Sundar Pichai Live at SRCC, Delhi University - Highlights | #AskSundar

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thank you thank you thank you listen listen the main act is still to follow here you know I was standing out there and I'm listening to the intro and I'm thinking you know when you got the big rock stars the big rock show comes on they send the other guys out to do the early acts and then the main band comes out afterwards I'm a little like that today so the main the main band is the main band is somebody else but it's wonderful first of all what is an undergrad College in Delhi doing with something as fabulous is this I either under I thought undergrad colleges were meant to be little classrooms you know look at this sorry post or your post grad you see their post grad as well but this is wonderful and I'm delighted that so many of you have come to listen to well for want of a better word a text are and one of the things I'm going to be asking him and maybe I should ask you first actually because yours is actually currently the only generation that matters in India others don't matter we talk you matter so no that's true I'm not trying to I'm not trying to play to the gallery don't worry because your generation doesn't believe doesn't can see through it right away right so who are the latest rock stars man or the latest rock stars the movies or the cricketers or the tech or the technology stars CEOs are the big rock stars team and we're all in the wrong business ok since since you're all the rock stars let me call him is simple like like you and me when went to college like like all of us maybe dreamt like all of us and then just went and did some things here which I'm sure some of you are going to do as well so since the verdict has come out loud and clear let's call sundar pichai slum then I'm just since all of you are taking pictures let me get out of them for a while come and take my ring all you want I told you I was asking him this just before I came out and I was asking the question I was asking all you guys and he said I don't know but I did ask them I said who's who the latest rockstars is it is it the music is it the music group so the movie stars is it the cricketers they said the CEOs so what's it telling you about the India you're reaching out to our show is one when I was growing up nonsense they told you knows how to say the right things no but isn't it interesting that at X star and for all that you might say about being a good simple South Indian unassuming you are one what does it say about India that a text star gets this kind of reception you know can everyone hear yeah okay okay yes or no yes yes okay great ah a few years ago I had come to India and I was you know this was in Mumbai and I was getting off the car trying to go in for a meeting and it was a person who came open the door of the car and I was walking in and you know he said I listened to your Google IO speech and it was phenomenal and which is our Developer Conference and you know it struck me well there's no other country in the world where the person who came and you know helped me get out and go into the hotel had watched a you know technical speech like that so I do think there's something unique about India that way you know I think people are interested in technology which i think is great you know I can ask for anything better so thank you for that interest wonderful but sooner you are you are a young man - you still are even if you're much younger than I am but you still are and a lot of people in this room are dreaming about tomorrow it's a beautiful part of India that's in this room and they're all dreaming about tomorrow a lot of interesting to ask what did you dream about when when there was time to dream about tomorrow for you were you was sitting waiting to take on the world there was a couple things I did not for fun but you know I didn't dream of just like I'm sure like many many Indians dreamt of being a cricketer you know I used to be a huge in high history I used to be a huge fan of sorry I'm old but I used to be a huge fan of galas kur you know when he was playing and I'm later on such an when he played but you know so always you know had a dream on a more serious note you know I always loved technology growing up and you know so I had dreams of just not exactly what I would do but I wanted to you know at that time you know I used to read about what was happening in Silicon Valley and you know I wanted to go be a part of it so I didn't exactly dream carrier as much as a destination and warning didn't ID cut up or there was no Google then now okay you're sitting in IIT cut up put in a room that wasn't quite as fancy as this hall is and there is no Google so how are you keeping in touch with what Silicon Valley is doing and how are you dreaming and Wow I have to think about that for a minute there was no internet to and you know it was pre all that you know mostly reading and you know my uncle had gone to the states and you know so and you know I was interested in in semiconductors and so on and William Shockley the person who and I invented semiconductors you know was from Silicon Valley so I've read a story about him staying you know working through Stanford close to Christmas Eve and so stuff like that so you know for what I was interested in I knew that that's how that's very was happening but now this gender the new generation that come in that's coming and I feel the generation gap every few minutes but Google and you both have to stay relevant not just to the people in this room but to a generation earlier than there so how do you stay relevant how does Google always stay relevant you know it's a it's a good question in the technology world you know everything changes and in you know in such a fast pace you know given you were asking questions about when I went to school in the 80s you know the personal computers were just getting underway and you know and you know in ten years from then you know I just gone to the US and the Internet as we know came into existence and ten years after that you know mid 2000s when the first smartphones came into be right and Roy didn't even exist ten years ago and so what kind of shows you how much things change and so a lot of what we do is to figure out what the next wave is and you have to you have to do that you have to reinvent yourself you know part of the reason we are all very interested in India is you know it's an amazingly young country it's a it's a vast country and so in many ways we do think the trends of the future will come from places like that you know so largely explains our deep interest in places like India just to tell you how much India is changed as a young man there who's taking a selfie of you from a disk from as well just hoping that you're somewhere in the picture one one of the things I read about you it said sundar pichai is an X under Rajan right to give you the whole name it actually was Sundara Rajan no one has an answer here no again this is Sundara Rajan yeah good night I grew up in Idaho Telugu boys say whatever but they said is an example of the fact that good guys can finish first now on this one the teachers are clapping more than the students I wasn't exactly a good guy at school though a good guy doesn't necessarily have to mean 98% good guys a decent person that's what I've been told about you don't believe everything you are you and that brought more Cheers so you're not the Rahul Dravid of the tech industry ah I you know now I don't know everything about Rahul I tell you I knew he had good technique that's that that's all I know about him you know I'll tell you a lot of us with the simple middle-class background I can read it entirely to what soon they're saying we find it very difficult to talk about ourselves so maybe that maybe that question was wrong is Google a fun place or is it a place for workaholics oh no it's a I think it's a it has a lot more balance than people realize it's an amazingly fun place I you know I think it is you know I did feel like when I first went to Google I was like a kid in a candy store you know and you know there is you walk around people are working on amazing things and you know and so really stretches your mind is one of the things we talked about in sport is that sometimes it's easier to get to number one then stay number one and Google has done an amazing job of staying number one how do you handle that challenge because when you are number one everyone wants to be you so how do you how do you take on the challenge of staying number one you know from our perspective and I think it's true for in technology in particular you know the world keeps changing as I said earlier so in a big part of what I focus on at any given time is you know making sure we are innovating and building products for the future you know it's just got to be a normal course of how you think and so you know we are constantly thinking about what to do next so you know Android is very popular people are using smartphones but you know I always sit and think about what is the next version of how people use computing right so we are thinking about you know things like virtual reality or augmented reality so these are all new areas but we are constantly thinking about it and so you have to do that on a constant basis to push forward because Google is a great example but the tech world is littered with shooting stars that that came up that shot that lit up the world and literally like meteors went away Google has been phenomenally successful in bucking that train yeah and I you know and I think I think we've always had a very ambitious mission you know we wanted to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible I think in the context of smartphones and how people use it around if anything that mission is even more relevant there's a lot more information which people consume so we want to do a better job of that and we feel like we are in early days of that mission you know with things like what we call as machine learning and artificial intelligence I will be able to do do much better with all of these things and and you know so for us the journey is just getting started one of the reasons everyone here I suspect is excited to meet you is you are what they would like to be and an Indian who studied here went overseas and did what everyone would dream of doing is it mandatory even today you think for people in this room for an Indian to go West to become a textile I hope not you know I you know I think I think one of the things which is exciting them excited to be speaking years you know I do think there are many many different paths you take and I think especially in I was telling someone on the way over here last week someone on Twitter tweeted to me and said thank you on behalf of Indians if you know this was a Indian American but he tweeted me and said thank you on behalf of all Indian Americans for not being a doctor and and showing other Pat's exist and I hope it's the same you know being in the u.s. you know I find people take a remarkably very number of Pat's and you know slightly I do think it's important to follow your dream and do something which you are you know excited by you know so I think if you follow your heart and do what you like you will always do much better and so I don't think it matters that you're an engineer or you're a you know you're in science or it could be in any field and I think you know I think you're a good example of you know having gone to I am and switching and being you know at that time you know I just simply was impressed by the fact that you were bold enough to do something like that but I think it's phenomenal you did something which you know you follow your heart and I think I think those are you know it's one of those moments when the head of Google says he knows you it's it's like it's like friend of mine friend of mine plays for Australia Matthew Hayden we became friends anyone who sent bolt one the hundred meters he was asked about his love for cricket he said my favorites Matthew Hayden and his children said but you are our coach why does he know you huh so anyway yeah because increasingly it's becoming easier to do what you want in this country because you don't have to go through standard infrastructures and clearances what Google has done is it's almost given flight to a lot of young dreams and that that surely must please you enormous Lee that that Google is now seen as this as this pathway almost that's you know exciting for me to see I mean one thing I would add is it's not just doing you know you know and I'm saying I've noticed over time is you will have many many many opportunity opportunities to reinvent yourself and so you know so I think you know it's worthwhile taking risks on trying to do something you're really you know excited by if the first attempt you don't do it you know you can try again and you know things tend to work out in the long run you know since you brought it up it wasn't in a set of questions I'd worked on but the attitude to failure in this generation is very different from mine in my generation to fail was to commit a crime in yet what you're talking about is go do what you want and there's always comebacks on there that's right yeah and you know I think that's how you know in Silicon Valley you know you know polities and so many people's startup a company's starting a company and even having failed you can wear it like a badge of honor right and I think that's important you know culturally you know risk is rewarded I remember when I started working at Google you know I if I went and you know people were discussing ideas to other people who heard the ideas try to build on those ideas they encouraged you so it's a culture of optimism it's a culture of risk-taking and I think that's really important so okay just a couple before we start taking questions from everybody you talked about cricket but you tweet about Barcelona hahaha you know I'm a huge you know football fan as well and you know I remember when I was young you know waking up in the driving my mom crazy because I would wake up in the middle of the night to watch World Cup soccer at that time and to watch the Brazilian team in those days in the 80s and you know I continue to you know cricket and soccer or to sports I follow I follow actually football more now because it's easier to follow there and I'm a very big Barcelona Messi fan all you guys who wanted to talk about Cristiano Ronaldo dune I don't know they saw the reason El Clasico in which barcelona won 4-0 if there are any Real Madrid fans the desertified can't can't can't do anything so Test cricket or t20 soda ah you know does he grew up in Madras not in Chennai yeah and Madras is as Test cricket as you can get I was telling her just before we walked in you know I was fortunate enough to go and see the most of you may not remember but in the 80s in 1986 we are the was a second eye test I think between India and Australia and I was in the stadium then and somebody had given me tickets because they thought the match was going to be a draw but you know all they start test cricket was amazing I had the time to watch it then too but you know I followed the transition to one day it's very very well you know t20 s I catch it but it was something I didn't grow up at so you know I don't I don't enjoy it as much as I do one day or dis cricket but I you know it's exciting since since you're here somebody I'm reproducing a line somebody told me they said in the Google era Test cricket is threatened in Google era where everything is at your fingertips everything is moving so fast there but you know something stand the test of times yeah they do I'm Victor screw your fan anyway okay one last question before I threw open the questions for you what next for Google and I know I'm going to come back at the end to ask you that question separately to but there's glass this cardboard there's cause can google make 150 kilometers an hour bowlers if he could do that I would just you know secretly use it to just make myself the fastest bowler in the world now you know I think there are many things we are working on you know things which I'm excited by our you know most of what we do today in computer sciences you know by by engineers coding and you know these are hand coded systems over time what we call is machine learning or you know an extension of that artificial intelligence you know we'll be able to in a learned way build systems which automatically learn and do things and that is you already do it today so for example when you talk about self-driving cars the way the cars recognize that it's a stop sign or pedestrian these are machine learning these are what we call as deep neural Nets and they automatically learn learn what they are doing so these are incredibly powerful things to come in the future and so I think we're barely scratching the surface and things like that will apply to health care in many many fields and so you know there's a lot lot left to do one day the self-driving cars will learn how to drive in daily dot that one is pretty hard yeah okay excellent we've got we've got questions from you and it's incredible how many of you wrote in and asked questions she's wearing a Google shirt as well okay okay the question comes from Chandra nyah Chandra ah there you are from Karachi Hans Raj model school have I got the pronunciation right yes sir excellent Chandra your question my question is what would you have been if not the CEO of Google oh wow you know I would have taken I'm not that picky football or cricket I would have been okay with either you know I mean I always I think would have still been building software products you know that's what I love to do and you know always was fascinated by the fact that you know with software if you had an idea in your head you could make it happen and you could see see the outcome of what you what you did and you know I love building products at the end of the day and you know it's what I would have liked to do it's it's the old thing isn't it then remember my father telling me when we were growing up become whatever you want but just trying to become the best at it so if you want to build products just trying to become the best at everything okay I think we're going left to saw miedo she from SRC see hi some yeah hi Sunday hi Harsha so my question for some that is I'm right here would ya yes so my question for you is what motivated you to switch fields from first metallurgy to management to computer science and did you ever feel incompetent or even a bit insecure while working with people who were given more qualified in that field than you would you know my my background you know I was always interested technology and you know the first chance I could get the program I learned programming and you know so for me I never thought of it as switching fields as much as when the internet started happening you know you know it took me a while to realize the power of it and you know I you know it became obvious to me for the first time we are going to have something which could you know connect one day all of humanity and would profoundly transform what people did so I wanted to be a part of that so you know part of the journey so that's how I thought of it and so I didn't think of it as nicely switching careers to answer your second question you know absolutely I you know I would actually encourage all of you you know if at some point in your life you know you have to work with people where you feel a bit insecure that's essential because that means you're working with people who are better than you and we're pushing you right and so always encourage if you if you actually feel very secure in what you do you know that means you're doing something comfortable and you're not pushing yourself and so there are many many times I've felt working with people in a group am i doing enough these people seem much better than me and I think I think that's a inherent part of learning Shiva's there's one thing you want to take away from this hour you're getting with sooner maybe that let yourself be insecure from time to time it's it's a lovely thing the moment you start to get secure and I can tell you all because we've seen a little bit more life you want me to get secure you're actually moving backwards okay we've got a video question and it's coming from my is he on any of these so from your point of view how much impact do these titles really have the guests always and how do you think this impact we cheated examination that is I got a last pot food how would this change the pace of the nation in the coming year you know every you know every year or two years you know whenever I make these trips back here you have always been waiting for this change in India it was only when I came last year you know I felt it very viscerally that like you know the you know that the startup culture had really taken hold here it's incredible to see now for the scale of India over time you do need entrepreneurs to tackle and build things for India and for globally and you know I think it's a unique opportunity India has and you know all the elements which you need is already here you know and so I think India is very very well positioned to do the entrepreneurs I meet you moment to interact with you must also tell you that we have over two hundred three hundred school students here and I had the Army Public School and the principal my question to you is the Indian education system has done extremely well we have you in Google and that is the proof of the pudding we want to know how do we now adapt ourselves to become future ready and what are the skills and the techniques that the children now need to learn so that they have an edge over the other competitors there plenty of nations fielding people so how do we get the edge over the other nations of the world thank you for me I think a way you know as you said in India as a you know strong educational system and there's a culture of valuing education which is which is phenomenal I think ways in which we could we could you know move forward would be for me you know if I look at what is needed to solve the next generation of problems creativity is an important attribute I think so encouraging more creativity through the educational system today I do think our educational system values you know rigorous academic knowledge or necessary you know being more creative in how you approach education I think that's important another thing I would say is and I think it you know I've seen it in the best schools in the u.s. etc it's what I call it's very experienced shell very hands-on you know people learn learn how to do things by doing them and not just by learning about them right and I think that's a big big difference so you know to me so allowing a system in which there's a lot more creativity learning how to get things done by hand and you know so much more of a project-based experience you're learning or all I think you know trends which the Indian educational system needs to adopt and I also think it's important to teach students to take risks and you know and making sure the system doesn't penalize for you to take risks and you know if you're different and so you know those are all that repeats which I think are important you have no idea how popular we just became with her students hahaha nobody but it's interesting because a lot of the time in the Indian education system as I was getting my son to study for his exams and he said they're only testing me on what someone else has already answered they're not allowing me to learn for myself and what Google has done now is Google gives all the answers to the questions that are going to come in the exam so how do people study and it's a very valid question that you ask how do we study now so the education system has now got to adapt to the fact that Google is giving you all the answers anyway maybe that's one of the reasons why we are very good reengineering but not as good as inventing so okay there you are thank you thank you money thank you very much okay we've got we've got another video question coming for us here's an interesting one can we obtain you play the video please hi sundar why do we still not have Indian deserts as Android OS names like in for naan khatai and for layup um or maybe P for Veda you know when I meet my mom I'll ask her for suggestions and yeah but maybe what I will do next time is when we when we are working on the next release of Android Android and maybe we will do an online poll on what the name should be and if all Indian sport I think we can make it happen let me tell you one thing about Indians online the only community that ever wins online polls are Indians because we just have that numbers which is why I'm sensing it I suspect your mother might say when you get to pee that pee for piyah some will be good so you know though when I was young you know I never liked sweets and now I do you know I used to take the pie some and actually add sambar to it so that it didn't taste that sweet and if you did the head s is long where we won't wait for s for sambar okay there's a lot of people who vote to use social media to to send in questions as well so let's get the first one that that's coming off the screen and it's coming from from Rishikesh more a or using a hashtag asks under is there any possibility that that companies in the IT computer internet sector as big or as successful as Google can be created in India and the world comes to India for service you will see the steam coming through this great latent pride among a lot of people so this will keep coming through if yes or no what what do you think is Olding us back you know if I can answer this question with a slightly longer term view I think absolutely you know there is nothing intrinsic I see why from India you know we cannot do what what you know people have achieved externally so there's nothing intrinsically you know there are probably a set of structural reasons why it hasn't fully happened yet but you know those barriers are slowly going away right and a big part of it is you know you know to the earlier question a culture of startups and risk-taking and I think you know India's historically had a much more of a professional culture and a culture of entrepreneurial approach you know that's it's been very very exciting to see to me a bigger thing to go with that would be as the internet reaches more users in India and India has a billion user base like china now has or it's getting to then people you know when you tackle problems in India you can you can you can think about big problems right and and so you can you can be very ambitious in what you tackle and and the part of doing that is what leads to a big global company so I am absolutely confident this will happen in India it's just a matter of time it's not you know so it's going to happen well one of the things you do very well and you must have done in your personal life at some point what should think big think scale is that is that was a part of you can that be learnt the ability to just think of something big things scale or was the environment around you after you travel to the US did that nurture this ability to think big and maybe that will be part of the answer that that that education is asking yeah I mean it's a good question some of it is you know I do think Google played a big part in it you know I think at Google always you know we used to think about solving problems you know always what we would look for is will it one day apply to a billion people right and so if he did something will it work for a billion people and we wanted to work on problems which people used in their everyday life and so we always ask those questions so everything we did you know when we worked on even things simple things like at the time Google books you know the approach was what if he could scan all the books in the world and bring them online and so there was an inherent assumption of scale in everything we taught and so that really helped shape my thinking excellent so guys think scale okay if you're going you're going back I think that's Tsushima from from the north cap universities which my around somewhere hi oh there you are hi graphing loser so we heard that Google is committed to provide the broadband connectivity and almost 500 railway stations in support for the digital India initiative so the question is how do you think this is going to benefit Google and how do I think India is going to get benefited from such an initiative I mean we are very excited about the public Wi-Fi project it's the largest public Wi-Fi undertaking in the world you know because the 480 way stations which we are working on each day will get over 10 million passengers and we are talking about real high-speed connectivity through Wi-Fi so you can watch your favorite Bollywood videos in high-definition and many more things you know the reason we are doing it is you know any India you know any time I felt you know when you bring access to the Internet you know it literally changes people's lives and doing it in public public places like the railway stations will expose many people to the Internet for the first time and so that's why we're very interested in doing it I think a lot of lot of things in India is about driving awareness and you know if you are serious about getting the next for all the scale and potential of India there are still 1 billion users who don't have connectivity so how do you go to its making that happen and you know it's a long journey it's a process if we want to figure out many different approaches to it meeting the railways Wi-Fi would be one big step in that direction excellent remember remember some of my own some of our own train journeys and gee what would we have given to have had advice on a train journey yeah I used to take the Coromandel Express from Chennai port and you know at the time I wasn't worried about Wi-Fi I was worried about getting food on the way but but Wi-Fi would have been awesome so karuppu is known for two things really volunteer karuppu is known for the iit and Kotaku is known for the longest railway platform you know when you had to carry your luggage all the way and he got off on the wrong end haha it wasn't that much fun it'll be a big platform for to provide Wi-Fi though III hope we do it you know I'm not sure it's um it's on the list of 400 but hopefully we do there okay here's a question from from a lady from Miranda house the university couldn't be here so we're asking the question on her behalf shreya Varma what will Google do to involve women in technology there are very few women in the app ecosystem it's a it's a global problem I think the problem is particularly pronounced in India you know we do see a women account for less than one third of internet usage and it's particularly worse off in rural areas you know one of the things is you know we did we did a amazing pilot project in which it's called Internet sati where we literally had women drive these bicycles these bicycles are equipped with you know just with a set of smartphones in the back and a tablet and so the women go from village to village and we have done this in thousand villages and we you know they teach other women you know how to go online what does it mean to go use a smartphone and connect it you know the thing which you find striking is most women in rural areas don't think the internet applies to them you know they think it's something for their husbands for their sons and you know so there's a there's a big learning that's needed there to me every time you know it is one of the most important things we can do as a country I think is to help get these women online there's a lot of people working on it we are you know we are happy to play a small part in this we just announced that we would expand the program which we are doing in partnership with Tata trust we would expand this to cover three hundred thousand villages in the next three years that's half of the villages in India and you know we'll be working with the government to make it work more effectively as well but helping get women online I think is an incredibly important thing and if we do it better I'm sure there will be many more women developers one day when I come back there's a point of view that India's next big leap will come when when more women enter into the kind of things you're talking about as well so hopefully all you young women get into get adapts get into apps and and and take the message around as well what we are seeing though is in the 10 standard and 12 standard examined guys you don't want to hear this but the but the girls are beating the boys hands down it was true and I was there as well okay Ruchika sulwon from the department of computer science university of delhi there you are greetings sir I'm honoured to interact with you in person and welcome to India first of all sir my question for you is how is your vision for Google different from that of Larry Page and Sergey Brin and I worked with them very closely for many many years I think in a part of why we have been able to do this together is we we kind of shared same aspirations we of course have a lot of differences and we debate approaches to how you solve problems but at a high level you know all of us have felt that you know you can use technology and computer science to solve problems at scale big problems which make a difference in people's day-to-day lives we've always been interested in doing that so that's the common thread by which we have thought about problems and and so I do you know it's I share a lot more in common than not so did you ever didn't ever sort of get up one morning and say you know what these two guys produced a world-changing company and they want to give it to me you know they're still very involved you know I think you know I think you know they are they're equally ambitious and you know they want to do a lot more with it you know and and but you know I think you know for me it was truly truly a privilege to get this opportunity and so I'm excited for it okay we've got another from from from social media this two or three guys have sent in this question so can we get it off the screen please okay Naveen Naveen Subramanyam shovin Ravi vishal Goenka there are many Google services and products that are not available in India why is that and what are the plans to make them available you know all those names some of Google's biggest services aren't available yes as Shravan as well vishal is asking that too you know it's a good question you know we we do work hard to bring our services to India so for example I see the question has Project loon and you know it's you know we are working very hard to bring a project loon experiment in India to start with and it's part of what you know I came here working on so we are we are working very very hard to bring everything we want India but increasingly we also see an opportunity to do things first in India and then actually it work for global markets - so for example YouTube offline you know what we first did it in India last year and now it's in 77 countries worldwide and you know so we see there is a good template by which how we approach things in the future so which is why we are investing a lot more in India part of it is we're expanding our engineering offices in India significantly we're going to be building a big new campus in Hyderabad and so I'm excited about what we can do here and take it globally to the rest of the world so more and more products are going to be built in India yeah it's a goal it's a goal that you know especially for markets mobile the way it's scaling up we do think we can do things here which will apply globally elsewhere excellent everybody get on buy your tickets go to Hyderabad okay from MIT University let's just sing the scene yeah ah there you are i sundar well I have an interesting question for you I had read read somewhere that you have unusual gift that seemed a little more than a curiosity when you were a child but has served you incredibly well in adulthood which is insane numerical recall and can remember every number you have ever dialed is it true it's it's no longer true but at the time when I was in India we were lucky because the phone numbers are only six digits so that helped and Google didn't exist and so people all over my family and friends if they wanted to call a phone number they would just ask me and so I just got used to the habit of remembering every phone number I had called all right heard about but when I went to the US the phone digits were first of all 10 digits so made much harder but as soon as I got a smart phone which started storing phone numbers you know I stopped thinking about them so I can't do it now but he used to be able to do it long time ago geez you reach a stage when everybody is younger than you when we were kids growing up in Hyderabad the first telephones that came at two digit numbers so you actually knew everybody you had a telephone remembering the telephone number okay we've got one on we got a question on video coming up I think is Megan uh from from IIT correct but they're all seem very excited about asking you questions my ID card put so let's get it off the video screen hi my name is Nina and I'm from IIT Kharagpur and my question is Google or alphabet is no longer restricted to being only a search engine but we seldom hear about any non computer science undergraduates working at Google why is that and what is the recruitment procedure for these people thank you ah you know it's it's not a we we do hire a lot of people you know who are non computer science under grads I mean if you look at the scale of Google to do something you need to do a product well a building a building the product is only one aspect of it right you want to be able to build it you want to scale it take it to market how you take it to market how do you market it how do you sell it in certain cases you know the end to end work that takes to make a product happen it's a very cross-functional thing so we hire people from all kinds of backgrounds there are language majors at Google people who have done history people who are you know have done business commerce and engineering so you know I'm confident in fact a majority of people at Google probably don't have computer science as an undergrad background overall so so follow your dreams and you can work wherever you want also tilts your life is changing I thought in that photograph in the background there's a badminton racquet and what looked like a guitar do you have that at IIT Kharagpur I yeah I think so you might have excellent so how many of you non computer science graduates want to work in Google now the number of non Computer Science hands were less than the number of hands saying you want to work in Google hahaha okay now this uh there's almost a pattern now to all interviews in India where the host is required to ask rapidfire questions of again these are not my questions the only condition is that the questions will be asked quickly and the answers are short but you answer they're always short so okay here we go zoom that okay rapid-fire questions when did you buy your first phone smartphone any form not not the one in Chennai the phone it was a Motorola StarTAC this was probably 95 96 here and the first smartphone you know I thought it was a smart phone but the first smart phone I bought was probably in 2006 actually here's what another query smart phones do you have because I think you'll find the average in this room is not one I you know I tested probably in my house that I probably 20 to 30 I should admit it that is such disastrous news for kids who don't buy their own phones and okay do you think coding should be made compulsory for everyone I don't think it should be made compulsory but I think it should be strongly encouraged yeah so what is your first software project I'll just learn you know trying to build a rudimentary version of like chess and games like that that's what I did first why do you look at him and think it might have been chess for all the talk about Barcelona and cricket okay this I promise you I have nothing to do with this question how much reduce score in your class 12 not enough to get into Shriram College of Commerce and of course to get into ID cutter puller to write an exam yeah but it wasn't based on like last 12 grades yeah how important that class 12 grades anyway now it's a serious question because when we when we were growing up lasted and class 12 grades were everything there were some people who good enough to write entrance exams and get into varieties right some of us weren't yeah so we had to live with our 10th and 12 standard grades there are too many teachers in the room for me to answer that question okay last one where do you see Google in the next 30 years you know I think it's a long question I just want to make sure the next 30 years we are still able to work on problems which really work for people on a day to day basis hopefully at that point serve all of humanity in a profound way so that's why I want to be and that is important to Google isn't it it is you know it is a core part of at least what drew me to Google adding the chance that we could work on products which would one day you know reach everyone in the world you know I didn't have access to computing growing up and once I got access to it I you know it changed my life and have always been interested in this is why we work on affordable Android smartphones or Chromebooks and being able to reach everyone I think it's a foundational part of what we do it's two o'clock we've got our last question coming up and it's coming off a screen right everyone all eyes on the screen Goggin Kyra why is the special editions where I'm going to just correct the Spelling's as I go why is the special edition Star Wars cardboard not available for Indians this is one of those applause that kind of applause the J is going to grow as it goes around we should figure out these are these amazing we just handed them out Google last week before I left and they're really amazing ones won't it be nice if we could give one to everyone in the room here does everyone include people on the stage as well so hopefully I think I think this away we are going to make it happen so we'll figure out a way to get it to one and everyone here today you know it's so typical of you as I've got to know you in the last hour to make a huge announcement and set an understated manner so everyone's going to get one guys what do you think of that there is one other thing I have to do because it's now the thing that all Indians view but you don't get to take it I do this is a this is and for someone who has technology challenges me this is a big challenge this is a 360 degree selfie okay so I'll take a couple do I don't know if you can send that far apart but I limit it to you so if I don't get in verse three sixty I guess okay there you are and I'll come closer says it sets it this is everyone's fanboy moment it's incredible I saw some of these and for someone who has challenges me plight sort of blew my mind to do a 360-degree selfie which means everybody is in it so they were thank you very much everybody thank you all of you there as well thank you the Avenue black thank you so much everyone for being such a spectacular audience can we please have a round of applause for all of you you
Channel: Pixels & Lenses
Views: 1,464,029
Rating: 4.9024472 out of 5
Keywords: SRCC, sundar pichai in india, sunder pichai, harsha bhogle sundar pichai, sundar pichai and harsha bhogle, sundar pichai with harsha bhogle, google ceo sundar pichai speech, harsha bhogle, sundar pichai interview with harsha bhogle, sundar pichai, sundar pichai interview, google ceo sundar pichai, srcc campus, srcc college
Id: mU041cUsJYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2015
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