Bonneville Mini Cooper - Jay Leno's Garage

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whatever welcome to that episode of jay leno's garage today we're discussing obviously mini coopers this one ran at bonneville where it set a bunch of records we'll talk about that in a second and this is a fairly well fairly stock one it's modified but it's modified properly you know a lot of people take minis and they put honda motorcycle engines in them and things like that and that's okay that's funny you just want to go fast but i like anybody that retains the purity the integrity of the original design either improves upon it it makes it faster or handled better and let's meet a man who does exactly that his name is graham reed graham come on in here what's the name of your shop uh heritage garage in costa mesa now you do the proper minis now we have these maxi minis you know minis have become like americans in 1964 they were skinny and now they're real fat you know and like the new mini oh my god it's like twice as big as this thing isn't it yeah this is uh 10 feet by probably just under five yeah i mean this is the classic is it going this is that i say his name yeah allocate agonist the dream catcher on this one yeah and a lot of people don't realize that the engine setup and transmission is really the same as the lamborghini or the lamborghini mirror was the same as this using the oil in the engine the transmission as well right isagonias is one of the first people to do this that's what made this such a a packaging miracle you could get enormous size guys in these exactly the power train was laid in sideways they used a configuration of the engine the engine block is the a series engine which they'd used prior to that in in-line configuration so isagonist took it turned it sideways put the transmission underneath and all very revolutionary in the day and uh yeah it reaches to a bunch of skin knuckles most of the time and this is the vehicle that really helped kill the motorcycle industry in england because a lot of people would get a motorcycle with a side car and then the mini came along it was reasonably priced and you could carry more people and more things in it so that sort of hurt them as well isagonis his idea was never to build a fast car his idea was to build a people mover right and uh he never really intended for the car to be the icon that has turned into today uh he had made it sparse made it roomy he was a chain smoker there were three ashtrays in this car and you know what's so funny i always like vehicles that are a reflection of the person who designed them like isagone did not like radios so you could not get a mini with a radio that's opening up a huge aftermarket business you can imagine the manufacturers pulling their hair out the money they could have made selling radios but no he refused there was no speakers there was no nothing right yeah he didn't like radios and cars but he likes to smoke figure that out which one's going to kill you first really okay so let's let's start with what you guys did abundantly this car came from new zealand did it this car came from new zealand a team of new zealanders i think oh maybe over a few beers decided that this might be a good idea everybody said they were crazy which just fueled their passion even more so they took uh originally a 970 cooper s mini that left the factory with all of 50 horsepower and decided that we're going to start taking world records at bonneville and uh proved their point and people don't realize new zealand has a huge vintage car community i mean so many great machinists and craftsmen i know because there's an island and they have to make everything but you find these guys that are incredibly creative because this was sort of done on a budget wasn't it this isn't some money no object deal oh no not at all these uh they brought in people with talent people with some passion and uh really just can do type of people and and some of the stuff i saw in this car when it first arrived in the us i thought was fantastic they had come up with concepts and overcame potential problems uh and built this little rocket so in 2012 when they ran they went through two engines rather rapidly in fact their final record winning run was the combination of debris from two engines to get the final run and i met gary one of the team owners uh after the fact and we were discussing the problems and at that time we had developed a crankshaft for vintage racing that was fully counterbalanced and as soon as i showed gary the concept he was all over getting crankshafts made and uh ironically the manufacturer in orange county of the crankshaft happens to be another new zealander so a common passion and he yeah he wanted to work very good now what do we have here is that our aaron taking the front this obviously not a james bond type candidate no not quite this is an air intake for the uh for the turbocharger right and uh they use this in certain classes and and not in others depending on what class the car is going to compete in but this would be for the final runs and at high speed this is putting ram air into the turbo yeah and i love the fact that you're using it's not a stock motor but a version of the stock motor because once you corrupt it and you put in a hayabusha or something well it's not a mini anymore this is all mini bottom end this is a 970 cooper s block obviously special pistons rod and crankshaft standard mini transmission uh configuration the straight cut gears and the only significant change is really from that head gasket upward it's got a twin cam bmw motorcycle head grafted onto this belt drive running a turbo well now that's so can we open the hood here yeah we'll get the hood open for you in a second here it's uh well that's the first i've heard of that i i never heard of a bmw head being used on one of these is that fairly common in new zealand or in many circles it was something probably over a decade ago i i overheard and i thought was bar room you know bench bench racing right and uh an old guy i knew happened to give it a try and i'd seen it work decades ago companies now have gone into the tooling to develop this to make a package that you can actually buy to do this now you and i are both old guys so how old was that guy he was an old guy in fact he was funny because he must have been in his 70s and he he was another can-do type of person and i mentioned just him one day you know shooting the you know what in my garage and a couple of days later he walked in with a bmw head gasket with yeah i think this might work i'm going whoa whoa whoa wait a minute okay very cool very cool but there's some revolutionary stuff these guys there was no room under the hood for a radiator which you'll see in a second so the cooling system in this car is done on the basis of an intercooler this tank sitting on the passenger side of the car yeah there's two pipes running into it which is piped within the unit and they packed that full of ice and ice water oh okay because you're all running a three to five mile run at bonneville so it's not a 20-minute session as you see for vintage racing i remember when drag racers used to do that but that was to keep the fuel cool they're doing it to actually cool this engine bonneville is so hot do do you keep the fuel cool also does it not matter when you're doing a high-speed run it doesn't really matter with a high-speed run because it doesn't have enough time to give you that issue i mean this car is running i mean it it's it's done faster than you can think about it and what tires do you use obviously many size tires are not certified for 160 or will be certified for 200 miles an hour yes and no this is a yokohama ao48 which is certified for i think 130 miles an hour 150 miles an hour but if you shave them they allow you to go to the next level up so these tires are actually rated for for over 170. oh okay all right and i can't imagine the error this looks like it has the aerodynamics of a brick really i mean it seems like to push this through the air i guess you can't change to a more aerodynamic front end i think correct there has to stay original sheet metal on the car to to fit into certain categories there are classes where you can actually modify the body but they're again their their whole idea was to prove this could be done by something everybody said couldn't be done and i admire that i love that approach this is still running you know iron drums and it's actually this is all still still glass wow and uh so that was my my learning curve iron drink drum brakes you haven't on the rear is still drum brakes and the front's got cooper s brakes oh okay wow yeah so you've got to use many stuff well you don't need to stop you just have to go fast that's the attitude that's right there's no need and there's a parachute on the back in the event oh there is okay all right very good and use the stock transmission but you make special straight cut gears is that what yeah there are straight cut gear boxes a lot of that is from the vintage racing or uh technology or scca technology um the uh all the helical stuff was never intended to transfer the power right modern engine will so there are all sorts of gear kits and things but will this transmission break with 250 horse 300 horsepower in it if you ran this on asphalt where you were getting traction you'd probably snap things like a twig wow because you're running on salt and because you're winding this up slowly you're not drag racing off the line and as soon as you put power down on this car it throws off rooster tails of salt we know it's 50 horsepower stock what were you getting with this uh about 320 more wow so 370. this one methanol was dynoed at 370 horsepower on gasoline it was 340 horsepower wow and the engine builders uh the father and son who were involved in the development of this in new zealand felt it even had more potential than that they got to the point they could they could hardly get it shut down quick enough on the dyno it was it had places to go and does the heat at bonneville affect your speed i mean if it's 115 one day and it's 75 the other day believe it or not the salt surface is actually cold to the touch really and it's it's a strange environment it's a very you know yeah yeah sparse environment but you reach down and touch the salt that's actually cold to the touch altitude is a bigger issue and it's what they spent a long time making changes adjusting because all the dyno work was done at sea level in new zealand all of a sudden here they are right now several thousand feet of bonneville luckily this is a computer controlled car with fuel injections so we're able to change the mapping and play with it but it took some a learning curve to do that nelson the driver on the car had manual control of the boost so he could actually watch what was going on in the car and he was slowly cranking up the boost he had manual control and what kind of boost you're cranking up to he was taking this up to 20 pounds of boost wow that's a lot which is why it burned the valve in three miles yeah yeah so you're running along and you're at say 14 pounds of boost you're running at what 125 130 so obviously as you crank almost like a throttle doesn't it you can feel it you can feel it where it just goes yeah it was pretty spectacular my first time to bonneville and running with a chase vehicle on the slip road you could hear the engine you could hear him making the shifts and there were one instance where we were actually close enough to see it i think he shifted into fourth gear probably doing over 100 and put his foot back into it and it was thrown off trails of salt wow like a rooster tail it was phenomenal to watch because i know with older motorcycles i you get what you call a soft seat you get up to speed it gets hot and then you feel yourself you know the piston is starting to seize in the cylinder so you pull in the clutch or whatever it is you do or you shoot more oil or something i mean is that what he felt happening and see do you just you know the heck whether you just keep going or do you try to save the end no he tries to see the engine yeah nelson hartley um is hartley engineering in new zealand his brother actually races for a porsche in le mans series so this is a family of racers with a good understanding and i think nelson had a special combined talent of being a good driver but also someone who understands and can feel an engine as you know when you're driving a car you're always listening and you're hearing right and i think that nelson was very keyed into that and was able to knew what he was trying to do new year records to break but obviously you don't want to be blowing the engine up the first day out so we we crept up to the records and did a great job and what is your final drive ratio i mean are you so numerically low that first gear would be fourth gear in a road car you know uh not quite but we did have to push this car off is that legal too pushing it off yes so you can't push off you push push off and we're taking this up to probably 30 40 miles an hour and then he would pick up and take off from there uh a typical street gearing on a mini would be you know three four or three seven right they're running this at two nine oh okay and uh there's not extreme that's not too crazy no but this engine has built the red line at ten thousand oh it does right it's gonna ask you what you're looking at this this will go to ten thousand ten thousand you're still running a three million crankshaft so you're dealing with 1959 technology right fighting against uh you know high technology cylinder heads so there's always going to be that weak link well it's it's really very cleverly can we see the motor can you open it up certainly let's take a look pull out that high-tech piece there all right actually i may have to get some help here erin i like these yeah and this is pretty much done on a budget the whole build wouldn't it oh yeah but with multiple people with various talents yeah there we go wow okay boy that salt doesn't do anybody any favors does it no literally it literally just eats the metal from the from the get-go that and this is a fireproof shielding that you can see has uh suffered for the worst of the wear from the turbo wow but yeah they're running uh you know running a fairly good sized turbo in through here but this is all bmw motorcycle head motorcycle camera or automotive automotive turbo and this is all handmade headers everything is all made in sections and so the work that went into making this work and have it happen was phenomenal yeah they they took what they learned in 2012 went back redeveloped the engine got another 50 horsepower of the engine from the record-breaking car in 2012. and had some problems with oiling on the top end uh getting the oil to get away from the engine every classic mini owner is going to want to know is can i put this head on my street car it can be done it can be done it can be done it's a lot of work and there are a couple of companies that actually will sell you a kit now to do this yeah but uh there's a lot of machining involved the head stud configuration on the mini block does not line up with the bmw one so there's blanking studs have to be put in and obviously the crank can't take standard crank can't take this power no well if you start pushing turbo horsepower through it no you're going to just keep breaking the next weakest link yeah and that's what a lot of people don't understand you can't just slap something on particularly to this age of technology and expect it to survive i mean forget the turbo just go with the motorcycle head then you'd probably be okay probably yeah but you're still talking transmission drivetrains that were never intended to even handle the horsepower we're using for vintage race which is only 100 120. so you start banging much more than that through it you it'll find it so we need gorilla rods we need pistons we need one of your cranks you need the whole deal okay if you build it right unless i tell people the the one area that you don't do will be the one that comes back and bites you yeah yeah that's that's the way it works okay and there's your radiator down boy that is that is a tight force this is this is intercooler for the turbo okay there is no radiator oh there's no radio this is this is the radiator here which is nothing more than a catch tank this is all intercooler and then on the front of the hood they actually put windshield washer jets so they're actually misting and spraying the intercooler no oil cooler right no oil cooler and what do you want for oil you want a synthetic this is running a synthetic oil but you're and you're not in this long enough to worry about temperature or something you're running zero 40 something like that yeah i know they're running i think they were running actually one of the sponsors from an oil company i think total lubricants gave them some special oils but i think that because you're running the same common oil in the engine as you are the transmission you still have to allow for that lubrication so i think there's still running at 20 w 50. oh okay well this is this is so clever i've never seen this done before so that's uh that's really really interesting and you can do this naturally aspirated with carburetors the problem then is clearance on the front so the fuel injection concept works very well because it's a lot more compact and you get away with more crude manifolds on the turbo because you're ramming everything in so now the other question people ask is the modern mini has a bigger engine why don't you run one of those but this is a class for what 750 to 1000 cc that's what it is right the the i engine class that they ran this car in is 750 to one liter okay so this car snuck in just under the one liter class and what other cars would be in this class maybe early volkswagen and now volkswagen um you can build an engine if you want to compete in that class right so you can play d stroke and go undersize on an engine that would be conventionally over one liter to achieve the result and the clutch is anything special just that heavy duty no it's the standard clutch would probably be a heavy duty diaphragm on it right right competition disc but that type of stuff is over the counter available so this whole engine's got to come apart now right this engine has to come apart yeah they'll they'll take us down now and find out what failed i don't know this car is going to compete again um their their goal now is to perhaps go to maybe even a new mini they've got the fastest classic media in the world right i think their goal might be to take the fastest new mini in the world that they can find a sponsor or find that many might be interested in right procuring a car you guys made the heads obviously i mean the headers headers are all made from scratch from say the new zealand guys are adaptive when it comes to having stuff made and the the hartley engineering family are known for this type of stuff this took two class wins this time at bonneville the first time was on gasoline but you have to buy gasoline at bonneville oh okay and it has to be their gas right and then once they put it in the tank they seal the tank so you can't you can't alter it you can't do anything with it and put moth balls in there yeah or bert uh with his uh nitrogen pills or yeah yeah whatever it was but they did the one record on gasoline and then once they took that record they pulled that out and changed it changed the injectors remapped the uh the computer and went over onto methanol and it took another record in methanol and we're well on the way to the third record when when the engine decided enough was enough and what do you run for ignition is it a magneto is it a stock type system what do you run no this has got coil packs these are all in all individually fired so it's running a coil pack system in the car again all computer control crank fired ignition system so they're able to to monitor and dial in for the condition if i went out to bonneville in a stock classic mini flat out a nice one you know tuned up what would it run 90 maybe 85 oh no this uh the green one behind you i've i've had that um well over a hundred so that's modified not by much that's about the stock cylinder head on it yeah but uh yeah with an out of the box cooper s you probably still get over a hundred miles an hour it could be a handful right but it would certainly get there and you would have the record if you could have done the return run if they had done the return run i think they could have potentially even broken the 170 mile an hour barrier so what do we learn heat is the big killer here right he's the killer uh i mean what what destroyed the engine was it was it over ten thousand revs and that made it flow was it the heat of bonneville was it the well we'll never know that till we get it apart you know you like any engine when you start pushing stuff to the limits right sometimes the limit wins right in this case the oil pressure went away nelson shut down the engine before it you know grenaded completely so we could go in and find out that we had you know oil pump failure or now do you use a stock oil pump or do you use some electric pump that goes you know outside the motor and it runs independently it's a stock configuration pump in the in the stock location mechanical but uh yeah mechanical driven mechanic and driven off the back end of the camshaft but they've developed competition versions for for vintage racing and for racing the mini engines so it's a steel back pump a little more structure to it but the one thing you were talking about before having the engine on transmission running the common oil you then have any debris right getting up into it so the oil pump is typically the first thing that sees some nasty pieces of material so it may well have just given up the ghost well my other question is are you guys the only guys getting 10 000 rpm out of one of these motors that can't be common no i didn't think it could be done i know some of the vintage race guys are running up into the nines but i think and one of the things they described at the beginning of speed week they pulled the pin out of the hand grenade and just waited to see how long it was going to take the blow and when you start pushing this age of technology to that limits you have to be prepared for failure so which is harder on this car running a bonneville or vintage racing oh i think bonneville takes it to the extreme on what your expectations are for the engine in vintage racing you tend to run a bit more conservatively yeah you know we're chasing three dollar flags here so right uh you you want it to last and uh you're not going into this with sponsorship that you can afford to be grenading engines so i think the vintage race guys are you know a bunch of us uh 50 60 year olds pretending that we're teenagers now this is your personal car over here this is my personal car let's go back over to this because this is i'm a street guy i like street cars and this to me is the classic mini the classic color the green the white of course all the the lamps and front running monte carlo and all that just fantastic what year is this in 64 also no this is a 65 a 65 cooper s australian built car the main difference you can see is in that door there's a vent window right and the wind-up window but still retaining the outside door hinges and that was an australia-only feature okay now why did they do that in england they try to keep the cost down probably the original cost eventually in 1970 they went to a full wind-up window as they were trying to compete with them with more modern cars but uh britain retained the sledding windows from 59 all the way up to 1970. so the wheels are out a little bit further correct yeah this has been played with a little bit we do a lot of suspension technology um there's adjustable components because it said when this was designed the car was never intended to be go fast yeah so over the decades this car has developed and used for various things and like you say monte carlo rally was really the opening of all new doors for minis and the the enthusiasm picked up from there so in conjunction with that you start seeing adjustable components this brakes being introduced so this car has got everything available it's got a coil spring conversion kit that fits in the original place in the car makes the ride a bit more civil for my age group yeah but yet still handles like it's on rails and you're from costa mesa correct right you notice he has the costa mesa accent which sounds suspiciously like scotland it's very much scotland yeah the uh so i i tell people i'm digressing back to my childhood right i paid uh i think the equivalent but five dollars for my first mini yeah and uh here we are seeing minis hitting that with a few zeros added to the end let's see what the under hood looks like in the stock menu you saw the modified one let's show people what the stock one looks like okay there's a whole lot more this is almost stock yeah the biggest change you'll see on this is the carburation i like any car where the carburetor is bigger than the cylinder head i mean that's that's a classic you know something that just looks like a tractor motor or a little lawnmower motor it's amazing yeah it's just a overhead valve two valve correct yeah very simple very basic uh 950 cc this is a 1275. it's in 1275 yeah the later cooper s's were built in three configurations the 970 which is the smallest engine a 1071 and then the 1275 was that was the last of them so uh yep this was an engine we built several years ago and it just it goes and goes it's geared for a little more highway use but my wife and i have used this for yeah you see the stickers a few south of the border rallies yeah um a lot of the mexicans are still have the great passion for road racing yeah yeah so they're we go down there and enjoy the company and enjoy baja now that looks like a later distributor it's an electronic unit that looks like a yeah this is a programmable distributor that's in it uh alternator to get a little more power this is a modification this is actually a japanese unit we modified to do a high output alternator right right so a few little subtleties but but yet still keep as much of the originality yeah no these are great fun a lot of people try to bring these into the country you know later models and they try to title them as 65. there's been a few have snuck in yeah and they they wind up getting crushed by the government yeah it's a shame i i have mixed feelings about that because you know i don't know what true harm they're really doing i don't know what happened and you know i think this country needs to start talking about developing hobbies and passions and yeah people back well i feel sorry for the people that use a middleman i'll bring you one into the country they do the phony baloney and they change the vin and whatnot and then the guy doesn't have any idea you know that's uh yeah i think the biggest concern has been for the people who are enforcing that is that the cars were getting stolen lifted off the streets in england you hear about it all the time or in europe so i i believe that needs to be cracked down on because right you know as much as we love the mini here i hate to think somebody come out their house in the morning in england and the mini's gone and it's halfway to america what do you think of the guys that wind up putting the hayabusha motors and things is that blasphemy or is it well the hayabusa and they'll put the honda v-techs in there my experience has been that they're a thrilling ride but the number of people who don't keep them very long yeah because i believe they get to the point where the engine overpowers the chassis and the capability of the car yeah uh the single cam vtec seems to be the most civil conversion i've seen yeah it's still driving drivable yet giving you that a little more power without uh getting and these are all about the handling absolutely yeah in the vintage race world though it's all about the short track so you get the nice twisty tracks you can handle cars with twice as much horsepower and uh there's nothing more fun than pissing off a 911. yeah there you go there's a thrifty car that blows over 911 can we take this one for a ride absolutely let's do it that annoying clatter is straight cut drop gears yeah like when it gets cami they sit there and chatter to each other damn annoying it's actually it's not that annoying i've got stuff that's realized [Music] got that quai straight cut gearbox and it's a out and out racing sequential gearbox and it just it sounds like a box of rocks people think there's something wrong with your car and they're hey [Music] i mean it's the classic it's more fun to drive a slow car fast yeah that is a fast car fan i mean the fun thing about this stuff from our generation is you get to enjoy watching the attack move around you know i got that mclaren p1 you get attackers you're in jail all right you're doing 120. that's what happened exactly you cannot not drive this thing without putting a smile on your phone and i always think it's so sexy with all the lights in the front the lights don't block out your your cooling effect oh this thing actually runs nice and cool yeah it'll wind up it's it's so much fun and these engines are eminently rebuildable you can rebuild it for the rest of your life oh yeah yeah we were getting donor engines out of uh mg metros in the uk which was this ugly you know hugo looking thing yeah when they rusted out all it was worth anything was the engines yeah and then the chinese were building a dam or something they were take by and scrap all over the world and all of a sudden they were buying the whole car complete with the engine yeah and we couldn't get power units but that became the donor for all the race cars because it was a little better crankshaft roll radius um and uh the gearboxes were just a little bit better for modern use so that became our donor for the vintage motors the nice thing is speedometers and kilometers so you think you're going a lot faster than you are there you are right here it's psychological oh yeah they go oh yeah that's a nice tall fourth gear in there yeah yeah i mean you want it when you want to push on just drop it into 30 it goes yeah yeah i built this motor for a good friend and you end up committing suicide and uh i thought you know what so his family asked me to get sell the car for him so i built a fresh engine for that car and i thought you know what i'm taking a piece of toy with me so this is his motor i put in here so he was a car guy and i thought you know what this is this is what he'd want me to do so i'm sorry to hear about that yeah you know what it woke me up to living life yeah you know i'm 61 years old yeah and i've hit the point where i'm cutting back on business 61 you're a kid i'm 66. but you know what you're doing the right thing you know you live in life i've been doing this for over 40 years i build an engine we fire that thing up and it's got a nice crisp note to it it it still brings it i've always smiled in my face the dragon range rover technology got into you know 30 000 laptops and all this i go you know what i'm done with this yeah i've gone back to do what i really love to do which is the creative side and uh we've done you know show winning cars and that's i still get great pleasure and from from the just the joy of creating yeah how many miles do you think you put on this one oh probably oh but at least ten thousand since i freshened it up i bought it i think it's used for recreational stuff and fun stuff but i've got a new mini as well one of the new ones how do you like it this is fun it's different but you know to jump in to go for dinner or something you can crank on the air conditioning it's a whole different concept yeah yeah but it's still a lot of fun to drive yeah really it's fun i run about half a degree negative camber run about four degrees of caster so it's got nice self centering yeah and then run about a quarter degree negative on the rear how long do your tires last on this thing you got to do it depends on who depends on juvenile i want to be yeah if i'm auto crossing on i'm not very long but for street use you get you know five thousand miles of it but if you're driving fairly spirited but um i don't even think about it when these tires have been tires on it it's nice when everything comes together all the gears sink in nicely and uh steering's nicely weighted i love this road look at this oh yeah yeah how much fun is this thing and you're on the other side of the road which is it's hilarious this is the perfect road for this vehicle this is a classic case of a little car being more fun to drive than a big car or a slower car being more fun to drive than a fast car because you can i don't imagine as many even high powerful sports cars that can beat this through the corners is it no never too old for a happy childhood that's right never too old for a happy childhood come on let's go back to the shop this thing is a lot of fun that's an extended drive i mean it cruises very nicely with those 290s when the first minions came out they didn't think were going to sell and the morris version they called it morris mini miner right trying to piggyback onto the morris miner name thinking that was going to help people walk into a showroom right and buy the successor and then the original austin was a austin mini seven yeah because they wanted to piggyback onto the austin seven and within a couple years once the car became a stand-alone car that they dropped all that tachometer world temperature speedometer water temperature fuel gauge that's all you need as you can see i'm a big guy there's plenty of leg room in this thing we race the panamericana it goes from sea level to 10 000 feet right on a carbureted engine right so i talked them into running a single su and i carried two carburetor needles in my racing suit yeah so we get to 10 000 feet and i could check on the co meter what was happening in the car so the car goes rich you know 10 000 feet we stopped for a break i could pull the dashboard off change the needle put it back in yeah and we're back on the road again yeah yeah graham thank you very much my pleasure james yeah boy really did a nice job it's tight it's fun to drive and uh what is it about 130 horseshoe said yeah but 120 at the flywheel yeah you had fun playing with it no it goes you know it goes great it goes great and if you've got one of these classic minis uh this is a gentleman to see let's put the website up there again sir tell them the website again it's the and uh you know when you deal in these kind of specialized cards you always want to go to a specialist you know if you find one and you're in kansas or somewhere else like that you can email him and he'll send you advice because you don't want clement the shell station working on this thing it's totally different than american cars but they're a lot of fun and look how much room their lincoln could drive this thing it's all kind of headroom so it was fun it was fun meeting the the guys 166 miles an hour is a mini that's that's phenomenal that's an amazing these guys pushed the limits and they did an amazing job they were a fun team we're still digging salt lake from underneath the car though yeah you'll be digging that out the rest of your life but again graham thank you very much hello scotsman see you guys next week [Music] uh
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,568,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Leno, Garage, bonneville, mini cooper, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: baB9CjOmwWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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