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i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the [Music] the lord into the house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's worried about praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you come on and give god praise everyone you've heard it said and it is true that there's no better place to be than perfecting church at three and we praise god for the opportunity to share our worship service with you we thank you for joining us and for doing it so regularly god bless you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] the first time i heard the song i was actually in holland and i was so blessed by it worship is very personal and it should not be just words being sung but actually you singing your experience and when i heard this song i said oh somebody has spent time with the lord nothing can take the place of spending time with the lord and the song said draw me close to you [Music] never let me go i lay it all down [Music] to hear you say that i'm your friend you are my desire [Music] no one else will do hallelujah [Music] no one else can take your place of your embrace [Music] help me find my way [Music] bring me back to you [Music] me [Music] bring me back to you lord [Music] i will be down [Music] [Music] and i want you to work here [Music] if you can use them i want you to i want you to learn [Music] no one else can take your [Music] the place of your embrace help me help me find my way bring me back [Music] hallelujah [Music] this part i wrote when i was a teenager i said lord thy will be done [Music] let it be [Music] because i see your work [Music] and i want you to work in me [Music] [Music] would you please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you live i just want you to change [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] [Music] i'll lay it all down again [Music] i heard you say it once and i i love it when you tell me that i'm your friend what [Music] our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege what a privilege it is to carry [Music] not just one thing but in everything to god because i've seen you and i want you to work [Music] hallelujah [Music] for thine [Music] is the kingdom [Music] and the power [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] use [Music] [Music] lifting my praise to you [Music] [Music] everything now [Music] my [Music] amazing [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh bless the name of the lord i feel the presence of the lord here and i feel a shifting in the spirit of god the enemy would have you think that you don't have anything to offer but everything that you've been through god wants to use it i get that come on and give him praise come on and give him praise [Music] [Music] use it for your glory lord i offer my days to you i'm lifting my praise to you as a pleasing [Music] [Music] sacrifice my norma gene would you say i surrender all [Music] yes yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] use it for your glory lord i offer my days to you [Music] lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice [Music] ecclesiastes 12. and one as we stay in this spirit of worship remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth while the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh but thou shall say i have no pleasure in them i just sense just an urge to speak to young people the young at heart because people will make you feel that church you can get to it later you can be saved later when the truth of the matter is the quicker i can get to jesus the quicker i can find out the purpose and the destiny that god has planned for me i was saved when i was 11 years old my sister debbie just recently had her birthday and as i called her to wish her happy birthday i discovered i said oh girl i was born again before you were born [Music] no you went yes i was and people will feel that you can't have a real relationship but god wants to express who he is to you as a nine-year-old as an eight-year-old my son coconut was saved when he was eight years old and you don't have to become grown you can let god speak to you and he can show you i was in middle school lord how do i give my life to you as a middle schooler how do i let your light shine as i walk the halls of hampton junior high school [Music] and you know he did hallelujah how do i have problems and yet god can speak to a 15 year old [Music] go to e flat i'm going to share something with you because we're close it's the only reason i'm sharing it with you you know i had a girlfriend i was like 15. we didn't go nowhere we didn't do nothing because we were saved but anyway and i was 15. what was that what was i gonna do [Music] and don't ask me why but she quit me yes can you believe that for no reason i couldn't understand why i was so hurt so i took my little feelings home it was after a watch night service you know we were at one of the saints house and she just told me it was over and whatnot so i just what was we doing anyway but my point is i was hurt so i went home and i sat at the piano i said who alone can bear the pain jesus and who alone can bear ashamed jesus christ my love [Music] all the trouble he brought me through [Music] all the good things for me he's gonna do [Music] see that that's how that song came about it makes no difference it's about allowing god to speak to you where you are hallelujah there is a song there is a testimony but you have to make the decision i'm going to give god all of me and you can do it now hallelujah [Music] all of us will not have the same office all of us will not be able to write songs or poems or whatever it is but you can find out what god would have you to do [Music] and give them your life now hallelujah i thank the lord for the experience i guess i need to go to the piano if that's how it's going to work today because so many times in the most mundane in seemingly regular circles god can speak i remember i was 17 and i worked downtown at the mishkan building and i would take the bus home and i just got on the bus and i was [Music] just looking at all the people and for whatever reason i said lord how can they live without you i couldn't understand it and i sat on that bus and i said another day i could not face without your goodness your mercy and your grace i could not live in this terrible place without your goodness your mercy and your grace another day i could not face without your goodness [Music] mercy i could not live in this terrible place without your goodness your mercy and your grace couldn't even go to the corner store if i didn't know your arms of protection weren't alright couldn't even ride on a city streetcar or even take a trip out of town i stay at home locked up in my room with [Music] and know that everything's all right say with me say another another day i could not face [Music] i couldn't live [Music] i couldn't live not without joy [Music] [Music] they don't know and they don't even bother to ask but your grace [Music] you can open their eyes so that they'll realize that it's really you another day another day [Music] here's what i want to tell you it's no goodness of my own but it's by the grace of god that [Music] it's really no goodness of my own but it's about the grace of god that i've been kept all this time and [Music] [Music] just something so simple as getting on a bus can initiate god speaking to you in a very powerful way so that that evening i finished writing the song and taught it to the group and michael wright was playing for us then and he took me home and he said man how do you get those songs and i told them i said it's just the lord i said and there's a season when it seems like everything you touch is a song and then i went home and wrote [Music] you touched my life one day [Music] and my burdens just rolled away you wrote a song that even the beast [Music] what i'm telling you is that whatever your experience is give it to god [Music] it may be good it may be a difficult time hi many of you know tim bowman he had an elder brother [Music] and he was killed still don't know why [Music] but then the lord gave me a song as i shared it with vicky you know [Music] and the words to the end of that he bottles up every tear understands every fear so we must put our trust in god he knows the reasons why nights we must sit and cry so we must [Music] even though sometimes the lord may make you feel your life is almost gone would you help me just [Music] [Music] we will let you know your life's not done [Music] all you gotta learn [Music] you gotta learn to trust us trust us [Music] [Music] some people ask me pastor winans what's your favorite song and i i don't know i tell them i haven't written it yet because they're things that god is still doing hallelujah in my life haven't finished this but i think they know enough faith is the substance of things hopeful [Music] the evidence all things not seen faith unlocks dopings every door so impossible [Music] is now possible [Music] oh help me say faith [Music] [Music] it opens there [Music] is [Music] no matter if you give god your youth it's a lifelong commitment hallelujah hallelujah the song that comes to my mind is we give ourselves [Music] for your cause we dedicate our lives to reach the lost and though we don't know [Music] whose loves [Music] sanctified purging ourselves that no like we sing but the one that breathes [Music] we consecrate consequences [Music] sanctified purging ourselves we purify that [Music] keep on working keep on believing [Music] don't stop reaching [Music] keep on believing we may never know all the people we have touched tonight for we may never know all the lives that we have reached but we know [Music] you know for a record you to keep and win the end just finally begin we will receive a great reward for what we've done would you help me say for we may [Music] if you give god your life right now you have no idea what he can do with him [Music] people will tell you what you can't do what you can achieve for we may never never never know we serve a great god that can do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine [Music] young people today you don't have to follow the course of the world the mandate of the world god has great things in store for you so remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth give him your life now [Music] jesus we thank you for meeting us this afternoon we thank you for your presence you're so special to us thank you jesus thank you jesus those that are watching encourage lift them let them know that it's not near over your hand is extended still [Music] hallelujah if you don't know the lord jesus you can find him right now he's right where you are all you have to do is call on them yeah for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved call on him right now right where you are call on it jesus [Music] intercept that thought intervene in that heart change it now in the name of the lord jesus set them on a new course yes of course that you had planned for them before the foundation of the world let them find you now in the name of the lord jesus [Music] lift your hands right now and say lord jesus i receive you hallelujah i receive you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thy will be done hallelujah [Music] everything i've been through [Music] use it for your glory offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sad graphics say lord i offer you [Music] [Music] lord i thank you for your presence [Music] me [Music] to you as a pleading easy [Music] thy will be done [Music] thy will [Music] in me and i want you to [Music] come on and give god praise thank you jesus i i certainly didn't come prepared for that but i could hear god in the spirit saying address the young people that it is so important that we give god our youth so we can be way up the road and have more time to fulfill the purpose of god in our life well come on and give god praise it's time for us to sow [Music] come on and give him praise no matter what your talent is if it's singing if it's writing if it's if it's writing poems if it's playing the piano or an instrument whatever it is you got to give your life to god so he can anoint it you know isaac newton said what goes up must come down but he never understood the law of faith because the law of faith says what goes up can stay up hallelujah hallelujah i want you to prepare a seed everyone that can and will sow a seed of at least fifty dollars if we can have a thousand two thousand people share a seed of fifty dollars today i feel the presence of the lord i'm you know god deals with me in songs and so that's just a defect that i have whenever the lord speaks to me he'll give me a song a melody a word that will sort of capture the moment and i won't bore you with all of the songs i i know i stopped counting when i had written over 500 so and i i've never stopped writing people asked me i remember i was being interviewed by the new yorker and they said how are you such a prolific writer at the time i didn't know what prolific meant but what i shared with them was this if you live for god god is always trying to teach you something you never have to become stagnant you have to have you never have to settle for yesterday's manna but the lord can give you fresh bread as a matter of fact that's what the prayer was lord give us this day our daily bread thank you jesus are you prepared to give i want you to look on the screen hallelujah lift that seed father we honor you we thank you for all of those that are obeying the word that you gave me all of those thousands that are going to share a seed of fifty dollars i thank you those that are tithing for we always remember to give you a tenth of whatever it is you've allowed us to gain bless them now it's not as that i o but as a seed i saw hallelujah please stay in the cyber sanctuary after the offering and after the announcements [Music] it's blessing time perfecting church has four ways to give cash app dollar sign p c detroit please add your name address and type of contribution in the notes pc text to give is simple and very secure text perfecting to 73256 online giving is available at on forward slash perfecting church forward slash give you may mail your contribution to perfecting church 76 16 east nevada street detroit michigan 48234 we pray malachi 310 blessings upon you and your household thank you for your financial support to perfecting church good day members and friends off perfecting church it is time for the perfecting news do you or anyone you know need food if yes you are welcome to come to pc tomorrow for a big food giveaway pull up and fill up with enough food for you and your household spread the word we have lots to give away perfecting church and the american red cross will host a blood drive friday september 24th your blood can save a life please register today ecclesiastics 3 proclaims to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born a time to die a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance perfecting church invites you to join us for a time of remembrance as we host a special memorial service friday honoring the lives of our members who passed during the covet 19 pandemic join us at 7 pm in person or in our cyber sanctuary as we cherish their memory all are invited join the evangelism department saturday afternoon for prayer at the curb at perfecting church your presence will make a big impact in many people's lives we will see you saturday attention pc youth study your word and get ready for great time saturday evening pct versus perfecting church on zoom for bible trivia contact youth pastor daniel norwood for login information we continue in worship this week with tuesday 6 a.m prayer and 11 15 am bible study at perfecting church tuesday evening bible study in the cyber sanctuary the gathering wednesday at 6 pm our week concludes on saturday at 5 10 p.m in a powerful prayer call attention attention attention we have a special birthday announcement happy birthday to our international mother mother dolores winans mom winans will celebrate 85 years wednesday september 22nd we love you mother winans contact our offices at 313-365-3787 [Music] if you require any additional information have a blessed week thank you for your support perfecting we certainly do appreciate it listen perfecting will be giving away food tomorrow beginning at 9 00 a.m come and get all the food you want you do not have to be hungry during these times i'm inviting again all members of perfecting to be here this friday at seven for the pc memorial service honoring our members who pass during covet and i encourage everyone to come that we may honor our members in a special way the thing that was so disappointing with those that passed during the height of covet is that they couldn't even have a funeral that could bring closure and so we're going to remember all of those members of perfecting church that passed during that time so i want you to come with us it's not going to be a sad thing you may cry but you're just not going to be sad the bible says that the memory of the just is blessed and so we want to just remind you those that have walked among us we are just two weeks away from more in-person services yes we're coming back full beginning sunday october the 3rd we will be in our in-person worship for 10 45 3 o'clock and 6 a.m prayer it will begin at 6 00 a.m i want you to come we're going to have a 10 45 service which everyone has come and then we're adding the three o'clock service oh you want to be here for that [Music] god bless you i love you and lord i offer my life to [Music] me [Music] you my lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] neither were [Music] [Music] neither have always been [Music] [Music] oh love each other will be [Music] [Applause] videos [Music]
Channel: Perfecting Church - Official Youtube Channel
Views: 2,249
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Id: _RkwGpjYRwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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