Sunday Morning-6/23/19-Bishop Lambert W. Gates Sr.

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Childress that's what he told me he told me I'm supposed to stand on his shoulders and see farther than what he saw and so I thank you for following me on to a little father and guess what I believe God is gonna take us on even a little father y'all agree with that okay man amen so so target somebody with a smile on your face and say let's go let's go all right amen god bless you today I am so happy to see my son elder Wiley in the house today and just glad for him praying God's blessings upon him in Jesus name let's remember the Treadwell family in prayer that's one of our members one of our quiet members so you wouldn't know him many of you don't know he ever come when he would come sit sort of back in the church but he passed away went home to be with Jesus his services are here tomorrow with a family hour at tinium just a half hour and the homegoing celebration will be at 10:30 now I want all y'all to do me a favor somebody say silver lining please go downstairs and get some barbecue with you that's all I'm saying those are my cousins and cousins they don't care nothin about you being the pastor they give you a hard time and so if y'all don't want me to get beat up after service which I'll go down there and it was smelling good so I know it's going to be good but we do I'm saying that in just a little bit but we do want to support them so let's go down and support them today right after this service has concluded we have two great preachers that are going to minister tonight don't want to miss them they're going to bless this house I forgot who they are huh Oh Minister Davi Williams y'all they said nothing oh yeah they're gonna be a word in this house tonight Minister dolly Williams she's gonna be our first speaker and the benches teal where's he at all a man sees gonna be the second speaker I'm smiling but both of them my dynamic speakers both of them are dynamic speakers and you'll be blessed if you come to hear God's engrafted word as he ministers through them on tonight and then tomorrow night now I can't always be here on prayer night this is one of those intact nights I won't be but we're not coming to pray the bishop gates we're coming to pray to Jesus can I get a witness I want to ask us let's come out tomorrow night in a big way somebody say in a big way let's come out and pray this is our fourth Monday night our with power of prayer I try to be in as many of them as I can my schedule this time won't allow me but we're counting on you to come and be in prayer I'll have to get back Indianapolis this evening but on Wednesday prayer begins at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow night Wednesday who knows where we're going Wednesday night the Apostolic way I'm asking all of my Bible class students and our congregation as a whole worship in sacred arts ministries to meet us at apostolic way over on Charleroi this coming Wednesday night service begins at 7 o'clock this is their church convention and I promise pastor price Gary price that we will come and he had been on me I say for the last couple of years our schedules never worked out it really didn't work out this year but because he had been on me friend and brother from a long time I told him we would close our church on a Wednesday night and go over there now it's gonna look bad if we close our church on a Wednesday night and I go over there all right so we need to go somebody say we need to go we'll look for it so on the east side come on over and let's have a great time in the Lord Jesus Christ finally next Sunday the next weekend is our men's weekend I think they're gonna be doing some fellowshipping on Saturday and then on Sunday morning we're gonna have a Sunday morning service only Sunday morning the speaker will be Pastor James Sears hey man I'm glad pastor Sears didn't hear that hand glad I'm glad I'm gonna say it another time Pastor James Sears hey man he's our he's the president of our International Youth Conference of the Pentecostal churches of the Apostolic Faith I'm gonna tell you something God has gifted this young man with a spirit of evangelism I want to challenge you to bring someone to church who needs Jesus now now we need a word from the Lord he'll have a word for us but he especially has a ministry that's geared toward those that need a fuller a fuller conception of the Lord Jesus Christ and a full of presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in their life but they can't get it if they're not in church and all we asking you to do is for you to come to church next Sunday morning and invite somebody to come with you if you're gonna try to do it would you say man all right don't cost you nothin ask somebody to come to church does it but it might save a soul so let's do that let's be here 10:00 a.m. he's going to be ministering next Sunday morning it'll be a morning service only because we're going to have our district 2 4 ship service at transforming faith ministries where pastor Nathaniel Edwards is the pastor that services at four o'clock I'm going to ask again as many of us as cannon will to be in attendance at our district service this is part of the Great Lakes Conference and our district elders disability hours Thompson we want to be supportive of that so as many greater Apostolic Faith Temple members that can go we certainly ask you to go and to participate and be blessed of the Lord Jesus Christ I have a couple of mortgages of Pascal emphasis items I think it's this let me see this is that first Sunday in July when is this when is the temple's convention anybody know huh first Sunday what's the first Sunday what's that day the 7th the first Sunday December now you know first Sunday morning that's my morning to be in Indianapolis but I won't get this in the atmosphere and then this would be our last push out in fellowship until September where we go to be with Pastor Jones but on the first Sunday in July which is the 7th our mother church is greater Bethlehem temple over on West Chicago Boulevard they've asked us to come and close out their church convention so our Indianapolis I'll be an intern APIs in the morning but I'll be catching the flight up Sunday afternoon early evening and I told them you know I keep sticking myself out there I told Bishop Clark that me and my congregation did I step out too far I told him me and my congregation would be with them on Sunday night and so I hope you'll come and singers and everybody let's go over there and and bless the temple is that all right that's a church that has blessed this city and we certainly want to continue to celebrate that great historic church here in Detroit all right so the Lord bless you 12th of March the calendar for September 12 through 15 somebody say fresh anointing now fresh anointing is really it's a it's a product of LW gates ministries help me Williams y'all over there we have the girls and and the two churches I passed our part of it that's our conference it's under lw8 Smin astreus and September 12 through 15 in in Annapolis we got some great preachers wants you to participate and be a part of that lesson let's own that together I'm trying to remember who the preachers are somebody named bishop noel jones from Gardena California somebody else named Bishop John Francis from London England somebody else named Bishop Tudor Bismarck from Zimbabwe and somebody named prophet Brian Carn Oh oh there he is there he is these men of God along with others they're going to be preaching they're going to be teaching it's for leaders it's for laity we got people already all around the country that are inquiring clicking and saying they're coming we want you to come and be blessed it's going to be empowering it's going to be anointed I'm already excited about it can I get a witness somewhere and that's that's our conference and then of course in July there's this thing called the holy convocation of the Pentecostal churches of the Apostolic Faith in Orlando Florida oh and it's gonna be off the chain this year on Sunday morning we're going to for the first time ever we're going to be live on the word Network Sunday morning and so all roads lead to Orlando Florida it would be nice if somebody from grid apostolic and somebody from Mount Zion came somebody from Detroit and in a basket might be nice if you participated since you're pastors the presiding bishop it might be nice you have some of my remember what y'all think some of my members were there now last thing they're going to be registering in the foyer we need to update our credentials ministers we have a meeting right after this service but just to put it in the atmosphere we would like our deacons to make sure if they would if they would renew their membership or begin their membership poachers but make sure you're card-carrying member Sunday School teachers all of those I'm charging elder Wilson I talked to the Sunday School teachers tell them to get their personal workers card and those elder Wilson is an ordained weren't you are Dane he's an ordained teacher Sarge she's an ordained teacher so everybody in your respective places deacons all of you please renew your credentialing and your membership with the Pentecostal churches of the Apostolic Faith sister Patrice and sister Katherine they are manning a table I suspect with others don't just walk past that table but go there and renew your necessary things in Jesus name I'm happy to see brother Sam trice and his lovely wife here with us today my friends and brother from way way back in the day just appreciate him they live up in White Cloud now they left us down here in the dust and there they're up north in that beautiful air and environs but every now and then they get down this way to see about us and we're glad I know they were here for services on yesterday for mother stating but pretty bird told me they might be through today and here today come on love on them right quick with a hand clap these are my friends love you both and the Lord bless you happy to see her muscles again love on the marshals love on the marshals day man god bless you god bless you in Jesus name now it's time in offering time and we want you to be just as liberal as you can be in giving and didn't I that it's real important really important we just need everybody to do their part with everybody say here everybody come on let's let's say it one more time get a little drawl and the emphasis everybody say everybody all right so that means all of us must connect with the mission and the purpose of this church with our presence and with our substance presence and substance substance and finance if you do that the Lord will bless you now you know our process we're gonna pass the baskets momentarily the ushers are wonderful uh sure we got some some look at these men uh sure in the day looking good a man looking good doing their job they're making available to you tithe and offering envelopes they're also making an available you care cards you helped us when you fill out the care cards it's a blessing when you do that and the two ladies up here on the terminals trustee Davison sister Deb minister Daniel is over to my left trustee Davison is on my right though they're in swipe process your credit card you can do it also right in your seat this right here formations on the back of your envelope tell us how to disburse it on the front you never have to worry about security don't forget give the five phone app you can always use that simplify your giving many of you do that across the week you get to church on Sunday your business is already handled we always thank God for the many people that stream our services sometime you we have way more people than you think that watch us around the world stream our Bible study stream our morning services and we appreciate you some time as our members who didn't come to church that extremely we're glad you at least you're streaming but hit that button send some funds this way you'll see a property on your screen it'll take you to our website faith temple you can also even from your home your car wherever you are you can also give by gibla fide and you'll be a blessing to our church how many love great Apostolic Faith temple I love our church I love our church let's make our affirmation we are we are and we what we're heirs why do we use the pronoun we because we're collective as a body and then we are two great churches under one ministry great Apostolic Faith triple in Detroit Mount Zion Apostolic Church in Indianapolis Indiana both churches I'm blessed to serve as senior pastor and because we feel that connection with each other in this room and with our sister church in Indianapolis who probably has already made that recitation this morning filling that connection with Detroit we said one more time very strongly but this time let's look at a brother or sister to make it personal to know there's somebody else on the other end of that we and together let's say what we are at what else are we we are heirs of the kingdom father bless us today as we tithe as we give we do our best for you because you are the very best we tithe and sow into you Lord because there's nobody who can who can give like you gives indeed your word told us that every good and perfect gift it comes from above and so Lord please today accept what we do out of hearts of sincerity please accept our sacrificial offerings please accept Lord your tithe that you entrusted to our care to see if we would bring it back to you and so we present your tithe back to you and then Lord we give you a sacrificial offering because we appreciate you take these monies Lord and undergird the work of this church as it endeavors to have impact for your kingdom and then Lord we believe the principles of your word you told us if we tie that you'd open up the windows of heaven pour out a blessing whether in there's not room enough to receive it and so we tied with expectation we give with expectation but above and beyond the expectation Lord we tithe and give simply because we love you somebody say we love you Lord know bless us in Jesus name Amen and amen please remain standing for about 30 seconds just in case those who want to get down to these machines a man I like sisters su-ryeon she's rushing down I like that she's rushing down I don't know if she's anxious to hear but she want to be the first one in the line she said both she said I'm ain't just the tithe and give but I also want to be first in the line we got two lines so you can come down and go to either side baskets are going to be passed put your envelope in those baskets put your care cards in those back baskets and the Lord will bless you for what you do while you're giving our announcers now give good morning announcements then we'll be back to going to the word of the Lord today is Sunday June 23rd 2019 and these are your announcements the silver lining ministry invites you to enjoy the best smoked ribs and chicken dinners in town immediately after service a rib dinner is $13 and chicken dinners are $12 if you have a free ordered dinner it will be held until 2:30 p.m. tomorrow June 24th is our fourth Monday night prayer please come out and participate in 60 minutes of seeking God's faith this Wednesday June 26th we will not have Bible study Bishop gates will minister at 7 p.m. at apostolic Way church where elder Gary price is the pastor the church is located at 1 1 0 0 0 Charlie boy Street please attend this opportunity to worship with the same of the Apostolic weight Church of God join us in another opportunity to worship Sunday June 30th at 4 p.m. district 2 of the Great Lakes Conference will hold its fellowship at transforming faith ministries located at 1 to 0-6 spy outer drive in Detroit there will be free dinner served from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. join your sisters and brothers from 4 churches in our district as we worship together at transforming faith ministry where elder Nathaniel Edwards is the pastor Friday June 28th and Saturday June 29th there will be special seminars for students parents and Christian education teachers entitled raising your GPA grade point average and God point average the seminars will help you be successful academically and spiritually the guest speaker is brother Jonathan banks from Chicago Illinois the Friday sessions begin at 7 p.m. and is for youth the GST men's ministry will host men's weekend June 29th and 30th their guest speaker for the weekend is the dynamic pastor chains East Sears of Henry Tennessee while Saturday's events is a male-only gathering at Kensington Metropark everyone is invited to participate in Sunday's morning worship service where we will hear a dynamic message from Pastor Sears the greater youth ministry is having a big sale on Sunday June 30th immediately after service all kinds of sweet treats will be available for your purchase if you would like to preorder a whole cake you can do so by contacting sister Gwen Ellis or sister dela Williams Sunday July 7 pastor Dale fear of Buffalo New York will share a message from the Lord at the 10:00 a.m. service Saturday July 13th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. G aft will have its third annual day of giving G aft Community Day we will be giving away food there will be free haircuts for boys and hairstyle for girls there will be a bounce house for young children to play in and so much more in order for our special day to be successful we need volunteers to do a variety of activities please sign up today with sister Patrice Smith or sister Chandra Ziegler to assist with the important event and now let us continue advancing the kingdom for maximum impact you college ministry is putting they weekend of free seminars called raising your GPA your grade point average and your guide point average Friday seminar will focus specifically for youth leaders Youth Christian education teachers and Saturday the workshop will be it is a guaranteed success work session for youth and parents so we're asking if you have youth as young as six or seventh grade up through high school the Saturday workshop is very important it will look at matching biblical principles to your study skills and there has been proof with these particular strategies where students have then score perfect scores on AC t have gotten 4.0 and higher GPAs have gotten full scholarships to colleges so again Friday from 7 to 9 youth leaders Youth Christian education teachers Saturday from 10:00 until noon youth and parents that Leisha for everybody praise the Lord everybody come on we know this is the song of victory hallelujah can we just stand to our feet [Music] Oh cannot Jesus we you Jesus we will make all my decisions for me Jesus we Jesus come on everybody that Jesus we yes you will we'll make all my decisions for me [Music] [Applause] we're gonna say it one more time Oh [Music] [Music] we'll make one for me [Music] how many know he will Jesus come on everybody say when I'm in trouble better when I'm in strobe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus wheels wheels I know because he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but a table while we're standing let's just join hands with our brothers and our sisters and while you're holding those hands just tell somebody I know that he will oh yeah matter of fact Kevin tell them the Lord's gonna do something for you this morning matter of fact say to them I suspect he already has done something just by being in that miss fear glory come on just hold that hand gently and pray a blessing on that pin blessing on that person this blessed blessed blessed lord help us to hear from you right now help the preacher to preach help the preacher and the people to hear move with through and by your Holy Spirit may there be a divine connection thank you for your presence that's already here ask your presence to remain that glory and praise and honor tonight may your people leave edified and may those that need to know you better get to that level where they know you better now be our healer and be our deliverer Oh God and bless us as we worship less Lord our brothers and sisters in Indianapolis as they worship and then Lord we're not selfish bless all your people everywhere and get glory praise and honor as we work for you together and we thank you right now in Jesus name your loving clap your hands hey man hey man and you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and the Lord bless you richly and greatly on today we're not gonna be long this morning we just have a few things we want to share with you from the word of the Lord and then we will be on our way we're gonna be ministering the day from the hundred and twenty second Psalm this morning I make my third and final installment on the message entitled it is the law I told you I'd be back here and we're back here and we're going to finish this morning when I see finish and we'll stop talking about it temporarily but we're just gonna touch on it again this morning 120 seconds sound oh sweet wonder earth oh sweet wonder Jesus the Son of God while you're searching for that scripture you can just say that with me oh how I love him how I love him oh how I adore him oh how I adore him Jesus the Son of God Jesus the Son now before we before we read the scripture let me just tell you about that song that was really I'm warning him not going to bother you with two verses there beautiful verses but they were written by one of our Apostolic fathers late Bishop Garfield Thomas Heywood we call him bishop GT hegwood and that was the late bishop s in Hancock's pastor and father in the gospel sometimes we list a lot of these songs and as I've said before we don't even know that they have apostolic Pentecostal roots that song is sang all over the world written by a little black apostolic preacher sang in various denominations embedded in that song is apostolic Pentecostal theology it celebrates Jesus as the Son of God Bishop Haywood was a oneness preacher he started out as a Trinitarian minister and he migrated as God gave him revelation and knowledge of the oneness of God he became a oneness Pentecostal preacher oneness pentecostalism does not mean that you deny the sonship of Jesus Christ can I get a Amen somewhere sometimes we need to understand our theology there's a father there's a son the only sin done there's the Holy Ghost is that right to be oneness to embrace the name of Jesus does not mean I deny anything that God said he is for God so loved the He gave His only begotten that whosoever well should that well but have one there were no son there'd be no salvation can I get a witness there had to be a son so God could identify with us and because he could identify with us he's able to succour us and so that's a song that is embedded in theology I thank God for Jesus come on this this thing that course one more time oh sweet wonder y'all didn't know it help me say it oh sweet wonder Jesus the Son of God Jesus the son of God oh how I love him oh how I love him oh how I adore him how I adoring him Jesus the Son of God Jesus the son glory would you just slip one hand to heaven and say one more time everybody say oh sweet wonder I love Jesus haha charm oh sweet wonder Jesus the Son of God Jesus the son oh how I love him how I love him I told him how I adore him Jesus all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh bless His name thank you Jesus [Music] 120 second Psalm - fourth verse I want to be as brief as I can and I'm truly happy to be here this morning in the house of the Lord I'm glad the Lord woke me up today I appreciate that please God whether the tribes go up the tribe for the Lord and to the testimony of Israel to give thanks unto the name of the Lord my lord and a blessing to the reading of his word for we you are the heroes of my faith the doers on today as is my custom and I really want to be brief so just help a brother out pray for me and let's walk through this fast wither let's say it together this time aloud in unison we're the what I'm perfect perfect tribe to the Lord to the testimony of Israel to give thanks and to the name of the Lord sound man the sound is perfect you don't have to touch a thing let's read it one more time what does it say whether the tribes go up tribe to the Lord with the testimony of Israel give thanks to the name of the Lord and we will leave it right there we already told you our message title it is the law and I want you to pray for me today as I said I want to preach brief especially since this is my third installment and I would suggest you if I'm saying something you're three times it's kind of important and this is important to me and it's something that I hope you will allow I'm hoping the Lord to use me to register in your spirit I I haven't been a series man that you know I'm kind of old school was brought about law school preachers and so we're we have a strain we freeze to prepare a message you preach a message and you move on so I've never really been a preacher occasionally that would bring a message in what we would call series but who knows I'm getting older 39 years old a month now and I may be may be migrating in my message style and in ministry but we'll see I never know we'll just see you know it's strange and I'm ministering but this kind of give me a little some thoughts I think I made some people mad with this message last week and so you know it's not you you don't have to look around the room to see who got mad because I wasn't here last week but I think I made some folk upset but no matter that's part of being a minister I'm not a I'm not a hireling I'm a man of God and I was called by God to preach his word and it I was told by God through Paul to Timothy to preach his word and be instant in season and out of season and I was also told by Paul to be prepared for people to not like everything you say because he said the time will come when men will not hear sound doctrine but they'll harken you know under teachers and others of another ilk I'm putting that in he said having itching ears my assignment is not to tell people what they want to hear my assignment is to tell people what they need to hear and what thus saith the Lord now like any preacher my humanity my goal I'm a happy preacher you know that that's what I have been traditionally and my goal is to is to I love everybody to be happy when I preach and to like everything I say but our child is even you if you come to church and you're already shut-in there's no room for growth and if I'm not willing to be challenged and if I'm not willing to at least give God's Word a hearing then it can never impact me well make one more disclaimer I'm not upset when people disagree people have a right to disagree we have minds and I'm not Jim Jones I tell you that all the time I want you to believe that one day that I'm not Jim Jones and I don't have kool-aid and I'm not a not a mind-controlled hello somebody but but it is my job to declare to you to the best of my ability the whole Council of God and I hope that every preacher and every teacher that's what we're all endeavoring to do there may be some that have not understood what I have said and I want y'all to pray because I'm gonna be brief some are put off because I say law and I really don't know why we would be put off because I say law law is in the Bible and I thought I made a case for that it's in the Bible and I cannot erase 39 books of the Bible and I can't stand up here I wouldn't I would be dishonest as a preacher to write off over half the Bible and I would be a false prophet to tell you it has no relevance to us today Genesis to Malachi is still relevant I understand that we live under the New Covenant I'm fully aware that we do live under the New Covenant Jesus Christ has died and Calgary was the line of demarcation between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant but but we we miss Jesus if we look at Calvary as a point of division Calvary is not a point of division Calvary is a point of Union cavalry if I was gonna get a bigger man than that Calgary Calgary brings everything together can I get a witness in here you could you know this let me run over here y'all just flow can i flow today yeah y'all know when Jesus got up from the grave the Old Testament Saints God I'm winning some of those folk go back and read the Gospel story in the New Testament some of those people that had died got up and we're walking around in the city because some of the people they saw folk they knew I know I just cared you out there a little while ago but Jesus when he got up from the the grave during that time you know cuz because Jesus is deaf unsettled stuff these is it's deaf y'all and go say nothin to me Jesus is death unsettled Hey unsettled Hades you only said nothing and I can't really give you a theological explanation why why some of the dead Old Testament Saints were walking around in the earth my mind is too small to tell you why all I can do his mules and and all I can say is he he upset the holding chamber cuz even even though saints that were we're walking with God and in covenant relationship with God in the Old Testament they were still hell I believe in the nether world until Calvary took place and then when Calvary took place and Jesus went down and defamed death and took away their stinger and walked up the hill and said turn in your keys and told grave that your days of victory are gone can I get a witness the holding chamber for the righteous dead had to be resituated then he had to take it from the netherworld y'all they saying nothing and take it to another place I wish I could talk it today and I think if it was during that time everything was unsettled and the Old Testament Saints hadn't fully arrived in their new place and so they said we'll just walk the earth with Jesus because deaf can't hold us no more [Applause] somebody shout glory in heaven Luke I'm trying to tell you Calgary brought stuff together scarily brought about Union Calvary that's why you know it points out in every directed to crawl some time and we in the church we need to talk about the cross more because the cross points out in all directions it points up and down and it points whichever way east and west y'all a nun depends on how you said it north and south up and down hello some matter for God so loved the world gave His only begotten Son so so we gotta get all of that in focus together and and so we went when we we in the church and we can talk about all the new and we still end up with Jesus now there's something else that happened at counter I said it in Bible study on can I just talk this morning I said it in Bible study on Wednesday night and I was talking about Calvary because some of us get twisted when it comes to the law and what Calvary abrogated and what Calvary actually brought to another level Calvary abrogated if I may use that term to the dear Saints the day Calvary Albert the ceremonial law and what I mean by the ceremonial law y'all remember all that stuff you read in Leviticus where you didn't read it you skim through it in Leviticus cuz you got time you got tired of looking at it hello somebody those parts in Exodus there you know some parts of Exodus you read you like to read about the Ten Commandments and you love to read the story you know about the water concealing and and then standing out of tension and the children of Israel walking through on dry ground we get all of those Moses in the mound God riding out to law we love those stories how when God took Moses and hit him in the cleft of the rock and Moses peaked out and saw God's hot hind the parts go by all of that good stuff water coming out the rock plagues and stuff but there are other parts we really don't like our eyes kind of glaze over when they're building the tabernacle y'all remember that and and and they're building the Ark of the Covenant and they talk about the different layers of metal and precious metals the different layers of woods don't sit up in here and act like you read all that stuff you know y'all they said nothing and if you did read it you put your mind on speed read and this ran right through it because it's kind of deep and it's superfluous and to us is over the top and we don't quite see the relevance but all of that had its place all of it had its relevance and then all of the different kinds of remodels offerings the turtledoves the heifers can I get a witness somewhere all of that was under the law and at that time all of that was necessary but let me tell you something when Jesus died on Calvary he paid it all [Applause] that's over we don't have to deal with the ceremony Moneo aspect of the law he did away with that at Calvary and that's why the Bible tells us when he died the battle at the temple was what rip in Twain that is no longer a partition between God and man when you get the Holy Ghost the blood of Jesus has already been shed you don't have to wait on you can go you can get from God Jesus [Music] has already been to the altar he's already sadist blood and it did such a good job he didn't wait for anybody else to commend why he was there on the cross just before he in the shoulder he opened up his mouth and I was in the right Church Wow when you celebrate a job that's already done why wouldn't you give God glory if you're half a salvation didn't give you a piece of pig Vasia today ceremony is gone but other parts are not gone he up to ante I told you about that a few weeks ago I don't want to get lost in that you still can't kill for I guess some help in here you still are not supposed to commit adultery I can't hear nobody you still not supposed to fornicate this still shouldn't be a liar you still shouldn't bear false witness you still shouldn't put daggers in the backs of your brothers and your sisters this still shouldn't be a gossiper and a slander it you shouldn't have hate and malice in Delhi and in becae envy and strife in your heart he's called us to a higher level and so something still and I want somebody cut all free to say get me ax you remember how they did back in the day when they was creature they say get me ax now x16 can I just be old for a second a stick 16 and phone the darkness is an ordinance the screen I said acts 16 and 4 let's do this for a minute yeah we are roll with me for a second here's 1147 I want to be through by 12 noon if not before and it says that the crease for the key I want y'all we gotta let this register in our spirit cuz I'm not gonna be long today I'm just making a point go back and read it again why did say as it went through the city several reasons that my style I'm doing it for a fact they did what Paul and Barnabas involved with him they deliver them the decrees far to keep that were one that were deigned of the apostles and elders which were during the large Soviets verse settings of God the other day and I almost fell out my seat now you all know I traveled around the country right now some time out of the country and I'm preaching and and you know I when God gives me a word often time that word is not only for the churches I pastor I have to think in another realm and that word many times is for the people of God where I go I've been working I've been working out of this sixteenth chapter the last several weeks and every poor I've been in the UK I preached it in Baltimore on Friday and look like even when I Minister it again the Lord sometimes gives me additional insight this scripture a Friday night but I was sitting in the pulpit this verse just pop out of me and Baltimore Maryland and I said wow because you know we live in an age in which people want to jettison and and they want to throw off all restraints you know they take grace I wish I was preaching right now they take grace and they abused grace and they take grace as as a SS some kind of Liberty to live a life of debauchery and to not respect restraint and order and protocol in the church then that's what's wrong you know what the best was wrong with our society at large nobody wants any order nobody respects any authority I wish I could get some help in here I'm me and I'm born free and I can do my thing let me tell you something if everybody does their thing we will have chaos our world will be out of whack there there must be a locus of control there has to be a Center know somebody that there's got to be something around which we are evolve our lives we don't want to be in the age of the judges when every man does what's right in his own eyes because when we do what's right in our own ass we lose God and I don't know about you all I can't afford to lose God that just needs God and need God's presence I need God's auction I need God's leaving oh I'm not too proud I need God to control my life to keep me from going too far if I didn't help God I'd fall over the edge if I didn't help God i selfish struck but I need God to keep me together I need God to keep me I'm going too far I don't want to church where anything goes and I'm not a perfect man myself but but I don't wanna judge anything goes I'm still trying to correct some things but I need a god to tell me when I'm wrong I do we've lost the sense of that and so I believe I'm gonna get in trouble again somebody may be screaming and getting mad at me again but but I don't want you to get mad but I'm gonna say say what the Lord told me to say I'm figuring out why I'm getting a little pushback on what I'm saying right everybody hollering about the law it's not about the law they know I don't mean the Mosaic law they know I don't mean that so we're going back to to offering up animals and turf you got better sense than that you know that I'm not talking about the dress-code of the law and us worrying about the material because back then you couldn't even have garments with with next material in them all of that was symbolism I don't know what this road was made up it's got a little bit of everything in it and probably none of what the manufacturer says is in it but but that's done really and don't matter whether it's polyester cotton linen or if it's all mixed together God's not concerned about that he did that back yonder to tell us in the new church I'm not worried about all of that I just want your heart to be pure you know better than that you know better than that I don't care what you what you got on I'm not a clothesline preacher put your big earrings on I don't care put your makeup on if it make you look better put on it but that's the fault what's wrong with it paint your lips y'all they said put some eyeshadow long you don't like your hair being all gray up in your head I got some in mine hell no somebody and while you're doing cuz I want to do it and God has given us the freedom to do it but what God has not given us the freedom to do we got Liberty to dress in an appealing way but we shouldn't look like the hoochie mama on the street that's too far can I get away that's in here you get youth you can dress up but you ain't gotta be a hoochie mama man you can dress up but but you ain't got a dress like a gigolo but but you have it's your business put on what you wanna put on what kind of shoes you want I don't care where white shoes in the wintertime if that if that's what turns you own any color you more is for somebody to have a genuine relationship with God understands that that there's a place that God wants me in that there's a way that God wants me to walk that I'm the final peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord I come to tell a 21st century Church that God is still calling for holiness God wish I could freeze up in here everybody tell somebody holiness is still right now I didn't say I didn't say your mama's Church I'm talking about this book how much time I got can I help 10 more minutes I'm ready I'm trying to work this thing so so now why did I read here can you put it on both screens for a second control room and then we got a great control room there it is as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrease for to keep now I'm giving that to giving that to you people who miss appropriate grace and think that grace means I can do whatever I want to do I'm talking to you people all that got the big head ain't no man gonna tell me what to do I don't even know where you got that from when the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and then he said how shall they hear you don't like this without the preacher ha ha ha ha oh yeah oh yeah you can't you can't push the preach out the picture God put the preacher in the picture it's strange you know when Paul when Paul got accosted by Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus think this in your man could not God have told him then what to do and how to be saved he knocked him down he appeared to him light shines so bright he was bright in the noonday Sun knocked him flat on his back touring rebuked him prophesied over him but then he told him go down into the city to a street called straight street I'm preaching right now and you gotta find a preacher by the name of Ananias and he said he's going to tell you y'all don't hear me I can't get not right now he's gonna tell you watch you my stove then he went down and hurt Ananias that's when he got saved he didn't get saved on the road to Damascus he got convicted on the road to Damascus he got saved y'all ain't helping me bleep I'm preaching right now he got saved when he got to Damascus matter of fact he got straight on straight stream God has a sense of hell man Jesus Lord I wish a head time can I talk to can I just talk Jesus will he pray for his disciples in st. John 17 in that great prayer of intercession listen look at your neighbor say listen to him today mafic tell your neighbor say you ain't got a shout just that Center in Saint John 17 he prayed a prayer of intercession he prayed for his apostle here's what he said he said neither I just want those words neither pray I for these alone talking about his disciples catch this but for they that shall believe on me through their word that is again I don't want no rules nobody's gonna tell me what to do don't don't mention the law it's an estimate you said law my hands are over my ears I'm not listening because you said the word law that's because you don't understand the Bible you got to rightly divide the word of truth look at what it says as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrees for to keep oh let me read it to you from the common English that King James Bible that's what's wrong with y'all y'all don't read nothing but the King James but you don't know what you're talking about you don't know how many Bibles I read I read a whole lot of Bibles I read the same Bible but I read different translations and I also got tools so I can go back to the original so I'll make sure I have it right because I want to have it right hello somebody I don't want to be guilty I cannot preach to y'all I don't want to be guilty of Holy Ghost malpractice souls are on the line I'm not a crazy pastor when I get in this pulpit somebody's riding on the world that I say and I can't be up here just throwing out anything your soul is too precious for me to feed you junk food [Applause] [Music] so now let's look at this y'all said I could talk this morning and I'm almost rude let's look at this the common this is the common English Bible look at what the common English Bible says as Paul and his companions traveled through the cities they instructed Gentile believers or Oh to keep what the regulations put in place by the Apostles and elders in the grace does not allow you to be free from all regulation if you get grace right grace will make you submissive to the Word of God if you get grace right I submit but not out of fear I submit because I love him and Paul said the love of God constraineth us you got me twisted and you got all of a sanctified folk twisted if you think we're here in church because somebody's beating us up and a preacher is twisting our arms no you don't understand us we know who we are these people in this church they know who they are they're grown they can govern their own life they can walk out the door any time they want to they can go to the bar anytime they want to they can get high on drugs anytime they want to because they're grew good and grown and they can do what they want to do but because they love Jesus the love of God won't let me do it somebody look at your neighbor and say I love him too much to live any old kinda way I love him too much to wallow in disobedience I live in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wish somebody would tell me please I feel sorry for them great appetite here you wasting your sorry honey why you feeling sorry for happy people the joy of the Lord is our strength [Applause] they all systematize they go to church on Wednesday night and and they go to church every Sunday morning and and then some of them go back on Sunday night and and I think that's too much sin and I don't understand as the as the screen goes back to to continue to the Psalms 120 - I don't understand why they they they do all of that and why do they go to church and and then we're the in church all of that noise is just did you hear mother King just holler that I feel like that's too much it they don't take all of that go oh I didn't started her again they be copping their hands in and the preacher you know why did he get in the biking and and then why does he do all of that that's not necessary but but but the psalmist said in Psalm 122 and 4 when he talked about Israel and may I remind the Church of Jesus Christ and and every smart person in this room that Israel and when he also was calling my name [Applause] he didn't just call him and when he called my name [Applause] [Applause] shout it out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the law go back to verse 1 I gotta close everybody let's read that with me wait a minute I know you and that you mean well and you're beautiful but I just and I didn't prep you for it I want you to read it glad like it really is glad think about this service think about this morning and think about all future services this is how we're supposed to be and everybody greeted with enthusiasm and say well [Applause] [Applause] me for telling you you should be happy about what Jesus did in your life read verse 2 I read I feet shall stand within thy gates o Jerusalem or you want to read women go ahead official do what they go stand within that gates of Jerusalem Jerusalem is where the temple is y'all they go like me verse 3 Jerusalem is building as a city that is compact together everybody shout unity now what that means is whatever Jerusalem is in on that even the design of the city its compact its unified and that means his Faust y'all are gonna talk to me his compact and unified when we come to his house we should come unified now everybody don't get that so ask your neighbor why is you here excuse me violence thank you mother King we needed that to resonate say it one more time mother King why is your head to be gonna twist it yeah because because we go we don't let our minds focus and and when we're challenged if we're not careful the devil makes us angry and I don't want to dispel the spirit of anger I bind the spirit of division I say to each of us I respect your personality you're not me and I'm not you I get that I dance but I really can't dance but there's some folk up in here that really can dance who are good dancers here they've got that beautiful dance I'm not gonna make you dance right now but some of our members got beautiful dance and in Annapolis y'all know elder Kyle McKissack or Elkanah mckissick he got a built that boy I can dance sometimes when I had my knee surgery I called car down to dance for me healers gates with what coming to his courts with what that's what I'm trying to push in the atmosphere but in the context of your personality what I am insisting upon is that none of us have a right to come to God's house and be quiet now what I mean by being quiet don't tell your neighbor I bind the demon of our fence right now not if I tell it tell her you better tell him you better not get mad cuz I just heard you say I was glad y'all I said which one is she listen to me before you start tripping you may not holler as loud as I showered I get that I don't expect you to do that I'm professor I'm full of I'm crazy I'll just speak to shortcut I don't expect you to do like me I'm crazy but I do expect you to open your mouth let the redeemed of the Lord I'm getting ready to close I'm gonna get this out of my system I need three more minutes what why have song service if ain't nobody singing we can stay home what's wrong coming together we I'll be real today we got this fancy minister worship sitting over here he's produced with Fred Hammond true and I pay him a nice little buck too and I'm not hitting on that he's worth two bucks I'll pay him but why would I bring this man in why would he attached himself to this ministry and work on a ministry of worship and ain't nobody worship it that'll make sense that don't make sense can I finish we gonna sit here cool calm and I don't know how you can be cool calm and collected when Jesus died everybody took me somewhere in the service you need to unfold your arms side where side where side where but y'all help me tell your neighbor sob I am the service you ought to sit up straight and raise your hands to heaven and humble yourself before the God of heaven earth [Applause] [Applause] I'm getting I set out I want this to happen just for ten seconds I want every preach in this room get up on your feet and raise your hands until God thank you raise both hands this time God take your preacher you may be seated I put the pieces on the spot I gotta quit I'm not throwing shade I'm preaching direct I'm preaching in the sunlight where's the light I'm trying to hit everybody up in here y'all gonna get mad at you why did I ask the preacher sir Stan because I'm tired of preachers that don't did happy until they preach it [Applause] you want to get up and preach and let the house and you want everybody bucket and bread why are you preaching you sitting here crossing your arms looking at your watch like you're the inspection committee you better get up off of that you ain't no inspection committee God is the inspection committee he's sitting up on high he's watching how we worship him don't you get too proud to give God the glory he brought me out of the miry clay you're too deep when you can't tell God thank you to see you praise God you pray [Applause] watch yourself just saw it on Facebook I've told you all about it I don't have time to tell you the whole history there was a preacher who was real a proud proud preachers are dangerous I gotta say that I believe it all want me to say it y'all not mad with me as you arrogant preachers are dangerous I come against the demon of arrogance so this is one creature he thought he had it he was arrogant ones on Facebook other one I know about personally so you know what happened y'all ready he got up at the pulpit and got in front of the church with his big time self while he was standing there his pants dropped to his angles it's better to humble yourself before God by officials I know you were seen the right spear they already been praising God Deacon's you need to praise God and you do think and you need to be seen praising God you didn't hear me the other week y'all I wish y'all would give me a couple of seconds you didn't hear me the other week when I preached about Paul and Silas the reason you're not listening the reason the German got saved was because Paul and Silas praise God and they did it publicly how do you know how you know they did it probably I'm gonna taste enough they did it loud enough how you know they was loud cuz the Bible says the prisoners heard their oh I'm gonna put you on the spot you ain't praising God like you are to praise Him until they listen somebody else heard your praise look at your neighbor and say have I heard you this morning something came out your mouth this morning cuz you know what he woke you up this far he started y'all on your way getting ready to pray deacons I'm beating you up trust these I'm beating you up preachers I'm beating you up church officials I'm beating you up in the name of Jesus it is the law you must praise the Lord let everything that has breath you said Tom you said atmosphere you have not graduated from worship me don't matter how long you've been saying I come from the temple what other what that mean you know we wear that temple there's a badge of honor like I'm above somebody else the devil is alive I love my home Church we're going to celebrate it but some of us wear that there's a bypass on worship I know I'm preaching right now see if I got a message I need to see my my officers clap your hands that's y'all y'all y'all been fine so I'm saying everybody up here I'm not so y'all ready I'm not throwing off on these men these men are worshipers this man 90 years old he can do whatever he want to do so let me just get that out to atmosphere he worshiping God just for showing up let me dispel that before you get started but I am saying all our officers clap your rusty open your big mouth you're talking about everything else so talk about the goodness of cheese and let somebody hear the Bible says the humble shall hear they are and be made glad they can't hear nothin if ain't nobody saying nothing we need a little testimony and meeting back in the church I need three more minutes I'm sorry somebody say get their prey by match this no more I thank God for the praise things but there's a piece we've lost and I said this last week elder let's keep the priests teams but the praise team keep the CCM coming back there I got to do it quick keep the CCM I think this is where I lost them last weekend they got mad with me don't post on Facebook just come talk to you ain't got to do that I'm not gonna beat you up you might teach me something come talk to me but don't Twitter in facebook I'm not throwing shade I'm standing in the sunlight it's childish and immature to to raise your some of y'all throw off on your own family that's crazy call your momma up and talk to her call your brother I'm covering a lot of ground what's wrong with you on Facebook it's because you're an exhibitionist and you want attention and you're not mature enough to sit down you're a coward you're not man and woman enough to sit down and talk to somebody so you hide behind the keyboard I'm preaching right now I'm trying to stop that's silly everybody say that's silly tell your neighbor you can talk to me come now let us reason together we can talk so we need a little praise service we'll figure out how to do it we stopped it because some of us didn't know how to testify you went off to the supermarket and grocery store and we did we don't wanna hear about that this tell us real quick about what the Lord did in your life those songs that I just rose to tell you you're minutes aren't what the good Lord doc it's telling us sit down but now the praise team you gotta be careful it's not good when the praise team is up you're singing by themselves the praise team is desired that now this is me help me I played the praise team is not to cry cry is not to praise theme choir seems a specialized music praise team that's how y'all sold weed so this morning you're supposed to sing participatory worship right so now sing the songs then enjoy all the CCM but I'm gonna tell y'all something else let me look real good I got a white spot but I'm primarily a black man I don't want to get lost here two things have happened lord help me quick two things y'all go stick with me for another moment two things this is important two things the priest part four if I do this now two things happen Apostolic Pentecostals have been deceived into being ashamed of who they are that's part of our issue I'm not hiding it no more let me tell everybody this morning I'm apostolic in Pentecost I love my presbyterian brothers I love my Church of God and Christ brothers my cylinders of God brother I love them all I have no heaven or hell to put anybody in I'm trying to make heaven myself but I do know that God has given us a particular revelation he has made us I believe and I know it's a big statement to me I believe the Apostolic Church we have a sacred charge from God as the custodians of the name of Jesus it's our job to tell the world that God has given him a name that is above every other name I'm not camouflaging it I'm apostolic I believe in the name of chief I believe in the blood of Jesus what about it Pentecostal I speak in other tongues there's a spirit guitar and I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ [Applause] with that art is how the churches intimidate us but dabble as a liar leave us and we drink the kool-aid and get with them what's wrong with us and I know our fathers haven't done everything right but here's where we make the mistake we threw the baby out with the bathwater we got to learn how to filter out the little bad stuff because most of what they told us was good oh they went overboard wouldn't let us dress up and look nice and put our earrings on that was too much couldn't go to the movies that was too much but you gotta balance it out you go to the movies but you don't go to the x-rated movie nothing liking me today huh it's a balanced life isn't it I gotta quit apostolic Pentecostal last thing I say this is where I really got in trouble but I'm gonna get in trouble again I'm in the zone that I don't care I just believe God got in the back why do why do black church people want to get rid of all the black church songs now you ain't gonna like that you're gonna get real quiet it's all right what's wrong with us now I like CCM that's fine but what's wrong with your mama's sound I love CCM but my roots have cool in it so I'm fine with the cesium for a while I love that I like it I love it I get it it's good don't get mad this one I get it it's good keep singing it but somewhere in the service I mean cuz that's in my DNA and that's my unique contribution to the realm of worship and if we take all of that and wipe it off the scene we're going to deprive the body of Christ of its richness and of its diversity God the church in Jerusalem was a Church of every Creed and every nation I get concerned when we celebrate diversity but one creed in nation gets wiped out I'm through god bless you we'll see if I have members next week enough I'm gonna get on my jet plane I'm coming back Wednesday and I'll see if I still have a church well I love you to pieces I love you enough to tell you the truth I get on my plane and my spirit is free because this morning I have declared unto you the whole counsel of God let's stand we gotta go I don't I don't want the altar workers if you want to be saved come on real quick parents don't send your children this morning unless they're coming to get saved don't send them this one let's they're coming to get baptized to get the Holy Ghost past that's gone over time and I'm trying to be considerate of the Saints right now just one full suite if you apostolic say I'm apostolic that doesn't mean you look down on nobody if this means it acknowledges a persuasion of belief I have if you're Pentecostal say I'm Pentecostal doesn't mean I look down my nose at anybody it just means I believe in the baptism of the holy spirit and we believe people should have it that's all we don't have that self righteous fear we don't disrespect our other brothers and sisters and my preaching with balance God loves the whole world he doesn't God doesn't just love apostolic Pentecostal he loves everybody and that's why I go to other churches in Minister that's why I allow them to come here and minister but I still believe in what I believe in alright well I'm through ask your neighbor do you feel like you went to church this morning I give all my worship to you we get many prey I give all my worship to you whatever the cost whatever the cause what's here others do I give all my worship to you this one more time that's so easy they said one more time you're talking to Jesus not me I keep all my worship to you I give all my wish whatever the cost whatever the cost whatare others do what here others do I give all my worship may I ask you a question and I won't have to ask it if everybody comes down preachers question themselves Paul Paul instructed preachers and Saints to speak the truth in love and so on I want to walk out this pulpit right today it matters to me how I address you it matters to me how you receive what I say it's important to me did I say what I said with the right tone and love all right I want to be sure so one more time whatever the cause tell Jesus that whatever others do whatever others do I give all that worship I give all I worship whoever will let you lay a hand on them lay your hand on them I want to pray for you this morning those hands that are laid are extensions of my hand in your hearts into prayer my way because I need prayer too but this morning I'm praying as your Shepherd if I'm not your Shepherd I'm praying as your Minister for today we've attempted to do Lord what you would have us do your people who have given their sent by their a man and and their remaining presence that we give regard to what you've spoken this morning in this afternoon in this brief prayer lord I ask that you would empower us today hallelujah empower us empower us today in this room empower us cover us with your blood ma ma ma ma ma see you in the name of Jesus he Kaabah oh oh I need your anointing Harris I need your anointing Jesus Jesus every town sin healing around the road blessings Lord their servants of you you sinister are the world perfects your testimony in US your worship in us when we come in this room let us worship you and when were out in the streets let us worship you get the glory out of our life and may we always do it in love now cover us with your blood till we meet again father I want to ask you to do one more thing make great Apostolic Faith temple a better Church give us that consistency give us that faithfulness and above all give us your love now be with us till we meet again in Jesus name Amen tell somebody you love of the day [Music]
Channel: GreaterAFT
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Length: 109min 51sec (6591 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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