Sunday 2/28/16 Marrying Up with Joe McGee

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how many married people are here this morning yeah all right well God you know we didn't have a clue who we were doing we were young we got married I just got back out of the service and I've known Denis since she turned 16 and we come from big families her father my father have 12 brothers and sisters my mother said five brothers and sister so family is what you did you want entertainment find a family member you want somebody find a family member having been put in the driveway he locked the door they've come to get summary something don't let them in yeah we just love family so we thought it'd just be good you know get married just what you did so well anyhow I was real shy in school I took F on all oral book reports in junior high high school and college I don't talk to anybody you can't make me well things change something changed in general and so I didn't get my driver's license till I was 18 because we were poor poor poor so I walk to school and I don't need a driver's license and drive anyhow so why want to get a driver's license so anyhow I got back to how the service and get a driver's license I get a car in my freshman year of college and I'm dropping my my sister off with a softball tournament in the summer and I'm gonna go Bale some hay and then I'm between my freshman and sophomore year and so I drop her off I got it really nice 56 Chevy my uncle got me and I got 12 coach a paint on it and it looks real nice and so I'm not my sister go and some other girls coming by to go play ball she's got on the orange ball uniform she's barefoot carrying their ball in the glove or shoes I'll be polite and I'll let her walk by now I didn't date in high school cuz there's no reason to go on a date I don't have a car I don't have any money so there's nowhere to go and so we've gripped a really rural part of Chattanooga Tennessee north of there Hickson's little country places so everybody knew everybody I got friends little girls friends or guys we just don't date and so anyhow letting my sister out and Denise walks by the front now I knew her family her father my father worked at the same company for 30 years the family went to the same church we went to the same junior not so in high school but I don't know her I just know her her brother's real famous they great athletes one you know got cubs wanting to play ball for me so I know of them so you know she walks by she looked definitely she walked by and I'm just saying I'm implying she looked up and I'm sorry and when she looked at me I was smitten you ever been smitten like somebody just slapped you with a wet towel boom well I've seen pretty girls just pretty girl this has to have been I've never been like whoa now she said and her testimony that I stalked her for two months but I didn't because that word had not been invented yet I just I just followed her around and and so my buddy's not gonna watch the play softball would yell at her from the stands I'll make sure to leave real quick before the game minutes I didn't have to talk to her because I don't know what to say so it's late August so you know summers about over with the rock off hills there and that's hot and not going home I'm in the car and sweating and cracking the engine is dusty I'm getting ready to pull out somebody knocked on my win and I looked up it was her though oh it's her so I rolled out my witness she said are you gonna ask me out or not and I said I said I'm not you can't make this up and I said yes as all I said I don't know what it's the same she stared at me a little bit about coming to the house for a dinner Sunday evening five o'clock yes and I pulled out and with this Sunday and I got there so I got out of the car and walked up to her house and she's holding the door and I knew she looked good she looked good and so when I walked by she smell good now I'm just a hillbilly so I walk behind the darling God you smell good and that was very romantic and so we went in and she cooked dinner and I realized she cooked us a man she looked good she smelled good she cook good so I went three nights in a row and so so the third night I'm walking I'm walking off the sidewalk of a car she stand at the door about halfway down the sidewalk along before the country song ever came out she said you gonna kiss me or not not turn around I said yes and I bid then got the sucking the lips off my face I'm telling ya it was something I thought my god you look good you smell good you cook good you kiss good so I said let's get married she said yes you think I'm joking I'm not and so so I said father suggest as the piece was there were no church weddings in our family because we're not gonna pay somebody for a wedding feeding somebody I don't know get something to eat come to wedding I'm not feeding you and so so we all just had the preacher Mary's ten dollars so so let's get made she said I'm gonna make you to get a real job I had a real job I've run a tobacco for a construction company but if it rains I don't get paid there's no health insurance she said I'm not married you get a job with health insurance case I get pregnant we pay for the baby I said fine so I looked around got a job as I wouldn't even to janitor I'm just pulling nails out of wooden blocks in two weeks they promoted me the janitor this is Jackie being promoted to janitor and it was on Wednesday you start on Monday I said I I got health insurance yeah that's all I need you know so I called up her and I said hey I got a real job you gotta help them yes I do she said a lot of Mary I said good you find this as just as the piece we're getting married tomorrow cuz in the South you delegate that men don't do that stuff we have the women do that stuff so she found mr. Godley the next day 10 o'clock it was Veterans Day he opened up just for us Red Bank building company we showed up our sunday clothes beste had we showed up I paid him $10 and he read the words and I said I do she said I do and our mother showed up we could figure out why and they're both crying like somebody died like what's wrong you and so my mother's big redheaded Irish woman so I turn around I've just signed the thing Denise I said what are you doing here she grabbed him by the collar she jerked me into her face and she said she's pregnant no she's not pregnant why don't you say that then why don't you do a church wedding because my father-in-law had promised me a church wedding or $2,000 cash this 1971-2000 200,000 years I'm not wasting $2,000 little wedding you got me a check I'll see you on Sunday I'm not doing that so and so we go back to her house her father's taking off from work her brothers and we didn't ask him to come we're just getting married it's not like the big deal and so we're going back to get us some clothes and their mother was the same so she's talking so where were you going I said well we're gonna go on a honeymoon there our dad and brothers aren't saying a word they didn't shake my hand they're mad they're mad at my folks we've been engaged for year and a half what part of us did you not understand you know what so I thought well it's didn't come for us so we're gonna go now my mama said we go and I said I don't know I've got three days off and I got $84 and I got a full tank of gas so I'm not making this up I said I'll Drive about a half tank and gas will spend eighty four dollars we'll be back here godson let me shoot a shot so any I would get out the card that he says how far can we go on a half a tank of gas and said about a hundred fifty miles so we're just sitting the driveway she got a map she drew a circle she said we make it a Gatlinburg Tennessee so let's go so we go to Gothenburg Tennessee for our honeymoon we get halfway there stopped in Maryville Tennessee and we had a honeymoon meal at Kentucky Fried Chicken buffet and it was incredible of Kentucky Fried Chicken and that's where our honeymoon meal was we're driving into the Helen Burt place to shut it down in the winter time it's November so first hotel we came to is called the Stalin Motel it's still there don't stay there stay somewhere else that's the first one off of this pull in buddy I got nothing on my mind seven one things I pulled in I'm checking in and and that and they could tell where you just married said you want the honeymoon suite I said well how much is that it's an extra two dollars I said I'll take it and so I paid the extra dollars and so what the honeymoon suite was Houston you got to be older remember they used to the old hotels before their brand name hotels had vibrating beds they had like parking meters on the wall it's hot wired and you puff quarters in that thing in that bed well shoot it's my honeymoon so I pop six quarters that thing I loaded her up well the problem is it never would shut off we end up sleeping on the couch I can't sleep without that thing okay so we get up the next day we're gonna take a tour through town or on a honeymoon just walk around and see something so I'm walking by all the other rooms and I realized all the other rooms were the same is the same as my room he told me I had the honeymoon suite for an extra $2.00 so I went to the front desk and I said hey I don't my two dollars back you gypped me yeah and I said you show me that honeymoon suite and there's nothing different about it so no it's different that's why it's got the vibrating bed and I thought well it's broke the bottom head broke so I got my two dollars back we went back home went back home and we stated her parents for a few days when I get a apartment and got an apartment she's working with the telephone company doing swing shifts I'm working swing shifts at Olin Mathis and two weeks in our marriage we're sitting at the breakfast table and now we're in a little skanky garage apartment we got a table in a bed and that something else is chair so I don't have anything so we're eating breakfast and pancakes were delicious that muckers we were virgins when we got married so we're making up for lost time beep so you that holy dear god no I just didn't want to go to hell I've done I was scared I heard Hellfire damnation preaching my whole life I know it'll happen I'll start to get naked that Trump's gonna sound G's gonna come hi I'm not trying to be funny I'm trying to help you unless intended uh never I thought I can't afford to have that happen so we were virgins when we got married so we're making up for lost time so my lips are raw two weeks and I'm in my lip so Ronnie won a kiss I kicked your mother off so eating pancakes for breakfast we got hot syrup did it mmm good well then he started talking she never talked to whole I said Joe let's talk about her future I said okay she never yelled only three times in 44 years she ever yelled at me only three and so she's real cops let's talk about her future I said all right she said well number one you need a better job I said I had a better job I took a worse one to marry you know you need a better job at benefits I know this is what why don't you understand that I won't know that she said and said enough she said next question do you want to have any children I said what you want to have any children I said sure said well how many do you want I said well how many do you want your the ones gonna have them I don't care how many you want she said well I want five well coming from a family of 12 that's a small number you you get all those the back of a pickup truck yeah so she said when do you want to have the muscle again baby you're the ones gonna have them when do you want to have them she said I want to wait five years till we have our own house and got our own furniture and you got a better job and a better car and we got you know whatever I said sure enough January first five years later we had our first baby eighteen months later we had our second baby we were driving home from the hospital down there in Cape Girardeau Missouri we were living the sockson at the time we're driving home I've got Sarah sitting next to me at 18 nuts she's open Jessica with us driving home I said hey you remember that conversation we had seven years ago about five kids she said yes I said forget that but I got one you got one that's enough well five years later just coming off the kindergarten first time we've been alone in seven years now unless two days later we had another baby well we thought that was crazy what we thinking so coy grip went off to kindergarten so we had one kid that 10-year span cord goes off to kindergarten and we've dropped three babies in two and a half years I mean if I looked at the knee she got pregnant it was just like I don't think I figure it's God does above beyond all you can ask your link so we asked for five kids we had ever six and so if you get the picture the kids can you fill that up I said cuz we're normal we got normal family so these are oldest Pahokee how well the one on the right that Sara Elizabeth severs our oldest we never did talk baby talk to our kids she showed up and she never did talk goobers does she's talking like an adult past the oatmeal okay she was just different tell all my kids how to read and she loved to read so she made straight A's in school all the way through college and though that doesn't mean she told the truth or kept a room clean having a gift is does not take you to heaven Jesus takes you to heaven your gift is for this planet that's another seminar but in hell thank god she's born again spear forever so she's a college professor finishes up her doctorate next month and so she's professing northeastern state second one he helped second was Jessica there just for the blonde we thought the hospital made a mistake blonde hair blue eye left and like that's not my kid no that jurors trust me the DNA that's your life whoa man she never did dress up she wear sweats and a bobby pin in her hair she came out totally different than Sarah it's about time you learned to raise your first child you thought okay because the first I was a guinea pig you don't how to raise them great about time you learn how to raise a five-year-old they turn six the time you don't have raises sick show the turn several so you just got to let him go I'm sorry I didn't know bow of God and so you're ready for the second week except God plays the trick on it's not the same as the first thing they come out different Oh what happened so we had to relearn how to do that so just was a great athlete and loved order so she got her degree in accounting and went college on a basketball scholarship she's three-point shooting champion state Oklahoma on one state championship so each one Sarah's gift of academics made room for her just as basketball made her for her all the way over in the left let's live that's our middle daughter that's Cory C's mean it's not just mean just not in a bad way she'd never cussed never heard of customer to come out of her mouth or whole lot never lost her temper but but if she cuts you like a butcher knob just lights you up and just poker face you and she can say stuff and I remember she'd say something said did you just cut me I'm sure I did what did you just cut me I don't know dad how did you take it I don't know how did you mean it so she's a journalism major great with words so she owns half my publishing company so her gift made room for her the one in the middle of the white dress that's Tesla Tesla medical shows heart out on your chest pumping people cutting your eyeballs and doing stuff to it so she's the health science major the one next door Lauren learns her fifth daughter we thought that time we had a fifth when we'd run out of good genes cuz she she wouldn't see what normal she'd come out she'd get dressed when she'd have five layers of clothes on like she couldn't make up her mama baby just one layer just just one layer and then she knew out and we live on the side of a mountain Oklahoma she was swinging the woods and talked to the trees and the rabbits like I told her she's not normal we ran out of genes she's not normal but she was so we finally would ask the kids because none of our family went to college Denise's dad went through the eighth grade went off from Navy had a great life he paid his Todd and got born again my dad went to the 12th grade twice studying graduated hey this time worked hard so our fathers told us you work hard and pay your ties you will get opportunities others don't get and that's a fight so we're going to change that we're going to break this curse all of our kids are going to go to college they're going to get a degree we're breaking this curse off of our family so Lauren came along I'm not always asking you know about that time to hit ninth grade what do you want to major in / Lawrence what are you gonna major in she said on a major interior design I said in what interior design so what's that well people hire me to help them design their homes or businesses what I mean design it Oh what color to paint and what kind of furniture I don't need some other agreed to do that I go to Penny's buy my own stuff I go to Sears Bible paint I don't eat em what color paint my living room I pay my living room with dad they're people that pay big money for that whether they're a doofus that's just crazy I said the world's dinah going to hell you're gonna make you something to help somebody not how to paint their wall so she said well I'll get back with it so three months later she came back because she's the fifth and they're real smart she comes back with a stack of scriptures that was choke a horse have a seat dad yeah when you get to heaven you're gonna be surprised number one the gate the gates of heaven are made out of one pearl biggest door you've ever seen one solid pearl when you walk through that prayer to get you're gonna walk on the streets people to go so pure you can see through them when you get to the throne of God there's angels on all four corners they have six wings two not two and eyeballs never side of the head there's a laser light show going on behind the throne of God Martha Stewart did not decorate heaven it's a gaudy place so she went to the Temple of the tabernacle an hour later I'm just numb I said fine you can major interior design so so she graduates in two months with a degree in internship I make more money than all of us combined praise God in the next picture it was kind of a shock that's my son now what is in if we never wouldn't know what kind of baby were having just thinking you want to know what it is no that's not cheating let's open your Christmas present Christmas Eve kind of cheater is that you wake the pops out I don't want to know well he popped out I realized whoa that's a male and so did they they're the doctor we got a great doctor he's a missionary in Russia today but he's cleaning jhana cutting the corner it's a boy we got a bully and he kind of starts to cry and she never drivers hey what's wrong she mother said what did you say she said he's got five sisters he's gonna do good that's fine that's another and better the girls made sure he was a man's man he's a he's a hospital he's kept my football team won a state championship those women trained him right man he's so outside my wife loose my best friend's planet he's my second-best friend I love old Jon never hardly says anything but we got six kids that doesn't make you holy having six children will not make you holy they'll make you insane and broke if you don't know what to do with them once they show up isn't that the whole about having babies it's what you do with them so I tell people we've got normal kids two of our kids lost their college scholarships took a year to get him back John and used to drive real fast he had three speeding tickets in three months and County Sheriff that goes our church caught him call me down there we're just laughing talking believe it gets trucks and well mr. John's gonna lose his driver's license you've got a new state law and so they took his license away from it well he's a senior in high school he's the he's the linebacker of the state championship football team he's the captain everybody knows him but his mommy has to drive him to school that's healthy that's been over six years ago he had had one speeding ticket sin that burned it out I'm really really good now the nice ty got there for the wrong reason so three or Senate I met you were ready for a divorce I hated her guts she hated mine but we wouldn't get divorced because there was no divorce enough family no we have people that make moonshine burn down your house you to beat you but no divorce that's a sin so so we're stuck we're stuck oh dear god I'm stuck and my buddy says what's wrong with you we mean what's Romney man you sure have a nice wife you don't know her what she sure is pretty yeah I'm The Devil's good look at you you ever read that The Devil's good-looking that doesn't mean nothing so man she started talking it cuz she gripped with all males you know so she was talking back I never heard a woman talk back to me so three months of my marriage I'll tell her when I say you shut up and she didn't even blink you shut up I'm a hair woman tell me to shut up I said well you said you shut up but it was on and so three years we'd go to church raise my hands I'm not hitting no go home I sleep on the couch they sleep in a shut up you shut up cuz we're stuck with and thank God this spiritual businessmen abolished a Bible study and I finally started reading but I've been in church since I was born I never missed a Sunday and Wednesday a training in your account meeting Denise not one we lived in church we just never read the book all of a sudden I'm having to read the book and I realized someone well the problem I marriage everything it's not my wife it must be me whoa how did what are we gonna do about that Oh so anyhow we got spirit-filled and I worked as an engineer and working the Left lineage as an engineer and got it blessed me been really good so I'm working Sox the missouri down here and they got a call about two o'clock in the morning now i'm not an electrical engineer i'm not a mechanical engineer I'm what they call a process engineer I'm a manufacturing engineer I was trained to fix problems I get paid when hell shows up now most people don't like it when hell sell well dear God what's down well what's wrong now well I was trained for 11 years God trained me to love it when bad news showed up hey Joe the machines broke pray to God I believe her has to hear it because I'm about to get paid really good so I was trained to develop product better and fix stuff that's not working so we just bought this big brand-new rod breakdown machine and then we got a half million dollars this machines old plant but built war to to build airplanes and they'd shut it down for years we've moved from Jun City New Jersey to the middle of America to find better labor better working conditions better process and it's going pretty good except this plant so real long no the concrete's cheap so our machines breaking out of the concrete we're having to re epoxy everything so we've got this new machine that takes big copper rod and breaks it down into all sides of wire 18 gauge 12 gates 14 to 12 - we made all that all this stuff here we made all this so they get a call about two o'clock the morning Joe Joe and I thought what is show the rod breakdown machine is shut down let's check the breaker you had to check this young all right I being sawed drove in we live out in the country I get there whilst about 2:30 in the morning the plant managers there it's hot you live machine sits at the back of the plant big double doors are open there's mosquitoes and gnats and flies and people are mad and they're slapping on it and men hit stuff with a hammer when it doesn't work you know and so I'm there so I'm ask the basic question so finally I get to this point and this is the point of the sermon I finally get to I said where's the handbook and they'd look at it now did this for 11 years work for three different companies they said what where's the handbook the what the handbook the Machine the half-million dollar machine came with the handbook you know if you have blender at Walmart it it comes with a handbook you buy a lot more from low as it comes with a handbook you buy a Ford pickup it comes to the handbook everything comes the handbook and you see they didn't know cuz men don't want to read handbooks I'm gonna read no stupid handbook give me a hammer and screwdriver I'm gonna slap and I'm gonna turn it on I'm not reading the fine print from France or whatever I'm not reading that so we found the handbook thirty minutes later in the Foreman's office in the middle of the plant and the bottom drawer before door file cabinet it's the handbook to the Half Men double machine it was still wrapped in plastic nobody's open it now here I am I'm the expert they paid me to try to fit so I got the hemp but they're all there there's probably 30 guys working this big machine and for the plastic off and I open it up every handbook has the thing in the back call troubleshooting so I go to the troubleshooting section of the half man dollar machine so I'm just reading it nobody knows what I'm reading I'm the genius that they can read something deep like algebraic equations so I'm ready have you done that yes this is number four number five it said this machine plugged in now nobody knows what I read I closed the vicar go over the Machine and she Sarah in the back corner of this wall by taking this and I'm looking now I'm looking for a 220 plug I'm looking back in the dark down that thing because machines big 30 feet long about 18 foot tall 12 foot the man I'm looking for a 220 plug well I don't see there's tobacco spit and coffee cup and dries like that's skanky so it's a lot skinnier back then star turn sideways they ease down the back wall and I look down the back I'm sure enough I see the 220 plug hanging halfway on the wall it's just about ready down well great so I turned sideways so he's down through there and they get to that plug boom and I kicked them in when I did the machine came on boom you can hear the applause another hey Joe Tom I think you gotta judge nothing so they don't know what I did they can't see me think about sixty Seconds come back together by shaking my hand slapped me on the back foot my plan man way to go way to go said no prophet tears up again call me because you don't tell a grown man at 2:30 in the morning stupid did you not check the plug so they'll remember you 20 years from now you don't embarrass grown men I come in the next morning Charlotte fails my plant manager he's very good to me he's very good see bring his office and he's upset so appreciate you fixing that last night no problem charlie is he gonna happen again yes there's gonna have dogs gonna we need to call the manufacturer no it's not the manufacturers fault it's our fault he's got a pencil the pad in his desk I'm sitting this table from his desk well what's the problem I said well it was unplugged Charlie really had he got a rivet he did that business what I said it was unplug he said are you invoicing us for that I said already have I've already turned it into accounting yeah it's gonna be a really expensive plug that's what you pay me to do charlie I said now your operator could have read the manual and the foreman could have read the manual the supervisor could arrest Mannion what they didn't you paid me to read the manual I bet you that'll never happen again will it so he had everybody read the manual the part of that story is you and I came with a handbook but nobody wants to read the handbook my forces you read this Bible the devil comes immediately to steal this word away he doesn't want you and I reading this book those often who scares him as this word in our heart coming out of our it's the only offensive weapon ass so when I believe God called us into ministry believe me call us the family ministry not even we know what that means I just need sweetie said we get hired on a local church to work there for 11 years we've been traveling for 24 doing seminars because I believe the home it's the last great revival that's going to happen family came first church came second church came along put the family back together first family went south Adam and Eve lived in Paradise everything was good you read Genesis one two and three good good good good good good good very good not good the first time God ever uttered the words not good he was looking at a male he's looking at a time not good I said what's not good yeah not good what's wrong he said you're alone instead I don't have a lot of good stuff going on him and God hang it out every day and said you're alone I need to make you a helpmeet now the first half that words he'll help me help me go get the whole word in there will make you a helper and so Adam takes now folks missing the rib there's Eve have mercy father I think you'd like that y'all gone forget to visit get to know one another they didn't feed the cameras that day they gets got the fellowship and robbers Lucifer's been fired from his job he walks into the first family gum flaps him out of everything he gets them to sin since got death attached to it Adam and Eve sin they got fired her job evicted from the house the kids started killing each other so you running down to me down at Walmart girl I'll file crying arrives there hey guys what's wrong man what did you work we work nothing hard know that we got evicted from our house where'd you live in Oakland guard so I'm gonna children killed each other he'll hit the home in the garden not in the 60s God came along too pronounced together because he's looking for Adam Adams hiding because he knows he's seen her yet he won't tell him find it Sonny here he said did you eat that fruit I told you not D this is genesis of what did you eat that friend I told you not to eat now Adam and God are good they fellowship to every day Adam had two things he had a relationship to God he had a job he had a relationship got any other job if you don't have a relation to God you don't have a job the last thing you need is a helper you shouldn't need to get married you don't need help doing nothing not tell this to men all the time do you have do you know Jesus you have a job what are you doing going on a day useless you don't need help doing nothing I'm not trying to be funny if I'm there so he comes down to Adam what happened he's thinking well it was the woman he gave it was the woman that got you know we were good we were tightening it was guilty was paradise never since you brought her into my life been going downhill message translation you got to read it real entertainer comes Dean what's your story she's thinking he's dumped on me again don't throw me good so he's thinking well well snakes fall snakes lock tokyo myself and from the beginning nobody will repent of their sin nobody would take response only their father presidents for congress Senate's governor's fault mayor's fault dad's fault mom's fault bosses thought teacher everybody it fit what fair but i've been doing good we come out of thumb subjects we've raised the niece of something left one for them woman not heavy sad stories what happened you will my dad left my mom everybody have to saw him half the him half the sad opinion i thought what happened to the family so i get hard i'm tired i'm a minute stopping all day what's your job fix the family what's wrong it's broke wanted to get broke back in the guard not in the sixties because god told me now that you've seen hits what's gonna happen now that you've sinned you're gonna have pain in childbirth now just assume that means before the fall having a baby is like spitting out of watermelon seed after the fall I spitting out of watermelon there's a lot of Hebrew in there but that's my interpretation now that you said we're desires going to be to rule over your husband but he will ruthlessly rule over you so Mel chauvinism and women's liberation aren't born in the 1960s they were born in the Garden of Eden marriage had a curse from the minute it was here until you get born again spit feel getting the Word of God you're not gonna make it all the seminars where will not change you it's a hard issue because a marriage is a funeral hall Mark's got the carts all wrong I'm so sorry I heard you got married because the marriage is the Covenant you can't have a cover that somebody dies that day you swore before God Liz from this day forward I'm nine to myself go you know they don't they're a half-dead zombie that's why I'm here just messed up what about me what about you you're dead shut up you're dead you doubt it the ceremony shut up yeah that's good counseling right there then Adam you have to work by the sweat of your brow Wow those thorns insist gonna grow up oh you were blessed you had a great economy man you are one prosperous end of it but now there's a curse on everything you touch so everybody says it from the beginning for the last 5000 I work hard Oh hard everybody works hard the planets under a curse that is unless you know that you've been born again taken out from under the curse the law because the blood of Jesus then I don't live like the world I'm in it but I'm not of it I don't participate in it anymore now so first Peter 3 says you and I on have the kind of marriage that provokes others to jealousy where they're gonna ask us about the hope that's in us they're gonna say we go through the same thing they go through but for some reason we always come out smelling like a rose why well we read the book now we'll cover it tonight because men have job descriptions women have job descriptions there's four reasons given for divorce Christian counseling centers of America in this order number one lack of communication no it's not like it's wrong communication soft answer turns away worker half you slow to speak quick to hear slow to round two ears one mouth that's a math thing shut your face up and listen number two reason for divorce is money men see money is freedom women see money security we see money two different ways you have to get your head together number three children women want the kids to live there to the 30 in the house at age 12 we got to different views number for sex we got more sexual problems than Christians and I've ever seen in the world we've been doing this for 40 years there you know God wrote a lot about you know God invented sex it was his idea he thought it up I'll tell couples you can go in the bedroom turn out the lights close the curtains can't see you hand in front of your face but not swell hanging a picture of Jesus over your bed because he's in there and he can see in the dark I don't want to mess you up but I'm just trying to help you don't miss tonight so let me close with this statement here's what I found out in those early years a marriage is too ignorant people growing up together you will never get to know your spouse and they're gonna keep changing but they're not changes because they're not growing and they're dead marriage is the second greatest thing God ever did he the finds a wife finds a good thing obtains favor from God the first time I heard that I said then son good class I thought well that's a lie I found a whiny no good there's nothing good about it I guarantee it if that's true then I got somebody else's good thing somebody's got my good thing I got the wrong good thing no this is a she-bear from the south side of the woods I don't know our spouse is a gift from God to reveal character flaws in your life the other hits you in about an hour those we been to go through and they just I gotta close to this I realize God made a different because he looked at Adam said you need help I gotta make you a helper that's why it's not Adam and Steve it's Adam and Eve now you can find this in your Public Library when God made a woman he made something better to help the men who had a relationship he had a vision so I'm gonna give you somebody to help you do what I've called you to do so the average woman has a three percent higher IQ than the average man the average woman outlives the average member seven years she has a better immune system the average woman speaks twenty eight thousand words a day the average men only speaks 12 that's why I domestic violence eighty four percent of the time it's a man hitting a woman not a woman hitting a man it's not because he's strongest cuz he ran out of words women hear five tones men only hear three that's why you will never hear a man say but you will hear a woman say no choose that tone of voice than me he's a bit what what tone cuz he didn't hear he can when it's a baby boy inside the mother's womb I'm sure she's got quadruplets when it's a baby boy that mother's body designed by God will produce a chemical bath to wash over the developing brain that baby boy between 18 and 24 weeks and that bath will destroy about 30 to 40 percent of connects between the left and right hemisphere of a male so when a male is born he's you the left or right brain dominated there is no chemical bath for a baby girl I don't care what nation you're born in there's no woman that produces a chemical bath for a baby girl they in May explains it like this in carnal currents between the two hemispheres of a female brain a lot of six-lane freeway bridges if it makes it flies back and forth across a woman can talk about three things in one sentence and not be confused but between the two hemispheres no male brain is one footbridge information goes one direction of time and really slow that's why you'd be talking your husband he'll just get glassy eye line and he'll say what and you'll say you never listen to me you're never and that's that's because he can't he can only do one thing at a time they call it they call it focus disease a woman can brush her teeth pack a school lunch walk down a kitchen counter given stretch their kids off the same time I'm not spilling anything 95% of all men when they brush their teeth have to get right in front of the scene feet a foot apart if they're right-handed they will brace himself with her left hand and we're searching so men do not move their toothbrush they move their heads to the speed of the water coming out of the spicket you ever talk to your husband he shave and he'll cut himself do you think you can be hauling spaghetti spalling kids yell mtv's blaring phone ringing woman sugars figure that yellow not a man that phones ringing nobody's in here so shut up shut up cuz I make it talked on the phone with all that background noise you put 12 women in a circle out here in the lobby they're all talking this at the same time you put 12 men in the circle they take turns when they talk this now because they're polite it's because a man can only do one thing the time he can't talk and listen at the same time that's why I'm in Yale he's trying to get in there somewhere he's a woman scans 10 times more sensitive to touch than a man's skin God designed that on purpose that's why little girls love to hold kitty cats and puppy dogs bunny rabbits and baby doll touch them not a boy he wants to shoot it hang your head on wall I saw you see teenagers on a date girls are hanging off the guys guys I hang off the girls and she's thinking boy this woman's hot no she's not she did the same thing for a puppy dog it's got absolutely nothing sec doofus no I could camp out here for nine there we'll pick this up tonight when God made a woman he made something 180 degrees absolutely totally different I had a sweet cup of the week council for years guy was really nice guy looked like Norman Rockwell's twin brother big oilman in Oklahoma went to Oakland University very successful first time I passed away had four kids unfortunate assed when you got remarried to a young gal half his age Cajun gal graduate or were you world accessing anybody she was a Spitfire and so they have a child between them and and he just couldn't handle her because she was just he's just calm like Norman Rockwell smoking pot you know you know so we can't so for about a year trying to explain that you're different this didn't gonna change we thought we thought we'd fix it well they showed up a year later and they come to the office and these crisis where we should let you know so appreciate all your help but we're getting a divorce well I'm sorry to hear that why we have fallen I'm sorry what oh that's so sad when did you fall now what when did you follow Oh what did you fall later what you can't fall out less you fell in you weren't more next to each other were you when did you fall well that's fascinating now you fall in it yeah let me explain something love love is the most expensive four-letter word the universe you tell somebody I love you before you ever say that get out your billfold your checkbook your 401k your hunting dog your bass boat your honor you pick up and pile out on the table and then you could say hey honey I love you because if love's not costing you something it's not love it's the most expensive for God so it cost God everything to love us for God so loved the world he gave love's what you do not what you feel we're in love no you're not that's a hormone at all the last 18 months it's going to shut off the middle of the night you're gonna wake up next to a she-bear 18 months from now and so I said listen honey you can fall out of bed you fall off the couch you fall in a ditch fall out the truck but you can't fall in love that's a choice you choose to love you don't fall in you don't fall out of love the choice marriage is the second greatest most powerful thing in the universe if any two of you agree on anything yes the father would be done here if one could put a thousand five two could put ten thousand the devil he started early he tried to separate God from his throne God from Adam and Eve Adam from Eve out of me from God he's a divider Jesus is you and honor if you're not working out on purpose you don't find a marriage you build one Jesus didn't find a church Jesus build a church out of thumb-sucking hellbound sinners he loved us into this relationship so if you're gonna have a great match be who I just mean the wrong person oh no you didn't you married you like time drawers like I'm a have found Jezebel Ruth found Boaz I quote them all from Genesis he's gonna marry you might want to work on you not wondering what Friday night I won't stay home and work on you because if you go out you're gonna find you and you're gonna marry you oh that's deep in which means just hope for all marriages quit working on your spouse and just work on ya let's stand up we're gonna have a good time tonight I don't think I could ever live in about more than I love my wife and they listen to be careful there's nobody on this planet I love more than I love my wife nobody I want to be with sitting next to talk nobody makes me feel better than my wife nobody makes me angrier than my wife nobody can make me more mad than my wife we are passionate couple the bosses iron strikes irons on the counts of a friend your spouse is your best friend and what sparks are that's metal they've cut away that's been keeping you dull your spouse is a gift from God for reveal character flaws your life they're gonna tell you the truth if you get handled through never should've got married so we're gonna learn how to do that tonight I closed this one thing we were down and down the Baton Rouge three months ago but him I don't know four years grip Catholic and there went that Catholic school and so he's down there and he says to the fourth or fifth grade he said we had this one kid in our class just meanest not nuns are beating on him every day just beating the dog on he's assuming and so it's about late October he's finally starting to come around he said I don't remember the beginning of the conversation I just heard the end of class the last class of the day we're going back to the dorm chase clothes go to dinner the parents aren't there and so it's a so sister you're telling me that if I'll be good for six weeks got to get me a bicycle they came from a poor family he wants a boxer he didn't have one he said the sister said yes if you'd be good for six weeks got to get you about signal they said I'd look for years there's not one scripture that covers that I don't know where sister got that but that's what she told it we go back to the dorm to change clothes to go eat dinner this kid had never pray him for a cousin Eve mean whether the dorms just a big old stanky room full of bunk beds so he's on this bottom bus we go in we change the clothes the kid hit his knees he had never hit his knees he gets on his knees we're all getting dressed he claps his hand he looks up the top places God if I'll be good for six weeks you gave me a bicycle we just stop stare cause it skidded never afraid this kidding me we're just looking at him obviously said okay forget that God forget that God if I can be good for three weeks I'm good for three weeks you get my bicycle he's staring if up okay forget that forget that now we didn't know the later when he was doing he thought I can't be good for six weeks that's not gonna I can't be good for through me so he said God if I'd be good for one week finally good for one week you getting him I said he's just staring up I'm so we're just quiet we're afraid to move he's just sitting at that top but he's praying he looks over in every dorm had a statue of the Virgin Mary on the dresser so the kids down on his knees the top but he's looking nobody's looking the Virgin Mary on that death he thought he finally got up and whatever he got the statue of the Virgin Mary he brought her back wrapped in a blanket through under his bum got back down his knees he said God if you everyone see your mother again you better get your bicep now we all pull this with God with the Catholic Baptists Mithras Bachelet God if I just find this won't cut for a week you missed me y'all if I read my mom for three days you've left me now if I go to church we're doing this gotta do deals he's already done one he gave his son the deals done I don't care what your passes been I like a few cuts coming in the parking lot and some of you did I know what happens every demon hell wakes up Sunday morning either up and you do how you think I'm going to church I'm not going to church I ain't going with you and that's why most people don't come they got a fire but you have made it here so you overcame now the blood of the lamb on the roof testimony some of your a man coming in you're thinking about what you're gonna say going out don't keep your mouth shut life and death to the power of the tongue laughing that's a fact shut your shut the hell out of your mayors by shutting your mouth just smile real big because your spouse listen you're just doing that preacher said you thinking some stupid what is it I told you don't let it out God loves us but God that's one thing he watched over his word to perform it you gotta start seven God says we would yell it for three months we get the mere seminar after he come now that gonna get a divorce I love you no you don't I love it no you I love you I'll shut up I love you you shut up I got lucky Lord you ever loved me I love you to know you know I love you and we did that for three months and then I said like three months in at 5:00 we're yelling one day we just got tickets to our lab what kind of funny idiot I think we need to stop this yeah and we started and it was a slow term but we turn so my wife's the love of my life this morning because we still don't agree on hardly anything was everything to see she sees different things different notice different so it's two becoming one not one dominating the other Valley heads father we thank you for the truth of your word that sets us free and keeps us free well I think of the Holy Ghost gonna do his job and bring this word to our remembrance I may have produced 100 fold in our lives made this become a jubilee year for our marriages and our families and whatever the devil Stowe father make him pay back seven times make us one together not only as members of the body of Christ make us one together as husbands and wives may we have the kind of marriages that makes others jealous where they asked us about the hope that's in us we thank you for it in Jesus name and everybody said every head bowed just for one minute 60 seconds nobody moved in for one short minute that's about an eyes closed every head bowed every eye closed two questions are you here this morning to say Joe I do not know Jesus as my Lord and Savior but God's been dealing with me and not like to do something about that this morning if that's you I'd like to pray a 60 second prayer over you right out of the book of Romans I am NOT going to embarrass you in any way I'm not going to call you out I am NOT gonna call you forward men really don't save then God saves me but just a few seconds if that's you I'm simply gonna ask you to raise your hand and wave it at me real good and put it right back down I'm gonna see it God's gonna see it if you're willing to acknowledge you need a Savior God in heaven will save you right from you stand all things will pass away all things have become new God will make you a new creature crisis that seven or perhaps you hear the sources you're on saved I just have living for God lately but I've been stirred this morning I'm ready to get serious with Jesus I'll let him save me Joe but I'm not yielding to his lordship well this morning Joe I'd like to rededicate my life I want Jesus Christ not just to be my savior I wanted to come to be the Lord of my life my family my marriage my parenting my my money I'm ready for the lordship of Jesus and that's you you pray the exact same prayer we're gonna pray with these other people out of Romans and God in heaven we'll forgive you every sin you've ever committed in a moment of time he will take your sin as far as the East is from the West put it in the depths of the sea there'll be no record of your sin in heaven God will make the devil pay back seven times whatever he stole from me so with every head bowed every eye closed you say Joe I need to get saved this morning but you pray that for over me or Joe I'm say but I want to rededicate my life if that's you either count right now would you simply just get your hand up and wave it at me real good and put it right back down thank you thank you thank you thanks for your bonus thank you they're up there yes anyone else back there I've seen you hand back there anyone else it'll never get even this God does the saving God does the forgiving he just need your permission so before we pray one more time anyone else - I've not raised my hand yet please they put in your prayer anyone else out there one hand right there God thank you all right hands down heads bowed eyes closed here's what we're going to do those you that raised your hands we are going to pray with you God's going to do the two greatest miracles he can do he's going to save souls he's going to forgive sins so people are going to help them men everybody in here everybody say this after me Heavenly Father I thank you for Jesus I do believe he is your son he died for me and you raised him from the dead I asked him now Lord Jesus come into my heart save me forgive me my sin I receive you by faith we're Thanksgiving my father for those that raised their hands this morning either for the first time ever or as a simple reaffirmation of faith the new according to your Holy Word and their obedience as of right now they are cleansed forgiven blood-bought born-again children of God Jesus Christ in their Lord the devil stopped their Lord any more they are your sheet you are their Shepherd they will hear your voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow promise for says you're gonna talk to them when they go to sleep they wake up then walk during the day they're in your hand father no man and take them out we welcome them both into the family back into the fold Lord as they leave today surround them with the sugar divine favor make people get to look at them with a new set of eyes and father bring godly friends into their life that will strike down with them and cause them to grow and become all you want them to be we thank you for them in Jesus name and everybody said give the Lord a hand for that which pastor absolutely what an incredible incredible time very quickly very quickly before I dismiss you if that was you and you prayed that prayer with Joe and just this moment there's a card in front of you we referenced it earlier in service take it out fill out that card here's why a church is here to help you not hassle you we're gonna help you build this relationship as a matter of fact it's just a celebration of what you use taking place in your life today take that card fill it out go to connect central in the lobby today we're gonna give you a brand new Bible just to sew into you and tell you we love you and we're excited to be a part of your life no hassle just take that card fill it out and allow us to help you on this new journey the best thing you can do for your marriage if you're here today the best thing you can do is come back tonight I promise that if you coming back tonight we'll do this God we need more of you in our marriage it's just a simple act it's just a simple saying God we need more of you in our marriage so come back tonight free dessert 6:30 games Joe's gonna teach extremely practical but I just want to encourage you to be here tonight because I believe that God wants to do something so unique and so powerful in your marriage let me bless you father thank you for your people I pray a blessing over their lives I pray they'd be blessed and they come and as they go and builds in the cities and in a work the prey there'd be blessing their finances walking your favorite your grace Lord Jesus let him walk today out with full joy full peace and overflowing hunger for you in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen thank you for joining us today we hope that this message was an encouragement to you to live a life fully devoted to God for more information about twin rivers worship center or if you would like to partner with this church's ministry in st. Louis Missouri and around the world by giving visit us at our website at CRW c-calm we would love for you to join us in a worship service at one of our two locations sometime have a great day and be blessed you
Channel: TwinRivers.Church
Views: 15,202
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: TRWC, Joe McGee, Marrying Up
Id: n9fiwsn0N0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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