Super Limoncello. Don’t throw lemon peels away!

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To make a liter of great tasting limoncello  you’ll need peels from 8-12 lemons.  But what if you already have leftover lemon  peels from making super juice… Can you use those?  Yes, yes you can. This is Super Limoncello, made from what you’re left with after   making super juice. How cool is that? I’ll show you how to make it two different ways,   how it compares to the original Limoncello  and then we’ll test it in two cocktails -  A Negronicello and a Limoncello Spritz. At the end I’ll tell you why I was so   proud and excited to learn about Super  Limoncello, so stick around. Now, it’s Cocktail Time. Limoncello is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Amalfi Coast, and Sicily. It’s made by steeping lemon zest in   high-proof alcohol, to release the  essential oils. The mixture is then   strained and mixed with sugar and water. A very simplified explanation, but we can   go deeper if you’d like to see a separate  episode where I make the classic Limoncello.  Today’s process will be a lot different. For now, let’s just try the famous Italian   limoncello and see what we’re going up against. This is made using Sfusato lemons, exclusive to   the Amalfi coast, which are delivered to  the distillery within 24 hours and infused   immediately. That explains the bright yellow color  and the abundance of lemony freshness on the aroma   and taste. It’s slightly too sweet for my taste,  but undeniably an excellent limoncello. Can the Super Limoncello compete with this? Well, surely not in appearance. The rich essential oils in the classic  limoncello cause the louche effect,  or spontaneous emulsification, when sugar and  water is added, turning it milky in appearance.  and we’re just not going to get that with so much  essential oils going into making Super Juice.  But I try to clarify most of  the liqueurs we make anyway,   so let’s not knock any points off just for this. So, after you’ve made your batch of super juice,  which you can learn all about in  this video, including who created it,   how I make it, and why I think it’s great, you’ll be left with blended citrus peels.  A question some of you probably  have is could you make the same   thing with leftovers from lime super juice? I think so, but lime-cello would be harder to   compare with the classics than limoncello. But yes, use up those spent lime   peels and follow this recipe! Start by weighing your blended   lemon peels that were leftover on the filter. If you’re making smaller batches of super   juice you can freeze the used peels until you have  enough to make a small amount of super limoncello. Same as with super juice, you’ll again find a  calculator on to help you figure   out the amounts you need based on the peels  you have, but this time after making super   juice. I’m starting with 200 grams of leftover  lemon peels from a few batches of super juice.  To that I’ll add 125 grams of sugar. This time  we’re making an oleo saccharum, literally meaning   oil-sugar. This is an old ingredient notably used  for making punch. Leave this to sit in an airtight   container for at least 1 hour. As the sugar pulls  the last bits of essential oils from our peels   we’ll get a flavorful citrus syrup, which will  be the key component of our super limoncello.  After 1 hour transfer this to a sous vide bag  and add the spirit and water. Here you don’t need   everclear, as your typical 40% ABV vodka will do  just fine. I need 330 ml. To further dilute this   to a liqueur-ABV level I’m adding 110 ml of water. And like we’ve done for most of the DIY liqueurs   on the channel, vacuum seal the bag, always with  a double seal, and place in the sous vide bath,   this time set to 55 °C or 150 °F, for 4 hours. We’re going with a little lower temperature   because we don’t want to activate the  pectin in the peels. That could form a gel,   making the filtration harder. Shake the bag  every 30 minutes or so to ensure even cooking.  After the process is complete, place the  bag in an ice bath to cool completely.  Then cut open and strain our super  limoncello through a fine mesh strainer.  To get all the liquid out of the peels I’ll  give them a squeeze with a potato ricer.  Once that’s done you can filter it again  through a cloth filter for a clearer result.   If we went for the cloth filter straight  away the peels would basically clog it up,   making the filtration extremely slow. Before I bottle this batch..  Let’s quickly go over the classic maceration of  Super Limoncello, if you don’t have a sous vide.  Here, the infusion is slightly different, as I  didn't want to lower the ABV with water during   maceration. So oleo saccharum of 200 grams  of spent super juice lemon peels and 125   grams of sugar remains the same, and this is then infused in just vodka - same as before, 330 ml. Let this macerate in a sealed jar for at least  4 days, but monitor how the flavor develops.  Once done, strain everything through a fine  mesh strainer, then dilute with water. But   instead of just adding 110 ml of water into  the infused vodka, I’ll pour it over what’s   left over on the filter. This way, the  water will rinse the lemon particles,   absorb some lemon flavor and allow all the  vodka to be extracted from them. To really   get all the liquid out I’m again using a potato  ricer, but you can place it on a cloth filter,   then twist and squeeze as hard you can. Again, you can re-filter the limoncello   through a cloth filter for a clearer liqueur. So then we’re back where we were before - bottle,   add a label, and that’s it. The full flavor will develop   after a few days and the liqueur should  be good practically indefinitely.  But you can go ahead and  give it a taste right away.  The clear appearance of our limoncello will really  work nicely in the first cocktail today. The aroma   still has a citrusy character, but with less  freshness than the original. On the palate,   it's full-bodied and less sweet with  an interesting, subtly bitter note,   which isn't a bad thing at all. It would be a  stretch to say this is better than the original.   It’s almost an unfair comparison, considering how  different the production method is. But I’m really   pleasantly surprised by how much lemon flavors  we've extracted from the super juice leftovers.  For something we would have otherwise thrown  away, this turned out amazing, and I can’t   wait to show you 2 cocktails with it. First, let’s make the Negronicello,   a White Negroni variation made with gin, Lillet  Blanc and in place of Suze Gentian liqueur,   our Super Limoncello. I’m also adding  grapefruit bitters and saline solution.  No mixing glass this time as we’ll make it  straight in a chilled low tumbler glass.  First add 1 oz or 30 ml of gin. I’m going with  Tanqueray No. Ten, which sits at 47,3% ABV.  Follow that with 1 oz or 30 ml of  Super Limoncello. As mentioned before,   this has a subtle bitter note to it. Of course  not on the same level as Suze, but we’ll make   up for that with bitters. First however, Lillet  Blanc. We’re keeping the equal parts ratio from   the original so we need 1 oz or 30 ml. And now for some added bitterness,   3 dashes of grapefruit bitters. If you'd like the recipe for homemade   grapefruit bitters, consider subscribing to the  Cocktail Times newsletter on You'll receive the recipe book directly in your inbox. And the last part, 2 drops of 20% saline solution.   Salt will enhance the bright citrus notes  that will really make this Negroni variant pop. Then stir to chill and dilute. Add more ice  to fill the glass before spraying and garnishing   the cocktail with a grapefruit peel. I prefer  a small coin to a long swath, but you do you.  I’ll take a few sips before I show  you the Limoncello Spritz and tell   you the story of how I got introduced  to Super Limoncello in the first place.  Saluti! Predictably, the Nigronicello has a citrusy aroma, with lemon and grapefruit taking the lead on the   palette as well. But all other elements are  doing their part too - the combination of   gin and Lillet introduces herbal notes and  harmonizes this twist on the White Negroni.  Let’s see if the Super Limoncello  works so well in the Spritz format too.  Alongside our limoncello we’ll  also use prosecco, soda water,   elderflower liqueur, and saline solution. I’ll build this in the glass too,   but here we’re of course using a chilled  stemmed glass, filled with ice. Start with 2.5 oz or 75 ml of prosecco. I’m of  course using FIOL, still thinking about that   amazing weekend when they hosted us in Treviso. Next, 1.25 oz, or 37,5 ml of homemade limoncello.   Fun fact, bell jiggers usually  don’t have that measure marked,  but some japanese jiggers do. For a little floral flavor add 0.25 oz   or 7.5 ml of elderflower liqueur. Bonus points  if it’s homemade, but St. Germain works too.  Follow that with 2 drops of saline solution. Salt  will enhance the flavors, just like in cooking.  And lastly, it wouldn’t be a spritz  without a spritz of soda water.  Give everything a gentle mix with a bar spoon and  add the garnish - a mint bouquet. Give it a spank   on the side of the glass to release the essential  oils, place it in the glass and say saluti.  You’ll get mint, lemon and prosecco on  the nose, followed by a refreshing and   citrusy taste. Elderflower subtly adds a  floral note but stays in the background.   I’m not exaggerating when I say this is  one of the better spritzes you can make.  That’s why you’ll quickly get to the bottom of  the glass, just like you did right now. Add a lemon emoji to let me know you’re still here. I really love seeing how many of you make it to   the end of the episodes, and today  I’m proud to share with you how I   got the recipe for the Super Limoncello. It was created at a cocktail bar I used to   work at, by two of my students, Lovro and Djan. With the bar going through a lot of super juice,   they thought it was a shame to discard  the leftover lemons so they worked on a   way to reuse them and created this lemon liqueur. I love sustainable practices so it filled me with   pride and joy to see them bring this to life. You’ll find their instagram handles in   the description. I hope you’ll give  them a follow to support their work.  For more DIY liqueurs, check out this playlist.  I’ll see you next time, Friends of Cocktails!
Channel: Cocktail Time with Kevin Kos
Views: 58,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: limoncello recipe, how to make limoncello, homemade limoncello, lemon peels, lemon zest, easy limoncello, easy limoncello recipe, making limoncello, super juice, super juice cocktails, cocktail time with kevin kos super juice, negroni with limoncello, limoncello spritz, limoncello spritz recipe, limoncello spritz cocktail, mixology lessons, craft cocktails, craft cocktails 101, craft cocktail bartender, craft cocktail recipes, diy liqueur, homemade liqueur, liqueur recipe
Id: j7rbu1g7ENE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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