Fireside Chat with Jeff Bezos | Shah Rukh Khan, Zoya Akhtar | Amazon Prime Video

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the founder CEO and president of Amazon just pays off [Applause] sheriff and Zoya it's now over to you for the next 30 minutes or so thank you very much man Tara thank you everybody ladies and gentlemen welcome to this fireside chat a big round of applause was via a bigger round of applause for most of the people who are employed by Jeff I asked him what is the nicest thing about Jeff when I spoke to the team about a week back and they said his laughter he has the most infectious most beautiful most honest laughter in the world thank you Jeff for making us laugh making us feel good and for your laughter thank you for being a missus so how has it been Jeff you've been in Mumbai now for a day in Delhi you've been travelling we saw you flying kites yeah on moccasin country but the kids told me that the right way to do it is I I needed to have glass on my string so I could cut all the other kites but we didn't do that but it was any day when you get to fly a kite that's a good day and so my trip to India has started off right with some kite flying and so some of your pictures at the Raj Ghat the Gandhi Memorial Gandhi Samadhi how was that very meaningful there's a man who truly changed the entire world taught the principles of non-violence he's renowned everywhere and it was a great honor to be able to go there and lay a wreath and I want to know do you think Gandhiji and his philosophy of non-violence yes is it more relevant now I think it will be relevant forever and it's one of those things everybody knows is true and yet it's somehow very hard to achieve wonderful entebbe Jeff has been here a few times before this is the first time in Mumbai it's my first time in Mumbai I've been to India this is my fourth trip to India but my first time in Mumbai and I've always wanted to come to Mumbai because the guy who leads on India Ahmed who's sitting right here in the front table for I've known Ahmet for 20 years and over 20 years I've heard little stories about his father and every time I hear a story about Ana's father I get more and more intrigued and want to meet him and he's one of these guys who you know you gamma has done all these incredibly impressive things in his life and somehow I get the impression that omits father is completely unimpressed by all of these things and so the more I learned about omits father the more curious I get and this has been going on for two decades and tomorrow night I get to have dinner with omits father I hope Amit that is impressed by Jeff special guest here Lauren welcome to India thank you for being here Priya wonderful chatting with you backstage and tell me have you seen any perceptible change in India apart from the traffic when you came for your app you know it's interesting I am so I guess I came the first time I came to India was about 11 years ago I don't know that I have seen perceptible changes of any great magnitude the thing what I would actually say is that I notice there are certain things that seem to me to be the same and I love those things one of the things I noticed every time I come here is that there is so much energy here and dynamism in color the word I would use for it is the whole place seems so full of life and everywhere you go every single thing you do and the diversity of India when I come here I've never seen a more diverse place everywhere I travel in the world nowhere more diverse than India so the energy self-improvement every time I come here I find that the people that I talked to are focused on and interested in being better tomorrow than they are today everybody here seems to be focused on self improvement so I when I get here I get a boost of energy I go back and I'm like wow you know it's so alive here yes you guys are gonna work extra hours at Amazon when he gets back did you think online we did we'll get this babe Oh No so you know when I started Amazon it was 25 years ago I started Amazon in 1994 when I went to seek investors the first question I had to answer is what is the internet none of my investors had ever heard of the internet and the the the the the idea that I had in mind was to build a bookstore I realized that we could build a store which would have every book ever printed in any language in print or out of print and we could do that online it would be impossible in a physical store that was the founding idea of Amazon and but did I expect what would happen today no you know we started I've been at Amazon when it was one person me when it was ten people when it was a hundred people when it was a thousand people and today when it's you know more than seven hundred thousand people and approaching seventy thousand people just here in India so no I did not predict that and actually I think if anybody had predicted that they would have needed to be immediately institutionalized in a mental facility because it's not a normal thing to have happen my dream when I started Amazon was that one day we might be able to afford a forklift so it's been a very fun journey for me and by the way I still tap dance into work I'm having so much fun how many folk lifts you have now what's that how many folk lifts do you have I have no idea it's an uncountable number of forklifts it's okay I want to know see I understand this is wonderful what you're saying and it's very inspiring to hear you talk and you know about a concept that the whole world and the investors didn't even know about and to start 25 years ago from that but when you were 6 years old or seven or eight yeah what did you actually want to be I mean of course how did you know then well it's so funny I had so when I was a kid I went through so many stages of dating I think when I was in first grade so how old are you in first grade you're like six or seven and first grade I wanted to be an archaeologist and that was pre Indiana Jones so it's not that and I and then I wanted to be many different things but I was only I really wanted to be a physicist and I went to college to study physics and I realized halfway through I was never going to be a great physicist and so I started studying computer science and computer science I really fell in love with and it became a real passion of mine and that's how I ended up doing Amazon dan you wanna ask him I want to know if I mean of course borrowing everything that's illegal is there anything you don't say when I was on anything we don't saw anything you tried to sell him didn't walk anything there are things we tried to sell that didn't work which I just saw a phone called the fire phone and we worked on it for four years and no one bought it I think my mother bought one and I don't think she was that happy with it but it is but but no there are things there are things we deliberately don't solve we don't sell guns we don't sell tobacco there are things we don't sell but and that we make deliberate decisions about but other than those things we try to sell everything that anyone might want to buy and we're trying to make it as convenient as possible for people you know in the early 21st century we're all busy everybody in this room is busy and if you can save people time let them spend more time with their families and with their friends and doing the things that they really enjoy then you're doing them real service okay yes it's very convenient being online you're all so busy when was the last time you shopped at a brick-and-mortar store yeah in a physical store and what do you think is the future of physical store but when was the last time you went to a physical store well I go to the grocery store even though we saw groceries sometimes I go to the grocery store because I kind of enjoy it I'm not I'm not a good cook but I like to cook a little bit so I'll go to the store I'm a very inefficient shopper because when I get to the grocery store I don't know where anything is so I walk the aisles and I don't have a plan but I'll put together some kind of meal and make a dinner so yeah probably the last time I went to physical store was for groceries actually I went to a physical store today I went to it I have space store we I went to a tiny little I forget the word it's a help me what is it called a Gitana get on your honor and it was incredible experience it's this tiny little store and they also are a pickup point for Amazon packages we have a whole program we have thousands of these points of presents now where they do their regular business but then they also provide a place where people can come pick up their packages and I talked to this young man who helps his parents run the store and about how it has really improved their lives to have that extra source of income it was a very moving experience that's so that's the absolute last time I was in a field store today okay you should ask him this when were you in a stroller that's a good shopping see I'm gonna plug my own product yes I do all my book shopping at Amazon thankfully do I like you right away my grocery is from big basket and I have a confession to make don't make this a thing but my underwear still I'm not confident to show up online it's it's a boy thing you know you don't tell your size and stuff right okay I wonder do you shop on Amazon and if you have something the service you don't like yeah so do you just pick up the phone call your team of 700,000 people and tell them I don't like this change this all you know what I do so I don't do this it doesn't happen that often but if I get a delivery that I don't like they don't like to it's packet or something we have regular meetings of the senior executive team and I bring the box to the meeting and when I walk in I haven't done this in a while it's been a while but when I bring in a box everybody in the room is like oh no he's bringing in a box because it's always some problem but really the way I get feedback is to is primarily from my email address is very well known and I keep it well known and I get hundreds and hundreds of emails every day from customers and they always have something interesting to say when something goes wrong because we have hundreds of millions of customers around the world and no matter how good we are we can still be better you can always be better customers have a divine discontent and they teach you if you listen to customers so we watch for that and we see patterns and we can find places where it's not working something's going wrong and that's really how I get to feedback is from customer input and often you know are in all-caps angry you ruined my child's birthday because the gif didn't show up on time and we take that and what you really want to do is you take that it's an anecdote it's a single example but you need to find the root cause what went wrong deep inside the system how did this happen because then you can fix it for everyone so that that particular problem will never have again you don't just fix the symptom you have to fix the root cause and that's been the secret to our operational success for twenty years most of the people here Jeff from lots of them I see are from the film industry and it was very heartening when Amazon started creating original content yeah and filmmakers so er Kabira from there this is a pompous set of people no I'm telling you trust me Amazon trying three years you'll find out okay so we don't think of our films as just products you know right so there's a very clear demarcation you know some of them think we do a film for the creative fun of it yeah for the artistry of it yeah oh yeah this one is for business we don't look down upon it but we clearly demarcated yeah so we know this girl this boy artist we won't make the money this one is for money now you are into original content the company's into original content in a big way what's your stance on it are you still that person who says no I'm gonna do this for the creativity the artistry forget them up the business no I'm doing this only for the business or is it a mix of both and you say just put on lots of stuff let someone come on the store and find whatever they want I'm I think this is a great question it's actually something we debate and I think the very if you look at the very best things in the world they do both and I think this is a golden age of television so when you look at you know TV series today the really good TV series are in terms of quality they're as good as the very best movies have ever been and you now you're getting the best storytellers to come to television you're getting the best actors to now come do television we're one of the great storytellers that's right here thank you for the help you and this is this is a big deal when when you can get the very best people because this is you this is one of those businesses where the viewer the is always looking for something a little fresh and so you can never find a formula because as soon as you find a formula it's not fresh anymore they're always looking for something a little new so it really takes human ingenuity it takes people the storytellers have to be in touch with the zeitgeist and what I want Amazon Studios to be all over the world I want us to be known as the most talent friendly studio in the world and the reason you need to do that thank you is because at the end of the day it is the talent that makes those stories storytelling is the oldest thing that humans do we've been doing it for thousands and thousands of years long before there was written language before there was any medium to convey it people sat around and they told each other stories and it's how we teach each other things and we learn from stories we learn from fiction we learn from fiction because we get to live an alternate life in that moment you watch this and you're learning it so it can be fun it can be action it can be funny it can be comedy but the very best things take those elements and teach a little something there's something in there that you walk away with and you're inspired by it and it doesn't matter if it's drama comedy anything you're gonna walk away with something and there needs to be lightness you know you can't watch something that's just all heavy and you're like oh my god you know I want to kill myself now there also has to be that gesture there has to be somebody who brings you out and lets you breathe a little bit so these and this is so hard to do that's why there is so much bad so many bad movies and so many bad TV shows because it's it's it is one of the hardest things that humans do is tell riveting engaging inspiring stories but when you get it right it's a lever that can change the world are you a competitive producer sorry I'm making him speak too much oh you give me water okay see and he claims that the people in this industry are pompous I don't believe him I was I was talking to him backstage and he's one of the most humble people I've ever met it's it's only because my last few films have been done well I'm sorry what were you asking are you a competitive producer my competitive producer and I don't mean business wise I mean creatively like would you see a film or a show on another platform but like what you described which is brilliant yeah and be like why don't I have this well I have regrets I mean we've turned down things that later were so good I wish we hadn't turned them down but we've also picked up things that other people turned down and we've made them great and so the truth is it is the storytelling is infinite if I tell a good story it doesn't make your story bad there is not these are not substitute products you know so it is I don't feel like you get the best results with storytelling by trying to make sure that other people's stories are worse than your stories this is one of those things where you can there can be a lot of good stories in the world you're really competing not against others you're competing against this just the complexity of how hard it is that's why you guys have all seen this if you're in the entertainment business you can there are movies and TV shows where you know the people involved and every one of those people is talented and still the final product is bad it happens and because that's because there's a little bit of mystery to it we don't know how to do it it's a perfectly and that's what makes it so fun because it is there is an artistic element to it it is not science what are you watching right now I just binge watched season four of the expanse which is a show that Amazon is a science fiction show set in space is to show that Amazon picked up from the sci-fi channel and it's fantastic they were cancelling it it didn't work on broadcast but it's working really well on streaming and so I'm really glad we picked the show and by the way we did make it better season four is the best season of the expanse it's incredible but I just watched the whole thing in a weekend it's good you started prime video in India three years ago yes and since I'm a tiny part of it and so was the company ago thank you thank you I just expand out for you how's it working for you in India it's working great in fact if we look at just in India our what number of hours watched in the last two years has grown by six times we do the Amazon video that prime video is doing well all over the world it's doing well in Japan it's doing well in Germany it's doing well the u.s. is doing well in South America it's doing well everywhere but it's actually not doing it's doing there's nowhere it's doing better than in India and it's really incredible what is happening and it drives because it's the Prime membership program from a business point of view we also like the business results because it drives people to join Prime and then they once they've joined Prime they enjoy the the fast free shipping so they also buy a lot of products from us so it's it's a vehicle to make fantastic content and from a business point of view it works for us as well so we love it we're doubling down we're actually we actually just made a decision to double down on our prime video investments here in India you know before I met Jeff my understanding was that he'd be a very busy person he is a very busy person here flying around handling so many things so many people all around the world looking at investors looking at customers but for a person who's so busy he's the most easygoing and happy person that I've met in my life thank you for being so cool I wanted to ask you because I suddenly realized while chatting with you then what do you think let me ask you first is there something you think is a sheer waste of time like for me unlike Amit sleeping is a waste of time I feel it's a waste of life you can't really sleeping yeah yeah so I don't sleep because I think it's a waste of time so what what according to you is a waste of time then I want to ask Jeff what is the biggest waste of time he thinks I think sycophancy Jocketty as we call it sick of fancy I think sorry pardon my french kissing but it's a big waste of time I think you could spend that time really honing your craft yeah improving your skills oh it's you think but licking is a waste of time a polishing Apple polishing the better way to put on stage hard to disagree with that look there are a lot of things that are a waste of time you know and you think about your life I think I often tell people that I work with if you can get because people people have very high standards for how they want their work life to be and and I said look if you can get your work life to be where you enjoy half of it that is a home that is amazing because very few people ever achieve that because the truth is everything comes with overhead that's reality everything comes with pieces that you don't like you could be a Supreme Court justice and they're still gonna be pieces of your job you don't like you can be a university professor and it's still going to be Peter if to go to committee meeting and you have to do thing you know there every job comes with pieces you don't like and we need to say that's just how that's part of it and and and not resent those pieces or try not to but also try to minimize them I tell senior executives you should have the least stress you know there's this weird I think false idea that CEOs I'm a CEO there's this false idea that CEOs are under the most stress well I look at that I'm like why you're in charge why don't you delegate the stress it's your choice and so it's you have to figure out how to set up your life in such a way that you can minimize the things and I find people don't dislike hard work but people dislike and what is being out of control like they can't control their life they can't control their environment this happens to me when I get over scheduled I hate being over scheduled I want some time to be able to think and free myself we all have the same amount of time in the world nobody has more time than anybody else and when you become a very successful person one of the things you start to get over scheduled you have this event you had to agree to do this and maybe last night you were like why did I agree to do this I have to go on stage tomorrow I wish I would really with my family and you know or I hope maybe not this case let's say that you like this one but in general that kind of thing happens and so you have to guard your time and and and try to save a little bit flexible so that's for me it's not a waste of time but I like to have some freedom of movement rather than having every minute of every day scheduled yeah make sure this fireside chat is seven minutes more Agata quickly ask your questions quickly I'm sure you've 500 times but what is your one hot tip for somebody on the onset of their career on the answer of their career just starting up well so a young person starting their career I think they're probably a lot of things some of them are very well known and people have heard that many times they're still true one of those that you should always focus on a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do and that's not gonna surprise anyone it's it's a clear thing to do it's very hard if you don't love your work you're never gonna be great at it I think the other thing I would suggest to any young person even before they start their career is to really think about their choices because I find young people and I when I was young I had I made this mistake too you can get very fixed on your gifts so everybody has gifts you know you you have gifts and you have things that you didn't get gifted maybe you're extremely beautiful maybe you're extremely good at mathematics maybe you there are a lot of things that you can be given but those things can confuse you because they're not the things that construct your life it's your choices that construct your life not your guests you can celebrate your gifts be proud of them be happy of them actually don't be proud of them be it be celebratory of them but you can't be proud because they're gifts they were given to you you didn't earn them you can only be proud of the things you earn and so as I got older I started to realize I wasn't proud of my gifts I was always good at school schools always easy for me and I was always proud that I was a great student I got AIDS and all my classes I was good at math all of that and I thought I thought that's who I was but it's not true those are the things that are gifts what was hard for me is deciding to work hard deciding to use my gifts in certain ways to challenge myself to do things that I didn't think I could do to put myself in uncomfortable situations we all get I would say to a young person you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure which one of those when you're 90 years old are you going to be more proud of service and adventure so all the young entrepreneurs there's an enterprise the concept very close to your heart as oh and me a week back started reading upon it watch some videos and I don't know if very many people are aware of it we'd like you to talk about the Blue Origin oh what it is how did it start and what is your vision for it well Blue Origin is my space company and I have been interested in space since I was a 5 year old boy I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin step onto the surface of the Moon and I I have I believe it's important that humanity expand out into the solar system I think it's important for this planet we have a very small planet and humanity has now gotten very big anybody who doesn't believe in climate change you know 20 years ago maybe you could excuse people for being wondering if it's real today there's so much evidence the people who don't believe in the problem of climate change are really fooling themselves it's it's an important problem and one of the ways there are many things we have to do about that about climate change but long term one of the things that we need to do if we want to continue have a dynamic civilization and dynamic species is we need to go use the near infinite resources of space and we can do that but we need a new generation of entrepreneurs who can access space and the infrastructure doesn't exist so the analogy that I would offer to you is that in the internet what I've watched over the last 20 years and been a part of in the Internet Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm room could create this half trillion dollar market cap company called Facebook in space today it's impossible for a somebody a college kid in their dorm room to create a great space company because the price of admission is too high it starts in the hundreds of millions of dollars and goes up from there and so the job of blur jiin our job we want to build reusable space vehicles that lower the cost of access to space to such a sufficient degree that the next generation of kids can start space companies in their dorm room and we can have a dynamic thing and then once that happens we'll start moving all heavy industry and polluting industry all that will be moved to space and we can zone earth residential and light industry and don't forget this is the good planet we've been to all of them with robotic probes this is the only good one so we do have to take care of it the plant you've just signed the climate pledge yes and the environment is of utmost concern and importance right yes pretty positive big positive stamp tell us a bit more about it well the climate pledge is a very simple pledge it's hard to achieve but simple to understand it is to meet the goals of the Paris Accord ten years early so the Paris Accord goals are to be met by the year 2050 so when you sign the climate pledge you're agreeing to meet those goals by the year 2040 and it is a it's hard but it's achievable and it takes collective action and one of the things that a company like Amazon can do because we are a large company if Amazon had 500 employees and we signed the climate pledge that would be good but it wouldn't move the needle with a company the scale of Amazon we can use our scale in our scope and our global footprint to actually move the needle because it's not for us to meet the climate we can't do it by ourselves we have to get cooperation in collaboration from all of our supply chain partners our delivery partners everyone they need to help that we need companies to build electric delivery vehicles for us we just ordered a hundred thousand electric delivery vehicles we're building electric rickshaws here in India so you need it needs to be it needs to be collective action but large companies can lead the way on that collective action I I want to know Jeff when I started from actually is there a job if it wasn't Amazon if it wasn't business-related is there something else you started all over again at this agent stage and you took on a different profession would there be one that is close to your home be very curious today if I were a young college student today I would be very interested in biotechnology I think biotechnology is of just a fascinating arena that probably in the near in the next 10 or 20 years there's gonna be a Golden Age of biotech one of the golden ages it's happening right now before our eyes is also artificial intelligence and machine learning so that's another arena that I would I would be very interested in my backup career is I'm a very good bartender so if all else fails you'll see me at the local bar and I'll be make your drinks slowly but they'll be good gonna be good Ennis was that your plan B that was never plan B the real plan B if Amazon hadn't worked out I would be an extremely happy software programmer do you do you usually have a plan B do you have I don't have Plan B's we don't like Plan B's I find Plan B's or they defocused you from plan a plan B should always be make plan a work [Applause] [Music] no I I'm taking this back from Jeff now plan B is to make plan a work that's it no more Plan B's not only because of India because I'm like that I was chatting with you backstage are you superstitious about anything I'm I am I pretend I'm not superstitious I pretend to be like very scientific but I actually am superstitious a little bit I have a pair of lucky boots I wear them every time Blue Origin is there Texas cowboy boots and I wear them they're giant they're like they come up to here and they have red stars on them they're very flashy and I wear them every time we launch our space vehicle and we only had one failure at the very beginning of the program and that's the only time I did not wear the lucky boots so I present to you the evidence so that's that's quite a sight every time you're launching a spaceship you're in your boots I put my boots on yeah and yeah oh yeah so I put on the lucky boots boots so how you have a superstition it's super and it's a good that was a key that I don't know I think my mom's done this to me so if I bumped my head with anyone elses head I have to do it again I just have to revamp my head with that person because all your grow horns it's random but it is what it is yes it's not look it seems to have worked out for you yeah it's going on it's been no both of you how many are the most influential women in your life mmm Daniel's influence yeah I have four and they are watching the show so they should not one of them I mean one of them is not watching hopefully she's watching somewhere mom sister wife and daughter the four most influential women in my life my the most influential people in my life were my grandparents and I have a my mother had me when she was 17 years old she raised me with my grandparents help and she was still in high school and she had me that was not cool in Albuquerque New Mexico in 1964 but she did an incredible job but I was lucky because I had not just her but I had she married my father when I was about four years old he has been a huge influence in my life but my grandmother and grandfather were like second set of parents for me and you learn different things from them because there's a different stage of life and they know different things their call about certain things it was a huge gift to me my grandfather was a had a ranch in Texas and I spent all my summers there from like age 4 to 16 and he was the most self-reliant person he did all his own veterinary work all the things I mean and to observe him solve problems and figure out how to do things with no tools and no resources and you know very small amounts of money it was a huge education from an early age so we're very lucky see one of the things that you I know people who have they don't have great family situations and sometimes they break that cycle and they are the ones who pull out of it those people are the ones I reserve my highest admiration for right my next question is I I don't even know if you are in that stage now and you told me as a CEO you don't take too much stress and I'll ask you this too are there any kind of people I don't know if you hire and fire people anymore but are any kind of people that you would never hire to work with you interesting question I don't like mean people mean people I mean I don't like cultural people I don't mind people that are ambitious that are shoe that are smart I don't like people that I mean I don't like that energy like people belittling other people I I would fire okay you okay okay with guys with boots yep okay I only hire people who bump heads twice okay that's it I'm I got a job let me let me could you do this my problem my problem is I've paid enough to Amazon it's time you started paying me back so you wanna ask him if you could if there's one thing you could have more of what would that be hmm one thing I could have more of I mean the obvious answer is time you know it is time to do I like time I don't know I'm not efficient with my time because efficiency there's an embedded efficient there's an embedded assumption when you're being efficient and the embedded assumption is that you know where you're going and I like to wander because it's wandering that allows you to invent and to explore and to follow your curiosity but wandering is very time consuming and so if I could have one more thing it would just be more time me I I learned this from Mel Brooks and I want more of peace peace of more riches piece of more Fame piece of my name in history that's what I want okay I'm here I think we've overtaken your time you've talked about time last question I don't know how many people know this in India when sometimes you're putting in money to make content you say cast your son and daughter in the film it happens sometimes for Amazon very few people know Jeff Bezos has acted in Star Trek oh that's true so next next time you make my best roll is the best roller so how did that happen and isn't going to happen to people here when they have to make content for you that Jeff comes along if you okay your script I got that role by literally begging so I and persistently like for years I would go and they were making a new Star Trek film and I would say I would like to be in the film and they would say no and then I would say I would like to be in that film and they would say no so I just kept after it and by the way I also made it difficult for them because I had requirements I said you can put makeup on me make me an alien no one will know it's me however I need it to be a speaking role it needs to be a pivotal scene so that my line cannot be cut on the cutting room floor and so I had those conditions and they would say no and so eventually with enough begging they finally said yes and I spent two men put makeup on me for four hours and I had one line and my one line is speak normally and it was terrifying because the terrific young actress who I said that line two had the most complicated scene to perform she was speaking in a foreign alien language which was really hard to do she did it beautifully and then in the middle of her it's like a 30 second monologue that she has to do in the middle of that I pin a universal translator on to her and say speak normally and then she switches seamlessly to English at that moment and I knew they did we did the scene 20 times and I knew she was going to finally get it right and I was gonna screw up the speak normally but it didn't happen so it all worked out and uh anyway it was a fun thing to do and I enjoyed it so yeah would you cast him in a film yeah yeah yeah and give him a speaking line I don't want to end up on the cutting room floor okay we do we do audition for it well what do you audition for this role yeah of course I'm coming there right now ladies and gentlemen now time Jeff time we don't have time we have now okay okay no I thought okay so the line is a film brother directed I acted in okay and because you're so busy and we're extremely thankful all of us including me and Zoya everyone backstage for giving us your valuable time it is impossible to get a gentleman like this was so inspiring so wonderful telling us such nice anecdotes from his life and talking about business and to young entrepreneurs and all the youngsters were listening to this because his time is too precious difficult to catch him the line is in Hindi say after me in Hindi yeah this is this is the alien language you have to speak in alright and we'll put the universal thingie on user say it is Jeff go Jeff go Jeff go Jeff go vikarna but cannot occur now Buchan uh mush kill nahin nahin i have the same accent as Emma mush Bill Nighy much Pina in na boom can hey okay make it universe chain Universal impossible hey impossible absolutely guys just pays off oh you are wonderful it means it's not only difficult to catch Jeff get his time it's impossible oh thank you guys but he's been very kind he's not impossible he's been very sweet thank you all of us here and thank you from all of us for being so kind so wonderful a big round of applause for Jeff Bosworth thank you so much
Channel: Amazon Prime Video India
Views: 4,078,454
Rating: 4.8778777 out of 5
Keywords: jeff bezos, shah rukh khan, zoya akhtar, jeff bezos in india, jeff bezos with shahrukh khan, jeff bezos srk, jeff bezos interview, amazon prime video, prime video, jeff bezos india visit, jeff bezos india tour, amazon prime video india, amazon, prime, jeff bezos amazon
Id: lJJB7eb-1u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.