Super Pride | Awesome Animals
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: National Geographic Kids
Views: 1,535,876
Rating: 4.4413943 out of 5
Keywords: national geographic kids, nat geo kids, kids, kid, for kids, national geographic, nat geo, animals, making stuff, educational, lions, awesome, awesome animals, tanzania, serengeti, serengeti national park, PLQlnTldJs0ZRrorvuAXfKPCcmI3L2_7nT, PLQlnTldJs0ZR56MScVzlbeucr3brcHb-e, Super Pride, National Park, biggest lion populations, Africa, approximately 3500 lions, 300 prides, 22 lions, superpride, Few lion prides, reach this status
Id: wx3ntkkSWPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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