SUMMERWEEN | watching scary movies + my birthday day

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[Music] hey [Music] hey darling can i tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the nine to five in the city hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it now pack our bags and get in that car leave a little note and [Music] good morning everybody how are we doing how are we feeling jake clippity clopping um i have my deadly iced coffee which actually is keeping me from becoming one of the dead don't you see me and my son look just alike especially without the makeup love it um yeah i've been trying to put on makeup early in the day so that i will just film all the time but y'all know there's at least one day in a weekly vlog where i don't put makeup on because i'm feeling lazy and i'm gonna put makeup on today i just don't feel like putting it on at the moment because we aren't going to the movie for another like six hours and i don't want to wear makeup if i don't have to be wearing makeup you know what i'm saying and i might also fall asleep because it's my freaking birthday okay i feel like if there were ever a day that i was allowed to just go bareface and not care is today so welcome to this beauty yeah i don't really have a whole lot planned i'm currently watching some youtube videos i just like i said made my coffee i am waiting for my vlog to upload right now i was thinking about premiering it because i want to talk to you guys but i think i need to schedule it for premiere the night before so that people actually know it's a thing so i will do that probably i don't know maybe we'll do it on the last summerween i think i'm going to premiere the last summerween vlog so i think that one is actually going to go up a date later than usual it's going to go up on a saturday instead but i think it'll work out and i think you guys will like it so yeah i need to make sure i tell i tell gaby that but i was just talking to my bestie for the rusty b um about the firekeeper's daughter we're both in the same part of the book and i think i'm actually going to get back into this because i was just thinking this is just such a i forgot this is why this is such a well written why a book and don't don't you just love the fact that really all of these age categories the way that we use them on booktube kind of makes no sense because really to me i don't know y'all let me know how you view chapter books middle grade y a new adult which i don't i don't know what that is an adult because i feel like everyone just kind of labels them whatever they want but in reality i feel like those age labels are more for not the content or like the characters in the book but the demographic it's targeted towards like that's how i was taught in school for an educator standpoint and point of view like we look at the age demographic the author is speaking to not writing about because there's a lot of books in the library that are centered around adults but they are targeted to young adult and vice versa there's a bunch of young adult books that are written you know with young adult characters but they're centered and targeted towards adults just with the content matter and all that so i was just thinking because i saw that it says young adult really big back here is like i don't know i don't know part of me is just like does it even matter like does it even matter but uh yeah i just if anyone else is a teacher in another state so i i don't really know what i'm going to do but it's my freaking birthday so what i'm going to do is a whole lot of nothing and doesn't that sound i'm oh no i do need to post an instagram picture read something i want to read something i don't know if i want to read a final girl support group i will have to tell y'all what do we have fifth six seven we have three days left of this readathon i have to be honest i do not think i'm going to be able to complete all of the prompts like intended i have very little faith in myself with that because mainly because i just really wanted to be interactive on instagram and stuff and so i haven't been doing as much booking as i would like to be doing so i may even just for these last three days switch up the tbr to finish other books that i'm reading that are still mysterious like the box in the woods i could do that one um because i should have finished that in freaking june but it didn't get to me until the end of june bezos but uh yeah anyways i'll let you go because this is really rambling for no reason but i did record some really really nice rain yesterday like all of a sudden out of nowhere just started pouring down rain and i was like you know what i see you so i recorded it to put it as like a little reading break whatever comes after the rain i don't know what that is probably me right before i go to the movies a reading break for you with some rain asmr i don't freaking know but uh have a good time with it [Music] bye [Music] just where he was needed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so it's like bright right there and then [Music] so [Music] just when he was needed [Music] nobody's losing [Music] we'll always remember [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so when we wake up hear the birds and see the sun side to side [Music] us crazy but things [Music] sleep [Music] what we can do [Music] um [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] um [Music] is tell me [Music] hi guys i was right i predicted it i'm gonna update you as soon as we're about to leave i am so excited to go see this movie it is gonna be spook strange probably not really actually it's probably gonna be bad because it's the purge but my mom is calling i must go okay my mother has not arrived yet so let me turn down this music so i don't get copyright striked because youtube is brutal but i just wanted to like talk because first of all thank you everybody for the birthday wishes on instagram i woke up from a nap because duh of course i took a nap and i saw so many notifications and i was like oh my god what did i do turns out y'all are just like really nice what the heck is that about so um yeah what was i saying my mom just texted me about tylenol just y'all being really nice and thank you so much for that i feel bad because i like have not read at all today because i have not felt like it and i wanted honestly the real thing is like i've been wanting to interact with you guys and i've been wanting to reply to instagram dms i've been wanting to remember to take this freaking foundation off my lips why am i living in like my scene middle school days like we used to do that on purpose back then but that's not the look now i always forget to take it off i don't know why i haven't really been reading because i've been wanting to talk to you guys on instagram and reply to your stories post your stories watch the other people's vlogs basically everything that isn't reading so i do need to get on my tomorrow i'm probably gonna have 48 hour readathon thing for days six and seven um i'll i won't make that one video it'll be all together in the same video or you know i won't make that one video it'll be all together in one video okay sure um i'm not going to put them all together in one video they will be all in their separate videos there we go so this will go up tomorrow and then day six after that and then i think day seven will be saturday but like i said earlier i want to premiere that one because i think it'll be fun but uh yeah aside from that i i hope i'll get some more reading done tonight i really think if i get in bed early again and i just focus on it i could potentially finish final girl support group today and that would be exciting it wouldn't be in this freaking vlog maybe when i get home from the movie if my partner isn't home from work yet i'll just sit down in my office put on an asmr room and i'll just read and we'll just see how it goes uh yeah yeah i was thinking about hosting some more sprints i so for people who are asking i only do sprints on patreon because i get like anxiety enjoying them and it's just more comfy there because it's like a guaranteed smaller group of people if that makes sense and i also just uh have generalized anxiety and it happens in the most random times and usually it's when i'm speaking in front of people and for some reason my brain registers live time youtube as speaking in front of people but the camera it's not my mom's here look there's my mom she's probably like what the hell is she doing yeah okay bye can't believe i think about you all the time morning evening and midnight such a wonderful day [Music] oh my god ginger just oh she's oh she's chasing a flag all right girl you do what you got to do um hi hey y'all what's up so i'm home now i am tired we had cheese sticks we had drinks it was great the movie was actually pretty good it was better than i thought it was gonna be so that was good um as you can see i did hang up some fall stuff uh let me show you actually i kind of redid my shelves so let me show you that so i decided to put all of my non-fiction right here because i want this to expand i know that so effortless is not non-fiction but it's there for now and then i have classics i don't know what to do with outlander because i'm not ready to part with it there's a pumpkin then i've got these books that i don't really want to put anywhere else and then i have some fantasy up here that i still want to get to but i just don't have room in my office for it we have the candy corn tree we have books that are going to be unhauled and into my classroom we have halloween a freaking pumpkin and then we have all of my red and orange books you can't see it but then yellow to pink oh my god look at that the rainbow beach and then i have this open these are also all book of the month books but they're the ones that don't have the thing on it i don't know why i want to separate them like that i just don't have really anywhere else for those to go like genre based so that's what's happening but look i think it actually looks really cute like i really like this uh yeah and then here i'm figuring out what we're gonna do here because i wanna order some extensions from ikea jacob and actually um fill these in to look like a piece of furniture more than just like a shelf if that makes sense but uh yeah i was just about to get back on here and say it's fixing the rain but it's already raining y'all let's go let's go look at the rain we love to see rain actually we really do love to see rain i love rain it's been raining a lot lately it's real nice at that oh and he's gone he realized a little too late that it's raining but he's trotting along that fence so all right guess he's happy with this choice but uh i want to show you something that i just got home and found my partner sent me these flowers and um i did not know this but my mom told me whenever we got home that mums have a very significant meaning to um our family so i thought that was pretty cool but yeah i got flowers i think they really pretty they were out in the sun for a little bit as you can see because we were at the movie when they got delivered i guess and uh yeah but i think they're beautiful they're huge it's like really freaking big and i also wanted to show you um i think this looks cute it's my little halloween corner i have my bewear the cat mug which is really fitting considering the little demon he's right here oh look at he's like i have made a grave mistake please let me in to the house okay now i'm back in here let me get this dog in this door hello um i think what we're gonna do is sit on this here bed looks comfortable i'm gonna open these windows up a little bit more i don't know what this accent is doing but uh howdy uh we're gonna just read final girls support group and see what we can get through because i do believe i've got some time oh nope my partner's calling never mind bye [Music] [Music] do [Music] my you
Channel: oliviareadsalatte
Views: 10,509
Rating: 4.9574013 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, booktuber, young adult, haul, reader, reading, review, recommendation, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, unbox, unboxing, manga, book haul, thriller, graphic novel, high fantasy, book sleeves, bullet journal, reading journal, buddy read, thrillers, romance, big book haul, giant book haul, readathon, read a thon, reading vlog, vlogging, vlogger, vlog, daily vlog, summerween
Id: 2syOjqDrcO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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