363 Turbo Foxbody Review - The War Admiral

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and tom explain this again to me with the boost here so when i when i go ahead and i hit this button what happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on everybody i am here with my good friend tom and today we're talking about his 363 turbo fox body also known as the war admiral tom i gotta thank you because i know that you've been doing a lot of shows lately and uh we just uh got done with ford takeover long weekend very hot and you're probably ready to go home so i appreciate you taking the time to uh kind of show me the car here so uh before i already let the cat out of the bag about the 363 turbo um and i always do that but before i get too far along here i always like to kind of get to know the the owner a little bit better here and um i know that this car has a backstory that that i really just want to kind of touch on real quick so uh let's start from the beginning how long have you owned this car so i've owned the car going on seven years now okay six six going on seven years the car was my father's best friend i've talked about this in multiple videos i'm kind of like an open book about it okay um i tried to buy the car for like 12 years okay so long story short of it my father got esophagus cancer okay and um it spread to his stomach and in a matter of like eight weeks he he went from talking like you and me yeah to not hear anymore oh i'm sorry so i'm sorry no man i'm sorry it takes time it's all good so the long story short is i was raised by a single dad okay and um me and my sister like we didn't we didn't really have much growing up so i got really close to him and uh it like traumatized me like i told like i've told matt and other people i've done interviews with but i've never really like i i say it but people can't really maybe grasp um how close i was how much you know so when he passed away i was in like a real bad place yeah and um so bob uh the original owner of the car was was my like i said i'll go back a little bit he's like my father's best friend so i was in a mentally bad place and it's funny store because one day i'm driving i'm driving home and i had a commuter car like a it was a jeep okay and uh i was trying to buy the car trying to buy the car and he wouldn't sell it to me so that jeep caught on fire the transmission the disc slipped oh wow and it overheated like a boiled the trans fluid and came out the overflow on the exhaust i'm driving on the road on the phone and boof smoke so this thing burned i mean the wheels melted everything and then um four hours later he called me and was like you want to buy the car wow talk about timing yeah so i was i was in a really depressed like not good mental state i just lost my dad i just lost my commuter car i'm like ready to like lose my mind right like one next right and then four months later boom or four hours later you got the car i got the car and i know from there i'm not gonna say that i didn't stop thinking about my dad yeah or it didn't come out you never of course never absolutely but it took my mind off like the pressure in this car sure like so it was like i turned it into like my project that went from like all right let's do this let's do this and then i enlisted blue sky and we collaborated and that's the guys who do all like all my custom work okay and all that the pain of the card you know they they did the car for me really okay um yeah so i mean that's that's the gist of it and it escalated we all know how that goes down yeah so so it escalated because as i went forward with it like i didn't want to let my father's best friend down like i didn't want to just have a roller in the garage end up selling it or just do something minor with like i wanted him to be proud of it because the man the man pretty much cried when he sold me the car yeah but he saved my life yeah absolutely at the same time so shout out to him bob you man i love you to death dude you're you're the man and then you know the rest is history really it just escalated from there all right and then you know blue sky shout out to them too like we've had our ups and downs like back and forth because they're super passionate sure what they do and i'm super passionate about what they do so we kind of sometimes like butt heads a little bit but the end result is what i consider the my rendition of a perfect street car okay okay so awesome anything you want to know about it just yeah let's dig in so you know like i said i'll let the cat out of the bag about the the 363 turbo but let's kind of talk a little bit more about this this is i'm assuming a dart block it's a dart block okay our shp block 363. okay afr 195 renegades uh it's got a victor junior efi on it each works injectors 76 75 on three turbo which i like to talk about that a little bit because yeah you know because here's the thing like i get a lot of actually hate for the on three for the on three so i always want to explain to people why i went with the on three so i've always had superchargers and i've said this on the podcast i've said this in other interviews but i've never elaborated okay i decided to go to on three because i didn't know if i was gonna like turbo okay right i like the idea of having multiple tunes on the fly i could put my daughter in the car make it sound bone stock or down tune it okay turn on the air conditioning and i could cruise this thing like it's a stock five liter or when i'm alone i could hit the big button and make crazy horsepower and live a little right so i went with the on three because why spend three times more money on something number one you're not sure i didn't know number two i wasn't sure if i was going to like it because i've always had superchargers yeah so this this turbo is like a learning curve for me so now that i understand it i get it i know that i want it i'm actually waiting for the new precisions to come out okay so that i just want to explain that to people sure because i always get on these youtube videos oh gorgeous car putting on three on yeah on three yeah so you guys yeah all right guys but before you start sending hate mail or something okay uh he just told the story as to why now i mean you're still making some ridiculous horsepower with this with this with a non-three turbo right right so this is the on three the 75 76 the bmf okay uh i mean it's upgraded it's not your standard on three so it's upgraded but the car makes this is always a tough question because i do it's got multiple tunes okay right today um the car is making on low boost 10 pounds like 650 horse okay on high boost 14 pounds on 93 pump gas okay it makes 805 on the rear wheel wow now when i put c16 in it it's a game changer low boost is around well low boost is about 12 pounds we make about 750. these are rough numbers guys sure sure because it changes all of course yeah every dyno reads different so and then high boost is about 18 to 21 pounds you'll see 18. we'll set it for 18 but it'll make 21 on the street or however you're driving that'll that the best number i've ever seen is 948 at the wheels wow but the tires broke loose on the dyno so really i need a bigger tire or i need to put on a hub dyno okay to know the exact number right so you're pushing triple digits now right and probably with the precision yeah you're definitely gonna need some of your meats uh no i didn't know this and i'm just learning this um with the help shout out to like dan neil mustang um i need a bigger exhaust housing oh okay so full transparency when i turn it up that high the car gets a lot of back pressure okay and it wants to blow out manifold gaskets and so forth so it needs a bigger exhaust housing to eliminate that okay and that was when my exhaust comes in that's got multiple different settings yeah you know we're gonna have to because i don't think i don't know if i can get underneath the car here but we're gonna have to show a picture of the exhaust because i know that you have an extremely unique exhaust setup and um it's not just like a simple cutout right you've got no there's three cutouts okay so initially there was two so we like to call this an active exhaust kind of like a modern day with um with a touch so when you flash the picture up what it is is uh so it comes down off the y-pipe and it splits into two okay right and then we have a pipe that wraps around three-inch cook mufflers and back out the tailpipes i generally don't like the sound of open cutouts yep guys will bash me for this but to me they sound like a dump truck going like old mac truck yeah right yeah so i generally don't like that so i want everything to go out the tailpipes okay so when i open them now this isn't science so it's not exact numbers but generally speaking you'll get about seventy percent through on the straight pipe and thirty percent still go through the mufflers you don't have that sure that sound that's what the two rear ones open okay so that's one sound then i could close the two rear ones and just run a hundred percent out the kooks mufflers and the car because it's a turbo car it gets really good quiet yeah so it almost sounds stock-ish sure right or i can open the front cut out which is just a straight-up dump okay back pressure and that's that's actually very new i just did that okay after learning about back pressure okay so learning curves yeah you know people like it's learning curves you know guys i mean so you don't have to buy the top-of-the-line stuff like learn on something a little cheaper like i did yeah and you know move forward with yeah absolutely and then before we kind of walk away from here i know you were kind of pointing out that this is actually some custom fab work this is not some scott rod panel or anything like that like all of this is like custom fab inside and i know i know you had said before too that uh you're not really interested in shaving the engine bay it's just not your thing um so i i i don't know i i think this actually looks really good but i already know that you've you've got some other plans we don't have to get to we'll wait till you do that and then we'll have to do another video so we have to get into that but but yeah so for me i love the way a shaved engine bay looks yeah but the idea of this car was i've said this phrase over and over keep the fox body keep it on fox i'm a purest fox body guy at heart so i wanted to keep everything under the bay yeah like i wanted when i when i opened it i wanted people to see the wipers see the some originality battery up front so yeah i'm not really too interested in shaving the bay on this car um yes there's some stuff i could do to clean it up and that might be coming in the future yeah but as far as a complete shave it's never gonna happen on this car okay um a lot of people weld in the scott rod panels and all that stuff i with the theme of the car i wanted the rivets it gives it like an industrial feel yeah and this like you said so i i'm not knocking scott rod they're a great product uh guys use them because it's a really good product yeah but for me i didn't want hood pins and i only have an inch and a half cal and the way my car set up it wouldn't it wouldn't they were hitting the hood so i had jesse from blue sky fab all this up for me so this is all hand done wow um to fit my car specifically this is not something that you just buy off the shelf is this is all custom here so that's the maker's garage splitter okay everyone just buys them and bolts them on yeah we brought the color down into it to kind of blend in with the car wow because it's the only carbon fiber piece on the car so i just wanted a very very subtle touch yep um and plus it makes a little bit different and then you've also got i know you were kind of pointing out the custom uh pinch weld covers as well right yeah same thing so i don't like the look of a like a side skirt or anything like that on a on a coop yup so i wanted to hide the pinch wells but i wanted something that disappeared okay in front of your eye like if you don't look for it i wanted it to go unnoticed so i talked to jesse and we came up with this idea and he he hand-made all these they're aluminum and they bolt they bolt in from the back side of the pinch weld okay and then there's just a rubber strip there but underneath there's like drip there's holes drilled for water so they could all drain all that stuff wow so yeah he hand crafted those all for me and the amount of shop time to do it wasn't cheap i bet i bet just for the custom pinch weld and you know and i told you this too that uh you know i know i noticed here that you don't have the side moldings right but it looks like it was meant to be you know it really looks really nice yeah so i can go either way on side molding so yeah guys would be like you ruined the car some guys will be like it looks better it looks cleaner yeah for me the thing i don't like about side moldings is the tape okay uh you know the front here these are all flush bolted to the car so i we're into like the real fine details that little tape when you walk up to a car paint in there and black and they lift a little bit yeah you could have a super super nice car that kind of takes away from it for me so if i was going to go back to them i would probably like urethane them or glue you know some kind of body adhesion sure take the tape off so they're sit flush just like the front ones do yeah yeah but as of now i'm happy with it yeah it looks clean i probably won't do it okay okay all right well let's uh i'm staring at your uh your your your wheels right here so let's kind of talk about this uh actually let's talk about the brakes what uh what do you got going on for brakes so again the car snowballed we bought the brakes and did the suspension and i just bought the sve cobra upgrade kit okay and then the car just escalated and i was like you know what they're gonna stay for now but again that's we talked um earlier yeah and there's some things going on with those for next season okay but probably not till next season because i want to um i want to enjoy the car this year i understand a hundred percent my car isn't at home in the garage with a base tune and i haven't been able to enjoy it yet it's like i'm constantly changing stuff yeah i just want to enjoy it this year and when the fall comes then it's time you guys will see some stuff all right all right but these are bc forged le52s okay um they're a two-piece wheel 18 inch and 18 by eight on the front 18 by nine in the back uh because i want the tuck without mini tubs okay so they're black black barrels and the centers are actually gray but it's a transparent gray so you can still see the machine work yep they're not like a straight up gunmetal gray and what size do you got in the rear here the tires 285 285's so 285's and it's an 18 by it actually fits really nice and no issues with any rubbing the car does not you saw you just followed me yeah with three people in the car yep and not one rub excellent wow all right so let's uh let's talk suspension then because you know your car obviously i can see right here your car sits really really nice what uh what's going on suspension oh qa1 okay the whole car i've always um why didn't i shouldn't say always but i'm a fan of qa1 okay i like them they've been around a long time what i really intrigued me about qa1 was their front k member a lot of these a lot of these other companies all make awesome products but the front k member instead of if you say i want to switch to a coyote which guys i'm never gonna do but if i did want to switch to a coyote i wouldn't have to change the whole front k-member i could just get different brackets oh wow so you buy their k-member once once okay and then you could just change brackets depending on what motor swap you want wow and i figured since why i'm doing it i'll just buy their whole suspension kit yep they i know they make good products and i'm super super happy with them excellent for i mean the car rides great it doesn't bottom out it it feels really good excellent all right what do you say we uh take a look inside the car here wow okay so again all custom obviously and and i think i mentioned this to you before like i really appreciate the fact that you know you could have just gone with black right let's done some black interior but uh this is what is this like a cinnamon or what okay this is a cinnamon color it's a cinnamon it's cinnamon relicante it's on cameras never pick it up no like properly but they you know now that i see it actually in person it really is a beautiful color and it complements the car so well what seats are these though so these are pro car by scat seats and then they're 80 headrests out of an 85 the halo it's okay yeah so actually it's funny because we ordered the seats sent them to uh shout out to gill interiors in middletown new york okay um they stripped them down and then i stole these headrests out of my buddy mike's car and literally okay these are mine i was like i'll get them i'll get you another set but i needed them now so i sent them up to him and they they welded in the brackets and then i'll wrap them in cinnamon relocate leather okay and match the factory lh stitching okay wow yeah it looks great like the door panels same thing and then an alcantara insert alcantara headliner alcantara visors all to match the momo steering wheel wow you really went all out there look at that yeah and then i put um i shaved the rear shoulder belts because those two humps on the back of these cars okay okay they always looked kind of odd yeah so we went with the older style rear lap belt i liked you that uh you still got the uh the original dash but uh i'm seeing here that looks like a holley efi that's the holley prodash 12.38 okay it fits really well i mean it looks like it's meant to be yeah it fits perfect um you can actually when i did it it was hard to find bezels to mount it in there because it was one of the first cars out with it okay but now you can pretty much go on facebook and people 3d print them oh nice stuff the only thing it does but it blocks nothing on the screen except where it says holley other than that nothing is blue yeah yeah okay so uh uh transmission so obviously american powertrain tkx okay um so it's five speed it's a five speed okay i'm actually in the process working with handling motorsports shout out to them to get some some other parts for it to do some different things i'm a tall guy yeah so uh they're coming out of the shifter for it okay and to bring you know bring it back a little bit for me because it's hard to get that you taller guys know that two to three you got to really reach you know it's almost like i'm sitting up sit forward yeah so when their new shifter comes out which should be coming out pretty soon it's gonna be a good deal okay well i didn't move the radio like i know um everyone's moving the radio these yeah yeah again like i said i'm a purist so i didn't want to do that because i thought it took away from the originality of the car and i don't need to move it because everything's bluetooth right right exactly so you don't have to plug anything in anyway right i didn't want to cut up anything behind the dash in case if i ever sold this car and somebody wanted a black dash or a black interior it's a little replace the seats and door panels you're done yep and nothing's hacked up it's all there i love it it looks it's it's so clean and looks like it's all just kind of meant to be you know guys look at this that is not a 5.0 that's a 6.0 batch and they don't really make these do they no so i get this question probably more than anything two questions i get one is it an ls two where did you get the 60 badges okay so evod industries made these for me we sent out um actual five-liter emblems off the car and then i bought a police interceptor badge and it mailed them those and they replicated the 5-0 badges okay and the six-liter badges for me because again i wanted it to see i didn't want to buy like an ls60 badge or anything like that i wanted people to you know double take when they saw it so it blends in perfect yeah you know they so they made those for me and they made my war admiral badge okay that's replicated i have a police intercept interceptor badge oh wow look at that again you know it's it's so subtle that it looks like it just belongs there right you know some of the other small things you know i've i've said them on other youtube channels um and it's so clean look at that shave the passenger door lock shave the antenna because we don't need a passenger door lock no and that's kind of bringing the car into the modern day sure the modern day era you know oh we also shaved this as well okay and i think i actually walked right past something else here yeah this is a big one i actually want to touch on the seats again too okay um so this there's two things on the car that i was super super hesitant about one is this rear diffuser i was like because i'm so i was so used to like european style rear diffusers yeah they're always big and they come flat out to the bumper and i'm that's just not me yeah so jesse's like let's do a rear diffuser and i was like i kind of want one but i don't want one and i gave him a real hard time about doing it and finally i broke down like all right listen let's do it keep it subtle and uh he messed with me about it like he would send me like a picture we could just see the tips yeah you know and it was like i was so nervous because i didn't want a european style when i saw it it was just like yeah but it's the fins come off oh really yes you they're removable it's all steel wow so even if you just kind of got tired of looking at it you can just pull those fins off never even know they were there's wow or i can make bigger fins if i wanted to or smaller fins if i wanted to get so modular very very cool yup very unique back to the seats again um that was you said i could have just done black yeah the biggest the biggest thing for me was doing that color it was the hardest choice of the whole car okay because i am like black white gray person right okay so when when they brought up the color to me i was kind of like oh it's a suggestion yep and i was like no way am i doing that color like it's so outside of the box for me like i'm not doing it and then i they brought me a color swatch and i put it together and i was like all right it looks a little bit better together so what i did was behind the scenes they don't you know the guys who did the interior stuff don't know this i actually drove to a porsche dealer because they have similar setups and then went looked at a ford king ranch okay and when i saw on the porsche and this together i was like all right they went but i didn't want to tell them that but now i will so they kind of took you out of your comfort zone there oh with the seats 100 i cannot i cannot take full credit for that okay um at the end of the day it was me saying yes let's do it sure since i saw it but i was definitely persuaded to do that color combo okay for sure okay and uh the end result this is awesome man yep it's awesome yup so i wouldn't change i can't imagine the car without it now you're right you're right and like i said it's it's so unique but it looks like it it's kind of meant to be especially with this color yeah it's such a great uh compliment you know to this color car it's great and the l the tail lights while we're standing here the shout out to classic leds yeah they did this for me and actually he i just sent him one because i i busted it and he's had it back to me within like seven days wow and these are actually real forward uh wow very cool so they actually they just modify the original lenses wow that is so cool and i've been looking at the the rear end of your car this whole trip pretty much because you know you're in front of us but uh i they're so bright and uh and just i mean i don't know very unique i guess but again every time i see something like this in my opinion this is how it should have been obviously they didn't have led background but but it it looks uh still looks like a stock rear end and rear rear tails but once you hit the brake light or hit the turn swing or something like that they just they're so bright very very cool yeah even even in this light they are so bright very cool now what uh what rear end uh is in this car what's your 8.8 8.8 355. okay turbo cars yeah yep it's still a good uh good cruising here too as well got you yukon axles in it okay um 31 spline okay which it's a little much power should be maybe a little bit upgraded yeah yeah stay tuned so yeah but it's original 8.8 with with uh 355s in it okay okay cool all right guys tom uh actually let me take a seat inside the car and uh turn the ignition on so i can take a look at the holly dash and uh check this out guys like you can literally just touch this and tom explain this again to me with the boost here so when i when i go ahead and i hit this button what happens it adds horsepower okay whatever whatever you have this is why i want a turbo okay because i could touch this make it make it mild okay so like today the way the tune is today that's like i said 650 give or take hit this now it's 805. wow just like that is way too it's like a scramble button on your dash yep this is your two step rather the traditional button yep you just tap that that's your two step wow you could change screens just swipe it okay swipe it look at that i think it's got like 14 different ones in wow depending on what what you what you need to see and you know yeah wow that is amazing this is this is what i always say old technology and new to technology is is the perfect blend to me because it allows me to have a high horsepower car with ac power steering gps bluetooth bluetooth radio yep i could take my daughter out in it i could have ac on in it yep i could just cruise to a whatever or if i roll up against something and i want to just hit the big button and have some fun we can have some fun so not all technology is bad it allows us to do things we never used to do before right we we are closer now to having the race car streetcar blend than we've ever been yep you know so that's what i enjoy about it but i want i also enjoy the old school stuff sure so mix push rod motor yeah right yep keep the two together and you can do whatever the best of both worlds right oh you know the car is caught coil unplugged now okay two so the distributor is gone um similar to mario's car yep yep so the newer technology there individual coil packs night and day difference in drivability really night and day okay all right guys this is always my favorite part of the video what do you say we go for a ride [Music] hahaha all right guys tom says that was low boost and uh wow that just starts right back in your scene but it's so it it feels so linear like it's so smooth this car is amazing yeah just drive it like a normal like a normal mustang right and it sounds so is this with the with going through the mufflers your exhaust is going through them this is where the rears open oh it is okay i mean it's nice that you can actually have a conversation inside the car it's comfortable too like i know you're you were talking about the suspension you don't really feel any of these bumps it's actually pretty pretty you know the car is yeah right yeah i mean it definitely is more than like a coil spring yep but if you if your tires are fitted properly um and you have the right wheel size yep you know you can drive the car very you know reliably without rubbing right so just a matter of getting the right fitness yeah that turbo just sounds amazing and it just keeps pulling so that's that's a low boost like probably three-quarter throttle okay so as i'm saying when i when i really get on the car it's it's it's something else yeah you kind of you kind of need a runway to really open this thing up yeah it's it's dirty all right guys i honestly cannot believe this uh i'm just asking if i want to drive the car so uh we're gonna take a nice slow stroll right down the street so i'm handing over the keys my boy we're gonna take a nice easy ride and i'm gonna do my best not to uh let's install this thing here and embarrass myself that is a pretty heavy film clutch right there yeah so it's gotta be okay to hold the power wow you were kidding about that uh very responsive uh gas pedal right there the clutch is very heavy i understand it needs to be but man this car drives so nice tom you're spoiling me here now because uh i'm gonna want to do a lot of stuff to my car wow what's the point of doing one of these videos if you don't get to drive it yeah yeah it drives so smooth and again it kind of feels like you're saying when you drive it you know normal it feels like it like a stock box body right there's no uh uh there's no surging there's no kind of chugging along or nothing like that is so clean and it sounds so good the steering's super responsive it is very responsive tight it's all power steering but it's very tight for the power steering i really love this dash too because i mean it's right in front of your face so you can see everything so the only way for me to really show people this car is to let them drive it so it could be like i said to you it could be very mild or it could be very wild yep and this is all technology this is what it you know technology allows us to do yeah you know it we can have the best of both worlds nowadays right right only have four takeover people it drives so smooth i mean even that right there you know even even my car you know when i'm making a turn and i'll drop in second gear sometimes you get that little chuck you know and this was just such a smooth now mind you this is the first time you ever drive in this car yep with a twin desk right the clutch is a little bit heavy yep um and so you know imagine driving for a week you'd be cruising around like it's a honda civic right yeah you're right you know it it just takes a little while to get used to you know where the different car where the clutch is going to grab right so what do you think of that tkx i like it actually um so this is actually on my wish list um i gotta get my car running first you know once my car is you know i made that that bad uh decision before where you know my car's in process and i keep throwing stuff at it and then it just never gets done right so i want to get it running right and enjoy it for the summer and then i think the ttx is probably going to be the next edition um it's like the apology for the tko super excited to turn me down and actually drove the car because every time i offer people are too nervous it's just a car man yeah you're right it's just a car anything to be fixed and uh this is all about and we're about to roll up on another famous [Music] all right guys we are back from the ride and uh tom i gotta thank you for for uh not only give me a very memorable ride uh but also for letting me drive your beautiful car here man that was unbelievable um i really can't thank you enough i know again i had a 10-hour ride here with mario that's nothing compared to you you had a 17-hour ride and we're all heading back tonight it's been a long weekend you've been hitting all the shows lately two showing off this car so again i appreciate your time so much time man i appreciate you taking the time out i appreciate everybody for watching like always i'm glad you actually drove it i'm glad you got in and drove it it was fun because it's the only way to really explain it yeah i was a little nervous but you know what thank you for actually kind of pushing me and he all right guys we're gonna wrap things up here i hope you enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed making it if you have any questions about the car post them down below tom and i will do our best to answer them for you if you like the video please like and subscribe and we'll see you next time thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: BrotherTom
Views: 282,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I3KxL0TmklY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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