Super Capacitor Tutorial!

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in this video I'll be showing you how to make a real quality super capacitor with a spark gap overload so you don't burn them up you can find the parts on my patreon if you want to 3D print them or you can it's pretty easy to make yourself all you'll need is a PVC tube some aluminum foil and five millimeter thermal laminate pouches don't get the three millimeter don't don't skimp out get the five you'll thank me later all right well sit back and enjoy first take a section of 12 and a half inch tubing and if you use my model files this is one and seven eighths to make your super capacitor you'll need six 8 by 12 sheets of aluminum foil next we'll have to round the corners of our capacitor sheets because the square corners can build up a charge and pop a hole through your dielectric material and that is just no good the easiest way kind of I guess put it between two sheets of paper it's around the corners foreign now position your aluminum sheet in between the dielectric material I usually try not to crinkle up the tin foil as much but making this video that's okay I usually try to space it about two centimeters from the top because when they're layered over each other you don't want this to pop out the other end and short circuit and ruin your dielectric material and once you have that in place it's time to laminate to laminate your capacitor sheets make sure you have your laminator on the five millimeter setting slide them through to make sure they stay straight it's good to keep a couple of heavy books on hand and as soon as it comes out foreign plop them down and keep them flat if you don't do that they may curl and Warp it's there you go place it in between to keep them flat foreign next take your capacitor sheets and turn every other one in the opposite direction now you should have them layered so when it's facing that way so on now roll them up and slide them into the tube this part it's a little tricky this once they expand to grab them from the other end of the tube and pull you can usually get the most of the way in there I think we'll have to center it all right now you're almost ready or some action once we have our capacitor in the tube simply trim off the excess pieces closing them [Music] and then you're ready to place on the end caps now the way I usually do this is I take a cone and I'll squish that nice and perfect place on your end cap and if you 3D print these you just take some foil and attach a nut through the center with a washer and this part here will hold the spark gap overload and make sure you tighten that down real good before you attach it that way it won't come loose later once you lock these down real well take a little super glue with my patent pending napkin attached soon you mess up you can wipe it away right away put a little bit on the edges so you go up messed up see no just kidding yeah and then place it onto the end of the capacitor do the same for the other end you can see where this one was failing see all the little holes where it was sparking it wasn't tight against the aluminum but it should be fine for now add your glue push it into the end and when you're ready you can position these so it's slightly small or larger than your spark gap so if there's any problems it'll overload here instead of burning a hole through your capacitor and let's fire it up to test it we'll use something I made out of a mosquito racket it puts out about 200 volts has an optional fan you can see the mosquito circuit in there you just take off the main capacitor and then it puts out about 200 250 volts DC so we'll attach that plug in our power of 3.3 volts turn on my temporary power supply and we'll charge it up you see the little light should come on here my little switch oh she's Juiced ready for this what's nice about this too is when you're ready to discharge or if you need to check if it's discharge you just tap your discharge stick across the terminals GC it's good beautiful thing about these capacitors are they're modular I made this out of an erector set and put heat shrink tubing over it and you can chain them together very simply by adding them to the ends and now we can see the difference that two of them make this I think is lethal voltage so always make sure you ground everything out and be very careful let's try it out [Music] get ready to change your pants and uh volume warning we now have it hooked up to the zvs driver and this is the kind of power you can get out of this is almost Industrial Level Madness level if you will all right prepare yourself what I also can't see huh I'll I'll be right back I'm back and now you're ready to power your Tesla coil be safe and always remember to discharge your capacitors when you're done see that that would not have been fun if you touch that be safe and enjoy volume warning and always remember to discharge your capacitor
Channel: Mad Plasmatist
Views: 13,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capacitor, DIY, super capacitor, quality, tesla coil, high voltage, wow
Id: 3ws_TtT8ITU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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