Sunday, May 2, 2021

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[Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you hallelujah the name of our risen savior hallelujah thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you for loving me can you lift that up in this place this morning thank you for loving me thank you for loving me when i didn't love myself thank you for loving me i thank you jesus we bless your name we bless your name god we bless you this morning there is no one there is nothing no one can compare to you thank you for arriving right on time to save me from myself and to save me from my sin this morning we've come to give your name the glory because you're more than worthy because you're deserving of it all we love you and we thank you god have your way in this place throw your weight around do what you want to do and i'm praying father god that even beyond these walls that a sound on the sidewalk will be heard that a sound in this city will be heard father god i pray father god that a sound of worship and praise will be heard around this city i pray father god that you will shake us this morning father god that you will reshape us this morning god do what you want to do and we will say thank you we love you we honor you thank you for loving me thank you for loving me when i didn't love myself thank you for keeping me thank you for keeping me when i was lost because of myself thank you for being a rescuer when i put myself in situations thank you for rescuing me thank you for being my refuge and thank you for being my help thank you for being my god thank you for being my strength we thank you for the work of the cross the finished work of calvary and we give your name the glory in jesus name amen come on zion one more time can you open up your mouth let the redeemed of the lord let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so christ arrives right on time to make this happen he did it and doesn't wait for us to get ready he presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready and even if we hadn't been so weak we wouldn't have known what to do anyway we can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice but god put his love on the line for us by offering his son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatsoever to him while we were yet sinners christ died for us so can you put those hands together put those hands together we come to give him praise we have a reason to dance that we might become his righteousness his party was broken for our transgressions but i'm so bad that's not where the story is hallelujah [Music] he paid me a reason he paid me a reason today this is the gospel of our jesus his body was [Music] can we do that again is one more time hallelujah hallelujah gave me a reason to dance he gave me a reason to dance hallelujah gave me a reason he he when the sun sets free is free indeed warnings here and i'm grateful now can you sing it with us is glory give the glory give my glory give my glory in the glory because this rose because he rose with power power he's alive he is is can you raise your hands and say gave me a reason two days hallelujah gave me a reason to dance you sing [Music] he gave me he gave me a reason gave me one more time [Music] one more time [Music] hallelujah dancing out of my grave glow when the sun sets free it's freeing morning hearing i'm grateful for the savior god up in victories this morning to the savior who lives to the savior who reigns oh death where is your sting oh great where is your victory come on our god lives our god reigns our god is all powerful there is none like him anywhere somebody lift up your sound of worship to him come on and bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me you gave us a reason to dance yes you did it's bigger than you healing my body it's bigger than you restoring my mind yes it is it's bigger than you making ways out of no ways yes it is it's bigger than you holding my family together it's so much bigger i'm not rejoicing today just because of the houses i'm not rejoicing just because of the land i'm not rejoicing because of his hand but i'm rejoicing because my salvation has been secured hey you gave me a reason when i was a sinner you died for the ungodly you gave me a reason i was on the outside of everlasting life but you brought us in you gave me a reason one man brought sin into the world but this man jesus redeemed us from sin you gave me a reason to dance i said you gave me a reason to dance that's why i praise you that's why i worship you that's why i rejoice that's why i lifted my hands you are the reason i said you are the reason yes lord yes lord somebody just worship him somebody just worship him that the redeemed of the lord whom he has redeemed from the head of the enemy we worship you this morning thank you lord what i love about you jesus is that if it was just for me you would have done it yeah somebody just lift up your hands all over this room and i don't want you to need any coaching in this moment just think about the love of the father for you think about the love of the father for you and if you were the only one who said yes [Music] if you were the only one who said yes he still would have done it you were the joy that was set before him so we worship you lord [Music] what does the cross [Music] so much more than the [Music] [Music] and the bloody shed won't let my sin remain [Music] upon [Music] showed us love that this world had never known so much so that we might live love came and died alone listen yes the cross will all represent the love god has for me when the lord of glory heaven said [Music] just for me jesus came and did it just for me help me worship where the cross is yes for me oh yes just say just for me just jesus came you laid it down and took it off again just for me and you [Music] yes on the ground jesus came did the love god had for me [Music] when the lord he did it just [Music] may we never lose our wonder as we look back at the sacrifice of our lord may it never become mundane [Music] just a ritual and ceremony with symbols that we forget to digest and communicate this is my body this is my blood remember me remember me when you do these things when you come to the table so father in this moment we acknowledge what you did we acknowledge what you're doing and what you will do that our salvation was not purchased with the blood of bullocks and rams [Music] but our salvation was purchased with the blood of the sacrificial lamb yeshua yeshua hamashiach jesus the christ and you were crucified you were buried and in three days you got up [Music] and you did it you did it for me you take a moment to align yourself with this moment and in a moment of silent prayer that you would release forgiveness that you would be postured to receive it and that you will give grace so that you will be a recipient of it that we rightly discern the lord's table [Music] so [Music] jesus [Music] strength [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] is oh one day [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] thank you for the blood hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus [Music] thank you for the sacrifice [Music] thank you cheers [Music] oh god thank you lord jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you how to reach [Music] jesus gave the king [Music] [Laughter] lift him up till he speaks from [Music] lift him up until he speaks from eternity because don't you know the sacrifice of the lord was accomplished outside of time and dropped into time hallelujah so he said it over 2000 years ago but when you lift him up he speaks from eternity he said it by if i lift it up from the earth [Music] and he sat down with the twill hallelujah and he took bread and taking bread at a feast and taking bread at a supper table was not anything unusual but this time he took it and he blessed it then he broke it and said take eat because i want you to realize that this is my body which is broken for for you then he took the cup of wine and he says the contents of this cup is the blood of the new covenant now in order to appreciate the new you got to understand the old under the old you did the crime you do the time under the old you're seeing your punishment hallelujah you're seeing your death under this new covenant you sinned he took the punishment maybe people don't realize why we run and dance like we do but because my sins were higher than the mountain [Music] it was a debt that i could have never paid hallelujah it's a dead i could have never consolidated oh i was barabbas hallelujah it should have been me it was me but he stepped in the room and said this is the blood of the new covenant this is my blood that no matter what is in your bloodline my blood trumps it hallelujah drink ye all of it but we give you praise hallelujah oh we give you praise just stand right where you are just give him praise [Music] give it praise hallelujah hallelujah let us sing to him together let's give the lord total praise this morning lord lord i will live [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] god ah amen [Applause] hallelujah give him total praise come on come on give him total praise hallelujah oh hallelujah come on let's see it again you are you [Music] are if you gotta sing it you gotta lift your hands and do it i lift my hands why do we give him total praise because he deserves it we give him total praise because he's worthy of it hallelujah angels stop before him heaven and earth adore him what a mighty god we serve hallelujah [Music] amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord we serve a mighty god i said we serve a mighty god my lord you ought to come in agreement with somebody on your own tell him he's a mighty god who wouldn't serve a god like this hallelujah who wouldn't serve a god like he's consistent in all his ways he's a good god and he's consistently good because god is good all the time look at somebody tell them especially right now the lord is blessing me right now right now you know we always look back at the old days and call it good days but i'm looking at my right down i'm declaring that i'm standing in a good day hallelujah this is a day that's full of potential this is a day full of miracles somebody speak in your section tell them supernatural happenings over here anything can happen over here over here over here all you need is the right atmosphere i said all you need is the right atmosphere all you got to have is the right agreement come on tell the people of your road tell them come in agreement with me [Applause] anything can happen my prayer is today will be your day of a supernatural turnaround my prayer is that today will be your day of answer prayer my prayer is that today will be your day of things turning around my prayer is that today will be your day when you will be able to say this is the service that god healed my body this is the service god delivered me from depression this is the service god snatched anxiety off of me because of the cross because of the gross he said three words that settled your account he declared three words that settled your situation it is i want you to know that i'm walking out the darkness of god i said i'm walking out the darkness of god my lord amen you won't be seated in the presence of the lord amen oh thank you lord thank you lord i said i'm walking out the doneness of god did i tell you he accomplished it in eternity hallelujah don't you know there are laws that are set in place that god himself established there are laws he uh set in place that governs the earth realm like the law of gravity god set it in place it means you can only go for so far before gravity pulls you back down it's a law that's established glory be to god hallelujah no matter what's up here it don't have access because of the law that is established so in order for something to leave the atmosphere in what you that that it's in that law must be broken with additional assistance [Music] a rocket can't go without thrust in other words something in the earth realm must come in agreement with something that's above it my god and i want you to know that what god has for you is hanging in the realm of eternity but he's waiting for somebody in the earth realm now maybe for some of you it's going to take two generations before it happens but i believe i got at least 50 people in this room they said lord let it happen now i come in agreement i come in agreement i quote let it happen now i told you i'm conquering battles that my children will never have to fight i'll tell you i'm slaying giants that another generation of my family will never have to face somebody shall let it happen now [Music] another giant just came down just conquered him just just jumped over another hurdle just push past another limitation tell somebody and another one will y'all help them help them somebody clap your hands and another one angela kelley and another one [Applause] i believe god is bringing us into a season where we gonna conquer one giant after the other i believe our family members are gonna be saved and you're gonna be able to testify and another one [Music] this is sunday morning [Music] not do it now uh we serve an able dog so somebody take 30 seconds and freeze off the potential of gold you better jump in this [Music] [Music] oh easy i don't know what you're facing this morning somebody needs to hear it he's able your situation does not intimidate god i say your situation does not intimidate god is there anything too hard for god we don't have time to have testimony service but i want you to share this with somebody tell them i'm not dancing just to be dancing tell them i got history with god oh i got history and if he did it before he'll do it again me and god got history [Music] [Applause] now so somebody's faith has been under trial some of this faith has been in the midst of challenges somebody's faith has been under pressure so i just want to remind you just in case you hanging in the balance now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundance above all we could ascertain he's able i almost gave up i was right at the edge of a breakthrough and couldn't see it the devil really had me jesus came and grabbed me i was right at the edge of a breakthrough but i couldn't see it the devil really had me my jesus came and grabbed me the devil really had me right here but jesus came and grabbed it on the ground i really had but jesus had suicidal thoughts together almost messed up my future almost messed up my destiny begin to make me question my problem but you greeks begin to wrap around me but jesus jesus jesus so i would thank you so much if you all will be seated for a second we'll try to move on with the service some of you are visiting with us for the first time i pray that whoever invited you prepared you what kind of service this was gonna be without going into details of your life just look at somebody just tell them almost [Music] you see my marriage but the reason why i praise god like i do because god delivered us from some moments that almost some of you are dancing and shouting glory be to god hallelujah but you went through some seasons of sickness in this last season where uh almost [Music] some of you depression and grief and anxiety had wrapped around you so tight that you see me in church and you you think i'm a spiritual fanatic but you don't know how many times because of storms the devil tried to make me question everything i believe made me begin to question the bible make me question the church [Music] but then david said my foot almost slipped i'm sorry [Music] my foot [Music] almost kelly sometimes i gotta praise god for the moments that i know about i would have faded i believe to see something good come out of this it's still alive in me after everything i've been through it's still alive in me it's still alive in me after all of my mistakes it's still alive in me out of all my setbacks disappointments is still alive in me it's still alive [Music] amen thank y'all so much amen thank you so much [Music] [Applause] everybody don't know all that happened right in here but you do [Music] [Music] so every time you would come to church and sit and fold your arms somebody near you just need to go like this [Music] because there's some of you in this room if god would have stepped in when he did that would be a tombstone with your birth and your death on it i want everybody if you will just lay hands on your chest i don't want you to look at your neighbor if you have a relationship with god i don't want you to scream it out loud just speak right there just whisper and just say thank you for not leaving [Music] me thank you through all the changes to all the seasons thank you for not leaving me [Music] you could have let me drown [Music] but instead you pull me in you could have gave me over to the consequences of my bad decisions thank you [Music] thank you for not leaving me [Music] because i'm not abandoned i'm not forsaken [Music] [Music] oh goodness all my life you have been so so good [Music] of the goodness [Music] oh [Music] [Music] good i love you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i love your voice i've known you as a father [Music] let's sing it together as a church [Music] so so good i am [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and i will see of the goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on lift up your voice [Applause] [Music] with my life with my life laid down [Applause] thank you for your faithfulness thank you jesus thank you for your faithfulness [Music] you know we make a lot of noise for a lot of things a lot of people who have short-lived victories [Music] but i want you to take a moment and clap your hands for the one that has victory every time perpetual victory perpetual and as we praise and we acknowledge thanks be to god who given us that same victory through jesus christ our lord i would like to take this moment as the senior pastor of this church i get to do this one sunday a month to stand right after the beginning of the service to welcome you to our worship experience not only to you that are here in the sanctuary but also to you that are watching online i want you to take a moment because someone needs to hear this message someone needs to hear this word someone needs to feel this atmosphere and i want you to just share this on your social media page be evangelistic today and share this that somebody will be impacted and experienced a life transforming a moment in the presence of the lord how many of y'all know it's the presence of the lord that changes us not that we don't we don't invite this is the lord's house we don't invite him in and then tell him to get on our agenda we come in here and says have your way lord have your way and i want you to know i know a sermon hasn't been preached but what god can do he doesn't need a preacher to do it i want you to know in the midst of this atmosphere someone has already been healed in the midst of this atmosphere someone has already been delivered i dare you as to as the intercessor was praying this morning and he's he i think was minister xavier and he says lord fix it that people will be able to go to the bathroom and begin to reach for the place where there was a lump reach for the place where there was a pain reach for the place i want you to know as you're reaching you're not going to find it i said as you're reaching you're not going to find it that's just the kind of faith i have in this atmosphere i need to know do i have somebody in here that can believe with me right now that miracles are taking place supernatural happenings or taking place in the presence of the lord enoch i'm telling you we all may we all may get translated today i'll tell you thank you lord hallelujah he'll always get the glory he'll always get the glory hallelujah you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory ain't that something what you thought was a bad thing that happened actually just pushed you in the direction of god don't you realize what you thought was the worst thing that could have ever happened to you just pushed you into the direction of god because some of you were in places in your life that you would have never moved you would have never shifted and god used to storm i dare you to take a moment and praise god for the storm a whole lot of stuff shifted but he kept me alive [Music] all right a lot of things change but he kept me alive [Applause] [Music] you know why he kept you alive jalisa because there's more [Music] kim don't you do it we ain't no we ain't on the treadmill today don't do it hey man all right we're gonna we're gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] the storm was your friend [Applause] [Music] i said the storm was your friend you mislabeled it god sent the stone that's why you couldn't die in it it wasn't a wind to blow against you it was a win to blow for you [Applause] the hospital visit the disappointment [Music] the storm was your friend [Music] well y'all go ahead and give him 30 seconds crosstalk look at somebody tell them the storm was your friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i know some of you been fighting a storm but the storm ain't gonna pass until it finishes and some of you coming out of it so you can say oh hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you know people's story it makes you feel different when you see them dance because you understand they had other options but when you got a revelation you know the story [Music] here we go just in case you're wondering what this preacher is selling i'ma go ahead and pull it out of the bag i'm selling hope this morning i'm selling hope i'm trying to sell you the fact that it won't be like this always i'm trying to sell you on the back that that there's a potential that you can lay down tonight and get up in the morning and everything changed it won't be long from now the zombie said it like this but in his anger it's for a moment but in his favor is life we've been made and do it for a night but joy will do we've been made but joy will it won't be known for now [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah oh [Applause] uh [Applause] yes oh hey bless him bless the lord hey oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my [Applause] y'all [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] [Music] if there's a healing you need physically psychologically emotionally spiritually just lift up your hands and receive it right now just receive it right now it's the children's bread it's the children's bread lord we receive glory receive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] birthday [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop stop looking for another come to me saith the lord come to me i am the one i am the one that giveth you life come to me saith the lord don't look nowhere else don't look don't look come to me said the lord come to me i am the one that healeth thee i am the one that has your deliverance come to me come to me saith the lord come on [Music] oh [Music] my let today be the end of your searching all you need is in him let today be the end of your running [Music] all you need is [Music] you are my hero [Music] everyone in this room if you just lift up your hands and let your worship to the atmosphere that we will lift up one sound to our god wherever you are in this sanctuary wherever you are online you just lift up a worship [Music] tomorrow [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] father we thank you we thank you today in this atmosphere [Music] what we have received what we've heard what we've witnessed lord i thank you that our lives are forever changed when we come into your presence for in your presence is fullness it's the fullness of joy and at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore [Music] lord we thank you in this moment and we declare that in you life the fullness of the godhead bodily and we are complete in you so we thank you in our lord that we declare that there's nothing missing in us nothing is lacking in us completely completely made hole in your presence you jesus one more time just clap your hands and give god praise all over this place oh no come on clap your hands and give give praise to almighty god oh my god i will not compete with the holy ghost thank you lord thank you jesus the lord do his work we're so blessed uh to have people home today um i looked out in the audience to see brandon and uh jalisa today we all welcome them home wave your hands so people know love you so much if you've just joined the church in the last year you may not know jaleesa but jaleesa at one time was a driving engine in this church and uh and brandon came and got her and they took off and came back as a family and it's just such a blessing to have you in service with us today one one sunday we were in service the lord gave me a word for a young lady that's a daughter to me crystal barn and the lord told me that she was going to get her doctorate and and she's here today and she's at the altar and she's almost there [Music] do many dangerous toys and snares and challenges so i'm thankful for her being home today and [Music] and so today also elder kelly our full-time missionary uh is here amen she's our bishop to guatemala nepal india buffalo new york amen and uh we're thankful for her for the work that god is using her to do around the world but starting tomorrow uh kelly along with with her team they are doing a walk for freedom and this is for modern day slaves many of you know and if you don't know one of the largest underground industries that are that is in the rank of politicians to the people in your neighborhood are the industry of sex trafficking and the lord has blessed for us to open up a facility in buffalo new york amen amen and so to raise funds and awareness they start tomorrow walking and buffalo walking in appomattox virginia historically it's the place where our country came back together at the end of the civil war and they're gonna walk from appomattox and every day they're gonna be walking for so many miles until they get to new york and amen and we're gonna pray for them we're gonna stand with them as a matter of fact i'm gonna ask kelly and those who are walking with her if they will come up on the platform at this time let's give them a big god bless you as they come oh come on they walking all the way [Applause] wow max you walk into all right thank y'all so thank y'all i like your t-shirts thank you hey man y'all alicia's got your communion black and white t-shirts all right [Music] my prayer is that as you all walk and as you're walking as a symbol of those people who have been in bondage my prayer there is that as you walk you'll walk out of some things too this this walk is not just free them it's free them and my prayer is that as you walk that god will anoint you he'll grace you the grave clothes will come off of you and to god to give you strategy and innovation for the next season of your life as a matter of fact there's some of you standing right here right now you've already overcome some of your own bondages and if it wasn't for god you wouldn't be standing in this moment you know you know the secret battles i believe that's why you have such a burden for this moment because there were moments in your life where you felt unseen [Music] just like some of these young women who were in in broad daylight but trapped even some of you were even working behind the desk in broad daylight but trapped being strong for everybody else but their their expectation of you kept you trapped and how would they handle me if they found out that i wasn't as perfect as they need me to be free them oh god so today lord as they walk your word says in joshua chapter 1 everywhere their feet shall tread you'll give it to them as a possession so i anoint their head today even as the oil went on the head of aaron and went down through his beard as i anoint their head today lord i anoint their families and lord i ask you to let this be a moment that speaks to generations as they make their first step on this journey let this be a defining moment that breaks generational curses as they make every step of faith lord today as they walk in obedience and walk in faith i ask you by your spirit to cause them to face their own giants give them victory in every place they ever failed things they never wanted to address again as they walk hallelujah as as they walk one foot in front of the other anoint their steps for your word says the steps of a good man or woman are ordered by the lord as we enter into appomattox we come against any warfare any warfare in the region hallelujah i'm asking you the lord to keep their bodies healed keep their feet and their legs strong cover them mentally and emotionally and when they get tired give them a second win use some man and use some woman to come by the left or the right side of him to speak a word of encouragement lord let someone look on the television and read the article let someone see them walking down the road and let their lives be impacted [Music] and i thank you lord even as you raised up harriet [Music] to bring people from the bondage of the south to the freedom of the north that same anointing that you put on her put it on them different administration same assignment hallelujah different generation same assignment as they walk through these states i'm ask you to uncover these underground rings lord we're not walking just to walk but we're walking in the power of the holy ghost as they walk through cities uncovered whatever young woman whatever young man that's trapped in a basement uncovered out of the vocal shop hey to every young woman and every young man that's trapped in a trailer uncovered let that catch up we speak to every politician every police officer that's connected uncover shepherd dead animal quote right now as we pray i'll ask you as you did in the bible sin angels sin angels lord they prayed in peter's house they prayed and rode his house and you sent angels to get peter out and i'm asking you in the name of jesus you said we have not cause we ask not send warrior angels that can walk through walls send warrior angels that can break chains send warrior angels so as they won't let them walk as prophets let them walk as intercessors let them walk as warriors give them the anointing of shamma that one of them can take down an army give them the anointing of shamble that they would defend the harvest in the name of jesus [Music] but not their hands and their feet oh glory be to god hallelujah and as they walk let their feet sign contracts in the holy ghost coming in agreement with the heavenly realm [Music] that your kingdom will come and your will will be done in earth as it is in heaven so shall it is spoken and it is so come on clap your hands and praise the lord i love y'all come on let's thank god for [Music] i'ma tell you some of you will not really know what took place in this service until you get home you know how we always say you'll get it when you get home i'm not trying to impress you with intellectualism i'm telling you there are some things that have happened in the spirit and until you get to work on monday you won't realize testimonies coming hallelujah i'm not telling you testimonies of pending testimonies have already taken [Music] place we're going to hallelujah we're going to uh we're going to give i'm getting ready to dismiss service thank you hallelujah thank you baby i'm gonna ask all the tithers if you will stand you that are this is your sunday to time we're gonna tithe together today just in case you don't uh if this is your first time in church and you don't understand what tithing is tithing is when we give uh the first 10 of what god blesses us and to to make it work and um and and to be in some of you some of you it may not even be your week to tithe but when we tithe at our church nobody bullies us to time no we don't we don't sell we don't sell no empty promises all god's promises are full amen he says i'll rebuke the devourer for your sake and i'm i'm blessed to be able to tithe because my desire is one day i'll be i'll be able to live off of 10 and i'll be able to give 90 to missions and to the ministry hallelujah thank you jesus because my ten percent will be enough hallelujah if this is your week the title i want you to hold your tithe enough whether you give it on your smart device or an envelope come on say this with me today we place our tithe in our right hand as a sign that we're giving god what's right and not what's left my tithe is a symbol of my trust in god knowing he can do more with the tenth than i can do with the 90th my tithe is given not to keep me away from my curse but my tithe is given so i can please god if you're giving an offer today stand with the tithers with you whether you're given a thousand dollars or whether you're giving one dollar don't ever be ashamed of your offering because your offering is between you and your relationship with god repeat after me so i have because i give see i give because i have and because of that my faith tells me i will never never ever ever be broke another day in my life come on give him a shout out praise hallelujah you all be seated if you're given a tangible offering the ushers will take that offering right now at the back uh you'll see deacons at the door thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus right now brother max one day you're gonna have to testify about how god started in march and never stopped [Music] how many how many experienced when the word of the lord came he was going to open up some divine doors in march how many it happened for you in march but you know where that thing is still rolling in the holy ghost it started in march it started in march and i'm so thankful i am so thankful i we before we leave we do have a few announcements uh who do you all come and do now let's thank god for pastor west gate and pastor marvin said [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you praise the lord everyone thank god for the experience of church this morning amen it's uh something that we come not to just get through but to experience while we're here amen uh thank god for our bishop chante younger [Music] [Applause] and our executive pastor pastor marvin saint mccary the leadership of this house our elders [Applause] [Music] it is so good to be with you okay first things first i want to get to before i forget next saturday somebody say next saturday may 8th we are hosting a joint community clothing giveaway right here at the ramp church international out in the parking lot from 9 00 a.m to 12 p.m i say it's a joint giveaway because uh ram church international is teaming up with lin kag lynchburg community action group they do um our family and children's services and they are part of our rci building back in the back so next saturday it's children's clothing only children's clothing and it's a giveaway somebody said giveaway we're giving it away uh out here in the parking lot and if you have any questions you can see sister rules sitting right over here or you have something no you're just waving it she's sitting right over here or sister morgan wherever she is at out there in the world so next saturday may 8th 9-12 in the parking lot we're giving away children's clothes can somebody say amen now um right now we're gonna have elder claude come because i have he has some information that he is going to share with you about some papers yes praise the lord everybody um so we announced last week bishop announced last week that we are in the process of uh building our ramp prayer garden amen and uh amen there may be a graphic for it but god has blessed us tremendously in the gift of one man and one company the solid rock masonry company um brother harrison is back here and his wife and so they have partnered with us and they have blessed us tremendously with wiping out about half of that cost right and so now we have an opportunity to partner um the scripture says he'll give seed to the sower and i believe he also gives strategy and so he's given us a strategy it's our memorial papers we'll be over here in our exit foyer once service is over today for those of you who've already begun the conversation about that the pavers you will have the opportunity to engrave something on those pavers either a small one or a large one and we do have an opportunity for the benches as well we have a few benches that are available so please meet the team and i over here in the foyer immediately following we'll give you the prices and all of that to our online audience we have a lot of ramp folks who were there represented and they will text us all the time right now you can just say hey i want a paper i need the information someone from our ramp found family will get your information and they'll pass it along and we'll contact you in the coming days amen thanks a lot this thing is going to look amazing i promise you i've seen some of the designs and i know the man doing it this thing is going to look incredible i am so excited about it um so we have some first-time guests in the house and before we leave we want to make them feel welcome amen so if when i call your name holler at me or wave your hand just let us know where you're at first of all eugene and jackie thompson all the way from freeport bahamas there they are all i could say eugene is take me with you go get me out of here what's that oh it's keto's parents so good i did not know that they probably wrote it on here bishop nope they didn't okay i'm innocent lorraine pittman from rocky mountain north carolina i see you larae lakeisha lewis all the way from richmond virginia bless you kimberly rogers from danville where somewhere oh they're pointing they're helping me see how they're oh there's right in front of me i love how everybody it's a joint effort i announced the name and they all say last but not least crystal perry from greensboro north carolina one more time a big round of applause for all our first time guests we're so thankful to have you with us bishop no okay thank you pastor thank you all for joining us um there's a couple here that was a blessing to us i don't know i think that's them uh that helped with the sanitation of the church we are you all here somewhere i thought i saw uh saw a couple here well anyway we we've had we had a company that came in they donated that time from north carolina and they did a whole sanitation of the church for free [Applause] yeah so i'm gonna make sure we get their names and put it out put it out there so if we got any business owners here they just you know during this covet season going in doing deep cleaning and and some special sanitation you know all i see is fog and stuff i don't know what's in it but i know what's in the glory though i know it's in the glory if you're watching us online and you need prayer there is a prayer line right now that goes up and it's on a whole hour after service where some of our intercessors are on the line where they're willing to take the phone call and pray with you live now when we end the service today now this is what we do when we go offline we take time and pray with people at the altar if you need prayer and uh because we don't believe that that's something that needs to be uh put on as a show all right so if you need one-on-one prayer we have people here that's willing to pray with you and if if you're not sure whether you're saved you can keep you can be sure today [Music] we will pray with you because maybe somebody told you you got to get right before you get saved you can never get right to get saved maybe somebody told you you need to straighten yourself out before you get saved you can't straighten yourself out if you could get yourself right jesus would have never had to come we grew up in church singing it and i understand it and i want you to be clear i believe in holy living and i believe in right living but we grow we used to sing if you live right heaven belongs to you but can i tell you something you can't live right enough to obtain heaven you really came because for generations people tried to keep laws and rules to gain salvation and it still took jesus now i want y'all to take a moment i know some of y'all got to look tight when i said you can't live right enough but if you think about it in your own life every time you come on every time you look like you're doing good there's one blemish there there's one error there and if anybody praise god you ought to praise god that your salvation is in him oh come on you ought to praise him because you can be right for heaven today let me tell you something we have behind this curtain where it says jesus that's a pool full of water and maybe some of you come from churches where you got to sign up to be baptized i want you to know here the water is always ready when you didn't bring any clothes we got you covered because baptism is important maybe you were baptized as a child and you had no idea what you were doing but today you want to make a conscious decision to be baptized in the name of the lord jesus we will baptize you today [Music] now you saw something happen around here today where some people were overtaken overwhelmed and another language came forth out of their mouth you've heard about it they call it speaking in tongues maybe you've never experienced the baptism of the holy ghost and no one got to push you down in the floor it's a gift hallelujah and we're coming up on pentecost i'm trying to learn how to talk about it normal y'all y'all ought to give me a little credit [Music] but somebody will pray with you at this altar today if you says listen i felt the spirit on me now i want to experience the spirit on the inside of me somebody will pray with you maybe if you feel like you're you've been good because you're not a part of a church but today you realize that no matter what has happened in the past you need to be a part of a church you need a church family you need a pastor and if the lord is leading you to be a part of this church we'll take you at this altar today there's a special anointing in this room stand on your feet with me all over this place [Music] it's so good to see keto's parents because i have been praying for uh sister thompson and it's a blessing oh come on come on up here we all i want to see you come on y'all come on down here thompson's clap your hands for him as they come [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just want y'all to see uh the hand of the lord we got a phone call but she was in the hospital in the bahamas some months ago but i just want y'all to look at answered prayer [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i said i want y'all to look an answer prayer there's nothing too hard for god walk in the light beautiful light let's sing it together jesus the light of the world i want you know i love y'all so much and i think i'm like pastor westgate i might get on the plane with y'all go back all right come on walk into life [Music] beautiful [Music] up shine all around us one more time all beautiful life [Music] [Applause] please around she if you are visiting us today at the end of the service right in that lobby we have a gift for you it's a free gift we want you to go receive it father hallelujah i thank you for what our eyes have seen in our ears have heard we thank you that we're forever changed since transformed when we come into your presence we thank you for the lives that are being saved and the people who are being delivered and healed and set free father god in jesus name stretch out your hand even the more now for those who will come to this altar to receive what you have for us we give you praise for all things in jesus name amen amen if you need prayer the altar is open chilly
Channel: Ramp Church Intl
Views: 9,668
Rating: 4.9340658 out of 5
Id: ovSBg8Z2qYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 13sec (7753 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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