Summer Session - Romans 8 by Gail Mays (07-23-2013)

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Wow is great worship you guys can sing I mean to tell you I had to look to make sure that roof was still on this building too much all right well as you know we had a wedding and less than a week ago and I am still in one piece as the wedding coordinator the wedding planner the wedding decorator the matron of honor the mother of the bride congratulations Heather oh my goodness dream come true I just I cannot begin to express the joy that this family of ours is experiencing to you know to gain a daughter but then to have a to also then gain a son and it's the son-in-law but you know what as far as we're concerned it as a son and this this man that my daughter found I don't know it I don't think it was on eHarmony doctor was John in the porch this man is precious and any mother would want her daughter to have a man like this that would just take care of her and love her and this man will do that he is amazing besides being a Christian that's awesome just awesome anyway we are still kind of floating on the the fact of this marriage we know there's been a lot of Prayer this body has been absolutely fantastic and you're part of our family where the we are the family of God when you know when one hurts we all hurt but when one rejoices we rejoice with that person and you you are experiencing our joy as well okay let's turn to Romans and you're gonna put your finger in Romans chapter 8 but I want you to take a look at Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 8 has to be my most favorite book of the Bible they say that it is actually the Christians Constitution it is our manifesto and as we see the world just collapsing all around us and just all kinds of bizarre weird things happening in the world we know beyond a doubt of a doubt shadow of a doubt that the Lord is coming soon and he is preparing his church because we still have a work to accomplish there's some something that each of us still needs to do and if the early church needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit how much greater does the later or Latter day Church need to be filled with the Holy Spirit that we can accomplish what it is that God has in mind for us as we await the soon return of the Lord Jesus in Romans chapter 1 this is who Paul is writing to he is writing to believers in Rome take a look at verse 7 chapter 1 it says to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ first I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all and honestly that is Pastor Steve's in my prayer that we just thank God every day for you for this church for this family of God that we have been placed in it you are always always brought before the throne of God just like Paul as he connected with these churches these people these other Christians and he goes on to say first I think my god through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of noticed throughout the whole world let's pray father it is you that has brought us to this place tonight to worship to sing from the depths of our souls and these songs become worship songs unto you and prayers from the depths of our hearts we sing it seems like we sing our prayers in such a way we sing these songs in such a way that they become prayers and you hear our hearts cry you hear how we want a passion for you how we want to be strong in these last days and you receive our worship as sweet-smelling savour it just puts a smile on your face and yet it builds us up in the most holy faith at the same time and for this skit and the talent that you have bestowed upon your daughters for our entertainment and you say that the gifts of the Spirit are to build the body of Christ up and that's what we've been built up already tonight and as we look in your word we pray that you would build us up through your word through the anointing of your spirit not by what I say father but what do you have to say to us tonight what is it that you want to talk to your daughters about use me as an instrument to relay that message that word that encouragement that comfort that is needed in this room tonight you know us each individually you know us oh so well and you know what each one of us needs that right in the place that we are at whatever condition that we walked in here we know that even now that our spirits are being raised and strengthened and and just renewed in some ways I think you're pouring out revival upon this place so be it Lord so be it in Jesus name and all God's daughter said Amen notice there in Chapter one of verse seven that these believers that Paul was writing to notice it says in Rome now that's a very significant thing as I contemplate that as I thought about that because these believers were in Rome but they were not of it they were living in Rome part of Rome a citizen of Rome but they were not of it they didn't mingle with the the worldly aspects of Rome they remained in Rome but they were not of it and then they were beloved of God loved of God they knew what the love of God was all about and they were called to be Saints now some things that I read about Rome was that there really was no church but they were house churches so there wasn't actually a building that they were meeting in and that just is more significant in the fact that the church is not a building we're the church so no matter where we go no matter what we do we take the Lord with us we are the church we're a moving living Church and especially now in the last days just like they just like the early Christians were in the city of Rome they were world renowned they were known throughout the world for their faith that they were strong in the faith for their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ for their changed lives now it wasn't easy to live in this city to live in Rome Nero at this time Caesar Nero was the governor of Rome and he was crazy crazy crazy man Christians were actually used as spectacles for entertainment doing all kinds of atrocities to them trying to wipe out this new movement that had begun Nero would like Christians on fire at night in his garden so that he could see his garden I mean he just did all kinds of bizarre things these Christians were living in the most corrupt city known in the world at the time of violent City the Roman soldiers were known for their their violence and their creed was that force is how you make people behave how you control people is through force so a very wicked wicked City and yet it remained pure the the Christians remain pure fervent in faith they were serving the Lord with all of their heart mind and soul they were awesome witnesses it says right there in chapter eight that means verse 8 of chapter 1 that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world the whole world knew about these Roman Christians faith Rome was the largest city in the world at the time 1 million people so wasn't like a little tiny village it was a huge city it was the political power of the world it was the capital of the powerful Roman Empire and we have a slide of the Roman Empire you have a PowerPoint that you can just kind of get an idea of how massive the Roman Empire was the Rome of course was the capital of the Roman Empire this was a city that was full of splendor full of desire full of temptation it was a wealthy city full of wealth all kinds of wealth it was a city it was the main city of comrades they loved to build roads that's where we get that term the Rome the Roman Road and because of the roads that meant that that trade was able to expand so it was a big commercial metropolitan area they were into academics very educated highly educated into education but they were also pagan and though the there was so much splendor and so much stuff to do there was theatrical there was you know just the finest food everything that you can imagine that you would want in the world was here in in Rome and yet oh all that splendor was the most wickedest place at the same time totally pagan and yet the church was thriving in the midst of this environment the church is thriving not only that but the congregation these Christians were multicultural they were both Jews and Gentiles made up of both Jews and Gentiles a large portion of them were slaves there were four classes of citizens in Rome they had the slaves they had more or less like the peasants and then you had the soldiers or the the military and then you had the elites and yet Christianity had touched every every class of the Roman class system were in this congregation rich and poor educated and not educated and the message that was preached is that Jesus you have broken the chains that held our captive Souls all our enemies are bound they tremble at the sound of your name Jesus you have broken our chains that held our captive Souls question for you tonight have your change been broken have the chains of your past have the chains that bound your soul as a captive your just the ability to serve God is in freedom and without being intimidated or fearful have you have the chains been broken in your life are you walking in victory are you walking in newness of life that's really what the book of Romans is all about walking in newness of life walking in the power of the Holy Spirit walking gives the indication that we're moving we're going somewhere we are on the move and the church today is on the move those that have the Holy Spirit understand him working in our lives we are powerful women on the move for Jesus and God is accomplishing great and mighty things great and mighty works working through that woman that will allow the Holy Spirit to use her in these last days turn now with me to chapter 7 right in the middle of Romans chapter 7 chapter 7 is really a kind of a sad chapter it is a vivid picture of a sad defeated miserable woman a woman that seems to be spinning her wheels and she just can't seem to get get ahead to get get on that road of victory it's just one defeat after another one disappointment after another and it really is a vivid picture of a woman that is in this rut she this miserable lifestyle there's just seems to be occasionally we have some power once in a while you have a spurt of energy a spurt of power but basically she's just in this defeated state the word I is repeated 27 times in just chapter 7 verse 14 through 25 12 little verses and the word I is repeated twenty-seven times and you might say I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and whenever you think but I I whether it's a good uh yeah I can't believe this is happening to me this is too good to be true or I yeah I don't want this happening to me nevertheless the III gives us an indication of what we're talking about this is a description or it describes for us our struggles the struggles that we have between the flesh and the spirit it describes our utter helplessness to help ourselves once we come to that place where we realize that we cannot help ourselves that there has to be something from without from that comes within us which is the power of the Holy Spirit that will then raise us up to this place of victory where we know that even though we stumble and fall we keep our eyes on the goal we're going to finish that race and we're gonna finish well it is a sense of or describes a woman that feels trapped or rejected a woman who feels betrayed and she can't get beyond these this betrayal she cannot seem to move forward it just seems to hinder her it seems to stop her from receiving all that God would have for her it's a hindrance in her life it's a roadblock it just it just messes with her mind it's like a torture chamber sometimes that betrayal feeling unworthy or insecure or inadequate these are things that the enemy will use against us but also it's part of our flesh it's just a description of who we who I am who is our person our are our natural man basically it is it describes for us the lack of self control you know you we have these diets that we go on some are crash diets some are long-term diets I was talking to a friend the other day that ended up in the hospital for something happened I don't know she overdosed on coffee and I said you overdosed on coffee idea overdose on coffee I mean that's actually what makes me move in the morning I I hope I don't ever overdose on coffee I'd be in bad shape but basically what it was is that her heart something to go to do with her heart and the answer was that she had to change her way of eating but again it's just like that self-control I said so what's the problem you know just change your way of eating she goes but but I I want those potato chips I like those potato chips and we just we lack the self-control that's us in the flesh we could angry we get irritated it seems like just at the drop of the Hat something can just set us off we we don't have discernment of what to do are you in that place tonight where you're thinking what am I supposed to do have you have you asked yourself that question lately what are we to do where am I to go how how is this all gonna work out we lack that discernment of what to do we can't seem to break destructive habits that plagued our lives at times we get discouraged we wine we murmur we complain and then we play the game the blame game we blame it's it's his fault that I'm in the condition that I'm in it's her fault was the real way I was raised or the way I was not raised it is what I was exposed to or what I wasn't exposed to it was it's because of what was denied me or because of what was not denied me I am the way I am today and we blame people we blame circumstances situations and worst of all we tend to blame God it's his fault God if you loved me why would this be happening have we haven't we been there before and yet when the spirit is alive in our hearts even though that question might run through our minds immediately we know God isn't the problem I'm the problem God is the ones gonna solve my problems suddenly I find I realized that the problem is in me that we're in bondage to sin we're in bondage to that old nature I like to call it my stinking flesh it's those those fleshly appetites those desires that seem to just come upon us and we have no control over them look at verse 14 chapter 7 and it says here for we know without a shout of the doubt see God spirits that work in our lives we God's Word sets us free and here is the declaration for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin we admit the fact that the law is not the problem God's ways are not the problem it is me I'm the problem we are the problem verse 15 says for what I would that do I not the last part of that I love to do what is right there's a sense of well-being there's a sense of satisfaction there's a sense that Wells up within me that brings me high it just it heightens my awareness of life that I'm doing something right I'd love to do what is right for what I would that I do not I love doing right but what I hate that do I it grieves us when we do wrong it troubles us it messes with our minds verse 16 goes on to say if then I do that which I would not I consent the old King James says or agree that the law is good I consent I agree that the only thing that can change me is God's anointed word his word anointed by God's Spirit it is what God's Spirit uses to change us I agree that it is the work of God that makes us a good woman that makes us the kind of woman that can walk in victory she is virtuous she is excellent in all of her ways she is moral she's decent she's loving she's kind she's compassionate she's understanding she has knowledge she has wisdom she has discernment she is a woman that makes good choices a woman that honors God we realized that it is God that makes us good verse 17 goes on to say now then it is no more I that do it haha now we find the culprit here but sin that dwells in me that's the problem it's that stinking flesh that is weak yet powerful it's that flesh that got us in trouble many many times and continues to try to lead us astray the desires of the flesh now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh what a revelation is this dwells no good thing now I know that sometimes we think there is a little bit of good in us I mean especially when you get a new outfit I'm not looking pretty good I mean do you know how long it takes to get an outfit that looks good on a body of my age and I finally find it I stand there in front of the mirror thinking you know for 65 girl you're looking pretty good and I know it's those clothes you find that you found that we think that there can be something good in this isn't there just a little eye of good in us just a teeny tiny no the scripture says here there dwells no good thing verse 19 for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do and what that is basically saying is that I consent I agree that it is my flesh it is my sin nature that opposes the things of God it does not agree it will never agree with the things of God that's why when there is a struggle that goes on and we're trying to make a choice and we don't know which way to go the logical thing we have a logical thing that we think might work and yet then there's something that comes about and it seems like it's impossible to work and yet that's the way that God will work and so it's it's my flesh that will oppose the rules or regulations oh it call it calls God's ways rules and regulations limitations that you can't have fun listen did we have fun here tonight I mean to tell you my cheeks are sore I'm laughing so hard I'm my my spirit is so built up and so uplifted through through worship and God's Word is true it's true it's my flesh that will oppose the things of God it is rebellious it's stubborn have you experienced a little stubbornness lately a little bit you know got a little stubbornness going on in there mmm I see you're so quiet I know that that's true all right there with you believe me I'm right there with you hates correction oh my goodness I stand corrected what a strong unusual unique woman that can take correction when it is rightly given I stand corrected I want to do what is right that is a woman that understands the work of God's Spirit in her life my flesh has a fascination with the forbidden just a little bit of the world a little bit of this a little bit of that it has a fascination with the forbidden what is it that God is forbidding us don't dab into don't be dabbling into the things of of evil these Christians in Rome it wasn't easy to live in a city that was filled with such evil and such perversion and immorality and you can name it I mean it's stuff like what we're living in today to not partake in the things of the world and we're not talking about things that are good we're talking about things that are blame the evil they are of the kingdom of Satan and we have to make a distinction daughters of God because Satan has so infiltrated the church at such a burden in my heart we're reading a book the pastor and I he wants me to read it to him of course I'm the reader because he says I have expression but when I get upset about something or into something I really have expression like I'm probably having too much expression right here in this place but we're reading this book about how the enemy is taking over the world and it talked about realizing how powerful Satan is that we don't realize that when we dab into his kingdom it's not for fun anymore for us as Christians that we have to realize that Satan was so powerful he was so convincing that he drew a third of the part of heaven a third of God's angels with him when he was cast out of heaven realize how powerful that is realize how convincing that must have been that he would take a third of the Angels the angelic beings he he was convinced that God's plan was weak that God was weak he that if God thought that he could create a being a human being a creature that would voluntarily love him it wouldn't work that human beings have to be controlled don't let the enemy don't open the foot door don't put it don't give him a toehold in your life clean it up get rid of these things that are of the devil he will use them against you to destroy your faith in God it is time for us to be as these Christians were in Rome have nothing to do with it no that's the flesh a fascination with the forbidden a tendency to indulge in things good and bad I'm gonna have that piece of pie you know a friend of mine brought a coconut cookie from a very famous Bay agree now my coconut cookie I savor it so I just have a little piece you know I just I just it's still I still have my cookie because I had two cookies we chat two cookies he had his cookies and I had mine his and her cookies you know and he will not touch her cookie however last week we shared her cookie why did we share her cookie because his cookies were already gone the he has no power no power over cookies its indulgence you know no power I got to have that other piece of pie got to have that other piece of and I it's fine I'll share my cookie it's okay we have a tendency the flesh has a tendency to live leave God out of our lives and the decisions that we must make in the direction in which we should go or we don't have time tonight coming here making time to feed your soul to be built up in the most holy faith to gather together as sisters in the Lord it is just it's way over the top there's nothing better absolutely nothing better you have made time for God for him to speak to you and you will be rewarded greatly for that you'll be so built up all right that's my flesh and then one real one day I just realized there's a war going on inside of me and I realize I'm the wretched one there is sin that abides in this flesh of mine and in utter exhaustion at the end of chapter 7 Paul cries out as we do today Oh wretched woman that I am who is going to deliver me look at verse 23 but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members my body parts otherwise verse 24 oh Richard wretched woman that I am who is going to deliver me the answer Romans chapter 8 it's like you're just dying for answer you're just at the end of your rope you can't you just can't go on and here comes Romans chapter 8 the answer it's like a breath of fresh air I just love it it's the beautiful portrait of a happy victorious woman walking in the ways of God she is content she is joyful there is the fruit of the Spirit there's the gifts of the Spirit operating through her life it is a story of triumph and assurance and freedom and liberty and security Romans tells us in this chapter that we are more than conquerors I love that idea that we are more than conquerors why are we more than conquerors not only is our enemy defeated that is Satan himself through the blood of Jesus on the cross he was defeated over 2,000 years ago but self has been dethroned that flesh and now self is put in her proper place it's that self life I don't live for myself anymore I'm living for Jesus he is my new master and he is kind and he has my best interest in mind he wants to build me up he wants to use me more than I want to be used chapter 8 begins with no condemnation there in verse 1 and ends with no separation the question is asked at the end of Romans who can separate us from the love of God are the things that we face today are the things that we face tomorrow is death persecution what's going to separate us from the love of God not none of these things can separate us from the love of God and in between the beginning of chapter 8 and the end of chapter 8 is no defeat only victory it's time to step out of chapter 7 the I Yayoi the woe is me and all the stuff that goes along with that no more excuses no more excuses for my behavior no more excuses that I am this way because no more excuses for my weaknesses or my insecurities these are my inabilities my bad choices no more excuses I'm moving out of chapter seven and I'm gonna step into Chapter eight I'm gonna move in and set up housekeeping in Chapter eight the chapter of victory in that chapter the holy spirit is mentioned 19 times we have a new Creed now as we understand and move into victory after victory after victory and my new Creed my new model for life is shine not wine you like that let's repeat that shine not wine can you can you tell yourself that over and over again when you have a tendency to do the murmuring stuff and that's you know Tantrums and all that we do I'm gonna shine not wine because God has a work that he's accomplishing in us it is it's time to learn who the Holy Spirit is and what he wants to do for you the more that we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit the more sensitive I become about sin understanding my sin nature and I flee from it I want nothing to do with it because I know that it burdens me it puts me in bondage it cripples me it makes me miserable to yield to sin rather than yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives that wants to mortify or put to death the deeds of the flesh or sin in our lives the more that we see the more that we understand the work of the Holy Spirit the more we see that we need to be empowered we need his power in our lives when we walk in the spirit the desires to fulfill the deeds of the flesh to yield to the demands of our flesh the fleshly appetites dies and the desire to live for yourself dies now God is first you have a concern about others there's a sensitivity of others and reaching out and helping others and you have a burden for the lost it's called the crucified lie it's time to stop being the victim and becoming the victor no more woe is me no no we don't do that no more no more woe is me but we look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith he's the one that has begun the work I'm confident that the work that God has begun in us he's going to complete it that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us it's through the work of God's Spirit it's time to cry out and desperation and exhaustion and simply say I choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready to do your will purify my heart cleanse me from within and make me holy that fire is the fire of the Holy Spirit I see in chapter 8 verse 1 the pronouncement it's a marvelous statement if anything that you get tonight you take home Romans chapter 8 verse 1 you take this to heart you plant it deep within your heart and allow God to expand it and and and and cause it to grow and bear much fruit on your behalf it requires no qualifying only acceptance verse 1 says there is therefore now no condemnation no punishment to them that are in Christ Jesus those that are born again that are part of the family of God where you have decided that self is going to be dethroned and Jesus is going to sit on the throne of your life verse 2 says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death period that's actually a period and in parentheses just to help us understand how this all works they added who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit emphasizing what we're talking about here tonight and we have to realize that sin cannot be pardoned sin is a debt that none of us can pay it is so huge the only thing that can pay that debt is blood of Jesus and that's the power of the cross that's what it means to come to him the only thing that can get rid of sin is forgiveness that Jesus has to offer that's what it is to be born again the word no in no condemnation means never from this point on there's no more talk of defeat and yes the war rages every day that we get up we are in a battle a battle that we did not create and yet we are in that battle do we believe that God's plan is weak as Satan does though we do we believe that God as God does that much more can be accomplished through us when it is a loving relationship and not a dictator type of addicted you know a cruel dictator or tyranny or whatever you want to call it yes we're drawn by his love God's plan does work it's the enemy that doesn't want it to be prosperous in our lives so yes the war rages and yes it's violent and it's to the death Satan doesn't want you to walk in victory there are POWs prisoners of war there are atrocities there are battle wounds but we have to know that we're on the winning side we have to know our enemy the enemy is the flesh the world and the devil and let's understand that they don't play by the rules they don't have rules and they don't play fair these enemies of our soul are cruel hateful and they don't care what happens to you as long as you are not victorious in your walk with Jesus that's their goal if just to take you out of the race to make you sterile as the early Christians were martyred and just take a picture look at this Colosseum if you can just in your mind what kind of a spectacle this must have been we have a picture of that Colosseum this thing was massive packed with people as the early Christians were taken in there to be torn apart by wild East or stabbed to death or brutally beaten up and they use this for entertainment but when one Christian died hundreds replaced that that Christian all the power of the Roman Empire all the powers of hell could not stop the spread of Christianity it just spread throughout the world like an incurable virus and that's what we that is our heritage that's the foundation of our faith daughters of God it's time to wake up we need to wake up we need to clean up what is not of God we need to ask the Holy Spirit purify my life purify my home purify my mind the things that I get involved in may they always honor God that your witness can be that much more powerful we're to look up because our Redemption draws nigh just look at the world around us this is the only place that Christians aren't being brutally persecuted and put to death in horrific ways it's happening in the world today you would think we were living back in the early church and so we must be strong and that's what God is doing he's purifying us because there is power in purity Satan wants to hide the truth from you but you have to know the truth because that's what sets you free the habit of sin has been broken that's what forgiveness of sin is all about we don't practice sin we will sin because we're not perfect but it isn't we don't practice sin it's broken that habit has been broken now we're alive unto God it says no condemnation this is also a legal term it's a public announcement that you are completely free of the crime that you're guilty of we're guilty of the crime that we've been accused of but we have been found completely innocent of the charges that are against us but you might be sitting there tonight and you would think you you might say but I feel so condemned it says no condemnation but I feel condemned I do something that I know isn't right or I do something that that just bothers me and I just have this condemnation that floods over me I feel condemned I feel defeated I feel a little discouraged at times but let me remind you it's not how I feel how you feel because filled feelings are deceiving and especially in the life of a woman it's not how we feel it's what God says we have to move from the feeling stage although having the Holy Spirit you can have feelings you're going to have emotion it's not like you're a robot but we can't be governed by our feelings they will lead us astray we have to believe what God says and be women of the word if God says it that settles it I believe it and that's what we fight the enemy with my evaluation our evaluation of ourselves or our circumstances should not have any hints should not hinder what God wants to accomplish in us where we are today our circumstances our situations sometimes they're deserved sometimes they're not deserved sometimes they're out of our control sometimes they're in our control sometimes we make the mess and we have the means in which to humble ourselves and make it right and that's maybe what God is asking us to do with the things that are out of our control he's asking us to trust him don't go by your feelings you stand on the word of God you stand on the pro' his promises my inadequacies my past has no bearing on what God wants to accomplish in our lives today no longer are these things hindrances they're actually opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work in a mighty mighty way some of us have horrific pasts we learned from our pasts we will use that path to help others walk in victory as we have learned to walk in victory doesn't mean that we won't fail or make mistakes or be inconsistent with our walk with the Lord or that we won't sin but rather that we take responsibility for our actions it's not somebody else's fault it's not his fault her fault it's not my circumstances that make me the way that I am no we rise above that because we have the work of the Spirit working in us we learn from these things and if we need to we're gonna make it right we're just gonna be you know that kind of a woman we're gonna we're gonna make it right if it needs to be right and I see the power verses 3 and 4 it says for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh the law can condemn us but it can't conquer the sin in us it is simply a schoolmaster to teach us what is right and wrong but it can't make us holy God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh verse 4 that the right ness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit do you realize that it is the work of the Spirit in our lives that enables us to do the extraordinary to do above and beyond what we ever thought imaginable I never thought in a million years I would ever be a public speaker wasn't a desire of my heart never sought after it didn't want it could you just go find somebody else that would like to speak off microphone and stand on a little step just find somebody else Lord but it's the Holy Spirit that enables us to do the extraordinary things that are beyond our own human capabilities to do the impossible the unimaginable the good things for God are unending possibilities where the law fails Jesus prevails we overcome we walk in victory we overcome the sin the bad habits the things that hinder us through the abiding presence of God's Spirit in us that's how it happens it's so simple and yet the enemy Satan wants to make it so complicated it's not complicated God's ways are not complicated they're quite simple that even a child can understand how to walk in victory it's the Holy Spirit that will put to death those deeds of the flesh that will hurt me harm me hinder me prevent me from being used of God that condemn me and defeat me this is the work of the Holy Spirit he puts to death those thoughts and places within us the mind of Christ we do the impossible by simply yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit it's just raising up the white flag whatever condition your little white flag is in and some are in pretty poor condition you have fought so long and so hard and you just raise it up and just take take a breath and yield and let the spirit have his way are you living in chapter 7 is it not working are you walking and defeat more than victory or are you walking and living in Chapter eight Romans chapter eight are you at a crossroads do you need a decision to be made do you need an answer for something are you running out of love is that person just how irritated you to the it's over the top you can't stand it anymore the irritation is just beyond and you need God's love his ability to love that person be run out of love you want to be led by the spirit you want to be controlled by the spirit you want to witness the gifts of the Spirit operating freely through you at just any given time not that we say when these gifts can be operated operational it's just that we're open to be used by God in bam he begins to use his gifts working through us the gifts of help to get some miracles the gifts of the gift of faith of discernment of knowledge wisdom prophesy on and on it goes so many gifts and we need them to build up one another and help others are you ready to live the Crucified life are you ready to witness the miraculous in our home the maizes home that is the word that's being said over and over and over again it's a miracle isn't it what has happened with our family is no less than miraculous we didn't do it mama Gail didn't do it she prayed a lot but I didn't do it pastor Steve didn't do it God did it he worked a miracle in a family that was torn apart no way to mend it no wisdom no knowledge of how to fix it it was out of our control and bam one day God pours out a miracle I'll take those miracles you want miracles you want to experience and witness those miracles of course we do you need the Holy Spirit to breathe new life kind of discouraged kind of tired a little exhausted then just yield you just invite the holy spirit to take charge no qualifying no rules or regulations no form that you have to fill out it's just by acceptance by simply saying sweet Holy Spirit come and fill your temple we desire your presence with all our heart move now among us let your holy fire consume us till all self is forsaken and we love the world no more is that your prayer tonight if that's your prayer you stand up and we're gonna sing that song can you lead us in that song I mean with all your heart if you want the Spirit of God to just so flood your life and this is a new beginning for each and every one of us whether you've been filled in the spirit or for years and years and years it's just a freshness of God's Spirit and we just sing this song as a prayer that's what we want and you stand before your God tonight and what you're saying is Lord we're ready we are an army that has been charged and recharged and energized or whatever you want to call it and we're gonna sing this unto the Lord the Holy Spirit it's his work is that an amen that's an amen Diana you lead us in that song [Music] come and feel come and face your temple we desire wheedies your friends your friend with all of our heart with all Oh [Music] our move now among us [Music] let your holy fire consume until til all this forsaken and we the world No sweet Holy Spirit come and film coming your temple we do [Music] you sound beautiful now mama letter holy fire mentor the consumer till all [Music] again [Music] Motel till also is forsaken and we the world no more till uh sir [Music] and we love the world [Music]
Channel: Gail Mays
Views: 176
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gail Mays, Romans 8 by Gail Mays
Id: rWdG118EWNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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