Sunday Morning Worship | The Names of the Holy Spirit | The Wine | 11.22.20

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[Music] i'm in sedona arizona and i'm surrounded by a valley it's a low point and i know what low points feel like particularly the season that i'm in with the loss of my wife of 49 and a half years i know what it is to sink low emotionally and even spiritually but i'm standing on a hilltop that has risen out of the valley all of us face valleys in our lives emotional valleys financial valleys relational valleys spiritual valleys and we need to find that place that rises us high the valley doesn't disappear but we're not living in it where do we find strength for the struggles that's why i love isaiah chapter 40. because it lifts us out of the valley by telling us the height of the glory of god when the people ask why is life so hard why are we hurting so bad in verse 27 the prophet says let me remind you about who god is he's everlasting he's omnipotent he's obnitioned and what he does even though you're still surrounded by the valley as he gives you new strength sometimes he swoops down and lets you out of it wins his eagles sometimes he runs with you and gives you a second win other times you're just too tired and he just walks with you so you don't get weary and quick either way you're no longer living in the valley i need that strength you need that strength we need that strength because life has a way of throwing you into that [Music] so the kingdom agenda [Music] good morning ocbf family and those of you that are viewing all around the world with us this morning we want to welcome you to our online worship experience and guess what today because it's a season of thanksgiving we want to do something just a little different today and so i have with me our director of music and creative arts here at ocbf minister myron butler myron tell them what we have in store today well we've got something special in store for you all today and our season of thankfulness we want to take a moment just to go back down memory lane absolutely and look at some of our oakland bible fellowship choir priests we love the choir we love our choirs with the oakland bible fellowship such a great fellowship to all our crime members out there we love you we love you we love you yes so this morning we are going to go back and now this was a high energy time that we had it was a good time it was a good time you know just you know to go along with this season of thankfulness the name of this song is entitled we thank jesus and when i tell you it's just one of those songs that kind of you know everybody is up out of their seat just just in the spirit of thankfulness absolutely so we're excited to share that with the uh with our family members this morning absolutely before we do that we want to make sure that you grab your elements for communion because at the end of the service pastor is going to lead us in a time of communion and fellowship with the lord and so until we get to that point you might as well go to the closet all right it's time to get thankful on this sunday morning [Music] amen [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] didn't we tell you that you better get your dancing and listen we put a disclaimer on the bottom of the screen right and that's happening all morning this morning now our next song you know it is we there's so many gifts that we have here at the church and uh our music production coordinator yeah mr roy yes hot yes look hear what i tell you he directed he's saying he's saying it he's saying he sang it as if it was the last chance he had on earth to sing a song i was like i looked over like oh my god i wish we had him here with us on set because uh we would definitely rag him but um but it was a special special time and uh there was so much power in the room you could sense the presence of the lord yes and it was a rich time so we hope you enjoy it just as much as we did this song is we offer prayer [Music] oh lord we bless your names [Music] for us [Music] god [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh ah [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and your mercy and your mercy goodness mercy [Music] [Applause] yes follow me is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey come on [Music] your hands get lost come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we hope you've enjoyed dipping into our archives yes with us and so we want to continue and this song is special even in the season because there's so much gloom and despair yes that's being preached and uh we know society doesn't understand that we have a great hope absolutely our job as kingdom citizens as pastor says is to infiltrate society and let them know that they can expect something different than what we're experiencing now and it doesn't matter what you're facing it could be financial it could be emotional it could be physical whatever it is our hope in god causes us to look past our current situation and look forward to what god has promised to us we're all expecting something greater than god and this song is a special song led by myron butler the song is called expect the great this morning with a spirit of expectation we sing to the lord this is just the of that year refreshing his plan now unfolding the time of your great blessings nothing but that's the promise to do exceedingly abundantly one more time [Music] there's expectation in the room this morning you'll be getting about 10 people to stand on your feet this morning that don't mind praising the lord in this house and singing with us this is just the time [Music] abundantly if this is your year your moment is here everybody [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] it's coming it's here it's now [Music] is one more time anybody believe that this morning i said is there anybody that believes that this morning i don't care what it looks like i don't care what you're facing you can find another strip to open up your mouth and declare victory declare blessings get about ten more people to stand with ourselves and say the blessing is lifted up in the room this morning [Music] again [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] i believe it's all your dreams and your aspirations no more depression [Applause] [Music] hey jesus [Music] [Music] well thank you choir i can't tell you how blessed i am and we are to have such a great choir i love these folks and i know they love me and love this church and love ministering to you and uh any good sermon that i have ever preached because this great choir has encouraged and inspired me and prepared the hearts of the people so i love their ministry to me and to us to lead us before the throne of god through the music that they give us week in and week out and i can't wait until we can all get back to normal so that i can be physically with them again and be blessed afresh well we're glad to have all of you with us our members and our guests as we are each week because it matters when god's people gather together and even though we're having to do it virtually we're doing it and we're doing it with sincerity and honesty and a desire to be a blessing and i hope you feel like you're being blessed by the worship and the word because remember god doesn't just want you to hear the word he wants you to worship i want you to sing he wants you to pray he wants you to praise and then he wants us to respond to his inherent perfect word well it is our hope that you keep up with the scriptures that we give review the passages so that you know that the word of god is what changes you sermons no matter how good they are you're gonna forget them it's the word of god that lasts forever not not the sermon or the sermonizer okay or the serminator it is the word of the lord so take stay tethered the scripture review the passages review the verses cited so that you're tied to the word of god i know i say that regularly but i want that to be emphasized in your life those of you who live in the metroplex dallas fort worth if you're looking for a church home that's seeking to build disciples and to have an impact not only among our members but throughout our community and beyond we invite you to find out about membership at oakley bible fellowship go on to our website at forward slash membership and it will tell you the plan we have to orient you toward what it means to be a member of oakland bible fellowship we'd love to have you love to get to know you and more importantly love to serve you and contribute to your spiritual growth finally in our world of chaos and crisis and yeah confusion god has a sure word we're going to keep giving that word and your giving to the lord through this ministry is allowing that word to get out you're tied the first tenth the first fruits of what you give of what you receive the bible says is not yours it's holy to the lord it's your way of demonstrating that you're trusting him as your source and your provider so if you're doing that then honor the lord so that the local church stays strong our members are know how to do that and they're so faithful in doing it which is why our ministry has been going on all through all these pandemics because they have been faithful if you're not a member be faithful to your church and if this ministry is a blessing to you then give an offering to it over and above uh what you are obligated to do to your church so that you can keep us coming your way we don't do uh gadgets here if god has blessed people with a lot of money we don't give them a big you know we don't give them their own role you know you know better than the widow who can only give the widow's might because she's living on a fixed income nobody's better than anybody else god asks the same from everybody to honor the lord with your tithe and offering and so everybody is valuable here at our church and in the kingdom of god so you see all the ways to give that are listed for you find the way that's best for you honor the lord you're not giving to me you're giving to the lord so that the church can do his business on earth god bless you as we continue hearing the wonderful sounds from our great choir man as we look back over the year 2020 uh uh it has presented some challenges and some opportunities uh and it has caused us to kind of have to reimagine how we present ministry and uh so what we decided to do was to uh do something virtual with the choir and that was a great song by donald lawrence and tri-city singers uh god of angels great songs absolutely and so you know as we look back over you know 2020 we realize that i am not afraid because god is with us god is for us and because of that we have a blessed hope and so uh we did this as a virtual choir song we had our guest so louis and uh we had such a great response from the audience you know from our congregation that uh we wanted to share it with everyone again so here is god of angel armies hope you enjoy i shall not fear the arrow by day nor shall i feel [Music] i feel [Music] shall i fear [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] know [Music] is not afraid [Music] set all his ways [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] around me [Music] we all know what it is to be startled out of our sleep by an alarm clock or radio going off to be awakened from an unconscious state to a state of conscious reality sometimes that alarm goes off in what seems like an inopportune time we're not ready to get up we don't want to get up but we need to get up so the alarm is to shake us from our stupa and let us know it's time to get going it's no longer time for laying around hanging out in our bed tucking ourselves under the cover because there's a world in which we must now be activated in invade participate in make a difference in so it's time to get up paul had a concern it was a concern that the christians in the church at ephesus needed to wake up wake up to the new spiritual reality in which they lived and in which they functioned you see the christians at ephesus were in a pagan environment they were in an anti-god culture they were in a culture that did not respect their values that did not operate according to divine guidelines and that did not view itself as needing to be acclimated to a divine perspective for life and for living but these believers had come to christ they had trusted christ and had been radically transformed but unfortunately they had begun to enter into a spiritual stupa that's why throughout the book of ephesians he keeps wanting them to know that their new place of operating was heavenly places a spiritual sphere that they needed to learn to live in function in and operate from the perception and perspective of so he calls on them in ephesians chapter 5 he asked them to wake up verse 14. for this reason it says awake sleeper and arise from the dead and christ will shine on you he is concerned that they're still spiritually snoring they're spiritually asleep that is while they're functioning in the physical realm they're not awake in the spiritual realm as they ought to be the culture had taken them to naptime the environment had dulled down their spiritual perceptivity what's true of christians in ephesus is true of christians today far too many christians are spiritually asleep they are asleep to the spiritual orientation to life and have begun to be asleep in the secular satanic demonic ungodly world of the physical because they are too asleep to the spiritual and so paul wants them to wake up to get up that is to be alive spiritually and not limit themselves to the physical reality of death he says get up from the dead because when you acclimate yourself to this world order you're part of the culture of the walking dead you are part of the spiritual zombie world because you're functioning in the physical without a proper orientation to the spiritual he understands that if they're going to be properly acclimated they're going to have to learn a spiritual truth a spiritual truth that's one of the dominating truths of scripture i'm simply calling this the wine this is the the principle of the wine we've been talking about the spiritual and to understand the spiritual you need to understand the holy spirit and his role in how you live in a secular culture as a sacred saint it is this absenteeism this slumber snoring if you will of christians and our refusal to wake up shake up at the alarm clock of heaven getting us up from our spiritual slumber that keeps us from being ineffective and not impactful as god would have us to be and so he says in verse 15 be careful how you walk we'll talk about that at another time but to walk is how you carry yourself how you live your life she's talking about how you operate in the world not as unwise men but as wise being able to make the right kind of decisions in the secular world environment making the most of your time stop wasting time you know some folk will just lay in bed and lay in bed and lay in bed or kids who don't want to get up then you know what they're doing they're wasting time he says because the days are evil see he's talking about the evil world in which we live worship work play raise families they talk about our world he says it's time to get up it's not time to lay in bed all day like you don't have something to do and he says to do that you must understand what the will of the lord is you must understand what god is up to you must learn to look at life from god's perspective so that you are fulfilling god's purpose in your life to your life for your life and through your life well how do you wake up well that's where the principle of the wine comes in because he says in verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that is dissipation that's destructive but be filled with the spirit let me read that again do not get drunk with wine for that is dissipation it's degrading it's degenerating but be filled with the spirit he makes a contrast between what wine does when you've had too much of it and what the spirit does when you get too much of him god is actually inviting christians to get drunk but not on wine be not drunk with wine but i do want you to become intoxicated with the spirit i want you to wake up and i want you to fill up when you wake up so you can fulfill the will of god and if you're going to be full of god and full of god's purpose in your life you're gonna have to learn to be an intoxicated christian but not with wine but with the spirit now the contrast is between the work of the holy spirit in our lives and the work of wine so he says if you don't understand the spiritual you know what it is to have too much liquor in you you see when a person is intoxicated it is obvious it's obvious in their walk when they're stammering it's operating they're stuttering when they're talking the hiccups the lack of orientation you really don't have to question whether a person has imbibed too much because it is an obvious reality that something else is in control did you hear me the reason you know a person is drunk is they are acting outside of their normal processes walking different talking different acting different when a policeman pulls a person over and gives them the surprise sobriety test and they have to walk the line they can't walk straight if they're drunk or the breath meter records the fact that they've had too much to drink let me ask you me a question do people view you as spiritually intoxicated that you are so overwhelmed with god in your life that you don't function like normal folk function you don't talk like normal folk talk he talks about walking you don't walk like normal folk walk you not like everybody else cause you didn't had too much holy ghost to drink the filling of the spirit is designed to produce discernable behavioral differences your views are different your standards are different your operations are different because you are different because you didn't had too much to drink you remember on the day of pentecost in acts chapter 2 when they were talking outside of themselves and the folk says these folk are drunk peter has to say we know we're not drunk like you think we've just been overcome by the holy spirit he says be not drunk with wine but i do want you to be intoxicated every believer every person has received the holy spirit if you're the christian you have received the holy spirit you've been baptized and indwelt by the holy spirit but to have him is not equal to being intoxicated with him to possess him doesn't mean you are under the influence of him it means he's there but it may not mean he's in control when police pull you over it's a dui you're driving under the influence god wants all christians to be lui living under the influence the world should pull you over because you are an intoxicated person but not because you've had too much alcohol you've had too much holy ghost now it's not that you need more of the holy ghost the holy spirit you have all that god has to give you what you need what i need what we need is to come underneath his influence the word to be filled means to be overcome with or overwhelmed with this word is used throughout the new testament of many different scenarios for example the bible says in luke chapter 4 verses 1 and 2 that jesus being filled with the spirit was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil see because he was under god's control he could be guided led into the wilderness and he could be on the offense against satan led into the wilderness to face the devil you know why the devil is running over us because we're not intoxicated enough we haven't gotten drunk yet with the holy spirit or take for example john chapter 16 verse 6 it says the people were filled with sorrow they were overcome with sadness sadness was ruling their emotions because they were filled with it so when you are full of the spirit it means you're overcome you're overwhelmed you can't stop crying when you're full of sorrow according to luke chapter 4 verses 28 and 29 it says the people were filled with rage so much and so to verse 29 says that they they wanted to throw jesus off the cliff in other words they were so overcome they couldn't control themselves they they couldn't control their anger they they went after him and they wanted to kill him and jesus had to supernaturally wiggle his way out of their midst in order to escape their anger you have seen people who are filled with anger you have to tell them settle down calm down you you you lost your mind you you out of control has anybody ever said to you about your commitment to christ that you are so overwhelmed with him you're so overwhelmed with your faith with your dedication with your decision-making that he is dominating your existence oh yes god wants some intoxicated christians but he wants intoxicated christians with the holy spirit and enough of you been saved long enough to know what it's like to have too much wine too much hennessy too much jack daniels or whatever it is too much vodka you hadn't had too much and so it was controlling you now so that you were acting outside of your normal self see if you just a natural man or a natural woman it's because you're not a drunk saint you have not become intoxicated yet with god in acts chapter 13 verse 45 it says the folks were filled with jealousy in other words jealousy had enraged them controlled them so he says if you're going to wake up shake up wake up if you go if you're gonna hit this evil world and be the kind of man the kind of woman who knows what the will of god is who sees god maximizing their time the shortness of their lives in confronting the evil of our culture he says you're gonna have to you're gonna have to get a little a little bitter you need some juice you need enough juice to become intoxicated he says be filled with the spirit so he takes wine the physical which is what the bible does it takes a physical thing that you know about to illustrate a spiritual thing you may not initially grasp so even though you don't grasp the invisible holy spirit you do grasp the visible liquor so just grab that no don't literally grab it but you get my point grab the concept of that and now let's transfer it spiritually well first of all let's talk a little greek the word be filled is a passive present plural imperative let me say that again the verb be filled this is very important is a passive present plural imperative okay first of all it's an imperative an imperative is a command he's not asking you to be filled he's not recommending that you be filled paul under the guidance of the holy spirit is demanding that you be filled this is not a request he's saying you better get filled if you're going to know the will of god if you're going to make it in this evil world you're going to maximize the time you have if you're going to be an alive christian and not a dead saint he said you better be filled it's like telling your child you know this is what daddy wants you to do be filled now you can reject the command but that means you'll be a sleep christian a christian that doesn't see the will of god a christian that is not unique or different you'll be a natural saint because you will not be operating under the influence of the spiritual wine that is the holy spirit so it is a command that you must obey not a recommendation that would be nice if you did it so it is passive passive means it's not something you do it's something you allowed to be done let me say that again it's not something you do it's something that you allow to be done for example if i say i went to the store that's active because i did it i went to the store if i say you took me to the store that's passive i still went to the store but somebody else took me there i didn't take myself there if i take myself there that's active if i was taken there that's passive be filled is passive in other words you don't feel yourself the holy spirit fills you so he makes a command to stop blocking the holy spirit from filling you so the holy spirit that's in you wants to fill you he says with the passive let him he's eager to control you he's eager to turn you into a drunk christian a christian living under the influence so he's saying let the holy spirit take you there stop resisting his word he says it's plural the verb is plural that means it belongs to everybody he's saying all y'all all y'all be filled he does not want you just to be a filled individual christian he wants you to belong to a filled church he wants everybody in the congregation to be drunk he doesn't want he don't want anybody not to be intoxicated with the holy spirit because he uses the plural and he's speaking to the whole church at ephesus he's speaking to my whole church your whole church he's saying i want all the saints so he wants the filling of the holy spirit to be normal not this exception for for this super spiritual group oh they're so spiritual they're so different than me no if you have the holy spirit he expects you to be drunk with the holy spirit don't you expect every car to have fuel you'll expect some cars to have fuel and other cars now they're fueled why because it was built to have fuel and it was built with the tank to contain as much as the capacity will allow so it is unacceptable for a christian to say well he's filled but i'm not because i can't be like them that is to insult the holy spirit that you have all received because the scripture says we've all been baptized with the holy spirit in first corinthians 12 so every believer has equal access to the filling of the holy spirit this present tense is be filled presently ongoingly let me put it another way don't live on yesterday's filling because you need today's filling it's the present tense many christians will talk about how god did this yesterday they'll give testimonies about past work of god in their lives but when you talk about what is he doing now they get silent why because they're asleep they're not alive to the intoxicating work of the holy spirit you know when you when you used to get drunk with alcohol it would wear off you know you go to sleep you wake up you drink some coffee you you know you back at it you gotta what do you have to do you got to go back and drink again if you want to be drunk again well the holy spirit's intoxicating work doesn't just stay there let me put it this way you and i all go to the filling station to the gas station and we will say well we used to say fill them up when there was an attendant at the gas station now there are no attendants at the gas stations or rarely so you have to fill it up when it was an attendant that would be passive because you didn't fill it up somebody else filled it up now it's active because you got to get out and fill it up okay but you fill it up it clicks off so now you are full of fuel your gas tank is full of fuel can't take any more and so you ready to roll you ready to roll now cause you full of fuel the moment you drive off the filling station lot you are burning fuel the fuel that filled you is slowly being utilized evaporated used up and you will see the tank the more you drive begin to go down further and further and further why because you're using the filling so you're not as full a day later as you were the day before because the things you had to do the places you had to go the environment you had to enter into and the more travel you went the less filling you possess we all know what it is to be in the filling station of corporate worship we're in the filling station of corporate worship and you know that the choir has hit it the preacher has hit it the prayers have hit it and you feel like you're on cloud nine because you feel so full of the atmosphere the atmosphere that filled you up of the presence of god the spiritually informed electricity of that worship service and so for that time that you spent there you can say as you hear the benediction i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord cause you feeling that thing that thing is all all on you but then you walk through the exit door to the parking lot and into the car now you got the noise of the kids or maybe a discussion with the mate maybe you go out to dinner and you're around there other people who are around you or maybe you hit traffic and all of a sudden you can feel the dissipation you can feel the eroding you aren't as spiritual as you were when you were in church you were in church praise the lord hallelujah in god good all the time god is good rosa's sharing bombing gilead he's so high you can't get over so low you can't get under so wide you can't get around him you know you know you you you had a you ain't not talking that way anymore you you getting upset a lot quicker you're getting frustrated a lot quicker why because you left the filling station the corporate worship and now the holy spirit's filling is being dissipated not his presence but his feeling and you are no longer sensing his full control that's why he says in the present tense keep being filled don't don't don't don't don't you know keep going back to the gas station isn't that what we do we go back the problem is you may only go to church once a week maybe if you super spiritual twice a week so by the time you didn't met those unsaved believers maybe in your house or those saved believers who are not acting like it in your house or the folks at work or the stuff you see on television your the holy spirit's fullness is dissipating he's not controlling things and as as a result you're losing control the filling is going away so when he uses the present tense he's saying keep allowing yourself to be filled with the holy spirit keep allowing the atmosphere the the inclusion the the presence of the holy spirit to dominate your life now the question is what gets in the way of the filling and by filling we mean under the influence of controlled by you cannot watch this behold be full of the spirit if you are full of yourself let me say that again you cannot be full of the spirit if you are full of yourself if you are self-sufficient you will have blocked the holy spirit from filling you the holy spirit is just that god's presence in you jesus is in you in the person of the holy spirit jesus right now is physically sitting on the right hand side of the father he's not physically on earth he sent the holy spirit and the holy spirit's job is to be jesus in you okay so you have jesus in you by the third member of the trinity of the holy spirit you must empty yourself of self self-sufficiency if you want to be full of the holy spirit let me put it in another way the holy spirit will only fill you to the degree you are surrendered to jesus christ let me say that again the holy spirit will only fill you and i'm going to show you that in a moment to the degree that you are surrendered to jesus christ if you are not surrendered you can't be intoxicated until you surrender to alcohol you can't get drunk until you surrender to jesus christ and yield this is not a hallelujah statement this is a yielding of your life on a continual basis which frees the holy spirit up because you've emptied yourself of self that's why jesus said if anyone be my be my disciple he must what deny himself so whenever you used you choose you over the lord you have blocked the filling of the holy spirit he says i want to control you i want to make you intoxicated wake you up show you my will let you see me act in your life but you gotta get in the way cause you are blocking you from experiencing more of me you hear you see that you must deny yourself say no to you say yes to the lord which allows the holy spirit to do his filling work the longer we keep the holy spirit from intoxicating us the more shriveled we will spiritually become many believers go week months years and even decades without consistently being filled with the holy spirit they want to they want to go you ever seen folk who go and say uh put five dollars worth of gas in their car five dollars worth of gas okay they're not going far okay they are not going far because they don't get full they don't get full of fuel and because they don't get full of fuel they're not going very far you know what we do we go to church and get five dollars worth of jesus so we wonder why we can't leave the parking lot without losing our temper because we're satisfied with five dollars worth of other other christians they want ten dollars worth so maybe they'll make it to monday morning others will you know maybe they'll get half a tank man so they'll they'll make it to half a week before they start losing it husbands and wives self-busting and cussing and and and losing it and and and and being uh living in defeat why because they don't want to be full they don't want to be intoxicated they just want to you know they just want to taste it they want to taste a little bit of holy ghost but they don't want to live in the filling that is in the surrender that allows the holy spirit to do the filling in their lives and so their souls shrivel they do not they they don't have the capacity they make promises they make pledges they make commitments but the soul is so shrivel because it's not used to like a balloon being blown up and full so how do you practice this you say i want to be full well notice what he says he says in verse 18 and verse 19 speaking to one another in psalms hymns spiritual songs singing and making melody with your heart to the lord always giving thanks for all things in the name of our lord jesus christ to god even the father and be subject to one another in the fear of christ he lists a number of participles one right after another where he tells us to submit to sing to give thanks he gives these participles which explains how he wants us to stay filled okay let me sum them up the two things you must do to stay filled is to consistently minister to god and consistently minister to others with a good heart it says with your heart he says to the lord but then he says to one another and he's specifically talking about ministering to christians here although it's not limited to that that's a specific thing because it's a family affair you must be involved in ministering to god and others and that creates the atmosphere for the holy spirit to work look at what he says in the book of colossians verse 16 and 17 let the word of christ richly dwell within you with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms hymns you recognize those words and spiritual songs singing with thanksgiving in your hearts to god same thing he said in ephesians whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to him to god the father so he says basically the same thing but in ephesians he's focusing on the holy spirit in colossians he's focusing on jesus christ in colossians he adds the word because the word of christ since the holy spirit is the spirit of truth the word of christ should govern the songs we sing the ministry we give to the lord and the ministry we give to others so when god's word through a surrendered life is utilized to give praise to god and ministry to others the holy spirit is saying come on now come on now you you you taking this thing seriously you're not just a a sunday christian now you may come for the for the for the big drink on sunday oh but you sipping all week long it's like it's like your favorite football team you go to the game or you watch the game that's the big event and that event controls the atmosphere you jumping up off your chair you making all kind of loud noises you booing hissing you you because because you've been infected and intoxicated by the environment of the game but now if you are a committed fan oh you're not you're not just doing that on sunday game time no you you you you're reading stats you talking to other folk about the game you looking up to what's who they going to play next week in other words you bringing up that thing all week long you're not just looking at it and forgetting it well that's what a lot of people do with church they look at it go to worship which is important but then they forget it you know what what he's basically saying he wants worship to be a lifestyle not a weekly event for many of us worship is an event we go to not a lifestyle we live how do you live a lifestyle in worship you minister to god you sing songs to him you praise him you read his word the word of christ about him you talk to him you include him all day long sometimes you're praying short sometimes you're praying long sometimes you're praying on your knees sometimes you're driving down the street and you're whispering prayers of god sometimes you're in a meeting and you're thinking thoughts toward god about what you should say because that's prayer too and he's just included all over the place and you're bringing his word up to deal with situations in your life you're learning what he thinks before you make a decision about situations in your life and you're just consumed with him he dwells in your life you know what the word dwell means to make yourself at home the word dwell means to hang out see a lot of us have welcome mats in front of our door but that's we'd be lying we'd be lying because we say make yourself at home what we mean is make yourself at room cause i'm gonna show you the rooms you can go to you can go to the den or the living room or the kitchen and the restroom that's it you can't be going all up in my bedroom in my bedroom closets and in my garage and in my attic you can when i say make yourself at home i mean all that that was i was being cute i wasn't being serious jesus says i want to make myself at home i want to go into every room in your house and i want to see the dirty rooms i want to see the bad rooms i want to see the messed up rooms yeah i'll i'll pass through the cute rooms that you want to keep me looking at because you can clean them up in advance but i want all the room i want totally access i want to dwell in your life richly that means fully completely i want to i want full access to every room now that exchange your prayer life because that means you're not hiding anything you're talking to god about the junk you're talking to god about the addictions you're talking to god about the sins you're talking to god about the failures and yes you're celebrating god about the victories too but you're bringing in him on everything when you're bringing him in on everything then then he is dwelling richly with you fully with you completely with you as you minister to him and then as you have opportunity to minister to other particularly the one anothers other saints what saints have you ministered to this week what sentence have you prayed with person says pray for me and you say okay and you forget it i've done that you've done that no here let me help you right there when somebody asks you to pray for them pray for them right then even if it has to be a short prayer because that means you won't forget it pray for them right there and say yes because then you've ministered to them you know and i know we can't hit everybody all the time but when you minister to one another now you didn't you didn't ignited the holy spirit now now you've you've you be you you're getting intoxicated now i know we're all familiar with social drinkers okay you folk who don't get drunk don't get drunk they just you know get wine with dinner you know they they're not trying to get intoxicated they're just trying to socialize you know they're trying to eat their meal and have their little fellowship and they're not trying to get drunk we have social christians they sip the holy spirit they ain't trying to get drunk they ain't trying to get intoxicated with the holy ghost ain't trying to do that no there's only one way you get drunk drink did you hear me you don't get drunk by looking at wine you'll get drunk by thinking about wine you don't get drunk by sending praises about how great wine is you don't get drunk by talking about how what year that wine was and how long it's been in the wine cellar that's not going to make you drunk that make you sound informed that makes you sound edumacated but you'll never become intoxicated you'll never get drunk about the holy spirit by talking about it you won't get drunk by holy spirit by seeing somebody else intoxicated you won't get drunk by the holy spirit by taking a sunday sip you will only get drunk by the holy spirit if you're drinking him regularly all the time and how do you know when you're drunk the same way you can know when a person is intoxicated because they're acting outside of themselves they talking different thinking different reacting different going against themselves i want to do this but because i'm drunk i got to do that because they are now intoxicated with the holy spirit of god you say how do i get this process started well let me give you a promise luke chapter 11 verse 13. it says god will give the holy spirit to anyone who asked him so you start simply by asking him lord i want to be filled in fact ask him every day lord fill me today with your spirit as i worship you as i minister to others and as i surrender to jesus christ and his word that's it as i praise you every time i get a chance i'll just throw up a prayer here throw up a praise there give thanks over here give thanks over there and as i minister as you allow me people across my past particularly other believers that as i do that and as i live a surrendered life based on your word fill me i ask you because you have to be the filler i'ma pull up to the gas station fill me up fill me up and as you live out that you'll find yourself becoming intoxicated and you'll know you really gotten too much holy ghost to drink because other folk will see it they'll call you drunk and you know the problem when you see an alcoholic a person who's drunk [Music] that's offensive to see somebody just out of control let me warn you when you get drunk from the holy spirit some folk don't get offended because they don't want to see that kind of intoxication now that's the good kind of intoxication but carnal christians are going to be mad at you they're going to call you too spiritual they're going to say you just keep bringing up the bible they're going to do that when you get drunk because they have never been drunk with the holy spirit so get used to it but then on the other hand find some other intoxicated christians and just have a drinking party with other folk who want to get drunk with the holy ghost so that you can live your life seeing what christ can do when you're underneath his full holy spirit control now in order to be drunk with the holy spirit you have to have it and the way you have him is to come to jesus christ for salvation jesus christ died on the cross for your sins he rose from the dead for your eternal salvation and if you will simply place your faith alone in christ alone if you'll simply go to him now and say lord jesus i'm a sinner and i need a savior i not only live in an evil world i am a sinful person because he only saved sinners you've got to agree that you're a sinner that needs to be saved but once you acknowledge that and you go to him and you say lord i'm believing you to be my savior because i'm accepting you as my substitute you died for me you rose from me i want you to save me and i'm entrusting my life to your sacrifice from me on the cross when you receive him as your personal savior he comes into your life by means of the holy spirit and you become indwelt which allows you now to become filled would you go to him now acknowledge you're a sinner lord i'm a sinner acknowledge you need a savior acknowledge you want him to be that savior because you're trusting him for forgiveness right now let us know if you've made that decision we want to hear from you we want to pray for you we want to celebrate with you and if you're a christian you have in your hand communion communion is your reminder to live a lifestyle of worship all week long so don't end it with sunday worship begin it with sunday worship after all it's the first day of the week fill your tank up right now but remember once you start living you're gonna dissipate it so keep the spirit of that filling as we have defined it ministering to him and ministering to others as you submit and surrender to christ a worshipful lifestyle and now stay under his control as an intoxicated saint why because he died for that relationship he died to be not only your savior for heaven but your help for history would you surrender to him right now let me give you a moment to do that as we take the emblems together [Music] the bread is his body broken so that your life on earth physically could be lived victoriously shall we eat together [Music] his blood was shed on the cross so that he could forgive your sin and start you all over again a brand new week a brand new opportunity shall we drink together lord we love you and we thank you and we trust you to intoxicate us by your indwelling spirit in jesus name amen so appreciative of this word that dr evans has delivered today and we're so thankful that he's leaned his ear into the heart of god to speak to our situation especially this year and taking us into a new year and so we pray that you're encouraged pray that you are blessed pray that your home was a minister too and uh this is a time of thankfulness absolutely and uh you know as as rough as 2020 was and has been i'm already considering it in my past come on yeah it's been you know there's been some heavy moments absolutely um absolutely god is good he is good yeah and uh and so i just felt like maybe we should just end the broadcast with just some some down-home worship i'm always for that yeah so we're just gonna we're gonna worship the lord and hallelujah sing a song of thanks and hope that you'll join in with us as we minister to the lord amen amen hallelujah give thanks with a graceful heart give thanks to the holy one give things because he's given jesus christ his son give thanks with a greatful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son i like this part of my life and now let the weak yes say i am strong let the poor say i am rich yes jesus because of what the lord has done [Music] let the poor [Music] because of what the lord has done for us father we give you thanks come on right there in your home just just appreciate the lord's presence right there in your home as we end the broadcast today with your family and just give your everything to the lord lay it all out before the lord you know as we lift our hands we're really just saying father we surrender to you and we surrender and we thank you lord for being our covering we give you praise you thank you lord [Music] let's say like this right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you believe that just say that with [Music] us [Music] you father we love you jesus thank you so much lord we pray that you would bless every home represented today father we thank you lord for everything that you've done for us throughout this year you've done for us individually you've done for us as a church body our family at ocbf and lord in individuals homes all across the world yes we're so grateful lord god and i just pray lord that you'll give us the time this week to really reflect and let us be mindful not of the things that we need but of the things that you've already blessed us with yes jesus so lord we leave today just saying thank you thank you psalm 119 and verse 7 says this he says david says this i will thank you by living as i should ah and so if you really want to thank the lord we ought to be living living like we should absolutely we hope you have a wonderful day god bless you we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
Views: 34,336
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: uOWV8IbnaO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 4sec (5464 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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