Super Smart Artificial Intelligence and the Future | A New Era of Artificial Intelligence

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artificial intelligence can be described as a computer system that has one or more capabilities of the human mind such capabilities include language comprehension visual perception learning ability decision making ability and so on artificial intelligence is expected to fundamentally change the world in the next 20 years the only question is how will it do so will we become omnipotent at the expense of machines or will they destroy us or make us their slaves let's try to find out artificial intelligence is no longer fiction but part of the advanced technology that surrounds us everywhere unmanned cars that will sooner or later replace traditional transportation smart robots in manufacturing and scientific laboratories systems that diagnose diseases by x-rays better than live doctors chat bots virtual assistants and tutors facial recognition systems algorithms and search engines and social networks are all examples of the use of narrow artificial intelligence in recent years advances in statistical computing have allowed ai to make a real leap forward with machine learning similarly advances in neural networks have led to the development of an additional area of ai called deep learning broadly speaking these approaches are divided into guided and random learning the former uses data with given results while the latter uses data without one if you want to learn more about machine learning and deep learning collect a thousand likes into this video and we'll do a separate episode on this very topic but all of this is just narrow artificial intelligence programming machines to autonomously meet specific needs with advanced computing decision making neural networks and deep learning this is the current state of ai research they help us achieve productivity reduce costs and improve quality the development of narrow ai like robotics is sparking discussions about the risk of unemployment according to various estimates in the next 10 years robots will take 30 to 40 percent of the jobs currently held by humans researchers at the world economic forum say that by taking some 75 million jobs new technologies including artificial intelligence will create more than 130 million new ones after all when the first machines appeared in factories people were also worried about losing their jobs but not only has progress not taken away jobs it has also offloaded us artificial intelligence will surely take over many of the routine tasks performed by humans at the same time new technologies various new world problems space discovery and colonization global military green energy and so on will create many new jobs narrow ai depends on human programming even if we automate the software part of it it will still be an area designed by humans for specific purposes we can program terminators to kill people or robot builders to build a base on the moon either way we will get exactly what we wanted because such artificial intelligence has no consciousness [Music] but as expected the next stage in development of artificial intelligence technology will be general or conscious ai since no one knows today how it will be created it will come in the next 20 to 50 years but there is little doubt it will appear [Music] what will an artificial intelligence endowed with consciousness be like no one really knows this is there enough logic to call a machine conscious and what about emotions feelings or creativity can consciousness exist without them at this point we just don't know then why is it we are afraid of conscious ai well we fear the unknown we call ourselves conscious but we look at a world where there are endless political battles for power conflict wars over resources etc we fear that artificial intelligence will be just like us moreover a conscious ai might turn out to be quite different from us and decide that humans are a disease a virus that has infected the earth such an intelligence would be uncontrollable and it would look at us without emotion from its own point of view but this is not the worst of it the third and final species is artificial super intelligence that is ai with superhuman powers and abilities this is the evolution of the conscious artificial intelligence which has learned everything available to cognition in this world a super intelligent ai enhanced by consciousness will assimilate everything that science or philosophy has to offer it will reach the technological limits of knowledge which is referred to as singularity they may surpass the need for a physical body and travel beyond the known limits of physical space it may sound bizarre now but scientists believe that this is possible in the coming decades with only a short time likely to pass from the second to third stage what would such a super intelligence do to a person there are several options here to explore the first is the total destruction of human species as we know it by artificial intelligence the possibility of such a turn was predicted by stephen hawking and also announced by bill gates and elon musk how exactly will it destroy us no one really knows after all super intelligent ai will be a hundred times smarter than we are currently seeing now but it won't be coming from robots with glowing eyes we do know that the system that controls the internet medicine nanotechnology and many other things simply doesn't need them and by creating some kind of red button to turn off such intelligence won't work either first we have to remember that it's smarter than we are and second as elon musk noted no one would want to possess such a button knowing that it would become target number one the only way to defeat such ai would be to use another one that's just as smart but friendly on our side but not all researchers agree with this point of view many believe that our lives will be exceptionally better and that no dangers will threaten us for example jan lee khan the chief scientist in the field of artificial intelligence at facebook once told the bbc that there will be no such scenarios in the spirit of the movies out of the machine or terminator because robots will not be designed with human desires they will not feel hunger thirst for power the instinct of reproduction or self-preservation but can we be so sure of this last year microsoft shut down its artificial intelligence-based chatbot tie after twitter users who were supposed to make her smarter with casual conversation instead taught her to respond with racist misogynistic and anti-semitic slurs the example is hilarious but the situation is scary by the way if you want to learn more about that incident with ai click the issue in the tip the third option is a merger a proponent of this development is elon musk as he sees it as the only chance for humanity well almost the only chance elon has plan a to create a chip capable of expanding our mental abilities to the level of advanced artificial intelligence and plan b a colony on mars if plan a fails to quote musk we probably won't be able to surpass computer intelligence in the future but we may be able to achieve a happy symbiosis and by the way we will also be able to cure a lot of diseases caused by brain damage congenital accidental acquired with age or any other cases so if someone has a stroke epilepsy seizures clinical depression or anything of the light it can be cured with a brain device the symbiosis itself according to musk can be achieved with neural lace which is a mesh material that is injected and can literally be connected to our brains to communicate directly with computers this device is already being developed by its company neuralink in the coming years the chip will only help people suffering from paraplegia and lower limb paralysis giving them among other things the ability to control their computer or phone with their thoughts renowned futurologist ray kurzweil believes that just as the mammalian brain developed homogeneous cortex 200 million years ago which later enabled humans to invent language science art and technology by 2030 we will be cyborgs with nanobots the size of blood cells they will connect us with synthetic neocortexes in the cloud giving us the ability to virtual reality and augmented reality in our own nervous systems we will become more interesting more musical expand our wisdom he says the nanobots in our veins and arteries will treat our diseases healing our bodies from within one way or another all the engineers and scientists of today are convinced that the coming decades will be the era of artificial intelligence it's believed that we will receive the greatest investment and penetrate all areas of our lives changing them perhaps beyond recognition this could be the greatest challenge for humanity in the words of elon musk the greatest filter of civilization we're either going to get by with technology or we will destroy ourselves what do you think awaits the human civilization with ai subscribe to the pro robot channel like this video and be aware of all new high-tech news after all as the saying goes forward is forearm you
Views: 62,727
Rating: 4.8633747 out of 5
Keywords: super smart artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning, elon musk, technology, superintelligence, deep learning, neuralink, brain, elon musk brain chip, elon musk neuralink, brain chip, technology news, robots, tech news, future technology, new technology, robotics, new era, pro robots, what is artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence robot, artificial intelligence documentary, artificial intelligence applications, future of artificial intelligence
Id: V7dyh3Xezm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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