Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3) by Gail Mays

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[Music] you know when the woman came to the well and she realized that Jesus was the Christ in her Messiah and you come to Christ and you're born again and you live this new life God gives you all these gifts and one thing that he gives you is a brand new family isn't that awesome especially if you had a little difficulty with the other family no but it's it's really wonderful and and these girls on the front row and the speakers and Kathy have been my family really for many many years and I get the privilege of introducing one of them to you this morning Gail Mays and I met Gail over 40 years ago I opened up my home to have a Bible study and I big Chuck Smith's wife to come and teach because we were desperate young girls wanting to know everything we could about the Lord and so she came every other week on a Friday morning and she taught us girls and they would bring in some of the girls from the girls house they had several houses with young people living in Amman and they brought a one fan particular from one of the houses and Gail Mays was on that bus and they came to our house and she was a bonafide hippie I mean really long blonde hair the beads the whole bit she was just you know she said Tina I was a love child it wasn't a bad hippie I was just but she too was that woman at the well and coming out of that whole lifestyle of the hippies and I mean she's a very exciting life and testimony but she came to Jesus and was so hungry and so for many years we've kind of gone through life together and married to two ministers and children that we had protocols and we would pray through the years together for our children and our churches and ministry and all that we went through and it was such a blessing they were always there for us and I hope we were there for them I remember the night before her husband died I was with her at the hospital with her husband and we were and Steve looked at the two of us and he says you two have been friends forever and I just went over and put my arm around Galen I said we have then it was almost like he said take care of her for me it was just that whatever I've never forgotten it and the next morning she called me and she said gene he'd had surgery and she says the hospital called was 6:30 in the morning and they want me to come and bring a friend and I showed up at the hospital and they had just told her that Steve had passed away and then sandy came right after that and we went through that day with her but that's what I'm so grateful with a family of God that we can be there for each other and I just want to say that that didn't stop Gail that she you know she was quiet for a while and had to recoup in life through all of that but you know what she went on with the Lord and today the Lord is using her and she's ministering to women and she's always had a heart for the young girls and the women to minister to him so don't let those things that are hard in life stop you girls no excuses so I get the privilege of introducing to you Gail Mays [Applause] okay so let's have a little boohoo for just a moment Wow that brings back instantly doesn't it with in your mind something that you would I don't often think about that day or actually all the emotions that went along with that day but the moving on process can be challenging it's such a joy to be here with you this this weekend the seminar and you know I'm kind of like the type of person where I just wished that I could just know each and every one of you as an individual and know your story know your testimony know what you're all about but even though I can't do that I can still sense the love that we have one for another and there's this kindred spirit that we have it really is a family of God and I think about the woman at the well and I think of how her encounter with Jesus was on an individual basis and it is with us as well although there is something that worship I'm in the front row too and it's almost like that Thunder last night I mean it's a probably on the same level or crescendo I'm you say I'm not musically inclined so I don't even know if that's a word but who it is powerful and I've got woken up you know we have earthquakes in California and I didn't know the building was coming down or what were we being bombed is that what a nuclear war is that what a nuclear bomb is like that honestly how do you how do you make it through the the Thunder and you don't have just bolt bolts of lightning it's like the entire it's daylight my testimony this morning is called our Living Hope and there's a little portion of Scripture that really describes what I'm going to be talking about in a nutshell and it's in first Peter and it starts with verse 1 and I'm just gonna read a couple of these verses just to set the tone of what I'll be sharing with you today so if you have your Bibles and you can quickly flip over to first Peter it is in the New Testament and and by the way just welcome those that have given their lives to the Lord last night or maybe there was a rededication so it's just welcome to the family of God good choice you will never be disappointed look at us all of us here we continue just to seek the Lord and see what he has for us in our lives first Peter it's chapter 1 and it begins like this it says Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout the area of Pontus Galatia kappa kappa kapppa don't see see i could say that all by myself in my room but i get in front of people the other way anyway asia Bithynia on to verse 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied blessed be the god of our Father God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a Living Hope alive active and powerful by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fades not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept or sustained by the power of God that Dunamis that living water that torrent of living water that jesus promised would pour out of us through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein you great we rejoice though now for a season if need be if it be it is actually necessary you are in heaviness through manifold temptations or trials I love this because God does not deny us of our natural emotions and we as women especially have the freedom we can cry we can sob we can weep we can be sad we can go to the depths of sorrow a but at the same time with the heights of happiness and joy goes on to say that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found in to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen you love in whom though now you see him not you believe yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory I just love that joy unspeakable how can we even explain the joy that God gives us and then the glory the work of God's Spirit join me in a moment of prayer father we come before you we are just in awe at what you are doing in each of our lives our own personal encounter how you have been so faithful in the years and for those especially that have just maybe renewed their commitment to you just this weekend or have given their life to you oh what a truly joy unspeakable and full of glory fill us afresh Holy Spirit that we might understand and comprehend what it is that you have for us today Lord thank you thank you Jesus for the work of the cross father for embracing each one of us that we have the privilege of crying Abba Father daddy take care of us and Holy Spirit as you move among us would you work a wonder give us ears to hear what you have to say in Jesus name and all God's children said amen this little epistle of first Peter was written course by Peter he's known as the apostle of hope and he's writing to suffering Saints those that are stressed-out anxious worried concerned downcast maybe full of fear and even hopelessness it is also known as the Epistle of Hope and it encourages us to remain steadfast to live as pilgrims no matter what our situations are no matter what kind of circumstances we'll hit our lives those tragedies the times of chaos the times when your world falls apart I know I have heard that phrase more now in the last couple years than ever before or maybe it just means something much more different to me than it did before he says he's writing to the strangers the pilgrims these are those that have been driven out of their comfort zone can anybody relate to that being driven out of your comfort zone how we love just to be comfortable I was last night with that thunderstorm I was I jumped out of bed thinking it was a raid we're gonna have the sirens to evacuate or something driven out of our comfort zone how about forced to tread new territory ooh faith Without Borders oceans I that song was popular a couple years ago I can't swim I'm a terrible swimmer I mean it looks like when I'm getting out of the water that I'm drowning but I actually dog paddling but I'm terrified of you know oceans to take me deeper into the ocean how about new frontiers learning to be more than a conquerer no matter what comes into our lives Peter gives hope to the hopeless have you received his hope this is a supernatural hold it doesn't depend on us being hopeful or hoping and things that are that we can't put our hope in but how about God filling us with his hope have you received that hope are you in a hopeless situation today where there doesn't seem to be an answer doesn't seem like there's anything that can be done in your circumstance or your situation it seems so hopeless and to these precious believers they were living in terrifying troubled times remember horrific persecution was taking place at the early church this at this time and they were told that more was on its way and yet the church grew their passion for Jesus grew the church not only grew but it prevailed it spread throughout the world like an incurable virus and wherein we are reminded no weapon formed against us will prosper no weapon no sadness no grief no loss no matter what kind of loss that you may be experiencing or have experienced sometimes this loss is so extreme it can cause you to you know if it wasn't for God you go out of your mind with it what's gonna take you out of the race well any of these things take us out of the race no they put there they put Jesus first in their lives they were faithful to their god-given tasks but they were also filled with Dunamis that power of the Holy Spirit courage ability boldness beyond their own human capability this is something of the spirit things that I thought I could never do through the years proven that through the power of the Holy Spirit he was working in and through exactly what he wants to do in our lives today Peter is in Rome he's soon to be executed and he is writing I would think that that would be troublesome enough and yet he writes to the hopeless he writes to the downcast and he says grace peace be multiplied to you in other words he says when we are in these situations that just don't make any sense or when we've been cast down so far you don't know you know the bottom will the bottom will you ever hit bottom and he says say to yourself be a peace on my soul calm down God is at work God is in control they trusted God and they lived righteously there was no reason to fear life or death and how this little book has come alive in my life and so we don't have to fear living but we don't have to fear death either I stand here today before you as a mother in the faith I've walked with the Lord for forty five years I was saved during the great revival known as the Jesus Movement and may I ask if there's anybody here that was saved during the Jesus Movement my people not too many of you I could feel my peoples there you are who's forty five years and younger how many are out there there's 45 years and younger see you weren't even born it's so scary it is history the Jesus Movement this great revival that swept the Nate our nation and on into the world is now history and it's being studied as one of the great revivals we're desperate for another aren't we just desperate I had fallen headfirst into what was known as the hippy movement this movement movement promised a utopia it promised to my generation that things would be perfect things would be wonderful kind of like we would be going back to the days of Adam and Eve and we would go back to the garden you see we were a little off also influenced by drugs that would cause us to think that's where we were LSD was definitely right on the it was being introduced to our generation and we were gobbling it up like it was M&Ms and but this my generation rebelled against everything that that we that everything we rebelled against our parents many of us came from god-fearing homes good homes homes wouldn't weren't a mess like they are today and we rebelled against the establishment and rightly so we rebelled against the war we were against the Vietnam War that was the worst war America has ever fought and that was that was actually a good thing to do we were rebelled against materialism we knew that materialism wasn't the answer and most of us just had if we didn't have those little granny dresses we had peasant blouses and bell-bottom jeans and sandals we were just happy with that embroider to them all ourselves we were really really crafty we were really good we rebelled against the strict rules and regulations of religion you see most of us had been brought up in a religious Society but we didn't know Jesus on a personal level there was no relationship there I was what they called a flower child and there in the meadows we would agree we would weave little wreaths to place them to our hair that was down past our knees and that's I think probably why we didn't wear too many clothes you know we burned our bras can you imagine you know how much bras cost today like a whole week's salary and we're burning those things no mother Brenda our mothers were like horrified what are you doing we just let it all hang out we're free free spirited that's what we were there we were smelling the flowers hugging the trees thinking that that was going to bring us some type of fulfillment we didn't know if those trees were alive or dead I mean we summed what that LSD you just kind of went into this it promised social political and moral reform some type of this ideal society but it was so impractical there's this wasn't that wasn't gonna happen you know with this it was a shameful time in our nation and this was a generation that I believe as I think about it again and again as what happened with the drugs and the free sex and everything that that we that went on was that it was a ploy of the enemy to wipe out my generation and yet a sovereign work of God which is what a revival is that God had mercy on my generation because if you think about it if Satan had had his way and wiped out my generation the baby boomers whatever you want to call them you would not be here today I maybe would not be here today my children my grandchildren would not be here today God was on the move in the 60s and 70s as he is today this hippie movement yes preach it gay us preach it I was thinking about my testimony and you know I'm thinking because I guess it's all about me today but in fact it's about Jesus and what he did through me this hippy movement promised freedom freedom from rules commitments freedom to use drugs free to love well that's what they called it none of these things were free they came with a very high price tag it was all a lie it only brought us into bondage for women it took away our womanhood our dignity it worked on our person and made us feel really like just a piece of meat a piece of property in all of this I found myself pregnant and out of wedlock now it was not even a thought in my mind to abort a baby that just wasn't happening at this time and so I chose adoption and so when this baby was born the only time that I saw her was in the delivery room and when I left the hospital that day they told me just forget that this ever happened and go right along with your life but you know for months that newborn cry you know how distinct that newborn cry it would wake me up at night I couldn't get it out of my head it was like a I was like a record that was playing over and over and over again did she need me did I do the right thing was she hurting was she being abused was she being taken care of and so just to hide and and repress that it just went deeper and deeper into the fantasy world of drugs to hide that shame and that guilt and get rid of that sound in my mind and by the way I searched and found that baby just to give you a yes way into or forties I was only ten when one day by a divine appointment I ended up at one a Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Steen homes and I stayed for a Bible study that night and that Bible study I heard that Jesus had an awesome plan for my life that he offered forgiveness of all of my sins that he would make all things new he would make me new I asked Jesus into my heart and I became whole again the greatest work that he did in my life was that he restored my innocence because you see by this time in this hippy movement with this free love and free sex and everything we were worse than prostitutes we didn't get paid for our services we were hoarse and the guilt and the shame and not feeling you know worthy of anything you're just a piece of property and when Jesus restored through his the power of the blood my innocence I was so grateful I wanted to dedicate my life to him I wanted to be his due law his servant that I would say not my will but thine be done all along my life I wanted to say whatever you say Lord be it done according to your will for my life I think this was when I actually received my calling and I knew someway somehow that I would be in full-time ministry every day we were told you live in expectancy you expect Jesus to come back today at any moment there was nothing preventing him from his soon return at the same time we were told to live each day in expectancy expecting God to do great things so three months later I married brother Steve I didn't know him for very long he was an elder in one of the house ministries and I was seeking the Lord at this time as to what the Lord would have me to to do what was he gonna do with my life I'm in the Santa Ana Costa Mesa area brother Steve had moved up the Victorville area he'd given me a call and said why don't you come on up I think the Lord wants you to come see me and so I said okay I'll do that so I'm driving up in my little 66 white meth Mustang that's the only materialistic thing I had and and so but it was almost my first time where I could honestly it's almost like it was audible you know like the sky opened up and God spoke and he just simply said what I have for you Gale is in Victorville I'm thinking I'm gonna be the elder sister I'm gonna help this brother Steve guy I'm gonna help him run one of these house ministries so when I got there we had a wonderful day that we spent it kind of gave me the tour and everything and like you know not asking me about moving in not asking me about being this elder sister you know what's up with this so anyways gonna say goodbye but before I would leave he'd say a little prayer so he said a prayer and when he said amen he said I think the Lord wants us to get married and I said okay we're in the midst of a revival ten days later we were married definitely an arranged marriage we often told people in time we yeah God is so good in time of course we fell madly in love with each other he told me he was in love with me the moment he saw me but it took me a little more time to I mean you know fake smile I'm a late responder so but it didn't take long we lived in house ministries for seven seven years with about 40-plus people at any given time we were a family a lot of the kids had come they were broken from broken homes they had been all kinds of addictions and things like that and we became a family brothers and sisters in the purest form that you could ever imagine because the hippies had communes too but they weren't very pure and we learned to get along like a family it was awesome it actually was our Bible College it prepared us for being sent out we were counselors at the concerts at the tent both our children Steve and I had two children both of them were born and raised in house ministries out of the blue one day my husband came to me and he told me that I was to teach the sisters and I began to protest I mean I understand this submission thing but this is a little bit over the top because I am pathetically shy I am such an introvert I know that you probably don't but because you know pretty soon after I mean how do you argue with the Lord he just makes you not the introvert I but I was I was pathetically an introvert and so I protested I thought this can't be God he's he's asking me to go teach this I mean I can hardly find a book in the Bible let alone teach the sisters out of the Bible he wanted me to use the Bible for the to teach them how outrageous of a command could you possibly have and so we decided to set up a counseling appointment with at that time Ron and Betty Wiseman I don't know if you all remember some of the old Jesus people and I'm gonna I just know Betty has my heart and she's gonna see how unrealistic this is for me to teach these women that you know I'm probably a couple days older than in the Lord than they are and just because I'm he's the elder of the house and I'm supposed to be his wife that I'm supposed to take on this in any way so I I said and I poured it out I just told how unfair how ungodly how could a man to ban such horrible things of his wife on and on and on I'm just pouring out my heart and I'm thinking Betty's got me she's got my heart she's gonna stand up for me and when I got done she said to me Gail you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you that was the beginning of my speaking ministry in 1980 Pastor Chuck Smith called my husband and he said Steve I have a church for you our new church began with about 40 people and eventually it grew to be a mega church and the most awesome body of believers that anyone could dedicate their lives to it was a multicultural church the sense of exactly what we're feeling here today much like what you enjoy week after week month after month year after year we were there for 34 years and these we saw these you know not only births naturally but actually these were our sons and daughters in the faith in fact they would name us we didn't do this ourselves but they decided at some point I don't know how many years ago it was but that they would call him Papa and they ended up calling me mama and to this day they refer to me as mama or Mama Gayle it was an endearing title and I took that very seriously as a mother in the faith and poured my life into those that God brought and into my charge and even though we had raised our children in the faith our daughter became a protocol it began when she ran away at the age of 17 just took off I was absolutely devastated was at this time that cake gave me a call and he wanted to pray with me but she said Gayle I have a I have a word for you the Lord gave me a word for you and she quoted first Peter verses 6 & 7 she said that wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be Gayle it's necessary what you're experiencing now this heaviness this horrible trial that you're in that the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the peering of Jesus Christ it was the most agonizing three weeks any parent could ever go through when kids run away and you just don't know where they are and here she's a girl and you know all kinds of things go in your mind you didn't know if that phone call would be the police saying we found your daughter's on side of the road somewhere but the Word of God got me through she came back about three weeks later surfaced only to move out and I I was just devastated at the fact that this child was leaving and I remember going to just seek the Lord and I had a special place where I would meet with Jesus each and every day and the children from very young just knew when mommy was in that chair don't bother mommy because she'll be much nicer if when she gets out of that chair yeah they just learned it from a very young age so I course went right to that place where I could just pour out my heart I was so broken and so devastated not understanding what's going on what did I do wrong why would this child run away why doesn't she you know well you know all the things that go if you have a prodigal especially if a kid runs away but she left me something that day on my chair and remember the Cabbage Patch frenzy the whole thing about and of course it was very significant to our family because I had only given a baby up for adoption and by this time we had searched and found they had a half-sister and so it was very significant he had to wait months for your baby and so I remember those days and there she left her first Cabbage Patch doll in my chair and as I just held that doll doll in my arms remembering all those good times because this Cabbage Patch doll had been put away years before because she replaced dolls with boys and I sat there with that doll and it was just crying out to the Lord and and he just really was a kind of a thing of surrender her give her to me pray for her but I remember so vividly it was like I could just hear her little voice in my head and I held that doll and it was like she was standing right before me and she said mommy don't give up on me don't give up on me well eventually things got better in the homefront she came she got she came back she got married she gave us a grandson however when this grandson was about five years old she decided that her mother and her father were a bad influence on this child and she was going to leave the family and she was gone for ten years until one day she gave me a phone call and she wanted to meet for coffee and she had done this periodically her issue was with her father the two of them are identical and hidden heads yeah but occasionally at first when she first decided that she wanted no contact with us she would bring the grandson but then as time went on there was no grandson and these visits got further and further apart and one day she called she wanted to have coffee that's it okay and so we sat down with our coffee and she said to me mom do not say a word now listen I have a lot to say so I said okay and for two hours this kid pours out her heart she's a chronic liar she more things than I ever wanted to know about her I was like I was a confessional or something I mean it was it was poured out but through that time I saw light ignite within her eyes and at the end of her to our confession she said she was tired of running she was tired of lying she was tired of her double standard life and I said oh you want to give your life back to Jesus she says yes mom and so a week later we plan to get together I went home and told my husband I said oh Steve you'll never believe this I mean our daughter's home she's product as the prodigal was come home he says yeah you know she's a chronic liar you know how she is she I don't believe a word she says and you know and he just kind of okay so we're gonna get together a week later while I didn't tell him that she was coming because I didn't first of all know even if he be home we were in she's Bob the Builder I don't know if anybody has husbands and Bob's the Builder he's built churches and so my children who actually grew up in a construction zone there would be a few of months where we would have finished a project and then we would enjoy that for a few months only to start another we were in one of these major remodeling things and so we had the heavy plastic from the ceiling to the floor that would divide off the rooms that were not affected by the remodeling tried to keep the dust down this drywall does everything and so this was the environment and I my daughter comes and she walks in it's you know I mean it's just like she's home again this is what has changed nothing has changed your father still the same and so she walks in well he is home and he's giving kind of orders of what to do for the day and she walks in and she says daddy daddy I hear you where are you daddy and this big ol football player type guy he comes in with his XO knife or whatever you call that thing and he rips this plastic from the top to the bottom he rips it open like Hulk and he comes in there and he they she looks at him and she says daddy I'm home and they embraced and it was a wonderful glorious as a redemption story like never before awesome they had come back together our family was whole again it was a beautiful few years there in the meantime she gets married to a wonderful man her father marries her all the whole families in the wedding it was just glorious and then the unexpected when your world falls apart you see pastor steve mays had been recovering beautifully from his fifth major back surgery which by the way was a total success they were replacing a corroded titanium plate which was about three inches wide and five inches long that actually held him together his problem was that the reason for so many surgeries was that the screws that were holding him together kept coming apart and so they were going to replace this titanium plate with a more efficient plastic device surgery was on Monday Wednesday we were making plans to come home and then Thursday the call the unexpected a large blood clot from his leg went straight to his lung and in seconds he was gone I found myself thrown into the valley of Baca Psalms 84 the valley of weeping I thought to myself would I ever stop crying I was so worried about what the future would hold I had so many questions I didn't know what to expect I lost my purpose I lost my passion what was life going to be like without Steve I was cast into a dark lonely depressing place for months I couldn't seem to get a handle on what was God doing although I do know that he never left me nor did he forsake me but as I looked to Jesus what else do you do in those places you look to him you cry out to him and the Lord spoke to me and he said Gail look again at that verse in Psalms 84 and it clearly says you will pass through the valley of weeping and he guaranteed me that I wasn't gonna stay in this place this dark place and though it appeared as though my life was falling apart I knew deep down inside my life was actually falling into place today I'm thankful for that dark place that place where I was able to understand the presence of Jesus in a far deeper way than ever before I've always walked with him he's always been on the throne of my heart but in a time of tragedy and chaos and devastation and extreme loss that place becomes really a sanctuary it's just you and him me and him and his presence became so much more real and his voice became so much more clear over and over again he would say to me I'm here you're not alone you might be lonely but you're not alone I'll get you through and then he would add don't you know I have a special place in my heart for widows and then one day in particular there have been many of these incidences but one day he said to me you know he speaks to your heart he's not how he how he does and he says don't you know I am about ready to work a wonder and it reminded me and I was sitting out kind of just having a quiet time and I'm looking out at the beautiful backyard with the birds singing and it was a beautiful day and I'm looking out kind of like at the world and the Lord just ministered to me and he says Gil I have a big big world out there I said Jesus I know that but that's what's scary I said I'd like my little world I thought was big enough what's wrong with the little big world that I'm in and you know you protest you I think I've missed my calling I think I could be a lawyer because I really put it down I made all the excuses just like that day when he told when I said to Betty that my husband was being so unreasonable and I laid out my case and then finally I was just kind of quiet you know how sometimes you just I've said it all I've made my case now what are you gonna do about that Jesus but it's in turn he kind of says are you done you know who the-- do we think we're gonna win the battle I don't know if we keep I'm old and I'm still fighting and he just simply said to me Gail you in yeah Lord oh man and he gave me a scripture and he said it's out of Jeremiah it says call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know well soon my purpose returned my passion was rekindled life is really really really different without pastor Steve Mays in my life my husband my best friend the father of my children the grandchildren and yet I have to say life is good I am often asked Gayle what keeps you going and I always give the same answer there's two vowels that I have taken in my lifetime the first one was to Jesus when I vowed to him for me to live as Christ and for me to die is gain the second vow just three months later I made before my to be husband and I said to him to have and to hold for better or for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health until death do us part my second vow has ended but my first continues till he takes me home in the meantime I am determined to finish well I am going to stay the course that God has put me on nothing's gonna take me out of the race what about you is your mind made up can you also say like that old revival song the world behind me the cross before me no turning back no turning back to follow Jesus although all of our days you have decided it is a personal decision choice that we make years and years ago I had decided to give my life to Jesus no turning back you know life is made up of the bitter and the sweet the triumphs and the trials but as God's children we never have to fear what comes our way we must accept the bitter waters with the sweet and I think honestly as I look at life from a different point of view I'm not 20 years old anymore and I realized that the sweet outweighs the bitter so much so greater some in such a greater way so we must accept the bitter waters with the sweet believing God loves me he loves me he loves me believing he is for me he's not against me the things that come into our lives that don't make sense the trials and tribulations is a purifying work that God wants to accomplish in each one of us many of these things are undeserved and I have found through ministry is that oftentimes what I and what I endured is really for the benefit of others that I have more compassion more understanding and then believing I've been called to the kingdom for such a time as this have you [Music]
Channel: Gail Mays
Views: 1,456
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Gail Mays, Pastor Steve Mays Wife, Living Hope
Id: jT7U_iHgng8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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