Guest Speaker: Joe McGee | October 4, 2020

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[Music] morning everybody okay i'm gonna say it one time god bless texas yeah that's more like it come on uh i'm going to talk real fast i always do i grew up in a big family most of them women so nobody takes turns when you talk so if you want to talk you got to say it quick and so we got a brand new book we uh during the covet thing uh we got real busy staff i worked and they were so glad we went back on the road they were so happy when i went back because i worked them hard so we had several books we're trying to get out so we put out two this is one of them called the four kinds of kids now i've taught this for 30 years and people would ask me you got that in the book i said no i got that in the book that's in your bible you're reading proverbs four kinds of kids proverbs one so you got that in the book no it's in your bible if i got a book you have to pay money for you can get in your bible for free just read proverbs so finally i'll put it in the book it's still in the bible you can get it here for free the gideons will give you one or you spend eight dollars get it for me but i got all this from this it's deep it's deep there's only four kinds of kids in the bible proverbs one there's wise simple-minded foolish and scornful wise kids live a long time are filthy stinking rich have favor of the king can scale the wall and tear it down and make it take it captive good things happen to wise kids you want a wise child how do you get that well the fear of god's the beginning of wisdom so you need to pray every day father teach my children to fear you for the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom with that wisdom comes a long life riches and honor what do you want long life riches done how do you get that well it comes from fearing god how do you get that you've got to ask god for it so i don't care children are 35 or 5. you need to pray every day father i give you permission teach my children to fear you because the other three the simple mind of the food is the scornful nothing good happens to them at all it's downhill so stay wise so this book is nothing but the four kinds it's nothing but proverbs from cover to cover all scripture and so it'll really bless you though so uh it's loaded you want to have a wise child it's not what you did it's what you're going to do i have to well i wish i'd have known that well i wish i didn't well i wish i had known that too i wasn't born with this stuff you have to find it out so if you chase god you'll get it and he'll bless you so your latter days would be a whole lot better than your former so give it a run the four kinds of kids that's the advertiser now this is uh when when the cobot thing hit i am the holy preacher of my family uh i'm the only preacher in my family and i have to be pentecostal and it messes with all of them so i don't get invited to a lot of stuff i just don't and i'm really nice and i'm very friendly but i just don't get invited a lot of stuff and so but when hell lands the phone's a lot up and so normally i'm just joe it's just joe it's not joseph my name's just joe hey joe hey joe hey joe and but when hell ends it say hey preacher hey preacher can i ask you a question sure and so they thought maybe the world was coming to an end and so i said all my kids down there what i have in my hand i've had for years this piece of paper this is old now it's just and i got two of them so this is what i tell my kids every time something nasty happens so i've had them in my file in the office forever and so kids call hey dad what do you think is going on nothing well you know this covered things getting kind of nasty uh-huh well when you think it's going to go away it's not flu's been around forever it's just a new kind the disease has been around forever you know it's nothing's new satan is the god of this planet he steals kills and destroys our job is to resist him it's real simple there's two kinds of people there's those that are born again and those that are not there are those that are in the family those out of the family and so we're supposed to be reaching those outside the family we're supposed to love people not preach to them love on them and so every time my kids do so this is a just a three-minute introduction i'm reading right off this piece of paper i used to teach history for 10 years people have something new there's nothing new so these are the seven major economic crises that have happened in the last 100 years to the united states of america is the world in it no jesus said when he comes back people will be eating drinking marrying giving and marriage buying selling building and planting jesus said it will be business as usual until the day he comes back so nobody should be panicked we're not gonna be hiding in a hole i hope jesus comes well nobody's going to be looking for him when he comes he said so himself so i want my kids to know this so we start back the 29 the big stock market crash 1929. now my dad's the youngest of 12 kids and uh you know i got old relatives that were alive during the now they're not now most of them were gone but they were alive the stock market crashed 29th uh when world war ii broke out world war one that wasn't a big deal but two was a big deal affected everybody we're planting gardens in the front yard you can't buy silver or copper or anything there's war going on and so that impacted everybody then the next thing this summer moved up the 73 oil embargo now i remember this i lived in hicks tennessee little community i'm a little kale gas station gasoline was 27 cents a gallon it was and you th they they line up over a mile on highs and fire to get to this little gas station get gas because the government would only sell you 10 gallons at a time you couldn't buy more than 10 gallons and there were people that got in fist fights waiting in line to get gas grandmothers would run out of gas we'd try to people have to help them push their car to get the 10 gallon of gas we thought the world was coming to an end i said no it's just an old christ the settle paths it did all went way up too the the the 1981 recession oh this is a big one unemployment went through the route people got laid off fired business was shutting down again family members call is this the end no it's just it's just a mess but it'll it'll pass and it did then then the 87 black market oh man that was a big one people did jump off some roofs from that one the dow dropped 500 something points it was like whoa the crash that took a year and a half what is that well computers started taking over everything and like you know money started coming in a different direction so business folded but new business opened up wherever one door closes another door is going to open up so quit staring at a closed door that's deep and then the 2008 great recession you know uh lehman brothers aig merrill lynch they all went belly up and that's when bank of america became a billion dollar corporation because they bought them out so every time you drive by bank of america just remember somebody was making money when somebody was losing money there's always just two groups there's not a third group there are people chasing god and people running from god there are people believing god and people doubting god there's just two groups you have to make your mind what are you going to do i don't care what happens i'm chase god i'll be here when jesus comes back here i am lord let's go now this this one this messes my kids because they don't like this one this is just scripture it's real good and so uh um i'll just paraphrase numbers chapter 13. israel's been in captivity for 400 years they've sinned and then they'd repent and they'd sin they'd repent well they finally repented oh lord we're sorry and so there were 30 pharaohs three were country pharaohs 27 were city pharaohs the country pharaohs were in charge when when all the israelis went down they went over to starving to death and they gave good land they liked him and they had the favor of the pharaoh but then the city pharaoh took over and they didn't like all these jewish people so they made him slaves and had to make bricks and built cities and so they realized so they cried out to god god we need help and so what god did he had a woman get pregnant because god doesn't move real fast sometimes we need to deliver okay this one's going to get pregnant tonight and he's coming well it took 40 years from just you know finally get manifested and but then he did something wrong kill somebody and he had to run off in the desk for another 40 years so it took 80 years for him to show up we need help 80 years he'll be there so so moses shows up and we have the you know all the ten plagues and then then we go off the wilderness to get the ten commandments it's a great story anyhow they're coming to the promised land they've heard about their whole life i'm gonna i'm gonna give you land you're gonna live in houses you didn't build eat from vineyards you didn't plant so here they are this side of the river they're gonna cross over where you go and promise land that's what god's been talking about for a hundred years gonna give us our own land house have our own houses it's going to be something you know we don't have to live like a slave anymore well before they cross the river the number says they sit together and say well let's just pick out one man from every tribe let's just make sure it's like god said because maybe he didn't tell the truth and so 12 guys crossed the river and they're over there for 40 days and they're spying out the promised land well they come back now you got to read it you got to read it at number 13 it's an incredible story they come back and and they said well what was it like well it's just like they said man they got grapes the size of cantaloupes over there but one cluster of grapes that took too many to carry it back on one pole i mean it is something big old houses it is something man vineyards or whatever and said but they said but there's a giants living in the land and they're big ten foot two inches tall got six fingers six toes we asked them what they thought about us and they said you look like a grasshopper that's what they said it's in the bible i'm not making that up well well they're not all giants there's just a few of them you know the sons of may not you know half priests are in the fallen ancient human and that's a whole another sermon and they come and say they're johnson well all of a sudden he said what johnson land and so all of a sudden ten spies believed it and gave an evil report the bible says two spies joshua and caleb gave a good report they all saw the same thing they saw the same thing they heard the same thing but they didn't believe the same thing 10 said we can't do it i mean we didn't go back to egypt it's okay no we can do it let's go man that's a great place let's go i'm gonna get my stuff down let's go get it and so two had a good rapport ten had a little boy i just basically said that's one out of ten so in today's world one out of ten people believe something good is going to happen not out of oh we're going under we're going over we'll never get back oh dear god no that's not prayer that sounds like prayer that's not prayer god is still on the throne he hasn't passed out he didn't doze off oh what happened i just believe god knows what you're going to think before you think it he's still all-powerful all-knowing and a good god so what happened was they had to go back they said so we got to teach man you got to read this great story god obviously gets mad tells me that's it that's it i'm not going to let them go that's it 10 times i've tested them on that trip from egypt ten times i gave them an opportunity to use your faith bitter water no food you know uh nobody and all of a sudden i rained down food i rained down water but it bread the pill or fire the cloud by day i've and still they won't use their faith what was god what's god looking for somebody that will use their faith she said when i come back there will i find faith anywhere what's faith somebody's believing god regardless of the circumstances or the news or whatever what are you doing i'm believing god i belong to the creator of the universe my name is written in the lamb's book of life there are so many angels around me you can't count them god orders my steps direct my past shows the things to come that nobody else knows what are you supposed to do i'm supposed to be the light and salt of this planet i'm going to give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry i'm going to nurse a sick person back to health i'm going to be a blessing everybody i meet i'm the light and the salt i'm not of this world i'm of another place and so if you don't get that in your d the news won't get any better it won't be better next year this issue it will be better two years it'll get worse hell's coming and so you and i have the opportunity to be alive in the greatest days of human history there's never been a greater time all the heroes of faith are in heaven they're watching us around our race the bible says there's grandsons and they're watching this around our race down here and i better go and then oh dear lord that's not good and so they're recording ages the bible says i'll give i want to give an account when i get them of every idle deed every idle thought every my life's being recorded if i think something stupid and angel's writing it down so don't think stupid the bible says think on these things whatever's lovely honest just pray another good report think on these things don't think on stupid things why do you keep from doing that don't feed on stupid you know there's no movies that stupid is a stupid does it's in scripture so i give this real quick joshua 24 14. god told his and said choose you this day who you're going to serve choose there's always been a choice from the garden of eden on everything went south of gardening but god was giving them a choice i like this deuteronomy 30 verse 19. god let us i give you a choice between death and life blessing and cursing now call heaven and earth to witness to choose said oh that you would choose life so that you and your sins might live god said i want you to choose i'm gonna give you some choices life death blessing can you make a choice well god give me a few days to pray about it i'm not real sure which one i want life death um blessing cursing i need to consult some people well god gave them hey stupid choose life yes lord thank you for the answer oh that just entertains me philippians 4 8 i just quoted he said this he said fix your thoughts and what is true what's honorable what's right what's pure what's love what's animal think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise don't think about the other things then this is proverbs 4 23 he said guard your heart with all diligence for out of into the issues of life the quality of your life in my life's based on one thing what we feed on now today we got media you know 100 years ago media wasn't that big a deal you know i remember i was five years old before we got a television set and it was a big black box had three channels three and it went off at 11 o'clock at night well now we got so many we can't count all of them hell's pulling on you all the time i tell people you know people come to me to prayers because we do seminars so many seminars every year across the country and because brent joe can you agree with him for this i said oh sure i can't love us what scripture are you standing on what what scripture are you standing on what are you believing god for because god gave promises it's in the bible it's free volume 2 is not coming out he's sticking with the volume 1. what what promises are you believing for well that's when things get better well what scripture are you standing on for it to get better i don't have one but it's probably not going to get better god doesn't watch over you god watches over his word to perform it the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so let the weak say i'm strong let the force say i'm rich call those things to be not as though they are what's hard that's right that's why god's looking for people who want to fight you have to fight the good fight of fate you're not fighting other people you're fighting to keep your faith strong how you do that guard your heart watch what you read what you think what you meditate what you listen to you know i've said it so many times i got a big sign i just did a thing in our studio last week got a big sign about moon pies ancient sign moon pipes for five cents old sign so i held up and said you know i remember i worked for a company one time and uh an old country song came up take this job and shove it we ain't working here no more and uh big plant 300 people on tennessee river and chattanooga that's it come on it's noisy oh hadn't showed up yet so there's so many radio stations playing so somebody hey it's on 95 chinese station it's on that big noisy plan would change and 300 men were saying take his job shove it ain't working here no more take his job and then the formula would laugh as soon as i was laughing we loved that song and then three months later they shut our plant down and today if you ever go to chattanooga tennessee drive down manufacturers road and you're looking for the chattanooga baking company because they bought our empty plant and that's where they make moon pies now everything the moon pie people haven't sung take this job and shove it so watch what you feed on and what you think about now it's a real short sermon it's just a long introduction really oh that's awesome too you'll go home and look this up this is out of the emi most people don't read nehemiah now uh i'll paraphrase for the second time nehemiah is a great story he's working for the king our tech jerk season uh he's never been to israel he was born in captivity he's heard about israel's life you know in the temple and in the in the city of jerusalem where god lives he's heard about his love so he's worked for the king he's a great servant he's been promoted up the food chain well one day some relatives come back to jerusalem and it's 800 miles away they show up and hey how you doing how are things in jerusalem well they're bad it's bad man the wall has been torn down the temple has been burned and he said you're kidding and the bible says that nehemiah cried for days it's the home he's never been to it's the home he's dreamed about the home he wants to go to it's bad and so he just cried well months go by and he's serving the king one day after the first year and the king notices his facial the king likes him and he said damn what's wrong with you he said oh it's okay no it's not okay what's wrong with you he said well and so he prayed himself near my lord give me boldness give me boldness and so he said well i'm concerned about my city the wall has been torn down the temple has been torn down people are not doing well they don't have any protection and he said well what do you want now people here comes people miss this the king asked him what do you want i'm a parent i've asked my kids what do you want nothing what'd i give them nothing i'm not good i'm a good parent but i didn't give anything you didn't ask for it and so he said what do you want he said well i would like to go back and rebuild the walls and said i need to be able to do that and he said okay what else you need well i need some troops to go with me and i need some letters from you through all the countries you you know taken over i need letters permission to go through i need another letter to cut the big old cedar trees up north because i need lots of timber to rebuild those walls i got to build me a house he had a list already prepared this is the king that can kill him in a drop of headphones he said what do you want if anybody's going to ask you what you want have a list ready oh i don't know i don't need anything i'm good i'm fine no i'm not i got a list i'll choke a horse on my list you want to ask me what i want i gotta listen we're we're believing god for stuff all the time the next car the next house is next we believe we've got a concert i got a list i carry with me i got in my briefcase out in the car what's that that's my list i prayed every day father i thank you spawn my needs and i need this stuff right here i don't even think this list but this list i need all this list and so the kingdom said okay go do it and so he left so he comes back now it's a long way it takes a long time to get there the mom said he came to jerusalem he used to walk around the walls for three days he didn't tell anybody was there he didn't talk about who he was i'm here from the king he just didn't tell anybody he was walking around just surveying looking at how bad it was the third day he gets up front of everybody hey my name's nehemiah i'm from the king i'm here we need to rebuild these walls who would like to help me do this get this place back in order well they got excited i would i would i would i did so they started now there's a guy named sam ballen uh that's just a crazy name but he's the bad guy he has the black hat on sam belt ears this guy's back who is that will he came from the king he's going to rebuild the wall you can't read all those walls we we whip these people well no they're going to rebuild the wall we can't let that happen and so he starts he said we'll just take an army down there and we'll kill him we'll kill all of them well you can't do that he got a letter from the king he said and so they start to rebuild the walls it's going good so it gets about halfway built relaying the brick and everything nehemiah's building my house and he's overseeing everything and it says all of a sudden sand ballot showed up one day and he said hey hey hey hey i know why you're here i said uh i want you to come over and let's visit let's kind of work this thing out because we're kind of concerned about what you're doing let's sit and talk and the bible said nehemiah's on the wall in brick he said no i can i got stuff to do they said what and so they're sending messages back and forth so sounding about saying no hey no come on i'll buy you dinner we'll have lunch and i won't be a blessing let's just see if we can work this thing out anymore i said i can't come down on the wall i've got stuff to do so five times this happens and so finally he said man we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and kill that bunch and so what happened was the word came sound balance coming so tell hey listen guys we're gonna have to change up what we do here we're gonna have to carry a sword in one hand and a trowel on the other we're gonna have to lay brick at the same time we get ready to protect the city and they had people on the other side of jerusalem they're waiting to see if they got attacked so they could tell that trying to gather up and defend themselves and so it says for days they did not get undressed they slept with their clothes on with a trowel on one hand and sword another they slept with it because they were ready and the bible says they finally finished the wall in 52 days they built the entire walls of jerusalem record time and their mom said santa bala heard about it and said he went into deep depression oh that's not good and what it was is the guy that had been yelling and screaming and threatened and hollering shut up every time god tells you to do something their chilies from hell will come out of the woodwork who do you think you are what do you think you're doing well i'm going to do this right here you can't do that you're too old you're too fat you're too skinny you're too poor you're too dumb you're not a hell will come out of the world people you know that like you will tell you you can't do that what do you think that's crazy don't try to do that don't do that you shouldn't do that you can't do that hell has cheerleaders we only have one he's called god that made the universe whole thing together by the power of the word he's a really good one to have and so he finished and when he finished sambal never threatened him again throughout the entire book so what are you going to do well what happened nehemiah heard that things aren't good in his family what do you do i need to go help my family did they ask you no you have anything to help him with no but i got a really nice rich guy to work for i'll ask him we're going to ask him everything what he needs i need timber i need soldiers i need protection i need some cash and i guess okay because i really like you most people won't even ask well well well the bible says the righteous as bold as the lion so you need to take some time this week sit down get a piece of paper what do you need transmission leaking you need a new transmission toilet won't flush you need a new system in your toilet write it down people will only pray with spiritual stuff well then you're stupid i pray over everything i've laid hands over my septic tank i've anointed my septic tang because i called the guy to fix it because it wasn't working not only about in the country in oklahoma we have septic tanks and stuff running through the woods and so it wasn't working so twice i called a guy and he said i got her fixed i wrote him a check and he left and then two days later it won't flush again toilet's backing up so i took my family i grabbed a bottle of west and all we walked out where by september because that's where the grass is the greenest in the ark and so we stood there we held hands all eight of us we took that was my father our north just separate i commanded to work in jesus name and i anointed that puppy then i called another guy that came out and so he went he went five minutes he said i fixed it you couldn't have what'd you do or the exit was stopped up the food guys pumped it out they didn't they didn't check the flow you got no flow it wasn't accepting it's the flow i fixed the flow because i'm real smart i still got that bottle of west nile that you can laugh all you want there's times you need to anoint something lay hands on something stand against something before something when i just pass through guys we are the light and salt of this planet we're to be a blessing to our neighbor to our country to our government to our state i mean we're to be blessed not put stupid bumper stickers on our truck not sing songs not take this job and shove it we're to be a blessing we're the light inside of the planet and we'll start doing that angels start flapping wings and things that start happening i don't know if they have wings i just like to think they do the four around the throne of god have wings they got six wings they're winged up everywhere yeah they've never made a movie with a six-winning agent what's up that's just freakish that's the kind god has he's real elaborate god loves to show off and that's the god we serve so start asking more believing more get your mouth moving the right direction because the name's just writing down what you say anyhow and if you don't say it you're thinking it so think on these things you'll think you might read me a proverb every day not read me a bible verse i might go to church when the door is open i might volunteer i might start paying my tithe i might start teaching the class being an usher being a greeter i'm going to show me some seed because i need a crop so we got a great opportunity church amen i stand up father we thank you for the truth of your word that sets us free and keeps us free we are so thankful that you placed us in the body of christ where it pleases you we are so thankful that we live in the last days when your spirit is poured out without measure we're so thankful father that we have gifts and callings each one of us different but you place us where they'll be the most effective so father use us this year next year in the years to come to be a blessing to everybody we meet we are the salt and lot of this planet father we're going to leave it better than we find it in jesus name and everybody said everybody by your head just for 60 seconds nobody moving nobody looking just for one short minute two questions two questions nobody looking are you here today and you say joe i do not know jesus as my lord and savior i've never ever asked him into my heart but god's been dealing with me about that i think i'd like to see something about that today well if that's you i would like to pray a 30-second prayer over you right out of the book of romans i'm not going to embarrass you in any way i'm not going to call you out i'm not going to call you forward if that's you and simply in a few seconds i'm simply going to ask you to raise your hand wave it at me and put it right back down i'm going to see it god's going to see it if you're willing to acknowledge you need a savior today god in heaven will save you right where you stand old things are passed away all things will become new god will make a new creature in christ it's that simple or perhaps you're here today said joe i'm saved i just haven't been living for god lady when i've been stirred today joe i'm ready to get serious with jesus well if that's you you pray the same prayer these other people going to pray out of romans and god in heaven will forgive you every sin you've ever committed he'll put it in the depths of the sea he'll take it as far as the east is from the west there'll be no record of your sin in heaven and god will make the devil pay back seven times whatever he stole from you that's the kind of god you serve so with every head bound every eye closed said joe that's me i need to get born again today would you pray that prayer for me joe that's me i'd like to rededicate my my life today if that's on either count right now would you simply get your hand up way without and put it right back down joe pray me thank you thank you thank you there thank you thank you there thank you thank you sir thank you thank you ma'am anyone else thank you anyone else gonna mess with you not raise your hand it's still not it's not too late anybody show them not raise my hand yet please include your prayer anyone else anyone else anyone else oh yeah right there thank you those two ends there all right hands down heads about an eyes closed here's what we're going to do those you that raise your hands we're going to pray with you and god's going to do the two greatest miracles he can do he's going to save souls and forgive sins so people let's help them pray everybody in here say this after me heavenly father i thank you for jesus i do believe he is your son he died for me and you raised him from the dead i ask him now lord jesus come into my heart save me forgive me of my sin i receive you by faith with thanksgiving in jesus name now father for the hands that went up this morning either for the first time ever or as a simple reaffirmation their faith in you according to your holy word and their obediences right now they are cleansed forgiven blood born again children of god jesus christ is their lord the devil is not their lord anymore they are your sheep you are their shepherd they're going to hear your voice and the voice of estranged they will not follow we welcome both into the family and back into the fold lord as they leave today surround them again with that divine favor bring great godly friends that will strike around with them and cause them to grow in jesus name and everybody said give them a handclap people god bless [Music] you
Channel: The Ark Church
Views: 2,284
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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