Sun-Dried Tomato and Burrata Pasta

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[Music] hi guys i'm laura vitelli am so excited for this video sometimes i talk about this all the time but if you follow me on instagram we chat about this a lot some of the best recipes are created from either leftovers or really just using whatever you've got on hand a couple weeks ago i had some sun-dried tomatoes i wanted to use up little bits and bobs in my pantry in my fridge i really wanted to use and i made this rigatoni and it was so incredible i've made it several times since a friend of mine had surgery i bought her i brought her a whole big container of it because it's that good top it with burrata it's absolutely dynamite and i posted a reals on it and all of you asked for the recipe and laura in the kitchen which by the way i appreciate you so much because you could easily just recreate it from the reels but the fact that you want to see a long detailed video and hear me chat means so much to me which is why i feel like this community and this channel is just so important but anyway let's get started i've got my shallow dutch oven here with a good amount of extra virgin olive oil because that's really going to be the main component of the sauce lots of shallots lots of garlic lots of marinated sun dried tomatoes it is dynamite you're going to absolutely love it i like using the sun-dried tomatoes that are packed in olive oil and herbs sometimes you will find um well you will always find sun-dried tomatoes that are just dried in like a vacuum packed package those are not under olive oil those for me are a little dry and chewy so if you're going to use those which you can just rehydrate them in some boiling water first before adding them to whatever you're cooking because it just makes the texture a lot more pleasant all i'm doing right now is i'm taking some shallots i want about four or five good sides shallots because this is going to be another really key component of your sauce the shallots are going to add lots of sweetness and it's going to be so good once we get them all in the extra virgin olive oil pool the only annoying thing about shallots is having to peel that like thin skin it's really really thin and it can take forever because it just kind of gets stuck and i don't want to peel an extra layer of shallot just to get rid of it because i don't like to waste shallots are all sliced up add it to your pan i just turned it on i didn't want to have the pan really hot before i add my shallots because otherwise they'll quickly grab color but they won't soften and i did have a few tears really spicy shallot let me tell you i want these to sort of soften develop their sweetness and their goodness and their yumminess in the meantime i'm going to add a pinch of salt because that kind of helps things along and in the meantime i'm going to go ahead and just chop up come on ah well these are really fat cloves so i'm just going to go ahead use a couple of those maybe three let's do three three sounds like a good number you know why there's also a small one that came out so let's just go with three and a half okay cloves of garlic but really as much as you want it's a soul thing your soul will tell you how much garlic you need same with cheese really and for me same with olive oil shallots are looking fantastic i'm gonna just turn the heat down because again i don't want these to really get dark or anything like that i just wanted to soften i want to really be sweet and wonderful i'm gonna add my garlic along with a little bit of pepperoncino i can't reach a little bit of hot pepper flake like a little spice because you've got a lot of sweetness there with the shallots so a little spice will give it a bit of balance just let this cook for about a minute or so now for your sun-dried tomatoes if you're using the ones that are packed in olive oil and herbs you can see you have a lot of olive oil left under there i don't particularly love to cook with all of that olive oil but i love to save it for like marinades and salad dressing it's phenomenal but i don't like to store them without that oil because they'll just dry out and i don't want that so i keep them in there garlic is looking good i'm going to go ahead and add my sun-dried tomatoes now i can just sort of squeeze there we go you'll need about i would say three quarters of a jar usually a jar is about eight ounces a lot of that is also the the olive oil that comes in but i'm only doing eight ounces of pasta today but if you were doing more obviously double up i'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of basil i'm just gonna let this all cook together for i would say four or five minutes that is looking fantastic pasta water is up to a boil add your rigatoni along with your salt i always tend to salt my water after the pasta goes in because i feel like if you salt your water before it takes forever for it to come to a boil unless it's just in my brain cook that until it's nice al dente this looks magnificent smells fantastic you need a little bit of more of a tomato product i'm going to go ahead and use some of my home canned tomatoes not much but what i did the very first time i made this i had literally like two tablespoons of tomato paste left in a tube that i really wanted to use up so i went ahead and just used that with some diluted like i diluted it with a little bit of water and it was great i'm going to add a bit of water to this as well and i'm just going to let this hang out here we will add more water more of that starchy water when we go to mix it all together but for now this is going to hang out here all low for a good 10 minutes you know what i do want to add to this i'm going to go grab some a little bit of oregano i'm going to add a little bit of this to the sauce once the pasta is ready we'll unite and we'll finish it off all together this smells like summer and i can't wait pasta is about two minutes away from being al dente it's still a little bit of a bite to it which is perfect because this is when you want to add it to your sauce and we are going to add some of the starchy cooking water and it's really going to pull the whole thing together now if you are a fan of anchovies which i am um i do suggest you add some anchovies packed in olive oil i do suggest you add some to this because it does give you a beautiful sort of umami salty flavor i know not a lot of you are a fan which is why i kept it out but i am going to list it in the recipe as optional simply because it's pretty phenomenal with it i'm not going to lie to you let everything to cook together for about i would say two minutes you want the sauce to just kind of thicken and in the meantime i'm going to grate a good amount of parmigiano i've got my burrata ready i'm going to grate some cheese and that's pretty much it that is perfect the sauce has thickened it's really coated the pasta well add your cheese i want to turn it off add your parm i coarsely grated it this time because i was feeling fancy oh it's so good you just are not prepared for how good this is and it's so absolutely so simple there we go now here's the magic okay you can if you want to put this in a platter yada yada do you have to absolutely not and i'm going to need you to come in very close for this because this is where the magic happens okay watch this look at that brata which is going to melt as it sits there and then you're going to do a little a little hot pepper flake on there then you're going to add a bit of cracked black pepper and then you're going to just coarsely grate some farm over the top a shallot shell a shallot skin whatever it's called peel okay like so i like that and then you come in with a bit of with a basil just really for a bit of freshness um and listen to me if that does not scream perfection then i'm not sure you are worthy of eating it i am not sure you are worthy of diving into that because that is incredible and i'm telling you it is so simple basic very few ingredients and it comes together so fast look at this i'm going to want to get this piece right here [Music] hold on my sun-dried tomato fell off here we go a little bit of everything okay i'm going back in just because it is so good it has it all it's sweet it's salty it's cheesy and delicious the pasta is perfectly cooked you're going to love it go to for the written recipe i hope you enjoy spending time with me please make this it is dynamite and you cannot miss out i wouldn't just spend time with me and i will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 89,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, homemade pasta, pasta recipes, burrata, burratta, buratta, cheese, tomatoes, past arecipes, cooking shows, cooking channel, videos, food videos, delicious recipes
Id: kAncgM5jQZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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