Superbook Classic - Nehemiah and the Walls of Jerusalem - Season 1 Episode 24

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[Music] I didn't know what I was I saw the flash of my [Music] Oh [Music] you know wanna go [Music] today's story the walls of Jerusalem over at the house just down the street and around the corner joy is about to pay a visit on her friend Chris whoa what does it look like I'm doing here fixing a busted fence now you don't have to look so sad about it that's important work that keeps out crooks maybe you think so I've got a lot more important things to do in my time Chris this is peeper hi there my you've come at the right time I'm making a marshmallow cake finish up Chris and you can have some cake how work as fast as I can boy they say it will be boys looks good boys how deep bones but cake is for people [Applause] I wonder where we'll be going today [Music] today my friends will go back to ancient Jerusalem to see how the great Nehemiah rebuilt its walls if you sure you're ready we can leave right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why are we in with the couch waiting for me there are we I don't remember where Superbook said we would wind up to you he said to Jerusalem hey what are you doing here we come in peace we're in the middle of a journey to Jerusalem to visit with a man whose name I can't remember don't you loosen em hmm wait there they look like bad guys don't you think ah don't be scared watch your step No why are you both so worried we're now passing through here on your way to Jerusalem right not by any chance going there to pay a little visit to Nehemiah alright what are you two up to I think you're both spies we're not spies we're from the 20th century he means it's been a long trip don't scenic route stop the fibbing I know that your spies ha were you making it joke sir you'll find out soon enough that I don't go in for joking hey stay back here you aren't going to Jerusalem now or ever those children are being assaulted by evil men over there go and rescue them what do you think you're doing hmm well there are you all right yes we are I'm sure glad that you came we thank you sir you saved our lives very pleased that I could help now stay away from evil men me yes boy we want to go to Jerusalem can you show us how to get there that'll be easy I'm going to Jerusalem too it's not too far away oh right well what about if we came along with you that would be fine now that we're friends you should know that my name is Nehemiah hey are you really that's right do you mean that you've heard of me before we sure have and we were told that you're a great and important man haha my importance is my work saving that I'm a man like any other man well then let us be off to Jerusalem now lead the way we're ready you saved our lives let's go right Jerusalem here we come what if Shannon I'll get you yet Nehemiah I think we're getting close there it is I can't believe this is Jerusalem the walls are all busted what do you suppose happened I think we can find a resting place for you children now this place could really use some fixing up looks like Nehemiah got himself quite a job here now it's an old stable will stop Hey great look there's some strong my favorite kind of bed yeah yeah place to sleep tired about you haven't done anything yet what's that I saved you from those bad guys forever me you just struggled in their arms Oh huh well I certainly tried you have to admit that yes and I appreciate it that was scary I hope they don't come anywhere near us anymore or bother Nehemiah well if they do our pulverizer me why what do you think is Moe is it those bad guys attention Nehemiah going somewhere what do you think Chris I don't know what could it be let's go after him hmm [Music] hmmm not too bad over here well it seems he's checking if the stones are all right mm-hmm so far so good how's this one here looks fine and this one looks good we must begin the stones are all at hand we have no more time to lose we must start tomorrow who's there speak up now it's only us we were just making sure that you were all right we figured that maybe we could you know help you haha thank you I do appreciate your real concern true friends are hard to find and just your being here has helped me but all my friends is there something that's wrong could you explain something to us we just don't understand why it's so important for you to rebuild the walls my people the Jews are my people do you know why the four walls of Jerusalem are now broken and useless no we don't I will tell you Jerusalem was once a beautiful city until that morning when we woke up to find the armies of Babylon around us about to break through our wall the Destroyers who cared for nothing our houses a glorious temple all were in ruins our people fought bravely but we were no match for their numbers those who survived were taken captive forced to leave our beloved Jerusalem to travel at beasts of burden and take up life again as slaves in a faraway Babylon for many many years with our bodies we slaved in Babylon while our thoughts and our hearts remained in Jerusalem always Jerusalem and then it happened one glorious night the armies of Persia stole into Babylon surprised our oppressors and conquered the land and as the entered in triumph we wondered how they would treat us to our joy the great king of Persia proclaimed that the Jews were free to return to Jerusalem since I was cut bare to the king I could not go back with my fellow Jews I learned from travelers that the temple was rebuilt but the walls were still broken and I lifted my voice to the Lord please my god help me make my way to Jerusalem that I may rebuild the walls my Lord amen [Music] God heard my prayer and now I am here and I'm entrusted with a great and mighty mission and now you see my people must rebuild the wall quickly and make it stronger than it was before so that no enemy will ever attack us again now I see why you must rebuild it I'm all ready to help we'll all pitch in and do it in no time right hey gizmo what about you you're probably stronger than anyone ready and willing up up and away it's my spring winding down [Laughter] blessed art Thou O Lord our God who has seen fit to send me to Jerusalem guide me and protect me that I may rebuild all her walls amen [Music] [Music] my friends all of us love our city and yet we have left it unprotected and our enemies can walk right in here at any time we know why you've come Nehemiah but the job is beyond our power maybe our enemies will just leave us alone no that will not be evil men are plotting all the time God will help us again just as he helped you rebuild the temple our temple stands as God's holy house would you see it destroyed again no my dear friends never again all of us together will rebuild the walls the Persian King supports us and there is no more time to be had what do you think about this Nehemiah well he cares about Jerusalem and that's some big job he's right what he just said makes sense how can there be the slightest doubt about it we must protect our city yes we must remember once before we stood here and watched our city burn when we did not heed God's warning now Nehemiah has God's favor and we must listen or we'll lose our Jerusalem again I agree let's get to work right away [Music] [Music] this is a blessed day my son with God's help he will surely succeed maybe do the men Tobiah do you see what I see it's those bad guys well to buy a look the Jews are out looks like they're having a little picnic those two men are some bullet and Tobiah they must have heard about the walls and they've come here to try to stop us they are enemies of the Jewish people I've seen them go men well look who's there we have our work to do and do not wish to be annoyed but if you insist on interfering you will certainly regret it is that so [Music] I'm afraid that they will be back I'm quite certain that they will be back but the Lord will protect us and he will watch over us very quickly the work began everyone had a job men and women young and old strong and weak all were put to work by Nehemiah pulling lifting digging prying shaping carrying or simply helped the work was very hard indeed but no one complained the Jews were used to hard work when they had been slaves in Babylon the work was hard and bitter for it was done for cruel masters but now the work was hard and sweet for it was to protect their own city their houses and the great and holy Jewish temple 3 3 5 beep down embarrassing oh wow slowly and steadily the walls around Jerusalem began to take shape [Music] Tobiah look at those poor pitiful fruits from morning till night they labor while the great nehemiah gets all the glory what glory this wall will fall right over with the next big wind what they aren't even listening to us I think it's about time that we began playing a rougher game with them and Creed let's go goodbye rats the time has now come to show the Jews that we will not be trifled with no longer will we wait they're rebuilding their walls get ready to storm their stupid town then we'll tear the place apart and nehemiah's mind let's go Nehemiah what's the matter our century on the road to Samaria reports that son polat's army is on the way here to attack on the way here huh don't be afraid trumpeter property can you hear me battle stations [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we're gonna get killed to this place [Music] yeah that's it we better get out tweet rage [Applause] we thank you Lord people of Jerusalem we have seen once more that God protects those who revere him now let us return to rebuilding the walls the people of Jerusalem worked harder and faster than ever to get the job done they attacked by Sanballat and his men only proved that Nehemiah was right that the enemies of the Jews would be tempted to attack as long as the walls were not rebuilt and now with hard work and great skill they were almost completed that is the best ball in the world it isn't yet but it will be just as soon as it's finished hey there's Nehemiah veeraiah ah still up hey Nehemiah how come you're leaving at midnight I'm off to pay a visit to an old friend of my name's shamaya he said word that he received a message for me from the Lord God from God how about if we came with you would that be okay okay [Music] Nehemiah go and hide yourself in the temple you were enemies will be coming in the night to kill you only in the temper will you be safe in the temple but it is forbidden to use the temple for such a reason that is the message it came in a vision can I believe this old man would God say such a thing it is God's law that the temple may only be used for prayer God would never tell a man to sin why are you silent Nehemiah shamaya do you speak the truth I have given you a false message why shamaya why would you ask a man to commit a sin before his fellow man and God Sanballat and Tobiah you wish to bring dishonor upon you to turn the people against you and they paid me and forgive this foolish old man I understand shamaya a moment of weakness now lift up your face for I forgive you thank you I must surely be one of the great men of all time and even more holdup what about me we met before the spies kept trying but nothing stopped the rebuilding and finally on the 52nd day after the very first stone was lifted the walls were completed [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You people of Jerusalem thank you my people thank you [Music] the light begins ages places far you just believe your eyes [Music] moon and ocean King as we all go store these one [Music] don't you know [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 61,423
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Id: 53NsL4a9PzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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