SUPERCHARGER OR TURBO? What I’ve Learned After Owning Both

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[Music] so today i want to talk to you guys about the difference between the supercharged car and the turbo car actually which one i prefer to drive now i did a video where i was driving the retro fox and let you guys see all that we talked about the differences uh and how the power comes in and things like that and then i drove the calypso in that particular video i didn't have any words i didn't say anything i just drove the car i needed that day what we're gonna do though is use that video as reference let's talk about the difference between these two cars but before we do that i want to turn you guys around and show you something on the calypso [Music] so i wanted to show you guys the 18 inch wheels on the calypso now this is not the actual configuration that these wheels are going to stay in they're probably going to go on the retro fox i do think they would look a little better on the retro fox but i wanted to go ahead and get them on this car because i just want to see what it looked like get over here so you guys can see a little bit better in the light i think it looks sick i think it looks really good it kind of reminds me of the bogarts whenever we had those on there but not exactly obviously these are the riveted wheels they got a little more bling a little more pop to them if you will but they look really good on the car now i have been wanting to go back to a street tire setup like a street wheel set up on this car because it handles so much better with that so that's why i went ahead and did this so we're going to change wheels out a lot on this channel do not worry guys so these wheels will eventually end up over here on the retro fox but that's not what this video is about in this video i want to talk about the difference between these two cars right we've hit on it a little bit uh we've driven this car and i've told you what i think about it but then again we drove the calypso and i didn't really have any words that day i just needed to get out and drive but i do remember that drive and if i can i will include some video from there so first off let's go ahead get these hoods popped let's talk about the two cars oh yeah you have to raise the cars all right i need to go get the straps hey which car do you like the best the green one or the red one so first let's start with the retro fox this is a stock bottom end car with a b cam sve aluminum heads a vortec si supercharger with the heritage gears in it uh 60 pound injectors headers 373 gears so very simple setup the old-school hartman intake this hartman intake also runs the stock lower so it's kind of a bottleneck if you will there but also i need to mention it's only 10 pounds of boost let's go [Music] hmm all right so the calypso is completely different animal this is a a dark block 347 stroker 80 pound injectors elderbrock upper and lower intake uh 70 millimeter turbo this has the trick flow 11r 205 cc heads this has the comp cams extreme energy 274 hr camshaft [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so two completely different cars right this car has a lot more motor a lot more head and a turbo this car over here stock bottom end you know decent heads and a supercharger first off let's talk about how do they perform how do they run well we don't have any track times on either car but i can tell you see to the pants that this retro fox will move guys this car runs really really good it's a fast car but it doesn't put down so much power right off the hit that the car is just unusable it's borderline but it is a usable car nonetheless now the way that supercharger comes in is more rpm based so i want you guys to always remember that with a centrifugal you are you're going to get instant boost but you're not going to make 10 pounds of boost as soon as you step on the throttle not if you're making a total of 10 pounds of boost now for this car to really start to come alive you need to get up in the rpm range somewhere around 45 to 5 000 rpms and then this car wants to just come to life and it runs really good and the longer you stay in it the more rpm you create the better this car runs the more horsepower it's going to make so with all that being said this car is really quick this is a very fun car and it will probably surprise you every day driving this thing around it pretty much feels like a stock car you're not going to notice the boost for the most part if you're just easing around until you stick your foot in it and you stay in it for a minute then you'll notice oh this thing makes some boost okay so getting over here to this car now the turbo makes boost a little differently but there again it's going to always depend on the size of your engine how efficient it is and the size of your turbo and what i mean by that is this car right here when we had the stock block with those heads in this car with a 70 millimeter it had boost lag for days i mean it was it took forever to build boost it was a fun car but it was it was very raw all of that boost came in at the exact same time and it was like a rocket ship that may sound fun and i guess it could be to some people but to me i don't actually prefer that i prefer more of a of a linear type boost you know curve now with all that being said that's changed right that's changed this car does not operate that way anymore why is that well it's because we have more cubic inches and this car has a decent amount of compression it's got really good heads this engine is actually a little big for a 70 millimeter okay now we're in the realm of something like this ecoboost truck with really small twin turbos this thing makes boost instantly it's almost like it doesn't even have a turbo it's almost like it has a big block in it if that makes sense like torque on demand right that's the way these trucks are set up to run and they do a very very good job of it now with the smaller turbo the calypso acts the same way the minute you put your foot in it it's making boost almost instantly and honestly it's very fun that way i enjoy it so now let's just talk about which car is more fun to drive on a daily basis honestly they're both so different that you can't really pick a winner here and i'm not trying to opt out of this okay um this car feels more like a stock car um just as you stay in it the longer you stay in it it just it just like creates a monster i mean it just comes to life right but it feels more like a stock car this car does not feel like a stock car you know this thing has a turbo on it well i'll say this it may feel like a stock like big block 460 with like a like a rv like a puller like a towing cam in it if you will and uh like something along those lines like that's kind of what this thing feels like but it also comes to life on up in the rpm range because it is a stroker and it can do that with the heads and everything else so if i had to choose a car to drive every single day i would probably pick the retro fox as like an everyday driver commute back and forth or when you want that more spirited trip to work i would say this car is more fun uh it just depends like i said it depends on what you like i personally really like the way the boost comes in with this car i may not ever go to a bigger turbo probably at some point we will just because we want to make more power but as far as drivability i personally believe a 70 millimeter with a 347 and some good heads is freaking money all right so i'll give it a toss up as far as which car is more fun to drive each person's going to like something different i just prefer this but at the same time there's days when i just want to drive that um i guess i can answer the question of which one is the easiest to drive now that gets a little tricky believe it or not the turbo car is a little easier to drive i don't know why don't ask me it's probably just the setup but this car is a little easier to take off from say like a stoplight or something like that uh then then this car is um and there again that could just be the difference in the combinations uh not so much the supercharger versus the turbo thing but this car is very very easy and docile to drive around but when you put your foot in it it makes boost it makes boost almost instantly um so that would probably be a turn off for some people where this car doesn't really do that all right so now let's talk about the one thing everybody wants to know so which car is faster all right let's run back through this the retro fox over here is on 10 pounds of boost supercharged this car is on five pounds of boost turbocharged guys it's honestly not even close it's not even close which one do you think which one do you think is faster see to the pants from what i can tell the calypso hands down is faster than the retro fox it it it's just nasty guys that turbo is just disgusting in the way that it makes power and the feel that you get you want to skin it back buddy you want something that will peel the skin off your face that turbo setup and that car is the one to do it let me give you an example yesterday i drive this car down the road with these street tires first time this car has been on actual street tires i think with the turbo or it's been a long time anyway rolling in third gear just just going down the road in third gear i rolled into it and it annihilated the tires like like they weren't even back there on five pounds of boost guys five pounds boost with 331 gears just destroyed the tires i'm telling you now this car is an animal i'm not telling you that it's the fastest thing out there i know that there's plenty of cars that are that are way faster that's not the point that damn car right there will hurt you if you're not careful it will hurt you you have to be careful with it on the other hand this car over here now has drag radials on it and uh yesterday i drove it down the road as a comparison sorry i didn't video it i actually had no intentions of driving both cars but this car actually hooks really good if you get the tires hot it hooks pretty good it'll spin about a half a car length in first if you get the tires really hot and then it goes kind of took me by surprise i dumped the clutch in second gear just to spin the tires because you know that's what we do right well i inadvertently heated up the tires so when i go out there on the road like out here and i hit this thing in first it snatched like it went it was impressive it's very impressive so this car will run there again guys don't get so caught up in a turbo is not a good street setup or a supercharger is not a good street setup there really is no correct answer here it's all going to come down to your combination now let me explain to you once again why i'm saying this so that you all understand you could take this little supercharger right here and you could put it over there on that 347 and it would be disgusting it'd be nasty why because that motor already makes a lot of power itself so the supercharger is just amplifying that it's going to be a little more docile on this setup right here because this motor doesn't make a lot of power right same thing with this car this turbo setup works flawlessly on this car but if you took that turbo off and you put it over here on this little motor it's not going to work as efficiently it's going to have a lot of boost lag and the boost is all going to want to kind of come in at one time and be abrupt i'm telling you it's all about your setup okay so if you learn anything from this video i hope it's the fact that your bottom end your n a motor is what's the most important as long as you have a very good foundation on your in a build then pretty much whatever you throw on top of it's just going to amplify if you have a very lazy low compression engine that doesn't make a lot of power in a it's going to kind of be the same thing once you put your power adder on if you're drag racing it really doesn't matter because your foot's in it all the time there's a big difference between ultimate power and driving a car on the street and i guess that's the big thing that i want you guys to understand it's a huge difference all right so before we go let's go ahead and start both cars up i'll let you guys hear them and we'll close this thing out very different sounds between these two cars this car is very rowdy this car is very docile very very very tame [Music] listen how quiet this car is this thing is so quiet we can sit right here and talk while he's running watch the difference we'll keep the same tone i'm not going to change my voice at all this is exactly how we were talking over there the other car all right so before we go i'm going to rev both cars up so you can hear them i want you to hear the differences [Music] [Music] and there you go guys that's the difference which one do i prefer honestly it just depends on the day of the week to be completely honest uh a lot of it's going to come down to also how's your car handle how comfortable is it inside does everything work on the car like all that type stuff so all that's going to be a huge factor this car is more comfortable to ride in and to actually sit and drive than this car so you know what i mean take that for what it is i'm gonna go ahead wrap this video up and as always thanks for watching cam cam tell em bye bye bye you go like that put your hand up [Music] you
Channel: BREW2L
Views: 121,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FOXBODY, FOX BODY, BREW2L FOXBODY, FUSION BUILD, 5.0 MUSTANG, OLD SCHOOL MUSTANG, RETRO MUSTANG, TURBO FOXBODY, CALYPSO CLONE, 93 COBRA, turbo vs supercharged, turbo or supercharger foxbody, vortech or on3 turbo, turbo or supercharger mustang, best boost for daily driver, turbo daily driver, supercharger daily driver
Id: gSxB-fbSXhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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