Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - All Newcomers Trailers Including Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
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Channel: TwinSplash
Views: 50,296
Rating: 4.9654379 out of 5
Keywords: super, smash, bros, ultimate, sbbu, super smash bros ultimate, all, trailers, cutscenes, nintendo, switch, characters, no commentaty, hd, movie, TwinSplash, twinsplash, dragon quest trailer, nintendo e3 direct, joker persona 5 smash, perosna 5 smash, smash bros ultimate, kazuya, kazuya smash, kazuya reaction, kazuya smash reaction, tekken 7, tekken 7 kazuya, kazuya reveal trailer, 2021, super smash bros, smash ultimate, kingdom hearts, sora smash, sora smash reaction, sora smash trailer
Id: PM-nwrvb_Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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