Sun 'n Fun 2024: Piper M700 Fury Tour

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the 50th anniversary edition of Sun and Fun we're here at Sun and Fun 2024 with one of the airplanes that everybody is coming to see it's the fury m700 by Piper and here's Dan Lewis to show us around the airplane hi I'm Dan Lewis here with Piper aircraft at Sun and Fun 2024 celebrating their 50th year anniversary and with our 87 years of uh manufacturing Piper aircraft this is our newest and latest greatest Innovation the piper m700 Fury the m700 fury is faster climbs better it's quieter and we'll have a 30% 25 to 35% takeoff and Landing improvement over its predecessor the m600 let's take a look around the aircraft now and I'll show you some of the nuances and changes for this aircraft so part of the innovation in this new aircraft is the exhaust stack and the engine itself this is the new pt6 d52 motor from pratton Whitney 700 shaft horsepower not much has changed in the design for years with that and in our aircraft all we did was uh readjust the engine mount so it supports this new motor uh the exhaust Stacks are a little bit thinner and more aerodynamic which is why it's a little quieter and a little a littleit more efficient for us we certified this aircraft with a standard five blade prop versus the 600 which was certified and and and blessed with a four-bladed metal prop this is the five uh five bladed heart soul composite prop and that's the standard uh prop for this aircraft one of the other new Innovations we have is the turn limiter so this is a pre-flight and postflight removal and replacement option this uh helps the tug operator not exceed the limits of the shoot of the U turning limits of this aircraft to avoid damage so that is a pre-flight inspection now as we work our way back the wing the fuselage everything is the same as we've had in the back in the in the past with the 600 again it's mainly the performance and power of the engine so that gives us a better takeoff performance around 1,000 foot is our uh takeoff distance and the climb rate now is improved to about 2200t per minute at initial climb our book will tell you we get an average around 240 ft per minute in the climb the 301 knots is achieved around two 200 or excuse me 250 flight level 250 um it is certified to 30,000 ft and rvsm is coming um it's fully Fey six seats uh two pilots up front or one it's got the G 3,000 system in it just like the m600 and we have the latest Innovations and software from Garmin including the gdl 60 which supports the new Garmin plane sink which is the ability to remotely connect to your aircraft from home so you can see oil uh excuse me fuel quantities temperature location so if you call the FBO and say fill my airplane you'll be able to look at it and say Hey you haven't filled it yet we need it to get it filled so all that remote capability one of the other changes that you might notice physically on this aircraft is the gurnie flap on the on the rudder trim you can see it barely here it's just a little L-shaped gurnie flap that has increased some of our longitudinal stability so for pitch and roll uh mainly the roll side it just creates a lot better stability and slow flight uh than we had on the m6 head it's pretty noticeable but that's that's one of the newest Innovations as well on the design and performance of the the aircraft we can go inside now and look at the new uh newer interiors that we have for this year and and the selections there and I'll show you a little bit about the uh Autoland feature as well okay we're going to take a look inside this uh new model has the new GIS interior in it we have several versions of the new interiors that you'll be able to see online later this week but for now let's go take a look at this new two-tone it's actually three-tone leather so you can see we have the black black leather on the sides as a trim piece the accent white um you can do a lot of different things with this interior it comes standard as an customizable option for you so like the the logo m700 or the fury logos you can pick your threads your colors your leather inserts side panels the customizing and even up to the top of the bezel up here on the top of the ceiling can be either uh composite leather wrapped or spring bud which is the matching of the Interior upper leather panels if you look forward into the cockpit you'll see a red button on the right side of the center of the column that is our emergency Autoland system so just like the first one to mark it with garmin's emergency Autoland the 700 follows its predecessor the 600 that was the first one certified in the world for that Autoland capability meaning if you have a pilot that's incapacitated the airplane's in good shape short after the huran you push that button the system's going to go find the nearest safest runway for this aircraft to land it will handle all the features as far as notifying ATC broadcasting on the emergency frequencies picking the runway announcing the runway and making sure that all the passengers on board arrive safely one of the other features I like about it is even as a pilot I may not be incapacitated but I might have a passenger that's incapacitated and and I being certified in CPR or being able to keep somebody alive while the airplane does all the work and getting us down to the ground to me is a big benefit as well so it's not always the pilot that's incapacitated but it's a feature that the airplane can take care of you get you down while you keep somebody alive and and safe so that's a that's a great feature we haven't had any calls yet for it um nobody's had to use it that I'm aware of on a piper product there are other that have it but it's a it's a great safety feature and the industry is picking up on it go for okay so some of the features of our new g3000 with our latest Garmin Technologies includes what we call 3D viz so you have synthetic Vision obviously in the air but now we have it on the ground so right now if you look at either one of these models or U displays you're seeing that we have a bird's eyee view from behind and above of the aircraft so as it's taxiing around the buildings are depicted the taxiways are labeled uh obviously here where we're currently at our stand you don't really see any of the taxi ways if you look on here you can see we're really not anywhere on the on the map of things but one of the new features that we have on this is called taxiway routing so on the g3000 you can come up here on the taxiway routing and as you can see on my screen here we can pick a Runway that we're supposed to taxi to what taxi way to get there so you can plan the entire route and then it's going to show up on here as like a GPS um pathway in the sky but now on the ground for you some of the other features we have now on this and I'm going to go to full screen so you can see them is like the the the synoptics pages so you can bring up any of these synoptics pages that tell you all about the systems in flight or on the ground of what the aircraft is doing so right now that's the ice protection it's showing stall Heats off pedo Heats are off if you go to the fuel it's going to tell you how much is in each fuel versus looking at the gauges here now you get a a a visual view of how things are working and if the pumps are working what the fuel temperature is if the return's working and the filters some of the other things would be like the landing gear you do have the regular indicator but if you want to look at the systems itself you can actually see each system aircraft status doors a jar external power we don't have any it's giving us indication of how much oxygen we have we don't have to look at a gauge behind us now another uh synoptic page that we have is the uh aircraft status is what it's called so it's giving you if the doors are open what the outside temperature what our flight ID is including now the pilot oxygen gauge is embedded in the system versus a mechanical one back on the oxygen box so that's helpful you can also look at your maintenance you have have the exceedence logs if there's anything that's been exceeded you can see that after every flight um and you have the aircraft logs so that's going to tell you how many cycles we've had on this aircraft some of those things people have kept on paper and that's good too but now it's it's recorded in the system as a permanent log for you so that's very helpful and you can download that again through the Garmin plane sink and and get some of that information sent to Pratt and Whitney or to Piper or to yourself depending on the subscription service that you have U some of the other information on this aircraft for example if I go into uh the procedures you have your charts loading but performance is kind of cool cuz you can look at your active performance now and you can determine if we were in Flight what we're doing you can set up your cruise with a auto throttle that's full-time active you can set up a normal Cruise or any of the selected items here or finally what you want to do as as a pilot so you can set up your cruise speeds here you can do that based on climb performance Cruise performance and your descent performance so this is all automated as long as you're in the FMS condition if you want to run the auto throttle without that you would go to the manual position and then you would dial in the window over on your flight uh director you could dial in what speed you want the aircraft to fly and the auto throttle Will Follow Your Man manual indicated here again if you go to FMS it's going to be in the magenta color so that's how you know it's whatever it's programmed into your flight plan so if you go on your flight plan for example and you enter a route say to Vero Beach from here you can come in on that route and add a waypoint uh we'll just do l a real quickly and then if that Waypoint you can say what altitude you want to be but you can also come in and put an air speed so all those things are capable for you to use um in any phase of flight using the auto throttle or not to finish up with you the m700 our newest Flagship the fury um it nicely equipped is about 4.3 million the base is 4.1 there's all kinds of options in between that you can add but it's very nicely equipped as is thanks for coming today and enjoy Sun and Fun
Channel: AVweb
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Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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