Summer Setup! Mom Hacks, Summer Essentials, Activities, Bucket List, Treat, & More! Amazon Must Have

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[Music] n [Music] is time for one of my favorite things to do all year long set up my house for summertime for summertime fun for Camp mom for all of the heat honestly I've got some treats to share with you today I have a lot of new things to share with you I'm really excited about and let's start off with this sweet little number I've got going on right here if you're going to be spending any time outside this summer I might I suggest this sweet little dress it also has pockets shorts and pockets it's ridiculous it's crazy it's so lightweight it's like that athletic material the back is free and flowing so if you're sweating all over the place it's not going to stick anywhere unless you sit on leather I just love it so much it's really flattering and it's really lightweight and cute if I'm going to the theme park if I'm going to the park if I'm just hanging outside with my kids playing chalk I feel like this is like the perfect little number so I was very happy with this Amazon purchase it also came in a ton of colors um I chose blue but let me tell you I almost chose green pink and purple also black and I thought about red but I didn't want to go overboard all right there's my fit for the day let me get started making something we make every year bucket list everyone who's anyone is wearing this dress for the summer just reminds me of I think the Babysitter's Dead movie where they do the fashion show and here Here Comes cim right on top of that Rose all the supplies you're going to need for the summer bucket list are as follows simple as that I actually looked all over for some markers and of course Elanor had some but I also remembered I got some paint markers for the kids for their like summer crafting supplies so we sat down the other day as a family as we normally do at the table and we just came up with a huge list of things to put on our summer bucket list some things are repeats from last year some things are new things but they're all exciting things they don't have to always be extravagant like we have a yearly pass to Bush Gardens like popping that on there low cost you need some budget friendly options a trip to petmart is also on our list you need some bougie options a trip to crumble is also on this list so I'm going to start putting a list together honestly I wish a trip to Europe was on this list but it's not so I thought I would share with you some of the things that I put on our summer bucket list that we came up with this year and I made a list on my phone it just is so much easier that way when I end up making the poster board of it and I also while I'm filling it out I always leave a space at the bottom so we can add to the list if something important comes up or and I add to the list as I'm going along too like in my head if I think of something so I'll go ahead and read off our summer checklist so we've got a trip to the pool water park Adventure Island aqua it's a lot of water parks happening we live in Florida it's crazy hot if you're not in the water or near the water in the summer time hopefully you are in or near somewhere with air conditioning okay that's the only way to survive I put WonderWorks on here that is my kids's absolute favorite place to go in Orlando we've got the beach house coming up dumpster diving that got a lot of traction on Instagram when I posted our summer bucket list they said what the heck well of course avalina came up with that one and there's always a long story behind that so maybe for another day go to a concert which will be interesting Museum of Illusions go on a boat petmart Peppa Pig Land go to the movie theater Titanic experience hide and seek in the dark camping bonfire sores surfing thrift store shopping Disney World Typhoon Lagoon Bush Gardens dip and dots crumble cookie lemon stand get a haircut tumble track Sky Zone Trampoline Park bike ride another trampoline park hunt crabs ice cream table Medieval Times roller skating as a family water balloon fight family bake challenge Chuck-E-Cheese trip unplugged day Lemonade Stand was that on there twice so nice we added it twice karaoke night board game night High School Musical Marathon ices cotton candy boat boating SL tubing on the boat try a new food gymnastics make a new friend go to the park splash pad collect shells build a sand castle ice cream bar try a new restaurant DIY pizza night at home fireworks arts and crafts hunt crabs again Library a trip to the library and then tie dye so a lot of fun stuff on there and if you are reading what I'm writing some of these are a little difficult to read on camera but in person I think they're fine not the best markers I think these are PCA markers or something I don't know it's literally the only thing I can find around the house because I went on a rampage the other day not the other day a while ago and got rid of all of the markers because young kids and markers just do not coexist okay so I uh got rid of them in a fit of rage and this was my only option which is fine it worked out and I was happy to have some uh that I could use but I just love the summer bucket list idea if we're ever in a lull like a lot of these things will get checked off uh during our like you know vacations if you will so we take a trip to Orlando and we've got a lot of stuff on there and also some of the stuff on here I don't know if we're going to get to like Pepa Pig Land no future plans for that but it's been on the list for a couple years so hopefully we get it marked off also Disney world that's a pipe dream of mine everyone was adding to the list and they were like Mom what do you want to add and I said Disney World so you know not sure if we'll get there but maybe we'll go to downtown Disney or something and make it count anyway that's my list and I hope it gave you some good ideas to put on your list also check on Pinterest or just Google summer bucket list ideas and then I'll also say that the kids separately especially the older ones they make their own bucket list of like personal goals they want to achieve this summer and one of them even has a list going with their friends as like a challenge so different things for everyone uh we just try to make it fun and I think uh I think we achieved that one thing that was on our list last year that we didn't get to that Alex was bummed about was a nacho table I don't know man something about a nacho table just everyone just grabs the food and the food is all on the table and everyone's just grabbing it with their I don't know something about I was like we can do make your own pizza night again that was a hit and a half and we've done that for a couple of years so um excited for the ice cream uh table that's coming up too because that's one of my favorites even though I don't even like ice cream but there it is woohoo next up I'm going to put together my beach bag a pool bag summer bag whatever the heck you want to call it this is the new one that I got because my old one dug not only dug into my shoulders but I endured it for 2 years because it was so expensive this one it was more affordable but that one also broke and the day it broke I said a man but anyway I got this new one and what's so fantastic about it I also have a lot of things inside of it that I want to share with you because it's really cool so what makes this bag extra interesting is that it comes with a cooler attached to the bottom I'll show you how it reattaches if I can figure it out but here's the cooler and it's actually quite a nice size so if you're just going to the park for me like this would be enough for the park because of the amount of children that I have but if I'm doing a bigger outing than that I'm going to need to pack a cooler alongside it but for those quick trips that you know you're going to need a snack but maybe not a full lunch while you're out this is like the perfect size it could fit water bottles if you need to my ice packs fit in here couple of oranges granola bars and you'll be on your way having a really nice refreshing snack because you know it's been in a cooler okay that was really easy to zip on and off and not only does it have a nice cooler on the bottom it has pockets all around it which is like my favorite thing I need pockets for everything I need some things to be easy access and stuff and then on the inside another pocket thank you for maybe my things I need to keep more secure and then on the inside a ton of space not enough space for seven super large bath SL beach towels which is why I love to use let me grab one and show you I don't have one they're all in the wash we went to Adventure Island so they're literally all in the wash right now but hopefully I'll show you the camping towels that I bought a couple of years ago they oh my gosh not to be dramatic they've changed my life I can pack all seven of them in this bag and then have a ton of extra space to spare they're absorbent they are quick drying they actually do what they're advertised to do the size I got I think was extra large and they go up to extra extra large something like that so if you are looking for like all adults I would get the bigger sizes but these have worked for our family they're perfect for our kids they're big enough they're not like super comfy towels so if you're getting out of somewhere and you just want to like snuggle up with a towel this is not the towel to do that but it will get the job done and it's a huge space saer in my bag so I love them especially when the kids are going on field trips and stuff during the school year it's so Compact and easy for them to Lug around that they are not having to carry like this huge towel with them you know what I mean perfect for so many things and speaking of ice packs I maybe made a mistake when I ordered these I thought these would be able to fit in the bottom of here clearly I uh didn't have my tape measure handy for some measurements but what I will say what's really cool about these is that there's like hardly any weight to them so if you're traveling this might be the perfect option for you because when you get to your Destin fill them with water that's all you you fill it with water and then you freeze it and I just thought you know what that's really Innovative so I'll keep these around long enough to show you I might even keep them because they're just so like they're so lightweight and I can store them away I don't have to constantly keep them in the freezer which I guess you do you have to keep ice bags in the freezer all the time I guess not but I do anyway if you have your life together enough like a true sophisticated lady store these aside fill them up with water the night before you need them and and then pop them in the freezer like look how slim and compact these are I thought they were great mine came in a pack of three okay another Beach essential I had to get more of these because so many of my kids love them and they only come in a pack of three and I got more kids than three and then also alongside of that I will say whenever we go to the beach we typically bring like cousins or friends with us as well and everyone just loves to pick up seashells have we had these for one or two years at least one year we had these last year when we were at the beach house and I will say the other bags that we have are slightly different than this but still the same concept they come in different colors too these are the colors that I picked purple pink and green and my kids just put these straight over their body open the zipper and then start popping their seashells as they're collecting them right in the back and what's so great about this is that it has holes it's basically like a mesh bag and then you can shake out all of the sand genius genius it's incredible so Innovative whoever ever created these just a round of applause for them because my kids love them and they're just so convenient what we used to do was collect seash shells put them in a bucket and then when you make sand castles you like need the bucket or it get the bucket gets dumped out and then oh my gosh where are all my shells well in the sand more than that though did I bring it over here to show you this I'm so excited to show you guys this in action at the beach house I feel like a true sophisticated lady having my kids use this okay you don't know what it is so let me expl it's a clear case and it opens up it's magnetic so it stays together but it opens up and you can collect all the teeny tiny little seashells put them in a little square and then close it up for a safekeeping and then you have a nice little display case that you can prop somewhere put it on the wall if you're handy enough to do that I just thought this was so special so I got one for each my children and I think they're going to love putting their teeny tiny little sea seashells in there she SS she sells by the seashore and all that good stuff so the next thing I want to share with you I'll show you the box I told you about it but I didn't show you because it was in one of my Amazon boxes and I hadn't opened it when I did the haul the camp mom haul video but this is the tiny pump I was talking about the tiny pump it has so many different little tips on here and you know when you go to the beach and you're just sitting there for the first 30 minutes of blowing up all of the Inflatables well wouldn't you know they sell a little tiny pump to save your lungs incredible okay so I am going to do a little demonstration right here for you aren't you so lucky as seen on TV and I don't know what type of insert I need for this all right let's see how effective this is you do have to charge it by the way it's about to take off hold on there's a learning curve huh I can't quite get [Applause] it at this point I would have had it blown up with my mouth feel like it's sucking it out you put it in the wrong hole oh seriously that's what she said genius what do they say 10% rule well look at that I just assembled it incorrectly so if you buy one just know this is the proper way it's installed I was putting it at the bottom there so funny so that that actually works and is exciting could have used that the past 15 years of my life not going to lie so I'm going to make sure that this St oh and it does come with a charger like USB cord unlike Apple products do you feel me I'm going to put this in the important pocket and I'm probably going to forget that I put it there couple more things if you're traveling look what I found let me take this to the bathroom so if you're traveling I found these really Nifty hopefully they're Nifty like silicone I don't know what they're called I forgot I'll try my best to link all this stuff below but it they're like silicone Lids or Toppers or things so apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently what they do is like if you're traveling with your soaps and shampoos and conditioners and stuff like that you just put it over the lid and it kind of prevents it from leaking what we typically do is put them in Ziploc bags because we know inevit they're going to leak and so they just leak into the Ziploc bag but this I feel like prevents it from happening altogether my stuff is so tight in there like it's not pumping out anyway and this is like it's not coming off I mean I'm purposely rolling it off but you get but I'm trying to and when you're packing a lot of stuff I mean we're talking Bubble Bath shampoo conditioner body wash body scrub for seven people because we use different things it can really add up so you you can see like how much this thing stretches so if you have larger bottles or something like that oh my gosh I just think these are so cool all right I'm going to try it with maybe a different kind of bottle maybe like this Don't Judge Me by the state of my body wash bottle you have this on and it definitely fits over this bottle while also keeping the lid nice and secure let's try something else the Big M all right I feel like there's a way to close these but I'm not going to waste my time right now just going to see if this stretches over and will it stay it's a little wet because I squired out a lot of the shampoo but yeah it's staying it's all kind of slick and slippery I can't pull it down anymore um because of the shampoo everywhere but it's it's staying right in place very cool so we know it fits over all the bottles hey talking about getting clean I got something else to share with you maybe down by the sand hey you know when kids are at the beach and they're playing in the sand and they get it everywhere and you're like oh my gosh whether it's time to leave and you're trying to brush it off of them or it's just time to eat a snack and you're like wow you have sand everywhere how the heck well I found these I know some people use baby powder well I never have any to throw in my beach bag I think there's something else too oh a sand mitt I saw one of those last year I almost ordered it and I was like I don't know well I found these sand sweepers apparently it's from the brand turtle turtle sand sweepers and it's this just really nice soft bristle brush so I figured I'd come out here and kind of get a little demonstration happening I mean I'm dry so it's pretty easy to get sand off of me ored like magic but you know how it goes when kids get sweaty and wet and gross and then the sand gets gross so I'm going to put wetness on my legs all right it's on my leg it's wet it's gross it's Sandy proof I'm actually just going to try to take it off my hand first wow it brushed off my hand like a charm now I'm not going to get sand all up in my food all right and then I'll give you a little closeup of my unshaven leg this is the quality content you came for today o look at that it was still like a little wet but it's rubbing off if I tried to rub that off with my hand it's just going to like shmear everywhere you know hardly any granules left none of at all actually oh my gosh this is pretty cool kind of looks like a dog brush but it totally worked 10 out of 10 I'm throwing these in my beach bag next up I'm really excited about this one you guys I hope you're enjoying this because I have literally scoured the internet for the past several months compiling a really quality list of things for summertime that are not only functional but well yeah mostly functional also fun right so I found this Wonder shade umbrella and as you can can see I'm outside right now Florida sunshine it's actually kind of shady right now but I'm sweating profusely I've been out here for maybe 35 seconds that's what it's all about my backyard has very minimal shade until like 400 p.m. well my kids want to be out here all dang day who could blame them they play in the sand they play outside they're playing soccer all kinds of stuff yes I have a Leni but it's way up there and if something happens I need to be able to get to them closely so a lot of times I'm just like standing here in the dang heat and that's why I thought this would be super fantastic also great if you're doing soccer or if you're going to like any games outdoor games where you're just like sitting there and it would be so nice to have some shade so this is a nice portable sun protection option and we're all looking for ways to protect ourselves from the dang Sun I got that upper lip sweat happening already so let's see how easy this is to put together I'm hoping it's like already put together a really affordable option too oh my gosh as I wipe all the Sweat Beads away our neighbor has something so cool down in her backyard she bought one of those like umbrella stands and so she just keeps an umbrella and like you know brings it to the stand those are literally hundreds of dollars like I'm not like 400 maybe even more dollars for both of the pieces this comparatively Pennies on the dollar okay look at that and it comes in different colors blue seems to be my color of choice these days oh yes hold on this I think is adjustable oh my goodness there it goes literally if I can put this together in less than a minute that's when you know it's easy oh my goodness it even tilts it even tilt this is the best and it comes with cup holders how funny cute little cup holders right there to keep you hydrated all summer long I love every second of this I am going to store this down here if literally like clip and go and in less than a minute I have some shade isn't it ironic that I'm talking about shade and I'm not even standing under it I just think this is the coolest enough F shade for a family of four I can't believe how easy this was to set up and also break down I kept this up in real time it literally takes 30 seconds to break down and it's just so fantastic the price point of this oh I'm just so happy I found it the Florida Sun is so hot shade is necessary my kids they're like unaffected by it they don't even care they could be outside all literally all day long that's all they want to do outside I'm thinking about getting one of those hats with the umbrella on it do you know what I mean just so I can run around the yard with them too comes with a carrying case too don't let me fool you I'm just too lazy to put it in right now and I think this is an extra uh little one I'm going to store mine here this would be great for the beach great for literally anywh we with Sunshine well I am working up quite The Thirst I'm rather parched so I'm going to restock our fridge up here because you got to hydrate it purifies the soul and I found something new I want to share with you gross I need to clean all of the snow cone stickiness up uh we recently had a summer party and then a barbecue and so this place has definitely seem better days okay so I went to Target to restock our h ation fridge of course I got spin drift because it is our favorite sparkling water it has no crappy ingredients all natural flavors literally like this one is just lemon and lime and carbonate and water I got some summertime flavors and I went to Target because typically they sell the happy water pouches that my kids really enjoy it's they're like juice pouches but it's water there's zero sugar and I don't know how they do it but they taste fantastic my kids love them well they sell them at the nicer Target around me the Super Target I went to my local Target that used to also have them that Crow is Relentless my local Target apparently no longer sells them but what I did find is something brand spanking new to me it's called hint kids it's zero sugar zero sweetener it's juice free so it's essentially like a water box look how cute these are this let me tell you something as a kid this was my dream to have water in a box like this I didn't really like juices I had this like like Kool-Aid juices that everyone you know what I mean like you pop the top off and that was the end like there was no saving it it's fruity water I couldn't be more excited about this so I got watermelon and I got apple and then I saw that they had a multipack so I snagged it it has Cherry Apple blackberry and watermelon inside like what where has this been hiding my entire life it's water infused with cherry Essence that's what the Cherry one is and I'm looking at the ingredients it's purified water and natural flavors that's it no sugar no added sugar literally nothing else and I think my kids are going to really love these it's just a matter of which one are they going to love the most so before I stock my fridge I'm going to tidy this place up a lot there's like spilled cone juice everywhere all over the counter all over the floor the drawers are looking a mess so while I do that I'm going to test this little sucker out trying all the new products today this has been in my bedroom waiting for me to try it I'm really excited it's a portable misting fan can you see the sweat on my upper lip and everywhere else all over my body because it's 98° outside I Do Cherish You 98° anyone no okay so I don't know if I have to charge this portable mising fan or maybe it's battery operated I know little about it but I do know I need ice because that's what makes this fan so fantastic is the fact that it it blows out cold air because you add ice to the top of it it comes in different colors too I got black maybe there was a price difference maybe this one came faster I don't really know oh it does look like I have to charge okay where do I plug it in I go do that hey I just started cleaning and uh you know what I found the summer Banner that I was looking everywhere for I knew I put it in a special spot I should have known this is exactly where I put it happy summer and all that good stuff well I'm going to fold it right back up and probably forget about it until next summer where I will also forget about it of course I put it in the summer drawer okay this place is really rank I'm going to tidy it up snow cones um I might bring out the cotton candy machine that I've had for a year but we've yet to use my kids talk about it maybe like every other day they ask to use it I'm like maybe tomorrow so today that day I'm going to set it up and they're going to be aesthetic and they definitely were the con candy machine has been a hit and a half since I set it up and uh well we'll talk about that in a minute uh Hey do you live in a place where there's nature outside they listen we get creatures all the time and uh it's so gross because they crawl all over everything I mean they don't care they don't know that this is like a countertop you know and they poop and it's so gross when I have to clean it up like oh my gosh but anyway every time we come out here to eat or do anything we have to like wipe all the counters down which obviously makes sense but also you know it's so nice out here we spend a lot of time out here and uh we always have the fans going because oh my gosh is it hot even in the shade but it's so nice to have this area it's one of the huge draws to this house for us we were like oh my gosh this is Outdoor Living this is Florida living at its finest like yes we want to be outside because hello we live in Florida Florida although summertime in Florida can be uh ridiculously hot but anyway I love this area and we spend a lot of time in it so I always like to you know obviously have a nice stocked fridge have things for the kids to do we keep water balloons here if I didn't show you in the drawer I think I take a clip of it soon uh I will say I recently got these not recently I mean it's been months since I got these can holders where it kind of like retracts as you grab one can it comes to the front and first of all very impressive with the children Meredith saw it the other day what did you say that she was so impressed and uh it's just fun but I I don't know like is it worth the money I don't know like it looks okay it's cool and we don't have to like drag cans but is it like is it necessary no but is it fun and functional yeah it's sophisticated lady style and that's how I feel out here anyway I'm putting these hint Waters and I will tell you so it's not a juice box if I wasn't clear about that because Alex drank one and he's like this doesn't tast like no it tastes like infused water exactly what it is advertised as just a hint if you will of whatever uh fruit there so Cherry watermelon blackberry whatever it is and I really enjoy them the kids like them so I love that I will pick up more happy water uh because that does taste like a juice pouch uh but pros and cons to both but I did just want to reiterate the fact that these will do not taste like juice they taste like water infused with fruit so if you were to have a glass of water and then throw some fruit in it do you know what I mean that's what they taste like and they are refreshing and delicious and so cool that they come in a box like that nice and portable now that I'm almost done out here I think this is charged enough to turn on so I'm going to add ice to it my dad has one of these but like one that cost literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars this one wasn't even close but essentially what you do it's like an air conditioning for outside because it's cool air and I love that this is portable so you can literally take it anywhere with you all right moment of truth here is let's turn on the water I think the ice has to melt a little bit that would make most sense me add a little bit of water I should maybe read the directions but you know it'll be fun I thought about this when we were grilling out here the other day I thought you know what it'd be so nice if we had some really nice Cool Breeze I mean I feel the wind but I don't feel the cool the cool air in the room with us it's working you just got to let it go ooh the Mist do you see this oh my gosh it's so refreshing and it's cool shav your body see that mist coming out of there oh wow all right well my dad's is much more powerful but this was a fraction of the cost uh you can adjust the fan settings too all right that's super speed I'm going to stand here maybe you can see the Mist as it comes out oh ooh that you know what that does feel really nice when you're right in front of it hey you know when you're walking through Bush Gardens and they have those Mister fans and you just sit there for a second you're like thank the heavens that this even exists because the stale stagnant air is miserable but this is really nice so um I think for the majority of the time we're going to use this when we're grilling because man it gets so hot out here when the grill is hot obviously it's like fire and stuff so uh that's really cool and the Mist is really nice it is a lot more refreshing than just like a normal typical fan but not quite air conditioning worthy let me tell you this morning I was outside with the kids and yes morning where it's the coolest and I was sweating buckets and I wear glasses like I mean obviously every day uh since I was a year and a half old but let me get to the point they slide down my face and it's so annoying when I'm sweating and stuff so I put this fan outside in the front while we the kids were playing and doing chalk and stuff it is amazing and they do have uh ones that you can hold in your hand talking about sugar-free drinks as I set up a con Cy machine full of sugar the irony is not lost on me I promise you it's okay life is all about balance and this it was definitely a learning curve okay so I pulled this out and well first of all I got this from Target it was a year ago but now they sell them it's actually on sale right now as I'm filming this I don't know how long the sale will last I don't understand Target's sale weeks or months or how it goes but it's the Koji brand K ojji and now they sell it with the cotton candy like all together and um this came with 10 like straws I don't really know what they're called like holders or whatever I'm doing it the wrong way if you didn't know so I've never seen anyone do con candy we went to the fair the other day well not fair I used Fair air quotes whatever they had a cotton candy thing it was at my kids school it was a proper Fair like they put on the rits for us and the cotton we paid for cotton candy I stood in line the cotton candy machine went down so I walked away Alex stayed and so I didn't get to see them make it and I I can't say that I've ever seen anyone make it so don't do what I'm doing right now don't do that because all the con candy stuck to the Heat in the middle and then stuck to the outside I spend probably 30 minutes like scrubbing this off and I just was thinking to myself wow like do people have to clean this after every use this is a little ridiculous right and then my poor cotton candy looked horrible so when Eleanor got home uh she came in and I was like you know what Elanor you take over okay and at first she was doing my method going around and then she figured out you just hover over the top and kind of swirl it like so and that's how it got perfect consistency like the first one I gave to avalina and she goes oh this is crunchy I was like I'll get better it's just my first pass so we definitely figured out how to use it and it's so easy and so fun for the kids and I love that it's a for I want to say it was $30 for the whole kitten caboodle and for I for con candy that you can use all summer long it's just so fun and the k have been really enjoying it and I know it's pure sugar but I don't like there are worse things in life maybe that's what I'm going to tell myself okay we're doing a great job over here just living life and enjoying every second of it I had another Target bag and I totally forgot I got these I found these in the like kid drink section same spot where I found the waters and these are zero sugar sparkling drink Sparkling drink or sparkling water strawberry lemon flavored and fruit punch FL flavored and I thought these would just be so fun for the kids a nice little treat not something that I buy often or all of the time but it's zero sugar and I don't know I thought you know what the kids might like that especially like the older kids you know so I'll have to find a spot for that in the fridge and then I've been wanting to try this for I don't know a year so I splurged and got it it's really expensive for what it it's deodorant but apparently it's like all over deodorant have you you know what I mean have you heard of everyone talking about it because everyone like sponsored by them so can you really trust them and hey this video is sponsored by L I'm just kidding nons spawn it says 72-hour Odor Control and I just like I'm the perfect person to put that to the test okay they had two cents at my local Target they had lavender which is like do I want to smell like lavender all day every day pass I do have a homestead but I would much rather smell like clean Tangerine so I'm going to slap this on my underarms and you know what really going to put it to the test I've been using native for a really long time like a clean deodorant aluminum free it's like all this stuff it's for pits privates and Beyond that's hilarious this one smells really good too swipe anywhere you have odor but wish you didn't okay the airplanes are going on the cicas are going the crows are crowing I did want to give this a try and so hopefully I'll tell you my thoughts about it after I wear it for a couple couple of days I have been using native for like years and years and years and years but I will say like the sweat Factor you know what I mean I put up with it and I'll work out and it's fine but like just trying something new I guess I love the smell of this so let me tell you the pros first the slide of this like it Glides and slides perfectly it is the best like more natural deodorant in terms of like just gliding right on it's not hard at all which is I thought was fantastic does it last 72 hours no but like I that's fine I'm going to put it on every morning anyway do you know what I mean it does work it's fantastic I wore it yesterday all day playing outside with the kids and I love it so I'm a fan for life I will say it's like $16 but native is like 12 so there you go also normal deodorant these days is like six so what happened to when it was like two bucks for a stick of deodorant gone are the days I'm about to make lunch and these have been in my Amazon cart for so long and I finally bit the bullet and did it these are wax paper papers right you use them in Li of paper plates so these are sold separately some sets come with basket and the papers but I just wanted like summertime fun papers so I got these and there are literally a ton of them all of them came together there are also different prints of those these come in different colors too but I got these because they were able to come in before this video would come up so I could share them with you and I finally bit the bullet and did it and I just love the yellow I think that's like fun for summertime and it goes with so many of the prints anyway and like it's a basket it doesn't really matter what color it is but also it kind of does so you just take the paper throw it in a basket plop some food on here I'll show you what I end up making for lunch and then when you're done like this is pretty thick it's not go residue isn't going to come through to the basket so you just toss it away and then put the basket back unless it has like crud on it then you can wash it off or whatever but for the majority of the time just place it back so it's you don't have to do dishes and you're also like not using a full paper plate and I just love this so much so I'm going to throw lunch together and show you what it looks like in the basket we went with the Watermelons today because it's just screams summertime grilled cheese and some fruit and veg let's call it a day until dinner time I love everything about these they're so fun they're so festive it's going it's a lot more affordable than paper plates and it saves um space in the garbage can so many Pros not many cons right I don't have to do dishes I mean Round of Applause for these fantastic love them if I can find the beaters to this I'm going to throw together a really quick simple easy but cute summer treat for the kids and Beyond I made something like this a couple of years ago and my kids talk about it pretty frequently like hey when are you going to make that again it just goes to show that something memorable for them and something that makes it fun doesn't always have to one break the bank or two cost you a lot of time energy effort it's like really simple I'm going to switch things up slightly this year it's pudding but I'm going to mix whipping cream into it and see what that tastes like I saw it on Pinterest and it looked really cool so I'm going to give it a try but the real kicker is how I'm going to serve them I bought these a couple years ago only used them once stored them away for a rainy day and today is the day that I'm going to use them again you know what's so cute about these is the fact that they come with like a little shovels check these cute guys out so you can do all kinds of different foods like you can use this as a fork I suppose I don't know I always do this one because it just seems the most safe for their little mouths and then it also comes with little buckets to serve out of and I feel like I've lost several of these throughout the years because we've eduse them for like you know different things mostly to play with but look at these cute little buckets it's like the perfect size serving for a treat so that's what I'm going to whip together if I can find my beaters if I were my kids where would I put my beaters with my kitchen egg just what I suspected apparently putting is really quick and easy to throw together just grab the pudding mix and then 2 cups of milk beat it for what does it say like 5 minutes and then throw it in the fridge to set for a little bit then I'm going to mix in the topping and we'll see what it comes out looking like So the plan is to add the whipping cream to this with blue dye um but blue and yellow make green and so I don't know if this is going to be perfect but we're going to experiment together you know how I know that the toilet cleaning solution and urine that's how I know it makes GRE it's always just been stuck in my head that way since elementary school I will add since we learned about Prim I don't know exactly how young I was but I do remember the exact moment where I figured it out like learning about primary colors and secondary colors and stuff and I was like oh yeah that's how I know anyway so I mixed This Together the kids loved this sweet treat I will say it is the best pudding I've ever had I'm not a big pudding gal I would rather have cake or brownies or something I'm not into like I don't I think it's the uh texture consistency not really into the floppiness of it so Gloppy not a fan but I ate this and I was like that's real good so uh yeah give it a try it's just nice to switch things up every once in a while I threw a little Golden Bear into a lifesaver and I got I went I splurged okay it went all out and I got a ton of Lifesavers they had multicolor and then all the berry colors I was like what the heck is happening threw a little umbrella in there and it's just so fun so festive the kids love it it really makes an impression on them and let me tell you a story about all about how my left goli turned upside down so like seven years ago I made a cheese stick and put permanent marker on it to make it look like a ghost my kids still talk about it it's the little things that make an impact it's amazing so I'm going to start working on putting together a morning basket for summertime because the kids I don't know what it is they go to bed way later and wake up earlier every single day and I'm just hoping they get used to the summertime schedule we're like hey man you can sleep in a little bit you know it's really just the two youngest ones but I'm like oh my gosh I put you to bed like 4 hours ago so I'm just switching this one out it's just a name tracing for Meredith to practice her name uh it's a little dirty I have to clean that off it's fine and then on the back I usually do lines for her so she can just write her name freehand it's good for her to practice her penmanship so when she goes into prek4 in August which is only a couple months away got that down pack you know um typically for summertime I print out summer checklists I still have some from last year and I'm kind of on the fence about giving these to my kiddos like this is more of a like things to do before you can get your electronics and stuff like that but honestly during summertime like I just want to wake up and enjoy life for a little bit so it might be a slightly different this year where I say okay these are your tasks that you need to accomplish today and if you don't accomplish them then you need to do it tomorrow morning before you get your electronics out it's a work in progress I'm trying to figure it out oh Meredith's morning routine I made these on canva this is Eleanor's and it's just like a checklist you know this one was avalina so it grows with them because obviously my kids are not the same age and they don't all need pictures although I will say CL teacher friend told me that they need corresponding pictures until they're way older than I would think like until they're like nine or something my kids are reading really young so I did I I was like oh they don't need pictures but apparently until they're nine I I don't take my word for it Google it or whatever so that's why a lot of them do still have pictures like wentworth's still has pictures on his he's seven ah it's so dang cute okay so we do have ISL on here which is something that I like to continue that practice every day in the summertime just keeps their brains going also reading they have summer reading list they have summer expectations for school so we got to keep that alive but for Meredith the basket is majority for Meredith and Wolf Gang the two youngest in the morning so I just went around my house and collected some stuff to put in the basket so so they can kind of occupy themselves and I figured it would be a little fun for them so I have this ink pad set I'm being brave okay we'll see how long that stays in the basket I got it from the thrift store and then these dot coloring books I have the dot paints upstairs so I'm going to pull just a few down I have a lot cuz I got some from the thrift store and then I also got some I think for summer last year that are still lingering about so I got these dot books for Easter time and we have like princess ones upstairs we we've got a few upstairs but we keep these downstairs so this will be for Wolf Gang and then Meredith can practice her letters like learn and wipe learning books I don't know what it's called wipe and write it's backwards but it's fine and so I'll have to get a marker for her to do this with I have wet erase markers so those will be perfect put some papers in here I've got some cray I'll put those in here i' got some learning books I'll sift through I'm not going to put them all in there at the same time I can sift through it as the summer progresses I can change whatever the heck I want to in this basket and then I found these these are like WIP and ripe kind of things uh you can practice your lines and your shapes and your drawings and more lines letters and stuff like that it's just like a nice little learning tool love markers and then this is just like freehand drawing it's Melissa and Doug just something nice and easy so I can like make breakfast and they're kind of occupied or I can just sit there for for 5 minutes and try to Prime my eyes open this is getting full this will inevitably all end up on the floor I have that expectation it's okay oh here's our favorite one to practice it's it's numbers what's on the other side we don't really do that one but mostly numbers and then I'll add a couple of books in here I get the majority of my books from the thrift store I just think I mean the best price around great way to swap them out without having to worry about returning them at the library I we still have books from like 2 years go from the library it's a problem the stamps are a hit already this is one of wolf gang's favorite things and it's just these water wow things obviously I got it from the thrift store but anything Melissa and Doug is a hit and half and it's just these cards and I give him a little paint brush with a little bit of water and he he'll just paint all of them and then as they dry he'll like paint them all again it's fantastic and there's shapes and colors on all of them so it's a really great little learning resource you can also paint the numbers yeah you can paint the numbers too all right I think that's a pretty full vus skin cool all right a nice little morning basket since I don't decorate my house anymore this is the perfect Decor piece and I love this basket so cute right so perfect and then of course the fun doesn't stop there for Mom because the mental load of like do they have a bathing suit for summer do they have enough summer clothes do they still have shoes that fit so I took the kids to Once Upon a Child the three younger ones and so they picked out some cute little shoes some new summer shoes sandals some jelly sandals aren't those darling she picked those up I didn't force anything on her I promise Mom look at the bottom cute and then glittery Crocs come on o speaking of Crocs I have something special to put on these remind me to get those for you and then we got some PJs we got some summer dresses aren't those shells darling the summer dresses with the Popsicles we got to get those prepped and ready and then we got some bathing suits some rash guards cuz why do they make bathing suits so teeny tiny and then she saw this a cute little mermaid bathing suit outfit thought that was pretty fun so we'll see how that goes for summertime for the croakies I ordered some summertime giblets aren't they cute so all of the kids will go through these and well Wentworth doesn't really wear rocks can't but the big kids do so they'll go through and kind of pick their favorites this was such a hit with the kids and Wolf Gang even has his own pair of Crocs and so we put a couple on his and oh my gosh I could cry I just love them so much and uh Meredith picked these out I didn't know she was going to be a Croc gal I didn't honestly didn't think any of my kids were going to be Croc people but here we are every single one of them even Alex I think I'm the only one without a pair I think it's time I need to get some um holding off though and then Wolf Gang put the jellies on unprompted and I will say his feet he's one size smaller than Meredith who is three years older than him and then El same thing with like Elanor and Wentworth they're three years apart um seven and 10 and his feet are bigger than Eleanor's and I'm like oh my gosh it's happening anyway that is it you guys this is just another pass through the cotton candy thank you guys so much for watching and hanging out I hope I gave you some really fun summertime fun setup inspiration I tried a lot of new things in this video and a lot of them were hits so I hope you enjoyed it and if you did subscribe put a little happy in your day and I will see you next time enjoy your summer eat some cotton candy and act like a child H the pure innocence I love it so much
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 52,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Setup, summer haul, amazon haul, summer essentials, testing amazon products, the wads, thewads, summer must haves, amazon must haves, mom hacks, mom essentials, summer activities, summer bucket list, summer party
Id: nM3WJhlnF2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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