Super Bowl V Colts VS Cowboys

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[Applause] they grab our stuff and bring it in okay six into slow motion 181 black ring we do one Lego [Music] this will call window yes sir I suppose you get two tickets under the name of Danny abramowicz for bill org oh hey there y'all jump Russia P thank you you're welcome you got any left at all yes sir no stay in the room no sir we don't sound standing-room so down Uncle Jesse tickets here what's the names flowers Ron flowers from one of the team's quarterback and Alice was supposed to call down here and got me a couple seats well we didn't have any tickets to give him cuz we didn't have any to sell not a week ago or 10 days no sir we sure didn't superballs been sold out for two months hello I wonder if you have two tickets here please my name is Mason Mason yeah they were left by Jack Newman no Mason no tickets now sir well would you check again I'm sure they were left here they're allowed by mr. Newman from a team huh from his team at the office he's with a league office no I don't have a cuz I just talked to him this morning I'm sorry he hasn't come yet could you just look through the box what's up well could you check again I'm sure they're here I did not have no Newman oh there's gotta be it must be some mistake could you look maybe in the office or somewhere they're all out here in this box well it's impossible I mean I came all the way down from New York for the game well you'll have to wait for the gentlemen to leave them to bring he told me he'd left him already I already talked to my call them from the hotel well you have to call him back oh this isn't possible I came all the way down here for this game I'm sorry sir well can I have your name please cuz there's gonna have to be something done about this LM I I'm sorry LM a LM a no what's your last name Weatherwax mister Weatherwax cousin i gonna have to check into this this is where the way mrs. weather was yes all right it's just an excuse but I don't know how you can run an office like this well we do pretty good job okay where the wax thank you take a blimp ride [Music] Super Sunday 1971 a bright day of promise for an extraordinary game of pro football early in the first quarter the fickle nature of Super Bowl 5 began to emit Baltimore's Ron Gardein miss played a punt and Dallas recovered on the folk night [Applause] three attempts to reach the end zone failed and the Cowboys had to settle for a field goal my clocks kick gave Dallas a three-point lead but it was a disappointing end to an early opportunity the next time the Cowboys had the ball coach Tom Landry instructed his quarterback Craig Morton to concentrate on the running game [Music] twisting through the Colts like to Texas tornadoes Walt garrison number 32 and Dwayne Thomas number 33 proved the worth of Landry's tactics [Music] only once did Morton resort to that all and honored cowboy trademark the long pass to Bob Hayes [Music] Hayes's catch brought Dallas to the Baltimore six but for the second time Landry's offense was stopped by Dawn the Cafferty's defense [Music] on third down a hard rush by Billy Ray Smith number 74 forced a desperate pass from Morton the pass was incomplete but even worse was the fact that Morton was called for intentional grounding and Dallas was penalized 15 yards [Music] belong as much of the game was shrouded in failure the Cowboys had to settle for a field goal and again came away with three points instead of seven once in a great while the clouds of chance will overshadow the plans of men such was the case in Super Bowl 5 when John Unitas dropped back to throw early in the second quarter [Music] his past bounced off the intended receiver at Hampton than was tipped by the Cowboys Mel Renfro and then caught by the Colts John Mackey will race 75 yards to a touchdown [Music] the Cowboys protested the play claiming Renfro never touched the ball if he had not touched it the score would have been nullified passes can't be tipped from one offensive man to another unless a defender touches the ball in between as the play is repeated from two different angles watch the spin of the football accelerate when renfro's fingers grazed the laces [Music] Unitas touchdown pass even the score but it was his last look of the Sun before the coming storm the extra point attempt was blocked and the next time UNITED stuck the field Dallas made him pay dearly for his quick glimpse of glory [Music] on third down Unitas escape from his disintegrating passing pocket only to be met by linebacker Leroy Jordan who's perfect shoulder tackle jarred the ball deuce and Jethro Pugh recovered on the Colt 28 [Music] Craig Morton moved the Cowboys to a touchdown with three quick passes to his running backs Dwayne Thomas number 33 and Dan Reeves number 30 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] at the opening of the second half the Cowboys gained a foothold and threatened to break open the game a jolting tackle forced to fumble Dallas recovered and marched to the qolt 2 yard line it was another opportunity for the Cowboys but again their hopes were shattered on the rocks of a Colt defense [Music] Dwain Thomas was hit hard at the goal line fumbled the ball and Baltimore Rica [Applause] it was a big play for the Colts a touchdown might have clinched the game for Dallas but instead the recovered fumble made a new beginning for Baltimore this trial by fire stoked every heart and for the first time in the game the Colt offense seized the initiative thorough morale replaced the injured John Unitas at quarterback and brought with him a hard Bourne determination to succeed where he once had failed in 1968 morale led the Colts to Super Bowl three and when he crumbled beneath the charge of the New York Jets he was called a sunshine soldier but today he was a sturdy commander and his experienced arm was the only consistent element in the Colt attack [Music] twice in the fourth period morale moved Baltimore into scoring positions but both times the cowboy defense denied the Colts a touchdown Chuck Holly ended one drive with an interception in the end zone the other drive ended with the most unusual play of the afternoon Morrill hand it to Sam have relax who completed a pass to Hinton [Music] Cornell Green ripped the ball loose but neither team could recover it before it rolled out of the endzone the officials ruled the play a touch back and awarded the Cowboys the ball on their own 20 another look reveals the extemporaneous quality of this play have relaxed were supposed to pass the ball back tomorrow but Jethro Pugh number 75 disrupted the pattern have a lack through instead for John Mackay but Edie Hinton caught it [Music] when Cornel green swiped the ball from Heaven's hands neither team could recover it [Music] [Music] out of this offensive failure came a renewed determination on the part of the Colt defense the emphasis was on the job ahead not on the wreckage that laid behind a pass intended for Walt garrison was deflected into the hands of the Colt safety RIT bull the real cause of the interception was the high-handed rush of number 85 Roy Hilton who forced Morton to make an inaccurate throw vote carrot the ball to the Dallas three thomna watts be powered into the enzone and Super Bowl five was a tie game [Music] once in a great while the drama of an entire season narrows to a very small focus to the final plays of the final game [Music] with 7 and 1/2 minutes remaining the two survivors of the most competitive season in NFL history stood toe-to-toe and slugged it out in a fight to the finish [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a seasoned living in its last seconds ignites the spirit of the true champion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] slowly but steadily the Cowboys began to weaken under the ever tightening grip of the Colt defense the Cowboys did not break another pressure but they bent a pass from Kraig Mort be bounced off the fingertips of Dan Reeves and goes intercepted by microns [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again and for the last time the relentless coke defense shaped the character a Super Bowl 5 Curtis returned the ball to the Dallas 28 and put the Colts in range of a field goal not the sent to you tell them to send if the overload once I give them an over [Music] all right nobody got hurt - that's alright this time extra bucket your witness game the world championship of professional football would be settled in one final play [Applause] all the money all the glory and all the counts in pro football rode on the right foot of rookie Jim O'Brien [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PAL 6363
Views: 27,699
Rating: 4.8007665 out of 5
Id: hwaTLSZz7w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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