that's the monkey they call well I wasn't driving a 1963 but I think that the one who would feel like if that meant and this car is pretty wrong I'm chewing the originals even a loaf of rye now that's got no padding it's good nothing I think is fantastic this GM actually gave you the rights to that that almost seems inconceivable come yeah there's really nothing in it for them other than unless the products good it's a bit of glory you know but that's pretty impressive what what also helped we've got a few GM execs that actually own some of our cars yeah so you know they they know that we boast a good product and we realize it that ford's name and Shelby's name well all the years what was the first car superformance bill wasn't on overthrow me I was a little car I know owns that one now where is it funny not bad shut down an executive I know the first one that came into the u.s. came in 92 and that's a guy in New York that has the car yeah and I got to be honest it's not a very nice-looking example yeah we were still experimenting at that time and then you know we've gone like everybody else has authorized the National that it's it's actually terrible after car approximately cop 25 somewhere around there we went 100% payer Creek with with Swift gauges actions probably lower than that and everything done the problem a reverse sweep lammeter everything I was wonder how a young person if you're 21 and he never drove one of these who rode in one of these like to me I don't know whether this is the way a car should be or they're just nostalgic what I remember I I just wonder how a young person who if they would be more excited about this and say a new zo6 or a McLaren or something like that you don't mean yeah well I'll tell you about that we we got ahold of these influence influencers or you even want to influences that Allegra million live YouTube likes of them we got these young kids to come and drive it well they actually got makes three of them you've never driven a stick they looked at it like oh what do we do with that you know we had to teach them all then they actually they I've got the YouTube chat I occasionally and the way they described and they're like man this is a little school in this and I use all the language and only the - they never felt a call that make so many noises you know all that dead impress them I mean originally had the 36 gallon gas tank now they could do the long Raceland well this is a pretty exciting car you know if your dream has always been to have one until five quid in sports Corvettes and we're built it will never be sold and they did sell it maybe five million dollars yeah that thing is about as a closer you can get and to be honest it's probably better and more suitable I mean that's the great thing about modern technology you get the old look and feel but obviously with modern reliability electronics and you've been huh bill how many cars you've built so far we've both a little over six thousand cars yeah approximately 30 grand sports but over six thousand cobras 1840s and Shelby Daytona's well the most impressive thing is the fact that General Motors has sanctioned this as a Corvette I've never heard them doing that with anybody so that's a testament to your skill and building these cars so let's thank you for bringing a bye thanks Jeff thanks cam - yeah now Ken's amazing God what a support and thanks for letting us on the show thank you they let me drive this thing see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 768,046
Rating: 4.9023685 out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Lenos, Garage, Corvette, Superformance, Lingenfelter, Grand Sports, race cars, LS, replica, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: VjFcrhQNHd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.