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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey friends welcome back to our kitchen we are going to have such a fun day because we are making all kinds of yummy summer party recipes today and these are going to be delicious like we've been looking forward to today because we knew all the recipes we wanted to make and we are going to have like our own little Feast today we're so excited buy is getting our bacon put on our baking T now we're going to go ahead and cook that for some really yummy crockpot cowboy beans is that right crockpot cowboy beans y'all bungy is actually the one who told me about this recipe and I looked at and I was like that sounds incredible so we're going to go ahead and get started on that one first and we're actually going to make these in the crockpot so I went ahead and put it on high so I'm going to let this get warm while we kind of assemble everything else it's up to you I would prefer a larger so I can like you know you around them okay this is the ultimate onion dicing technique monkey the amazement y'all will experience here in just a moment the amazement is that they're amazed that I'm like putting onions in this recipe I know that's the amazement well I feel like in uh beans especially you find a way to work around them pretty well I do are y'all ready for this magic do yall see what I just did that was good wow very impressive that's a pile of onions is it not it sure is my goodness I told him he I only want to do this half and he said no we're going to do onions we're doing the whole thing that actually is it's a lot that's plenty right there okay good I'm glad we agree so to our pan I'm going to add in our onions and then I'm going to get our ground beef in here and we're just going to cook them until these onions are nice and soft translucent and that ground beef is cooked all the way through I haven't so much s with you you are yeah oh [Music] funky I am going to season our meat and onions with just a little bit of salt and pepper you got to give every layer some flavor that's right that's right now for the beans you can kind of switch this up like the recipe that we're going called for like great white northern beans which we're not going to use but instead we're going to do some of these bushes sidekick Southwest zest pinto beans these have um it says red chili sauce cumin and jalapeno so I think that'll give it really really good flavor and then of course you're going to need some like regular baked beans whichever one is your favorite and then we're going to also add in some kidney beans I fun fact like love kidney beans so we'll add those in just for like just a different you know variation of the beans and then we're going to throw in some barbecue sauce so like when I tell y'all these are going to have just the most amazing flavor they're going to be so good you know what another fun fact when we've stayed at um The Ridge up in Pigeon Forge when we're coming like coming and going you know ping and leaving we drive by the bushes beans Factory it is so cool y'all and they have like this Bean can that's what monkey like 40 ft it's like the Water Tower or something and it's like design like a big old bushes Bean can it's so cool to see I think you can actually tour that place so next time we're up there we should go tour it okay so now I'm just going to go ahead and add my beans to my crock pot for the kidney beans I did go ahead and like rinse and drain those if you're using like the northern white beans I would say drain and rinse as well but for the actual baked beans you want to just add those straight in with like all of that juice and flavor all the good stuff yes I'm going to add in all the flavor from this Southwest one too stop it Mony they're going to be so good there's a spoon I actually need a spoon yeah thank you I wish y'all knew how happy my heart was right now because I am a bean loving girl and I could just like sit here eat this entire thing by myself yeah would you uh would you call yourself a bean fiend bean I do every time oh you know what I just thought of something I'm going to use a little bit of this sweet heat seasoning to give these even more kind of like that Smoky Barbecue flavor oh my God I know I know it's wild that's actually going to go so good in there yeah I did drain this by the way oh thank you don't dump it in with all the no uh the grease yeah okay the drippings add your hamburger meat and onions and we'll add our bacon as soon as it's finished I'm going to stir this and then we're going to give it more flavor by adding in some additional accompaniments how do you say it autant autant what are actual like the original baked beans like what kind of beans see I like they're a form of Pinos it seems like a pinto bean right right that's what I'm thinking I don't know two we got to figure out if you know tell us now the recipe that we were looking at calls for like brown sugar ketchup molasses mustard but in our mind that's like pretty much like a barbecue sauce and I think a barbecue sauce will just go really well so we're going to kind of like skip the brown sugar ketchup molasses and just add in some sweet baby rays and then I still love like that little bit of Tang that the mustard gives so I am going to add in a little like squeeze of mustard too but you can kind of use whatever you love o some Kinder um C gold barbecue sauce oh yeah gosh would also be in there so like use your favorite thing to like make these what your family will love looking a little dry in there so we got to add some sauce we got to moisten it up it's a little bit of mustard yum that extra squeeze might be what does me in and toss this like I said we'll add in our bacon as soon as it finishes cooking and then these will just cook like on high for about 4 hours um or you can set them on low but then they will be ready to eat and this is a great little recipe to like take to a barbecue or like a little get together party 4th of [Music] July all right so speaking of 4 of July parties before we get into this next recipe I have to show y'all all the things that I have gotten for our Fourth of July party I ordered everything from Walmart it was shipped to my door in less than 24 hours like I'm telling you guys that is one my very favorite things about Walmart is how fast you will get these deliveries and it's so convenient to just like shop my app they have the biggest selection and variety of all the things especially holiday stuff is my favorite to buy at Walmart prices are great and then I don't have to like go into the store to get anything because everything's online so I ordered quite a few things because I plan on having all of our friends and family together for the 4th of July so let me show you guys what I got I had so much fun looking for all the cups and plates and stuff oh it was so fun like Mony and I were on there together like trying to figure out what all like you know plates and decorations and all that thing I have to tell you I like I found some of the best stuff this might be our most favorite thing that we got what is this one oh yeah y'all we are pumped for this we got the beautiful blender first of all it is absolutely beautiful okay and I cannot wait to make so many yummy like frozen drinks and concoctions and smoothies and all the stuff in here okay so this thing says that you can make frozen drinks smoothies and snow cones in this blender so I was like for summer time get togethers be in the backyard with our friends and family like this is a necessity we're going to have so much fun with this and my favorite part y'all that I thought was so cool hopefully you can see it like it has its own little spout you just can like pour it out versus having to take the top off and like dump it isn't that always the worst when you're trying to pour it out of the and it like all falls out uhhuh this is like it's own little dispenser I mean it is just perfection I'm so excited for this just blown away like I've got Willy Wonka flashbacks going on right now cuz you told me I remember when we were looking all all this you were like I'm getting these big pin wheels and I was like oh okay you know like I thought I didn't know what you meant by big uhhuh but when you say big puny I meant it I mean we are talking like are these not the most fun thing you've ever seen these are like Texas sized pin Wheels described as jumbo pin wheels that is hysterical these things are like like staunch and sturdy and uh they're going to catch so much wind like they're going to be flying like the American flag that they are I'm so pumped y'all look at all of this fun stuff I love those things they're so cool all of these are like the um buntings yeah the buntings so we got four of them and they just come on like this little ring and then we got these little stars and stripes napkins of course you have to have like the hot dog holder and then this right here when I when we pulled this out of the box um this is like a 8ot Garland but what I like about it is the fact that it's held together by actual like metal rings yes so it's like $2.98 it seems like it's going to be really sturdy and the pin Wheels were $5.98 so everything was like very reasonable but the quality is so good you know what I just realized look at the Little Star right here I know on the top there that is so cute it's like a wooden star and a little wooden like dowel ride I am laughing because we went crazy getting stuff for the 4th of July but it's going to be so much fun it really is so I got this little serving platter this was $2.98 um I got the big plates to say Stars and Stripes to go with our napkins we did a little um citronella candle for sitting on the patio cuz nobody wants a mosquito we also got the cups that say Stars and Stripes this is like one of my favorite things yeah we got two sets of these I love them and then I saw these cute little like Pioneer Woman napkin so they have the red gingham and then the blue gingham which I'll use that day but I also loved the turquoise and the yellow for the rest of summer so I thought those were so precious so then I saw this cute little glass hurricane that we can sit on the patio and I was even thinking that I might just put our little um citronella candle inside of here to kind of jij it up make it prettier you know if we're going to go out for the party we got to make it look fancy yeah is that not Perfection yeah that's pretty good there how cute is that oh my gosh I'm so excited we got red white and blue lights this is a pack of 50 it was $5.98 and then I also got this really pretty outdoor tabletop little Tinky torch you know got to have all the Ambiance lighting make it cozy and fun we just had the best time getting stuff for our party I am like giddy from all of our little things I'm obsessed with the pin Wheels okay they're just so much fun but I'm telling you guys whether it is for like day-to-day things whether it's for a holiday like this or if you need a last minute birthday birthday party gift or baby shower gift Walmart is the place to shop I'm telling you guys it is such fast delivery and then it is free shipping for anyone with a $35 minimum order so you cannot beat that usually if I'm going to Walmart like you know I'm probably going to spend $35 I'm just saying but it's just like the best quality for the best prices so I'll have all of these things linked down below for you guys so you can also shop them I know you love Walmart we love Walmart and just a huge thank you to them for sponsoring today's video now we're actually going to start on our dessert it has to set up for a couple of hours in the fridge so I want to go ahead and get it like concocted so we can have it with our dinner tonight so this is going to be a no bake summer Berry ice box cake and it is red white and blue so also perfect if you're having a Fourth of July party but also just very easy and it's going to be delicious we are halfing the recipe that we're going off of because you know it's just me and bukey we don't need a whole 9x13 so I have some softened cream cheese that I've just kind of like let come to room temperature and the original recipe calls for this entire thing so I'm going to do half of it right down the middle right down the middle over here add that on in look how soft that is I'm just amazed it's going to be so much better to blend and then you're going to take a box of instant vanilla pudding mix and add this entire thing right on in you know what this is making me uh think of because of the instant vanilla pudding what crack cake ah we have not had it in so long and that sounds just like amazing as well you know a funny story when I was getting out the hand mixer over here I saw that buun cake pan and I thought of it to oh so good okay so we're just going to take our little hand mixer and then just kind of mix these two [Music] together okay so I have about what did we say that's one and a/4 cups of milk cuz calls for 2 and 1/2 we we have it so I'm going to gently pour in this milk while I [Music] blend I have some extra creamy cuz you know you're going to cool if you got extra cream you're being bad today so I'm going to take a thin little layer of this and I'm going to put it in the bottom of our baking dish you just need to like cover it so the gram crackers have like something to sit on cuz you want gr crackers to get kind of like soft so yeah and then I'm going to put half of this and fold it into our pudding mixture a okay as we've continued through all of the progressions here red white and blue once again is this not crazy it it's like certain things were just meant for Fourth of July like obviously I like wanted to do this video for like fun Backyard barbecue recipes but like lots of things I didn't plan and it just worked out really good together Daisy's like I want some cool please she is used to getting her pup cup you know pup cup you know just kind of put a thin little layer down here so like I said just take about half of this and we're just going to fold it in I'm really glad that I went and read the recipe again because it doesn't say to reserve half it say to reserve half a cup a so I'm going to put more of this in here and then we'll reserve a little bit I'll just reserve a little bit the rest this is actually going in here later on like for topping uh-huh okay so we'll just fold all of this in and then we're going to just start layering and once we get it layered we're going to put it in the fridge and let it kind of like set up we're going to use strawberries and blueberries so it's literally red white and blue like it could not be be more perfect like I said start with your thin layer of coip and then put down a layer of your grain crackers if you have to break these to make everything fit that is totally fine and then next we're going to put a layer of our pudding mixture put cream cheese whipped whipped pudding cream cheese oh my gosh I mean that's the best layer how many layers are we going for I feel like we're going to get a solid three maybe four of gram cracker pudding fruit gram cracker pudding fruit yes then just sprinkle your strawberries and your blueberries all over the top of it give me some more strawberries I am I am don't be stingy with the fruit now we got to we got to make this you know day somewhat healthy that's right now we just repeat that same process over and over until you run out of [Music] ingredients okay so we got to our top layer and then monkey and I were like wait we should make the top like a flag so we're going to try our best creativity oh we got this to do this so we're going to use the blueberries as like the stars and then we'll line up the strawberries and actually after this sits up in the fridge we're going to drizzle white chocolate on top and so we can drizzle like the white chocolate in the blueberries and like the stars we'll have a larger concentration of white chocolate up morsels up here yeah this is going to be delicious by the way I'm really excited now we should have cut some more strawberries well do you want to just like lay them they all need to be facing in the same direction like this if that's the direction you want to go but is it are they too [Music] big your spacing is interesting there bunk yeah look just even do look a little bit more right here if we were going to go the like with four lines only we might as well have just done the big one that's what I was saying I don't think there's enough now there's [Music] not okay so our beans are about done and to go with them we're just going to do some like barbecue chicken which I'm very much looking forward to um now I season this up my favorite barbecue seasoning ever ever ever is this Kinders the barbecue blend but y'all I cannot find it anywhere and I only have a little bit left so I'm trying to like saver every last little bit so instead of that one I'm just going to use that same sweet heat that I used in the beans on our chicken and I love this one so incredibly much as well so I'll just do a little drizzle of oil on each of them and we'll put barbecue sauce on them but like after they've cooked so that it doesn't burn I always just like to do kind of like a dry rub when it comes to barbecue chicken and then sauce it later let me wash my hands [Music] we got our chicken out there on the grill right now she is smoking dessert is going to be like hitting the 4our mark right on time when this chicken's done we'll have eaten some of this all this delicious food but in the meantime like you said he couldn't stand it any longer I could not I cannot stand it any longer I mean do you see they look so good look at this wow so I'm going get some of these those look amazing be you know what I I do think like takes maybe this is what makes some cowboy beans I don't know the Technic of making them cow beans I think it's the ground beef mhm but when there are beans that have the ground beef in there I'm going for yeah holy smokes spy I don't normally get a holy smokes I like that that is so good it's the barbecue sauce and the onion mhm I mean I like the combination of beans that we did me too like if you just get like original baked beans and then you put a can of the red kidney beans in there I mean the other ones were nice like you know L little Edition yeah but just those two together would even like are just like perfect wow you know what I love what do you love why you laughing hamburger meat is what does it for me mhm I love the texture of the meat with the beans and then you get like the big kidney bean which gives you like that more almost like meaty right Bean know yeah the textures is what I'm obsessed with but the flavor I'm droing I can barely talk to y'all good the flavor is so good it is my favorite you have to make these like you absolutely have to make them they are so delicious it's like why have I not made before I don't know I'm going to have far too many of those like I'm going to have a whole entire bowl of those oh [Music] same now this is a sight of beauty okay I am just so excited about our little dinner it's going to be so good and I cannot wait to cut into this now for the Final Touch we Dro these white chocolate chip morsels as if we're do dotting the night sky technically I think you're supposed to melt the white chocolate but I honestly think because this is cold yeah like the white chocolate chips will just be like another cold good element to bite into what I would do okay if I was if I was going back here cuz they make like the um Mini you know chocolate morsels so like you can get the really really small ones and then they're not quite you know the same size but you can do all your little stars yeah if you get the teeny tiny ones like they'll blend into it better be less but uh that's going to be good either way that's going to look we have before us a delicious fantastic meal wow shoot that looks so good let me move over here bunky that turned out so good I know I I feel like that is going to be delicious wow and it just looks incredible in there it's like the berry version of banana pudding oh my gosh gram crackers instead of Nilla wafers blueberries and strawberries instead of bananas you still got your pudding you got a little cheese action in there bunky please try this but then you get the cream cheese which I think makes it just so rich decadent big fan big fan big fan I do recommend and this was honestly so easy to construct yeah I can't believe the uh the graham crackers they just softened and almost like puffed a little bit and the white chocolate is definitely I wouldn't skip out on it cuz that that's really bringing a nice touch to this whole little almost like a little extra sweetness mhm y'all I have just had so much fun in the kitchen today bun and I are about to have the best little dinner we have such a good dessert although buy just had his dessert before dinner but this has just been awesome I'll have these recipes linked down below for you there is just something about like summertime recipes especially grilling out and sides and appetizers and dessert it is my absolute favorite I love you guys so much thank you for hanging out with us today I'll have all of the links for all the things I got from Walmart down below don't forget to check that out as always if you're new we love for you to join our family so hit that subscribe button before you guys leave give this one a thumbs up and we will see you in the next one bye y'all oh [Music]
Channel: Jessica O'Donohue
Views: 51,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessica O'Donohue, easy recipes, cook with me, summer recipes and decor, July 4th decor, affordable summer decor, crockpot beans, crockpot cowboy beans, no bake berry icebox cake, easy July 4th no bake cake, easy summer cooking, summer side dish recipes
Id: RuTjOArKVrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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