Super Hydlide - ProJared

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[Music] I'm playing super highlight [Music] [Applause] [Music] super hide lied one of my most hated traumatic childhood experiences has a sequel and this is technically hydlide three I'd like to only came out in Japan four computers in the MSX I've never played this before I've never even owned it the only reason I haven't now is because recently a friend of mine had a copy of the game treated into his video game store which by the way Ferrand appear Wisconsin checkout game trade it's run by my buddy Greg who also runs brothers insanity calm I have no history with this so I'm expecting the worst the intro sequence starts by saying the young hero must awaken as dark secrets have returned to hunt the land evil monsters killem got it okay well at least the menu screen allows me to make my save file and oh there's character creation with different classes and randomized stats that's actually kind of neat naturally I go with the thief class now here's something I don't get compared to everything else the thief's class has higher hit points of greater amount of strength and low intelligence you know what most people would call a warrior this is the opening screen take a guess at which character I am if you guessed the armored stoic Knight standing proudly here you're wrong I'm this dude who looks like every other guy in this city unlike the previous hydlide you can purchase equipment and choose different armors so I go to the weapons story look at a dagger I bought the dagger and put it in my feast hand and with that I can oh why am i moving so slow oh my god I'm over encumbered this is one of the many new systems and super hide light everything has weight and your character also has a handle stat if the weapons weight is higher than the handle staff his attack is lowered and he moves really hello the dagger is too much for my thief I had to buy a knife instead so this dagger is too much but this perfect you also can't sell stuff at the weapons store you have to go to the general store to do that so I painfully walk slowly all the way there which according to the in-game clock takes an hour to do so at least I can start playing now so killing monsters it oh oh I have an attack button holy crap I've never been so happy to have an attack button this is awesome since I can't afford any armor the first thing I do is kill monsters to get their gold it isn't too bad to do so and pressing an attack button does feel a lot better than wait what why'd I die okay starting over I guess grinding monsters to get enough money isn't nearly as seriously what the hell is killing me this is another new mechanic for super highlight hunger if you don't eat at certain times of the day your character gets hungry and their life begins - pleading rapidly this means having to buy rations at the store and carrying them around with you all in all I don't necessarily hate the wait in hunger systems it's supposed to add realism man it kind of makes me think of the Ultima games they're not bad ideas but the way they're done makes them more frustrating and inconvenient to the player instead of adding layers of death to give an example of inconvenience even money weighs you down have too much coin in your pocket and you're sagging around like you've got elephantitis so pretty much the first half hour of the game is spent killing things for money so you can afford food so you can be out killing things longer also if you stay up too late past your bedtime you become sleepy and you begin dealing zero damage you rest and stay of the game by sleeping at an inn which costs $1000 I thought I was getting gold gold dollars alright got it experience points are also like a currency in this game you spend experience points at a specific shop in the first town to level up or you can spend them learn spells and unless you pick a magic user class the spells are worthless except for two of them cure and move which teleports you back to other cities so the first hour or two of this game is spent killing things to afford food using food to be out killing things and then going to sleep I did this until I got to level four but at least now I have leather armor oh hey it shows up on my character that's actually pretty cool I also learned of an item called the money changer which converts your change into higher values so that you carry less it's just by itself in a treasure chest out in the world so I go to pick it up and what the okay I guess I'm here now and I don't know what in the world why am I here what is happening no random teleports because why not first glue to move on is to find the subterranean city at the graveyard by checking the graves upon the grave I'm supposed to check but I can't make off the writing here I'm too stupid I'm too stupid to know how to read well the only way to increase intelligence is to kill stuff and level up of course so I do that for a bit at on level 5 and then nope still too stupid fine then I grind to level 6 and now I'll be able to know still to stupid level 7 well level 7 work for you oh it does you have to push the grave my character was too stupid to push the grave the subterranean city allows me to deposit my extra change into a bank we're just like in real life it'll earn a pitiful amount of interest I also got some upgrades and the villagers informed me of their haunted warehouse and the Tower of Havel the tower is the next destination and ow God my eyes this is painful to look at I seriously cannot tell the difference between what is a wall what isn't towards the top of the tower are these vampires which to me look like pterodactyls eventually there's an elevator that you can take all the way up to the hundred and ninety-ninth floor and one floor above that is the game's first boss fight he'll smoke and as it turns out mo isn't very threatening seriously I killed him with almost no effort at all he drops a cloud stone which allows me to walk across the clouds into the heavenly City there actually isn't a whole lot to do in the cloud city for now aside from buying some upgrades what I do need to do is walk around the heavenly Palace to find a hole in the clouds so that I can skydive from it this is the only way to get to the water city by the way here you'll find some interesting things laying around for example I found an ID card which allows me to get back into the city whenever I want and I also found a pack of Sega games if you're wondering what possible use Sega games could have don't worry super hide light tells you it's a joke the king of the water palace wants rare and interesting things specifically he wants a dragon spank and there happens to be a dragon living in the caverns below the warehouse at the subterranean city so it's back to there you can only get to the caves of the Dead by checking this empty treasure twice which reveals a hidden passage and the caves are all there dark I'm gonna need a lamp and lamps cost ten thousand dollars gold dollars this of course means more grinding you know this is the same problem at the first hive I'd had necessary grinding but it's a lot more than just getting experience points this time now it's getting a crap ton of money to afford simple items or having to be a certain level to even continue the game this is only done to pad the experience and make it feel like the game is longer than it actually is it's arbitrary and tedious I'm not willingly earning new items or equipment because I want them I'm working to get them like doing chores anyway I eventually afford a lamp and some oil I go back into the caves and use the lamp it oh good yes great perfect this is so much better thank you game I died in here a lot because I had no idea where I was going and I had no idea where monsters were the worst part is in order to find the dragon you have to go through a fake wall so along with already stumbling through the dark you have to find the right wall to walk through with very little visual cues or hints I thought the three-headed dragon and I died because it turns out you can't open the menu during boss fights which means during boss fights you cannot use magic or items to heal yourself that's nice and fair round two with the dragon goes much better and I kill him as well I take the Dragons Fang to the king who lifts me into his Treasury where I get genes scroll I use gene scroll at the empty lake and boom a fortress appears and inside this fortress are robots so I'm stabbing robots with my sword I feel like there's a distinct disadvantage here going through the fortress eventually has me finding a computer with log entries the log says that a spaceship is stranded than that they're looking for help to find them I'll need a space compass and a space suite hurry they say we have very little time I'm going to space got the space compass got the space suit let's do this to get to space I have to find the large cracked spot in the world and jump into the planet and through the planet I end up in space and I start running around in space screw physics because video games to find the ship you have to follow the direction of the space compass and run in space until you find it all the while fighting space Knights and space babies bundled up like lima beans you know all silliness aside this is actually a charming part of the game I actually liked the idea of wandering endlessly until you find a destination thanks to an item pointing you to the right way replace space with desert that doesn't seem so implausible but between the two let's be honest I'd rather be in space than a desert so the spaceship has more robots aliens and penguins the computer on this ship says that it's too late all the inhabitants have become monsters because of a being named Kai Zack Kazakh only exists in the first dimension so I need to transform my body with a special amulet that amulet is back in the super dark annoying caves under the subterranean warehouse whatever I got the damn thing I'm first dimensional now which I expected to look more like this that's a smart joke everybody this allows me to go into a new realm and use the horn I found on the spaceship to enter the city of illusion here I can buy holy water which allows me to break a special seal back at the first city and this is where I screwed up because of the weight limit in the game I was throwing away a bunch of items so that I could carry more rations of food and healing items in my haste to do so I threw away the horn that lets you go into the city of illusion and the holy water that I bought from there and I can't use the move spell to go back to the city of illusion because I actually didn't sleep at there in because I wasn't injured so the move spell doesn't work so basically I can't get back into the city of illusion and I can't buy the holy water which is needed to continue the game I could go on and rant about how stupid it is at the game let me throw away plot crucial items even though some of the other plot crucial items I can't do that to but it doesn't matter my save file is worthless if I want to beat the game I would have to start all over so I did the only rational thing I could think of I am elated it yep I replayed the whole damn thing to get back to this point to be fair I did do some things to make it easier on myself for example this time I have a lightsaber breaking the holy seal and going through yet another dark cave that has another fake wall eventually brings me to the next boss moralis bully crap remember him from the first game he's been downgraded he's also narcissistic now as killing him lets you get a statue of himself you used the statue of Morales back in the first dimension realm at these broken rocks and only at night this will instantly teleport you to wherever this place is it's Kai Tak Slayer so it's probably in space or something inside of this five-level dungeon is he trapped fairy without any sort of visual indicator that she's there and she's behind some lock in freeing her has the fairy join your side it turns out kayak can't be seen with human eyes so the fairy agrees to reveal him for you fight through some dudes and end up at Kai's axe where he spouts some threats and then we fight and he absolutely destroys me I threw myself at him like six or seven times and every time he killed me it's because and I can't believe I'm saying this a lightsaber is not the best weapon to use against him you need a ranged weapon like the flaming sword and the flaming sword is all the way back in the stupid dark Morales cave so I go get that and go all the way back to Kai's a can't fight him once more he is a lot easier with the fire sword hitting his mouth temporarily stops his mouth blasts allow me to pop his shoulder pimples with all four of those destroys he's stuck in place I start at Kai's axe gaping maw for a while and realized nothing was happening so I did the only sensible thing left I jumped into his mouth and boom kayaks dead die before he dies tae-suhk explains one last detail he created the universe the fairies Morales and his statue the crystal which I don't know what talking about and I was made by Isaac as his antithesis he claims with his death so to the world and the universe will die but then he immediately says that he'll live forever so I just don't know what to believe anymore anyway he dies in the world bucks then the fairy and I float around an emptiness for a while and suddenly the universe comes back to existence a few glamour shots later the game ends and everything's okay I guess I gotta be honest I've played worse I wouldn't call it a good game at all but it isn't completely abysmal that's why my final rating for this game is a spacesuit out of ten it's clunky cumbersome and frustrating but super high light has some cool moments the attack button alone makes the game much more enjoyable and I like some of the little things like equipment changing your appearance and I like the concepts of weight food and resting but they weren't executed the best way resulting in a very user hostile experience I also really don't like it how once again uses force grinding to pad out the gameplay but like a clumsy spacesuit it'll get in your way but you get to do some cool things like going to space and the music doesn't make me want to kill myself and in the grand scheme of things it is one of the more unique games available on the Sega Genesis I have no desire to play super highlight again I already beat it one and a half times but it does have some good ideas I can safely say that super hide lied is not the worst hide game ever it's not the worst highlight game ever because this one is [Music] you
Channel: ProJared
Views: 3,530,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projared, proreview, pro review, hydlide, super hydlide, hydlide 3, sega genesis, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2013
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