@Numberblocks- #SummerLearning - Yellow Level Three | Full Episodes 28-30

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greetings all let's see who dares to step inside the lair of shares solve the puzzles but beware the treasure goes to those who share one for you and one for me wow oh it's locked there's a key but how do we reach it i am the genie of the air oh to win the first key you must find all of my gems but to make things trickier you must share the gems equally between these two bowls and hurry when the sands of time run out a bird will fly off with a key [Music] how can we put the same number in each bowl if we don't even know how many there are remember how we shared the lanterns one for you one for me yes if we put one gem into each bowl in turn they'll always have the same number of gems one for you one for me one each one for you and one for me it's working two gems in each bowl one for me one for me one for me one for me one for me one for me one for me that's all of them there are six gems in my bowl and six in mine that's 12 gems altogether that's right 12 gems shared between two balls is six in each bowl congratulations [Music] [Music] there you are i thought you'd never get here i am the genie of water your next challenge is to share my 15 watery gems between these three shells so each shell has the same number of gems oh the next key share the gems before the waters run dry or the key will be sucked down the bottomless plughole quick one gem at a time no no no that's too slow let's get three at a time three shells three gems one gem in each shell good thinking three three shells three gems two gems in each shell each time there's one more in each shell three more and three more and that's all of them 15 gems shared between three shells is five gems in each shell good sharing team [Music] hello nice and warm here i am the genie of fire to win the final key you must share my 20 fiery gems into these four chests you have until my toast is ready go we need to make sure we find all 20. so let's lay them on the ground as we go then we can check one for each chest now you put yours there my toast is nearly done and the key is nearly toast i can't see anymore do we have them all we can't have look this line has one gem missing here now all four lines are equal that's right 20 gems shed equally between four chests is [Music] gems of water fire and air enough for everyone [Music] how many twos is too many teams amigo let's find out with a game of how many two [Laughter] one two three four five to being set divide into twos [Music] yikes let's find out how many twos there are in six one eighteen stop that and three there are three t's in six happy terrible tuesday everyone or should that be every two [Music] whoa target acquired never fail 14 i've dealt with the terrible twos before off to block shield one two three four five six seven eight into the yikes [Music] there are four twos in eight you're in the lead amigo but not for long [Music] [Music] there are seven twos in 14 beat that excuse me i need to lend a hand [Music] all still 17 is greater than 14. so this should put me back in the lead [Music] remainder alert there are eight twos in seventeen and one left over remainder one no it's an experience i must paint it where's that reset switch aha you've got to hand it to me hey factor beam reset divide into fives you can't catch me oops i've divided ten into two fives [Music] sorry learn a driver a lot remainder alert there are three fives in seventeen and two left over [Music] i two i've got the hang of it now the two's factor beam divides you into twos and my factor beam divides you into fives but only if there are no blocks left over [Music] what can i say there's just no dividing some people i know how to stop the terrible twos and i know who can stop them mission accepted [Music] factor being reset divide into one [Music] how many ones in two [Music] [Laughter] [Music] never any remainders when you split into well well aren't you the naughty ones don't worry the factor beam wears off in time well i don't think we'll be having any more trouble from wait where have they gone watch the skies [Music] welcome to my divide and drive go-kart track how many cards do you need what do you mean how many isn't one enough no no no only threes can fit into my go-karts so you'll need to divide into threes before you can drive divide and drive take off three and we'll see what's left six minus three equals three there you go there are two threes in six so you need two carts off you go [Applause] yikes lots of customers nine how many cards do you need how many threes in nine leave it to me i'm good with threes let's take a three off nine minus three equals six and again six minus three equals three hey [Music] can you please move faster some of us can't wait to go go go got hey i'm going as fast as i can you know subtracting threes one by one is a slow business i mean if you know a faster way of dividing into threes you tell me time oh i know juggling helps me think oh eight says maybe this can help me divide you up faster let's see look can't you see i'm keen to try something new instead of taking threes away over and over let's divide you into threes all at once 12. divide it into threes equals one two three four there are four threes in [Applause] i can divide anyone like this anyone you say why i'm anyone give it a go 16. no no no you need to make a rectangle that's three blocks high like 12 did nope not gonna happen got this one block remaining on the end i guess i can't divide you into threes without leaving some of your blocks behind sorry sixteen but you won't fit in my go-karts no excuse me coming through who wants to go on my go-kart track for four-wheel drivers oh can i try sorry three only fours can drive my carts oh maybe i can 16. divide it into fours equals one two three four the four fours oh yeah literally unable to wait a moment longer eighteen divided into threes equals one two three four five six [Music] all right yes six times three equals eighteen what do you know division is the opposite of multiplication here i go again hey [Music] i could do this all day so i will 18. some rumors are just born to show off six times three equals eighteen divided into three equals look at me [Music] one is two and another one is eight that's three five four three [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 34,227,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, numberblocks full episodes, numberblocks episodes, cbeebies, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, alphablocks, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, numbers for toddlers, count to twenty, 1 to 20, easy maths, maths for beginners, numbers for beginners
Id: cFmwbwLE2I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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