Sunday Service - September 12, 2021

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thank you so much for teaching us through your holy word [Music] amen praise the lord [Music] [Music] make his flesh shine upon you be gracious [Music] the lord bless you [Music] shine upon you will be gracious please [Music] um [Music] bless you [Music] us [Music] is [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] be and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] generations and your family and your children and your children [Music] and your family and your children and the children and the children expressed good [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is for you he is for you is for you [Music] ah oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] lordly [Music] be gracious [Music] me to introduce the one who will speak the word of god today let us call in the head pastor of bhagi lokal and one of the church council member bishop reynald celaya glory to god our speaker this morning resembles a man who displayed full obedience loyalty and devotion to god he has shown deep commitment in the ministry of christ not because he is one of the children of the good man of the house but because of his heart's desire for men to receive the greatest and the most precious gift from god the salvation of their souls and today we are truly blessed because he will once again receive the empowering pure and unadulterated word of god through him and it is my honor and humble pleasure to introduce him as our speaker in our online worship he is the overseer of west pacific canada and usa district the coordinator of mispa area the head pastor of south bay california our beloved bishop jonathan for y'all glory to god hallelujah you are indeed our magnificent god everything about you is excellent magnificent majestic and awesome we feel so unworthy we are unworthy and thank you father god for you have made your grace abundant to us who are we to be given this honor and right to worship you in spirit and truth thank you father for you have made us worthy thank you for bringing us into your presence and now wash us clean by your word sanctify us by your words so that more and more of you will fill us and it is when you are feeling us the world will be more persuaded and convinced that you are indeed our god who is real and true and powerful i pray that the words that we are going to meditate this moment will find a place in our hearts like a good soil good seed falling on good soil bless your people once again may the spirit of truth illumine our minds that we may be able to apply our lives to your words this we ask in the name of him who is called the word the one who was and is and is to come amen praise the lord our meditation this noon time is going to be found here in the book of mark in chapter 4 in verses 31 2 32. this is one of the parables of jesus a parable is an earthly story with spiritual lesson and that's how jesus christ taught and spoke when he was on earth he spoke in parables he was not trying to be complicated he was not trying to be mysterious he just wants to give the truth to those who deserve it and i believe today god's people deserve the truth because the truth will set us free truth will cleanse us and truth will edify us mark chapter 4 31-32 it's like a grain of mustard seed which when sown on the ground is the smallest of all the seeds of the earth yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade this parable is about the kingdom of god the kingdom of god is likened to a mustard seed that's the kind of illustration jesus used and he used the mustard seed because that was quite uh common during his time we can see right away from this truth that great enterprises usually have humble beginnings huge and great projects have always started in humble modest beginnings this is exactly what these verses exemplify the kingdom of god is enormous it's huge it's scope and it's rich and the territory it covers transcends time and space continuum it is not only here on earth but it is also up there in the heavens and even far beyond the infinite subspace the kingdom of god is without any borders the whole creation represents the kingdom of god and the kingdom of god here on earth started out humble and modest jesus christ likened that kingdom of god to that of a mustard seed i don't know about you but i have never seen a mustard seed before i love using mustard on my hot dog who doesn't right we all love mustards and ketchup on our hot dogs but a mustard seed is tiny you can see the picture how tiny it is how miniscule it is it is just a few millimeters and they come in three varieties black brown and yellow and i believe all of us are more familiar with the yellow kind and i heard that the largest grower of mustard seed or the largest form of mustard seed can be found where else in our neighboring canada in alberta canada saskatchewan some of you are thinking i'm kidding when i say the word saskatchewan yes there is a place called saskatchewan finally they have something to be happy and to be proud of they grow the the largest form of mustard seeds and the greatest consumer of mustard of course among other things is their friendly neighbor the united states you do not need to admit it but you like mustard because the united states is the biggest consumer of mustard sauce full grown mustard bushes grow from from 6 feet to 20 feet and even 30 feet in most ideal conditions mustard plants are actually called toothbrush plants because they spread wide the branches and the stem they spread pretty much in all directions jesus christ said the kingdom of god is like a mustard seed it is tiny but when it is planted it germinates it grows comes out of the ground and eventually it grows huge and enormous so huge that even birds find a nesting place in those libs and branches the word of god is telling us right now that there is life there is life in a seed there is power in a seed there are hidden breakthroughs and hidden potentials and top powers that are in a seed don't you underestimate your seed don't you underestimate the kingdom of god it might be under great judas it might be belittled it might be being persecuted and taken for granted but just like the mustard seed the kingdom of god will continue to grow and grow and grow because there is life in the seed there is power there is opportunity and untapped potentials that are hidden praise be to god we god's people all of us are bearers of god's seed amen amen amen we are all bearers of god's seed the bible says in the book of first peter chapter 1 verse 23 since you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable through the living abiding word of god all flesh is like grass in all his glory like the flowers of the grass the grass withers the flower falls but the word of the lord remains forever i have the seed of god in me you have the seed of god the church of the living god carries the seed of god there is something in you that cannot die there is something in you that needs to be tapped there is something in you that needs to be exploited and explored and used for the expansion of the glory of god you are not empty-handed stop living life as if you have nothing you have the life of god you have the seed of god in you the vast powers and potentials and opportunities of heaven have been stored up in your soul and in your spirit there is heaven inside of you there is god-like power in us because all of us have been born by the seed of god we used to have the seed of men until now we are still the product of the seed of men spiritually morally speaking we were born with the seed of adam and that seed made us weak that seed made us inferior that seed made us frail the bible says in first corinthians 42 44 what is sown perishable eventually will be race imperishable what was sown in this honor will be raised up in glory and what was sown in weakness will be raised up in power oh praise the name of the lord let's praise god because we have the seed of god in us tell it to those around you i have the seed of god so do not be discouraged by the humble beginnings that god has given us do not be afraid to talk about your humble beginnings do not despise them either in the book of zechariah chapter 4 verse 10 do you despise the humble beginnings or the time of small beginnings in god's church we do not and we will not in fact we will celebrate our past the theme of our fourth watchers month is celebrating the past fortifying the present and expanding the future so do not underestimate your past do not forget your past do not neglect your roots all of us came from god and whatever came from god will never die whatever it is that god has made will always remain forever do not underestimate that power and potential that god initiated work in our lives that god induced work that god triggered work that god spawned work that god started work in us because that is something that will never die everything else will perish everything else will disappear all the institutions and all the works of men the fame of men the power of men have a very limited shell life but the work of god it will always survive it will always strive in fact the more you stop it the more it will prove its resilience and tenacity against adverse times praise the name of the lord that god has given us this great seed in us even though you are small and seemingly insignificant even though no one pays much attention to you or you probably even feel that you are a misfit remember this that the seed of god is in you the seed of god we are bearers of the seed of god the church of the living god is the bearer of the seed of god and you know what do not worry what god is gonna do with you he knows already what he's gonna do with you he's gonna make you rise above your difficulties you will never sink you will float you will never disappear but you will remain strong and resilient even in times of pandemic those who trust in the lord will never lock any good thing [Applause] the lions will go hungry but those who trust in the lord they will always have the best of heaven because the seed of god in us is the seed of life it is the seed of power praise the name of the lord because the pmcc fort watch is a bearer of god's seed we are a bearer of god's seed our church started out in the philippines sometime in 1973 in the month of august hence we have decided to call the month of august as the fourth watchers month we started out in the philippines in 1973. just a handful of believers but now the pmcc fort watch has become a global denomination reaching over 50 countries and nations in the major continents of the world and here in the united states alone the lord has also made us grow by lips and bounds all together throughout north america there is more than 60 churches spread out from the beautiful islands of the western pacific to the vast lands of canada and to the cosmopolitan cities of the united states 60 plus churches in fact right now we have brethren for the first time from guam saipan brethren from hawaii from canada and even here in the united states do not despise your beginnings do not belittle them do not mock them scorn them laugh at them look back at them with great with gratefulness with thanksgiving with pride knowing that it is god who has started that little beginning in us and whatever god has started it will always remain it will always continue we are planting churches all over the world right now we just opened up our second church in istanbul turkey turkey is the third capital of christianity the first one was jerusalem the second one was was rome and then turkey we have now two churches in istanbul turkey we are spreading far and wide the reason is because there is life in the seed that god has planted in us [Applause] here in the united states just this past year alone we have bought and we have purchased and acquired two houses of worship one in michigan one in baltimore maryland our pastors and the brethren have done a marvelous job of renovating these places that brings the number of our houses of worship i believe to six already because we have a house of worship in seattle we have a house of worship in san diego we have also a house of worship in south bay in canada we have a huge house of worship and property in toronto and they will be soon building our first house of worship in edmonton alberta praise the name of the lord life power breakthroughs opportunities potentials these are the things that are in the seed and the seed is in us [Music] and all of this great things that god is doing in our midst began in a humble state in a lowly state god had used and continued to use the apostolic leadership of our apostle arsenio di ferial one of his battle cries is this when he began the ministry was this by the grace of god i'm gonna make this big i'm gonna make it big and that is the apostolic spirit you see one of the marks of an apostle is he must be a prolific church planter more on that later on paul says i magnify magnify i make my ministry so unmysticably big that everyone will be able to see it we are a city set on a hill we're not meant to be in a corner we're not meant to be silenced we're not meant to be pushed over we are meant to assert we are meant to conquer for we are more than conquerors the seed the seed the seed in us that is where it really boils down to what you have and here in the united states the beginnings of the church came from the humble efforts of presbyter led ferial the promise of god is this that even though your beginnings are small your latter end will be big and isn't it so breathtaking to realize that the scriptures the word of god is happening right in our midst right in front of our eyes and more importantly right within us but before we can see the mustard seed blooming and growing with all the birds could perch in there are three things that need to happen before we can see the tiny mustard seed to grow three things has to happen what are those things first corinthians 3 6 paul said i planted apollo's water god made it grow the one two three combo punch you cannot grow anything god cannot grow anything if there is no planter if there is no one who will water the first one is this planting planting we need to plant in order for god to grow something something must be planted first something must be sown first and the work of planting falls in the ministry of the apostle and the prophets in the church the apostle is a planter himself in the book of first corinthians in chapter 3 in verse 10. this is what the apostle paul says first corinthians in chapter 3 verse 10 that he is actually the one who is a master builder according to the grace of god given to me like a skilled master builder i laid a foundation or if i were to use the farming terminology paul said i was the one who planted the seed and that's the work of an apostle he is a sower of god's seed he sows the word of god that's why the name of the church is missionary you could almost replace it with the word planter because that's what a missionary does he sows he plants [Music] that's why an apostle is a church planter and every church built in the name of jesus with apostle as the head is the very seal that validates and authenticates his apostleship apostles are planters they sow the seed of god they sow the right doctrines they saw the right teachings and this is what this great nation needs right now this is what our generation is in dire need right now there is so much death in our country and around the world today because of this pandemic but there is another form of death that is happening in our generation and that is spiritual death wrong doctrines will kill you wrong teachings will damn your soul but the right teachings they will provide life praise the name of the lord because what is in the word of god is god himself the logos he is the life giver he is the life provider he is called the life and the true life is to be preached and to be proclaimed by the apostle in the church romans chapter 10 says how can they preach unless they are apostles an apostle is someone who is simply sent he is one who is sent jesus christ is the ultimate apostle because the father from heaven sent him to our world to save us from our sins and forgive us of our sins and save us from the judgment of god an apostle is an ambassador that's why the apostle paul used the word ambassador in the book of second corinthians in chapter 5 in verse 20. paul says we are christ's ambassadors apostles are sowers they are planters thanks be to god our apostle exemplifies the true biblical sower the home free crusade is a platform to sow the seeds of god that is what we need to do more these days that we need to keep on preaching the gospel let us not allow this pandemic to mute us do not allow our personal hardships to set us back or to keep us from speaking the truth the apostle paul said i was chained i was shackled but the word of god is not chained and shackled [Applause] even when they were bound by prison chains the apostle paul testified and he sang too bad he didn't sing as good as west hampton because when paul sang there was an earthquake thank god even though this is earthquake country there was no earthquake last night and today but all i'm saying is this no matter how hard life is do not be silenced by the hardships praising the name of the lord keep sowing the seeds of the gospel keep singing unto the lord to god be the glory the apostle is the planter he has the message that the lord has given him the bible says in verse 19 of chapter 5 of second cringes he has committed to us the message of reconciliation and today in the light of the lord imminent return there is a message that is more urgent and that's the message of watching christ said what i say to you i say to everyone watch we need to watch the message of watching must be preached by the one who is spiritually awake the lord has raised up the good man of the house he is no jesus but he is the caretaker that jesus christ has raised up in his church to keep the church awake to keep the church moving forward to keep the church doing what the church is meant to do you see every organization rises and fall on leadership no matter how good the organization if the leadership is broken or flawed that organizations days are numbered thank god the church of the lord jesus christ will continue forever and ever and ever and ever because even the gates of hell shall not prevail over the church because it is founded on right leadership the right leadership is apostolic jesus christ himself is the first apostle when he was on earth he raised up the twelve he raised up other apostles like paul and the bible says in the book of romans chapter 11 verse 29 the gifts and the calling of god are irrevocable we have all the reasons to serve the lord we have all the reasons to keep moving forward because the good seed of the word of god has planted in our hearts number two watering after you have planted you need to water it plants need water apollos was the one identified by the apostle paul as the one who was responsible for the watering paul was the pioneer paul was the one who spur headed the start of the work of the lord but apollos was the one who watered it apollos together with the associates of paul they collaborated they collaborated they partnered with the apostle paul that partnership that collaboration praise god that interface that synergy watered the life of the church division kills the church this unity will kill the church but collaboration partnership and unity it's like water to a plant it makes the plant grow stronger and alive the book of romans chapter 14 in verse 19 romans 14 and 19 and 20. this is what the apostle paul says let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding do not forsake do do not for the sake of food destroy the work of god this is the ugly truth of end times that is cited about churches churches quarrel over petty insignificant peripheral things but let it be an exception in god's true church amen let us just focus on the things that really matter let us just invest our energies on things that will ensure the growth and the expansion of the church do not be sidetracked by anything that is not consistent with the character of jesus let each and every one of us follow the path of jesus christ that our godly leaders exemplify and embody this is the reason why our apostle has endeavored to be here this is why the bishops the presbyters and the pastors are teaching what they're teaching because according to paul i am sending to you timothy in 4 17 of first corinthians to remind you of my way of life in christ jesus how do we water the work of god how do we refresh the work of god how do we make it grow how do we make it flourish by watering it with the water of unity collaborate partner like what peter and john did to paul according to the apostle paul when uh james and and peter saw the grace of god in me they gave their right hand of fellowship they gave their right hand of fellowship and thanks be to god for the last 48 years many of you have been giving your right hand a partnership with christ and with his apostle whether it be in the arena of prayer or in the arena of witnessing and living life beautiful and strong or in giving you are all partners and comm and communion partakers with christ and his planting watering and last but not least growing we could all plant we could all water but unless god is in the mix unless god is in the dynamics there is no growth the work of god will not move forward by human charisma we will not grow by gimmicks and entertainments and amusements the work of god could only grow if god is in there and praise be to god we believe god is with us because what we are achieving our achievements that only god could do in our midst we believe in signs and wonders and miracles especially our church we are an immigrant church the pmcc fourth watch came from the philippines we started out as one indigenous church and then the lord opened up the united states for the work of god just as he opened up in other countries of the world predominantly we are an immigrant church but we are no filipino church we are not a filipino church and neither we are an american church you know who we are you know what we are we are simply christ's church [Applause] and in christ church we celebrate our racial and cultural diversity [Applause] so i really don't care what your color is whether you are black or white or anemic or anatomic yellow american or filipino you are most welcome here if you are non-filipino do not be afraid there is no initiation right like if you want to be a member of this church you really need to eat some balut no initiation here and don't look at us that we are an american church we're not okay so don't force us to eat mcdonald's we are a christian church that is why we are reaching out across the isle the lord has started this year in us the great hispanosphere to reach more than 20-plus spanish-speaking countries and territories of the world for the first time in just a few short months we have successfully established a congregation where else in tijuana mexico [Applause] it boggles my mind it boggles my mind that i came here in this country sometime in 1996. i came here in the united states and the first time i heard about the hijuana i got afraid because everything in tijuana was like a bad uh you know rap sheet of the police of a criminal drugs violence prostitution but thank god there is a new narrative there is a new story that god is writing for tijuana there is revival in tijuana mexico souls are being saved baptized [Applause] we are gathering right now in the house of a sister who received the lord jesus and got baptized in water the translator of humphrey crusade is a brother he got saved also in home free crusade we just opened up puerto rico we just opened up actually another island in the caribbean it's called uh turks and caicos soon we will open up panama city and costa rica praise the name of and it's only here in north america i'm telling you the pmc support to watch is mushrooming all over the world the reason is because god is in us there was a time that some misguided people were trying to destroy the church they were all conspiring to destroy the church and and to stop the church dead in her trucks but someone had a sense his name was gamaliel i said you're all gonna die you know this church that you're trying to stop if it is from men don't worry it's gonna die in natural death but if it is from god you'll be sorry you're gonna end up fighting against god paul was hard-headed he was hard-headed and stubborn he gathered a a group of people to persecute the church but in the damascus road he was confronted no less than by jesus christ said to him soul soul soul stop kicking against the goats in other words paul you're hurting yourself my dearest brethren let us not make that error that in this times where people are throwing their support in so many causes we are uncommitted i challenge you right now as members of god's true church be a planter like the apostle join in the watering of the church of god enlist yourself that you will grow whatever it is that god is growing grow the church because the church is being made to grow by god love the church because christ loves the church do not speak evil of the church we don't speak evil towards our family towards our friends god loves the church with all our collective imperfections and flaws god loves us and he wants us to be prepared ready for the imminent return of the groom of the bride christ jesus and if ever there is anyone among us who would like to receive the seed of god you can do it right here right now the bible says to those who receive jesus to those who received him he gave them the right he gave them the seed you will become born of god not born of men but born of god and the seed of god will remain in you it will make you stop being in the world and it will start you being in god's kingdom today you can receive the seed of god you can be forgiven of your sins you can be cleansed from your sins your guilt will be removed judgment that is hanging over your head will be taken away you will be embraced by the lord like the prodigal son received from his father you can be born again today for those of us who have accepted christ jesus take part in the planting take part in the watering take part in the growing of the church of god shall we kneel down and let us pray to god be the glory father in heaven we thank you for your grace and to us thank you for once again strengthening our faith i pray now that you will continue to make us worthy to cleanse us and help us to basks in your glory to love you to serve you until your son christ comes in the name of jesus amen [Music] take this i give to you [Music] [Music] to spread [Music] each time you do remember [Music] [Applause] all you've done for us [Applause] with us [Music] is the holy communion is a covenant of god with his church that every first day of the week they will join together to commemorate his death on the cross his resurrection and soon coming the bread that we are holding symbolizes the body of christ that suffered and died on the cross to pay our sins great is the love of god that he gave his life for our sake and because of this let us also give our lives to him let us pray father god we are so very thankful to you for being a part of this covenant of the holy communion we pray that you cleanse our sins o lord even all our impurities and make us worthy to receive this holy communion in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord glory to god for i received from the lord through his apostle in the end time the truth also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you do this and remembrance of me let us take the [Music] bread take this [Music] you to do [Music] this [Music] so is it and drink it each time [Music] we remember all you've done for us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] this cup of grape we are holding symbolizes the blood of jesus christ has been poured at the calvary to carry our sins and sicknesses through the blood of jesus christ we receive the greatest promise the everlasting life he promised that whenever we become sick he will be our healer he also promised that we will bring us to his kingdom to where our fathers resides let us pray once again father god thank you for giving us this great privilege to be a partaker of this holy communion father bless us and also forgive our sins thank you so much father god in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord and the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is a new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it and remembrance of me for as open as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death till he comes let us drink i tell you i will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when i drink it on you with you in my father's kingdom praise the lord hey [Music] praise [Music] he goes [Music] now unto him that is able to keep you from pulling and to present you faultless before the present of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power but now and ever amen praise the lord [Music] let us [Music] grace [Music] thank you for watching the pentecostal missionary church of christ 4th watch live streaming [Music] if you have queries you can reach us through our numbers [Music] join us again on the following schedule [Music] you
Channel: PMCC 4th Watch Official
Views: 8,665
Rating: 4.977716 out of 5
Id: A26VMmcYSN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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