Summer Fruits! | SHOPKINS Cartoon | Shoppies Full Episodes

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that would be like the best vac ever I know right hey guys what are you talking about where we'd like to go for our ultimate vacation ooh so where did you guys choose well Susie and I would love to go to a tropical beach isn't this just like the best vacay ever totally yeah that would be the best vacay ever until Susie melts from the heat what I'll get it and gets eaten by a giant sea creature W uh maybe that like isn't the best place for a vacation agreed what about you strawberry well I was thinking the snow would be lovely oh my gosh this is so magical it is magical until an avalanche comes crashing down no no no no no no no you and you get stepped on by an abominal snowman guys I don't think I want to go to the snow in fact I don't want to ever leave Shopville like those things would ever really happen bye guys what's wrong cheeky no no no nothing maybe we should just stay in Shopville for now check you later on the 12th day of Christmas the Shopkins gave to me 12 a of shopping 11 checkouts checking 10 stackings filling nine bubbles twinkling eight Shopkins milking seven shelves of candy six racks of clothing five [Music] broken four shoppings Three French FRS two sliding [Music] doors ma'am the calls are coming from inside the house and the phone isn't even plugged in cheeky does that actress remind you of anyone H not that I can think of maybe toasty uh Lippy yes you know how this movie is meant to be like the scariest thing in the world yes well I think I know something even scarier that shadow is coming from the [Music] projector pH it was just a shadow hey did you eat all the candy no oh no and I just changed the batteries what are the [Music] ODS you go first no you go first uh fine I'll go first huh cheeky did you eat all the popcorn nuh-uh H let's sneak up a different way milk Bud check you later okay strawberry let's try this again you ready ready fold the paper in half staple four times fold this bit here add some butter fold that bit there turn upside down fold the wings down bend the wing tips back up do the hokey pokey and voila the perfect paper plane easy now your turn fold the paper in half SA two times fold these BS there dip it in butter turn it around then the Bendy fits back add some hokey pokei and voila uh at least it has wings coming through guys get ready for a takeoff I'll never get my plane in the sky W Apple what do I do I know how to make them I don't know how to fly them uh hold on to the sides and lean left and right to turn nice work strawberry pH oh no [Music] wo thanks slick Love Is in the Air check you later hey cheeky hey guys so I don't want to alarm you but I I think you're like maybe running in the wrong direction I'm training for the Shopkins Olympics Susie oh okay I'm going to be the marathon champion of shville su hey I'm way faster than you cheeky I can toast a bagel in like 10 seconds flat uh I don't know if that's like the same thing toasty you think you can beat me yeah let's race okay so last Caron standing with on your marks get that OMG is that the newest issue of shop Bell magazine Susie oh yeah like [Music] go gold F yes woohoo I am the marathon Champion waa toasty what are you doing I'm making you the hurdle Champion too wa you know what cheeky you deserve to be the champ no pain no gain shock you later Shopkin Holmes we need your help cookie cookie is missing okay where was the last place you saw cookie we were inside the small Mar I received a call from Lippy but when I returned she was gone cheeky Watson we have 1 hour to find Cookie before it's too late oh no why is that I've got a dance class with Susie I hope she's okay don't worry strawberry we'll crack this case wide open and we just got a step closer to solving it okay it was me I knew it so where's Cookie huh I don't know where cookie is I thought you guys were talking about the mess I ran away because I didn't want you guys to think I was so clumsy all the time too late for that then where on Earth is hey guys Where Have You Been shuffle oh why didn't we think to look there this get up in that heat no thank you check you later what a day it be to sail the high seas in search of bounty what Bounty are we in search of Captain our spil matey the fabled treasure chest of shop island is what we seek back from a time before he and I an old Sea Dog by the name of Buccaneer bud is rumored to have buried a chest full of mystical glitter that turns Shopkins into bling Shopkins I wouldn't get too excited yet Mi hearties it looks Mighty dark I captain no I I mean use your ey Captain AR of course how do you say thank you a pirate thank ye thank ye cheeky crossbones there it be stare us to cor some get be tempers it be a creature from the depths of the sea it be a it be a SE creature a SE creature I'll hands on deck what are you doing what am I supposed to do I don't speak pirate guys are you going to play in the pond all day come on there's so much to do in the park sounds fun I just need to stop in at the small Mar let's go play on the monkey bars don't you just love the P see Lippy you can speak pirate won't get old anytime soon check you [Music] later I love love love windy days in the park me too it really opens up my outfit choices but most of all I love windy days because I can do this okay you're like amazing in that scar who doesn't love windy days in the park I hate windy days in the park on tight whoever you are I'm June balloon hi guys I wish we could meet under L windy circumstan oh no I'm so sorry Jude OMG she's heading towards the stationary store no no no too many s TS too many Sun toast coming in Hots thank you so much hey guys where you mind turning the other way while you catch your breath Sor whoops hey guys check out my new Leaf flower for the park check you later I'm so excited I can't believe it's my birthday already I wonder what the other Shopkins have planned for me hey cheeky what are you up to nothing oh do you want to come to Shopville with me I'm busy you're busy doing uh nothing uh yeah oh I guess I'll leave you to it I can't believe she forgot my birthday busy making you an awesome birthday cake hi Apple what are you looking for supplies supplies do you need candles why would I need candles the lights are working just fine if anything they're a little too bright today I guess they are a little bright but not as bright as your birthday candles let me guess you're busy too uh I'm not busy I'm like a cray cray busy do you even know what day it is today International shoa Day and your birthday worst birthday ever happy birthday [Applause] I love love love my birthday surprise I can't believe you guys planned this together for me totally sure did piece of cake hey guys why is the floor so icy happy birthday strawberry best birthday ever check you later hey strawberry did you fall in the pond again no but milk bud did milk bud I didn't mean that type of shake sorry strawberry what are you up to Apple I'm teaching milk Bud New Tricks milk Bud Shake oh good boy milk Bud he got the right shake this time O Yay what else can he do he can do everything milk Bud sit roll over speak oh speak French oh milk Bud make a balloon animal that tickles oh [Applause] [Music] y okay milk bud what is x when 2x equals 5 billion to the power of infinity divided by the distance between Shuffle and the moon minus the stick of butter plus Cookie's favorite number [Music] and now the most difficult trick of all F the death close enough I guess check you later greetings and welcome to Shopville we're in the smallart and this this is the Shopkins leap off ready ready cheeky chocolate is go wow wow beat that sports fans you want to go next cookie uh-uh no thanks then I guess it's [Music] me oh Apple Blossom the the game is [Music] [Applause] on are you going to do it cookie don't forget to get a good run [Music] up [Music] [Music] woo OMG cheese Apple Blossom are you okay I'm fine wonderful acting I really believed you were scared your turn and strawberry kiss I want you to act as if there are cheese monsters me Lippy lips I can't act everyone can act go on well oh no it is cheese terrible again cheese monsters this is bad again cheese makes me so scared no no no no no I told you I can't contact much better [Music] wonderful um I'm not sure she was acting strawberry kiss check you [Music] later Apple Blossom prepare to be pranked hey strawberry [Music] kiss what's that noise huh I have no idea H it can't be the floor H cheeky Apple Blossom huh where has she gone check you [Music] later okay spil mil you've got to the end of the aisle to grab as much as you can and go uh cereal uh hairspray tuna fish uh toilet paper what did you get um nothing I couldn't decide another turn and go um too squishy e too s too healthy too [Music] dony you know you're meant to fill the basket right I know I know this time I will definitely choose lots of things and go a what to [Music] grab look at all the things I got oh yeah oh yeah uh-huh oh yeah check you later not far to the top cheeky good it's a long way down you guys can do it just don't do anything silly wanted strawberry say she said to do something silly okay w wooo yeah what are you doing I said don't be silly oh [Music] sorry I can't go on we couldn't pass this anyway we're stuck high up a mountain so cold so tired I'm so tired I'm hearing things no I I heard it too what is [Music] it in the sky is that [Music] cookie um why are you crawling along the freezer the three of us have been climbing a mountain three uh where's strawberry [Music] kiss so so cold check you later hi hiya hi hey cheeky what are you doing with all these ice cream sticks are they for doing the limbo under nope something even cooler I'm going to karate chop them okay that is [Music] cooler um wouldn't it be better to start at one and work your way up from there I am a karate expert you are watch and learn hi are you okay mhm fine well it looked pretty painful that looked painful too no pain because I'm a karate expert Haya ow all good Haya ouchie and that one's so hard to hurt ow ouchi okay I admit I am not a karate expert because I'm a karate master hi wow she really did it wow ow I am never doing that again check you lator we interrupt this Shopkins episode with a special report Shopville is in chaos after a major traffic accident we go to cheeky chocolate with more chaos indeed Apple Blossom some presumed Maniacs spilt over a defenseless shopping basket it is still unknown who or what caused this tragedy but we'll be keeping our eyes open for this shop villain and now live from the freezer it's cookie cookie with the weather cold thank you Cookie for that descriptive report we now go live to Strawberry kiss who is about to report something amazing what me um amazing yep but I didn't prepare anything our audience is [Music] waiting amazing strawberry kiss can cry strawberry jam tears who knew and now a word from our sponsors new cheesy cheese now available in pink not actually available in pink Che you later ler hello and welcome to the annual Miss Shopville beauty pageant finals the winner will be presented by our mystery guest let's meet the contestants first up strawberry kiss this sweet treat Miss hails from the fruit aisle and is a favorite for this year's Miss Shopville up next is cookie cookie this surprise entry takes the place of spilt milk after a tragic fruit picking accident let's wish her a speedy recovery now to our first event the fashion show Strawberry kiss is looking fabulously fruity in her large Lou deson hat how will cookie follow this up what Showmanship this could win her big points on to the question round if you had one wish in the world what would it be I wish I could meet Katie Barry she's amazing who wouldn't now cookie what would you wish for peas World Peace how selfless and with that I think we have our winner The Tiara will be presented by last year's Miss Shopville Cupcake [Music] Queen congratulations cookie on winning this year's pageant oh peas thank you Cookie here you deserve this check you later the Shopkins Christmas la la la la la la la la liy carols to all who listen spill tries to run away but slipe snow gets in her [Music] way strawberry kiss wraps all her present Chey tries to steal a [Music] glimpse now it's time to dress the tree just don't give the star to Cy shopkins all com together gifts and laughter for [Music] each look she smiled C it looks like we're running out of baby supplies toasty pop would you watch dummy me while we go get some more does toast burn that means yes oh okay then be good Mimi who wants a Poopsy change what ow no you the door isn't safe for babies ow oh no how in all think toasty did she get up [Music] there here we go all safe you really shouldn't be oh no burnt bagels and muffins I insist you stop this nonsense [Music] oh crumbs I'm sorry don't [Music] cry wow I've never seen her laugh so much you'll have to babysit more often um she was it something I said don't you just love today it just fills your heart with love yep nothing can ruin the mood I'm in Lippy oh Lippy you're as beautiful as French toast with lips as red as um beetroots will you be mine s you'll be mine no way cookie or cookie s BL could I be losing my charms oopsie would you give Mah the pleasure of dinner I'm not hungry but Beller I can feel it in the air all of the signs are pointing to you and I together you feel it too no this needs to stop I agree he doesn't look like he'll give up anytime soon uh what if we ask him out what no she's right and I've got just the plan uh so are you going to tell us this plan oh right well you go over this way and then we go where are all of my Beauties gone my little toasty Snooks won't you sing for me again well hello there my sweee I knew you could not resist these charms no me joy bear he's mine oh no I must flee Before Their Love from W destroys us all or W my love check you later hello Shopkins it is time for our annual chocolate hunt cheeki will hide somewhere in the store and the first Shopkin to find her wins their choice of either the bunny plushy or the new car if we fail to find Chey the prize goes to her that car is as good as mine cheeky to your mark ready go Shopkins cookie aren't you going to hunt for cheeky uh-huh aren't you going to run nuh-uh okay well good luck with us working together we should double the chance of winning yep nothing can escape our gaze here M I will not let you escape me nothing can distract my kin senses Sac blur who is this handsome fellow I'm so got this car but just to be safe I'll head to my perfect hiding spot that cheeky where could she be oh no s BL Chey are you okay yes just just get her off me she's so heavy but how well I thought no one would be silly enough to still be at The Starting Line Cookie Ball I was wrong you win cookie pick your prize yay at least maybe I can borrow the car the the car check you later welcome welcome Shoppers to another day of Adventure and Discovery as we bring you Shopkins of the wild we start our journey with spilt milk otherwise known as cleanis erson Isle Forest who's refining her native camouflage skills this carton of milk's ability in concealment is second to none here we encounter the ferociously fiery toasty pop otherwise known as toastess burnt a lot hunting in her natural habitat watch as she patiently stalks her prey her stealth-like movement renders her victims completely unaware that s burnt bagels and muffins ah clearly this toaster has a lot to learn and finally after months of waiting the babyfaced shoest dummy me diaper wiper is about to take her first steps how Magic and beautiful this delicate young hello oh yes yes no problem I can come around just after 4 Fantastic I'll see you then whoops got to go well it looks like we might be waiting some time for this Shopkin to fully Bloom that's all we have time for this evening check you later have you guys heard about the mysterious Shopkin the what the mysterious Shopkin he appears from the Shadows helping Shopkins in need like a superhero kind of sounds farfetch to me what do you think cookie no it's true I saw him myself I was playing with Mimi when and when I opened my eyes I saw the Caped Shadow flying off in the distance burnt bagels and bread crumbs that was close he saved you too I didn't know you had seen the mysterious Shopkin too why what happened well I was cleaning when this dust cloud came out of [Music] nowhere oh you saved me thank you so much wait who are you how do I get down I was stuck up there for a whole day too bad you didn't see who it was I'd really like to thank them well you never know maybe it's a shopping we know that's true got any ideas on who it could be cookie where did she disappear to maybe she's the mysterious Shopkin way check you later H cheeky what are you doing thinking thinking about what the doors the doors yep what about it well what do we really know about them they open and close they're blue no I already know that I mean what's past them oh yeah I guess we've never left before toasty said once she got squished in them but I don't think that counts slick once told me that Beyond the Doors lies the land of picky Nick a land where mysterious monsters named ant Rule and eat unsuspecting shy how horrifying look's just trying to scare you there's no such thing as ant monsters I kind of figured it's a fun story though you and I have very different definitions of fun I'm still no closer to finding out what's out there why don't you just look what are you saying I think she's saying you should look oh haa I know that but it's not like I can just walk up to the doors wait for them to open then walk outside it's just not that easy cookie makes it look pretty easy what oh no cie I'm sure she's fine but what about the ant monsters come on guys that's just a story besides if it were true what's to stop the ants from walking through those doors right now and eating us all up uh hello check you later have you got it are you recording oh oh my gosh shoppies I have so much to tell you so much has happened in the last few days we met the sweetest new Shopkin named Susie sunde oh um hi and and we have moved to the most fastic place ever shill we just love it here some of us more than [Music] others who knew there was such a great big world outside the small mart but I have to tell you leaving wasn't the easiest decision for everyone come on cheeky I promise nothing outside will hurt you um if you say so wooho ow inside however is a different story she's okay now there's so much here to see and do and learn like what's that oh you mean the stationer store stat I un ay huh sounds fascinating wow well that's all for now I can't wait to share our new adventures with you check you later bye uh Hey Libby what's going on you don't know the famous fashion designer Shady diva is in Shopville unveiling her latest line all this for some shady lady oh my gosh she's here hello Darlings I'm your biggest fan I so hope you'll choose me as your next VI H wouldn't you all and what are you supposed to be I'm toasty Pop I didn't ask who you are I asked what you are a toaster H toaster my eyes oh no what did you do I'm so so sorry you you amazing creature you shall be my next Muse your what she what I can just see it now my new Muse you miss toasty shall be a star your face on oie magazine around the Val you'll be famous darling no thanks no I know I'm pretty awesome but I'm awesome just the way I am maybe ask Lippy maybe not very well Darlings I'm off toasty if you ever change your mind be sure to contact me Tada I won't if you like I'll tell everyone it was you who turned her down and not me thank you check you later Darlings greetings Shopkins and welcome to the No Biting finale of the spatula our finalists are Lippy lips Suzy Sunday and cookie cookie that's right folks it's all come down to this moment who will slick bread stick choose for the final row let's see how our contestants went this week oh my I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life nor have I come to me Bella we must be together look at this dress it's so beautiful s BL what did you see that dress tonight will be the most romantic electrifying evening you have ever had in your life H if Su ever shows up oh I like totes forgot about the date besides I'm like only here because I want a rose like they're so pretty wait are you like recording this let me use my strength to win a prize for you must be a prank look at Ma come cookie let's not waste our time on this broken machine cookie B cookie my darling please accept this Rose you are the [Music] winner well that's all for this season of the spatular thanks for watching check you later spiders spin their webs creepy crawly and spooky and the full moon in Shopville makes everyone act a little cooky and the Jackal lanterns glow to life with fire in their eyes goules and ghosts sneak up on you and boo you with surprise black hats cross your path bats swoop down from the night witches ride on broomsticks and cackle with delight the clock strikes 12 the scream Cries Out something's crawling on your head there's no way you can hide from the Terrors outside not even in your bed Long Shadows will make you jump as you peer across the street and a Shopkin will come a Knockin it's time for trick or treat happy Halloween from the [Music] [Laughter] Shopkins welcome to the Shopville Speedway what a day it is to be racing perfect conditions on the track for our three competitors to pop cheeky chocolate and strawberry kiss who do you think is going to bring home the championship title you're absolutely right cooki who knows who will win it could be anyone's race and we're off strawberry kiss pulling ahead with an early lead follow closely by cheky and toasty at the enter Shopville now that's how you burn Rubber w oh no it looks like we have a slick on the Trap no no no no no oh no there's another one cheeky chocolate moves into first place water race W looks like we need to clean up in a three what an amazing display of skill is our racer Venter the final stretch w toasty pump wins what a race second place for cheeky and third place goes to Strawberry kiss uh when she finishes check you later what a beautiful morning it is for fash morning everyone this wasn't The Adventurous camping trip I had in mind yeah why are we here Lippy Shady diva is back in Shopville unveiling her new hat collection a you excited guys can you at least try to not embarrass me this time hello H Darlings toy you beautiful creature is that you why on Earth are you waiting in this line come my darling what about my friends oh it is far too bright outside to be judging your friends come all of you quickly I am so glad you are here darling you are the inspiration behind my latest creation don't I look Fab toast they're everywhere uh toasty that's just your reflection oh so my darling will you change your mind and travel the world with me you will get also free clothes you could ever want no thanks I'm already wearing the real thing what about Lippy dress as me still maybe not very well Darlings I'm off again never have I laid eyes on such beauty oh you have got to be kidding me
Channel: MooseTube Squad
Views: 8,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bachelor, babysitter, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoons for kids, dolls, family, family friendly, full episodes, happy places, lil’ secrets, lil’ shoppies, mini packs, parody, petkins, play, playset, shopkins, shopkins shoppies, shopkins videos, shoppets, shoppies, spk, toy play, toy review, toy videos, toys, unboxing
Id: Hhe2xvE0wTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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