Sunday Morning Worship | A Ball of Confusion | 07.12.20

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[Music] [Music] i'm jerome westmoreland i serve on the praise team and i am i'm deborah shepard and i am ocbm i'm derek john morrison and i am ocbf i'm emil joseph and i am ocps i'm lacrecia holly and i am ocbf i'm jerome westmoreland i am o.c i am theresa young and i am ocdf my name is teresa and i am ocda my name is tisha owen i am ocbf [Music] join next level youth every wednesday at 6 30 for prayer and immediately following at seven for zoom worship service every sunday at 5 00 pm on facebook and youtube come experience worship a challenging word followed by an interactive study guide so to all my team peers to all of you all of you all y'all in texas we say y'all grab your friends your cousins and your besties as we continue going to the next level [Music] the kingdom agenda [Music] good morning everybody and welcome to oak cliff bible fellowship our online virtual service we're so excited that you're here with us again some of you for the first time welcome we're excited just to have the opportunity to worship together to hear a great word to sing songs to lift our hands even if we're doing so in our pajamas at home it's okay we're excited to worship god wherever we are and whatever we're going through so we're excited to do it together remember we always commune together we always have communion together so you want to get your juice your water your cracker your bread ready so that we can commune and also remember the sacrifice that was made so that we can live let's worship together as we get started right now just shout this with me shout out i believe come on clap your hands [Music] don't be afraid to dance right there now this song has a little island feel to it so i don't want you to be afraid to move all right right there in your seat pop your hands you can even dance if you want to [Music] i trust [Music] say [Music] of miracles [Music] all powerful [Music] i know that's it come on let's praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] i trust [Music] you are the god of miracles [Music] [Music] i believe now as you can see this morning we've come for no other reason but to give god everything we have listen we believe in jesus christ and his sacrifice on calvary's cross and because of that sacrifice we can say so long to our trials so long to problems and adversity come on yeah just dance a little bit [Music] yep listen so long so long [Music] one more time [Music] let's say [Music] goodbye to your pain and to worry [Music] no more worry no more no more heartache [Music] [Music] so long [Music] you are [Music] i give god praise in this house [Music] yes jesus father we give you glory we honor your presence in this blessing you're everlasting in your eternity [Music] shall i feel shall i be afraid i will wait on you i will wait on you [Music] i will trust in you this is our hearts confession the lord the lord is [Music] [Music] until i died [Music] this is our confession i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord the lord's sake [Music] [Music] wait on you follow me [Music] i will remain i will remain confident i will cease [Music] father we give you glory father we set our hope on you we set our hope on you um everlasting [Music] god a solid rock a firm foundation jesus his name is jesus jesus on you are jesus the mighty god the majestic king the everlasting see ever the evil i will see the goodness of the lord together we will remain confident in this we will see the [Music] the goodness of the lord father we give you glory this morning we magnify your name eternal immutable everlasting god and this morning every day of our lives our life's purpose and mission is to pour out our love on you father jesus we love you [Music] all things your love has stayed the same your constant praise things that we [Music] are thought in life [Music] again you cause your sun to shine in darkest nights for all that you've done we will pour out our love this will be the song say jesus said [Music] you are the one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the helpless [Music] all that wasn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make us wrong instead you took these rises and made us beautiful [Music] jesus say jesus [Music] one more time everybody [Music] oh a hot [Music] feet of [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] you are the one you are [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] father we adore you our hearts adore so lord we thank you we love you lord we love you with our lives and we honor you thank you for what you have done thank you for who you are thank you that despite the fact we do not deserve such extravagant grace that you keep on giving it anyway we love you and we are grateful in jesus name amen amen what an incredible opportunity to worship together in spirit and in truth i'm so glad that you are joining in and that you feel encouraged already in the service we want to continue in worship by just making a few announcements to you so that you can know what's happening in the life of the church because listen church continues it goes on even though we're not meeting in the building the ministry of oak cliff bible fellowship through you continues on so we just want to make a few announcements so that you can be aware of what's happening uh this week in the life of your church and coming up in the weeks ahead the first thing we want you know is that it is july which means the women's conferences um will be happening desperate for jesus will be happening virtually on july 24th and 25th my sister and i are so excited and are already looking forward to and planning to hosting women obviously women not just in the dallas fort worth area this year this year it's going to be women from all over the world that are going to be gathering together with us for desperate for jesus will you please make plans to join us july 24th and july 25th it's going to be a great time together jackie hill perry and catherine wolf are going to be sharing with us uh gospel artists jacaylan carr will be with us as well it's going to be an incredible time and so we want to make sure that you are all registered for that you can just go to dfj2020 to get the information that you need and to be prepared for our virtual time together the men's conference which usually happens in july in lieu of that this year promise keepers is going to be hosting a virtual men's event the reason why you need to know is because it's going to be not only an incredible gathering for women or for men rather all over the world that are going to be tuning in to promise keepers but your pastor dr tony evans is going to be speaking as well as jonathan evans they'll be sharing as well on this global platform so listen as soon as service is over today both men and women will you make sure that you do what is necessary to get yourself you know some time carved out on your calendar clear your schedule mark it down do whatever you need to do to make sure that the men's and women's conferences are something that you avail yourself to and again the promise keepers event is happening july 31st and august the 1st okay also wanted you to know that the turnaround agenda is going to be making food distribution available again on the 15th of this month so if you know know a family that's in need and really could use just extra support during this time would you please let them know that on the 15th there'll be something happening for them and on that same note the turnaround agenda really could use our continued help to fill up their pantries y'all so would you make it a point this week that when you do venture out to the grocery store that you don't just get what you need but would you be thoughtful about how you can double up on some canned goods or some items that are not perishable so that you can then drop those off here at the church or at the ministry of the turnaround agenda so that we can continue to be the hands of feet of jesus make that a part of your week this week that you'll be sure that you are contributing to the generosity that is happening through this church and then we wanted to give you an update regarding what you know so many of us are wondering about when is church opening back up and we know that's the question on many people's minds on our minds too and we just wanted to give you an update and let you know that the leaders of oak cliff bible fellowship church your pastors and the pastoral team and the elders of the church are constantly monitoring the situation to keep our health in mind and so as of right now there are no plans to reopen but just know that that is a constant point of conversation and discussion and and we're just trusting god with that for now so just wanted to give you an update on that and as you go now into considering your giving would you make that a matter of prayer even as you continue to sow into the work that god is doing through your local church be praying pray for wisdom and discernment for our pastors and our leaders as they continue to shepherd us i want you to prepare for your giving now it's a continuation of our worship and remember that when we give we do so with a cheerful heart as unto the lord we don't give because of some sort of gimmick we don't have to be worked up to give or convince to give not when we have a heart of gratitude that we're still healthy that we still have a roof over our head that we're still here how about that that we're still here it's a testament to the grace of our god to us and so in gratitude we sow into the storehouse so if oak left bible fellowship is your local church would you please be faithful in the tithe and if you're a member of another local church would you be faithful to tithe to that church they're counting on you we are counting on the body of christ rising up and being who the lord has called us to be and then if the lord would move on your heart even as you pray right now the bible encourages us towards tithes and offerings offerings are over and above would you ask the holy spirit if there is a gift that he would want you to sow into the ministry of oak cliff bible fellowship this is real good soil and so we use every bit of seed that is planted to make sure that a harvest is turned around that brings glory to the name of our great god and so you see the ways to give on the screen and as you pray about that and ask the lord how he would have you to give let's continue in our ministry today you're coming out of this be encouraged now you're coming out of this you're coming out of this hold on my brother you're coming out of this be strong my sister you're coming out [Music] standing here not knowing how we'll get through this test [Music] but holding on to faith you know better cause nothing can catch you by surprise you've got this figured out and you're watching us now and when it looks as if we can twin [Music] in control [Music] when our backs were against the wall and it looked as if it was and we're standing here only because you may want jesus [Music] as if it was [Music] mountain [Music] there is nothing that's impossible [Music] with your power [Music] is [Music] we are standing here [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not done with me [Music] i see [Music] there is nothing [Music] jesus you made our way [Music] and we're standing here only because you made you made that way come on give your way making god a great praise amen humpty dumpty sat on the wall and humpty dumpty had a great fall now all the king's horses and all the king's men could not put humpty dumpty back together again i don't know whether you studied that story but it is worth investigating the rhyme apparently there is a gentleman named mr dumpty mr dumpty is moseying down the street one day he seems to be doing okay he comes to a wall and he begins to ascend it and he arrives at the precipice dumpty is on top of the world however something goes cataclysmically wrong with mr dumpty he falls off we don't have the particulars of what knocked him off what distracted him but it was a mighty fall because he broke into many pieces his world was shattered now when you investigate the nursery rhyme a little closer it is very intriguing to know where mr dumpty went for help to get his life back on target i mean he didn't go to his family he didn't go to his friends he didn't go to the banker mr dumpty went to the white house now we know he went to the white house because we're told that the king got involved the king was so impressed by mr dumpty's calamity he called a meeting of congress now we know he called a meeting of congress because all the king's men got involved they did what congress does they they passed a fixed mr dumpty law i'm sure providing the necessary funds and stimulus to put mr dumpty back together again after all it was widely known how shattered things had become but the tragedy of the nursery rhyme is how it concludes all the king's horses and all the king's men could not put humpty dumpty back together again the most powerful people in the land who had access to the grading funding potential in the society was unable they were unable to fix the problem i guess that tells me not only is humpty dumpty humpty dumpty but all the king's horses and all the king's men are just as humpty dumpty as humpty dumpty is because we've got a broken man and a broken system that's unable to fix the broken man whose world has been shattered it doesn't take a genius today to see that humpty dumpty is shattered in communities all over our nation there is the shattering of hope and dreams of property and lives of community and police of uh class warfare cultural warfare political warfare and all the king's horses and all the king's men have not been able to put humpty dumpty back together again maybe they really don't understand why mr dumpty and therefore they are in this situation they can't seem to fix this calamity this brokenness one of my favorite old school groups was the temptations and one of their songs in the psychedelic era was ball of confusion that's what the world is today and that's what we've got we've got chaos in every single direction and we got a health pandemic we got a racial pandemic but if that's where all the king's horses and all the king's men and even mr dumpty since he was banking on them are looking to fix this crisis they do not understand its origin beneath those two pandemics is a spiritual pandemic and if you don't get that one fixed right then you don't have the cultural glue necessary to make mr dumpty whole again the bible makes it clear that everything physical and visible is preceded by that which is invisible and spiritual so if you want to correct the visible physical you must identify and address the invisible spiritual again if all you see is what you see you do not see all there is to be seen the calamity that we're facing today is because there has been an unaddressed spiritual issue first and foremost by the church bleeding into the culture and if we don't get it right all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to fix mr dumpty's situation throughout our precious land that's why i want to call your attention to an old testament passage in genesis chapter 11. you know the story it's the tower of babel we're told in the opening verses that the whole earth used the same language and spoke with the same lip that is the same words now god had told them in chapter 9 i want you to scatter and fill the earth that was the divine instruction there was to be no globalization there was to be the breakdown of nations so that they would be forced into divine dependency that's what acts chapter 17 says but what they said as they journeyed east let me just say a word about east in the book of genesis east was to journey away from god when when adam and eve sinned they were moved to the east when cain was removed from the presence of god he traveled east to travel east was to travel away from god it says that they journeyed east found a plant land in chennai and settled there and they said to one another they began talking to each other they had community meetings come let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly and use the bricks for stone and use them tar for mortar let us build for ourselves a city a tower whose top will reach into heaven and let us make for ourselves keep that in mind a name otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth well wait a minute god said in chapter 9 the first couple of verses i want you to scatter all over the earth they said no no no no no no that's not how we roll up in here we ain't gonna do that what we're gonna do is consolidate our power and consolidate our purpose and we're going to set up our own culture our own meaning and our own self-definition they start with let us now i know what he said but this is about what we say because this is us situation all right i got what god told us to do but that ain't how that ain't how we feeling it right now that's not that's not how it's it's operating inside our gizzard we we're not we're not feeling that so we're going to consolidate our purpose and our power and we're going to build a civilization watch this that will erase the creator creature distinction we go we go we we we're going to remove this divine oversight and mandate and we're going to set the rule for how civilization culture and government will operate we're going to set the rules so let us come up with our own plan independently of divine purpose and so they took bricks and they used tar that would be the technology of the day they would use technology the ones that they had to advance civilization so that god would be no longer necessary they would pool their power their resources and they were going to build a world that was independent of divine instruction and so they began this process whenever you use technology to create independence you have joined the rebellion of satan in fact governments that try to consolidate universal power are really joining satan and the antichrist because that is the system of the antichrist according to revelation chapter 13 verses 15 to 18 when the whole world economy would be controlled by him and the antichrist would set up the agenda it was an agenda independent of the scattering god called for to create national dependency so they said let us let us do some building we're going to get on a building program let's see what they're going to build verse 4 are they going to first of all build a city they're going to build a city this would be the capital of the human race because remember they're not spread now they got one capital one city that's going to control the all the us's they say let us build civilization without god that's called humanism humanism is where man seeks to replace god to define life and its meaning its purpose and its responsibility it is erasing the creature creation distinction but we know people need religion so we're not only going to build a city we're going to build verse 4 says a tower that's a ziggurat that's a staircase to heaven we're going to build a tower whose top will reach the heavens in other words we're going we're going to use the creation to define us we're going to get up into the clouds we're going to get up into astrology we're going to get up into uh zodiac signs we're going to have a religious order that satisfies this human need to believe in something bigger but it won't be to the point where we have to depend on a creator we're gonna we're gonna erase that distinction it won't be god telling us what to do it'll be us going up because we're gonna define reality now that distinction of god being in charge that distinction of in god we trust that distinction of one nation under god oh no no uh oh we're gonna let our we're gonna let the universities in this city we're going to create a doctrine that makes god unnecessary whether it's evolution whether it's uh uh just a man's spark of divinity whether it's uh materialism and greed whether it's technological advancement or medical advancement we're gonna we we can do this thing we can do this thing without him we can foster our independence while still having a religious center which will justify our rebellion and the worst thing you can do in front of almighty god is have a religious order that gives sanction to leaving him out because you're praying because you're going to church because you're uh you know you're bowing your head or because you use his name for invocations and benedictions as long as he stays out of the material in between so they wanted to build civilization a city they wanted to build a tower a religious order that went from earth to heaven rather than from heaven back down to earth and then here's the clincher they said we're going to make for ourselves verse 4 a name we don't want to be named we're going to get our own name in the bible to be named is to be defined and to be governed when god told adam to name all the animals he was setting him in governance and responsibility over the animals that he named because he told them to subdue the earth that's why god would change the name because he's changing the identity and establishing the governance i've done my share of weddings over the years and in every wedding the wife changed her last name if a couple came to me and the wife says i refuse to change my last name i wouldn't be the one doing the ceremony because if after i explain what naming means in the bible which is why adam named eve he named he because he would be responsible for her and govern her well-being if she refused to take his name i tell the man this is not the girl for you because you're getting rebellion before you even go on the honeymoon see to change the name is not changing nomenclature it was signifying i am not going to be defined by this relationship i want my sovereignty i want my independence and i want more i watch this my immortality why because you pass on a name you pass on the name that's why fathers want sons so they they can be immortalized by the name men do not want to be defined by god they want to be defined not by theocracy but homocracy homocracy is the rule of man theocracy is the rule of god and we living in a day when men want homocracy they do not want a god rule and so they want their own name they want their own rebellion they want their own independence those of you who have teenagers knows you know what this feels like don't you they're getting that in between age you know 13 to 18 and the problem is they don't want to be told what to do now they don't they don't want to be bossed around they don't want you mom and daddy getting on their nerves they're the problem with their demand or desire for independence is they're broke they don't have any money they can't pay their bills they can't buy their food they can't buy their clothes they can't put gas in the car but they don't want you telling them what to do so they are dependent while demanding independence what does that give you i'll tell you what it gives you a conflict it's going to be a conflict and it must be a conflict when they are depending on you but don't want to abide by the guidelines you set something has got to give well they were demanding their independence because they were demanding their name what they wanted was to imitate god without yielding to him what you and i are seeing today in our broken culture is a culture that has been progressively imitating deity defining themselves you hear it every day i think i feel this is what what my friends say they are defining themselves your kids are being raised in institutions of self-definition where truth has been jettisoned to the curb where right and wrong has been redefined and now right has become wrong and wrong has become right where people are getting to choose their own identity different than what god calls them in the name of an illegitimate definition of freedom oh you see people want their own name the problem is they still depended upon a creator you know if god takes some oxygen away the party's over everything anybody does depends on something he's already created all they're doing is rearranging his creation to to produce more technology and benefit now what you see here is a cosmic rebellion that can happen with an individual it can happen with a rebellious family that decides we're going to run the family rebellious husband who he he's going to decide who a husband is and what a husband does and he refuses to submit to the rule of god a rebellious wife of rebellious kids a rebellious state house governor house white house house of congress you can you can you can pick the category but what they want is a self name so they rebelled against god's clear instruction because they were demanding their in dependence verse 5 the lord came down to see the city and tower which the sons of men had built no you didn't did you hear that god came down well wait a minute last time i checked men were building up and it says they were going up to heaven they were going to invade god's space god looked down saw them building up and he came down listen no matter how high you think you go in god's still got to come down because you're not going to get but so high you you ain't all that individually and you're not all at america we're seeing that now right we we and all that and a bag of chips a little virus breaks in here and doesn't matter how much money you have where you live and and uh how much power you possess and what influence you you you have because that virus will shut you down and will will lock you in your house and make you wear a mask because god's got to come down you we ain't we're not all that we have to i don't i said it to my kids i'm sure your parents have said it to yours you you you don't know your place you you don't understand your place you you you you you didn't you didn't forget who i am and you have forgotten who you are in relation to who i am god had to come down he says let us see the hebrew word here means to investigate now when god investigates it's not informational because he's omniscient which means there's there's nothing he doesn't already know all aspects of because he's the only one who knows everything about everything that's knowable and he's the only one who can answer what if questions he says let's investigate what uh what what these folks are up to in this city this capital of civilization and this tower this religious order that the sons of men have built let's let's check let's check them out the lord said now here is a stinger verse 6. behold they are one people and they have the same language they all talk in the same smack and this is what they begin to do and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them now i don't know about you but that ought to that ought to mess with you here's the creator of the universe saying these folk have gotten together and if they stay together they will be unstoppable how could god say that the unity of mankind in rebellion against him could potentially be unstoppable unless he interrupts it why would he even think a thought like that well time will not allow me to get into all the theology of it but i can make it pretty simple genesis 1 god says we will create man in our own image and he said let them rule god delegated the rule of history and planet earth to mankind watch this for good or for bad he says we're going to release them the rule and we're going to do like we did with adam and eve and the god and we're going to give them a choice they can rule with me and under me tree in the midst of the garden that they don't touch or they can rule in rebellion against me tree in the midst of the garden if they do touch if they rule under me i'll give them freedom every tree of the garden you may freely eat first word of freedom doesn't come from american uh fathers of our uh declaration of independence or our constitution oh no freedom comes from god every tree of the garden you may freely eat you were created to be legitimately free as god defines freedom but you will only experience that freedom under my rule but now if you go out here thinking you all adding a bag of chips and you go and you mess with my revelation which is that tree in your den the tree in the den of your house you go eating that and you will see bondage like you've never seen it before god says if they become unified independently of us because we have let them rule then as far as earth is concerned they will be unstoppable unstoppable in what in their rebellion and the damage they can do you know what you're watching in america today and maybe in our families today and not maybe in our families today in our individual lives today in our social structures today you're watching what it looks like when folk get together to rebel against god that's what you're watching that's called the spiritual pandemic so let us go down and let them know they're not all that let's go down and let's show them who we are versus who they think they are come let us go down verse 7 and confuse their language so that they will not understand one another's speech we're going to bring about a ball of confusion that's what the temptations called it we're going to set things in motion so that they will not be able to communicate in any meaningful way what we have today between democrats and republicans between blacks and whites between police and community is brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen we have a failure to communicate oh we hear and talk but we're not understanding each other's language why because god confused their language did you did you did you you did you didn't miss that did you god confused their language it's called corona cobra 19. it's called racial conflict it's divinely ordained disruption and confusion you say god does that he absolutely does and he does it all through the bible when his creation gets too big for their britches we've gotten too big for our britches christians have gotten too big for their britches preachers have gotten too big for our britches churches have gotten too big for their britches educational institutions have gotten too big for their britches communities have gotten too big for their britches civil servants have gotten too big for their britches god says okay hello let's send them some confusion let's put them in a confusing situation let's put them in a situation that they can't make work out let's create a panic what happened so the lord scattered in verse 8 abroad from over the face of the whole earth and they stopped building the city therefore they called babel because the lord confused their language of the whole earth did i did i just say the whole earth is the whole earth being affected by this health pandemic and from there the lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth well wait a minute he just said that in verse nine he says it twice he says the lord don't miss this me me if you want to blame somebody it's me i mean i mean it's me god says if you want to know why you got this problem if you want to know why you can't fix all this social crisis it's me so you can have all the meetings you want you can have all the planning you want you can have all the laws you want you can have all the economic stimulus you want it's me he says and i scattered them oh wait a minute don't don't go too fast you did what god i scattered them well why you want to do that because i gave them a choice in chapter 9 verses 1 and 2 to do what i told them to do they said they weren't going to do it they were going to do it that way so guess what i'ma stifle their economy it says they stop building i'ma stifle their progress they ain't not gonna be able to go to work i'm gonna stifle their their their their unity they're gonna be fighting each other because they can't communicate i'm a stifle list i'm gonna shut this mama down i'm gonna let them know it's me and when i do that guess what i'm going to do i'mma get what i was going for in the first place because i told them to scatter so they weren't because they weren't willing to do it my way i'ma make them do it my way because god heaven rules daniel 4 says you have a decision and you can you and i can get the consequences of our decisions but there comes a point when god comes down and he says y'all have gone too long too far too much my father had to put my brother out of the house he was a wrestler unlimited weight maryland state champion wrestler and he got too big for his britches he was in my father's house but he didn't want to go by my father's rules he's big he's bad my father said you can you can't you can't stay here if you don't do what i say he said well no i'm not gonna do it so my father put him out went up got the suitcase started packing it then my brother started going to get stuff my father said no no no you can't take that you didn't buy that put him out problem is was the dead of winter freezing outside and he didn't have all that money it wasn't long before he knocked on the door apologizing you see god had to create a situation like my dad created a situation to remind my brother you big and bad but you ain't all that god is telling america right now and he may be telling you in your situation personally you're not all that your money can't fix this your power can't fix this your notoriety can't fix this why i'm the only one who can fix this and i'm i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let you fix it like you wanted to be fixed until you understand heaven rules now god and mercy does come through sometimes and he doesn't give us all our sin deserves and i pray that he will be merciful to us with this disease merciful to us with this racial tension i pray that he will be merciful to us but even if he's merciful if you don't get get the message he's just gonna come back around another way one time it was 9 11. this time it's covert and community confusion i mean i mean god has a zillion options to disturb our common goals they had common goal unity and then a common goal god doesn't want unity apart from him you don't want unity that leaves him out he wants unity that's centered in him do you know how miserable you are when you can't find your phone that's a miserable thing and you're looking all over the place for your phone you know why because your phone has become your life your phone is not just in your hand it is your life i i i've watched myself i watch my family and i've watched strangers you see my phone you see my phone i can't find my phone where my phone oh lord my phone why because that phone defines your life we've lost god we've lost god and so everything else seems out of order everything else seems challenging everything else seems that we just we just not feeling right because everything else has been disturbed until you find that phone and when you find that phone you go oh it is time for the church to lead the way to relocate our god because acts 17 says he's not far from any one of us verse 26 27 he's not far from any one of us he says if you just grope for him just just just grope for him he's findable you ever lost your phone and was right next to you i lost my phone i was panicking i asked my kids wear my phone can't find my phone got them all looking for my phone they're looking under over looking everything an hour later my phone was in my pocket don't laugh at me my phone was in my pocket it was closer than i could ever imagine but because i lost sight of my relationship to it it was close and it might as well been a million miles away god wants us to run back to him to return to him and he says if you run to me i'll i'll be there draw near me i'll draw near to you starting with my people because if my people call by my name shall humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways now we can talk about fixing the land and the land needs to be fixed church it's our time god has created a divine disruption because he's giving us a last chance at a divine reset we better take advantage of it and advance his kingdom agenda pursuing a relationship that submits to his rule pursuing a relationship intimacy with our great god while simultaneously coming underneath his authority and not doing what they did at the tower and rebel may god give us another chance to rally around his kingdom purpose and to find healing in the land because we're not operating independently of him and one of the one of the simple ways you can express your dependency is communion take a moment to get your cup or to get your juice and bread and just reiterate god you know here i am i'm surrendered i'm surrendered hands up i'm surrendered to you you're going to define my reality you're going to define my relationships you're going to define my resources you're going to define my engagement you will define me you'll define my politics you'll define my sociology you'll define my science when anything disagrees with you it has to be adjusted not you communion is an act of surrender where you say what jesus said not my will but thy will be done this won't make you the most popular person in the world but it will get god on your side america with all of its flaws was born in uniqueness the problem was not with the documents the problem was with the application of the documents because it was a freedom document men were created equal by a divine creator doesn't get any better than that the application was flawed god doesn't want us just believing the right things he's wanting us to apply the right things that we believe based on what he said communion is saying i surrender why because he surrendered when he died on the cross and said i will surrender to good friday because i believe god god's got me on sunday morning that my crucifixion is gonna wind up to be a resurrection and god can resurrect us out of this mess by his work on the cross through his son shall we eat together his blood that deals with the sin problem because all that stuff is said the skin thing is because there's a sin thing you start the sin thing then you'll handle the skin thing or class thing or gender thing whatever the thing is that's disobeying god and when we repent the internal determination to turn from sin ah you'll see the blood doing its cleansing work shall we drink together and so father we thank you that we have the risen living christ standing with us before us and we'll give you the glory for what you're going to do in restoring our nation and restoring our lives by removing our rebellion may we get a generation of christians who've got the guts to go public with their identification with the lordship of jesus christ in your name we pray [Music] amen i love to sing its praise [Music] it sounds like music [Music] we sing together [Music] oh jesus be called all he first loved [Music] me it was an awesome opportunity to worship with you this morning to hear a great word and to have great worship and know that the sword of the word and our worship are battle weapons that we use especially in hard times like this we're excited to be able to worship with you and can't wait until we do it again together next week remember ocbf facebook ocbf youtube 10 am central standard time can't wait to see you next week [Music]
Channel: Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
Views: 33,517
Rating: 4.9094539 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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