Sunday Evening Bible Study - September 5, 2021

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you're worthy [Music] woke up this morning with i [Music] i am singing and praying with [Music] jesus and it is i'm walking and talking with my mind and it is [Applause] this day [Music] this morning jesus singing and hallelujah singing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] welcome to this evening bible class maybe pray oh hearing father we come to you at this time thank you for your many wonderful blessings thank you for allowing us to uh come tonight on tonight to study another portion of your word oh heavenly father or even father we just ask you to forgive us of our sins rather than by real thoughts of deed oh heaven father we just pray for our sick and shut in at this time we just pray that you would give them a reason for us to help them strength or heavenly father we ask you to be with our brave families at this time we just ask you to just wrap your loving arms around them in this time of bereavement oh hello father we just thank you for everything you have done and we just thank you for everything you have blessed us with and this is our prayer and your son jesus christ's name amen and now our beloved minister randall f tucker senior hello good evening family and friends and lovers of the truth welcome to bible study it is our prayer that this message finds you and your family well on tonight listen we rise to give god glory and we rise to give god praise for our great god is in fact worthy to be praised come on family from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord is great and greatly to be praised oh how magnificent how marvelous how mighty how majestic is the name of the lord our god listen if you are tuned in on tonight and you're visiting this channel it is our supreme delight to have you here for bible study it's our hope trust and prayer that something is said that will encourage your soul we all need encouragement we all need joy we all need peace we all need love we all need to maintain our hope and if you've come for those reasons you have come to the right place amen take a moment and share this message with as many people friends family as you possibly can because here at south union we believe and we know that god has blessed us so that we might be a blessing to others as well and now to my brothers and sisters in christ jesus these saints of south union it's great to see you online real time for bible study well now let's just get right down to it open up your bibles navigate over on your electronic devices meet us or beat us to the gospel according to luke luke's gospel the 18th chapter to be exact luke chapter 18 we will begin reading with verse 31 luke 18 and verse 31 when you have it just type into the live chat amen all right i say amen and praise god luke 18 verse 31 here is the bible the word of god then he took unto him the twelve and said unto them behold we go up to jerusalem and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the son of man shall be accomplished for he shall be delivered unto the gentiles and shall be mocked and spitefully entreated and spitted on and they shall scourge him and put him to death and the third day he shall rise again if that's in your bible just type into the live chat it's time for my blessing amen it's harvest time it's time for our blessing family we would like to work and operate from the theme tag and thrust for this text on tonight reassured by the resurrection reassured by the resurrection whole family how sweet it is to be a child of the king amen god has blessed us to be in his royal and regal family the lord has continued to meet our every need praise god we have an advocate with the father christ jesus the righteous our lord the holy spirit continues to navigate and guide us through these treacherous roads of life and we are holding on to our faith to the last amen reassured by the resurrection family in this particular part of the bible it is jesus the master teacher who is teaching his disciples and he takes a moment to encourage them concerning the things that shall shortly come jesus begins this teaching at verse 1 the bible says and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint oh what a wonderful way to begin this narrative luke records that jesus is teaching and as he begins to teach he's preparing them for the very end the end of his earthly ministry and he begins by telling them to pray family we must always remember to pray before we undertake any great task before we uh challenge our hands to meet any great and tremendous endeavor we need to pray unto god that god would provide increase now in this particular narrative this prayer as he uh encourages them to pray he wants to prepare them for the end someone needs to know tonight that we have a dismissal and we must be prepared for dismissal life right here is not going to last forever life as we know it is changing every day but our faith is reassured why how by the resurrection of jesus the christ jesus by the time you get to verse 31 jesus takes the 12 and he opens their understanding they do not understand what shall shortly take place and so the bible reads but we go to jerusalem and all things written by the prophets concerning the son of man shall be accomplished you would remember that the things that the prophets revealed unto the people they would have to come to pass jesus is the once and for all sacrifice that would be uh offered for sin and once he's offered for sin then we would have right we would have access to eternal life but the question is how would jesus be offered well the disciples walking with him they did not know how the end would come upon them and they certainly didn't understand the mystery of the cross but jesus says i understand my mission and those things that were written concerning me must be accomplished praise god that the resurrection was accomplished you know when you think in terms of the cross and how a man had to die in those times on the cross dying on the cross was not a new phenomenon because it was practiced for many years yet when jesus died on the cross he changed the course of history he changed and improved the trajectory of all mankind because he was not just a man he was god in the flesh and he gave his life for you and for me he did no sin he did know wrong he did not come to save those who don't need a physician but he came to save those who were sick he came to save those who needed salvation i.e he came to save the entire world how is he going to do it how's he going to do it he's going to do it by means of the cross now as jesus opens up this particular uh teaching in verse 32 jesus says for he shall be delivered unto the gentiles this would be the roman soldiers and shall be mocked spitefully entreated and spitted upon every prophecy of jesus came true i see every prophecy of jesus came true jesus understood that he would be wrongfully accused yet jesus stayed on the mission amen somebody i say jesus stayed on the mission his focus was looking unto his father and he knew that his father would deliver him now the reassurance what does it mean to be reassured well now when someone is assured it means that there is something made good upon a promise is kept someone's word is kept and that means that now you have the spirit of consolation you have the spirit of encouragement because you have been given the guarantee yeah but when we've been reassured christ not only issues one guarantee but he continues to teach them and show them that your faith will be reassured you will be fortified you will be edified you will be built up you will be strengthened why how by my glorious resurrection you see christ dying on the cross would mean absolutely nothing for our souls and our salvation if he stayed in the grave somebody ought to help me teach on tonight if jesus stayed in the grave then we would have no right to eternal life there would be no hope there would be no need for joy there would be no singing in our hearts if jesus stayed in the grave but according to scripture he rose on the third day now jesus says i'm going to the cross he says the son of man now this term the son of man speaks to the reality that jesus came in flesh jesus came in flesh and he identified with mankind in the comprehensive scope of humanity he was the son of man but he was also the son of god which identifies with his deity because his blood is not like any other blood but it is precious it is rare here it is it is one of a kind and it was his precious blood that allow for the atonement the covering of sin and all of us that come to christ are covered by the blood of christ that he shed on the old rugged cross however family i must report unto you on tonight that his shedding of blood on the cross would have meant absolutely nothing if he did not rise from the dead on the third day glory to the most high god o praise his most majestic and matchless name god raised up jesus to sit at the right hand of the throne on high listen jesus says it in the text he says uh and he or and they shall scourge him here it is and put him to death and the third day watch it now he shall rise again now if you uh rewind just a bit just rewind the tape just a little bit back to matthew let's turn to matthew chapter 28 matthew chapter 28 matthew chapter 28. in matthew 28 you have one of several uh renderings regarding the resurrected savior now this particular narrative that's found in matthew 28 another account is given to us in mark 16 and then in luke 24 and of course in john chapter 20 but in matthew 28 verse number 1 the bible the word of god reads in the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came mary magdalene and the other married to see the sepulcher and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat up on it his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men and the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye for i know that you seek jesus which was crucified he is not here for he is risen hallelujah somebody as he said come see the place where the lord lay the angel testified that i know you've come to see jesus i know you've come to see and seek the messiah but i want you to know that if the messiah needed someone to save him well now the angel didn't really say that but in my own sanctified preacher type imagination if the messiah needed someone to save him then he ceases from being our messiah somebody ought to get with me right now because i feel like shouting in here all by myself i praise god that god raised up jesus he he got him up from the grave and he comes up he comes up with all power in his hands this is exactly what peter captures in acts the second chapter when peter stands up on the day of pentecost and he lets them know that you crucified jesus by wicked hands you crucified him you killed him but it was not possible hallelujah somebody it was not possible aren't you thankful that it wasn't possible that death could hold jesus and so jesus rose on the third day just like he said come here family come here child of god come here brother and sister in christ jesus lift up your head look unto the heels which cometh your help your help doesn't come from the heels but your help comes from the lord your help comes from the creator i can have faith i can have joy i can have praise in my posture because jesus rose from the dead and i thought this would be a great time to just pause and say thank you i'm reassured in my faith by the resurrection of jesus the christ if i ever thought that i couldn't make it i need to look back to jesus because jesus shows us that you can be dead you can be buried but you shall rise again is there anybody here who is thankful that even when others count you out even when others say that you're not going to make it even when circumstances begin to cloud your way that you will rise again you've been reassured by the resurrection god is going to bring you out god is going to lift you up god is going to give you renewed faith renewed mercy renewed strength renewed grace renewed love renewed forgiveness renewed joy yes indeed family i'm reassured i'm promised but i have the guarantee yeah yeah my faith has been established my hope has been rebuilt amen my singing has been improved all because he got up from the dead we are reassured by the resurrection i don't know who i'm speaking to on tonight but perhaps you're going through a time of difficulty and distress be encouraged my beloved brother and sister because you too shall rise again amen do you believe this on tonight do you believe that god has the power to raise you up again he'll do it because with god all things come on come on family all things are indeed possible stay with the lord and he will lift you up all right it's time for us to land this harmonic plane it's always a joy to study the word of god isn't it refreshing when we come together touching and agreeing that god is worthy of our praise well family that's the word on tonight be reassured by the resurrection god bless your soul listen if you need prayer if you desire prayer if you'd like to partner in bible study call the number that you see on your screen right now and we will be sure to reach out to you and to pray with you and to partner with you because god is certainly worthy of all praise now listen as we say each and every time we meet and we'll say it again on tonight that here at south union we in fact love you a and there's not a thing that you can do about it may god bless you may god keep you this is our prayer have a wonderful week and be encouraged in the lord good night [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] can we say that you are put a smile on my face [Music]
Channel: South Union CoC Media
Views: 262
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: c2yA6D6YMqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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