Quest 64 - ProJared

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I'm playing quest 64 [Music] [Music] quest 64 is one of the few when 64 games that people were excited about that wasn't from Nintendo and they had every reason to be excited for it is going to be the first RPG for the console I was excited for it I've been a huge RPG player ever since the NES and I didn't get a Playstation until much later I realized I was late for that train and yeah every advertisement for quest got me suckered into wanting to play it and if you ask anyone about quest 64 today everyone says that this game sucks I'm the same way I think it sucks but why what was it about quest 64 that sucked so bad it took me 20 minutes of planning to remember you play as Brian a young magicians apprentice wait hold up what the hell is going on with that hair everything else about him is fine but that single strand of his bangs defying all laws of gravity you could tie him to the end of a rope and use him to catch fish you are told from the get-go that the world hangs in the balance of ruin because the Ellen tale book has gone missing this book has the power to unbalance the world I guess and the only way to seal away the book permanently is to obtain four magic gems representing the four elements G an epic RPG we have to collect four treasures of the elements I've never heard that one before Brian's dad left some time earlier and has gone missing ever since so Brian sets out to find him this is the closest semblance of plot that we're going to get dad's missing go get him leaving the castle brings you right into the first town and within these first few minutes one of the game's many issues stand out first off the camera there is no real way to control it the camera tries it's hard to follow you around and the only way to control it is with the B button the B button swings it around to your back this isn't too bad in fields but in town with a bunch of buildings or closed corridors it becomes impossible to manage you can get turned around way too easily and completely mess with your sense of direction speaking of sense of direction you won't be given much either the only indication on where to go next is by leaving the castle city checking the map and heading for the nearest town Don Durham I will say that this is one of quest 64's better features the field maps are expansive with an impressive amount of draw distance impressive for the n64 anyway it isn't long before the first random battle happens and now you can truly test your evocative powers against the most fearsome of poles the most monstrous of monsters conquer the elements and prepare to vanquish a where hair at least they're not rats battling sucks every fight is just super boring it boiled down to each side taking turns slapping each other until somebody wins and you'll be getting into battles constantly the encounter rate is atrocious Lehigh often making that another battle occurs after taking a few steps from where you were towards the end of the game I started running from battles because I got so bored with them quest 64 actually does have a decent idea for a battle system The Apprentice Brian can manipulate the four elements earth fire wind and water each one of these elements is matched to the 4c buttons and he used that to choose your spell's to cast it works really well and you'll quickly learn the button order to cast your favorite spells as you use spells in battle you gain a percentage number and after hitting 100 percent you can increase the level of one of those elements or finding spirits on the field map instantly increases an element of your choice seeing what new spells you get is easily the biggest driving force to continue playing the game you want to see what kind of destructive course you can accumulate unfortunately this is also the most disappointing aspect of the game because the spells are just lame for example the earth element lets you throw a rock or a bigger rock or an even bigger rock or a rolling rock or a bigger rolling rock or a bunch of rocks rocks the worst part is that the later spells aren't actually more effective sure that larger rocks have a larger hit radius but it does just as much damage as the smallest Rock for three times the magic point cost there's also no targeting indicator of any kind so you have no idea if your spell's are even going to reach your target for example the Rolling Rock rolls directly in front of you and it requires extremely precise pacing to have it go in the direction you want and more often than not you'll just miss it gives unnecessary frustration that could be easily fixed at least there's variety in the different elements well that's the next issue the highest level you can get any element to is 50 however even if you get all the hidden spirits and grind as much magic experience as you can it is impossible to get every element to 50 it's difficult to get three of them to fifty so what you end up doing is picking two elements and leveling the crap out of them and you don't know this yet but the two elements you're going to use are pretty much already chosen for you first you have to have the water elements why because it's the only one that gives you a healing spell a healing spell that sucks by the way not having the healing spell makes the game astronomically harder as you have to rely solely on items to keep your health up and you're going to want to get the second level healing spell - simply because it's more efficient by then you'll have 25 points into your water element so now you might as well make it one of your main elements and continue to level it up which means you'll get great spells like a water pillar or a bigger water pillar or an even bigger water pillar are you seeing the pattern here now the other element that you're going to use is earth for two reasons the most damaging spell in the game is a DeLange it causes a bunch of rocks to fall for about 50% more damage than the really big rock spell and it has a chance to hit an enemy multiple times especially if they're large the downside to this spell is that it's completely random with a rocks ball there will be times where you don't hit anything the other spell from earth that you want is the spell magic barrier see everything you fight ranging from dragons to slimes to demon rabbits everything attacks using magic everything and all of their spells or direct copies of spells that you can get from levelling up your magic everyone uses magic the magic barrier spell makes you immune to magic all of it this is the spell that makes you win the game seriously any boss or remotely threatening enemy becomes a complete joke when you can't even be touched the only annoys is that you need to renew the barrier every three turns but that's a small concession for invulnerability by the time you get this spell every single battle plays out the same you put on a magic barrier and then you drop rocks on their head rinse and repeat until you win so you make it to the city of dawn durin the king there will say that their earth magic orb was stolen by a terrible bandit they use the orbs power to run their city allowing them to crash pottery plow the land in the lake without the earth orb their city is doomed not a bad motivator for what it's worth also when you get to the end of any town you'll meet this woman Shanon she happens to be traveling on the same journey as you were ending up in the exact same town you are in she's never actually helpful in any capacity but she's the only reoccurring character anyway into the forest find the Bandit this guy has stolen the earth drool because he wants to rule the land and show humans what true power is even though he's clearly just a human in a wolf's hat and when I fight him I get my ass kicked that's fine I figure I just need to do some grinding and this is where quest 64 is biggest problem lies you see there is no traditional leveling of each of your stats hitpoints magic points defense agility and magic level increase from your different actions but there is no even way to increase these stats as all of their actions work against themselves for example to increase your hit points you hit enemies with your stick but if you do that you're not casting spells which means you're not increasing your magic points or magic spirit levels but if you keep casting magic then you not hitting stuff with your stick which means your hit point aren't increasing leaving you vulnerable during the early game pause battles the only way to increase your defense is to let enemies beat the out of you but then you're not casting spells or hitting them with your stick it makes your whole character lopsided and to get the stats the game expects you to have fundamentally doubles your time spent binding and battles are so lame and boring they just don't want to spend hours doing that plus it takes forever for any of the stats to actually increase you have to cast a lot of spells hit a lot of things with their stick and get pounded on a lot for a single point increase and even when you do increase that stat the effect is so negligible that you don't feel any stronger even with the best spells I felt just as feeble at the end of the game as I did in the beginning the agility stat is the easiest one to increase because you do that by running not running away from battles just running around so if you find yourself a big open field like say the one in Don Dharan you can just rubberband your analog stick off to the side and then leave your game on overnight come back the next day and you'll find that your agility stat has increased by what that's it see what I mean that grinding is unbearably slow well at least it was enough to kill the Bandit when you bring the earth drill back to Don durin the King says that it must be important for your quest and that you should take it with you wait what this is the same thing that the King said he needed for his city to even stay alive you know the thing that creates your primary export to keep the economy stable and keep your citizens well-fed and now he's like earth or no you keep it again zero Direction is given on where you're supposed to go next I figured I'd go to the doc because it's the only place I haven't been to yet and sure enough the ship captain is kind enough to give you a free passage to an all-new land everything is free in this game by the way staying at the end ship rides items everyone just passes them out for free it's hard to feel like you've accomplished anything when everything is just given to you like a participation award for little league softball which I still keep on myself from here on out you go to a new town and everything plays out the same you go to normal when thing is missing kill the dude ah you can keep it little our pool our water thing is missing kill the dude oh you can keep it go to line Lin darn fire fingers missing kill the dude yeah you can keep it I really wish I could make fun of the plot but honestly there isn't any to make fun of why am I playing this game getting all of these drools has you ending up at the castle of Braddock I don't know why you end up there you just do at the top of the castle there's a meaningless boss fight and in the next room you find Shannon and some guy turns out that some guy on the floor is Brian's father the one person you spent the entire game looking for but ended up getting all of these jewels to use on the L tale book he was defeated by Shannon who was actually evil I guess and she says to move on to the next room where you have another meaningless boss fights after that room you find Shannon again and she reveals that she is actually a soulless puppet created by some evil being named Mammon and it says he who wants the ella tale book to rule the world or whatever and then shannon gives you the yellow tail book which doesn't that mean I win I've got the book I've got all the jewels thanks you don't lady that's not the end of the game though because you have to go to Mammon role and fight him because god damn it we wanted one more bus fight Mammon world sucks - it's just a bunch of trippy scenery while you constantly run through doors and in here you eventually find Shannon again she explains how she's just a puppet tied to Mammon and she was created by a madman to lead Bryan to him for whatever reason she also says that she doesn't understand how humans are so strong with their emotions and perseverance and basically a bunch of crap pulled out of her ass and tried to give the game story meaning or purpose at least Mammon himself is kind of cool-looking you know compared to those rare hairs Mammon said that brian is the only one that can free him from his imprisonment which makes me wonder why Brian even came here in the first place and then you fight and by fight I mean you put up a magic barrier and then you drop rocks on his head after killing him you find Shannon again who was confused as to why she's still around she says he wants to become more than a puppet so she will live among the people to try to learn and become more like a human being then there's a really short epilogue about how Mammon was an evil guy because he was evil and brian is great and then the credits what the credits that's it not even an attempt at a reunion between Brian and his father you know the whole reason this quest ever happened this ending is so lame that's not even half-assed it's no assed zero asses were put into this ending that's all there is it's so shallow it leaves you feeling unfulfilled and empty that's why my final rating for this game is a Shannon out of 10 it's completely soulless quest 64 has no heart or emotion put into it sure it looks like an RPG and it goes through all the motions but it's a frail copycat of what RPGs should be the combat is immensely boring a spell system doesn't add in any creativity or excitement and the leveling system works against itself causing additional hours of mind-numbing grinds the story is non-existent until the few pathetic attempts at the last hour of the game West 64 was a petty attempt to get a role-playing game to cash in on the starved n64 audience I bought this game when it came out and back in 1998 cartridge games were expensive it cost me like $80 to buy this do you know how much it's worth now three [Music] [Music]
Channel: ProJared
Views: 3,522,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projared, quest 64, n64, review, comedy, funny, video games Reviews, rpg, n64 rpg, normalboots
Id: I6lzitHLfMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2012
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